The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 23, 1905, Image 1

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; . V Tht We ver Fair; orthrlr wind.
VOL. II. NO. 6.
' 9:
Czer Tcrrifted at Finding
J J)yn:dtcrs -iniJlis
: i
Wirtiaas Mastage Received
?.; Miutfla Indicating Approaching .
' Battle Horror off War-
taw-. Prisons Revealed.
' (Sptetel Plapatch krLMH Win to tlw Jooratl)
- . St. PaUratntrs,' April IS. A plot to
: kill Cfc esar and his klnamen hu ben
aUcorrd amoBf Um troop "of th ln
., perlftl gtukxi. - MAnr omears f In-
- olrt th Tttr mn vkoto tb import!
' runlly 4epnda upon (or personal Mfatr.
- Oornior Oanaral Trapoffa aaerat
aenta . nnaarthad Uka plot and . aaaart
, that aavaral of tba conaplrawrs of nobla
: ; Mrth.wara la poasaaaloa of torn 4uan
tit tea of dynamlU. Th dlaoovary .tu
annarraa tna esmr at Taarkoa Brio. wbo.
It a aaJd. oonsUntly exolalme, "Whom
Can I TniatT" , '
Th oonaplrmtora, "bound by oathi .r-
i mam sUnt avan undar dlr tbraata and
. wraa Borla Vaaaltcbow baa bea ana.
Ma to foroa a aln-la aoldief to.oosfeaa
Ja partloipattoa la th plot - -.
' Olrt f BaVaataaa BlM IUmM of BarJ
'4 " 1 araaa tm mhi. . V .
' SbmUI Dtopatcfe i;LMd Wtr to TbaVoaraal)
Warsaw. April -Russian official
Vdoro'a latast victim la a girl of 17, An
sel Zochowsky. who has Just died as
tn raauJt f briru trMUMnl i
. - ... ..... " 1.4, .... , -Z
rr6uf lo M In a Warsaw prison.-H-wtH
c reeauad that dimna-tha rocantt-lot
In Warsaw many or th school children
struck., th only means' thejr ' had of
. sbowlae; how passionately - they aided
with their parents In their' atrunlea
against th oppressor."..
i With ' this JorenUe protest.: Anfela
Zocbowaky, . who was . a pupH of th
. second ryranaalum, as It Is called, was
- associated. - Bh was promptly ar
rested and placed In Solitary confine
ment. . after whlohtha , police ' officials
set to work to terrify her Into-telling
who were the ringleaders of th "stria. "
. As.. Angel steadfastly refused, they
' kept Jier short of food and water, and
when, after a course of this treatment,
he still held out, shs was baatan sev
eral times a day. Her health rave way
under this brutal handling, and now sbe
)s desd. but she breathed her last with
out telling her murderers what they
wanted to know. '-r .
. ' Warsaw, already on th point t re-
' -volt against Russian rule., baa been In
flamed almost to madness bjr the fat
. of this urtfortunate child.-; To add to th
horror of th story, , 1 other girls of
the nam school are still In prison and
r ... -
(Special DtopatHl Um4 Wirt to T1i Joarsal)
. Manila. April M. Narlto Oarro. the
Japanese consul birti hu received a
telegram that Admlralv Togo's squadron
will assemble' south of Formosa. . He
has also reoeived a cablegram addressed
to Vice-Admiral Kamlmura. . It la In-
ferrsd from . this ' that Vloe-Admlral
. Kamlmura Is about to make a call at
this port ' ', t
The i telegrams. , following th lm-
peratlva Instruction recently forward
- d to Admiral Togo from Takld, follow
ing an extraordinary session Qf the
elder statesman of Japan that had been
Stalled to prepare at one for action," ar
construed to mean tnat- th crest sea
1 fight la at band, and that It will take
place either In th open China sea ' in
that stretch of water lying between Hal-
, nan and rormoe. Jslandaw.or .whenTogol
Dr n passag oi me xtussisn xieei
through the Formosa strait ox Basnee
channeL ' The BtralUi of Formosa, and
Baahe channel form th - two - north
eastern exits from th China sea. Th
straits 41s between th island of For
mosa and the Chinese mainland. ' while
th channel lies between Formosa and
th northern extremity of th Island of
8pttof Daixtoh by Lessid Wtre to
TheJoorMM "
Kew' Tork, April S. -United
Ststes Aenstoe , Ipew was f 1
years old today. . nraa," said the
genial senator today, when ha
waa congratulated - on having
passed the scriptural thre score '
" and ten, "y. ehakespeare, Bi.
Oeorge and I were bora en the
sameday. . -'.'
MBhaksnare and ML Oenrra
-T desd but t am still alive
. very much alive.1
f d 6 - . t
.1 i '-
,-h.i. -:..
Steel King's Efforts to
Corner Wheat Result
In Big Faflurc...
wall! street clique
No Wilder Day Than Yesterday
i Ever: Seen Upon the , Chi
cago stocK txghang
L Armour Again Victor. V , V
v. .v..
(pedal Dkpatch hyUaatd Wire to Th Josrsa!)
. Chicago. . . April M."Joe" loiter
kiockad the mortgages oft the Kansas
farma.- .-tv.n'Vr' 'V:.""
John w. Gates baa furnished tf- far
mers of Kansas ahd the nbrthwesr with
automobiles.'-; Burning with an ambition
to be known as .the "wheat king" John
W. Oates. led aa army of Wall street
steel - millionaires in a aiay wneat deal
agalnslr th Strongly entrenched Armour
Interests. .. Testerday. dashed in spirits.
lamed . In purse, :. the steel ranks
withdrew,, having lost a ooot million.
No wilder day waa ever seen In the
Chicago wheat pit.- even in th sense
t tonal campaign of "Joe" Leltor. when
,eo, was. dropped, into the same
pocksta W -which,' Uatea andhis -alUes
nave contributed, than today, rrom an
Sneasy -perci ' at L1, ; Friday's' closing
prioe, stay woe oroppea iik leaa,
wiia-omy one Dreaming spaoe.
sank: 111, can ta restlocr finally at,Stt
oenta.- ,.,!.;,.' k - .1... i-
Frantic, perspiring, brokers, putting In
hours of actual physicals labor trying
to dispose .or lots oCwheet which they
had orders to get rid of at any ha sard,
ghouts could be beard . a block. Th
aulet asphalt oavements , of Jackson
boulevard echoed with the bellowing of
Oatea. old " brokars sayr-could -av
begun ' lkluHlatlng when the ' top -price
of I1J1 H waa reached and would have
lost little or nothing, but h wanted to
fight, and yesterday Armour, .valentine
and' others accommodated him. . lie held
Una of 121,000,000 bushels of May
wheat. With kiln' steal rlloua he .had
acquired 70.000.000 bushels la bla effort
to corner th market, distributed aa fol
lows: . - .' "..
Chicago, Si.000.000 bushels: New Torn,
I0.000.000 bushels; Minneapolis, le.000.-
0O0 bushels; Duluth, 10,000.000 bushels;
Bt. Iouls 10.000,000 bushels; total, 70,.
000,000 bushels. . '- t;. ,: j. ; '
Som of this wheat was bought by
Gates' crowd as high as 11.11 ; som at
lower aurea -r-'. ,.T
Yesterday 1.000.000 bushels of It went
at prices ranging down as low as tSH
centa If the average loss be flgurd at
10 cents a bushel, the street ellqu lost
17.000.000 on . th , entire deal. If th
more likely figure of It cents be uaad
their losses, run- up to f 10.t00.000. , .
From the ris In price., farmers prof
ited to the extent of 10 cents each, on
16,000,008 bushels of Msy wheat, or
$5,000,000. The bears took the rest of
the plunder, - Consumers of flour paid
part of th loss, but consumption ,,of
flour. sine the May wheat deal began
sunk to th lowest per capita figure of
recent year. It. Is said, and that Indi
cates that th ."plain people" shall sim
ply eat something; else for a time. Corn
won patrons whom -ft will never lose,
it is said, during th flour scarcity..;"
Bufl' Cwxlagwi 'trttarty SmM ud
v-'.' Bpeaees Saffan avUy; "':
(Spedal OUpatrh by Leave Wire to Tse Josraal)
; St. Louis,., April 11. ThousuJ much
strongea than in Chicago;, the May wheat
option- .wee - under - selling pressure In
Ik.' St I-TiT,!., 4 lnjar'.it I.
close of the day's session It was - geni.
orally believed tr th traders that the
bull contingent ,whih Waa Ball lO.luvve
been under the leadership of Corwin H.
Bpencer.' had suffered heavy 'losses. "
At one time the May option was six
cents-' a bushel ' below the closing at
the prevlou session., but a portion of
this loss- was-neutralised In the" last
hoar- and th net . loss for1 th day
wal 4 He a bushel, ths - closing ' price
being tin bid. It was a natter of
current fttsslp oa.'chansa thaC Spencer's
position tn this market waa about, th
same as.Oetea tn- the Cbloago.
About the clone of the first session,
Mr. flpesrer said: - 1 have not made
a trade in-the Chicago wheat market
for four months. Neither have I been in
any way affected by th decline In this
martrtt,"':' ':'."' -y ;t.-': ' v
IMepsteh ay Leaerf Wire to The Jearaal)
'Washington, prll 'll.-4Mrs. Rnose
velt. Mls Alio RooeevelH Mine Kthl
Rooeevelt. and perhapa - tb Roosevelt
contingent from thft.home of Mra'W.
N. -Cowlea, sister- of th president. -will
be present st th Easter eg g-rolling on
ine Whlt House rawn Kaalsr Monday.
raiiw Ktner ana .Arcnis
Archla Roasevalt, both
I f i 1 -.
..... ....... '
... ;. - . .... ... . , ,
if W
m f v
f I ,4 1
m ,:jffKv IS
Mr. M. A. Wilson Lose Valua
ble ' Jewels by an. Early,. "
Evening Robbery.
Entire 7 House ' Ransacked and
.Every Article of Value Is
'fi. Secured. ':.(f-Z-
Forchcllmber entered th realdenca of
Ifrs.- Margaret ' A- Wilson, 4S ' Taylor
street.-test -night and looted th house,
making-1 heir-escape" with plunder worth
$1,000. Their booty consists of diamonds,
sapphire and other - gems.: pasldss -a
number of articles of Jewelry. '
The robbery occurred between : and
10 o'clock. ,: Mrs. Wilson, who' Is visiting
In -Taeoma, left the house In ear, of
her daughter, who attended th Butler
concert,.- leaving - the bouse ' after f
o'clock. A. C. Rae, who boards at Mr.
Wilson's .house, . was on ths . east Ma
end other occupants had toft shortly after
o'clock. .- .-. '--.
They' returned, soon after ' 10 ' o'clock
and at One discovered- that ths bouse
had been looted. . Entrance to th dwel
ling was gained by raising a second -story
window , opened on a porch, Th . bur
glars reached the window r by climbing
a i-ioot putar. -;. '
The contenu of .' drawers, .'. dressers.
closets and other places where valuables
are kept wr emptied oarafully upon' a
dm in tna rront room, u ughta war
turned on In all the room on th second
floor, and when they departed th thieves
left th lights burning.
Police headquarter . was : notified Im
mediately kfter. .th xll sco very of th
robbery. . :.'.-; .-'.,. .;
(Speelal tMepateb by leased Wire to The Joaraal)
New Tork. April 11. The most radi
cal action yet taken by the health de
partment to stamp out ths epidemic ox
eerebro spinal meningitis resulted today
in an order frony the tenement house
commission to vaoat one building'.
Th death for th week ending today
at boon, numbered ' 104, which Is only
It less than for th previous week. Dr.
Darlington, believe that th disease la
as contagious as scarlet fever and mea
sles, ' - Y '.. :.,..
-.1. -:: .,'
: ;:,v::,, . -
H Another "day eomea yPns?Ver
.--er-gted peaks ':'fZ :;:V:;:,Tjv!' air, V
, licT&5rr"flusJ "tfecT' TKtob'er Jnighrriii : tona of -praise-to-Thee, 'each note- 4
.; . V bespesks- 4--; .'.'-'v.- ,'. ''V','ft ',j.-'v'',':i'v-'.' -"-Inot'e of prtjr'r; --i V---.vt'.VV" '-'
Tis Easter rnrii, and sweet the springtime breeie " TBrof. city ; streets by moonuln,, forest,' fuahtog
v-With last faint wreath oi Ijlaes 'comes.' floerjnf .thro j..f ' ''-D'.:,.-:Vv, t'iWS'. :?''f
, . ";;'' the trees;'' . ; T, , , i. 5 'V ;. . , ..' . AH .Nature, , with Thy Spirit, dear - Redeemer Is -
.''.rvi'C"'''"' -.:.'..'' ''' :'''''-'.'"-; VJvV":.';; , sgleam '"''.'' ',' " ''''..:.
The clover blossoms waken, and on
,;:While itlnyjeet. the. buttercups
"I'.Y ': " abrimming..." ' .'V,'
-The shsdows of the newrborn leaves, forever eh.nh red blood of ;th9 roses the lilies'frsgr.nt bresth
-,'- - - - .:..'- ' - ' " "'. Proclaim throughout the Universe Thy victory oerv
- ing.. pass..... 1 ,. ,. . .j x?:v.i.ii. , ;.; -.i.v--j - . --"', :'" -V--s
'P; : the- Cloudless: blue, .sni iwly rist,' UtJn X' most gloriously
'h Y'wsllows skimming v. . ,t. - hath; risen . 1 ...',':,,'. - ,.
If. '
I I r - r-' ,w-- "T
..... i', ... .. . f ..
i ma? ' ..: i .... . -.v.
.... ' z v . -
- The three tnoat conspicuona l&nirc
in the Naa Patterson tamtfa. ' The
pfctare.on the left, is, that ofJMn,
Caesar Yocnt, widow of tHe murdered
oookmaxsr; on tne.ncnr, nan ratter
sen, who is accused 6f bid murder, end
blow tnat her slater. frs;'J: Mor-:
fan Smith., who. whh her husband suc
ceeded., in.eludin, tieofficeTs ;6f the
law who4'were' gesxebiiis; for Jhem 'as
witnesses - in the - case, until v a few
Mfi Any mi
Canadian Physician Says That
in snape and Symmetry Men
Are f. Superior to Women.
(Special tnspatoh by Leased Wire to The Joenwl)
wssnington. April 12. Revolutionary
In character) la th announcement of Dr.
J. C McHugh, aa eminent physician of
Montreal, now In . Washington. Ha says
Th average mala, as to ahap and
symmetry, 1 far and away th super
lor of th average of th fair. x." '
Dt. 'McHugh, however,' comforts th
rwomen 'of -this V country: by? admlttlnc
that they are' becoming more beautiful
in form, by approaching more ; closely
th" main form.'. s t . . 1 ' . . :. ;
r. 1 have noted . th 'physical'. davelop
ment of "thai woman , of . every ; country
in Europe and on th whole they 40 not
measure ud to their North -American
sister." said D"r. McHugh. V
The ) superiority f .the ' American
woman -la attributed to -better foodVAs
tb cause of woman' Inferiority to man
In -physique. Dr. 1 McHugh says it Is
wholly the .fault of irrational dress and
... -'. .. ... H j ' '
How Can a human be lor whose' free
dom of movement Is Impeded by skirts
have as good legs ss one who can cllmo
and. run and klckr. -v :a- ,1 j
","'. -' ' 'V ''' '"'-'
IT . tl
By Stell e M. IL i
old .Hpofl's snow The church bells'
the, tender grass
Jwith snnshine ell --And we of earth' arise and prayDeath is'oo more a J ; .
Vi''!"J; prison. , 1 ', . Tr'- :r.;.U ,V-.-,-V"'---''-'' "'
-.- r
);' .'
i ii an aiiBB. BBWBB' n ' i i u 1 1 i ii u l ' m v
- - 1 'r- vsnous Bumaie' o tne prosiis 01
Desperate tjlOrt tO DreaiC rrOrrVUh ut printer aev placed the amount
the ( County Jail Is Frus
trated by Prisoners.
:, .1., ,
,., 1 '
C. . Baumer. and W. J. Murphy
. Quail Before Seeley and
vAntlrewsi'":i j" """'
Held' bra fellow-prisoner, who threat
ened to brain him with an ax if ha made
further effort to ecpe.. W. L-Murphy
was prevented from leaving th-oounty
Jail at' T o'clock last night. ' '
a. 'moment-later Charles - Baumer. an.
other Tvleoner. was sbou( to flea; but.
rooking- into ths mussls of a pistol In
th hands of Head Trusty Prank -Seeley,
thought It wiser to return tb his cell and
serve out his time until May. . '
Murphy waa th first of ths duo to
make the attempt. He' broke, for- th
kitchen, and -waa about- to burst open
the screen door to the woodshed. Charles
Andrews. 1 a prisoner , who was ,tov the
kitchen drinking hi evening cup of tea,
saw -Murphy -crash -against ; th screen
door, with his .shoulder as- ar battarlng
ram. ..Seising an ax, Andrews command
ed Murphy, to stand. -'-Deputy Sheriff
Downey cam In answer to -a call, and
Murphy, waa returned to his cell.
Apparently Murphy and Baumer had
formed a joint plan of escape. . As ths
former - waa. trying to make : his . exit.
Bsumer dsshed across the oorrldor, but
was ' detected . by Hesd Trusty Seeley,
who-ran to the Jail of flea, took a platol
from the desk drawer, and. rushing down
ths corridor, covered Baumer and or
dered him to bla cell.' Glowering -for a
moment' at the boyish flrure-.-el Seelsy,
and seeing cool determtnstlon to In force
tb command with powder and 'ball,
necessary. , Baomer turned.1 about
slunk back to his cell. , J' '- :
(Speetal Dtapateh by Ueaed Wire to The Journal)
a Santa- Catallna,- CaL, April 11. Baron
Rothschild ; of 'Vienna, son of Baron
Rothschild, wss fishing With Harry Doss
yesterday. . After having -caught a 17-
pound y?low-tail.' there were no strike
for-soma-time. - Does made th. remark
that perhaps th fish- war taking a day
off. It being Oood Friday. Baron Roth-
schOd.' having lost track of tho day and
date.: Immediately reeled In hla ' Una
whan ha heard what day It waa, 'and or
der bla boatman to bead for Aval on.
i 1
'CX'M I:
distant chimin- it-borne epoo the ' ,
State Printer's Annual
Profits Are Estimated
at $2O,C0O.
State Pays Twice Over for Much
, of Its Printing and Many ,
' - Incidental Crafts - t
Are Worked.
Special Dispatch to Ike Joaraal)
Balam. Or, April 21. It has lone been
recognised by those acquainted with tb
workings of th state legislature that
th of tic of .stat printer was one of
th most remunerative lit the gift of th
people. Just what the net yearly earn
ings of tble official amount to, howvr,
it has been impossible to ascertain, ow
ing to th complex nature of the work.
Various sUmate of' the profits of
at from 16.000 to yearly. A
careful Investigation of ' ths methods
and espouses ef th of flea, together with
a list of the various appropriations for
tbst work, show that .th stat printer
must have a balance-of not less than
$10,000 yearly, after paying all legiti
mate expanse connected with that de
partment. -vTt -' ' ' V -- - - '
- The off log of UU printer Is1 elect
ive, and la provided for In article 11 of
tb stat constitution as follows; '
.CTber shall be elected by th quali
fied electors or the ' state, at th time
and place of chooalng member of th
legislative assembly, a . state printer,
who shall hold his' off lo for a term of
four years. He shall - perform all th
publlo printing, of th stat, which will
be provided by tow. ' Th rate to, be
paid to hlmNfor such printing shall M
fixed hy- law. ana a
creased nor diminished during-the term
for which h shall be elected. He shall
glv such security for th performance
of his duties as Ths legislative assembly
msy provide.'
Chapter 7 of the slat constitution de-1
fines the duties of th state printer.
Section 'MIS, which declare th amount
or remuneration h stat printer shall
receive, is given below;-
, Jaw Ttasa Cosapeasafaoa,
The compensation of tho state print
er shall be as follows: For compensa
tion upon all bills of laws and printed In
bill f onnr-aet cent per tbotrsand sms;
for all other composition, ss cents per
thousand sms; - for column or figure
matter, two columns, IS cents extra;
three columns, IS cents extra; Xour ejol
umns. Si cents extra; for rule or figure
work, U cants extra. . For presswork
on . laws, Journals, reports, etc, per
token of 140 sheets. IS pa gee to form. SS
cents; but presswork shall not b count
ed except on th basis of eight pagea to
th signature, ana on loxen jor enca
signs tarn and fractional part of signa
ture. Presswork upon bills and resolu
tions Jn tna nature of law shall be one
toksn for bills of ons and two. pages;
and two tokens for bills of thres and
four pages, and shall be paid for at SO
cents per token of 140 sheets." (U 1ITS.
p. ST, sec- S; H. C sac I960.) . s v
The price fixed in the above law ar
certainly low enough, and at first glance
would seem to make any graft on- the
part of the 'State printer impossible
without actual violation of th law. t
For Instanc, the union rate of wages
for compositors In the state printing of
fice la S1.S0 a day of nine hours, or
sUghtly less than 40 cent aa hour. . To
set 1.000 ems of type by band la a fair
hour's work for" on compositor. -rThus
th profits of the sUts printer would
seem., to all . outward appearance, to
amount, to little, if anything, - on that
branch of the work. --
.presswork at se or 6C cents a token
would be. at a Josa on many orders of
one or two tokens, although allowing a
fair amount of profit on larger runs. "
Where, ..tbasv do-ih. immense proms
of tb atat printer's offic com lot'
State Fays Twlc.
la ths first place, th majority of thai
mrlr which' soe thrOUBh th Btt
printer's handa la printed twlc; for In
stance, th laws sr each printed hi a
najnnhle form, and afterward collect
ed in on volume. . s ' '
Th state pays for tna xuu amount 01
oomposiuon In each case, while th type
la knt stand Ins. so that almost the sn-
tlre cTinTposJtlon-on- th seend an'-to
pick up", by. th printer.
Wh.n.v.. u 1 noMlble t6 do a t
clause allowlna extra oompenaatlon for
two, three or- four columns of mstter Is
taken advantage of, and much work that
would be as useful to the stat If set in
rmiiiftin Is made to occupy two or
more, without adding very materially' to
tb actual coat of com position.
Th calendars of the bouse and senate,
which are prlated averf day during t-t
legislative ' session, offer th bent
Dortunltv for graft of this kind. -t
sn axsmlnstlon of these dn-Tr.ei.ta 1
that th state printer la r.
of the fact
These pnlen " rs t" ' " 1 ' '
column w' t ' '
Ith tv-
time so 1
fland Bending Every Ef
7fcft torSend NairPat-
tersca: to Death.
Double Guards Placed Upon Act
: ress to Prevent Her Harm-
- ing Herself During'a Fit
of Despondency.
" 'Z."m "Z:: - '
..' -f Jaaaaaasoalacaa.)-'
(Spedal Dtopatdt by Ueaed Wire to The Jeevesl
- New Tork. April Jt While Nan Pat J
terson sits brooding- tn her little Iron
room fa tho Tomb, a. large, earnest
young man with-a furrowed forehead
and a ateel ' law, ' la busy with a Uslc
which," to him and the 1rl is the bla
- Th young ' man' nam la . WlUlaa
Knd. Jr. . Ths Job on which h to bend- . .
ing .his abundant energies la an ad
dress he I to deliver' Monday before th
Jury which la to say whether this girl
of it shall liv or tie. Nan in her cell ,'
know that It will be a good place of
1 Ik, t. - , ,
th earn author and aa quailed before
both Of thasa. .-. . , : ....... v. ; , ..
. , Band, too, knows, that It will be a
noble arraignmellf 1 when It Is done.
Lack- of self oonfldeoca is not among '
ins zauiegs or this masterful youn
man. but neither la Indolence, and until -every
detail of hi address seems to
him good and sufficient, he wUl not
aoai nia labors. . , . .,
' - Man's Bark Xomta. --'"'."T "
The dark houra In the girl's trial wilt
not be those that ar filled with hoatllu
testimony or consumed with th exhi
bition of 'grim 'reminders of Caesar "
Young. th dead bookmaker. In her .
other trial, nh ha. . Mniw1 .
see rnlag torture .with snua-uff
brow. But when Rand, as hard aa flint,
keen aa a knife and olUleas as a tlser.-
begins to tell th jury the story of h-,
relation with Caesar Toung. to look for '
plea and plan and murder In her heart.
no to toy-bara-mercilessly all th se
cret places in her smirched 'book of llfo.
then it la that aha become nervous and
frightened, grows Mus about the lips
and white to th sweeping- curve of th
bang that hides her low, rounded for
head. jt : . -'- -
For thla prosecutor of -th hard .faoi ,
and penetrating eyes believes with all
sealot, that she js gttllty of the murder
Of Toung, land Nan Patterson knows
that he believe it. Rand has chivalry
and gallantry In plenty, but he leaves
them In his office when he -slips oft
his street coat and encompasses his
burly shoulders ' in ths shiny offic
jacketi that has become familiar In th
court. '- ' ' - '
A Tw Fart Tragady.''' ..':'
-He has undoubtedly pity and kind
ness In his heart and all the other qual
ities that go to make up a gentleman,
but he regards them ss unnecessary,
when th business In hand la the proee
cutlon of a trial for murder. ..
Thus fsr In the trial he has been
suave end easy going. Monday morning
h will b different. ' From the mo
ment he rises to begin his speech, till
he utters the last word, he will be all
fire, "all -animation and aU on big.
bounding. Intense demand that this cow-
srlng girl with th soared, whit face ..
b mad to answer to imrnktnd for th
crime which mankind had imputed to
hr. -
So dominating la" Rand's -phrsonaltty
In the courtroom that to ths spectator -th
trial resolves Itself Into a two part
tragedy, the characters being. Nan Pat
terson and Rand.-
The , silver-haired aad sliver-bearded
recorder, looking more Ilk a-Raphael
pa luting than- he Judge -of -arlmlnl -court;
th stolid Juryman sitting In '
double row and looking Inexpresalbly
weary; ' the ratund Levy, the testy' and" "
Irritable,' -and th great crowd of on-
lookera and witnesses melt away like a ,
mirage and leave only these two In th"
foreground. , . 1
' . ' A Sttrtia Xrrama. " '. '':
And for owe who la content with a reaf
stirring drama, they are enough. Neither
la. ever out Of the other's mind. Kand,
paalng t he. room aa he questions th wlt-
(Contin,ued. on Pee Seven.)
orego.'j sTHAv;:zr.:.::c v
t.!ake ti::!.i c::ur
, - -
4p R. T. Love, ef Mt Tak-r.
b-ou ".t t this city yeeteri,
.t 1 t Crton sirav ' -,
, t louos, Thev '
f ii color end f'ev-
' r ised on te
1 tiie slnje cf '
, lorallty
.and .
taUas, wlil Jake