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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 22, 1905)
daily join:i!AE.rc:.TL -: rfof.':v;i,. i .';'; Oflee aad B ideax. - -... -. .Telephone Mala SMS, . t. . .' TRAIL" Ihz Electro-Kci::::; !:5 ' i Cr-mixation - of Athletic ivoa Hi Ma to Peoples Reals . HIStORiCLl." i i .i' . l-a-- C-i Rt With the PrH ; peetive Member. i ; TTINSIVE CLASSES - .r: Tare being planned '.T.5rauh; Course of -Team ' ah Cr.:i Work: for OMand? I east ale ;ate ef Tl Jewsal v ts 4 Mm of Mm r. w. awa-wr, - ' ' -- aM athletlfl in plena jwr - -- : club have proen-ea-ed to tltopotnt where it rests wua ne - - I . . .... w- nmijut in ur when I and on whu footing th 'club shall b Instituted. Much encouragement -a . bm . lw4 Is "tyiw ' . - . KitaiMu ur on tha et ld. and to plac th club' on a"deflnlt footing end, prepare uuuuiua r maUly what membership eaa be , relied -t It' Is proposed to-have the -club or i ranised on , a . co-operative basts.4 .the ntmMri cnooaing nwir pv.v I . . M .Haa,. lovlni'thi BinUIDUBt . tt the club. . It la aUo planned to give embers of the club all fin advantage Tt preaent secured by members of west I ..... .M.lMtlnni Hatha will be nlaced ! In the building.- a. club room for the ; convenience of the 1 nwanbera fitted up. . -k... ..... uninri ind Clllltl ! .'-i-t ani nirht work amonc v.. wusinyss men end ' Juniors aa -welt as the -young 'men. wmaji a. wu ! will probably be one ;of the features i of the club. I releasor jiimni a,,. ' . ...wn-i. tl,. ... alila an aLhlrtkC j r'objhat will not suffer by comparison i ;h any oiner reci oniuui"". ' 9rts either to maX the "venture ctnplete success or not te attempt it Athletic, teams will be trained and com petition"., arranged . with other local t . - . m. i.i.M.t I n tha wnrk of the organisation., as well aa to give ihe imemoera ine iuii 'wnwu m ' tre'ilne;.- ' '- ?.-'"(. - , ithln the coming week or 1, days-a 1 rail, will be taken of the east aide men who would Join the. club If they were r Haurd, all the privileges they 'now se cure In other similar clubs or .classes, end when the number of those wllllhg to join 1 known "definite announcement wi J be mad concerning the time of the ' club's .Institution.-". x ' - - - . . CVULLXOY AT WORIC: ; 'n:3g 'wgwVo- o- r : " The i tTnl versity Park Improvement league ium adopted. a.jwvel contest .to atluulate the ttntorest. of bof In the work of the organisation.'' and lncl-' entUyo secura better ''looking, vacant ' lota. The lea rue has on 'hand a sum sufficient to enable- It to offer prises to the boys who wUlgs.ther.Vp4h larg est pile of rubbish, and to the boy who , in a rven time pUea up the'hlghest ae- eDHMo of tin cans, brush and other' was r" thered from . unimproved lota In t, e . district, a prise of $1 wiU be given.', .'-'.v. ; y Four other prises will be offered, and from the Interest the Juvenile are tak ing tlie contest It seems probable that the tin can will be a luxury In the dis trict before the awards are mad. Busi ness men of th suburb will furnish wagons to haul away tha piled tip . refuse, and a watch will be kept to se that no additions r ar mad to ' th region's supply of wast hardware.": AXMXWA WJUf SXATCVa TWtWM, ' -. Thest side, especially th ATblna districts, is spending its evenings skat ing. Th few days of iee last winter aroused the lore of this ' royal t sport '- among residents' of th gulch district. . snd when a substttau" was ' offered ,-tt ' "caught on." A roller skating rink has been opened In ' Alhlna and regular tonrnaments - have -been; held." Kacee have been 'run ' between', bicycles "and skater, three-legged races have. caused laughter, awkward races hare kept' the Interest, of -the- novices keyed up and professionals hare come from other cities and raced for prises. ; . ' ., cm in TO MX. Th benefit tfanc and social given by Nomah .circle, . Women-- of Woodcraft, Wednesday night netted 'a good sum to the fund; for . tha Baby's horn. . .Th preliminary progrant- w -chiefly musi cal, and several sololete: of local note appeared. The clrcl will fit up a room at th horn, and th funds now on hand for this, purpose make , It certain that th room will be on of th : Jest quipped in the institution. ' 1 "I . jTAcrxosr nri to unonou. Th msnagemsat ' of the 1 Portland Woolen mills baa commenced th park ing bf Its sit at 81 Johns, and by th beginning of summer It Is expected to hav the entire plot In front of th mill planted - to flowering shrubs, grass and flowers, i Th mill waa purposely set back from th' road some it feet. and 'POTJP,lLtG 0triM i f , Me SM-Unted. -I I ! int.. Bfte Is kill i . so Sa.lKB.eaKh Tab .i 1 -vtMaw. All eraniate. . - r 1 CaasleBJea, i- r' mm. rmclaiM, ekC . , . Kethiag win glr ' It cak, M. '-i Samples sad ' T -. Wewarli. X. f.. j l-f"y estes eaasrtrif. . , . , tlrirfe kekr. , , tal i .---;. l a " -a. ci urn jbt ''.fia'CUniipM of 'JTTii' Th Carnival sOf Venlo.". which wUl b shown at th .Lewis and Clark expo sition by ' Bolossy Ktralfy.-' reproduce th picture-on view of . "Th Queen of the Aarls,tli'-. !.'J-'. i Venlc is built, on a number of -islets In a shallow 1 lagoon. Th Islands r very, low, and the houses ar to a great. extent supported on plies, so that from whatever quarter it- Is -viewed the city has appearance ef floating on the sea. ' . - Th Grand canal which runs urougn tha cut divides It Into two cual-por tion. Both aides of th canal ar lined with buildings, , many -of which, ar marble -palaces. f greaf rmagniflcno. of th gothio and palKaian renaissance style, -The other, canals branch off from th Grand canal ana - rron eacn other, and th bridges across, them number ' 18. ,t These, s -bridges ;se ap proached. ; tor. - several .. steps, raised towards -th center to afford vpasaag te tha gondolas beaeathV Th lanes for foot passengers ar Trora 4 to It feet wide,, but th: Vntlana geherslly m ploy, gondolas If any dlstane is to be traversed, aa Venlc poss asses no. horse orvhlcl carriage. . . ..-..,..; In the center of the city ther Is oh street, "Merceria." which -Is -bout II feet wide, where the prtnelpa hop are located. -Th great center, however, is the plana or square of Bt Mark, and th piaasetU adjoining it. Th pUs setta. th shorter of th two. .opens Into the sea; on th right side Is the royal palace, and on th left Is th Palace ef the Doges. In th front stands two red arranlta columns each, formed out of a Ingle block, and crowned with bronse figures.' Th Palao of th Doges, which this ground ' vrUl be nad a mlniatur park. Th company desires to gradu ally relieve th barrenness of the brick walla and guSnt engine and fuel houses by climbing vines, tsll shrubs and trees, and'""thlssWthnly-rnanii- tacturtng Institution in or nea ne city that ha -ever adopted such a pian in workT is arousing lnUrest, , especially among- th worker -who pass th1r days, and sometimes their nights, between hot. bare walla. Th situation of the mill has already': proved' advantageous, for th rlvr breeses keep th big rooms flUcdwiia.eppl.alr,.,. ; , ' . ; MMM MTUUlimm JtATOTUfc' Punlla of the Williams avenue school ar studying arborology from th prac tical standpoint . Professor, M. I Pratt recently demonstrated how trees should be planted, budded, grafted, pruned and transplanted, and so Interested -did .th children .becom that, hi spar. hours hav been occupied sine j with further explanation -of th various methods. , .. STATE KNIGHTS GUESTS 1 ,igH-"0F-4.0REG0N; LODGE About' I0, Knights of Pythias from all over the state of Oregon were th guests of Oregon lodge No. '' l of this city and .were .entertained at Knights of Pythla hall In th Marquam building oa Tuesday evening. 1 . ' i '. A- month ago. Knight D. C . Herron suggested suck a gathering to which ahould be Invited ' all - the neighboring lodges, and th generous attendance from even th most remote' corners ef the state showed the popularity of th local -lodge. , . : ' " . 1 Th grand omcers or in- aomain were Invited and were represented In th per son . of Grsnd - Chancellor , I M. Curl, Grand Keeper ef Records and Besl 8tlm son. Grand M. of TSl.I. Malone; the grand 'vice-chancellor having sent let ters of regret at their Inability to at tend. . The rank of knight waa conferred on on candidate, in -which the -famous Orecon. team demonstrated Ibetr. ability . teJonu)eUu,Witlan3r lodge weat ,f of rueDio. . iuorauu. . . i. - . ... -After the regular and special work a banquet was enjoyed.,, In his short but ' eloquent ' speech ' Chancellor '" Com mander E. H. Dowllng welcomed th visitors 'and stated ' . that" before many moons the Joint lodges tvanboe and Ore gon would welcome them , to the -4lew Pythian castle to b' built at Twairtb a 11... ..... - . . -.,-,-V'.. KIN mhjut ev wa. , ENVIRONMENT BINDS,- AND NO MAN IS FREE All men ar bound down by environ ment, according to Dr. Stephen a. WI, in .his sermon at th passover services last nlghVnd consequently no mkn is free. -The true mark of -freedom, said the rabbi.- was Initiative and too few had sufficient of it to be called fr. "In this. country,"' h continued,, "w consider ourselves free, but witness th Iroquois theatre and Slocum disaster. W do not take th Inltlatlv te prevent them, but act only after some great ca tastrophe, has occurred." . . , IF, 4 ViM was reconstructed by Marino - Fallerl In 1M4. faces th sea. n the Interior ar several beautiful halls;' (Tie walls and ceilings are ' covered -' with ' beautiful paintings' by Tintoretto, ' Paur Veronea and others.-' 'Th Bridg of Sighs con nects the palao with th public prison on the opposite side' of the narrow canal. On th other aid or th plasxa and abutting' on- th palace, stands' the church or Bt. Mara, origtnauy tne aucai chapel, now . the cathedral, 'erected- MT. 1ST, k It is la th Romanesque Brsan tlne ' style. ' ' and ' 'lavishly ' decorated. Above the doorways are the' four' cele brated Elided bronse horses brought from Constantinople by th' Dog Dah- dolo in 1201. Opposit Is tne Cam pa nlle, th' famous tower which recently fall. ,' , .' '' Th foundation 6f "Venice IS attributed to the- Inhabitants of the Surrounding districts, who. In 451, Tied to. escape A ttlla th Hun. The story of Its rise to greatness and power is familiar. . At th -outbreak of th French revolution Venice refused ah alliance with HOna part, which so irritated the French that they took possession of the, city in X7l. . It.pubsequenuy came part CI IM .Austrian empire -of Napoleon's- kingdom of IUly, and the .Irombardo Venetian kingdom of Austria. . . ' In 184 the eltlsena endeavered to ye establish their ancient form of govern ment, but after ."suffering from a It months', sieg by th .Austrian, 'were com palled to capitulate. In consequence of th misfortune of Austria la her .war with Prussia. In . 116s, the -city and province were ceded ; to Napoleon ill, under whoa auspices they war united to th kingdom of Italy. . : , ' T CAH'T CORE COWS But . There Is i No f Danger -to 't Children Frorri Milk of In-. -: Y'-f fected Animals. yv . v.- . v ..... ..- Uf ,-r; J. W. BAILEY says germs NOT INTERCHANGEABLE 1 i' . ' ' r. . . " ( r ; t' --' ,'ti . r-'-'i ; i Quotes Dr. Koch, and His State p merits v Cause Considerable . ' Comment Among Women i'w 3. W.1 Bailey,, state .dairy, and- food commissioner,- has been . severely ' criti cised by several housewives of this city to -whom he recently stated that he did not believe th us of milk for domestic purposes from cows affected with tuber culosis carried any danger with it "I will -repeat to you what I said to the women." aald - he yesterday, "Dr. Koch, the famous Berlin physician, -who had made a lifelong study of tuberculo sis, germs, la a paper- read before the International meeting of physicians four years ago said the tubercular bacilli of the bovine and th tubercular bacilli of the human were altogether different and not . interchangeable. Nobody hat yet been found who will state that tee twd bacilli Are interchangeable, and I to not believe, that a doctor in th Unlpd Bute can be found who will .declgr no wiu . oeciar gl( case to th u mny . lie that h knows of a singl contrary. ; -.-.-v- - "I could recite to . you Which would substantiate 'this "theftry. One came under my notice In this llty, A.-fsmlly-hBd7!Owr nffet-winrtber- culosis. and th children drank tn nllk all their li ves kna"'stronger and ewer robust lot of children I have never neen. -"Go into a dairy' country wheie th people , use; -great quantities of milk. Ton always find cattle more les affected with tuberculosis. Tot! can never - get rid of it entirely. ft has existed - mong hards ' for hundSMs of years and may always exist" ki rmeh localities a case om. consumptUn Is . -rar thing. - - -" "On th other handvobsarv peepl who never use milk.' Indiana die off by hundreds from .- conaumptk-n, and they us little or no milk. h asm is true of th Chines. I went you to understand that I do not say oa my own authority that th bacilli ar iiot inter changeable; but I- baa what' I sny on authorities who hav mad study of th matter." . . v ' 1 ' , - After May It every roll df creamery butter must bear the tat sUmp before It Is offered for sale. aceoVdlng te a law which was passed ' aty th ireceot session .of the leglHlature. Mr. Bailey is preparing these stamp yfor-Hlitriba-1 tJoa ameng th buttermakef. If cream. CiurnivirJ -'of Venleel. ?y 1 1 titis cc:::r;trtiurT::v;t: Th public, has learned that It'cure all - kinds of rheumatism,' all kind 'of palne,1- weak - ' stomach, 'asthma, ail ehronie diseasea that. It i-a rejuvw- aator of th human ayetetn that it ac tually renews youth that is,.- g And that it has not an etrual on earjth Tor any disease or man. we are Treat ing a great many pauenis now, una many, are .buying .the Radiators for pri vata 'line. ' This Is ' the nroner thins tc la Is ' the proper thing to do.- They , win cures a vt noie ramuy as readily a a single IndivlduaL- ': 12 treatntcit; . $10,C0 ? wmm'-raan rwvnT ft Xsveator, Pateatee aad V)lvlfafao- ..;t aajre, reniaata, rgoawt . i Aozars waj-tm ery" hotter la placed In cold storage m must be .wrapped, aadi the , date roistered.- After it haa remained In storage for 10 days it 'must be taken'out and wrapped again.' This law does not apply to -butter -made by farmr. commonly known aa stor butter., 3' .:' ,' '-Another law requiring 'dairyman .to regis ter.andiiavai.halr dalrle4nimeoted will go into effect May ) a. The Dairy man's aabciatlon will meet Mn this city next -Friday Bight., at- which time Mr. Bailey will explain to the members how they can secure a 'certificate which en titles them to sell milk. -According to the law a dairyman must make an appli cation .for .a permit, after, which his dairy Is Inspected by Mr. Bailey, and if found -to comply with the provisions. of the law;,e certificate la given'-which en title, him , to sell milk until the. place is found te be uncleanly, when the per mit becomes void and another Inspection is made and a new certificate issued.' t . . Mr.. Bailey stated, that recently there has been a marked. Improvement -of .tb dairies in th vicinity .of Pert land. Many of .the small. unclean'. plaJes had been forced out of existence, lie was ,of the opinion - that th- new, law would tiav a banefloiai -effect. . r ...i-. j THOUSANDS OF DOCTORiS ;COMlNG-tiEHE;lNUUl;Y . . VI believe the r people of Portland scarcely realise what a great meeting 1 to be held her whedth Amerlcap Med ical associatioa convenes, July 11 to 1,4." said rr!) Fi.,Cgu thorn ".today. -, "Ietni Illustrate by earing that .throughput ,th four days' II -separate" meetings will be held, requiring 16 different, halls. Trom the 40,000. to 50,000 members of the as- soctatlon, hot less than J.E00 Delegates Will attend, and the.e. wUh rtsltors and f members' families wlU Swell , the nunv 4 ..A.-i Siiggeslibnsrth DR; N. J.T FULTON ; Natoropsth .Jj'.' '- : '- h can cure you. -. .' ' Ask somebody about her. find out t you can about, her. ' Tou will end It by going to her and she will cure ou on your aiaeaaa. . -. She . has cured hundreds of so- called hopeless cases. , Bh can cur you. - . .t . f- . Hav . yon . rheumatism T -. ana nas never failed tn enrtng this disease. Ooltr , Is.. eaaUy ; cured . by ' her methods. !-v : '-.- 1 ' Stomach' troubles of all kinds ar successfully cured. ' - - 8h on re more - eases of - female complaint than any other specialist la town, - , ' Other diseases she cures: ,- Asthma, Catarrh of Head.. Bronchitis, 1a Grip, Pleurisy, Lumbago, - Erysipelas, Vari cose Veins. -Ecsema and 1 a - host . Of other diseases, chronic and acute. -Go to her now.. She -wUl for a short time' only .make examination and give trial' treatment free,"- A Portland Testimonial f a Qratffui' Mwlhcr -x -, -ortmrtA-Or.,'Nei.-l t,My ' . 4 had been having -large bolls on t his I lea- ana nnauy inr imo ' wcun, so drawn up tnat'n was compelled to walk on his toea I waa induced by friend - who had - been - treated to tklace him In t)r. Fulton's curs '- I aw her treat him one time only, and miraculous was the result that he walked from her - office on the flat of his foot. . flh directed us In k n. . . r9 ,Wa kn. 1 . . -. .. M .11 nio v .... .wj m a. Mm u ii .1 . thl influenee.M Improved so- rapidly that within a week he was weli-and able te work.. Although, the cords ef his leg - were greatly contracted and the limb perfectly useieaa, h I now as well as at any time In his life. ..... .." , r ' MRS. BUBCH. taiu Nit Lewis W4 sterrtoes tad rara. ' j ykea Mala tin. . Offlee Boara-g t U. 1 to a. u . ... I I 1 '. - f 1 t : t V " t tL-.. - A ''"'- -5No.44i Sole Aient for Fox Steel Furnsce, liagWa Cat Funiacea (Dtirns ; , 1 . ; : ' r (UulKCe stnu. - -l .. .v. f : . . . ' y bar . who will' come to Portland on ao count of the meeting te 1.000. or 4.000. . "W ar raising 120.000 to 116.000 to entertain th association, and are meet ing . with, -liberal- subscriptions.,! It - it probably the greatest eclentuio gamer ing In th world, and. will bring to Port. Uad men-who, fame is known :Whr vr civilised-oeoDle live 1 -We .claim that.-this, association's meeting ;vui be the , greatest 'aovaruse ment ever given. to the northwest. -.excepting that which. Is had from -the ex nloltatlon bureau of ' the exposition. Everyweek 40,000 copies, of,, th Jour nal of the American Medical association go out to as-many auoscriners wiin mat ter nertainlna to the meeting Iter,, and in May a special edition of aa many more wll ha Issued containing a lt-pag luua- t rated article on Portland and the north- VTha1 family physician gets elor' t th people , than any other person, t And th Interest that Is aroused among the medical' profession In the United Btate In th. meeting will accomplish ' an ; !m- mens amount of good," ... v , The local .committee or arrangement con (lata of: . Pr. K. A. J. Mackensle, chairman; ,Dr, 'F. Cauthorn, secretary; Dr: George f. .Wilson,, treasurer t Dr. H. W.'Cde.-Dr.-'A.'.J. Olesy, Dr.-B. ..P; Tuck sr. Dr. William' Jones and Dr. Andrew C. rj yox.tnrTMa or OA th, halt ',47 Ankany street, Be- tureen Third and Fourth strevta,' revival mofUajrs ar conducted by EvangeUet Harry Elliott' and: :wlf. m rout t Tnitial assisted by Singer Charles May- held nd wife, ef Colorado.- .Tomorrow; at 'I ocloeK a'notiness meeting wuro held;' at o'clock an-evangelistlfl serv ice wlU be held. ' Begin Taking Ozpmulslon Today and Your Cure Begins Today Oil lsnllis "yaaaaali Its Vitalised Medicinal Food Proper- ues are very - In Bringing Healthy Color te'th r W. a, Ik. Wala .ml SJalTOW- . la Producing Strength to th Weaky t4J the rreuie aaa ine in-vaiia. . . In Toning up the System ef Cearral- ip ine Ayvtenr ok wwai kUhaiistlng Diseasea. .... r. the Entire 8ytm ng th.Wornout "' cents 'from Exl . la Cleansing. In Hounding uui us i not, reaaew BntSdg uipon thelr'IJttle Bodies the DealraMe Pink and White Plesh, and In-Dotting their cheeks with the Pretty Color, and Dimples .that ; make Mother's Zg-- . ...v ., A ; Sa aa Aj4gsts far aa Bkseeates Oaaged By lasweaay te Oold aad Wet, . To Preveits Medicinal Pood MertU a ; . Trial Bottle Free by .Mail i WUl be sent en iwaneat. Write by letter or postal -card to., OzowMtMcm S3 PWm SLJUw -Torli All Druggists Two si see He and 11.00 mmm OBl Uaae IN VVOOD PRICES FOR OiJLY 30; DAYS I I I aa) I l-" - 11 .i Iv,-.. I IF I-- ri-iv- --'i i i i -j-f i . r4 ;y v. I.I . i. I ," '4 ' ''-p ' r J.l,-y-..: "And riiiie It;rtstyivra;wo tztfi? It is not t3 rauch-the-vtvarity and assorteient of kxrij- wtre, tinware, ccsn tooa, stoves, -ran jw, ere -ws carry,- cz. it's the value we ' rive you for your moneyI;. Ve "haye'C i is ;-o t one- 'wSl ; j ;e.tBirrXAN YOU CAV3 AS.. Ji -mucii : ELC2v::-r 5 , f v the question.: Ur;I;:i j. y- , juage wnetnerj we syyi . y woney. or; notr-uruess jjou ' faae vour !wordla;weTsu t Ciat;youvbuyour nexti needs 4in '- hardware at this store. It 'isljhen ' the fsct,WEr SAB YOU ; ; . : . s -. . ,-. ...!: .j . t,k -'iaji.. -s.i'jz jfVr '.-VrCT I HFIrsti Street, Ccr ner ncsKiii ohm v uku nsuxts suiu . . . ... ' .. - - ...... - - - tiXpc 6 -AimcyijLciri We-ee'eeawa aat - Mas Oar M - yesis . aspariaaee la slate werh :ea aMes. as to tit roar xmt eeaHertahly. .Dr. W..A. Wa sm , a eafe way to waet ai, auaakat e - .kaet Data. Dr. T. P. WMis sa ax part at fold- fi aai ii eieea. sad bridge warn ptotaa at held) : VISE BROS DcaUttf, -raOia BailC lav, . Tabd aad Wash gta, Opaa veaiass till a. "dar hxaa-g . IX ' Or. Mala fltiae. - - f PK; T. P.-WMK-'f 'j et e e e see es sit 1 t The . Following ' Prices i are Retail,. Delivered - to Consumer r X .'. .. ;i 'y - ' j' ' ' 'i' ';" ' YmmXk" i.-'j'' Baoked U-KctrimereA I 4 . - other eoala nnmertlonatal v . low. - iSTh Pdclf loft Gaac&ti-1 S4 Wasaiagtoa ,' - ! .' j. Tlphoaeg SSS aad StT eeeeiMieieeeeeeeeMeeeeVVM Vsmmm 'y n ' a.. ra rAwoo r -erx r . - - a .a S3S gnsTrz oxvr. ,f-y -? Greta short slab, per load..2...rt.T r.(i.;,'; v Dry aaorValaa, par load........ . t "9 ' Jt .Oreea insld. pr V-; 4-foot dry wood, chock wooa, per Kw olaB4.;. r'-i Wt MtM xatgata aaa atosai mm. . Ckesp 4-feet greea Prtnai laeioeea I ACL, yy. : . to ahert gra . per losa. , . -- . . '. tjroon shoTt per load. fl.T5 - Baaopi Pniaad--aa4' WOf Dry short, per load..............t3.e9 Umetta Belimta, r , rr- Dry 4-foot wood. pr oord,.., ...fl.2S jTTm 'OXrT ma MAP OVf Blocks, par load r...,...(.J.Cd , AJTB BATS XT. " . . I tr.tS)l.TS ' BANFI EUD-7EYSEY FUEL CO. you- can iilrns? "nut is bout'gooas here you cannot Alder Either Coal orAVood), Universal .ww, uwva . - . , - t .m,- i Sold By, SHUSSEN N. E. Corner ; Second and Jz Taylor .Streets u 11'" 1 1 ll..? 'J'Ji Vrerk wttsawt sata. asweeuas 1 ..... . X PRICES r REDUCED Do' not nav mora thaa for tha . SPRING EUAQTIC -; TRUSSES:-w . ft Cmaamtyi. '. Prfeog UO t. ' -- Com (Met Coits-Mif Dat Expmrt. Lctuo-Davis Druft Cb.' aan aaaa ' f ' ' '. i ; .77: PBicra : load. r. . , . i. . . . .1 i.a S ' . ., i . , . ' par oord...,. .. . US loea.t... ,i.w - eUbwoed by arrsaseoMat Htrles ar WpSTCIOn V'v,-r CO THIRD OTR"ZJT -v- (I .- i ; t; s . . .....'.... v . V- f i., aa. i . ... ..' .. - ' ' " . . -' - " - . .'v.1. ' 'y 1. . V Pill i