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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 22, 1905)
.V i;::. --ri -a :- LOS A lOELES luSy -sa : ?tk3&53 i - ;:; ; nv; ii i nn iiiTTinn :: vs? vovv-A ;. hrr frr:,-v., - - JLCarvln-Wat Easy PJcWng fortfie Anls ; and ;Thu ; Port- land Loses. - f! LpCALS HAD CAME put VuyLury i hwlu i i With Many Opportunities to r " Score,' the Necessary Hit y?A Was-Wissingi.45 i Ix "Anrelrs t, Portland i. V Batterief Grmjr and Eacar; ' Garrln and McLaaiu .. .; ';,," y.". Portland had-yeaterdaya.ftme won "'.but .lt didn't stay won., -their. . anicel f brethren trine th aor tfl.tha elghtlj and winnlnc tt in rti - rnth " Innln. Burn ' la baseball.. Tha 1.000 . CJ Jgi women who aat through tha long bom- bardment - wet hopeful until tha laat, but fata decreed . tha - ; Watch' to; tha 'Angela and Mr. Garvin delivered It. 'The . locals tartedout with . ruah, touching up Dolly Gray for four aafa.hlla. and 'with the-aid of two -mlecues,' two of ' If cCradie'a men Voraped atroaa tha horn rubber. V This- ended .tha ' aoortns for Portland and It " teemed frnDbMlbla .Sot ;','iha Jocala to ad vanca ajen,. around the circuit . with any ' .degree . ,or , aucceea. eight being left on tna bags.'- Loa Angelea-" had eight men left 'on- baaee, but . her hard batting managed- to eend ufflelent around 'to win the -game: ( - With r handicap of - two- runa ; the Angela aurted an uphillbattle and hlta came to them -lute. BaaJcespeare'a, aor- f rows. In batullona, and It waa only pore luck -on numerous soccaaiona mat more . trli didn't eroaa the nan. aa "Vlrarll" narvln wa2ettlnc his bumDlnaa with : remarkable .regularity. ' Mltchell'a services on nrst beae'were I ' mlSafar'ar'TeTt Hera wal'"."mtwiai . weakened when Yaw Oiarea. wsa put on first and Murphy sent to left.- There 'la aorne doubt as to wnetner Van con Id hav got Cravath's long - drive In ' the eighth inning, .which resulted -In tying the score, but -the chance waa-a dim .cult one and Murphy did his best,'-run- v ping Into the fence in bis endeavoi to handle the. ball. . It avails nothing 'to if criticise a. young rasa who Is doing-ble best on a hard play,-when the loaa.of av game; may be honesty . attributed . to ether causes." In the ninth the locale had. a good, opportunity Xo edge In. the winning run, . but - Oarvin, Runkle - and .Van Buren failed to connect with 'two .jnen-n-xne-oaaeav-j j Berhard nit to Van- and was out. ''Flood beat , out a poke -to Rankle, 'and . took - second on - Garvin's bed toss . to catch him off first. Smith fanned and ' Dillon- bunted and beat Runkle'a throw to first, and Flood attempted, to score. , but Van relayed- the ball to McLean, retiring the poaaibie score.1 ; , y .. j; In Portland a, half r tne' first Van j Buren hit aafely and.McCredle put him and Van beat the throw to third. House holder hit safely into-1 light, scoring Van,, and took ' second on -the 'hit; as Cravath allowed It" to go through hint, and continued ' to. th(rd, when Toms n, handling the throw rrora Cravath,- bit Eddie on ; the ' shoulder ... and 'the. ball ' rolled ' to the stand and!-' Householder I ' scored. , Dolly Qrav's-troubles. were not l-eyven"for McLan singled and A ta 'fol lowed suit, and Dolly followed with Wild pitch,' advancing both-, runners, With-two rune knocking -at the .door, Runkle struclt out .. r -. ' The . Angela' first ran - came over "; in the third, when Flood, who had forced Bernard at, second,? scored . on Smith's two-aacker and ,Cravath' infield poke. With two down lit the eighth, captain Dillon banged one - for two sacks and Cravath followed ault, scoring Dillon- . .' Both - team were closed out in the ninth, bbt In the tenth the Angela found Oer v In s r In. and Bernard's- double. Flood's . sacrifice and Smith a - alngle The vtrmrMAX, tu 'SarsleMe Wul gave tt. - A VCMAM TO 12 T2ZTTY wast savaaretty kalr. aaatltal kwa4 Talr I aaas'a lairlal rae laarn. ' Tal Tae Mas s met-tlal raae easaara.T " at Immr rxl 4aerrf aad viia 1 altar . eaaarare. - r -a , NllWDlitoKlEElPIGIDE G-C ' Arrusj n at neKinit bams SatoM. .v;,v. v;t;.:;.v,;,.- fvrr.;v:;. ..-.y-- I 1 rr scored, the winnlnc run, as Portland waa unable to find the ball aafely. , me Bcore'"-' - ; ' i '..-" Portland. . "' ' '- ' .' ' in. R H pn. a. v Van Buren. lb. ...... 4 .l-.t 11 i; McCredle, rf ...... .-4 g , 0 schiafiy. b...v;v...- t r'i'f.i.' r Householder, ., f ' McLean, c. .......;. 5 1" t Ats. ss. .,f.,.....,.,.i. 1,1 .1. I t Sunkle. Jb. 4 I l-i I rphy, If, .....I.. 2 . i I -t i, Oars In. p. ... 4... ,.... i ' 1 Totals :f. v -1 .t fi f jo' II x- i jti a'' s' - fi tJCM 'AKOELES. ' -' ; ',, t -t t... . AB.R.HPOLA B. Bernard. r.. ...... a i-,3 t,.l Flood. . ih.. ..,4 ;l . 1.4 .4 Mmitn, 3b. ........... t I J Dillon, lb. .......... 6 1' I 41 Cravath. Tt . ,4 Rosa, lf. -......,.WjL4v 1.' 1 Toman. as. , . . . 1 . a 1 1 1 --I: Fgare. "4 f 1 ,1, Oray, p." .... '4 '!' t Tota-?.'.,. . i'. .Cl ,M IT-Ja II SCORE BT INNINGS.' Portland . .....1 t 0 1 . Hits lit l-l.g 1 Loe Angelea'.. eottlll H1U . 1 til Milt S 14 -,"" SITMMART. rtmck.out By Garvin.. (Smith, taJt-Barnaad t.. Reaia. Hseaett lie Pen v. t (Runkle. Garvin. .Schlady. McCredle, Householder). Bases on balls Off Gray, I '(Murphy t. Van Buren). .Two baa hits JSchlafly. Smith, Dillon, Cra vath, Bernard. Left on . bases Port land, I: Los Angeles, I. Double plays Runkle to Schlady; Cravath to Flood to 1 oman. - -eaerince ana McCredle, Householder, . Oarvln. Flood. Toman. Stolen bases Svhlany. Ats. Eagar. Wild pHcnee uray. uarvin. lime or gam' una near ana v minutes. Umpire Mr. Ik-iopt. ... 4 BASSBAU. AT FBaTVUITOaT. ; ' (Special Mapsteh -U -Tae learaaL) . rendition. Or.. April 12. A two dara athletic meet between Walla Walla'and Pendleton High' schools' waa opdned bare today with a. ball ' game, in which the Utter won by a score of IS to 7. The lineup of the two teams waa as follows: 'Walla Wajla Smalls, catcher; Crock er,. pitcher; R. Howard,, first bae: Ma rlon, second base: Cookerly, third base: Rlackman. ahortstdp; C. ! Howard,- left field;.' Alng,- center field; Whltehouse, right ' fleldt Eates .and Durry, ,-subatl-tutea. --1 ' .. ,; . , .- - .. Pendleton Penland, catcher; Sterna d, pitcher i-Hoover, first baae;. Means, sec ond base; Johnson, third baae; Leonard, ahortstop, Sktlas, left field; Dickson cen ter field: Boilermaa, right field l Btorie, aunstitute. i ,r- - 1 1 ,-,. .Tomorrow a'track and field meet. will be hekl here- between teama from . the two7 schoola, j, -',.(' f , -. j'-. '. 4 'J... BTOTICB ; TO ' ABtATBVBS. 't 4 , , .All , nolle ea .of amateur . base-. . 4 d i ball games, ehallengea and ath-' d 4i let lc" events sent to this'. 4 office 'before W o'clock a..-m. on the-day for publication. Ama--"d eur managers should ' pay at-'d tentlon to this-rule, as the keep- Ing of It will Inaure. a proper - d report V of their doings. The Journal.. , .L i ; t.- -- e , ,,... ,..: ..... ,v "wag tk : GQNEIli; seal and taBJag heir. KewaaVa BareMaa i4etears ihla eaaaay ef aaaaty sad wan m tW sakr ta rmiM Its aarar) kwta aad StMaaoaaea. Alaaast am nlasi aaaatta kw tae see e4nrf44e. As esxlaata kajv aVasatae, - OeareaaMe axeaaarea etitaaaa aad BMkas the kalr Hast sad' safTy. he grease a are, taes ftealag tastaatir. , KwslHa Witt ftase tt Tae Late' fst'Bsrslilli. .1 Jbpp AH OSffCTiOHfiu VIE Vw clubs.' 'V' Oakland...... Kan Krisrlaee lm ' Ancelee .tuft ,JVSO Jb'M .MO .4I0 .360 0 I'ertiaaa Brattle Touts tto itti3 eot r-y - v .- 1 I .. .i ' I : , "Beattle, Taesma, 4. Tacoma. Wash, April 2S. SeatUe de- . t J FT, . . . jaraima yesteraay Dy neavy Dar ting. Miller of SeattU and Tadefc FAgan navn maae pome runs." score: ' L--Li-.l : . .....TL H.K. wwraa.. t ... 1 i 9 1-10 -Seattl,- J, . . . . t e 0 t 2 e t -r 1 ' Battertae -1riwmA m.t nM Shields .and Dash wood. v. Umpire U4 via! 4'- ' . OaUaad, X Xrajaotaoei a -' San Franolaoo, April ' 12. Oscar Ore, nam waa invincible - for eight Inning yesterday, while young Henley weak ened In the tenth and Oakland ' scored tna winning run.. Score: d rx a """no . . e e e e e e e 1 1-. 4 San Fran- ... n e c -7 a watterles Henleyand Wllaon; Ora- uaiu aacaaurrr.- LmDlra htrrlna. T AX, UAOUB. PltUburg' New York Won. -Loaf, P.C Philadelphia, Boaton . . . . Chicago . St. Louis Cincinnati Brooklyn At Chioaro. . J"'.:; v "'C';1-' H.E. Chicago . .......... uinrinnau ........ j . S I Batteiiea Lundarren. and (nina-- rkuK mini, x uvtpa. iinpire uiay, XBAOtTB. bviV V ,' i't' : 'Won.,,. Loet F.C. Fhlladelshla t u ........ s . . 1 vna Chicago. ......t.'...,?.'cf . ',; .o New ork.-,,...'...., s 1. 3 .too Cleveland .4 .. ... . .,. i? " 1 . . j0a oT :. ......, 1 j--. .(00 oin ,v'u ....... ,-..'' '..600 Bt. ixuia.'.i,.......,.,;. 2 2" v ! .400 Boston ..,."..'.-... i. 0- f4.- - oo " ;t , ' aj , : H j. j. J . i T U BF I r-niiaoeiDnia ....... . a Boston ... f,. .... -j .4 -1 " 5",i'T1'"rCS?k'"5r' 'L Powers and Schrack; ; Gibson. ; Farrell and . Mo- aoveaw-rr-v---; , r ......... - . awttaw acaaaSf k.- ' (Jooraal gpeHal Serf Ire.) I :' . " Buffalo. N. T.. April 22 .Rntriaai closed today for toe atakea to be run at the - approaching meeting at' Kenit worth .Park under .the auspices of -the Burreio Racing assoclaUon, The meet lag ia to .i.t .11 dsya , v.,.' 1 no chief stake feature win, Iw. thai Buffalo derby, for 2-rear-olils arhWih nas a, guaranieea -value or, ,000. Be- araee inia -raeettnere are the Niagara aerial handicaps, of 23.710. for- l-tnt. oldSTand tipwardar the--- IndKDendenca atake, of 11.400; the International han dicap,1 of -21,000:' the -Ontario- handicap, 01 uae. vaiue, . ana tne. ennton and the Leatberstockina-.'. the latter salllna staana,- 01 f i.vvv eacn. : . . . .- T . For, t-year-olda the Blaon' City. ' of 11.000. an for 2-year-olda the Iroauola. ef ll.SOO, - and ' the Geneasee ' and tha Mohawk, of 21.000 each, are announced. In' gteeplechaafng-1 ho prograa-4achKtea the -Lockport, the Hamilton and the Toronto, eemblned In aerial ef 12.100. . . TAUI WIMelBB.aW - ''.' (Jooraal Bperlal Sarvtee.) '' St LouliVMo., -April It. The Ml -sourliAthletle club is to be the -scene ef a notable aquatlo tournament tonight when the picked club, swimmers . taJH contest In s - dual meet with the team of Tale university.' The events will be a 10-yard swim 10-yard swim, 220-ryard swim.! 2s-arda with' feet tied. Water polo aoT relay raoe. njT': ,, A Sewelty i ............. j j, ,tvt . ..." a. ..... ea .' . .. . . ' I - .7i -.V. . w . - S - S ,60d -... M . .ftO '..-.. 2 . ; 4 I ' .232 ....... ...... 1 i 1 . .142 s 1 a ..-r- i. . . (From the Hartford Times, , The unique sensation of the hour in Parte4a playwhich la both decent and populax. . , t '', ill ckocrcRrr bar RiR & 6U0W I N tHE HOW UN RACIfiG GOSSIP Of EASTERN TRACKS Baseball Magnate Farrell Has a String of Four Nags That 1 Have. Future. , .4" v.' ICINLEY MACK WILL: . i ENTER. MONDAY'S RACE Other Turf News That Will In- terest Followers of the Ponies. -v. Frank J.. Farrell. ' the baseball mag nate and racing enthusiast, has a string of -four l-year-olda -that-look'-tobe the most promising anfmalalhatruava ever' been trained to run In his colors, v . . Two of them are-entered in the Canar ale atakea. the feature race of the card,, on Monday. April 24, at Aqueduct One of these, a superb bay colt, by Kinley Mack-Maiden Poem, la thought by Frank -Weir, Mr. Farrell'a trainer, to have an excellent chance of capturing thta popu lar event. - The colt baa been- named for Clarke Griffith. - the doughty manager of the Highlanders, and With such cognomen Mr. Farrell feels that the son of Kinley Mack will be sure to meet with good racing' luck. -. -' He is- a fine looking youngster, and recently at the Gravesend track worked a half mile in 41 1-1 seconds without an effort. -,-: '' ' -' ' " Jamaica racetrack atablea) are erowded with thoroughbred s. - The track la In splendid shape and many of the horaea are-at work. Hermia ana hia ataote companion.' Stalwart, are In good afaape. and the pair reeled off mile tat about 1:50... Hermia' a trainer states , that he ig in no hilrry with him, and .that be would' receive only, long, ateady gallop until the approach of the Saratoga meet ing. .Stalwart., on the other, hand, will soon receive a preparation for, the big L Matt Allen, acting for Jamea B. Brady hag wired "Doo" ' Kyle, at New Orleans, to puf a price on the 2-year-old Cablegram. - "Doc" Kyle named a figure. but it haa not been accepted. Newton Bennington good-2-year.oia colt First Water in a trial at the Grave- send track ran a half mile in 42 seconds easily. -V : ; '. v , -1 Declaratlona for the Metropolitan Han dicap are:. Irish Lad. Goldamlth, Mon- treson. Artful, Wood saw. Coy Maid, Rose of Dawn. Majorami Merry - Lark and Incantation..- Intareat hag been aroused here among harness horse men by the announcement tharthe GwnaemenTrrTJrtrlng'ctub- t Cleveland haa mads plana for still fur ther .increasing ks work una . year oy giving a number- of race for trotters under saddle during the matinee. Tear Ago racing Jtrotters to saddle waa quite aa much a part of the trotting sport as racing to harness, but for some un known reason it died out, until the races of this rear are a decided novelty. it ia noealMe. however, that the decadence er thia atde or the sport is one to tne great Increase in the. number of horses to be trained and raced, and the fact that the - number of trainers has not Increased , In- the-same -proportion; For this reason the trainer have been eauea u con to handle and rare large table. and. aa saddle I bard work. trainers hava had to devote, their urns had energy to driving tnatead of riding. What oan be done In the way or ea- tablishlng a new record - for trotting under aaddl during these matinee will Interesting. The record for a mue under saddle waa made by Great Eastern " . Brew Out far 'Alt airfar uiiiwh era tinw knoarn to - bo curable, br Bucklen'e "Arnica Halve. Jas. Walters, of Duffleld. Va, write;- "I had a cancer n my lip for ears, that seemed Incurable, till Buck- en's Arnica Salve heeled It. and now tt a pnnectiy Well." Guarantee cure ror uta sri burns. iKa at Hd Cross Phar : .' : ...Tt:. the - oop&i & ;W O UVR 4 at Morriaanla. New York, September 22, J 1277, the -time bemr t:U Hi bar- naa-iwuiu lou waa a.x. uui ui. nii- ferenoe does not - represent the actual difference is time Between tne two ways of going, for gome horaea could lower their harness . time considerably . mere than the 2 K aeeonda of Great Eagtern. The, barneaa record at that, time waa the 2:14 of Goldsmith. Maid. t; , ? Diamond clistenings. ' It la bard Indeed. to loa a game in the laat stages. Seems to be Portland' fate to lose by on run. '.'.- , Portland and i Lo -Angelea each had eight men left on bases. 1 1-wouldn't have altered the result If every on of these men pad cored. Big Jack McLean felt .worew ever yea- LARGE SDIPIIEfJT, Of SALMON EGGS i- v- 7.' Nine Million Are Shipped to Port land for Exhibit it-Cewl 1 ':. -V :y and Clark' Fair.' FORTY-NINE VARIETIES A OF POTATOES RECEIVED Baptist Women .Give Easter, Fair Looking at Proposed 7-7: Water Systerrr Route.""" -,'.. j. """"" -',. ... .i-t.'1 (Special Mstateh a Tae Jiassl,)'. , - Corvallls. Or, April 21. Nine million salmon egg for hatching purpose went through Corvallta yesterday en root to Portland for tha Lewi and Clark ex position that will be made by the flaherlea department of - Oregon. - Wash ington and the federal government un der th supervision of the Oregon state fish .commission. ; Th egg were shipped from the hatchery at Elk City! . a Forty-nine varieties -of European potatoes arrived ' today from the agri cultural department at Washington for the Oregon - Agricultural college at- Cor vallls. They will, be- used .for -expert- mental pexpasee, -aad easne te-Corvailla in the mall, there being . alx sacks of th petaioe. :,;. '- According to rumor, there 'will be Pullman car 'placed on th run -between Corvallls and Yaqulnav during th com ing excursion season. ' AD coach .on th C aV E. road are to be remodeled and repainted and the roadbed will be repaired thin spring. 4 ' Th Baptist ladles held aa Easter fair In a "building on Malntatreet today; sell ing Easter novelties and serving supper. It waa quit nws fui. - 1 Today, accompanied by A number ef hiembef Of the water, committee ef th city .. council. W N.-Fortner, a i well- known hydraullo engineer of Portland, went out to Rock creek to look around and decide upon figure at which ho will mak the -council an ffer to supply tbenfwlth a surrey and estimate for mountain Water system Tor Corvallls. Other hydraulic engineer are to- vlalt Corral!! soon for . the ' sama porpo UiaXbnmght-MsFertner-her todays; OHO., - (Spelal Maaateb ts lb Jam sat - -Seattle. - April 22. Professor W. X. Bower. head of- th department of chemistry at tha Seattle high school, died yesterday -at the bona of J. -F. Illlngawortku' -'Hid parent live .en . timber claim In Oregon, 110 mile from railroad and until word can reach them no funeral arrangement wW be made. He' waa -22 rears of age and datb was do t erbr-plnal menin- gitie."-- z . ,' yawwl", . f.icCre . r.! ; i ! J I !. j C..;xC- Cam Rcs-j end Turf fir cf tv. Cnt' '" Baseball end , Cthtr ' ,Ct?orn3 Gzczlp. : terdyfa defeat, than any of th. player, for ha blocked three possible score at th plat; and worked real hard- to win. The big fellow secured -two nice hit yesterday. - -" " - - '. " - Van - Buren punched v out two more hlta yesterday anUagaia crossed . th pan tor the local. Van seems to be the beet run-getter Mho locavhv havs at present . - The old reliable covered first In excellent style-yesterday aad mad himself more popular tnan ever. If that la possible; by 'hi clever' work. v Lou Runkles' r Aeldlog was again the feature r of the - game, as be accepted alx chance cleverly without a miacue. Lou fa still troubled -with th loss of hi battipg- ayea. . ," j , , , ; . , j - Ely Catea la slated to pitch for Port land today and will be pitted against Charlie Baum of. Loa Angele. , Cate pitched his Arat full game for Portland last Bunday . when . ' he1 held OalUahQ down to three hlta.,.- f'r " r. r. Outfielder- Waldron .-arrived at Baa Franoiaco .'.from .' Albany, ' , New, Torlt, Wednesday, c He said he was In eondv tion to pUy any time thit Parka Wil son wanted him,' and he looked the part Of a trained athlete, 1 ;' . I Toung Harry Murphy mad anient did running ' catch of Dillon's ' Texas leag-uer back . of . second. . He "eat, la ahead of Ats and Householder and cap tured the bail neatly. ; : : .Cap , Dillon' third . hit came ,ln - the tenth, when he hit through the box and the ball caromed of f Gua Kloprs shin. rnsa oi beuua batting thira lor Bt Loo la. - In the opening . game at Chicago . Friday, Emit hit out two single. . Clanoey, : who I playing first for Pittsburg, aise got two singles. - - Catcher Anderaon. who was with Poatiand in 102, wUl be with Min neapolis this year. .Detroit drafted htm. but be. waa not fast enough to hold hia I lob. . ..t,v...:...i.i J BUIy Dammana 1 " , the; enter of a RC5EII8 Cfl'MS TflECOiirniA -r. . i - : '.'. t: 5 Oil ' Magnate Has Filed1 a -Deed Shewing;; Hundred-Thi , sajd. Consideration.; FIRST EVIDENCE' THAT w N HE REDEEMED THE MINE Purchaser of Big" Oregon Mine . Lives in Massachusetts and ' WpecUl Mapatck t The JearsaLl ' ' Baker City, Or.. April 32. A deed waa rued with the county recorder late yes terday afternoon, under the terms of wtuch Henry H. Rogers, the Standard Oil magnate, and bis wife, convey to Robert M. Burnett, of, Southborough, Massachusetts, all of the Cornucopia mines property in thl county. - Th . consideration is placed '' at, - Tne instrument, signed by Roger and hia wife, was a matter for much curious speculation. - i - -Nothing is known here concerning the Intentions of th new owner regarding the development of the property,- al though It la not thought It will b per- m-ttteer-t remain idle longer.- ' - ' . Thl I th first documentary evidence produced that Roger put up the money lor redeeming tne cornucopia at execu tion sal recently, when more than 250,. 000 in - cash was paid into court.' He had -claimed, a. 1100,000 mortgage, but when th money for redemption was of. fercd th attorney : for . the redeeming parties said that the money - waa ten dered by the Cornucopia Mine of Ore gon . company. . which. saaant John K. Searlea, . the bankrupt augar tnagnal. From that time until th present there ha, been nothing said er done Indicat ing whether fiearle really-raised the re- detnpcion funds,-- It- they- wore paid by Rogers. The deed indicates . that th latter furnished the money, and In re turn therefor Searlea deeded th prop rty to Rogers, - ... ., . .. Burnett la not known here, and It can not be said now If he la merely acting a, trustee for Roger or 1 buying bona fid. - Tb people OJf tha district impatiently await- final announcement f the plana" or the new management , VALLEY HOP, FIELDS i IN EXCELLENT SHAPE (Special Dtaseeca v Tae JearaaL Albany. Or April 11. Hoc in thl action of tb valley are in excellent condition, and tb aew yards especially are showing up flee, -A yard of 10 acre., across the river front this city, planted thia spring, la snowing th best stand of plants ever seen In, litis part of the valley. . There are very few t ad hill and the plants are ito.- t! t. A irnber Of men are now I t v j -. a' 1 they pro-j i t j 'f i" r small tempest In, Spokane," Dam man n 1 held by Spokane by a reserve con tract, but Boise wants him, the worst way. Spokane, ; in . turn. wouldllk mighty well to get hold-nr MeFajrlane. wno ia a-prisoner in th Boise camp. Dammann would Ilk to play with Boise, o -Matt Stanley , haa offered to trade, and the deal may go through. ' The new uniforms for the -Spokane Indian hay arrived an Spokane. The .suit are pearl gray with blue lettering ana blue - trimming. -'Blue belt and ' stockings are to be worn. The team will play a game there Sunday with the Spokane Amateur Athletlo cluBH or OAxaroaurzA. (Journal Special Bcrrtce. ) i ; , : t San Francisco, April 22. The only In cident of the day at Emeryville track waa the wretched snowing of Daa Col lins in the second race. Summary: i . Four furlongs I'm Joe won,. Syphon i Girl second. Legal Form third; time. :4. ' : Six furlongs Strenlllty won. Dr. Sher man second, Dortce- third r time. 1 :1H. ' Mile Gloomy Gun won.-- Calculator eeond, Jernsha third;, tjms 1:44 Vi. Six furlong Crusadob won. Sad Bam second, Tocolaw third; time. 1:14, . . Mile and an elgbth-r-AUopath won. J. V. Klrby second, Henry. C. Ry third; i Una, IMH. . ' . . MUe and aa.eighth Ledus.woo, Ma rello second,. May. Holllday third; tlm .. :.. . -,, --;-. . ,r ,:. ; oox.tncBiA ram sroas wiiwl ; ' 4 '. . ---'' v . m "i i ...--.v.., -a. The Columbia drug store team won from th Lincoln Park team yea lerda f. afternoon In an exciting . game. The final eor stood 11 to f. Batteries:, Ooluanbia pharmacy.' Bat em an and Pier- ' son; Lincoln Park, Baker and Thornton, i a new yard I not expected to bear nop until th second year. Other part of; th county report similar conditions, and ', the outlook for the bop industry in this county Is very flattering. . IVMINNVILLE AND NEVBERG DEBATEH3 - (Speelsl Batsatch ts Ts Jearaal.) . McMlnnvllle. Or, April 12. The New., berg high school an, the McMlnnvllle j ' high school met la a debate last even- Ing. ' Th subject waa, "Resolved. That the cabinet system of Great Britain la better than that of tb United State.' A few opening ' remark were mad by Professor Wilson of McMlnnvllle and) Professor R. W. Kirk of Newberg. TJlef " following program waa rendered: Piano solo. Mr. Herbert Eckmann; vocal duet! Misses Henderson and Little; violin olor Mis Ethyl Evans. - - - j In th debate th afftrmatlv was Harvey Saunders.- Miss Blanch McNay and Llnsey Qudley; nagatlv. Earl Nottrx George Mclntlre and Samuel Babeock. The Judge ' made -their decision laj' favor ef th McMlnnvllle high school..; An elaborate banquet waa 'served after. . th urogram.: ,.. Portland Kennel Club. Exhibitor dealHng entry blanks ogi any other additional information ia coo-, nectlon with entering , their dogs foa the . coming dog show, can secure th same by addreaslBg the secretary.. Mr.i F. F. Wamaley. 22S Pine street. elty Entries will close Tuesday. April 22. Why; Not Avalt yourself of the opportunity of taking a Business er Shorthand course : -during the summer months, when the j schools are not crowded, thtie etulpRtnv! rourself for a good position in th tall? j, t la a simple thing to do. yet the re-i suits are incalculable. We asstst 0U graduates In finding positions. BEHNKE WALKEP COLLCCJ BUSINESS Sum and Morrison St.. PwrCud. et.' Open all th year. Call or send for tataiorue. ; On aeenant f It h-tahtrnl km Msnalag la sow awe ly ralwd ih k . ., It war elite he kw - . trartad. Oaa tb. araleat a Uin.1 v M i. arrnrnla, IVarma, RMmiM . V anNleo. Jotara. tnipru.. ae C. -e t 8poa ea the yaee m hdr. Ittt t -a t amis er ea tae twe, aur. iimi. ' alia, ralllag em W the r er , flaalhr a lseeaas-t"-e f tr ,' , aad Boeea. If yom r r ' lar armploaw, ao-tI .u7 i lawmlla ilr . T a kHuan-t a) alt et lire .. tt e eras r lirkM a Hip. trf a. t k thx a m ef t1-- j ' . Mt rv-rr t-- . mt I a-rr a-a ' r - , r .... a-4 r . . ' p 4 a BLOOP macy, .uth and Oak street, on th way to the posto&ice. 1 .