The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 22, 1905, Image 7

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    f , ... 4..-ir L i i .
A" '
i M ,aw .
Quit- JiC
FYd Mtrrill, Ctm.idJ.ts tor f.!zyor, Ciys Contractors Doing City
Work Art Comp"3d to' Pay
fleer Who Pat on
-1::" . - - - - -
cb:;biTicr;3 1". h::.e
SUJ Have Cn Ccrr..ncn; and
t the Men Who HaveCVtrt
, ' - Have Tt'tn .
- t- "Portland .contractors doing city
atreet work have been compelled to pay
- . money out of every Job to elty officials,''
, , fieclared Fred T. - Merrily. Republican
.... (candldat for tb nomination (or mayor,
. i today, aa ha talked about nia candidacy,
. v i; -"Don't entertain for a: moment the
, jt bought, that t am likely to withdraw
throw my support to will lama. I'm
; Jn this fight to cat the nomination, beat
Williams and, whin I taka tha mayor's
ffchalr I'll show up. tha rottenest condi
. klon, of affaire that ever existed in any.
1 t municipality. .sf'; , nH-j .; .-.-. rv?
, -"I have been Oetlng, myself an ths
. i prloes-rpal In Seattle for exactly tha
same kind of street work that la don
' ' ' hare, and And that Portland .payatf to
, ""7" SB cents a yard mora, for crushed rock
" work than la paid tn Seattle. Where
does this extra. 40 to 0 cents goT Draw
- your inference from this; . I aske con
"4 , . tractors why thry bid so much- mora
;.: 'than Seattle contractors. I asked tbera
'If -It coat that much mora to. do . thi
wora. here. They anawerftdthat it
'S, does, and I. discovered that they, were
. , ' compelled - to hand over to certain ora
elals. a portion. of the sun' they received,
, whlob graft money was cot la four dU
-1" rectton' amonc tbe ofllclaU. . : ...
, ., .Thl Is the eondlUon ot things tha
, I would clear up were I mayor., j Why,
4V c I'd- be lit tbemayor'a omoe'Bot lonsrer
than one iweekLbeYore. I would tcU the
," j people facts and prove them, too, that
would open their ayea wide with as-v-
' tonlshment and make previous reveia
tlens 'leak Hke storlee from the, Sunday
' achool books. ' ' , : ..' .
'. ' k ' -I have been doing soma flgurlng, and
-' - And - that ' a mayor who -will do the
CS-'., square thing by the taxpayers, can aara
them l0.y0 a year from present ox
, 'iV.Penditurea. Thafa what .1. would do
-rVw yv to imi I mayor, for I'm
, colnf to get the Republican nomination
and be elected, I have been receiving
- 2 reports from my Workers, and after dla
x- ;-- counting them liberally. And that I am
now the .leading candidate for the Bt-
publican .nomination. Jhla eaUmate is
- v based on actual polling at the precincts,
and I can ahow the'neurea to trove it.
I am la a. posit Ion to know what
has been goinr on In the dty govern
- . , menu I know the stasia that have been
made, and the people who have tried to
'j bribe and have bribed -members of th
. . CUf offlolalsL hhva been In tha ooan
ctt wor flva years, and: have bees -wise
enough to keep records- of tha shady
- transaction that haae ' smirched the
J naawartf graft administration uowila
'. fypt;- ji
. ,f- . ieak tnam ini wam$. ?-
'J, 1 "I have, facts at .my command that
. , wlU, make soma people hunt theirt holes
' , , and craw Into tbesa,-aho now are pre
sumed - to be spotless, . and who . ara
, classed among the moot moral and
cinanvet cuuens si me city. . - ,
. "The gamblers tell ma they prefer the
.'.v graft adminiatratloa to an hoaeatty
.JL open one. They like the existing eon
, dltioii, because the few in control could
'r 'keep out tha ofhers and have a monop
ol r-' It hasn't bebs an honest open town
pelley that- has ,beea ea forced. ''., it's
been a grafting: open town policy, one
i I would not 'favor. . ' 4
, othe people want to have a ea-tlhuanoa-of
this nils of eantraetora of
fering and psylng money to officials
every time ablt of work la done,. r,l
aa thev. want, tn have a. mam T
da they want; to have a mayor who- will
bleen out tha government and make it
square T, This ambition to be mayor la,
I claimr a laudable one, an in prepara
tion for Jthla campaign t have been col
lecting information that I .will ass when
the time comes. v .
"Perhaps yoa may not-believe It, but
I have been told personally by men who
belong to the reform- element thy they
Qne Loses Arm at "t 8prinfleld
'.: and Other Sustains Crushed
1 Hand at Cobursr.'
(fleeelel Mmktrk ee tae leaeaal t
. ,,T Eugne,- Or.. April k. Edward Me
Connell, a-young marled man. la la the
... .-.- --.- . -m w i w
.Euren hospital with an am puts ted arm,
.while - working as off-bearer st- the
Ti planer ls tha booth-Rally eempany'a blg
aawmfU at Springfield hla toft ban araa
' caught In, the planing machine, and be-
. fore he could secure help tba whole arm
had-been' drawn tn and crushed to a
pulp. McConnell was brought to Bu
gens, an Drs. Pain and Day amputate
.. the arm ' . .. .v .- ..,.
Edward Donahue, an employe of the
Coburg sawmill, was brought to the boa
pluj yeeterday with a -number of the
' fingers of his left hand badly crushed,
having been caught between two-eog-
t wheels. Two of the fingers; were, am
autated. 1 i r- .
. , City Councilman George B. Dorrts. ot
-r-4e--v.r - - --t:rLJrr-T rr arrrir:-
Pecanso U Is snada tight. 1 la its mano
factura arc jnad only tha purest and best
that saonsy caa bay. The) iaeradieats ara
fombinad with scieatiflc accuracy an skill,
. bkh Insora S parfact baking powder. - , .
s . - JrwK.)L-&idu-i.' -"T' t - -.iK'SVt.SsV.i. Jv.a----.-J.-.-S '
a C'j Percentage to Of-
t ha:j n other Places
rr'.J.CUta That He' Knows.
j and the Men Who ;
u ' . ' '''"' i " ; ' ',.. '
'have looked-up my record and havo
Tound that they 'could lay their hands
on not a alngle dirty Job la whtoto f
nave naa apart; .J.-:., -',v. ;-...
-. i;'-aey,anr aWi.lfMtt.'
"They tell ma that they don't like m
Ideasi but that they have learned that
I have never taken a pent from' any
grafter, and that I have been honest Is
my attitude toward the people.
"I'm not. afraid of allsj&a inveatica
tlons that may be carried n. for Xhave
aept my nanaa clean rrom graft money,
and I know soma othera who have not
done so. They know I know It, tqft
and they are shaking m their boots fol
fear I will ahow them up.
I "Please teU tha peopU that" any jru-
mor tnat I might withdraw In favor of
William la incorrect I am doing ex
actly the oppoelte-am . going to "beat
Wiuiama, and. that la what I am. la the
race for." T , '. .7 J. .-' :
Mr. Merrill has organised a complete
System of workers, and has evolved an
elaborate plan ofadverttalng -that will
rival that which la aatd to have placed
Governor Douglas In- the office of chief
xecutlva of Massachusetts. 3, , ,
i atesaeiratsur' aWtlVs)' x v,l
T'uasdsynjght a olub-wHl be formed
to,boon H-la. Rows f,or-mayorv - The
meeting wtu ve JeM in the (Allaky
building, where the .aifke- hnd Albee
lube-rara .organised, . It-1 . definitely
settled that Ko we, is t samaiav in. the
fight for the. nomination' until, the dose
of vthe primaries on. May-, It la ap
parent that he has gathered a consider
able support, and will make a strong
bid for the nomination. .- v'.: :
W. B aiafka has addressed a letter
to tha Federated v Trades council, in
which he sxplains that althouah Mm la
a. member at the CU teens! alllanee, h im
merely, nomlaalfy-a member ahflX has
taken no active part in Its worktnxa.
Ha also- says that he would enforce the
raw wHajout : fear- or .- favor,, -wero he
testa mayor. " ..--t.-V. -i-
It is understood that the Prohibition.
lets will hold a meeting probably on the
my me -primaries ar held, and nomi
nate a city 'ticket". t " . - . -v u.-
Tha Socialists have already name a
Lticnat, Th. ..nn. v-i -.
at their headquarters at 101 .Davis
street, ana tneir nominees are: ,
.John W.t Schradert mayor ' E nlC
Jonea, eltjr auditor; S. C Harrington,
treasurer; S. Ladd. ; municipal Judge;
Thomas Bladden, elty-attorney; council-
f, r wire, u, jeooos; second ward,
A. Samola; third jwar,- a Hlckethter:
fourth wot. Joseph Knalalnen; fifth
rd-(- rue ha; sixth war a tw,"
eighth war, li It Phalen; ninth ward!
C. r. Schults; tenth ward. F. W. God-
. V Bmei! frtS John Wner,
J, Bderve, A. Peterson, ji Carlyle and
The Teung' Men's Democratle 61b
ana aeeiaea to rent s
hall at Second and Morrison streeta
Next Tuesday ' night, . Colonel Robart
iuer wm aaaress the club.'- uv' r.
. i The Olafke . club la irnnelne A e.
J w svery ward, and toalahf wui
wmn wm campaign ny a rousing meat
Ins In the haU at Woodlawn. whtrh i.
the tenth- war. Mr. Olafke "wUl speak,
an others will expound the Issues from
The fight for municipal ludae la ta be
. t - : JMwge la (O-aS
. ueae canaioataa rnr .iui-
tlon by the Republicans; Otto KraemarJ
Qustav Anderson. rt i..w
PweraThsm iyreeian. eorga
wBiwgn. wn 1H . McDevitt - R. B.
tauae strahan, who were
"rT'" " oanaioates,- withdraw at
the last moment and aimed Krmmer-
I2.iI . ??1 ,Me- 1Cr-m' file bin petitloa
wf in lie I u,..' .u.. . . .
. . .iw.ui laereoti.
ths third war, has resigned his office,
!? '""' wl auoeessor
t te regular monthly meeting on May
Jfrj Dorrla' reason for resigning In
Ms inability, en scoount of poor health.
7i M " meetings or tha soun-
r ji-, Sfsra DalsaTatsa. i V
U, Mayor F, M. Wilklns Veaterday ' ap-
pointea tne .following delegatea to the
Oregon Development ' convention ' at
J?"1" d?".1 -" 'IT:; J. h.' Mc
Clung, S- Jf Harrla, Martin Bvarvarud,
B. J. McClananan. Robert, McMurphey,
W. a Allen, Oeorge O. Gross.' A.
statiocn, w. h. Hoffman.
'"'"re m aauiuon to those -apnaint
d by County Judge O. R. Chrisman and
x-reeiaeni a, a. irrtenouy or the Commer
cial ckia.ti . ;-.-a f v'f,'.: v,
Ji ruaerU sf airs.' Oiej,'' ''i
Tha funeral of Mrs. - Pannla Owen,
.ui si ,-n, vwn, a weii-anown bual
neea -man or mis city, was held this
afternoon an the body Interred in the
Masonic- cemetery, -Mrs. ; Owen was
oorn in xamniu county. Oregon. In Hit
She was married m Eugene In 1171, and
became the ; mother of three children.
She leaves a brother, G. u. Coffey, and
a sister, Mra M. K. Sheythe, both of
Kkktma, Washington,' besides numerous
relatives In Lane county and ether parts
Of the northwest Before her death.
wnicn oocurrea Tnursdsy night she had
been confined to her bed for over a year
an S .half.., . .: , '-V.-i .
- tsaaai.lsaa,'Offlosrs,
file city's volunteer fire-flgbtlng organ
isations, last evening electa the follow
ing new officers, ths election being
followed by a banquet, at which Mayot
Wllktns. the members of the cltv eoun.
oil, exempt firemen and- aevrepaper re
porters were Invited guests! President
L.U Warnock; secretary. J. F. Rosa:
a a latent secretary, W. J. Ward; treaa-
nrer, w. nioomneia; - sergaant-at-'
arms. . vn ,;. ocuaerer;.. foreman, CLi .
Smith; first ssslstant foreman, J. J. El-
wood; second asslstsnt foreman. V. D.
Scobert; trustees. C M, Klaalngent J. 8.
Mahon, M. C. Brent M. S. Hubble. F..W.
Bloomriald. G V. Smith. ; ' ;. - ,
. v, -. .i... i , . m m i r ,1,. .
This evening at lit First street th
Toung People's legion at ths SaJVatlon
Army orps No. 4 will give a. musical
entertainment for the benefit -of eel f-
denial. Miss Emma Harlan and other
good singers will take part. Refresh
ments will ha aervadoTom arrow, there l
ill be eperiat Raster servtres: , Major
and Vra. .Trum will have chars In the
svenlng. ;. ;: r-, i v::i-
; ,- r . .. '..'' ' i '-'.-
Terr.;cry Cl::;rvts ' Anniverrsry
of IU CJrtVVelA HoKc!:y:
' IT and! Rr!ii8ln'""rrTt '
fc.3Tn.CT Cr.'CS CTYCtP " it
JTwwsseLoF Cb.vAarOrJ Ls'vls)
Form: J
a ; tc :-.zzr tr.3 ; enc-s
DeLfitr3 1 Ccrfrtrj Velio i
ti. j Hi, c rd
Guthrie, O. T.. April Jlv This Is
"sweet 1" today and la celebrating hex
anniversary. : aixeroiaee oi a nuoiie
cnaracter ara neing beta in all th pun
oipai- towna ana a aeuaay aaa oen aa
ciaraa.,,..-, , ... ,- .- .
When a resident wishes to Impress S
new-comer with th faet that he la an
old resldeoter. he proudly boasts, that
"I came la en the flret train oa Anrll
II, This, berrrns we "sooner
is popularly supposed to bo tha earllsat
aate or - any legal - settlement- in- ot
Oklahoma. But April It. I!8. la vbry
far. behind the time wtien nundreda;of
lesal settlers entered the territory, .al.
though this IS aol generally known, ' A
A large settlement wss made in- Iff.
t Beaver,' In. what araa known aa o
Man's Land.' AC this point now ths
county, seat ot - Beaver county, live
these genuin - eld residents ot Okla
homa, and for six ' years they - were
guided by the law of conscience or a
wholesome fear -of home-made eta tu tee.
Than, in !.' three years before tha
first rush into the balance of old Okla
homa, they- set up a territorial form of
government' christened It "Cimarron
Territory. ' elected a legislative assem
bly; consisting at a council, an a hems
of representatives, a delegate to con
gress, a governor as a secretary of the
territory. . - t .'" ;- ..-
That assembly passe a bill creatine
Cimarron Territory. andclara-rJ. B,
lAaley governor, T. P. Braid wood sacra
tary and O, O. Chaae delegate to eetv.
gress. The latter presented his oredsni
tlala to -tha law-makers at Washington,
out iney aamea mm a seat -Again, tw
yeara later, th delegate was elected and
went to Washington, only to meet th
am fata aa hla predecessor.
"Cimarron Territory found 'itself la
act laws, but could ot enforce them. - it
was not within the Jurisdiction of any
courtfederal, state or territorial.
Kansas' and Colorado were cm tha north.
the Cherokee outlet on the -east Texas
os rha south an Mew Mexico on the
saf,;p-rrTir.-; .!Xn Kf - - :- .-t
Thus It remained until the passage by
congress of th organic act In 1I, cre
ating the territory of Oklahoma. . when
It waa attache to that territory by ths
following language; , , . ' ;
"The seventh ,. county shall embrace
all that portion of, tba territory lying
west ok tne ivvtn meruiian, nevn as
the public lan atrip, the county seat of
which shall beat Beaver." -
Although attached to Oklahoma, No
'a Land continued to be governed
for, months y tha homo rule stat
utes. v -T - ' ". i'""''.'t-
.-Tom. I?. ."Baldwin, first secretary of
"Cimarron territory.'! was . elected t
i J the house or repreeentanvea in th Ok-
wrnnt aeseimoiy m im un ana
waa assistant, chief clerk in tba eighth
assembly Just closed.' He still resides
in Beaver county and, tails many amua
Ing Incidents of the "oldeat Inhabitants.'
All kinds of plana for government
were dlaovuuedV- from -attaching - theta
selves to surrounding commonwealths
to setting up a repabllo of their own.
The land might at one time have be
longed to the republic of Texas, but
there waa no record ot the fact While
ths resident population waa more law-
abiding than that In moat states, it was
beyond the protection of law, aa bor
der runlana when, pressed ay ofnear of
tha tow. would rukb across the line
from every direction evading their
pursuers and becoming a menace to th
settlers.'. - -- -- ,
Sheriffs and their posses did not el
ways stay at the borders of No Man's
Isuid.' but pursue tha desperadoes
acroan-the' line. Then m, - border battle
would end the chaae, the outlaw alng
converted or tna rine sasiaoa is psoas
ful lwults,ortteeewla
cancy-ln .the eherlffs office la one of
tha many counties surrounding ths dis
trlct -.-' ..- - ' ;
11 this' has now changed, Up td
about three years sge the cattlemen
reigned supreme . In Beaver - county,
Great ' pastures stretched across ths
county,, which Is II miles In width aa
lit miles in length, gnd railroads war
unknown. Wagon traits were the means
of Ingress and egress, an every time
pasture- linea were reached, it became
necessary ta open the barbed wire gates
that aa Da rated them. . " -
But hunger' for land ana permanent
homes baa sent, settlers Into Beaver
countyt th last three yeara by thou
sands. -:!'- .
Wherever wster wss ta b round
there they would locate. Then less de
sirable landa would be taken, and now
th pastures are almost all broken up,
their places being taken by the rude
homes at settlers who have coma te
' .i
Are iDays of Sufferins-w-
Tht5y Are Becoming
Brighter for Some Port
land People. -! ' . V T
Many "dark days" from kidney Ills,
Backache, headache aervoue. tired.
l r nerv tnublAe fflUM vau wlft
Doan's Kidney Pills bring relief;
Prln, mip. Ia A V , f V IcIHmaw mffwM
J hey ore endorsed by Portland. '
. Carson, emoloved at the Portlaarl
Lumber Co., foot of Uncoln street who
resides at " First street- saysr i
was feeling mleerable with a depressing
tamenees around the amall of my book
all last summer. At first J dl not pay
much attention re it but it continued
to grow worse and finally became ao
bad that I thoucht I would hove to lav
off work. : To ben or move quickly
cause severe twinges. I wss of tea at
taCKeq wua aissy speiis, speens sp
rea oeiore my eyes ana i naa
no i
bltlon or energy. 1 1n the morning- I
arose, as
urea as wnen i went to bed.
In fact.
i hea en - tne -symptoms tor
verv severe case 'of
Whea I wes 'suffering the
about Doan's Kidney PUle sn nrocured
box. - I eoon netioed an- Improvement
In my condition, and the pain and ach
ing acmes my oars aoon eiaappaaren.
About alx weeks ago I waa laid up with
aiese ot tne arm lor two. weeks.
Symptoms of .kidney complaint . made
their- appears nee sraln and I resorted
to Doan's Kidney Pills a second time.
They JP- as thoroughly free me of
the trouble as In the former case. I
cannot eitpres what a change they
have made In sie. I simply feel like a
different peTaoa." - ,
For sale by all -oaalera Price 89
cents. KoeW-Mllburn Co., Bnffale, N.
.sow egenu for the United ftataav
Remember ths name POnM fl , and
take aa other.. . , .'
1 1 r, 1
'," ' i. y
1 ' 1 ' ' 'J A,! .
; ' -
"4 . .
Owing, to the-wld, general interest in the.Lewis md,
"trips to tne' Mir.' lor the most pepttur persons outside pi Muitnoman county.
. THE JOURNAL will, pay ths entire expense, including railroad and sleeping car farer admissions to he
weex, notei bius tor one1, weex ana cmijseaients. - v , Ai , i . - i .1 , , -
-t,.Ut).Vl ,ft.,,v,Ua..Vi.,tii-i 1 ,JL- i.- J..:,.1?.-!-,--- JUV?j. rit '- j..-i.'.A.i; :.i .. ij.- ..-5.i.:. ,,y,i.,-. .rrtrs..-.;':
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- cdunty, one free trip) to the most popular person in Douglas county; one free trip; to the most popular person in Lane county,
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iv full maxtti report, 1 year... j .,.,,, 9 l.SO
Agsd Connectice:!
Away From Co.
, While Attending
Played tor a Oeneration Prom
inent part in Natiox
Legislation.' ' ft
Washington. Conn. April t- Unite
States Senator OTvllle-Hltcf sot. t Ptatt
o( Connecticut died at hla sukimtV home
bare of pneumonia, age V7 y- . - -
. aenator Fiatt took a severe cot dur
ing the last session of congress, ' which
bs added to during the funeral ofTSena
tor Ha wley. Pneumonia followedL and
after, lingering for aome weeks tha-sen
ator passed away wnue surrounded -by
his family. ' " : .
Orvllle Hitchcock Piatt was born In
this town, July It, 11X7.. Ha was s
son of Daniel Piatt, a farmer. Vend
worked on tha farm himself until .ha
waa, 29 .years old, receiving a com in on
School - education, . sapplamented b:
oourso at Frederick Ounn's scadei
Hs studied law In the office ot Old
H. Holitnter. and was admitted to the
bar in lit.. Ha practiced for two years
In Pennsylvania, returning to Connecti
cut and settling st Merlden. where be
has sines made his home, In 1151.
Mr. PUtt was elected clerk of
f Ns
rt! 1
am i
Connecticut senste In 15, and In .
secrets ry of stats. In 11 he was-
ad a member of the stats senate, am
life waa a member -of tha house.
Ing aa speaker In 1I. In 1TT he was
appointed Judge of probate, sad tha fol
lowing . year - made - state attorney for
New Haven county. In 11 he Was
sleets to the United States senate to
succeed W H. Bsmum. since then he
has been re-elected each term.
Ha-serve on Important committees
during his senatorial career) Inoludlng
tha committees on pensions, contingent
ex pen sen. patents, revision of laws and
territories. He was a forcible speaker,
bin styls was finished, and he wss re-garde-
-as e eeref ur-legtelator and a
close student. ' -
His successor will bo elected by the
general assembly, which Is now In Its
final session. .' .v. ) " ' ',. t. -' ;
Look for the Life of J. W. Bev-
eridge (nT Sunday's Journal.
In Sundays Journal wilt appear aa
article- deserlpUva of the life -of -s
self-made man, J; "Wr Beveridga, a gen
tleman wha aspires ' to public of flee.
It savors ' of the life of : a boy, then
young man,-then -the--man -who has
mads personal sacrifices.' sn will be
read with much Interest by Sunday
Journal readers, ,.'; ,. -.'.:-.. .''i'-.--
. . i i ii i , i ii i n
Ths annual meeting of -the-' members
and friends of St. Stephen's church will
be held on Monday evening at R o'rloek.
Ths meeting will be In the Parish house
on Thirteenth sad flay streets. -' Ques
tions of interest will be discussed, snd
ths character sf ths meeting Is mainly
social. ; - .. i . - '-.:,
m Pastes
J.: Taken U
Funeral. ,
y4eA -i.
. , :;r- ' - ' ' wi,.,- v
. I . '
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Mi I
I ". J!f fcl 'a,
" ' ' - i 4 .
mt QimmTsTm. ; ' -v
1 year .1,.
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- AsBOricsji Plan $3.00 a
an npwarC .
Speciaf rates made"to--famttlaari-and
single gentlemen.' A modern
Turkish bath establishment In tha
: hotel.
.at. O. OWS,
M Ji Slswsa, -- -- -
Hesdquarters lor
Third and Yamhill Sta. :
; ' !" Ths Intelligent use of things
is tha province of ths tntslll
' geal i person. , XsmatOT la 1
'. whekt, parley and salt, pre-dl-;
.v; cooked. The most delicious'
and Nourishing food svsr pro';
Lj duce. y-the wit of man.' 10
.. can ts a packs ge. ' s ' ;
'V A-iUii" CR0CBRS.':f7
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and Glai'k
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Clark Fair THE JOURNAL wiU
free trip: to 'the most popular:
-:. This coupon must be voted on or before May 19. , - .-. .
'Wrlfb name and address plainly an mail at once to Thsoa.
nal, Portland. Oregon. ". X '
pa Yea Pttnzhi tht
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Oootl 'feeth are eesentlal ta proper "
Without good teeth there cannot bo 2
BIASTXOATXOaT ' : . - ---
Without thorough mastioatroa therb
cannot be perfect , .. . .
Btoasnosr -.
Without perfect digestion there aaaaot
oe proper . '. ,'., ..
Without proper assimilation tbera eaa-
Without nutrition there aaaaot bo
Without health what la ' . '."'-
Call an consult a
reliable an oora
Dentistry., .
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Dental Parlors
: Foarth snd Ksrrisca ste??
' 4 - "Over Sealey-Masoa's." ',
Onen Say and alahL from 3:1 a. m.
to it p. m. r -u. , .
If You Are
: Softermr front Kidney. 81
ask er naddea Xroable, cell
at our omce and we will poet
'. tlvely euro . you .FRED OS
.'j CHARGE. .. . '"' ,.-..:-.
Oeoera Lit hla Mineral -
'. Water Co.
Cr-rc3 la
Bar. Csnaate f
bears ta mmmmtrJ
""'""IWftii' eVaa uenfaliSrJ
Htenffa.eew w -
nee e eejmd .
KetvYdni Dentists
t I '" 1 '
pay the expenses, of twenty -
exposition, for
person inTosenhine or Tackson
Dr.WMcrUn D
We treat satcatafany a
i a-
keert, TIt-t,
."TTTj.. sMssy and threat treablee.
eared fnrever, la SO te SS awe. We
d irni ii n r wiryaensat tsaewMsaav w i
STKICTViBa. witksat esaratlea pals, la U
We stne Hi-taa 1e neall at
any au ener M by swaas ef local Wwc
n . seeaaar to-esraetna. s ;
Wc Core Oonorrboca la a Vc:!s
Ibe Sowers ef tale laettmee en an mnalee
rreatM, kae aat saeny yeara' exnen .
aae aeea ibowb la rertlsad er li yev,
kava a repatatlna ta wsinUla asd wlU aawr
teke ae ease Balsas certain care eaa bs ef
fected. ......... ,.
We eearcafte. mm (' - -
take er eherse ae fee. Cbnsaltatiae free. Lt
ta,?ue"SMV1 . toetroetles BOOK FOA UA
Bailed free la-elala wrappee.
ii roe eaaant ran at orsee, write far esse.
a bleak. Ueeae treatsseat saeeaasraL
Ofses .bearaVt te aad te . tuadayi as
i:) , - aeBdejrs.,.10 te U. :v.
Tie ksdlag syeetensea ia fhe Wis tk east, '
i: v. keUbUehed 1S88. . ,, ...ij; ,
Tea ey Setel. . S. Oar. Tan as sHss la,
rOBTLASO. oaxoov.
The Qreat Chin
, . ts called great re
. cause hla Wontiert-l
cures are so we 1
known thrafhou
: the United tuttn,
and because so if--"
people -areWaa I -
to him for aa.u.1
their lives from
- Ha traata any 1
Sll dlaeeaee .a
powerful Ckthei
herbs, roots, bo- .
barka and ve 'ta.-e
that are eftt.relr un
known te medical science In tnis eoe
try, and through the use of those heri
laaa remedies. This f am" deou k
the action ef ever 190 dmarent f i
that he has successfully' seed tea.
lseaaee. - He guarantees te cure e
asthma, lung troubles, rheume (.,
vousnesa,' a tours-" h, tivar, kie- '. )
male trouble and ell private c
Hundreds of. test io.. els. c
moderate. Call and see,
-' -i iWHS LTAZZ 213 ZTS,
Patlenta out e the e "v "if
ban as clrvalar. I.w.i j i" . .
4r-S - . ,
c czi v. J c:
i:z-":z c y
.i-c-ev- .
BH 1 B y-SBV .