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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 22, 1905)
... f. - .. . ---- A.rjL 3, U. I - A Kmm' v . a. I ( EAGTERi 3 .- .HEARTS .:c:.ic'j I Li. 1 I ... ..'"aM t .-ctaat Girt I J " -ad. ' ,........,.....a,.,.Va- L- Trod! EfcksL who tom years ranted .ths property At tli southeast corner of 'reond and Stark atnea. kai anlrf I to Lr. A. J. Getaey and .Thomas Boott Lreoke. (or liO.OM.' The oroDoaad loon I tor accommodating eul aid ears, will v 1 1 probably be built past th property, and 7 : ivslnss in thl locality hav an upward ;, -'tendency. Lot. I ta block. B. Cow&'a addition, baa kwi sold by A. Wemma to E, H. Wernm for IT.OOO. W. OJ BaAflald haa sold to J. W. Cook a parcel of around JOO by it la block B. Car- tara addition for 17,000. M. Smith haa bought from & Blew a lot In Couch addition for MOO, - .J.. D. CQlemaa haa aaeurad a building permit tor, the arao tloa of eight flats to cost tll.OOO, off Davis between Eighteenth - and Nlne- . teaath streets. .-. ;.. ., ,-: .. - - . Five -thousand, dollars damages - sr demanded from the Portland Ccmsoll--datad Railway company-for the death of Bradofoft - Jehaaoa. , who waa killed February 4, 1101, la th accident on the r MontavllLa Una at Beat Twenty-eighth . street. The complaint, which waa filed V, today. .alleges negligence on the part of - "; -The employes ' of the aompany in, par : "' . ' mining the car to (at beyond control while passing down the heavy, grade - wear the corner of Twenty-eighth atraet by which It was thrown from tha track. ' ' causing the- death of Johnson. Tha suit la brought by R. O. Boott. administrator the-estate of tha deceased, ,.; ? . - c: Monsy .ahvd Ja purasa, nodntbooka. u billhooks, wallets and leather novelties "of. the latest and up-to-dats styles and - , varUtlea. We bur direct from tha fee- t.tory-ln quantities to secur the beat U- oaa nave you money on your irehsae. - besides giving you the se , : Jectjon rrom one of ihe largest aeaort v. ment of leather goods In th city. Ai- " hart Berni. tha druggist. Second X and - J Washington; :' , i . . , .1,.: ' at Laurella, Praaea's axaouUva com mlaaioner to the exposition, haa sailed ' from Paiia. - Work la nroa-reaaliis ran. - Idly on th nUUty building, which la to - be ft portion of the mata entrance, and : will contain thv poatoffloe, expreaa of ' " floe and tetoaTaph station. Tha Taqulna " "hatchery has sent ft large consignment : of salmon eggs for tha flaberies ' ex ' hibit of Oregon 'and Washlnrton. v . - The following delegates hare leen - destgnfttsd by Preeldant John H. Bter- ';, anson of tha City Press club to th 1.. second ' annual session of the Oregon 'Development league, April 2t and 17: ; ; ;Bdgmr B. Piper, John P. Carroll. Charles . HyakaU, George U. Trowbridge. Paul ; : --R. Kalty, Johnston 'McCulley. W. IX t. tMorrlson. Mas M. BhlUook sod LJonel A. . :' Johnson.-.;--r - ': .' .-j.'if o'.?. Xxctasivs styles ve ' piwvldsd - only i ; by excluelye tailors. We make any ault ' - lntthe bouaa to order for Its. any panta , , tl.iO i no more, no lea a. Ko other firm in the city wU, do this. Small- profits : and large sales la ourmotto. Blyery customer s pleased customer, jjnuue . jsUorin V company. ; til, ,,? Washington r : , -vrV ' ' . t ' K' V w-. 1 . ' " . - ' ',xi soar ox. Jet-iei un airmen, who VT ,dlad,4n southern. Calif oral laat Mon ou,i num mo uix uiia momma.- ac- eompaaled by the mother, Mrs. J. B, jtirscn, or roruano. im uh imw, Mrs. Albert Ackemaa, of Oakland, Call . fomla. . The funeral will be held vBun day. W. R. Rlgby, an-employe,' discovered . buar rlflingth. oSftn;! - -. idebaker Bros.'' east side ent&bllahment . - last night Tha burglar dashed through a, window and made his escape, but It la believed that ha was severely cut by ,- th glass. ; U secured nothing of value. -r-"'0.-'W.' P.- trolley- trips -tomorrsw.t- "rEatacada," th moat attractive outing ' ti?t?Lia Provided with the beat of Bets ""vice idfthecTimfi(WTEnillIOf 111 , guests.' Take ft ride Into th country I . and ft dinner at the Hotel sstacada. ' Sunday troUsy trips tm th O. W. P.-s. oars every li minutes, fare I cents. To Oregon City and Canemah park, every 40 mlnntea. " Round trip 41 cents. Es- taeadft 7:10. 1:4a, Il.tO,. 1:10, :!; f cents rouna trip. : - ' Pickpockets secflred ft raluabla s-old watci last night from W..H-Phipe4U)Ubelt--riir Hot Falling street, as h mingled with the J 1T ! v tL,Y. tarrmA In rront of tha nlavnt nf Ik. Tnt-t. i ' land Oanaral Eleetrla company. Seventh and Alder strsets, when th Ughu went ou t. i -'" '."- ;'xv -i1 I0,00 Xmmlgraata WantsdaTo locat long ths Oregon Water Power do Rail way company's Una between Portland .. and Eatacada. For Information Inquire of the Oregon Water Power Townslt . company, 114 First street. Phone, Mala ': ' At police headquartera laat night, "E. . Samson, who lives at ft north end lodg- . Ins-house, reported th loss of s wateh .'c .and . which were stolen, a said. He I i had been drinking with strangers; After f they departed he discovered th loss., .. .... Beware of adulterated cream: Cut - .cans snd.' look . for; gritty-sediment . .in nottom ' or eana.; une tnouaana dollsra, reward - for proof of any adulteration In' either Oregon Orap or -; Paclflo brands of evaporated cream. , ', Est cads !- Offers Opportualtles to ' V 'manufacturers whloh means - millions ; of dollars If 'properly handled.' For ln . 1 formation Inquire of th Oregon Water ": Power Townslt company, -, 114 - First ''; ' street.. Foods, Main 1. --;. -Best dollar apsetlcles on earth, 'cor- rectly fitted by our expert optlolan. Ev- cry pair guaranteed. Examination free Mettger A Co Jewelers and dptlclana, ; on Wednesday at o'clock In th Dnl . .. - in, . - -. Itarlan chapel. Th following program r '- Tha excursion boat Oasellejrlll make I . trips to St. - Johns - Sunday, leaving , '. Washington street dock 10 tu m. and 4 ' ' . n. m. : leaving St, Johns' 1:10 p m. ; and 4:10 p. ., v 7 ''Xi-, ' , " ;'. Rav. f. B. Myer of London praachea l at th First .Qongregallonal. churoh Bum day morning, v Dr . House preaches la ; the evening.. Beceptlou of members and .. - baptism. ."-TV.:'-'-7"--X?-rW;' 'r- nv.-l Steamer-, Souttt- Bay aalls Monday v evening ror sarr rrsncisecc CsWa lU; a , steersse, II; meal and bertha Included. T- C. H. Thompson, agent, 111 Third street. pTh cltr hart win bactaarrad tn' th .i near future at acost of about 1100. 'All the ton work will be sera pod and th 'Interior of ths building brightened. Dlvorros wars' granted today to Mabel. from Barclay Davta for non-aupport snd 'drunkenness, and to iCate from Edward Floutoa for cruelty. I, . Fr- f " ' f. - i- . - - - - t . - i- ' . f - i f r- . ""': 'iV-v"?:!.''; 'i;: Mi Anna Pitchburn.1 . -' '' : .aftss tAnnls XMtchburn of this city, Mr , fw months' study with Percy Stevens of NawTork. has been I stnnpilwatstf1 BlAla AAmImHa l sewisa A Ksa 1 . vwmtlj . fMIU I. IMUlUllgjUlw bllUlUIIVS , yv the aaat. -Th .Incident of. heev appointment .Is an interesting one. Th Pirst Eplsoo- pat -cnurcn or Lakeview, n. is . -a vary faahtonab.le one. situated In one of the moat .faahtonabl 'Winter reaort of tha country, f any of New JTork'a ln J22fS25. and Mr. and Mrs. Georg Gould, have tneir some, ueorgian wourt, at tnia place, -where they spend a large part of their winters. Mr. and Mrs. Gould and Miss Helen Gould have ft pew near the front rof this 'church. Oaul'a ora torio,. "Holy . City," was to .b given there this spring, and two daya before hand th leading contralto waa taken I sick. .' They sent la haste to Mr. Btev- POLICE HUNT FOR. In ft bank 'or vauiror lodglng-hons -this -cltv It. Is believed that there la aa ana n tie una hinnrni n March 15. Detect r . ives are trying td find th money." '" " " Touss was In Portland last October, and visited tils friend, Nathan SeglL who has clothing a tore si IS Third street. He had been a miner la Cripple Greek- Colorado, for a number ot years, snd Is said to have accumulated about 170,000. He had . tha money . With 'him when h reached Portland. - - - After remaining here ' for several weeks h went to Hot Springs, where tjsdles and gents' hat .renovated. Pa cific Hat.. Works, 3l d it Cof lit Aoaleys envelop display. Aoma Phar macy, Third and Burnstdi ; . "Ladies ;Bth' Parlor. W- reduce th abdoman. cur rheumatism, grip, Isms back. .411 Morrison street. ; Hood 101S. 2 , ..:?-r ' ' V- t v ' - Dr. , Amos, surgeon. -Dekum butldlag. 'oaUl ItaL-French rsstaorant, til Cpshur -"'Ask your grocer for Golden Cheddar. STATE PRISONERS AID a v I SOCIETY MEETING " Th third annual meeting of Ch Ore gon-Prisoners'-Aid society wllr be held will be presented: : Address by Governor George XL , Chamberlain ; 'Xhir - State Prison," by Rev. B. P Murphy; Penal Legislation In , Oregon," by Dr. "s. 'S. Wise; report of offloers;v annual elec tion: vocal solos, by Mrs. FltcBt-J,lna ftnd MTC'Anna Selkirk Norton. The president of th society Is W. S. Gilbert, D. XX vice-president and treas urer. Ben -Belling; secretary. Mill la R. Trumbull ( legal counsel. iThomaaJN. Strong. - -Pireetojfa f, IX-Xts. ftj,. og. I i""' "V WUliara Wadhama. Dr. & 8. Wine, R. J.T,wr . , ! 1 nenaricas. juessnasr .rr, a. r, sears, t Jr., Mrs. George Russell, Rev. E. p. Hilt - Fat Folks. . :. I T hsv reduced my weight II pounds. bust nln inches, waist eight Inches and hips nine Inches In ft short tinW by. a guaranteed, harmless remedy without axercla or starving. - J want to tell you all abovt it Enclose stamp and ad. dress. k.'r. Ciarlotte Woodward, Or. V Cty, Cr. - v r v - . - V - . ;. ens for ft supply, snd Mis Ditehburn learned th boo re, which Incladaa two big alto soles, besides much quartette and Chorus work. In tha twa remaining daya.- Her vole met with such favor that Immediately after the concert she was aaked to become permanent solo mV'-r-V -" --; - - r , " -v.-,', Miss XMtchburn, while In Portland, studied first with Mrs. Basis, and later wun Mrs. llen-Kinsman, wb la now In Chicago. Much of her attention was turned to. reading. In which aha is very clever, and she was ambitious to go on the stare. - This her mother did not ap prove ox, ana wnen Anns went ast ah gavs much attention to mualo. Before long, however, aha met. with such an usual success that ah' gave vv we and more attention to It and to ".German. She will return, to- New Tork in Sep tember, where she expects to continue her voles, study, besides filling . her church position, he was kflled. It was reported at the time that it was ft ease of suicide, but oeveiopments snowed it waa murder. The body was shipped to his horns In Cripple Creek and an investigation be gun. . , . r Officers at Hot' Spring failed to find his trunk or any or hla belongings. Evt- dence was ' secured, however, which caused the belief that ho left his money in tnis city. , rne mother or touss wrote to Mr. Basil yesterday asking that f. fort be made to find her son's prop- arty. Segil took the letter to polio headquarters this morning, and Detect Ives Carpenter and Reetng were detallad on the case. r. ... ;- - ,; -.- PRIMROSE PATH LED ' HIM TO THE SEWERS Hiving spent tha money In riotous living in ths thro months ha has been In Portland. R.C Sharp wss taken Into custody today by Deputy Sheriff Pax ton of Independence,' ' Kansas, on 1 charge of embessllng funds obtained in th. sal ot ft butcher ahop there, and will ' be 1 conveyed , to - Independence to answer th charge. ' Deputy Paxton ar rived this morning and found his pris oner In the county Jail here, having oeen arrested by nnartrr word sight day ago on a description sent him. - , Part of ths butcher ahop waa owned by another man. - .After his money 'was gon Sharp went to work on a city sewer gang, aa a "common laoorer, . : WHO IS OUR YOUNGEST . - VETERAN OF CIVIL WAR? s, ', -. . - ; : . : A statement that an Oregon City vet eran I the youngest surviving wsldlsr of ths civil war residing In Oregon la disputed by Edward Carpenter,, who conducts ft Chicken rafich near Damaa us. Hs served" ft year In th army, and Is now only. II yara old.i.. i.-.l. Mr. Carpenter enlisted at th age of 10 years, 'la -oompargr-B, Forty-third Wisconsin volunteers- st Milwaukee, In June, 1114. He saw servles In Tennes shV- esatn- Perreat's JohnaonvillSti Hs cams to Ore " " j gon- three years ago.. It Is la the youngest veteran la Oregon who carried ft' muekel In the civil war. ' ; buwmXkTM ttOBS. - Th Toung People's socletfes of th east ll(a churches will units In an Easter sunrtss prayer meeting tomor row morning st T o'clock, st th United Brethren, church. East' Fifteenth - sad Morrison streets, -APPLY" - A . ,U Walls 5l4Chambef of Commerce ; or 393 26th Street -: WOMEN ARE AGENTS:3 OF VETERAN SOLDIERS vetotii rfmt i i Si isBsssssawwMWaasssSSsj . t --- ,... . " vH "-XT i,., . Soliciting Monty for th. 8ol- ;Ciw Monumont Fund of -r i- Lont Fir Comotery. v Officers of the soldiers' . Lon Plr eused of soliciting funds for the monu ment without th sanction- of tha asso ciation were authorised ftganta and were lustifisd tnrcollrc ting whatever-sums tney could. " . TTHT funds collected" win grr-to-tha-aid of the soldiers monument fund of Lona ir cemetery, tor in purpose or beau tifying th block in that burial ground which holds the dead of tha Mexican. In. dlan, civil and Spahlah-Amerlcan wars. The officers of the association are: M. L. Pratt, president; Captain E. Mar tin. vlfjrealdent: CapUIn J. H. McMil lan, treaaurer; J. W. O dl bee, treasurer, z O. BL Cftukln, asalatant adjustsnt-gen-eral of th department of Oregon, O. A. who atated yesterday that tha two woman should be severely; punished for their Illegal operattona, made an investl. gatlon snd found their operations wer perfectly legitimate. 1 knew nothing ot their efforts yes terday." he said, "and accordingly de nounced them. However, I have since learned that-tha funds ar being raised for a worthy caase and have given it my support." - , Th entertainment .to which tickets war sold by th women will be give next Thursday at Auditorium, hall, on Third street between Salmon and Taylor streets.. . . . t . : . t, ? . :. ,., FED STOLEN SAUSAGE S TO RELUCTANT HORSE "Boxcar" - Cassy at ' the county poor farm, but a into tho city yes- terday. - Ho begaa as ha arrived. he inking gm as soon snd took beer ss "chassrs.". Th cams dimmed s recollection be. failed to remem found. himself in bar snythlng unt municipal court . 1 charge of larceny. (rhomlng fsclng a Police Officer A wsjung along Second atraet yesterday afternoon. and at the corner of Tamhlll street saw Casey trying to make ". horss eat Bo logna sausage. Hs had ft long string of sausag on his arm. and held ft piece temptingly In front of -the hors. He wss very much surprised and ,bffended because the animal wouldn t eat. ; Hs was charged with having taken th sausage from ft near-by bu toner shop, and waa given to days., ., ! -t-T-- I ' I I EPISCOPAL CHURCH -THANKS-PRESBYTERIAN Episcopal church Holy, week neon meetings, whloh havs bean' held in -tha People's InstKnte, Fourth' snd , BurnV tcasta. aliau iaay with ,a by George Burton, whloh waa In Una with th practical teaching of the week. Dr. Hop presided, and in closing pointed out two highly 4 Important aspects of th week's work; the gener ous ana orouiany oourcesy or. me rres- byterlan church to the Episcopal church la granting all tha facilities of th instl tub for ths week. and. in th second place, th addresses have shown th strength of th men la ths pews when it cornea to a ess of advancing .tha 1 of practical Christianity. . Ths growing Interest . of th laity of all churches in ths essentials ot Christian living' as evidenced by these meetings promise in ths near future moat impor tant A vlnfimant a . :.'. OFF FOR CHINA. iwra Satk This xseralag With Cargo of Hay and Oats. .'). " tTTaosn wTOTrTrimsTiro ued at 110,000 and 11.141 bale of hay worth $11,000. th,. British steamship Sandhurst ' sailed ' this morning; for Tsingtau, China, She has on a third mors cargo than th Ras Elba. ' which cleared for. th sams port mora. than a month ago. . " - It was supposed, that th Ssndhurat would be detained la port for few days, becaas on of her Chines sail ors-deserted shortly after aha reached ner. A penalty or rrom lioo to 1 1,010 be Imposed a gal net th captain In a ess at this sort, but It wss decided not - to prosecute ths skipper on the Sandhurst, as It was shown that h was not Implicated in tho matter. Aft effort la being mads to locate ths Chin, sse, snd If he la found h will be de ported. ;. ' V ; Immigration Inspector Barbour states ha will explain 'th" "circumstances fully to ua Department ot commerce and 1 bor, and-taaka reconunandatlona that greater number of watchmen be place on auty wnen oriental steamers la port. , .'. . .. -. v ; rxovsV AsTv .mAjr fob t avj With I.I7I sacks of flour. ilOO of bran and ft large quantity ot mlsesl laneoua freight and many passsngsrs, the steamer Oregon" ss Had last night tor aan Tancieco '.-!. -.-.., . ... Aevly all th flour la cdniina& . to Panama and . other porta in Central America. It will be reahlpped from San Frsnctsoo on the steamers operated ins t-acino nu , company. Blmllar shipments' to ths sams destination are mad en nearly every vessel going down th ooast from this port. - Local ship pers say that It- might as wall b car ried tram hers direct to Panama, j . ; Oar Oala fa On ftp Utatlvs OmM Qnlalaa ' t werld-wld OnM T era.taa nuaa. Call far tk fall sa we d leak ler the algsater et I. ,W. Crave, sse. ttvjk T.r : i rtlilion Ft WHI B C:r,t ; ty; tho .. 'Corrnan:; , V C::tmr RapsJIo.' f? --f7- J- . V:wsBBSBBBwawJewBessj FIST CAHCO FOR THAT"; ? FCnT IN THREE YEARS Ccni!iment In Largo Placet, u and is InUnded for Dock . :; . v' - '. CuJSdinj Purposos. :' V.r .-V ' ' .. . .-..... ;. --, This morning th ' Paclflo . Export Lumber company ahartered th German steamship Rapallo to load lumber at Portland L for Calcutta, . Tha vassal Is now en route from tha far aaat. and 1 due about th middle of May. The Rapallo is of about ths sam sis aa th Aragonla. operated by the Port land Aslstlo Steamship company, and Is capable, of handling about J.OO0.OM feet of Oregon fir. She Is et 4,141 tons net register. 400.1 feet long, 11 feet beam, 1. I foot -bold, and la owned Robert M. Slomsn Co; ol Hambt Bhs will, be . th largest lumber carrier to visit tnis . port .ror mors . than a yean It la probable that the cargo will be completed on Puget sound, if s full cargo cannot be secured her with out delaying the ship. Although mors-lumber haa been -die- patched - from the -Columbia and Wil lamette rivers to ths fsr east this sea son than-usual, this will be the drat cargo to be seat to Calcutta for - more tnsat three-year! It will consist largely of long beama and stringers, and la for dock purposes. - Heretofore - nearly - all f shipments for ths past year or two have been bf sailing vessel.'. i' Kxporters ar 01 tns opinion inai mors Oregon fir will be sent to the various ports "across th Paclflo during ths next 13 months thsn ever before in Portland' history. It Is explained that ths commerce over there Is growing, such an extent that It Is becoming lny peratlvo that the oriental ports be pro vided with more warehouses and other improvements, necessitating big Impor tations ot lumbsr. - . ... r'; O. R. A N. HIS COMPETITOR; Spencot Says th Big Oorpetw sna Opposition Boats, ' Captain E. W. BpenVer says t he-Oregon Railroad A Msvigatton company owna tho steamers of tha Regulator Una.. It will be remembered that these vessels, together with the . Columbia River A Northern railroad, were sold ft couple of months ago, presumably to sn seat em" corporation. ' ' ' ' T am confident that Oregon Railroad A Navigation owns ths steamers.! said Captain Spencer last evening, "for the reason that tha railroad company named doea everything In Its power to pro- mot their interests. At ths Alna worth dock they are given' landing privileges and permitted to discharge freight there. The Charles A. Spencer, however. Is denied this privilege. Frequently the brings freight from Th Dallea Intended for Btaipmentby rsil to Interior points, and of course it wftuld savs ft big dray age charts if she were allowed to land at the company dock. This snd other mattara have led m to believe the Ore gon Railroad A Navigation aompany operating th stesmers .recently sold by ths Regulator line." - c - .Ths - captain - atated "that hs would make things Interesting this season with th Steamer Spencer. Believing thst ths Oregon Railroad aV Navigation com pany is his competitor on the upper river he has decided to reduce the pes. senger : rates' - to 1 between Portland and Th Dalles. - The tariff la 11.80. Th reduction -will take effect on May 1. i- Him steamer wlU also Tnake th found' trip every day.' If -the opposi tion meets ths cut and provides a dally service he Is planning to fight It on ths lower river " run. GBrTnesdsys,- Wsd- nee daya and. Saturdays th Spencer will make th trip to Th Dalles and return, while 'on Tuesdays and Thursday 'she 111 make ths round voyage between Portland, and Astoria. On Fridays aha a -Idle .In -port- and oa Sun days shs will- carry excursionists to Cascade Locks and return. By carrying out this program tha captain states that hs will be In a position- to make . It lively for the Oregon Railroad A Navigation boats all along th 11ns. H declares that nono can show th spssd . that th Spencer de velops. r--- - -r x-. WILL PAINT DOCKS. , ; j Owasri of Waterfront Prupeity to Jata , . Sprlag monaenliasing Brlgftds. At th solicitation of tha member of the- elvlo Improvement board of - ths chamber of commerce th owner ot waterfront property have promised to Claair and paint the docks Immediately after the June rlae. Every . spring cost of whitswssh has besa applied to a number of the docks from which th steamers operate. but there are other "structures that look as though they have not been cleaned for years. People coming to Fortiaaa from othsr coast cities havs often remarked that tho docks st Portland look to be In worse condition - thsn the wharves elsewhere. The owners generally agree with them, and sxplsiii. that it Is not necessary to paint ths docks at Fort land every few. years as Is ths eass at ths salt watsr ports, which are Infssted with teredos. Piling In th Willamette river lasts for' years, snd that la th principal reason ths docks look shabby. But It is contended that there la no ex cuse for the owners to let their build ings go" unpalnted. , i-- ; ..,,;?' ALONO-THE-WATER- FRONT. On Tuesday 1 ths steamer lone will resume service nexween rorusna sna Wasbougal. She has been given ft gen rrsl -t and is now halng re. painted. - - , - ' ' 1 BecsuB of ths poor patronage shs re-eelved-.tbt. steamer. GaseUe.. wastaken sff the Portland-Llnnton-8t. Johns rout Ctterday. Iter owners win operate ner ..the harborinUiageneral .'Jobbing trade until the Liewis sno Clark rsir oprna, when aha will again engage In the .pasaenner nnainess 1 1. , uti According to ths Ban rrsneiaco com. ere In I New- the- British etesmshlp tv,4.n. -Tinay- at -Hfmolntilla under barter, to losd flour for Japftir-at San .nolaco or Puget sound. - None of .the lw.. -exporters spnesrs to anow any. g about It. THR.4vssei was is bi.ctied from s nsn- rrsncisco to tn t with flour by ins ucciosntsi tl gteamahlb eompeny isst montn. Britian amp mn inunn rea- afternoon rrom the inman-roui- tha North Pacific mill, where shs triplet hf lumber cargo. - Steamer , t aseaue arni-sa mi g - from can sTspciacej ar . oe.en Ot i ter Ir Sr I I wll V lad -6 MOYER, BABGOCKpip MITCHELL, BEE LIIVE :. ?,, , Th Plsssars Thlla f Vaany, .' wa "Ifcndle Vlth JCcre Is a sign never seen on ft Mitchell of Snsli Dicycle Built ' for . endurance,! built for spssd they-U stsnd th racket. They cost from 111.00 to 141.00. Cheap, aren't theyt ' Why not' have onT Might as well get tha best when: they can be had for - this prlcev . r '. ' ' ,-.;T.-r' EVsULYTrPvOrOlt QUALITY: pi HATS OUTMOTTr Where they servo those Sunday French Dinners, with wine, for L - WR ARB INTRODUCING FOR FIRST TTMKHN THE CITT OF PORTLAND NEW ORCHESTRAL . MUSIC tiAKr, MANDOUN. GUITAR, ETC. Suites with "Dftthsv-hoe-ftwd sold-watsr and telephone in every ' OfTXOB S0 AXBXS moored at ths Oreenwich dock to dis charge general cargo. . She will load with lumber for th return trip. Th . government . dredge Chinook reached th moorings opposite St, Johns Isst night, andjgUl remain ther await ing orders from ths war department. Collector of Custom Patterson re ceived word this morning from ths treasury' department that C. J. Me Cracken, '"an examiner of merchandise in th government employ, will be tranaf erred from Honolulu to the sub port sn the Lewis - and Clark fair grounds to remain until ths elos of ths exposition. Mr. MoCraeken was form erly stationed at Portland. . The - aovernment survey post Arago arrived In ths harbor last evening from s erulss down ths river. Shs will prob ably go out on ft surveying expedition aoon. . v , - After ft passage or ist aaya tne French bark La Fountain, Captain Hamon,' reached Astoria last evening from Antwerp with a generaLcsrgo con signed to Balfour. Guthrie Co, of this city. Ths vessel will probably leav up th river for Portland this afternoon. Lft Fountain was here last sssson, tak ing out a cargo -or grain tor in unitca Kingdom. , - -j-- :. .-.x... j .... MARINE NOTES. t. 'A Astorls. April 11. Arrived down dur ing tho night and sailed at 1:10 a. nu steamer Bee, for San Pedro, - 0 . 1 San Francisco, April II. Arrived u a. ra steamer Aberdeen, from Port. land.-' -j. ' . . 1 " Bukera. April IT. Arrived, atsamet Alliance, from Portland via Coos Bay. Arrived yesterday, steamer Acme, from Columbia riven . . .- .Astoria. April ll. Arrived at ii:io p. m., -schooner Endeavor, from Redondo. Left' up st I n. m.. steamer Casoads. Sailed at 1:10 p. m., sehoone'r Alexander T. Brown. for MsnUftandi. schooner ChurchUI, for Haiphong. Arrived at 4 p. m., French bark La Fountain, from Antwerp. 1 Arrived at I p. m., schooner F. Coates, rrom Han reoro. sailed at 4 pi - m.r- ateamer North Jung, f 01 Alsska. ' ' ' Bmo "FrancigciJ, April II. Ballad, American bark Hecla. for Portland, galled at T p. m., steamer Northland, for Portland, " ,1 ' " " r- -7 Tontraa wrxij tow babwbs,-- Bsrges of rock will be towed from tha Bunker Hill suarry to the 'government jetty at th mouth of the river this sea son by tha steamer-Vosburg, the Ore gon Ronnd Lumber company having chartered her for that purpose. The vesa Is at the Portland shipyards for repairs, which ars practically completed, ant r v .A be rdy to go Into corn. ' li f. v s. Ixcal Inr ec- 1 .'r arilocJor 'in t I -, . . ' ' . . 1 i;;';'" THIS IS THB J 01 mm Will alwaya be tocepteft tf year buggy coma from oar store, :;'ARB:;;doqDW.". They ar as good aa bey kx. Half tha pleasure r ft drtv de- p)dg on ta vnswr. , SATS Implements t -f Harness B ASED ALi!L ! I ' BBOBBATZCnr PABJC, Oornsc Taugka aad wamty-fnxth (j. ' V PORTLAIJL LOOAIJGlXLnO Ttaarrtw ifttrMtft. 1S o'Cltck 'V l: April 23 and 24 , 'i;'v' Oamee called IcloVewck. , J," .. Sundays,, 2:10. enetml ftgmtaslon, Ua. OhiMraau tfo. Grandstand for ladles free every . . ounoars ana aouomysi men Zia. aaaaias day Friday. I v Tmtm -a b-. Henar and TanBiv ' ntrbta ih . L. ft. T0CKWBU and t'MBft. I VIL. la the Oaady-traBm. . ' ot. joaar sasxa'. r - rainnft latM , exeeM lt I II; Uat I muwm. Ta. OeJlary.. SBe aad IBe. - Baleaavi le aaB t Baaea aad kgea, . seats . se COLUMBIA nTHEATr 14th aad WashUkrtoa. : . anami,- . . , . . . ttsaTwnasiaaias W -Oatawan mmri Preaeatlag nertba If. ri' r a mats The ealv ftratlaaa tttnnua la .V- fapalar prtota. SOe. Sae, auc. lrio; m Urn, 11 . lOr. . DeenHtowa kes n .e , a azi sHrrMaa. raess Mate 110: theatre. Mala 111. ramrell weak, startlas Si tha vm ulna faree-euswuT. st MOBS.' 1 a-.- i. Laat perfarasiBee taalght st 1:18 s'lek. Aiaiia3IOIt Tke Greet Tewseraace play. All seat week. startlaB tinnnaa a.u ,-. Ll he werld trntmnrnt eaaMtesal Breax. : r worm iwa nmami arime. . "...r THE LYRIC TIIEAT ITXNtb ' and- lIJ)'t nvrrn Brerr Afternoon and gv.. ' ' Tha Vw.r-.rt ' - gseelalties fterwMa - AaBa." . 7 rfnrmaaCTB at 1:90, T:BO aad :1( a, 'a. I'aual. price at admlaelea, 10 caata? ' STAR TICATTJI LL PWOA AST) f -.CTTA. mat wx.ros ? 1 ir wunxr, . -'-.": i XsO'V. I 0i ,,i.-."7 Mis a m . .; 1 10 4 Ci-ivyt ' " ' 1 f.uiB&iuaOU, j sCV. I 0. . - , .... mom. v. . -- x .... - - LX. ' 7 ya,U.IOuaOU. A 1 .' 1 1:S. T:0, a p. a. Assdaale lee. boitka a otcxx wsomi. - at n sisn, ; Third asd TaaHHII. KaattBg ft need. Kan. OTB I'll ACTS; , TU IftAVXOLAS, ' ' ' feas trtlsaa. , Mr. aad stnTpaMy Xagaa.' -sArtaVTBe Oreat Iegg siarr.,r Shews at 1:00, T:M ft. p. BV ; Aeanaaloa 10 eeata t aar aaat, QRA1NO A WOMIBWULi SILL natwa rmrmfmi ! mnmi, ioj lo rrjraix yi ism tot i. . TV OUVr II (. 7 XA4 IVX. A A7 U- -..- , . aAat- i i j i ., l.J J ..J. ;-r-- kl Itf I' .a. ftA .' . i. " Oeaeral adSLfealoa, loe. la traat, lOr. Boa eeata. raw at --'." - . XJEil-AaJ X . Kaw aeaa. Take Pwtl.a4 H-'-' e "4 f eft at HawrWiie Tmr, ana I - , . i Bsa. So m "- '. -x. m Unt BH- .- cant IB ' SMetiral . el .w l r nr. ra li. a a -V- 1 -.-'-V V --,'- ' '