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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 22, 1905)
t. . iv - v. -...' ' ill L' h TH E ORE'G v:j' rt t-A..-;y ,u C. . JACKSON j: published gvery' evening t except . Bandar ) " and - every wday - mocnlnj , at - - Tt THE PEOPLE VERSUS THE GRAFTERS. 'A;.. --.. v:- ." tC HL THEV PEOLEjorJhMlSi9e "'" tiki to aft1- editorial heatUtye, the Topeka :.? . Capital. -.Ah there t ;Thc aame problem is bob-. ' - bin up snd ! being eradoaHy solved everywhere. vt l Last year1 the ever-warm and sometimes boiling state V'"f Kansas made a break-away, from machine rule., -It did . not thereby and therewith break a way from tye Repub- lican party,' but, he "reform" or . "radical", element dic- L' fated the Republican nominations, and the policy of the state throughout,' How th machine politicians are .try '" ing to nndo, under party xover, jhif good and glorious ' work. Toe Capital says -.A Cy;;"." .'.:.?"-:: T ' i Next year pne branch fa legislature is' to be i 'A elected and new men are to be nominated for every , xecutivej state office except governor. Will the . people take these nominations in hand, as last year; . : or will they delegate this to n'llaU dozenjnen who.. '"' will meet in Topeka from time to time, puftheir, . heads together, pick out thef candidates and after no- v tifying their lieutenants over the state of .their de- ; cision, tel the peopjcwho to nominate-and elect to " ' these places?-' .w,r.-V". ' -.'-, i. ..-', '''-.- v: " .This is machine politics always and Everywhere,' , ' ' no matter what particular bunch of politicians man- agS it" The aim is always -the same to promote ; A' private and not public interests. Whoever and .. i wherever .they may be, the professional politicians r f are workinrfor two thiagi-theiKwn interests snd corporation interests. .The two go together because.. I the "sinews of war" come izgra corporate interests-,; which, either desire favoritism in assessment of their ; ' I oronertv or lor theif own pnrposes in a general way ; re billing to pay -for protection 4 with political machines . - " - v 'V There you set plain, straight, wholesome, important troth, and it is as applicable to Oregon as to Kansas 'indeed, U is applicable everywhere. ; r '. The paramount political question all is: Are the people to be sold out like to the corporations and syndicates wnose object ana pur nose is sreneral elunder? ' - v. v.. - v , The tariff question will come to the front again, cannot be kept down by the standpatters, for the tariff is the bulwark of many of the most insolent and aggres sive trusts, though as an academic question it Can wait " while. ".Frt silver", is dead, or for the present put out of sight "Imperialism". can await some further events. But the.roairf broad question jswhether -the men ths people employ to serve them and. do going to do so honestly and taitnruiiy, combines of vampires., ;v " f ; As a preliminary to settlina this are gradually taking into their own bands more power and restricting the delegated powetat" It is for this pur pose that initiative and referendum constitutional amend raents are adopted and primary nominating laws are v passed. Kansas, like Oregon, has anew primary ejection law. aadjf course the politicians, in league-with the high tariff beneficiaries and the trusts, corporations and sytr dicates. are trying to render it as nugatory is possible. The same thing is happening to some eatent here and will be more jmanif est next year when wo hava a tjreH eral state and county election;, but let the. people be on tneir guard, ana aeieat every roaenme ana t orporation politician at the pons, whatever his professed; polities. ; ' THE. DAY OF THE EVENINQ PAPER. HE St Paul Globe, once a promising newspaper, la about 'to turn up its toes to corporation blight, The St. . once a power in the land, and in Wheelock strikingly broad, dignified - itorial expressions, likewise seems indubitably headed for the scrap pile. Indeed the only genuine life, growth and , activity manifest io the St. Paul field is found in the after- t"kmi paprrlmithjtt' iipatrh far , News cutting a merry dip in the rear. The case there demonstrates as in of the country that the papers which .latioay-rc-thcafternoon newspapers. homes at a time when the great majority of men and 'women have the leisure to read and digest them. The farther west one goes the more obvious the opportunity ' of the evening newspapers which, because of the great advantage they have in time over New York and the .European newt centers, practically cover; the news of every day on the day it happens. paper is therefore beginning to serve no other .purpose than to amplify the news which the. evening newspaper presented the, evening before. . .This the circulation; to-the evening newspapers snd. with the .circulation must go the advertising patronage. - In this way they are being built into very profitable properties in , all parts of the, country while their morning contem poraries correspondingly suffer. "Papers like the Kansas 1 City Star, the Indianapolis News snd ihe Washington Star absolutely set the pace in their various fields in cir , 'culatioh. prestige and business.' These are three of scores i that might be mentioned. All of these have Sunday ,, morning editions which add enormously to their prestige .as well as their. bank accounts. In Chicago the paper I II III I t Mi II I 1 I III II1 sum .'AT Tijrortm. . , J -. From the Ptlldelphla Ptsm. ' ) Kalaar wllllam haa dons many tick ').'','" lUh n4 pArtloua thins.- but lie haa V-'. rarely takaa a stop more risky than bis t4lstt.te .Tanler..Ji.'. v.;.., , . .To him It is probably ilka his trip . t Jeruaalam,'enly the vlalt f an fnde-- 'J: fatUable tourist, with an T to aeeenia t affects, but. Moroooo Is In an unstable '- equilibrium. ' The 'rebellion' of the 'pre ' ' tender ia still maintained In the moun V stains. The tribe in the fertile stretch . ' ef. North Moroooo ; have beee 1 cahaoll- dated under the rule of'tUlvnll, In or v der to' prevent tfasm from flanlna; Into . open revolt. .'Ml the aouth la uneasy '.' and nowhere. are the roads atfe.. ' . 4- Branca. Ja eadaarorine, unde . the , , airreement With . England, by dlmeutt, delicate, aad tortuoua methods, to gain control over ' this welter of ' clashing Is, ; tribes, ruled by a weakf government, without any ' actual display of fore, though an army, haa been client! p- gath ered on the frontier ready. to aot If a 'military. occupation becomes neceaaary. jevorythlBgat each a moment depends on quiet and freedom from .external interfemiee. " Z . . .... .... -Hii thH itutto,-t tits payeHoTAgtcal moment. Just aa.tbere la a possibility pf-j revolt in the mountaioa or roraya on the frontier, forcing the -neeeaslty of armed action by Franco,, the emperor of Oor mear suddenly steps Into Taagier In ex actly the way which la certain to Im press the ruler of Moroeco and the reater ehlefa of all of the tribal con federacies that there la in Europe an-1 other power peeldea France, ready ' to id the Moors In maintaining, the Inde- remleitce which renders Slplomaile re- JaMone with the emperor of Oermanyr aaybodr. else poeilble. ON DAILY J OURN AL 'iNnipitiinsiiri nrwspapw. s . ' X-' '-: -Vv c J.t'iA--- - i PUBLISHED BY JOURNAL ' PUBUSI . Anl all directions: business. ' V". and1 diseases. - They of the country, and come foul, and thus their neighbors. on the part of the Kill the infested and so "book np!L ; : over the country sheep or sausages their business sre or seu toem out to "-'! ' ','" question ths people the daisies. Cause Paul Pioneer Press, the days of Joseph and able in its ed dreds of thousanda in the lrad an in the Union are ; .. ; ' : ' many Qther parts preparing to invest achieve great circu . They-eaeh-the ilesre: but there that "there is no The morning newkr is steadily giving lose his lob it Is casticallv alluded his own limitations who knew him. tion of the onlooking public I1 "I III Ill AOMXMTMXWMT.' Maker am I of opportunity, And Jord of fate beside. - Naught hems 5 Or bars mv war. i' I leas the bounds of blue; level mountalaa, bridge the lashing I sift the ores of twinkling worlds. To ne v- . The whirling systms, twilight, oona -. through, r -"- ' Bring tribute vast yet nothing ever ' - new: - s ". .' For ere they Wr Xam-hair Such are my realm and-retgn; tny throne . . Is Man. - ''"'' I make him god, to know both jgood and 111 . .-.' -c i ..To taste all fruits. hut chooee the rher stilt I, aimless never, paUeqt work my plan, Till of my stuff tola anal self Is - j" wrought V" ' vrr His will the tool, but t the maater, Thought! - AlrlaB. Bishop, A. In Buggestion. jPTAT MT70K, ' ' From the Chleago-loui III the. organisation xt their army the "Japanese "copied' the "German yetera, knd la the navy the English and Ameri can. In their code of laws they imitated La Code Napoleon, and afterward the German principle and method. In finance they - eopied the American system by adopting our gold, silver, .nickel aad copper money, and. they went so-far as to copy the greenbacks, from us. Their first paper money was made and printed in New Tork In 187S. If you will take up thooe old Japanese greenbacks you will find them exactly the aame aa the J American., wits, tao diSoreace xoept 44 ihe writing. JfSD. P CAKROtA Tbe Joortutt-9aiMlng, Fifth and' Yamhill TOIO COt which produces the biggest net profits !s the Newt which ta'printed aix'evcninsrs a week. k.. "r" ' ' ' ' thS-vening-paperar. coming to the front or arc already come. Portland was practically tne last big field to be invaded' and the reaulu attained here have simply-demonstrated the truth 'of the general ol servaiion that the evening paper is rapidly superseding the morning -publications in prestige, popularity and i - OREGON FRITIT AND FRUIT PESTS. -'';:- I ; '-). '.rr,.V V-"- v.-V J- i HE Medford Mail, an observant and Intelligent in terior exchange, says: ? "There are many neg lected orchards infested with destructive insect are a menace to the fruit industry have, been-(tolerated too long. It is probable that action will sow be taken to put an end to this evil The new law gives the state board of horti culture power to deal effectively with mfected orchards." The Weston Leader, another local paper bf high class, says that while the orchard interests of eastern Umatilla county arc developing, and that people ' are gradually discovering the Value of fruit raising, many people with orchards are thriftless or careless, and allow them to be sot only to injure themselves but alt ' : . r' '''"i," The same complaint comes from other, from many, lo calities, and it should meet with swift and sharp response state board of horticulture, and of eit- hens generally who do their duty and are struggling to raise sound," perfect fruit in Oregon. J J, , y , . orchards! Wipe them out! if men owning them Jiave.not enough' either of self-interest or pnde or common sense to kill the peats, as everybody knows can be don then kill their orchards; destroy them root and branch.;-"-' .'.':. . -':'- -i '-'. The owners of vile orchards will doubtless squirm arid squeal some, but let. them; the sooner 'such men are frosen out of the business of, raising fruit, even for their own table, the better. The state cannot afford to allow men, in order to supply their own tables and sometimes the markets and-, other people's table too, with inferior and worm-eaten fruit, to contaminate the -orcharda of whole neighborhood, including those of men who are trying intelligently and conscientiously to raise good, sound fruit.l;I..tril;::z:-rJ:L::'.V'":. " , !. These men must be protected and encouraged. Let the foul orchards of the other class of men be destroyed. Only thus will Oregon ever attain the rank 'that it de serves to reach as a fruit state- - .---.--.-i --V7. ;r . NO-PLACE LIKE OREGON. Z c ' GOOD DEAL of comment haa been made by the r-interior press recently about the departure bf - local capital for foreign fields. This has been especially noted in Umatilla, Union, Gilliam, Sherman and -some 'other eastern Oregon counties. From Uma tilla county alone several hundred thousand dollars, per haps over half a million, has gone within year or two to Mexico California, Alberta and other places. Nobody challenges' the right of the owners of this surplus cash to do this." It is theirt to go where with and do whst with they -pleaseV Bur the old truth is coming home to many bf trresa investors' that "distance lends enchantment to the vie w.', ' One two men with plenty of capital have msdes money in-Alaska; a very few are in the way of making money in Alberta Jome think they have bright prospects to make a pile of money ' raising coffee in Jalisco, Mexico; yet as a rule the truth is being brought practically borne to most of tiem that "Oregon is good enough," and that there is no place in any country where money can be inveatcd to better advantage, especially if that investment involves residence in the place where the tnonev is olanted. -i'---.-'-'' ' j .H;' .-.While a comparatively . few 1 Oregon 1 men r are -thus soreadins: their financial' wings and scattering some hun abroad, men from almost every state loolung over Oregon,, and investing here, believing it the .very best field ah earth, evervtbinc considered, as it is.. - - Fly out, investigate, speculate,. toil and wrestle cIsct wheTriryon'choose, meff-ororrtfgn'; tmin yonr prit- will be few if any mothers' sons of you who will not acknowledge in the outcome, if not now. place like Oregon." ". - f . ; v "The king is dead; Jong live he king.", John Barrett, United Statea minister with the prestige of the admin istration back of him, is then "Our John," and there are nothing but sweet and oily words to say of him.. But when a rumor comes thst he is discredited and liable to quite another matter and. Barrett is sar to aa quite a wise man in recognising snd dropping out of diplomacy beforr he is incontinently fired. The Barrett of today and the Barrett of yesterday is quite another fellow in the es timation of the Oregonian. ' And yet he is much the same fellow today he was yesterday and his limitations, what ever they are, were quite as, well recognized by those Kicking the under dog may be a pleas ing and tafe performance but we arc very much in doubt if it raises the one who does the kicking in the estima From ."The Opening of Thibet,' by Per- .'' - ,.. ( oeval ladoa. ; :, L Kuddy sheldrake, pintails, bar-headed geese, pochards, terns, teal and wild duck were an , to he seen, and it was easy to aproaeh within St yards of them. A curious thing waa here to be seen. These birds undoubtedly migrate anna ally .across tha. Himalayas from the plains of India, . Lower down they had had experience enough ef the meaning and danger of a man's figure. Here- In Thibet, . where ' no ' bird haa been shot slnoe Boble offended the suseeptlbfllttee of his companions, they -did not ahow the slighteat fear when the long dusty ooiumns core aown upon tnem. f f But aftsrtM evenrng artas ftiTii'rnrM shooting was for the first time permit ted after ' our arrival, in samp, the ehange that came over the fowl wan strange indeed. Jn a .moment they be came, and they remained, as shy as ever they had teen ia India. i .fm SOWS AT J'rwn.tha Chicago Trlbone. To hare hef five sons, all priesta, 6U loiaUngar' ner fuheral"'lS ' The dis tinction which the lats . Mrs.. Johanna Stanton Hickey - shares with no other woman, ' so far, in the history of n Roman Catholic church In the United States. Mrs. Rickey. . who was the widow of . Patrick Hickey, purehashig agent of the Cincinnati. Hamilton g. Iayton railroad, died the other oaf Cincinnati. She' was the mother 0f seven chUdren. Her' five sons sre or dained prleaU and one of her two daughters Is Slater M. Annunciate of Notre Dams convent. Reading. X .The other remained at home with her mother. AaSasBBs(ssi Small Ckan3 J Osan up, IS the cry. Also April sunshine. ' Good day. to eat flah, Smell .beats tasU aomeUmsa. ' j". ' . '. Oet rid of th ugly old fences.. . ; Not only mean -op but paint up. ' " Mr. Honey's really hard job la yet U Senator . Burton la stQl drawing his But Oregon - strawbemesT wni be dlf feremt. , ; ., j ; 1 , r -t - . ;. ; j . -. . ...). - -,. 1 . ' y 1 No backward atop In Portland's a- vancement. -;.u .- -; - It ought to be a busy year for ihe stork aisct' , ' . l . Xxita of people already. Trepajin to come to the fair. '. . i. , , Bat who can identify those alleged John' Paul Jones bones t . t '., r .. Criminal trials are needlessly esd op pressively expensive. , . Still, a beefsteak 'la not ret aa costly aa an Easter Donaot, . , , . , . 4 , At leaet Portland hasn't - the town- oow problem on hand. v i- . The mayor says he : needa so club. Haa he big stick? . , , George HT Howell . has . cleared bU skirts for campaign aettov-i ; But what a ' .1' basohall ' onsipare4-4e freffKKiil played by athleUcgirtat ..' ! The bappieat persons on earth are the boys with baseball tickets . , r Awful warning to chUdrea: A Phila delphia boy choked to death on candy. , j . Manifestly good many Republicans who do not otherwise agree are opposed te the snayor, .. ;.-' v;-' ,- --.'V-f Poor Fraaoe haa both Japan and Ger many threatening bar, and Count Castel lans la her midst. - .-: ;y "VT, "What s become of reciprocity r aaks the Bowton Globe. ; Probably Taft; is aiulng oe that, too. -y. y There seems te be two Jcfferaonlaa mioesncsss. 'aays the Minneapolis Tribune. . Twel - A desan.-' " ,, An Indian girl la tadyina law at Lee Angeles. She had Vrtter be studying housekeeping or farming. . v A m Timla AratM- fel1n4A ta Stpvan aa s "bright lodeswr." but the aubel- dlaed compositor rrade it "bright lob ster." - :r'i TT.jr : ' " - That waa a One nought of the ehaat- be ed oomnieiee i.lseper paint end a nice action en the Jpart' of the paint Tha atralecista' are growing prema turely old beoause Rojeatvenaky end Toato - dont move aeoordlng to the strategists ealoviatlona. ? -. John Barrett, mmlatar to Panama, is bound to achieve new- notoriety every year, even if he has to resign to do ao. It Is a safe guess that John doesnt like the Isthmian elunate and society any way, - , f I.-..-.... .',;,.', ; w Orcdti Si Jclittfi A good flsblng season Is .expected. ' No more minors dleton, , -' ia aalooDS In Pen- county cberrlee i - i - V ' people are talking Peaeh crop prospect all right around Ashland,, .. . t ' Baker esunty also has a law-enforc ing eherttf. ; . . ( Alfalfa acreage Increasing TJnlon county, . much. V;;'' ' The Band on woolen" mills will sooa he In operation. , . ' TBngene fenoes are being rapidly tors down. Good move. . , , l Oenaan untherans wm organise a church In Pendleton. ;. New Iron works and foundry to -be established at Pendleton :;; . , , ' : ) Crook county Is sure to have a ran road before long maybe two, v, . Tks C , E. railroad to . Yequlna la preparing fof Ue summer jraah. t The rjklah.' rjmatllln oounty, creamery win handle the product of sow cows. . v Bel lx will have a new water system, supplied by a lt.OOO-gallon reservoir. , One Lake county firm of sheep men seal lOO.OOS pounds of wool last Week. From S 5 bene a Corvallis man got in Karctr ttt sggs; Ave hens setting half the month; ISO eggs sold,. ; . .. . . . Several farmers around Condon wni soon go to Alberta, to locate, taking with tnem a carload of horses. -, , . . --. 1 causa people there buy new sboee rather than have old ones mended. , - . The first boat ever built In Condon, 4x1 1 feet, will be used on the John Day river tor surveying purposes, - A Milton man te raising chickens, on a large-scale.-having four large incu bators and four brooders;- Ho sells little RS!lJ-,,.JESdsfor.ll;jfc dosen. Everything shows that Ikt county will hava a banner year th la season. Crops are In fine shape, the rangee are exceptionally good and the markets are getting better, says the Lakevlew Her aid. , .' 1 v "",:-'' -s '. '''', '' Rabbltvtlle correspondence Irrigon Ir rigator: Tom Bunny's spotted cow has found a brand new spotted calf. There was a strong movement here In town lots last week.- Sid Sutternottom loet -we In the blav biowv-rope are dlng fine. The sage brush Is 'ia tail bloom, . r "N: ' .. Frost Injured Lane some... r - . y Cottage Grave creamery. 7 . -. I Sunday Sctoolj (By M. B. JeSlrihsv'A. -. -- '. -April - lt,-ites-r-Toplc;. v"The entry, of Jesus 'Into Jerusalem'sJohn- xUi i-it. v- rr:--vrrr .:''.i v Golden text, "Blessed Is be that com th la the name of the Lord' Matt. txt :.- t-t- - u-..-.-. ; Responsive reading, : Psalm lit. ; 2. Xntodantlan,.-l-.-J!i' j , 1 m. " ... hu. shii fiava thouxht It i.h..-ivi. a .i.v t nnr, the oaxt os itxtfmmt 11. .v - - - a noa-rosUUnt and that of a hero, but In Jeeua we see one who would no strive, yet whose bearing was iu a soldier snd a conqueror. s "--ell the plotting! of bis foes. He. knew their Anxiety to - apprehend him- He knew a reward was betrayal.' ' But Jeeue had not; come to Jerusalem to rave a pardon. He did not ' lower his ' etandard; ho- lifted It higher. He had hitherto repressed exuberant loyalty. , Now he would give It vent He had forbidden his disciples to go about demanding Messianic , hon ors for him tMatt. xvl:iO). But now that such a claim woma -no . .lMmHH.tlnil.1MI-tbi NTt Of any honest man. ho permitted even thlldren to aoareea aua mm . of Israel." It was his . final challenge to the men or nia own age mu . It was aasertlng a claim also-.- upon which posterity mustrpaae. . We should remember that there had h. er eanturlea - the fixed ' belief among the descendanU of Abraham that one wouiu mn w. - - ber whose sovereignty was jte h r"1 iMA - WK. Mm-'naaee anded dtSCUSBlOn among those learned In the Scriptures and conversant vra in- the past, was as. to ino hk " " .T. .k. .i,.M.aP t that king. Ech man saw- In the Messiah his own wishes "writ large.- ne a.: great-teaener,- e -wamwr, canuln. the devout s,resrwy temple "worship In Its. pllcity nnd xervor. i. iB"."'" ."""V had been in the open (John xvUl:SO). u. v. tim character: ha would now1 asume the offtcet ; And he would do tpis in the xaoo 01 nis """"5JT7 T mleZ in the very place where their an .1 I. ninMni . Ha was willing to die. ( but he was not willing to be hunted like a wno neasx or Umld and cowering iBLaii. .-!.. tJT. arrow should striko hlm.fuU In the bnasst. His dlselples did not real ise the meaning - " T.T until these evonU had beoomo Mstory, yet we may believe the evangelists tell the story of thlS entrance to Jerusalem with manly admiration for the courage of their great Leader. ; Verse II.' Whether ' Jesus would ap proach the temple, threatened as ne .. hla Menda an onen question (John xl:M-S). But when It was rumoreu uai - preparation for a public entry. It was Iw. ...4. nt mrrmmt axeltement UDOHI those Who had "come np to the feast.'' John seems here to a raw a r tlnctlon between the atUtude ef the rural pooulation ' and was 01 uo poiw latlon of Jerusalem. ' We sometimes hear references to , our tiorcrs - worm that a lara-a aart ef . ., in tha eanltal of the nation. ' On the oentrary. his appoar- ances In Jerusalem were rew -ana w . . . u mA ik. Mnnirr with him. .b. .ina him Tt was the visitors who shouted "Hoanna.', but it was the nit that cried Tjruciry mm. niirad Jesus: Judas followed fta , verse IS. Among mu nuivn. . . . . . AMih.M. A, jlOWejL certain trees acquire symbolical mean ings. . With us the pine and the pal ubiq - tu avsw.w, w. ...w . metto have tneir weu-anown ..i tations. With the ancients the palm was aa distinctive of triumphal proces-1 -"H sions as the cypress was- i runerai rites. This Incident waa a cnaiienge ef Galilee to Judeh.' It waa a revolt iniMt the tyranny and cruelty -of the priesthood. It was the asaertlon by the people mat a no-w ioi rswsnlsedjuul IteUnsead of the rule of deputies they would only recognTXS the 'Tang." All of this was a, direct challenge to the authorities of the i.,i. '"Wt reeos-nlse this man aa the MesalatkWe bow to him aa our right ful oveTelsnT"" VTi ShalT hencerortn take our orders irom mm. not xrom tne templA",'" - Verse 14. Two Incidents are to be noted. Jesus did not some riding upon the horse, which 'was ruuy associatea with the warrior aa his shield, but be rode upon a peaceful beast of burden, as was la keeping with his purpose. He came upon a- young colt, upon whom never before had any one sat (Mark xi:). Royalty had Its steeds bred end reserved for royal use alone. The stipulation to bring a colt which had never been ridden, emphasised our Lord's claim b te sovereignty.'. . v'j v :..-.' I - Verse It, The evangelist records this Incident as fulfilling the words which had been spoken many generations be fore, words which ths Jews had al ways associated with the advent of the Messiah. The Immediate disciples of our Lord thoroughly believed him ful filling the predictive prophecies of the old testament. . :' ' . . Terse It. , The writers ot the gospels are always anxious to have It under stood that they did not Invent the Inci dents of their Lord's career.. It was not the prearranged but the unexpected that happened. He did not act out some comedy which they had devised. He lived. hiS own life to its tragic close; They no more controlled his actions than they commanded the orbits of the planets. They -did not even at the Urns recognise the coincidence of the event with the words of the prophets. Hie life was not duo to their connivance but It flashed upon them aa a surprise.. 1 Verses 17, It- The fact that Bethany waa so near and the raising ef Lasarus so recent, raised excitement to a high pitch. Whether Lasarus was in the ac companying multitude or not appears to have been regarded of little conse quence to the writer of this gospel. Every eye - wss upon . Jesus. . Evsry thought centered In him.'' Had Lasarus been like some converts he would have been like some converts he would have t pressed tg the front upon- every suenpry tne wi w yur oocon to tail 1 how . had besnjntvejL fwVot your ow braw. un t. tttm .in.., shit saved bv the Lord knows how to give God the glory and errace nimseiii . -" sought to become sv rival to Jesus. He .t.nt 1. h. ilmni, a disc I nia. vers-l;--Theverta-no Jtma.when" the oppoeltlon to Christ Is so pronounced as when hie acceptance te moet. evident. Undoubtedly- foolish-things -were- done - . 1 ikl.M- I t,i mntnrn ff hlfl followers, but- men of right spirit Veff inmiHii the creatnese of the Christ There sre professed Christians who al ways dwell more emphatically spon the mistakes mads In the conduct of a re vival than upon ths raising ef dead souls to life by means of It. The success ol Jesus does not break dowo,oppaltlos upon the part of such men as we eee here, but gives It new bitterness. r : Verse 24. We must remember thst. owlfig to the vlclaeltudes of war renew ing repeated conqiieata, .Palestine wss Aeewpted bv a population almost If not c,uite as k:rc.enoi2S as our own. In c 'n ir"" - --veofla Green wy. aa I-. 1 tic a language, fcwe.ef toe- ia vnout bng dtst'aotlvely na " i . Mihtless si red te rellg- ta'S .. . - ef their Hebrew frionds d west .-a Usm to 4ru-iu Li rreat aanlvarsarteeot their faith oocurrel. 1 - Verse IL Philip not only had a Greek . . k.. V. tNMi that- f,&rt of tne eour. try where Greek Inftuenoes were . .. . . , s-u.-Wm . mama wft4fct simt as 1 1 ttmtA l' ' 1. s. sj WBIS sva nr-v - . WWl sv jt-h c a . An.iS-tn A (hen I io 1 .t) to ta lnnor court or eha,af tV lusj SSI saw vw - - m, Mam Yasxiisi BMi . BX tlT IX ashing a rd deal, oonsldering"1 the hl.Uy exc! .1 etate 6t feeling at that . . . . ..j ..lfcr kl kl A.r I krata si swski1naV BkY' thsa.C I V -t:r- ? tolAmmJ aoirrxmy U ytar-out wt-a vro 1. o may wm . . that It was only aftr a oonsuluUon ...V . . thai tViA rilB- clples ventured 'to mention to Jesus the Sestre or usee aliens. - w ...---Verae ts. But the way in which their Master received the message filled them with astonishment. Instead of asking that It be kept secret. Instead of snak- I m . .wmhhA In. awillll, MA Am barrasaing a request,' Jesus pronounees this wish OS tne ureexs tne oua on mission, ' whleh-, would yet burst Into full flower. The Jew had considered It to be the glory of his religion that It waa limited to a purs race, to a ohoeen family. But Christianity,, according ts ...... ...!. ... 1, a .ln,v fMlv when It should be reeognised as a religion fot the world, wonawiae uussione nn an afterthought of Paul, but they eon ... ,& tha .inrv af tha a-omel aa Jesus proclaimed It In bis last hours. 1 - .verses s, im wm a thing crew to to kill it- At least, that la the way the process looks to men. you can get more broad by puUlng a bushel of wheat Into the muck than by putting It Into the oven.- The dlselples seem to have expressed some astonish ment In their Savior's presence. Per haps they said to one another in 'whis pers. "Then he is going to assume the sovereignty now.- Jesus aald. "I ehall found a wider kingdom by dying .than any mau oeiore mm w r j Ing others." . - -' Tr. nrv. av nt the oroaa is the way f victory not nnly for the Master bttt for tne servant -- the martyrs isha seed of the cburchl General Kuropatkln said of a recent bat Ue which his subaltern lost, that his under officer lost the light by 'Inter preUng hie orders Instead bf obeying them." Jesus says that however his policy may seem to us, it la only obedl- enoe to nia example " wm. th church to -victory-V' '.'' ''..t' m.A ,i. .in inw la mm mm routs ttW the Missouri river from. Fort Mandaa and bound ror tne neaawavsrs u wm Rockv mountains.) , l April D The day clear aad cold: we passed a nigh broil otr tne nortn ana plains en the south, in which were large herds ef buffalo, till breakfast, when the wind became so strong ahead that we proceeded with difficulty, even with the -eld -of tha tawllnev Some of the narty now walked across the Whlteearth river. whleh hero at the dlatanea of lour miMS from its mouth, approaches very Sear to the Missouri. It contains- more water than la usual in streams of the same slae at this season, with steep banks about 19 or Is feet high, and the water la much clearer than that ef the Missouri; the salts which have been mentioned as k. . v. k.r. ba ovomvn v ... . . . . ' - .Kmuhni that in RiiBT Dlaeee the around annekra oerfeotly white, and from this circumstance It may have derived Its name;-It waters an open country and la navigable almost to Its source, which Is not for- frlm the- Saakaskawan,- nnd. -Avtne- tram ita aixa and course. It Is probable that It extends as far north .. .k. Kjwt. 1 , 1 1. a ItttltnA. : ' r. mm www -m , . . ....t. In - .MIMflUDflMII Or i "'"i . . . r, : I.W. kl. wm M .IHW,IW,a II HBUH , nA temped In a low ground u,. covered with - Cottonwood and rabbltberries. The hills ot me atia- sourt -near this place exmnii-mrgs, ir regular broken masses of rocks and -An f which, althouarh SOO feet above the water, seem at some remote period to have been suDject to 11s m- .w. . f.rin. th water. These racks and stones consiBt t wm.v wh gray granite, ritue oiaca roca, nk limestone, xreestone, some el an enssUent pennis, ann Meinnallv broken stratas of a Mack- 1. Ilka natrlfted -WBOd.. Which CUIvm wmwMw . " . . - k. a ,.iatinM Thm nBual ao- paarance of coal- or carbonated wood. . a 1 b si i i i see si arv 11 s ptmunun. xiis sues.t being of a better quality, and when burnt - . lui mmA lectins- firm, amltting DU HUUMimeWMW mw-w ' - . w. ' . very UtUe smoke er flame. Tberoere largo haras or aeer, etn, antelope in view ot ue; the buffalo are h mm the NM. ' for ther SUffCT us to approach within MS yarde before they run, ana tnen stop ua ramnr m nuioM at a very short dlstanos. 7 The ttav nurmned a herd of them. and at length eanxht a calf that was llliwiriT . v . r w . ... n, . thena oeoaalons defending wi. . un enn ini rest, uie their young as long aa they can retreat last as tne neru, out nn mnr Ins any distance to eeea. wr wm. t ' TJEB ; ABX . BBOXOITSL ' - ' 'ssl ik. mNekSksvtsvwtw w4KTlsa. mm. mm tew. In tax t I h SW wVaMaCfSP (nt ; W tj CSjai fSen ga, unuiuisutusj avMw ws gardenlnr as wlntsr frosts the hair and . .a. .k.a - akeiA.ietk the springs cnase mmxn oui.r the world. It Isn't quits so Joyous as ,. t. . uiu truatv hoe and a rusty spade end go out and dig aad dig. Tims was wnen tne scent m ireen earth was almost as a stimulant to the . . . . K. h ,k. illuminated Tiirt- mmnmmm . - turee of the packages of garden seeds TUgot a 1 neres wumww goods of the green grocer are- growing " T mnA tha tmantlea of the garden In the back yard less entrancing than or yore, x au, wm , . .w.i. w.-j. unm tie and ouanch ths I,,, ui.ii . . fire that burns within,' lest we have . . 1. it . should he our care to keep- young and tnjoy the things that really maxe us so. " '' - 1 ' . . . . 1 -TV r 11 "1. i -ucwis ana vjiarit i " tlvlty Is worth rttP-Vlffn'Koo to confirm Ms belief that the the garden-is a .sweet -'-P et-1 bl. m tmXmUh0oi and that tbe ( tuoe, nrwtm ruii-a. "-"7 sweet and tender beets ,u'" tomstoes from your own prden, srown tomatoes from your own yrnety grown w. th ha hia. ana no dihh Excuse ue while we go out end nig. . . . n.iMM rhvAelcla. M rum ui. v. i. XThe.main object of the presidents trio west., outside TI his attenuate upon the reunion of his eld raiment. I, .to- -secure emueh needed rest,, to drink In all the fresh air he can and to "take of f welghC not told anyona how much he now weighs It is believed thst he would tip the scales at about pounds. . - - I , . - " - '.' Bnssten TfclodesSsn.':.;, - -From, the New Tork rrass. Russia is said to be eager to make peac- if the conditions Involve no ea Blon of Russian territory and the pay ment of ne Indemnity, and the osar is probably astonished at his own modere tiAM when ha neglects to demand title te Manchuria at conapenstx , loss of t-s waiwipa, ;..; v'- .", ."r-. . ' - V .- - Tmc sftsksah. Wmiih.. 1 1. To th -m w " ' sTMISAS a Tmsh T IM I lTt f 1 - VsUaT, KartUiei miw we a ww 1 mm w CwllOU IB Um IVsfW elliUww- WWWJ- titelt lste. HUrajroiir propoM io vuo- - . . . . . . . statement bat iylnr'out. ana toe tuew turn mv mwm u. . plural marriages sines tne awwmiu. ; All this ts notoriously untrue. And) the Tact tnat no morw ywwim v. , mwm wu- . riagea since Ittt were laid before the . . . . ..miMiltM la antlpalv due t6 the inability ef Mr. C. M. Owenvand a few others to cover too neiu ana wnpmt , the work in the short space of time But watch the smogs' at tae next er- fort. Why. there are ae lest than ve aatahllaluai BUM 'ia the little CitX of Pocatello, and legions of oases ouUV, or that looaitty, 01 wwon not a tew In Oregon, prominent among them a D.ku r.f Mfl.' ehu .fauns time end V disposition to go to -Idaho last summer aad bestow his hand., and one third of. .. . . . . .... 4.1. ... ... A r nis neart. upon me- . prominent church dlgnlUry of -that. II? x Itistrtous state. ' And still another, a prominent, publl - ofnoial ef Idaho, doubUess acting la obedience to a short- , order revelation, about the same time went over sad secured e-third prise from the same locality. - xnere are proa- peots for s. real circus' when the last- r ..Hn. krU.muM. .' will ht pelted HM, - .Im. mmuhi htmeaie. hef ere -J the Burrows committee while trying to - OOnvinoe iui uuuj umm u, e v neither adultery, incest nor plural mar- - rtsge since the manlfseto. But," "odds bodkini" vwnat- ao- we -gentiles care about . the number of : .ImmiI al... Ik.l aaw. .aha' At the ' ' church . trust marries.- although polyg-: . am 7 -is a a uses mux, propwiitun b -eonsideraUen. . But Mesmsplent was anrr; unmitigated evil before they - had polygamy. . Then, aa now, - the priests 1 rule the Ignorant people-wten epirHusl -.-t errors which made them bad eitlsena A and dangerous Aslghbors wherever they ..-.i uvea, ronamy soms ot we mnmr grew out ot or strengthened by polygi. . amy. but that ot Itself troubles .other . residents . very IK tie. ; . It is that the ; territory la ruled bya ee called church; that eivu and legal meawores mm r- .. tA v. amIuUbiImI miiiv aether then Uwr -that -resldetrts -nee Mormons . are. v subjected to all too annoyances ex P""r , .-tyranny-, that 1ft their business and ao-v.; .4.1 11,. K.w ,m Mknatajntl auhiected liauu.uuv. ... , - . . . j. , to the secret espionage ef the ehurehi" 1 tna mvj .i. nuiiam vj "... tlllty and the imposlUon of excessive v taxsst that It ia next to Impossible -to V 000 vlct - a Mormon, offender -of the t-j crimes of larceny, .entbeaaiement, -per-, ; Jury, bigamy, yea, even murder before a uM.,4iir, na 1udare whose rs-slee- Xion depends upon Mormon support. It te tnia tnst gnnos tne xenuuan m. American eitlsena. . not polygamy, al though that Is a monstrous social and moral evil from any point ef view.. It ( Is the hostile, the treasonous and the attitude a ISnrmoniam twward 'V American Ideas and IneUtutlons that wo -' protest age mat ana esn, too aswncu ; congress te stamp ' out with -the -ex-r . . ... 1 mm naaif tn tha ahAlltlOB of i- tts twin relic, slavery, If neoessary, but- go it must..' ' . The met nltv and ahamX Of It all la that such a disgusting " proposition should ever be permitted to rear Its hydraheed in the tond oj wasnragton and Lincoln. When Chairman. Burrowe refused to submit his report, aad aban doned further T Investigation. It was hinted by soms one that be had a -earn up his slseve," eio. i ns next seeaion ot ... .. m ' nrahaKlv reveal tha rack that he bad a "handful of 'em.".-. If the people outatae 01 tne Mormon countries possessed onty one tenth ot ... a.f r..l xformoniem that every Gentile who baa lived 1a a Mor mon community tor any icngiu at um necessarily does, the-, personnel of a United States senate would cut llttie figure. .---- .. -T ";-"-' ..'- .. . . 1 . wtvm . aanannana - ana .in w n paternal protection - tne yetji -bossier. ' thief. bigamist and . murderer can violate American lawe with. 1m- 1. Jt , ....... aafaw - Tmm men ptjnikr auu 1 1 1 j ... ... nk.. imwlMii lews la In no -.way tRuuca ,v- 1 a-- - American eltlaenshlp.- And tnu senir--ment must be lived up to or Old Glory -will lose 1U signlflcfhes. Should anyone minx my picture over- -drawn or too severe, I ask, any Gentile aa TTtah a Tdaho. and If irk . . j i.w aiM.ia,t Mitfati ta tall the ' trutn ne. vui tuiMiii sua ... .. m . ..... an . a tT SSK tnr ia iB,Mim mwm those states, aott-osx the Mormon , pay , roll, read . We -reply must be lne as gospeU-or deatlv andtaxas. .... . - Bj. '-Ths M tn the ttelewMes. "f -. porttond. April lt,-Te the Editor ee Tv. journal last evening's issue of The Journal there appeared a letter , under the . caption. -store- runos Truth Wanted." by one R. R. Btatton. ; The question is pertinent In the ex treme. What difference deee It make when the sun was created, or now? It haa nothing to do with our ealvatlon. How does he know that It te "glaring 1 - - - - - I falsehood f I rk set si sx eat ej 1 never nemru wina ,,"- ; ra.rf.ti.nii. u a -BBemlnxlv lost cause.' If we had a doeen . Robert IngersolS they could not enllghten yon on the subject.. , v '-,:' Ji- If he. cannot be a Christian without knowing Just when the sun waa created : j he had better Worship the sun. Knew-. Ing lust when the aun was created .won t hsip 'nim-touve A Christian life, or b;; "good. Just end honorable.' What dlf- . ferenoe does it make to us when the sun 1 was created, or bow, or nnder what eon- u dltionsT we don't worship the sun,.. :, The trouble with Mr. Bratton Is that lie wanU to be a Christian, but . la . fighting with himself end can find no good reason for not being-one, so he i.ariMn naua. and-wants christians are taking a rew "glaring ,- f.ho.-. for their guide to a better J.Vr rM best thin fpr Mr. Brattoe wm The best . thin for Mr. Brattoe 1 do- t, to disabuse hie mind Idea and If-h. wishes t to do is to disabuse hie mind of.any C such Ideas, and It-he wishes to live a i,nnni.H .,w ' - w . . Christ- without further delay, and let his life be an example to others. Instead of Influencing them downward by pre senting such unwarranted Ideas. 2 ' twh - Ideas - tend- to -Have ' a dls coursglnf Influence over' those ' whs " have Jnst entered the Christian life. ' " -,r "'." . ' ". C E. TSORF." . i tie. ta a4A . hlaaaale. nn ta . ' - BBPnroarv o mbixAstp, From the Salem Statesman.- 'V 1 Portland's newspapers keep hammer- Ing at tbe 'people te aid the civlo itn- -provement movement: Ia this the news papers are doing a good work fer the -hope that all visitors wiu find Portland -attractive during the fair ie. general throughout the state. This hope ie ee- . tuated by the feeling that If Portland,': "makes iroed tha entire etata Will Set some of the credit snd much ef t- .Japenefit ef U t -: -I"