The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 22, 1905, Image 3

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    a: ml n, iz:
Every Railroad That Enter Port-
land Has Had.Surveying Par
& : ties Working There,:
'amition the (?
- - :-,
1 ,,.,-71 i , ';
;- '":
,-' . -
4 i -V
4 ?".. I
i Snapshot of .Charlie Gtca and his
- U and France..; -Young Mr. Gates
; V atick.'JIf bought singly at retail Jiey would cost $1.68.H
':. Found Bubbling Up . Through
7 Pulsating Mounds of Sand at -s
'.: Low 'Water Mark ; -
t?'-r' ..... . - . .. ... - 'i ,v "
' v -V tfneelal" Dlepatrk t The Waal)
' Astoria, Or, .April 1!. A most-re-
: msrkable dlscoverr of natural gas was
v-- made-thts morning- at.-Chinook, Wash-
- Jngton,- a small town epposlte this city.
Gas was found bubbling from the beach
t at low water mark,' and whan Captain
' ,'M. FV Hasen,' who mad the discovery,
' touched a match to Ins gas a1 flame I
- Inches t in- height - rose. Four or five
' fires were ablasa at . the same ' time -on
'v the beach.'-' ' - ' - ' ', -..'" i f .-
'.'.. Captain Hasan waa -Walking along the
beach thla morning nod obaerred a. pul-
- satlon of the sand about -1 feet from
' . the -edge of the water,- the tide -then
being at a low atage, ;The bubbling at-
tractod . hi attention and he scraped
away the top of a mound with his -band.
'-' Hasen thought . perhaps the . pulsation
might have been caused'by. gases and
,.toucbed a match to It. . A flame of blue
. rose, to a height ef II Inches. , . Hasen
, jthea scraped, off the,-topa of several
. pVtn pulsing mounds, touched a match
, i to -them, and In each Instance a flame
i, roae of blue and the appearance of the
V fire-la said to.indlcate a Ana quality of
.gaa.s . ...... . J , .. .
Natural gas deposits ythere. however,
...evidently do not exist above high, water
.mark. as a search has failed to reveal
. the presence .of similar mounds above
the hard sand. It. la believed that gas
j, abounds In large quantltiea and that the
? discovery will afford a natural supply
v that 'may revolutionise lighting-' and
jjieatlnr In th(s .part of the, country. - .,
- Tomorrow Is the - year's great Sun-
? - '
! mi o
wife, who hare just gone to Europe to make an automobile tour of Ireland
la chiefly, notable , for a brand .-of cigars ha smokes,' denonatntted jthe big
HOROS assault :l
Savages Fire Into Army Officers'
.- r . .
(Joonwl gseelal aerrletA --;..
Manila. April- 2f. The- walled city
Jolo was attacked byHoroa on April I.
A ball waa ' In progress at - the officers'
Lciuo and the 'attacking ' rebels tired a
volley - into . the crowded .quarters, dis
persing . those present. . but , without
fatally ' Injuring any ne '
. On April 1 the secretary' of Gover
nor "-Scott .was ambushed and ' killed
within range of the sentries.
" A datte- refugee front -Borneo- lsat
the ' head - of . the rebellious - band. he
having organised ths atoros. who are
defying the Americana. !'.-'
General Wood haa arrived at Jolo and
haa issued an mfiet giving the-Moroa
10 daya to surrender th refugee datto.
If - his ultimatum is not compiled with
concentrated force of sufficient slse
to secure compliance . will .' be aent
agalnat the. band. ' r v '. V-t-..
The last depredation ia the culminat
ing atrocity of a aeries perpetrated by
the Moroa" during the taat six months.
Many Americans have been' killed dur
ing this period end when an attempt -has
been made- to punish-the? natives they
flee to the hills and Inaccessible moun
tains where It ia neat to Impossible to
reach them.- '; (-,.-.; vv .hi -i--
aiuro tcmt. .
On preliminary 'examination In, the
police oourt this afternoon Jerry. Phelpa
was held to the grand" Jury on a statu
tory -charge. , with his bond 4 fixed st
11.01)0.' He-is .accused by a' 1-year-old
giri.' '--. . , - - - ;-
If ( IV
in : mi
Dynamite Placed in Rear of
Montgomery,' Ward A Cb.s
' Warehouse In Chicago.'
. '.: (Mrsal Cpeend Service.) '
i Chicago, ' April t J.A bomb : believed
te contain dynamite, was found today In
the rear -of ' -Montgomery, Ward aY Co.'s
warehoase, at - Monroe - , and f Clinton
streets. It te thoagbt that an attempt
was made to blow up the building.'.' Ths
bomb waa wet, whch,the -police believe
accounts for . its failure to explode, A
fuae was attached. - ' --(..!
The executive committee of the Xm-
ployera assoclatloa met this afternoon
and ' discussed the proposition- of the
teamsters to submit their differences to
Judge Tully for arbitration. Thla meet
lng will be followed by a conference
between employers and labor, leadtra at
which the fate of the general strike
plan will be settled. Pending ths outf
come : of the . conference a- trace "has
been declared and trafflo la operated Un
disturbed. Comm I ttees"rep resenting ; the 1 unions
called on a number of leading bueini
houses today and - Informed them that
they must at once' cease doing business
with Montgomery, Ward as Co., or a
strike would be called. In every in
stance they were Informed' that the de
livery of goods will be continued.' They
were also told by the employers that, as
members of the Employers'- association.
it waa impossible for them to refuse to
transact business with " s Bother mem-
bar. -. i.-v.-.-i?..'-. i. ,..v.
The sentiment smong the IB.000 team
sters who form the unions la aald te be
overwhelmingly in favor of a atrlke
unless ths employers bffer soma sort of
compromise. - Ths employers .'declare
that the very nature, of the demand
mwi Jj ma hi ioit iMBa any aori
of compromise impossible. - r . -
.Jtt is epnsldered .pollkely atnattha
strike, ir called, will be in effect before
Monday.- v r't ;t i - i. t (
The1 Open Hlver Transportation com
paiiy sir Inuurpurated today "wrrh f 100,-'
000 capital stock authorised; by Henry
Hahn, J. A. Smith and A. HY Devers.
The powers, sought by., the corpora
tion ara thoae pertaining to the carrying
on xf river, traffic -and the -Intention le
to operate boats -en the Colambia, river
above- the Celllo rapids, connecting with
the state portage-road now under con
struction. ,', " r't '. - '
The nompany'a formation. Is consist
ent with plana, formed ; by the Open
River aneoclatlon, and assures that the
tinner river will have transoortatlon in
connection with .the portage-road. ThH
articles call for, the right - to operate
on- the Columbia, fioake and .Willamette
Land Has Changed Haride Often,
: an4 Fortune Will Still Be
1 "'"Made Off It. V i-;-",
A survey haa been eompleted bt the
Oregon Railroad Navigation company
ior extension oi s Bt. Johns branch .to
the Weyerbsuser mill site, and to con
tinue around the peninsula to a point
on Columbia slough, a dlsUnoe of H
miles. It Is said that in tlm the plan
rermuiaiea ty a former president. A. U
Hohier, win be carried out, and the line
will be built from that point to the
present main line at Clarnla. arid that
all heavy trafflo from the peninsula fao-
1 tory district will bo carried eastward by
lAhat route' Instead of ' being Hauled
Company will bring its export shipments
from the east by that route to the docks
to- be "some time constructed : further
down the Willamette. --
The peninsula has thla spring been a
scene of activity never before known
In - railroad surveying, and ' It is said
every railroad that enters Portland, and
also -the Qreat Northern and the Port
land Consolidated, now have routes sur
veyed on the neck- of land that-runs to
the Junction of the Willamette and Co
lumbia rivera, A prominent land owner
In that vicinity aald: - - ' .
"I have never known ' In any city a
parallel tof the rapid growth ot the fac
tory district en the peninsula during- ths
last two years. I do - not believe any
city -in -this country has ever equaled it.
The men who originally owned the land
have only now been displaced. .It 'will
ehsnge hands many times yet, and It
will steadily advance in value. .While
the men who have dealt In lands and
real estate on the peninsula during the
last year or - two have made money, a
great deal, more money will - still be
made 'there. .' That peninsula is te be
come the greatest manufacturing center
of the Pacific- coast. It is not a Urge
area, but It will be densely populated,
kind every foot of available ground Will
be occupied by factories or the bomel
of those who work In thetn. - Bvery rail
road that Is bow here or to come, will
have' to tap the peninsula. - It Is pecul
iarly located, affording every facility
that a manufacturing center requires
water and . . rail- transportation, good
water, drainage, poaalbUltlea, and a cli
mate unsurpassed for health fnlnesa." .
Laugh, an lithe court -
"Ask the defendant whether he would
rather have me fine him 1109 or 120,"
Police Judge - Hogua Instructed an in
terpreter this morning. .The prisoner
waa ' Wing John, arrested by ' Sergeant
Hogeboom 'and Patrolman "SSL 8. Nelson
for having lottery tycketa In hie poai
Blon. . .ill' ;:-
' The question waajswt'and 'Wing John
began to laugh. It wit.- little rippling
laugh at first; then it swelled and roiled
and surged until it eve loped into a
roar- Whig John appeared to be In dan
ger of an epoteptto stroke. "He grew
as nearly "purple as Ma saffron com
plexion would permit; fie teara coursed
aown bis c nee kb ana ae aimoai roiieu
oft his seat. '..- v ' 1 ..-
- It -was Infectious. Jdge Hogue waa
aoon- laughing beartilyv . then Depety
City Attorney Fltsgeraia fell into line
and aoon the whole court - room waa
roaring. . - As the ' mirth began to die
away Wing John gasped once or twice
for breath and then chattered volubly
for five mlnutea. -' v '.i '
"What dee- he - aay t" queried the
court - - , - -,. . . . .
., And Whig- John's wish waa gratified.
- "1 mi
At t:4$ o'clock-on the. morning of
Apru it, tne uinara saloon, at Sixth
and Stark streets, conducted by William
Cody, waa filled with men. Three were
"lined up" at the bar, two were in a
side -room and several were in ' rear
bores. At least ana woman graced the
scene. .
v Police Captain Bailer testified In the
pbUe court to this condition ef affairs
at the saloon on the morning in quea-
tlon. He pressed a button and a liver-
led bartender obligingly answered the
summons and opened the rear door. Cap
tain J alley insreupon waixea in and
took a mental Inventory 01 his sur
roundings. He noticed three gUase 0f
beer on a tabla at which the two men
were alttmg.-4 t: .
Cody 'did not deny: the. facta. He
thirsted for. information himself, ao At
torney Dan Malarkey etated. -The bar
tender had orders-to permit nobody In
the place after I o'clock. '
'. "Naughty bartender!" exclaimed po
lice Judge Hogua "Fifty dollars for
you, Mr. Cody." ""''-'. ",'',- C ..
' .", a. :
'"Put" Smith has-mads his 'JotirneS
over the bills to the poorbouse. It Wss
a strange whirl of the. wheel of fortune
that landed Mm there.
' J. Putnam Smith's career la known to
all Portlanders, and every cltlsen re
members -the dsy when he drove the
beet horses and dwelt In the most jpro-
(Special Mspatch te The Journal) V
r-" Oregou City, AprH S9.MTlia trial . by
Jury of D. P. Warner for an aliearad
assault on Mrs. Btubbe was called st 1
o'clock today in ths court of Justice
Bttpp. The formsl charge ia ssaault snd
battery and the trial ts by Jury. Ths
ptinclpsls In the affair live at Garfield.
There la a large diversity and variety in
the evidence and- thr trial Is erettlnf a
ar ldeapreaa Ja tereet,
Where r e f -. y o ,;;. q
Schilling! Best
there1 is fair dealing too.
; apparatus for separatirig cinders from Smoke of the
4000-hprse power plant s
Kai way Co. s plant is now; bemg built and installed
Vfe understand our business and the business men at the head of
such plants know it
plants, . ccoling plants,
them and build them. :
'"'f'". " ' ' i'.''. ' J
' ' -'-4 '. .- ; '
pa miT nil t prniir
- ' (Spetiai plspateh te Tse JoaraaL) "viv
- Spokane, Wash.. April There may
be a strike . of the Bakery and Conf eo
Uonery Workers union unless a. truce
can be patched up between, them and the
master bakers at - a - meeting of the
former .body to be held" -thla eventngrr7
The queatlon of mght work is the
bone of contention -between master bak
ers and their employee, which the anion
wishes to have abolished May 1. 1IN.
The agreement submitted-- to the master
bakers this year - contains a clause, to
the effect that all employee shall .have
day work.; ''. r ' , , ; ,-4
The employers claim that. the abolition
of, night work haa been tried hereto I
fore, . and that during the time the
bakeries tried working their force only
m the day time, their custom fell away
fully ond third, so that tae working
force had to be rsduced. . . " . '
Demonstrated Firt Extinguisher.
An Interesting demonstration In fire-
extinguishing took place in a vacant lot
at Fifth and ' Oak streets yesterdsy
afternoon, when th local agents of the
Western Ptr Appliance company extln
guished'two fires with "Pyroelda" a dry
chemical fire-extinguisher.. The demon
stration-was made pubiw and drew- a
large number of people, among which
was Fire Marshal Roberts and" other
business men especially Invited- to at
tend the exhibition. . The big fires were
Started, and by throwing coal ell en the
names an Intensely not fire waa real
ised. After-the fires had attained con
siderable headway and flames " were
leaping t( or 10 feet btgh, . the "Pyro
doe" waa thrown on the flames, with an
almost Instantaneous quelehtng. Bern
helm A Burns are Oregon agents, and
hays offices st 4&H Wsshington street.
At the Pertisad:
1st Q-ataea and
O. H. Rr
Oefd Ray. Or.:
Hlae CVatsea and Viae flalallta of h'ewWrg,
Or. I
!.? atra. W. I.
Kills, aei
Stella Lseaa. M'asnle. Wla. : Clareaee Laeaa.
Taeeau; J. A. Bavey, Deavsr: O. a Rtaplae,
Mm ara- Johwsoa. Dr. A. V. Blaplea. asd
wife, all ef Wsahiostea. D. C: W. V. .Ho
niaiiillle. Mass.; W. K. Ifaaaoa. Beattlr; Bd
wer W. llartla. New York: A. R. WaDaee.
New Tork; U- C-Row, New Verk: Bam
rrank. W. J. Uwl. aad ft. H. Mllsura. all of
Bealtle: W. A. WIIIUbm, Cblraae; D. B. Wll
ml Dearer: X. Y. Jaed. lcBdletea: . rraaf
Sitewerr. Cbleacet Oscar T. Betrscshaat. II. a
neiaeteie m aeeart siema ail er saa rraa-
: B. Blerfc aaS wlta. Abarseea. Waak. l
Casaliai H. Barter, wife aad ehlld. Dubatk.
Mlaau W, JfcJ MoatotBStrT aad-.srtfe. Meaf f
btaia reoer, visciaaati, oaie: .w, a. ann
forS asS W. U. BaaaeU AlVn. ClaeUinatL
Okie: 0. B. Aatmaaa asS wife, Baekaae; rilat
Bowea, . Denver; i. A. Clark. W. a. Bnennar
as4 O, O. PU. sN mt Now Vork: i, H. Blake,
Resteer B. P. KiucktrtMsradje sprtsaa; Br M.
Selllaabea, Baa rraaetars; B. R. rreack. Baa
rraaebm; T. K. Haat aad C D. Meedr,
Maaila, P. I.t A. OpseakeiiBer. New Tork; R.
H. Brewa, Oataka; . D. kteAsalaad. Battl;
J. r. klcNeackt. HennUtoa: W. MrKwrm.
Raattle: Oearee Beav New Yerki J. ft Barker
end U K. Marttaaaa wife, of hi rraarlace;
B. I Bltaea, Beataa; A. v. aetmrej see A.
F. Orast, New York; Lee O. Bcett.' B. J.
NlrlMla aad W.- U Klsg, -ef Cklrage; 1. Devla,
New Yerk; Baa Ookea, Baa Fraacleee; Mr.
t. a. HeMer, MM U w. HnMer ane J'
S. Haider. Lren. ataas.l It. W. Welle. Mm
alaee. allrb.i O. P. WroaroaMi aad wife. Mlaa
IaabcUe Rleharaaea aad WllUaai K. Ilia, ef
rhleacej . H. 1. THskaer aad wire, navrlaBd
Harrr LaCktlr. rNKrelt: R. Taoolo. Bt. Leela
A. O. Rfaara, -Baa graaelste; U. Bowortoa,
Bostoa: David B, Oaaa as wife. IX B. Leek.
ef New Terk. - ' " ' . . ' .
- At tke rereias: bus, seraa A, r-eataoeoe,
Aaterla; R. Clarke Ball, ClaUkanla. Or.l a .
Hartaiaa. Praaklk. Pa. 1. H. Baiirk. Ooldn.
dale, Waek.; O. O. Bleelkar, Brattle; . D. O.
Tay lor, Leeky Boy, Or.; Oar BerUa, Aebara.
Waek.1 Howard R. OreeaeNew Ygrk; H. V.
Oatra. Hlllabnro, Or.l & H. Moore aad wife.
Belli aabaa. waaa.; m. u. name. Taeegaa; u.
r. Brada. CRIraaei C. L Mhenk. Oawka: H. W-
Reed aad wife, Rork well. la. ; A. C. aUllor
aad wife, ltearee, ' Wla. ; L. at. Baswertk, Se
attle: Rsisk A. Btarimia. V. B. O. R; l4rther
OaldmdaU. Waab.: J. C. Ktaar. Loa Aaa-elaa
J. L. Oax. Beattla; J. P. Aaderaoa. Taeoeaa;
Joha W. Black. Brattlet T. a-aaaer. Kaaaaa
(Itr; Harry H. nan, ueaver; . aaxinsioa.
Waaea. Or.: J. cWwdle. P. N. Ploarawr, i. a
Pordr aad Oeerae A. Moatell, Baa rraaetara;
O. rretwaM aaa sin, veseeemi t. au nrooaa
noMraaale, Waaa.; vr. v. auiee, i aroma; u.
w inniH aad wKk. , Beatlle: Mr. L. G.
Wallace, Lakerlew, Or.) C. I'ael N'laoa, JeW
otki W. X. Pollork a on wire, anaaata, ua.
O. N. Mlllrr, Oalfai; B. B. Stark, W atari-, Ida.;
C. M. I'aranna. Iaorarndeaee. Raa.; B. O. lomt
ad wife, Teaoe, waaa.; air. aae atrs. r. v.
Bradanr aad Mlaa H. L. TaMle. North Bavea.
foo.; B.-. P. Wlawa aaa . L. sraea. Ban
rraarkwe; W. A. Waan, Bnsene, Or.) I. H.
WalllnatM ana wire, st. ueieas, wr.; 4. m.
Beealey, Dallaa, Or. v-'
At tke Imperial: - H. B. Blnrhaia, Mrs.
Mnxhaaa. lllltm Brawn, Mrs. M. Brown. C. .
Tbosipina, WaahlBa-taav D. C. ; C. . A.. Andrews,
rltr; P. Jofcoaoa. Ureekaai; O. A. Bllllns.
CHrmrHa; Dr. M. V Hntrhlasaa, Brettle; J.
M. Stevenena, Caarada l-ka: B. J. Pritrkard.
Taroinai R. R. Lake, Oxrrallla; T. Rrawaklll,
Madraa: B. Btratlsa. Denver; MarsaraA M
Wldenrr, trartrnda D. WleVner, R. C. Murray.
Mrs. B. ft M array, sr-atus: wr. . wnnewar,
Vannnaer; 0. B. Paall. Mr. O. B. PanlL
WaaJiliajlW t. Oit A.-W-- Oiapwei Mm, Of.
tienow. neartir: o. novr. jtrnnrm: vt.
TtKimpann, Vain ul we: Myrtla De Ratts. Sakrai:
Mr. Beatsa. Mr. Beaton, Baa rraarlaro; t. .
!!. N.r Vnrk: Vlralala Bard. Rrrtka C.
Krrd. rUkm: fnarlrf A I Ira. Mrs. C. AIlea.oM
Hill: W. MrCreery. Omaha; Mr. T. i. Prlvae.
DalW: P. Y. Yeaac. Bnceae; J. A. MIII.
Toaopak: A. M. ( a noon. a. A. aorw. atra. m.
k iLwr mmU-rn: It. K. Illbhard. Mr. B JC
Hlorarorr rVattWrTAavW Blake. BU-Laala;
I. C. nwk. Baa -'riKlar; W. H. Mr ialr,
inneaa. Alaaka: A B. Weatberford, Newport
Or,; a. L. Osaaa Aatarla: T. 1- .- Butt;
X, at, -fV,-rttlf aL W. OatUav Baa rraa-
rara; R. H. Wearer, seetue; v. uampoeii,
relllaataat. WaaSia H. T. unarm, i airaav:
km. A. R. Cernlanet: Mra. . B. Keltk.B.krr
Crtv; R. W. Baton, Warannvllle. -CaL; W. B.
rvttsrk. Ordnmeoa, O.I Oeorge Ruey. A. Op
peafcetaaer. Baa rraariara .. ,
' 'ilra. Sarah Ooldman things the hua-
band who deaerted her at mm Angeiea
California, It montha ago Is now In
Portland. She has aaked the police to
find him and It Is her intention to sua
hlra for support Mrs. Ooldman lives
st III Front street sna aoea not aeem
It -probable thai-Re aaowe.ene ta-u
Whether it's mechanical dit, drying1 plants, Jieatinff
or ventilatirig; plants, we know how to install
v - ' - .
., - . ..'.-.-"- yi ' i r '-;'.V '' -
v r an rt . m. m
::r: f FOR SEASON OF 1905 T r . .
'a hotel of 0 rooms, juat completed. , opposite the' main ' entrsnce and
overlooking the Exposition ' grounds, eleetrle '. lighted throughout
.'and equipped with baths and modern conveniences; targe dining- hall, in
connection oa ground floor. For terms apply to H. &V Noble.. Ill Commer
cial block. T , T '. f -."', c' !'" .:t '-. vi ' '
I ii j r .if i v
; -cadloIbaCxc? 17qcc;
baa kept the lead from m-team daya down to the present day. Every
Stodebaker wagon is mads on honor. . Wa aeQ ths Studebaker Wtm
because it ia the kind that givea satisfaction and makeafrienda.- Coma
in and look them over. , They are mads in many styles, from tLa
a . . a. A .. e.. . -
L ocnieBT, xann wagon- to toe Heaviest crock
or k wagon, f J 'Call and get Studebaker
booklet - Ws want sverybody interested
In Tebicles to bars one.
J. -
Will be accepted ' for
: ' "'; :( Journal,
io oxLocii
";. Don't forget "Journal Want Ada! quickly tell prep-
erty, rent rooms and various other' th!i trcue
. meroua to mention that
. take .months, not to mention. your valuxtli ti
Remember, a box of Cbiset & Devers' f.
; ' spices c.vtn frre v. '. .i Cach carh "War-t t.V
1 -...., ....
- r - - r' - : '''''" Ayr---''. ' '.,'"':-v '-'. . -
-B-U W-.
meanB the beat qoality
11 the tinB..E3rT piece
of lumber in the Stode-
1 - baker war on ia.air-wa.
J - Rone4 fotrfWftyei-.Tj
Itl -; then . inspected ri;:,
. . 1 Selected- Kew. Er--.
ana DiacK urcii note;
choice white oak gpokea
and felloea; the best batt cut
.ecood fjowth hickory axles;.!
i . -' . .;
f spoacsi aie eiope sDooiderea
and ,drivea into .the babs nnd- !
R hundred towR preesme; irone J
and reinforced ia every wry
. .- . tnat wui and Rtreorh,.fUi refined tra:;
- f ' ; painted ia a thorrra(h and dnrable man-
ThRf why the - - , . !
-t -- ---
insertion ' in . The Sunday
until 1; ;; 4
to ws:ii
otherwise -; wot;! J
, .'I,.' '. I
Si ., - a-