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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 22, 1905)
. il!ONS UiiLE CniLD LOST i;i;TflE;,f,:OTO , . ' . - -T.--,rL.. Hi' i j ii i , , hi iip n . . X v j,. ;'. tC-.A-1; ... . .l.-rr'.'' - Acclamation' Project Put ; Forward fcy Government Will; provide, Farrrje for Thousands and Wehe"Wm Beroyvfi Openf m . iA.6-.m..Jg-fTTf;0-iri; , ',', VHAT ; UNCLE J SAM ; OFFERSLIN .ACBES AND .DOLLARS Much .ii"''lUchviA7'Aultural V Poorest Vieful for Crazing 'V y and How It May Be Got. i ; 2' HV (Weeslagtea , Bmm fTfc Jeerae!.) . '. Washiogtpn. April Jt During the .coming Ave or aix yeare the west will ?' hav available land for settlement aim! . ' cultivation by th oparationa of th na tional. Irrigation act and ot various acts ' ' providing for opening Indian Veerva '. tlon. : ,V '."'V 'T r Under this , reclamation act alone, " nearly .0 00.000 acres of land will ba "."' made ready for settlement within tha Tt few years; and, after tha eomple ion' of tha first foTcrnmnt irrigation .' works, hundreds of thousand ot aerea of . reclaimed landa will -be. opened to . aettlement each year.- until the water . reeoureea of thewet are uxhausted, -Tha. government t Irrigation project are scattered throughout the weet, bo tag found in 14, different statea and tot ' rttorlea. Soma nrojecta will ' open to Ll-neUlement between 100,000 and 400.600 aerea of land:" other embrace leaa than '(" 60,000 acre. ., v'.-i'L Add WWon TopnJaalo. As tha e-reater nortlon Of the land to r'be Irrigated la now vacant publlo land, i-tn -as the bulk of the 4rrlated region will be Uken np In 10 acre farms. It 'la roughly calculated that tha govern . 4 ment. by opening to aettlement theae -vaat arean of Irrigated land, will rweU : the population of tha went by at least ' l ,, .In tha next five yaara.' ' : "The following table ahowa tha prd : Jtcta for which -plana have been ap proved, and on wntcn wont or eonairno . tlon will noon begin. If It la not already under way '.limfi't "Cost.' aall JUfT. Arts.'. .... iatt,oiw , Viet. . Cal. KlkOflO J,7,inD I Mrmapaaj . Mlalesa. rv.hw-l'arMta. Idsbe. ..... ' J6.Ono.000 I.i0.000 . l.Mio.OOO I.KU.CHM MO.ono AKO.OMO ' , l.ftxO.OlM HurtW. Moat.. - 0.ona Port Bufard. M O. ....... an.nno Xarrt raiM, M........ 1(,.. Trertaearaon. Mev....... 100.000 Hneen. N. st 10.OW llaHai srnjeet. K. D.-.. .It.ouil . Waiarw. Or... T.flO Klanatk. Or............. 300 OnO ; Mclke-Fsarrbe. g. D....... ee.oua hkw. w.a....... ao.ono Hra. .......... ieu.ww . 4.000,000 Total ,. ......i.wa.ooe -ray for' WsAev JUghta. -TAind" under these projects la opened under the homeatead law. but aettlere are. reoutred to pay? for their water right." According to present eatimatea It will coat anywhere front tlT to $33 an acre to irrlaate. tha Klamath proioet In Oregon.auid '. .California, ' being tha rheanest; tha Yuma. North Platte and Falouee- tha woat expensive. , It la thrt belief of reclamation officials, however, that tha moat costly projects will easily " stand the expense, becanaa of tha ax- ... trema- frrtUlty of the lead, and It eon . vanieat , locallpn a regarda tranaporta- . . tlon., - J' ' V . ' - - " t- : )'' Under tha mora fertile project there . will W anany te acre f arms r those .that , are leaa-productive wW b,Iargalylatd 4 off In 'aera traeta. Thus ft will' be , . that some prelecta win tend' to more . thickly populate r the- ooontry than , others. But In connection with every i project there will ba towaatta. there -r-wtl! bee moderate amount wf local 1 bualneea. and tha aatabllakmont ot i town will ba tha result. Bach town will tend to add to tha number of par ass sent settlers attracted by govern-, .ment Irrtastlen works and will -swell mi 4V J ara, Slratfeva. -1 smffered froea Syspepela ie. , i reel like .a new ; Xra ew, Corlagtoa, Ta, aaya j n mad toaaaoh arenals fee? ' to your attasra l asm aow v L I i 1C GEMfIE HAS OUR . y , - y More Indian Reserve- -' I? . or Mineral Poeeibilitlee, and, the What Is to Be Had. --- .' r : f y ' f ' . the total Immigration Into want . la now the uninhabited, barren.weat.. ;,, , -. Onto Bows Beaervationa. ' T Where there will be 3.09.000 aerea of land opened to entry under tha reclame tlon act. four tlmea that area will ba eliminated from various Indian reserva tions. . But. where tha Irrigated land will have value for agricultural' purposes, tha Indian (and la jnoetly valuable for grafting. There are aome email portlona that rsrt be cultivated, other arses may possibly ba farmed by Irrigation.' but for the moat part it la land that will have no attraction aave for tha stock man. Tha following table ahowa the Indian landa that are to ba thrown open under acta of the, past of prevloua con gresses: Rosae V.IW-t, CtU(orBle u:.4l row. Moetssa ...l.llW,til riatbesa. MoaUsa ..' .....,l,S.i,ei0 Orsada llaaile. Orrtom 9.104 I lia. r u . 1 BWfl Ran I lakima. waiiioa . ............... .l.tno.i Sauabone, Wremiog ............. .....1J0,0) " xui 4 i ,t. i .v.'. .'.VT.eno.oag Btome'Worthleaa Xaa4a. A great deal of thla land will not at- tract settlers. It. la sq poof to ba al most worthless, and the government will have to live It away to get rid - Ter there expected to be great scramble for moat of these lands; there la always at scramble for Indian land. Already there la a tremendous clamor for Uintah landa In Utah, largely due to the fact that mineral haa been found on thla reservation. The same is true of the 8hosaone reservation in Wyoming. It la reported that, there are rich depose Its of gold within that reservation, and already hundreds. of prospective settlers are aoeking information ha lo how thle land may ba obtained. . . . . ' In the Yakima reservation la a con siderable area of timber land, but It la not flrat-claea timber. There la also soma agricultural land, and mora than can be made productive by Irrigation, but It I not aa attractive as other landa In tha state of Washington. And ao It la with every reservation to be thrown open. . Tha cream of tha reservation landa haa been or will ba allotted to tha Indlana-the landa tributary to rtvera and water supply; what la thrown open to -tha guhllo la the residua;' , ;-:0ra,wiMa; Xomeaeekera. ' r v'l'.r " But these' lands. Ilka tha Irrigated lands, will' attract settlers, will draw to tha wast thousands of homeseekera, and among them wilt be many who will take up a permanent residence ., on. Indian landaus. Thenwwlll not- be ao many set tler st rri .t . irrigated lands, but they wlU i.taw uly ; Ve. jcounted y the hun dred4 ot thojiou&ds. "-. '- There are 'today embraced within va rlu4 withdrawals of publlo land many aree of prodaotlvo exgrlcultural land river' Valleya -and- rich bottom landa.- It la not the policy of tha, government to embrace .these landa in foreet reaerva tlon a. and In ' time they will be reatored to entry. These landa are aufftclent to provide homes for hundreds of thrifty farmrre,' but - their - aurregate area la probably email aa 'compared rwtth tha land totbo irrigated or to bo. eliminated from the Indian reservations. .-. - There la evidently plenty of room In tha west for all who. aeek to take up homee beyond the-Mississippi: the prob lem Is not so, much where to find landa aa where. to find aettlere for the land if i mm -- , '; -i ''': . -, ,' , ..'f IS TRUTHFIL AND CONVINCING jr. , oayat " -V.- -j? and Znaigestloa for three years and X man.- . ; ..- , . '"?'-,. -r ''. ...v., '.' . .',.;-... year and Waa ao weak and acrremg X earttrely eared." . : L If you ever . doubted the ability of this cele- V ;- brated family I medicine. Xo cure j Stomach y Liver r V - or Bowel Disorders these letters, will prove con .: . ciusively the many claims made for it Hundreds'- ; of doubting' ' people have been restored to robust ' :v heaitn try oeing persuaaea to ; Let us persuade you to follow their ' example, and " t. tvitlflv cart indlaestloTtYDvaoeDsla.' Flat- u1ency,NauseaBo nessr-Vomlttngt Female. Disorders ; of Ma laria, Fever and Ague. Try It today. , c v PH1YATE STAMP OYER NECK OF : V. Wanders! Away: From Mother , While Gathering Pine Needles In th Wnnda. FOUND UNHARMED AFTER; SEARCH OF MANY HOURS Spends . Night af Bottom ' i'of , Deep. Canyoif Two ,Milel .-ff-'"V.'if From Home, k C-.J ' - (tneelal .XMssetrh to The JearsaLI rrtea Grande. Or.. April J2. Lot ta tha mountain at m Ilea north ot Buin- mervllle, a little country town. IT muea north of hare, yesterday . forenoon, tha little , fear-bld daughter of William Bay, who la employed In nearby saw mill, was found at 11 o'clock ' . thla morning. The child had accompanied her mother In the mountains to gather pin needles for the Fine Needle riber company, located near SummervUle. The mother did not notice the little one wau derlng away, and when aha waa mlaaed began an Immediate, search, 'but was unable to find her. an alarm was given and a score of mlllmea. Joined In the child hunt. Tha search waa continued all laat plght by ! men. No trace waa found and the search waa continued to day by 160 men 'and boys. The Vtu wanderer waa- found at the bottom of a deep canyon, about two mllea from the place wnere ehe waa lost, alive and unharmed. Some fears were entertained that 'aha had been carried off by a'Wild anlmal.T Four yeara ago a child waa lost in tha aame neighbor- 1,0ku!" SSL, Z.aZT, hood whlleplcklng berries, and no tracrf waa aver found. BIG CRASH IN WHEAT (Continued from Page One.) . At H cents ' tha . Armour . men atopped their selling, and the ' market Instantly responded to their action. , Around thla point It la aald that many thousands of bushels ware bought by Armour. - Thla purchasing forced tha market ' upward again and by de grees May wheat went back to II I bushel. - . . " That rthlaT movement In -fhe" wheat market waa ' prearranged by Armour soma time age la evidenced by the great Increaee In tha arrivals of wheat In thla city today aa compared with thla 41a te a year- ago. Today 111 care of wheat were Inspected In thla city. Of thla amount 1 cars run' to grade. At the prevloua seas Ion It waa estimated that ft cars would arrive today. -i Last yeaF"the arrlvsls In wheat were" but nine -eara' i- -:-;.' . , , . Atthe primary markets the movement of wheat of late has become very heavy, ehowthg quite clearly to tha trade that Armour waa keeping his promises made some time ago rthaX be-would hairo all tha wheat he needed to deliver on eon tracts he 'bad sold abort..'''' "k'. ,'T At primary points today tha recelpta of. wheat . today consisted ot tit. 000 bushels, aa against Jt7.000'- .bushels a year ago. In tha same wise the ehlp nenta today at primary polnta agregate 30.00 bushels, against J0..000 buaheU a yeas ago. Tha cash wheat market la today fol lowing very eloaely In the procession. No. 1 red went down to 04 cents. No. 1 hard reached the top today at tha dollar mark and waa weak - at that figure. ; - '. --. - -. ', that'la available. The building ofgreai Irrigation worka, tha -first or which will ba completed this summer, haa solved the problem- of providing farms, for those who seek them. , Now tha opening Of Indian . reservations ifaaksa available nearly s.000,000 acres of graalng land. Tha land la there,, and awaita tha set tlers. . :. r , . M1P 'V,' .-'-' ,v; aa pleased te gay your Blrstra ,;.,;, a '., ,-;.- ; : ,. i,-, . - .., v - , ,. ,r .'' eenld karolx alt ap bat tkamka try COTTLE. ALL DRUGGISTS Least Likely Candiditss for Fire men Chows Ftuck end Atu ;' Jty In Exercises. -,? OVER FORTY APPLICANTS yA PUT THROUGH PACES Athletic Tests Witnessed by Jf ; , ' Large Crowd at Murtnomah : f ' FleJdToday. 4 ' Forty-eight candidates for posltlena In the Portland, fire department were examined today under tha auspices at tha municipal eivll-service oommlssiOBV Chief Campbell remarked while the ex amination waa In progress that tha lase waa- as "likely a lot of youngatem as ever took the "stunts,"' Of the. large number of appllcanta, all were allowed ta take the examination with the excep tion of one, who wag paired becaise of pbyalcai infirmities. . , .- - Tha athletio teats .began at Multno mah field at o'clock, and continued un til noon. " Several hundred people gath ered to watch the applicants go through the exercises. -. j j ' ,i Several healtated a little when it oame to mounting the aerial ladder 7 feat height on truek No. I, but ail gianaged to go over,4he top. round aafeljj. - Sev eral ware a little timid aboot)umplng from a seoond-story window Into a net. but when they aaw that the pet Was safe it became mere play. - : j v . Carrying the II 0-pound dimmy .trp and down tha inclined laddir proved quite a difficult task for many. - Yht amalleat member of - tha flaaa, who "''' more than tie dummy, .rt- to the erewd. After instructions from ' Chief Cam p be 11 bow to hold the dammy. the -young man awung It on hie aboulder, siounted tha ladder and descended wlthoft trouble or trepidation. 4 . 'I ' One -young man , proven himself a clever foot-racer In tha W-yard dash He covered tha distanee in 9 4-1 seconds. Nearly ail ran tha dlstaice under , It seconda. - ' . i . Thla afternoon tha aafcllcante given a written examination at tha Ladd school. It consisted of copying 100 words from -a plain copy to teat their ability tto read and write tha English langusga. and a few efmple problems In arithmetic. I r, Net Saturday-the ixaminatlon of over ISO appllcanta f or tooalttona In the police department will akke place. ' Each will ba required to run 100 yarda In IS seconda and carry t)J dummy np the inclined ladder. 8eWra profeaatonal timers will ba preaea WARSHIPS tO NORTH ' ' ' .. i (Continued nued fram page Oi his realgnatlon, wi OnOj ' withdrawn his realgnatlon, which waa tendered -yeatarday afternoon. Ha re considered his actita aa hla withdrawal would' precipitate Ja government .crista and- necessitate tkji formation, of a new cabinet.) "-'." '' Tha reason forfcnla threatened resig nation la due LtoLba oppoaltloa ,f the Socialists over tr Moroccan oueatloa and tha corilrovly oyer French neu. trallty-In the fill east. The Bocia lists are open In thelrtf pposltton to Russia. '; All members bf tha ministry, includ ing DAlcasse, ntet In tha Klysee palace thla afternoon far council. It la under stoofl that tha Japanese note regarding t Kamhann say ucraent is ino suo t of dlacusrlen. - : , STIR ATVLADIVOSTOlC; Warahlpa Oralse Oatalda Beady ta rra Bojeoeraasky Aaalstsasa. . - (leanial 'fascial aervlee.) " ( - St. ' Petersburg, April II. Advlcea from Vladivostok aay that tha Russian armored cruisers Roaala and Oromobol cruising outside tha harbor, ready to make a diversion in favor of Rojeat venaky at 4ha opportune moment. - Re porta are eurront here that Ro)estven sky's squadron baa already left Kam- ranh bay on Its way to Vladivostok. Official advlcea ahow that atepa are being taken by Franca to prevent the Russian srotected cruiser Diana, in terned at Saigon after tha naval, battle of August 10. from Joining Rojeatven eky. .It Is understood tha Diana haa been making repelre with thla purpose In vlewy Tbei Pranch authorltlaa have) ordered the'crulaer to ba placed In a conditio making It Impossible for her tr go ta sea. . The council of tha empire today pro ntulgatad tha first law providing for aa Increast of taxation for war purposes. This includes lnoreaaea in the tax on matches and petroleum, -and a gradu ated tax on tha salaries of public offi cials, t The tax ia expected to net 111, 000,001. It goes into affect Hay a. - . ,. ', ASKS U. S. TO BUTT-IN. Japan mq.nrta Amerloa te Protest to ,; iPraaos Otm Vaa of Zta Porta.' '' ' t . V (Joeraal Boedal gerviee.i , ',U '"'.' ' Washington. April 11. Japan haa ankrd tha United States to make repre sestatlona to Franca regarding tha al leged infraction of French neutrality thiDugh the uae of the porta of Indo Cklna by the Rusaian fleet. The ra qsest la-mada by the Japaaeaa charge d'affaires, Holki. to Secretary Taft Tha ntte has baen forwarded to the preel otnt. but no answer has been received. Jh tha opinion of tha official a, tha re fueat wlU be politely declined, aa It ia Oiought it will not ba kindly received by Franca v '-,' . : ' ..'. atASTLA tJeersal Hpaelal Service.) . Manila. "April Jt.--It la reported that the Japaneae conaul hero haa received a oahlea-ram addressed to" Vice Admiral Kamlmu ra7 nnyi" Inferria "that- KmH mura la about to call at thla pqrt. ; r . JTAPAJI ' 90 BtTtXB BOAS. ; ; .' ' '.." "' (Joeraal apeelal Serrlee.) Toklo. April SI. Japan Intends spend ing f 2.000.000 for rolling stock on a new raHway In Korea.-' The -money -wlU be spent ln"th rhltoaTBtateii and Bngiand. FOUR MEN KILLED AND . "THREE FATALLY HURT , Ueemal eeelai atevtaeJ) "t.""3 Pittsburg, AprM IL An ' explosion following a "Blip" at tha Edgar Thomp son blast furnace' at Braddork this af ternoon resulted In the death of four men. Three others were fatally In jured. ' . - -.- , .. . - .. A Minnesota man left there one Sun day. .night bought a farm . In Benton cunty and occupied It Saturday of the seme week. He U succeed. . . -.t'JLS c?Drodu;'fo6d,:if'a 'lilfflawr-'drwlio ('"(.'jj' J, Y. . ;,v'M".vi-;:'J. ov?', Aia" fowogii fioi-kgw -T9S. R0V7: CREATED OVER RAILROAD REBATES 1 - ' X ClasH ' Between : Controller and I Secretary of Interior .Over; i L Violatiotv ;f r Law, r-- HlTCHCpCfCWANTSTMONEY TQ GET MAXIMUM RESULTS Conceetione Granted i by Roads .'irv Order to Minimize Coet; . of y Work. 'Tae' learasl,-.'!- WaaBlstea Bewae .et Washington.. April t3. Taa-oa- troversy between the controller of the treasury ane the secretary of tha Into rioir 4n reference' to ' rebatea "made by railroad oonapanleS Oh freight charges for material ahlpped for use In Irriga tion enterprises haa takea-oa a personal aspect. The, decision -of tbe eontroiler and hla advice to the eec rotary or the Interior waa given to the publlo press and' made publlo. before tt reached the secretary of the interior. Tha suggestions ot tua controller 10 the Interior department -partook of tha nature of a lecture, which tha secretary of the interior apparently did -not rails a. Ha reeented'the Imputation that he was violating the taw agaiaat tha acceptance of. rebatea, and nas iaraed tne.wnnie matter. to the. attorney-gerwersi for -hla opinion.' . . ... -. - . - --"-.( The views or tna interior department. as eapreesed-by aa-af f Joer of the recla mation aervtee oa this aueatloh. are aa foilows: ! ,l-J.iJt; ;f 'k.ttf ; aHateia fag: OSeamlta. , The reclamation servtoe. in carrying out. the provisions of tha national irri gation law, la attiring to obtain tha best results tor tha least money consistent with good work. But la Ita very first attempt to minimise tha coat of Irriga tion work tha servloe nnaa ltseir aa- euaed of violating or encouraging vlo- latlon of tha anti-rebate provision- of tha Interstate commerce law. A atudy of both aides of tha question leads to tha conclusion that tha reclamation service la unjustly accused. Technical ly the service may be subject to erlti olsm. but for all practical purposes It ta above censure. - - j After reptatlrf conferencesLWlth prom inent railroad ollicuua, ins reonunaiion service received assurances from all tha great railroads of the west that they would carry government supplies for una on Irrigation projecta at one half their regular! rate, and would make a lika concession oa machinery, toola and everything else going to- make up the plants of contractors who are or may Hereafter ' ouiia government irna""" worka. It la estimated that such con cessions from the railroads mean a aav- Insr to the government of approximately 10 par cent of tha coat of each and every project, and In the and wilmeaa a aav- ins of many mUllong of dollars. . - . Bloa Were aVeduoea, In tha application of thla agreement tha - reclamation service . called rortn criticism from the controller of. tha treasury, though the controller waa frank enough to admit that hla criticism amounted to little, aa no - waa not tna proper official to consider the mstter. Acting under , Its., agreement' with the Tall roads, tha reclamation service, la In viting blda for reclamation wonts, causa attention of bidders to the reduoed rata which waa offered lor transporting sup pliea of government contractors, with tha result that bidder made proportion ate deducation from their blda equiva lent to tha reduction In freights. Tha saving waa to tha government! tha con tractor did not profit, nor did tha rail roads. However, thla practice waa con demned and haa beeu abandoned. , - Bnt to attain .the same end the recla mation service will hereafter pursue an other course which la clearly not a vio lation of tha anti-rebate law, alnoa there Is a statute permitting the -transportation of government property free or at reduced rates. t v " ,' , . ,. . gtin Aft tha Jeesste. i ' In tha future bids for work on govern ment reclamation projecta will be Invit ed In tha usual way, regardfeaa of the Ion. which the railroada ar will- If JV "I have bm aalag Oaaaras far tssnsnls. wHh eklaa I harebaaa aIiiM4 tar ever twaaar n ane l eaa aaf iaaa uwiimi a nil.f tn.n ear meat rmm:.f t n.lnl. Mnam ia. rtvaa art r.r triad. I amy Mesas as Is .TTr!.r:..'.r.r.t.r ohmsj. gia, ja ' ;rj'r '' ;' Best for-' -, . . 1 The Doweni. v- -a ' - S W w CAMtwnwrno PTeaaaat, r!'1.. ,TaaeeeJ,TeOead, HTr ei", V aaaaa er farina, 1m, M,iaa, Vw.r nld la am. Tka ennlne lulirtiuapW 0 00. WAuweatoeS fee eare at raav s.Mf eaca. SterUatReaM-'vCaChlaewearN.V. ft "tg'Heal tii ul ; creamr .'. , e -vej ; ", , . z, .' -r-.v - . ' - . a-e.SrtK.!,-7..', h nyed; cpIcxf,firom i grape?; rcc3 -to ;cbcoIutO:;puntyj is t the , xclvc; j.h - 'e'.l - iaa.' . ' . ..-' i'-J TT'-'" 1-' ...'4.'."" '""'.' principle of every pound of Roysil v v LITTLE CKILDHEU HQ!..? H ; WITH FULL-GRO.Vri LION i'i-u !'.''. e ii mm L - v !'.-', J , d .. "' ' ' - ' e Z .: (Joersal Seeder Servle.) '5 . e ; - Chicago. April- . Chlldrea : that go to Lincoln park romp : e ;and play with a -yr-old lion. J a three feat tall and weighing (00 v 4 ar oounda. Tha lion la not confined e 'to a cage; but- reama- about" the , q e'- park -at will, and skips about. e A the green grass and playa hid ' r and seek kmOna1 the trees. d -" Bablra alt upon -hlaback and- .-small children stroke -bis long i hair. ' They tie paper' bags- te ) e - big feet and ahriek with giee 4 e -when attempts to Walk. Their a d : laughter can be heard for blocks e when ba atijves to free his feet. :a w ' And the Hon seems ta enjoy IU , e Hi la happy when 'surrounded . 0 - by chrt ran. 5 t - ' ' ". . , q-w"it is) the moat wonderful anl- d 4 mai . X . ever - aaw,. aald ' Animal e V- Keeper Cy Devry. and every man and -woman who haa aeon .-'.thai. 0 e lion aaya M wicfc-,; ; V-m, e e e e eX4'e e e 4 . Ing to make;, eqntractora .wilt', pay tha full price of transportation to tha .rail roads, ' sod when tha freight bills are paid, the railroada will repay direct to twm Mmr of tha interior one half tha freight paid by the contractor. ;' -rt,i will ant h. nbita to tha. eon tractor, but wilt be purely a reduction Ja tb coat or transportation ox macninery, etc, that ta yirtuaily the property of tha government wniie . iv v va 1 -- It la stipulated in every contract rnada for conatmctloa work that the machine ary and , plant.; employed shall remain available -ontll . tka aompiauon or me work; and If Aha contractor falls, the government will have trl plant and will b able by this means, with Its -own men. to complete work tthafc, the contractor failed to perform, j: '.' ' , : There ,are technical detaila Involved In tha pending controversy which are v- tm -...Hi ant. .bnt nnderlvlar It all are paramount moral questions which Will oava tp aa oonoioerea. .. ' Wlky Beaate Aaw OHveja. ". i Tha reclamation service, in seeking to m,mt . .tMitlttiBa? irrtsmtlon projecta lg aeeklng to benefit tha settlor. The price which tha settler pay -for. water rlghta la governed by tha eoet of eonstruotlng ths project. Kvery dollar taken aft the coet of eonatruetloA la ao much taken off the coat which the sal tier must pay. Tha eoaceaalone which the railroada make oa tha transportation of oonstructloa ptanta are mad la the i.tmat Af the, eattlcr. Tha government doea not benefit, tha railroada certainly da not benefit, the contractor aoea not benefit; tb entire gain la to tha future aottler on the land. -r Tb railroads are willing ia maae theee reduoed rata for a vary evident reason. By cutting rata on transports- -...KlN-r thav naka noa- slble tb oonstructloa at soma projects that might Otnorwisa e aimnownw tr- eauas of axoeaalva cost. Furthermore. Ww mLAinrn lh mMmmait In thla way. they ar helping along tha early con struction ot . Irrigation worka. which means tha'aetUoment of thousands of sera of landa tributary, to their line. These landa are aow barren; they yield no freight) when they are Irrigated they mean onormoua auaineaa or me roada." So, while tb raaroad receives no Immediate benefit, It wilt, ultimately recover every cent it pay into tha rec lamation fund to the way ox reoaiew ow supplies, etc.. for these irrigation worka, CHILDREN HAMMER BOY ' :,;:( ANQ BABE TO DEATH - . (Jaaraal Special Sarrto.) . . , . , ; , iv..nA rl Amrll It .Tent ehtldren are In ja'll charged with batter), having hammered anotner cnua ana m , om.oj with a pleoe of brick until they, were enseless at Sanger thla morning. The Infant crtmlnala are LllUe Mo Kune, aged year, and her brother Orvll, aged I years. Their ylctlma ar Uovd Olaes. aaed II month, and Nellie piaae, aged yeara. ' -' - Llllte and umi attaoaea sdoya ana Nellie because Nellie made face at . . xinf.h nf thai vtattme are vet V4,l. T V. vw " conscious and may dla-, The MeKun children win do taaea to toe w miner reform achooL ' . i ' '-r-'. Elegant Prize Will D Awarded T Ji Owner of- Lucky Doge. - 1 If you have inot yet entered jrour dog In the coming Kennel club.Ahowyou have no time to lose, aa the time limit will poeltlvely close en April i. Entries postmarked 21th will ba duly honored by the secretary. , some very ihnmh trophies will ba awarded to fortunate eomnatitora. there ar special prise special raieoellaneou prises, regular and special prisee and regular awards. . The outlook at tha present for tha suceeas of the g show 4a very promllltlg L J : " ,. Th Orpheum.. , v Have' you bean to '' the Orpheumt Well. If you haven't, you're mloatng one of the beat ahow now In the city. It la the only flrat-cua burlesque nous In Portland. It' vaudeville artists are ail atara and furnish flva hour' con tinuous 'amusement. - Sinn' f touH burlesque corps de ballet., conalr';.. of ii well-trained, pretty slnf ng and o-nc Ing girl, alone I worth flva time the price of admission, which Is only II cent.. . . '. . , ''. . ' - hi i i i . .. . f FiofsiTO gtoet Caaie4 C .JLi. .'.'.' Alien lwla test )raa. . ' vV t.':.7 iV--'vMV'" : '" ?; eovEuu:: ii!3Iipio;i ,i-V- Judge jBlllnfri';iDeclldn bri . fle4 In Abatrri(snt of yatt vlnterettto Proiicutiori 'U ' i ':T jWJAVORl)FMlTCHElte WOULD CAUSE DELAY Some of the .Defendants Might Escape Through 4h9 Statute VJ : bf. Umhona.":; V, V , i,-. - udg BelUnger'r declsloa on tha Issues raised by Senator. Mitchell' plea In abatemeat Ja tha. landr fraud cases will not be rendered until nest Tueadan morblng. - If , waa . prtjlnelly set v for Monday tnorntne. :: Kf- "To tha bar of the state tha deciaion will 'ba of -unusual interest,' becauae it mvolVee questions of practice whleh have been a aourtie of much perplexity. It la at gravs tnrportanc In the ipecac cutlon of tha land frauds, as a decision advers ) . the government will.', cause serious delay .'la the trials .of the de- feadant and, night - allow-the. escape. through tha atatut ,of dlmltationa, or. aome those.. who..hava.. ajaen Indicted. Tha statute, had nearly rua a to soms EflTTAITS or tna oerenaaaea at. ua umo wmm ine i hV'ctmentav. ' agalnati. -thew . were re- I turned. ,..-', sJ:s I Mr. Heney wIH -remain" lit Portland I untu fh latter .-pajrt of nat wefc, He I is- fully ' resolved , to-' btins - ma caee against ' aenator atitcneii -to. tpai in thla can ba accomplished. Other trial will follow, aa rapidly as. possible. and the -caaea agalnat Congreaamen William son aad HermannwiU probably b the next. la aider. .-, i- -.?'; '-- - (Joaraal Speela Service.) f vv ' Venice, April 11. The Vanlea art ex-hlbttlosv- for whloh p raya rations have been going 'forward 'for nearly 'a'Teer, waa formally Inaugurated today by King Victor Emmanuel. Tb exhlbltioa la re garded aa one of the anoet notable of aaodern exhlbltlona 1a Italy. .Thirteen American artisu are among tha exhlbl ora. tha number Including John B. Sar- gent and ethers equally well kpowa. Take IWti fer AU it win Extracted and SUed sbeoluUIf without pain by our lata oclentlOo method, pat ented and used by aa ealy. JTre eaam-iBation.-' "- - -.--m -tt up amVOVS yitns and these who dread having their teeth extracted are Invited ta aUJU our offloe, where we will demonstrate to their entire satis- r action our eiaim tor pauueaa eauwei- ll'l I trn' Costcn Pcinless Dentists , SSlyb MOBBSPOJT ST. 09. xCeta arrvaak aad Old Hour 1:10 a. m. to I p. m. Sunday. :M a, aa. to 111:10 p. m. - - Ta be aura you are la tha Tight plae enana tn and nl .bottle of Dr. M. L Orfres ' tooth powder, free. Hear your printing trouble!" if you've been having troabl with 6ur:prhrtar- than', If ;tl' w r war taking tha matter In band; v7 nv (all. to please, -.v u,' ,( Dr. B. 0. WRIGHT , Te Mil J10 ' '.. JTliA. that f reilevee all pain In dental . opera- none. t tm, w-- -- . ii, ear. v . : t