The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 22, 1905, Image 6

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    fi.QBGIMSS DEFEATS COPii; .'. i 3SUm&
1 1 .
Drill Team
lie Angeles, April It The Paclflo
ivlaion of th Woodmen f-tl World
J rtrtiy afternoon cHcd l L Book
i ( IMnrtr u 1. a
eith of Bono, MonUaa. J. H. JToloy'a
; m warn withdrawn at hla request.
' An cxcltina oonteat took plaea OTr
'he lectloB of banker and managar. W.
Xi. 'Tooaa, chatrmaa of the Ore job dele
ttidn to tha Jtaad' cans, lad tha ma-
rttr on the floor in tha contaat audi
Oder hia laadaraatp arery point wea
Crtw of About Seventy Men In
r Umf eeround . Working :
; ; and the MSI. v'
I Four-Hundred Level ' Will Soon
Ce -Reached and Drifte '
'' Exttnd d TYturw. .
;'.,! -,..." ;'i'...4
a Tha T ei II
, uraeu Paaa,Or..-Aprtl tlv With
tha return to .tha Orantta HUI mine of
Bapariahwdant U B. Wlckarahaati aftar
oonvajaacin for a abort period in Port
laod.. aaiaa anal mill operattona are at
f uUea apaatty. Ftra machlna drill,
. are In the working: of tha Oranita Hill
Z. and one la beta; run in tha Red Jacket,
an adjacent property.. The mill' a 1
Jatampa ara dropplna; ConaUnUy, tha
""aaspduty ranrfna from three to four
tona. Produotion of concentratea haa
, 4aaa ateady, and abipplna; arradea of. ore
ara belna opened In- tha ahaft larala.
which would yield a landaooaa profit if
ttha jaanaaamant raxadto aort., rather
than aaUl high and Jow-arada rock to
(ether. 1 1, i ... .
i i Tha anerar with which tha Qranlto
Hill la be la opened -haa been exceeded
In bat one property tt the district, the
Oreenback. . While drifts ara betna- ax.
tended on each level, the ahaft la be In
faunk, ralaea made for stopes and the
inline put in a producln atata with all
. I the energy tha manaaatnent nnnuuii
About T paraona are on the payroll and
aa deveioptnent axtenda additions are
belnv made to tha force. The Oranita
. Hill la a wholesome example for the
laisincc. waere so mtle haa been done
J to attain depth and where systematic
and exact mining principles have been
) scant. . ,
Recent developments hare been af tha
j eama highly encouraging order of tbo
. I past iew momna. ui tna sev aa axcep
tlonaJly high-grade streak haa' been
opened on the hanging walL lmmedl
ately under a point where rich ore waa
(opened In the old adit workinge. Soma
tbia ore assay many hundred-and
even thousand dollar a ton, and. tha
average width of the hanging wall
, streak In work done on It Is from alx
to It Inches. In all of the deep work
fef the Granite HUI exceedingly high
I grade bodlea of ore come Into the large
milling shoot, and give a splendid lift
to the average raluee of tha vain, which
: runs to a width of 13 feet at placea.
. On the SAO level, where the deepest
work baa been dons on the vein, , the
beat a bowing la found, the vein main-
taming its strength with the ' venal
;characterlaUc of a granite flasnre. The
ahaft is near the 40e level, and when
this la reached, drift will be extended
in either direction from the ahort cross
cut. Interest naturally centers on the
deeper work, aa the success of the Oran
ita Hill will prove a wonderful Influence
on the entire camp. The Oreenback,
which has been opened to the 1.200 on
the dip of the vein, and proved the moat
wonderful produce ever developed In
southern Oregon, waa ..the first deep
l,-."..-v- --''.', :...-..'.'..:,.-..,:.'.....--:., rr-
. Ill Jvl'lyll 1 1
; h.dii'OVtJ -T Bsk Sciiitag Soap
of Mgltnomh Camp.No. 77. JrVTrich
oarried... Tha minority. reaortad to 'dila
tory and obtructlve tactica but waa
oompletely defeated. Aa a raault rV HL
Bnodaraaa of usene. Oreaxw. waa
elected head banker. F. P. Bartacho of
Paeblo waa elected head auditor and Dr.
T. A. Huarhaa of Denver head phyatoian!
W. C. Uawley of Salam. Orevon. Dr.
gtaabouaa of Denrer and T. If. Robln
aon of Oakland. California, were elected
head m ana cere. Meaara, X D. StlUman
of Pendleton. Ore con. and C D. Benaoa
work ever prosecuted hereabout. If the
Granite -Bill oontlnuea It sucoeaa in
deep work, there la every . aeauraaoa
that many other . propertiea, hereabout
wiu gooa aurxace snowing , wiu
capital tor aclantlne mining.
'! '(Ipealal Dwpatch ta The 3earaaL
Tipton. Or- April IS. The latest
work done by OUkey and Kershaw on
their Belmont property, where the rich
surface atrlke was mad recently,
leavea public interest unabated. Th
atrlke Is on tha property where they
have been working for two or three
years, and Juat above the little stamp
mm erected last aeaaon. . Aa they bad
not the mean to continue in the work'
lag at the mill, where surface water
waa neavy at this aeaaon, they 'began
exploring a little further beyond. 'where
a a mall creek cuts aerosa th vein. At
tha i ear aurface they foaad; remark'
bly . rick ore, and by hand methods
pounded out about f 1.000, which they
took to Bumpter and sold for mean to
continue their operatlona. -
la the work dona until data the oc
currence of the fraf gold la la unusual
form.', For an area of It to so feet la
width and for a dlstaaoe of more than
100 "feet In length, the deposit haa been
stripped, and from this work It, la aaid
to be apparent that tha rich rock I
not confined to any limited shoot, aa
frequently occura In the district ' If oat
of tha specimens brought out do not
enow much quart gangue. One would
tax tna rock te be nearer a ouartalta
than the usual alllceoaa vein matter of
the adjacent district Ft rite seems to
have' permeated crevice, carrying rich
gtrtil '"Ulim risoempnlilnn nf lho
gangue ha left gold with the oxidised
ferron flUing. Wire gold, formed In
the minute cievlcea of the original rock,
nuggets and porous piece present a
striking appearance. -
Since the first exciting cleanun. tna
owner nave perslated . In their work,
and, while not making any atatement aa
to results, are believed to have taken
out by band methods about tl.000 mora.
making a total of about S,00. Thirty
u persona nave gone into the district
from the Greenhorns and Bumpter, and
considerable staking wUl be dona, even
where snow baa not disappeared.
Tbia part of Vincent creek, the prop
erty being within, a mile and a half .of
neaawaiera, m in th same geological
belt that carrle the Dixie group and
me Morning. Here there are two well
denned vein systems, on having a
era! north -south atrlke, and the fissures
being medium width., while th- other
atrute aaat-west, and Is referred to aa
a great porphyry dike aystem. On the
Dixie groop there 1 a great porpbyrltlo
vein or dike having a width of SO to 70
feet In which valuea are at tlmea con
centrated. , On the Morning the big
Morning vein, which ha been proved jLo
hve an average width of 00 to 70 feet,
also ha rich bodlea of ore. - r
. (Sparlal DUpetrk to The JeeraaL) -Granite.
Or- April 21. Oood rennrta
continue ttf coma from the Monumental
mine, seven mllea from here. The tv.
Ufeet of high-grade allver opened on the
iv level, oeiow the main adit ar be
ing drifted with a machine drill, and
bold to the first width and values with
remarkable persistence. f Ruby silver,
which always carries high values in
th Monumental, la plentiful la tha new
Woq the National Competition at Lot
of troveland. Colorado. holding over. ' -Elmer
F. Conner of Seattle, Washing
ton, wa elected bead eecort. A. Rr Gait
of Everett. Wanhlngton. bead watchman,
and Charles O'Connor , of . Salt - Lake
head aeijtry. i . - - ,- .
After oonsiderabl discussion mem
ber of th board not member of th
finance committee were allowed a salary
of SI00, while members of the finance
committee , were given a-. salary of
moo. .-, ,..t ..... -. , , ,
strike, , Heavy antlmonlal brea, with the
ruby, la th combination moat - wel
comed by the management and this 1
now found In greater proportion than
in any work above either of the adlta.
The aboot opened in the No. S vein.
on which th wins waa put down. . Th
No. S, No. f and Monumental velna all
carried good valuea above, and the last
two will be explored by cross cut from
th deep No. S working. At th sur
face tha Monumental at time had IS
inches and more of aa rich allver or a
waa ever mined in 'the northwest, but
the aboot waa very persistent With
depth th or - bodlea have. , greater
strength, which . la a moat hopeful in
dication to the .management In the
lower tunnel of the Monumental prop
erty, which haa a length of l.0O feet
there ar SO veins, gasbea and seams
cutting the hard . granite . formation.
Some of the have a. convergent d.
and. it haa always been the theory of
Manager Allan that depth would find
them dipping together, forming larger
anoota. Tna work in the No. 1 shaft
level I taken aa confirmation of . this
theory, ' and wiH enoourag rapid aink
. .. - - - 11
' (Bpeelal'IhsBetek to Te Joeraal.)
Prairie City, 'Or AnrU S2. On tha
Independence,- which'' is a northerly ex
tension of the Dixie Meadow,-development
aeema to be bringing In at a, rapid
pace another producer. - Al recent work
under the Dona of Meaara. Davidson and
i haa been In a drift toward the
Dixie Meadows workinga. which are on
the adjoining claim. latterly this drift
has sopened two feet of shipping or on
th . root ..wall,', which haa the Identical
characteristics of tha rich body. lying
on "i -ir it mu nna n
port received from tbe crew waa to the
effect that there were two feet of S0
ore In ten face, which' had' widened In
tbe last part of th drive. No crosa
cut baa been made recently to deter
mine Jne width of the entire vein, but it
la aafe to assume a much greater width
than the drift Indicate Within 1,009
feet of this work tha Dixie Meadow
ha a ehoot of more than to feet width,
there being two or three feet of high
grade ore on th foot .wall and many
feet Of average mOllng rock toward tha
hanging. Later tha Independence own
er wUl. crosscut their lode,. and .expect
xq open a targe oooy or muling rock
alongside the 1ch body now being ex
plored. - . , ......
The Indenendenoa waa renentiv .k.
on bond by W. a Davidson of Pendle
ton and W. W. Bees of this dtrV :
At- th meeting of th cftv anmH.
board yesterday the action of the street
committee revoking the contract of th
Oregon Real Estate company for Im
proving several treeta In Holladay Ad
dition, was approved, and the city audi
tor was tnatructed to advertise for bid
to finish the work. The . contractors
war eald to be 060 daya delinquent with
the work. ..." " -, - , . .,
1 heartily approve of this action
aaid Mayor Willlama. "Thle la a rich
and powerful company, but It took these
oon tracts at a nominal flgur. evidently
for tbe purpose of preventing Improve
ments In this district It own conald.
arable land there and haa rf omd to do
th work. It look aa If It war wait
ing for other people to make lmnrova.
menta In tbe addition in order, ta en
hance tne value or it property. "
"I "want It understood," aeid EL' D.
Curtis, "that all contract .will be en
forced hereafter, . aa far aa I am concerned."-
' v .. -
-tV-B. Cobb, who waa-appointed by
Mayor Williams to take George H. How
ell' place on th board, was Introduced
to tbe member and waa sworn into of
flee by Deputy Auditor Grots,
City Engineer Wanner waa authorised
to- preed with, th repair to th Booth
Portland Bll,-whioa-.wU J6BtCbont
A e
- (tpeeUl Dwoatck to TaVeanaaJ I I
tfbrvaUls, Or April tS-A carloci of
eastern oysters is expected to aniv ,
Corvall la. today. There are In tbe htt
ment 170 barrels of th bivalve, ebrb
barrel oontalnJng from 10,000 to If, too
oy at era. . , . 5. I . j
Dr. Dsvls expecta to plant the orl'.'-rs
In tha Taqulna bay oytr . bedaih
experiment naving - oeen iriea aru-ew
year ago with enly Indifferent eifw.
It I hoped to make the Industry Vty
In one in th rutur. an ur,
th first to vntur Into It
. .v-r;
i n compensation or The haad Di
clan waa fixed at St.. cents for each ap-
. ... i.ii
-iV-"- rr.T' i
---,w-a u .ui. una vvumuL -
The. vote for Bnoagraa was IJMSl
that for Cooper 7 i. The bead camp
then adjourned until Monday. ' - -Th
Tkht aaalnat Cooner waa due t
hla having deposited the fund of the
order In bia own nam with banks, the
order receiving no Interest en Its lare
aepoeita. , ..,-'. ; .' - (
!' tixUTTWUM. ' - ' i ,
Jrirsi-at(rr aarvleea at 10:9-.- ,-sag
T:i p. a.; at tbe swralaa aarvle hlarlea La
mc, tbe Ma-da r aenouT rkr. will apeak
brl-flyt there wUl be adaiiaUtafed tbe lit. of
iBtaat baaUaaii aad the Beau. will eteaab-ee
tb-oie, "TH Cerrter P)oo;" la tbe evea-
ing tbere IU be apecaa Eaater amale aaa Or.
V. It. Merer. r Lendoa. WIU pmetw.
' ' aUraaall Btllll rim aaa Mafahall aa Nnrtk
BVvMteeatb afreets; Bev. & W. Bay, auto..
10 a. a. Munday arhool; U a. at., "tae Keaar.
rertkm of Cbrtat; If. TW" T: a. Bb. "Ia
BMrtalltr ta tbe Old Teetuneat:" there will be
pecUl amale at Vetfe aarrtee; - aew awaibar
wui b walnesMd la tb awralagi I. P. 8. U
B. BMetlng at :t p. aw
BUapeB .eraae Mrumot, paatar.
a., voluatary. Tavtrt aa Bhwe T-aay
lord! eoxokof y. hnaeaaaa raapauatve
ayma 141. ''la tn Cnaf Cbrtat I
tb Uvlagr'; erlp. 1
anthem. "WhT geek !
tare h on: eala.. "O.
Tenaar Toatb," II
"Tjf ateav J.
v.. at,
T? '. I
vlaei arayar; off
M - r'b,e4ae
Carl at 1 Hlaen:" I
FMepttea of
ayns, ''Bleat , the
Tb, ' ran amnion; a
M; poaUud la B fiat. (Aabfard); p. v, voh
antary. "Olorta." laoaart); ; brains SSI -aad
HI; ApeatW Creea: by am- by ebetr. -"The
wizTra i i T,7 ,7 ,VT ",--"", i
. . "'r """.
tfreJ?.r.JP0".,'lL,,!3?' I."-."1"
-Mr.' luinaauii. aara. 4 aa uaar. aa 1
Dreaalel. Mr.
ota: alory. tons: Beater
Beaarree tton a an Incentive:" byma; baedb
tlon; poatlod. Blank In IY (Thompaon).
Thfett Kaat Thtrnwntb and Pine; Bv. ' Aa
rew 1.' MoBtawaMry. aaetor. Annul kbiataa
aartse 'prayer BMeUng. T " i r n ana n ulna
and reeapdoB af anr awaibera. if: 30 a, . au;
iprnun ; aiaater aervHe, T:o a aa.
Ut. Tabor -tl a. m., Baater aerylre. eoaiamn-
a; bapnaaM at T..10: Rev. J. U McOarab will
begta a week at annaellatb: work: the Mt. Ta.
bor Metboalat eksrrb will salts m tbeae
vice with tbe ML Tabor Prcabyteriaa Caere. ,
TyaLStyar. rraiiei fcorertte " Hbnrt,
Catnr. 0:IK a. ta, IllHia. 10 ai si aii. I bjIim
I... " - 1 . . K U . .
' " a,.w-1 . ,e.M. w iniaaar arawaw;
w.w p. au, arncia Biacae; ?aai p. Da., evea
tag aerama by Marloa lwreae. aa later.
national Buaday arbaol worker; sseelal (aatet
Orae Clsfear Tree Wllaaa. D. D. - Aa Eaa
ter aeraaoa at 1040; 7:00 tb Brotherhood of
BC Paal will attend nt body aad Mate t
tb paatar' Ueroura. oa "Way 1 As Meth
dkatr't eooatr b( eaartet and eheraa: elaaa
BieettD at JO a. m.; Banday acbool at 11:10:
Mp worth veaaer aerrtc. ,3a p. a.
TTInltT Mmmt Tenih aa Hraat' Be,. B,mU
Obarg, paatar. Baate awf-rle at- 11 a. am..
Bev- Jase L. McOomb will preach (be aeraaoa;
baptiafli at eloa ef aarvlc; Baetar Bracraai
lender br the ebtMrM Af tw iwuli, mamI
at I:0 p. .; eblldra tram the Cbbyaje M. I -
B. Blaaloa vlU take nart in tbia aaa 1 1 m a... I '
ArT'cbool at 10 a, aa.; Kawortk leagae at I
p. s. , ; .
Wawjawt at Pin aad Nlath I preaching by Blabop W. T. Bell. D, b. v -reets;
aUllam B. BeDM. D. !.. naataa. I Krmrmrwo and kerb aflaMa-. Bm
10:11 t, k. "Tat Jenlal fitna af Ufa Irae
Wide;'' laborat Baster . prognsi at T:M a, I
a,7 ta BMBbera of tb Baaday acbool; epe-l
etal ajaale at all rrte; Banday acbool. 11 1
S. m.; innlorm, 4 p. ra.; Kpworth devntlaaal,
:1B p. a.; cborB of 80 velea an rebeatra. .-
Central BnaaeU .aad Karby atreata, Alblaa:
P. U ronng, paatar. . Baater Banday will be
aa flgf Ih 1 I a 1 a i li i I bw aaraawul. ----- a a.
t I
P. L. Yonn. Daabar. . Baater bniar win I
lweei.tely obaeread, tb Baaday araeal will I
w-aw--- ' wau, vwas, aeaew uiuauay mwrtmaUH Will I
render , program at tb shoralng aerrlc bear; I
preachlag at T p. av; Bpwarth aMgea, I
0:O P. aw - , - . I
Kpwcrth Corner Twetrty-tMrd ? aad Irving
treeta; Henry X. Atkinson, pastor. - Baaday
arboal, 10 . av; 11 a. ., "Baater TVmgbta'
Kpworth laagna, :48 p. aa.: Baater aarvlca. 7:46
a.' la wblch Baaday acaool will partldpau.
1 .- tXnMATIOAl. '' v.-.'.'
"tret Perk and Madtann alrama' lae
nooa., v. v.. paaror. j:jw a. am..
r of Cbrtat'
ay aav. r. n. nieyer, or ixmooa
eerwoa by Dr. H oae. . "Tb. Power
Beanietltoa;" 11:18 p. ., Baaday arhool, Qln
ton O. bflkw. aaprrintaadeat; 0:80 at a. T,
E,l 0. . Chntr. Mr. Rea lUorb-Baeer. Mr.
W. A. X. Baaboa. Profeaaor W. H. Borer,
Mr. W. A. Moouomerr: Profeaanr W. H Hn,
etoh? director; alia. Leonora Debar, araanlM. '
PUrrUB Cbapal Werond atreet aear Llaeora.
0: s. s.. Banday acb-at, .WUUaai H, Brow I
Ma. Mpertateadant. - , .
aae aad rnnoat atreet. 10 a. m., Baaday
arbool: 11 a. aa,, preaching aai ilea feuowed br
aeaentloa of awaibera and cvmmnnlon, Mnnoa
by Rev. Upahaw af Oeklabana, Rev. Pred Pea-
each will eaalat la tb comnuraloa Mrvlra; 8 ao
tit, toang People's BMetlag. lad by Mra.
. g. Tbonpaoe; T:S0 p. sa,, preaching by Rev.
"'''"e..-.: - - . i .
rirai or Bfc jonaa nei.icas I Blekner' I
1 JW p. a. by Rev. Charlei B. Chaaa
, ewa. - 0. am,; arflaeiau. I k,
tnivenity rara eaarr Kev. D. B, fleay,
Paatoe. Hervba, la Arthaa tvample (Porta
moathl. 10.80 a. am.: Kaate aarnana: aaaei.i
Hl1ilad--CnrBr Preacottt sad Rait Blalb
airaeta. Dona: atev. a. am.-- aoraweoa. Dae tor.
a-mare ut toe naner
arbaol will
five aa' Baater arerrta at 11 , bu.
aanatc and reeluuan; Jaetnr Ea j
with apecU
aeaaa. at k a. aa. T:an a. Tfc. aa..
a baawrtal aap." ' .
f - - siaXTIsT. ' ' . :
in. wait Tnmie 4rnr Tweirth bad Ty
br .treat; Rev. J. Whltmni Bmaglter. D. D.
peator. "OM Aerard'' brayar sanlta,- 10: U
a. am.) iv;ei a. nw. ' Mail w
" h other
erarractlo-, ' b. ptkaa at earning af tb.
aad tb Teajpi qnartet will reader
npproprlat for Xsateri Bible rbeol.
at ta reaTjrri tvav
, h. MO' aarvlea for.
women. Rev. R. W. Pone, awaor tared with Mr.
Mayer and renoerted with th Moody ftWeatne
mmmm..wm tpwtk; R. T. p7V. aervle.
:W p. aj.; papalar evening ervb, T:80 p. Bl.',
r aawber WUI be baptlaed at tb apealn
ef the earvre. Bpeelal. large raor. amW
dlraettnn ef Profane. o J. w. Cwtehee win a..a
"tt etngtng. Dr. Bmegbar will Breach am th.
Btiject. f If 1 Were Ktected Mayer." .
, ' farr crrr Rest Eighth d Bant Oram
. v ; ." ., 7-r -:,'"--'.,-
ere prevented and curei t!.e creatext of ail, and strictly scizdle rtziwiy fir i
;, T&roet end Lang Treaties, Cccts, Ccls, Crcoctij, L Orlops cts., vix. -V.. "i
"I hid fceea 111 far
rbdol. r J. W. Hea-elL aperlatBaBt: eperUI
tlmn far yean awe eaa weawa; 11 a.
"How te Km ta Blblr;" Ban4y cbec4 and
prMPhlng mt tUm la tae Uermaa Itopuft
n-om l u t p. ml i ionag pt twruug at
I:W a. av, , y 1 ta
O.atr.1 WeodaMB ml tbe - World .aa IiHd.
aaai eiita aeo sen m acreata: w uuaai
I B- Baadall, aUnlater. I0:4 a. bv, "Tha Ptt- I
t nt or tne Be
- Ut unutioa;!- is. I
ecaool; T: a. .. "Th Oood el tbe Bad.
aoecJal Baalet Biaaie. Prafeaanr W. T. Wench-
araalral glreeter alia kath gbogrta. or-
ft. jaBW - BacUaa Coraer Wert Park ad
Jefferaoa atreetar 1. A. Im.. D. D.. Beatnr.
Order ef 'aarvtee: lUoaaury. "Cbrtat Beln
Balead fraaa tbe Deed;'-' anealns aarrk tartaaV
to ru-at arrlptor laa.ia; solo. Jar. A. B. Hal. I
eerB-ut; aerae bwa.a ana aarvte coochide;
brwa. "Christ tbe I la Blaea Arala:" Bea
ter si rami ao prayer; aatbaai. "Way Ileek Ye
tae uvln Abmw( the DeeeT' iBartlett);
p. rial Eaater tbaak afferlag; raeeatloa of at
aew niataera: eelebraUoa mt tae baty en
ton; 'clos-a aarvte,' T p. bb., in ice by tb
Sondey arhool; apart a I waale by tbe ecboe! aa
reritatloB by tb cbiMrea; Baster talk te tbe
eauara ay tea peeler, a eel by btla tirere
utraart aa a ladles" ooartet, "Tb k
by 'Mlae Qllbert. Mr, lea. Mtaa
Wirkllae aad blra. Dr. Keefar. . Eaater affartBg
St. reel Uer ma aCorner Beat Twelftb aad
Cllatsa; A. W. Kraa.a. paatar. CMteeatoe, 10
a. sa,: Baater err lea an boly eaauBBBleB. Ioao
a. at.; avaalBg. aarrlc. 7:80 a. am.; ttaaaay
acbool, at. " " - '
Tb Marwegkia gyjaX CBraer Beat Teath aad
flrant atreeu; O. Bacaea. paator. Blab aaaa
t 11 a .: tbe Narweaiaa alnaaaa. Dtreeter
Berg, will aing "Tae Oraet WbM Bebed Map
tinide." cantata by Edna Grieg ; aal by Mr.
Bngebrtad: erganlat. Clara Malatad; anauBaa
iua aarvlees at 7:80 sa. ? --. :
":. r:' ' ' CHUBTIAir. ''-''
nnt-Caraer Park an flnlambla .treeta; BL
B.- staekley. aalnlauar. lo-M a. fit., "Tbe Plaee
t B offering 1 tbe Doctrine sf the Beaarree
tieai". 740 p. aa.. "Waat AU tb World' Beak.
gibU acaeai. 2;1 a. a.i C. a at a, m.' I
. Kadaey Avaaa . Coma Bodsey vena and I
tw n.. - . - . aj.
0:3 a. au..T(wa paapl' society at ChrwtUa
Mndeaaer: T:30 a. bl. aeraaoe llluatra
ted with
tereootirn views, entitle, "Tbe Childhood of
ieaaa;1' Mr. aad Mrs. Wbb. aing lug trans. 1-
woocuaeu 11 a. at., -i ininiea rrauaa; t:p
P- aa., "Bong 01 irraatpa. " wit aiaalraj ara
ai 10 a. Baaday acbool; 0:80 a. s. X,
a. . C aV . --- .
Ceatrai Bast Tweatietb and afcloaba streeta
Rev. 1. P. Onomley, D. D.. will .peak t 10:801
a. an. a i a. ttiatorae tirmr T;n p. St., I
Eaater seraaaa, "The Basuriattlea ef nrfcet A I
Tact ar rabla, Wkk-br . Hpeelal Baater rnaate. I
Mrs. MePberaoa Oale, eborlater; Maa Era I
; Bt narld'a Holy eomaraatea. f a. at.; nat-t
ma proteaa" and boly enwanialiaf lebarml),
11 a, B. ; eveasoag prareaalon. -apaclal aarvte
for Kaisbta Teanplar. 7:30 a. m.
AU Ha lata' tax North Tweaty a. eon street.
Bervlraa Ui:S0 a. at. aad T:30 . aa. . Br. Boa
will preach at both beiiliia and la tae Born,
lug Mr. Teola, Gilbert Feraeyaaagb wOl aing
thr-aalheam. "I klaaw Tbt Mr. Bedeeaaar Llv-
at Borpaea' -charcb Thrrtpeulb ' and Clay t
Rev. H. M. aUnaaey, arhaat ta eaarge. . Boly
eoauaaalaa.. -7:0U a., aa.: naoralna nearer aad
aoiy eoniinvnjna. 11; nnBoay enona. :,
Aaoaaalua Chanel PorUaad Heigbt; Rev. I
H. M. Haaraey, In eharge. Kvealng prayrr, 4 1
Powell, la diu-T. t Holf MivaBkmt , I
mm., ttwiii wtvicv mm mnimwrn, i
Cbasel nt tbe Tranarianratton KU glxtb
treat, near 0k: Rev. W. R. Powell, ehaplala.
aetvtc, aeratoa bad boly eaauaaBtoa, 11 a. am.
riial JT h Bhemea ..!.. a 4
Wlata. paatar.. 10 a. a., Baaday arboof; 11 a.
preacbln: T p. .. K. L. at O. B.: 8 a. m..
Inawaio mmt . P..hln .. 11 . I..
Blabop W. r. Hefl. of Cklrage, ' nUnoW; ae
evaalag ervlee, worship with tint eharehi Baa
day school at 10 i a
Bt. John Corner
(treeta; B. B. MrVicfcer.
dewrw ef Cbrbrt' Bean
Btabep W. K. Hall, of 1
1 II 1. ..!
of John sad Ivanba
oaator. 11 a. aa.. "Irt.
a,a,ai a rajelat'a weaili awlhiai " a a at . n
niaiuMa w. v ll.n uiahiem r.- rkiM.'
tlllnola, wlU apeak: oa aeeeant of the I p, m.
BliasavaaBj WIU Bf-v-Blaa e BBI BaCk-VBlDw Jl UfT
aervloe there wul be a evening servtee;
dy cBnot, M a. Sa. 4 . '
, i - . . " - ' ' f
; Baa-
- .1
t Blith and Market!
nm Kng uaa lomer at
atreeta; Rev. u. w. rianaar,
Baater ProcrajB: a . am..
nana;". 1 a. sm., Baaday' arbool
jnnior Aiuaaca; is, am., . zoaag
Pint fleraaia Cm at Tenth aad Clay (treat:
Bev. Theo. Brbaaar, peator. B.I iltea la baa.
men I e( Calvary Preabyteaiaa rbarrhr-earner
KVoveath aad City .treeta; ear nam and wer
ehtp. I0M5 a- ai.i Baaday srbeoL 8:8 a. ai.f
arrrlcaa la valag at T o'etark, y-,.
" ''':'cKtiktlAM BcTJCIfCK.' ' . . '
1 FiCat Beotttah Bite rathedrnL Morrtana aad'
l1't7r?- r,rT7,. " .
Pm. t f"0"' "RvwItttlB Paalab-1
awat;", Baaday acboot at close of morning aer-
Hecoad AarHtorioni blldlBg. Third, between
Taylor aad Bahaoa atreeta. Jandar awake,
H p. am.; anhject, "Everlaatlng
Panlakateat;" rklnday acbool, 11 a. m. la tb
reading rannal. .
" ' " ''.
v- : " "'" T. at 0. A '" r ''.-'' i '
At tb Ma rrrna m theatre. 8 p. .. Rev. T. .
rJ lanlna Snaaba n .. -uir.
l.nrMi Pm an rinaa J. . i,B. rinnl,'.
erebeatra, bmm rhnniai rftoora epan at S:H, free
to au saea; amaa ameetlsg Tor boy, Banday
a:au p. am., i. m. v. au aaaitonma.
Talladesra Cprlss, Ala., Mftnd ni endsr ezra cf two doctors, tat grew no v
better until I tried Dr. Etsji Kw Discovery. T.&xt C&t rt-isf, tad, ;
a. ' Prasram: I AHaky' ballding, eai
i an "Ufht-lT m p. ai. Dr. T. ,
i 1. O. Kll-1 'The Baater Idea,
Pr. William H. rlepp, abort Ulk
aeiaa, www wrwiw.. mi, wvee; e. r 1 1- I
paek, barltnne anto, Harry Moore, sreorapaslst; I
li.rrj anarr, amiiD
13 te IS years ef as..
ire s wra iroaa
- UBUAi BRlTkats.'
Plrvt Owner ef Raat rifteeatk ad MerrUoa
recta: H. C. Bbffer. aoaaer. Bible eoal. I
10 a. am.; Beater program by tbe eblldrea and I
yaang seoel at II a. at.) paelal aroale aa f"l-1
lawa; . eola, Mb Pvrrter; det, Mr.. Boa. I
baogfe aad Mr. BarttBeaa; daet. Mia Hnaar I
10 a. am.; Buter program by tbe eblldrw and !
n mis uixon: auu
LU, n m a.M k
nd Mlam DIxob! anal aoartet; aalo, Mr. Hen
kleL.C. E., 0:80 p. m.i aeraaoa by paatar at
f ;i p. i. bantlaaa a,
at tbi amoraliig service,
...... .
ib rareniie oi aaewDer.
riial ITlla Baeaad street, far eater.' hall: R.
R. Mewra. paatnr: II ee.Bl.; "IniBMrtallty,''
ar aeheol. to V Kp'wort e-aaa, i p. am.t
apeciai saater aaaaie r bmu aartt. ,
' " vaTrARIARr ' " '
' Pfrwt Tanhlll aad SeveiMk; fkf. O. C Oea
aay, peatnr. II a. aj,, nwelal Raafer ai i 1 1. 1
nd araaical pmarar;1. diaeoaraa mt
.... ...
Fc.l G0.Zl;O 03';;:3D
eoi ttae with l4tc"
"flt. . !it. . "1 Jal
Bcl 6e S toils ftBaweb of
Promotes IXtfts&oaQietttvLh
ncss aVwKestXon tains ndSxr
Xpe&d Remedy iorCauieaL
Ron, Sour S totnach. DiatrJhoeH
lteSmasj Srgnatur of ,
a II II li
I I af I I II I I I g i
h I I J m '
11" J 0 a-M .-' f Maka WAa.
.Th quantity of tbe food taken t no ,
th measure ef ha aotuishtnent. Tha '
quality is what connta. Many tabic -'
take larg quantitiea ef food and get a -.
amall amount of nourishment. . MaU '
-lin's Pood babicB take a small qnan.' .
titr ef food and tret a Urgt amount
ef nourishtnerit. Send for our book '
Mellin's Food AaMaa. ; . , ' ,
' F''F? . etT taAads
day rool. 41:80 p. , a. Cbolr. MB
Maatlek. aopraoo; Mia. prank Raley,
and director; W. O. Hedsoa, tenor; F.
ard, baaao; R. W.- Boyt, argaalet, t ,
s Rdwin
I. Pack
w . ."V-'I
PI rat Eaat IWb aad Kan Rlghth: W. T.
Bawu, paatar. ,11 a. 'letrtallty;'',ll:l
p. nj. Baaday acbool. , .
; ' i - ' brTaa-raTT.T.awwfirnt.
Tb Chnttlan a I nolle Apnatolre Cbnreh In
f.loo Rev Jobs Alexander Dnwle, flrat aaoa
tle; b.U SOI Alkaky halloing, earner Third and
Morraioa atreera, aeeon floor. 8 a. b "I
nna for Rr)oirhig Over tbe Rerarreetlon of
taran; - -i;au p. m., ."uopi rat;" Bev,
Oarle A. Hnyt. elder la chare.
Millennial Daw- G. ""A.'" R. BaTT , " Bor it
ecmer Seeoad aad Merrlava ataaau. aarvtcaa
t a:mp. av- - ,
new ianngat enriety h.q gpo fbtrd floor.
wr -i mm ana a, err nam.
W. - Rntler will apeak oa
lie saetev laea.
Tbooght Viewpoint. "
- neauiinooa, rroai new
tea buHdlaa. Third, near Waablnartna afreet.
tawiferaare, It a. .: ehlldraa', progroaalv
S"? J1.-1":1 n"1. ? .?' aw
""VI - T ."-
"V. "
t nruTiaa worn riea riigieat
B. Coulter, leader and teacher.
XMI4 Morrtao afreet I rmty ba It a. ra.,
"llAfl te tk..Wnl., Well M lt,
11:15 P. at, "flow te Knew Hnw;" t: a. ai.,
eoarert by Taloa orrbeatr : Profeaaor T. - A.
Til a ne ud. xltber aofcalat : Mr. J, B. Howard,
vor.ltat; :l p. at.. "Praam aad Virion."
Bible Spiritual Borlery AV O. V. W. bait
Weat Park and Waahlagtoa atreeta. Itaning
Plrvh building. 11 a. am., teat and abort
talk; t ab p. m., Inrtar by Mr. Abigail
bcottifanlvr. - . .
Minknera, an MedlnmerpreterWve" RptrRaal
aa.nrlatten-e-WllbiBertt ball. Kerwod treet. - At
p. ' aohlert. -'l apirttualbr( Tra ' or
rlar;4 -C II. Ptrgtt, ipreildeat. :. ' . ;
Btafetied aaoeh
y jSaCTrq
(71d) I
writts J. 7. CcZlacca df
- Ca
' wort-'''' 'i
Th3 Kind Yea; llara
, ' ' v IMPROVED
OURIMBADAOMI .' '.-- . .
by rexnovinir the caoaB v.
ouri luouaNcsa.
by aJdiDir (UgeBtien 1
bold t iu panooiaT, oa r wAnoar
RacmuyT o raao. see. rss box .
BB. BOtAMKO 00 rlUtOtiPrllA, Pit, U. B. A.
a. aboot tna WMdarfBt .
KAXYU. waallaaaj bpry
Tae' aew iaa,iee.
w (afaT e1V BttCUm$m fceaM1"aTBs'i
j oa uopvaniani.
8 atai a,.
lr ba r,"-.inMl,
tAaaa, aoaaptae '
euwr, bataaad auvaa for
btaatrated baok
rail partiouiara aa.
Uaaoi I ladiaa.
r eMioMverrf-frw iauM . . . ,
IW.lKeAfm. -vf "aadlesa-njw-l -aTAtl
r iLo.lIa a LHQUoA
few. aa -a aa weld anlinll aeaaa. MM
V wHhawarlaaaa. lakaneeabae. Rafnaa '
ti aa '"''Tf'Jl' Ueur, ar rw
IT . .- a. I TeeWealala. SeM ae
a tow. a. .reer t kaealaal tl ;
i ea i ii. ral.a. r.
r wwHreaaaf aToSbai a ftm 1
otiavuMa avnu .
---a-ai an uVaji UlTa'D IH oncGon
U . la tb rkbest rata. Mt vU Rock Ncrion i .
ta awn, f i aeoaaaex of ecrei of ba at actual. ;
I ef BTtaaoea, Deri direct from Brat o
CerrgrM. WrtfT TO-OAY. , BOOK. LET ltd)
MA r ntll. OeKhata Irrlaation an Power Cara. r
Bears the.
-jy'" ijri -i t; yy lu J:"'
s - ' " . v.- 7 : mm s 1 ',..
W u'Jiw wrr-ft-''5'.'vj. 1 1 tft'li ' "'
I AV ii ' U b U !
ymmr-b '' "mb "'---y''y-'
Thirty Years
. vweeanaa . wawaeaai err.
I dlraniona la. L"f II ' '
,-M-'ew.fc.. ad leauef
la. aaLBBsrbmsty;!' -
Allen A Lewi' Best Bran
1 . .-S -.'-. : .- ..
7lell l-l o MclCty Baila
, v v t' .. : . 77, . '
. - .-',..;. j .. ... ...