The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 22, 1905, SECOND SECTION, Page 10, Image 10

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. a '
. -J Cv v. n..
v- VISIT FiaGc
m r .
Tomslosy and Pamocmut, Htp-
Cxarelses ThAt'.WB 'Inform th
.WorU June First position
rsssntlnj ; Ktd - HurttlKj J
Ijorrotsa Ham. '
wIi Year-
: tW: Doors Are Ajar,
Make wonderful speeehea Render tha Are tost mueie fjive vanj te
' the keenest humor, and pour forth the beet ,o everything th earth
roducea throuxn ' ' '. . ' '". .'.- ',-
Main fe'ody Remains at Ctattla in
5. -.; " ;
V ';...') '"'
U Clots proximity w R4ni J
.? V
H i :
. i.
; 4t Is Expected That Fifty, Thou
j. ; ;: sand People Will Witness ;;
..r-v;;:vrre ...-N.,H-U;
' The program for th opening services
1 Isf ,th Liwii and Clark exposition at
'soon ea June VU practically completed.
, , Jnaaa' band will supply muslo -
r Itlenal air iv . .. v:; ..-i..-: ;,
i , Bmbop JDavld It 1(im t tb Me
lodist Epiaoopal chants, will Wlw th
' ., iavoceliea. . ; ' -1 " " "
I ' 1 ? Ooweraor Oeorga X. Chambcrtala wilt
, JMItr m (MnM. ( welcome ea be
' half sf Cresoav .
Meyer 0a H. WllllaaM wlfl maka
I tha address welcome tat tha city of
t 'Portland. ' i '';?".'
I , President Goods i8l on behalf
Of tha Lewi asd Clark poatl
. Congiaae Jam A.. Taw?, chair
.man of tb houee of repraecntatlro'
'delegation, will raapoa on behalf
cobs, tea a, - -v.' ';
i ' Arohbwhoa A, Chrhtl tof tha Bemas
t ,Cathollo church will pronounca tha haw
i sdJctloa. ' - ; '-
.4 It I yot t b decided who. If Mr ona,
' 1 will apeak far tha Unlta BUtee aeasUe.
:it ha that Conaraaaman Tawney
speech will ambraoa both house f tha
national .Uglslatar. .. . .. "' .
It la expected that fully SMed people
will attend, the opening. Thl at once
preclude tha ' poaalblUty of tha earn
oionlea taking place in tha Auditorium.
A platform will ha located between Jb
aunken gardana nd tha-ban stand. . "
Colin H. Mclaaaa of tha -aaouraton
buraaa of. tba Xwia and Clark fair, aa
tlmataa that thara will ba a total of X.
UtjM ndaitaalona to tha fair. Ha baa
praparad n tabulatad atntaaaant. ahaw
(-T ta Bumbax who wlU 4tkaly rlalt tht from tha northwaat. from tha aaat.
and front Portland and auburn. ,
lit aatlmatca tha aapnlntton within
auaa of Portland to ba 4t,taa and
wHMa ,IM niUaa of tha elty to ba ..
,. In praparlBK tha aatlaaaU na
haa aalowlatad that aach paraon who
eoaoa to PorUand will pay thraa admla
aioan to tba fair. In that way h haa
ma tha fouowlnf oathnnta of tha
attaadaaoa freB tha WMtara atata:
Oraaon .4. ......... 4I,M
Waalitftom 4" "J
Idah v .. ....., ,
Uontana ........... .. UM
Califarnin ...... .....
Utah .........'..,;
Wyontlng. ....!... ...... ...a ,
Kavadn ..........
British Columbia. ............. .
rtarn traval. aatlraatad an bast
of arrtvaU day for tt day, will
brti paraon who will mahs
11S..M Tiaita1 to tha fair. PorUand and
aubnrba. aaUntatod on a baal of ..
nopulatlan. aaeh tastdant Vlttlng
tha fair thraa tlmaa, wlU ntaka a total
of 4la,0A ndmlaaiona. "
Tha dally axauraion tnt Portland
t wUI ineraaa tba ainsibaf of Ttoltm at
tha rt of 4.m day. Sunday n
HeliSl which for lit any, will mah
tl.o admtaataikK . H astlinato that
i thara will ba an avarac dally nttanaV
jane of ,of.- .. .
i:issio:j success at
fTh atlaalon conducted at rfoly Croaa
church by tha Rar. J. A. Chapoton of
St. Loula la - proving n great auooeaa.
Many non-Catholic ara- paiwa .avary
'avaning to haar tha aloquant redorop
itoriat Tha aarriea en Knter will ba
-a- - mnrvtoexrrnxhw
Chaptoton wiirpraach at tha btrh nua
and th muale and ohantlng will bo by
'the University choir, under tha direction
of .Kr Jerome. ' " ':
Special aervtoa wlU b held Sunday
ovoatng at 1:1 o'elocavincluding fro
caaalon of tha child rea and a aarmon by
the- nrtaatonarr father." Tha mission
will close Monday evening. . Archbishop
Christie will ba present te give the
papal benediction. - :.-rf"T:r.-,
, THg-ltAIRa!trfYfachorTru .rrour ikrW
:i::., (lesraal SBeelal narvlee.) . -
f Tapeka, April l Frank Imlth. a
ook In tha Santa, Fa hospital bare, ha
placed In hla lawyer hand a claim to
n share of tha Pair millions, based
tha beltef that he Is brother of Mr.
Charlea ralr. wba was killed with bar
haa band in an automobu aocldeat ta
Franoa. . ''. r "
telth any he left home la iitt. and
ha not corroapoodad with hi rolattvee
uor many rear. Recently bo noticed
--"I : 1 in tha anper the not ice of the death
1CJI of -Mrs, Maenah. Melsoav who he cleima
- r.f rsg njg asotaor. r.-i-.'-.r
1 ,
X. O. Dotr of Caaead leki
i suest at lbs Portland hotel.
J: O. X. Otnan-of Astwri to in th lty
In knameaa. - j.. ; i
n Campbell of Bdllngtam la
' iatarad at tba Imperial,
t Mr., and Mr. Frank M. Brown
Salem are visitor In Portland.
U roffiatared at' th Parkin.
w. A. Wann cf , Eugan la at th
Prrktne hoteL
1 1 J. E. Beeiier ot, Dana ta in town far
..-, brief atay. ' ( ' .
Li " i."H.-"Lwrencel registered at the
Impeiial from Salem. V' "T
Fred- A.r Hnrlow. of .Trmtdam was In
he city today. ; " V r.. .J
. .A. Radakovicb and M.
Ra eafev fcR."
' t rmployea of the Southern Pacific, war
' I , Drought to tno city thla morning far
, , medloal nttentton, - The men are Qraek
v a. laborer, and "war.. Injured while on a
f r . conetroctloo Job In eouthera Oragon
Attn Oood Samaritan hoaplul. where
v i they war taken. It wee stated their In
Jurtea would .not prov aertoua... thee
.- .ie let tng nr ant had braises about the
, . head and ehoulder - Neither of the me
' , epaaka Engllah, and the anae of their
iajnrtss la not known, aha local officer
'. of th company seen having no iafernia
tion en th subjoot,
' -.
' t Uaarail gptdai umm:
Waal Palm Beach. April II. Joeerh
Jsfforaea spent reaUeaa night, but hi
rondtttm U UHl changes.
rwu roa PcrrrxAjra.
ta Te d-srmtr
r"n Franriara. April tlAt sees the
Mr. DonsU IScLsta, Elected Prldnt-0irnl tA ths DtnjlaTa of tbd
, American Serobitioa st
Vics-Presidents and Cashiers of
ChcagoNational Banks
zv. Subpoenaed. . '
Must Produce Books, Cash Ac
counts and ' Checks ;to :'
Grand Jury. ' ; K j
dent and cashier of Chicago national
bank were served - with auhpoenaa
duos tecum requiring them to produce
cash book, bank bootar, oaeb accecmU,
chock and all record in their poeaea-
ion belonging to th -Attn Trading
company and . Oppenhelmer A Co., tba
aeuaac i concern before the ' federal
grand Jury tnveetlgation. '. TBI action
haa created a atlr among' the packer.
th auapeeted eonnaetloa of th
Aetna company ia ald to ba the out-
of tht dlacovory. or the trun
esntainlngv th book of the company la
a safe deposit vault :' -
The grand Jury resnmed tody IU
problnga into tha tauaag casing bual-
Mor tnan it cierna ana em
ploye of peek era war before the grand
Jury. i ! ' v-..
aeret acrvic men siai inai ceriain
peck ere have queetioned the right of the
United Statee secret service department
to make an investigation in connection
with the grand 'Jury, contending that
tha secret aervlc idepartment la .under
the charge of the United Statea treaa-
nry department and that tha funds pro
vided by eongreaa cannot bo osed in
special Investigation, because the secret
aervlc la only for tha suppression or
counterfeiting.. .; . ;. ( i , .;.. V!
. Foetal Inspector Batter today endeev
&mS tii A imrmvmr Mml trace of the tM'
Isterws, jnall sack which waa preaumably
aaot from Woodburn tarTonians ween
ago. but which never arrived. Postmas
ter Mlnto aatd thla morning that ha was
of tha opinion that tha Woodburn post-
meter protmbiyjbuieea - uia sacs oj
mtatak with some other Inati. and that
tha missing pouch might not be diaeov-
imA tmm smU as It TV?" "-r)-Jf
It tornake th Journey ts Kew-Tork ber"!
for the mistake wa aoteo. ,Tne poatai
afflclala. while not accepting the Theory
that the ponch waa atolen, are still cn
Atmrnrinr to locaU It by thorough in-
veetisauon Jf th Porttand-Woodbur
route. ..,
' ' ftDsdel- DUoatrh te The Joaraet)
Dallas, ' Or.. April II. TVe -. Polk
County H oolgrowera r association' will
meet on ffaurdsy. April i. This meet
ing wtH be for th purpose f electing
AfAMm. Th krower"-r hoping for
l-eent ark thi year. Th lewls
ndV- t mohair, snd wool commJtlets
Wuhingtoa YMttrday.
Many VAJuable Animals Are Vic
xims . oi wnitnown oisjor in
s Brooklyn-Addition. '.
Residents Aroused and . Reward
Has Been Offered for Arrest
of the Destroyer. .
' Two dog-poisoners have . been. - busy
for three, days in Brooklyn addiuon.
and so far nine valuable animal nave
been killed. Three day ago two
dog died, and yesterday half a dosen
more were found dead' by their 'enraged
owners.' Among th nine dead animal
waa Don Caesar, the 1240 blood hound
belonging to W. -F. Spencer, , Don
achieved fame year ago by tracking
a burslar and aiding in hle capture.
and ha was a pet of tha aaat aide, where
he was probably th best-known dog of
tba entire distrlat. . .
The work of th poisoner ha not
been eanedally hidden, as children la
Brooklyn have raeen tw men throw
piece of- meat to dog, and On aeveral
occasion these doge ' have died soon
after, -their mod of death indicating
that poison had been ' given them. . All
tha dogs killed were valuable one, and
ana mourning owner offer Ilk reward
for the appreheneioa of tha potaoaer
who fed hla pet a fatal meal.
' Among these who have loet valuable
dog re W F, 8penr. Oecar Cornell
and M. Harris. Th list of th dead
includes two cocker spaniels, two or
three pedigreed game dog r and one In
offensive pug. Bo far no cur haa .mat
death and none of the doga poisoned
was of aavaga disposition or had.
far as Is known, attacked any one.
. Officer Stewart ba for two days been
working on tha eaae, but haa aot dl.
covered the Identity of tha two poison'
era. - Thla afternoon It was reported that
Brooklyn men had been seen giving
dog poindned meafd 1bm were
taken to arrest the offender, but awing
to the excitement In the suburb end the
conflicting stories, the value of ; the
evidence agalnet the man I considered
doubtful by th offlcera. ;. j ,
' ..rors bosbs nt m sast.
i C. J. BchnsbeK formerly deputy United
Statra district attorney, has gone aaat
on a trip, combining business with pleas
ere. ""He- pentjar.-weeh at t lisrles .City.
Iowa, engaced In aettllag nn estate la
which Oregon heirs are Interested, and
thea proceeded to. the Atlantic coast. He
has written to the local passenger agent
of the New Tor It Central a very flatter
Ing tetter concerning tha "Knickerbocker
Special." the fast train operated by tha
company between cnicago and - New
York. -'. r :.: V,v ..; ' - ..I v
(Jonrl Bparl.l lertlre.) , j'
OlehWood rtprlngs, OMV. April ll.-JTh
preeldent's icamp was moved- today
the William Uregor rarteH en1 West
Divide creek, wber Becretsry itfiab-Will
Join tha parly for a ft w. . day next
Two Igorrotea, known kg Fomelbey and
Domocmut. tha former - chief of th
band, arrived from Seattle Hhl morning
with Dr. T.-K Hunt, manager, and C. S.
Moody. financial agent of th Jgorrot
Exhibit company, jTh officer were
Joined here by Edmund Felder, a -di
rector In th company, and thla aner
noon they are- dleeuaalng term with th
exposition, officials, tor , the exhibit af
tha wild men of th Philippine. It I
not known -wher the Igor rot vuiaga
wUI ba located, but since the experi
mental gardens project haa been aban
doned and the space turned over to the
concessions departments. It will moat
likely be built there, t i . vV
There are SI native in tn company,
of which 21 ar females. A man aged
(1 year walked 10 mile from th wild,
mountainous .country to Join th band
bound for America. He ewltlistood thla
anteel nlcslv. but the. temperature
aboard ship was too tnuoh for him. and
ha ia now lxia up in a noapiuu t cr-
tt)o wMh rheurastlsm. j ,
hfr: Feldar. who has seen u ronuiw
for some time, arranging tor. ma ex
hibit, Whe th xecutlvreommlalonr
of th Philippine eommtseten . to nt.
Lours. There, he atatas. no otner eau-
eaUonaT exhibit waa yieHedjr rty
as many people as wa the Igorrota vll-.
laga, and he promise -insi a similar
record wlU be made her If satlafactory
arrangement era mad. ,
Tha men who aecompaniea vr. "uai
te Portland ar distinctly representative
of th community of.oatoo province.
L They are rather stalwart, an ao-
pear to b under years oio. xney
hav not yet recovered from their -tonlahmant
at tha sights in thl coun
try; they har been In America, about
Svo day now. "Theywer In th fair
ground thl morning as early a the
gatekeepers and at nooa were still star
ing about them with open mouth. Th
Isorrotea ar dressed in American ator
clothe, but wear no shoes. They did
not Seem the least inconvenienced -by
th hard stones or th rough plana
hleh they trod. The. main body of
Igorrota will' not leave Seattle, for
at least two weeks.. -.:j.--t
Director Doach of tba exhibit depart
ment ba decreed tht all exhibitor
who hav not started work on - their
booths In th exhibit palace on May 1
will forfeit their apace.' ' , A .
"The exhibits must be complete on
th' opening day." aald Colonel Doach,
In explanation" of hla order, "and tht
only way wa ran be assured of thl I
te compel exhibitor te begin work one
full month ahead.". ... i -
Jan It has been Axed a Oregon nnl
varsity day at the expoattlea.
Secretary Reed was ad rued this
morning by W-H. Mills' of Morwalk,
Ohio, president of th National Associa
tion af Railway .agent, that that body
will rbeld Its annual meeting "in Port
land thl - summer. Thi is the first
Intimation of thla convention. . . The
gent will srrive, 100 strong, by spe
cial train at 1 o'clock July. 1.. Th con
vention meets' the following day.., ,
Xgorrote Demand Banaaet ta Oelabra-
ttoa of Safe Arrival atara.
Seattle.' April
IS. In order to keep
peace in th" ramuy, unlet yomeioey
say IherrTnusr b- dog feast for the
Igorrotes to celebrate tha safe arrival Of
th band after a long voyage from tha
Philippines ' C. Pr Sterns, pros agent
of the party, haa agreed that th ban.
uat ahall be given Just a soon a he
can find a good, fat dog without a mas
ter. .. '
Dr. Hunt ha decided that th party
wH leave for Portland In two weak.
.(Beeeiel bweatea- te The : Jwsnutr
Aatotia. April XI. Steamer Oregon
arrived down early thl morning; and left
for th bar at noon. . v ,
Tbd "plcttrs shors littk U ar(art Cexneti. Ose rttt onmaster little
; danghterr and the TOtruflcent bom ' ia New Yotk. where :sbectU!
' , brsted her eljhth btrthdsy. by (iving; s mefnlRtent party to ber UttU
..'.'friends, all ehildrei-of wealthy parents, which was more larUh bv its
; trobtmeats tbaa'sny that kra
RArawFxora - Aim cabtbtot
n rtrmomAsxo . ajuwrxbt
pob ua. r3 : aoxmaSA
' FAIR' AT Wtf MtTZS, -Mod,-. :.-
. . - - tv. : -'- ; . .....
. . ASV, j ye ,
THE JOCRNAL. '. ' ' ,''v:-. "V;
i;t Fifth and T.amhllV Zl-.f. t
Please aend solicitor to my address ''
to explain FREE QRAFH0PHON8 ,
OFFER. .,;)..,,:.. r- )
NAME ....
i :
Dyrt Presence at Seattle of Bright
Cand of Railroad Merf Wo(r-l
'i r -ried Shippers.
Nearly 'EVery Prominent Official
in Pacific Northwest Waa In; -t
. Washington Town.
Th preaenc In Seattle i of B. A.
Worthlngton. vice-president and gen
eral manager Of the Oregon line of the
narriman aymem; a. a vmg. Bnerai
passengar sgsut of th Oregon Railroad
A Navigation company; W. E. Coman,
geaeral freight and paaaenger agent of
th iBVonthern Paolfle; A. D. Charlton, as
sistant general paaaenger . agent of th
Northern Pacific, and J. 8. Kden, assist
ant trafflo manager of the Great North
era.. haa given rlaa to various report,
on of which was published, to tha effect
that tber were In conference to perfect
a new agreement on a dhrlalon of freight
and .paaaenger business in thoPaclfta
northwaat.-: " :--, - r ' -
- No confirmation of the report is ob
tained, and It la shown by statements
made by some of the offlolaJs that any
agreement of the character and scope
referred to would be formulated In the
general offlcea of the companies ' at
New York, or In tha offices of th heads
of traffic departmente at Chicago." It la
ware in Seattle at th same tun
merely s coincidence. Some f .them
have returned home, and all deny that
there waa any unususl signifies ncs at
trhr"tottelr eevnd.jUlt , ..
Mr. Coman . and Mr. Craig went to
cumttla tomthsr to talk over with pa.
aenger officials routine matters regard
ing the service ana ine npecira
paaaenger business thla season. - Mr.
wnrthinston will not return nntll next
Tuesdsv. , It Is his first visit to the
sound, end he la making a general la
spectloa of that territory. He contin
ual hla trtn aaat as far as Spokane.
Mr. Craig. On hi taturiv went to
Nortk Beach. '. :-
T Qo to church end be otherwise good.
ttta chre-j hr for xtqyi jtcylsv . -
Th satisfaction In the possession of .en of the machine la
almost Indeserlbabl. If yo feel disposed hear -a lltUe comic
opera, you-ean. If yon want t laugh, you can. v. If you want grand
opera, you can hav It. If you wish t hear oma good reading your
'Wlah U gratlned. All thi end more, too, yu nan, have. without atlr-,
' ring out of your easy chair W your own home by .mean pur apectnt
Offer, ., !,.,:;: j y ; ;;- ;,vt . ,. ..j ; -
with. the Cofumbia Phonograph compear. It Ul Svrittt street, jbe'
Journat-1 enabled t make thfe ,-: ' ''; .'.'.. " . a -,v:--.V
CnEAT PaEE .'CPBri: to ;sn!-
cfaiicr5; in Pc?j!c end -Satiric,
rut ant tha attached counon
Journal, at Fifth end Tamhlll streets, and we will a ad eur represent
tttlve te your hem to demonstrate ana expiam m you new yon ean
'v- :. -. . propur thta regular, : f
v!V; .v 1 i . ''.r,V'.''! .
Herta a TfifW Iwidow VVhb
Wants a Rich Husband jf;
. - In Oregon. 'v?y'';.?.
Writes Secretary JGiltner . of tha
Chamber f Commerce Re
' questing His Assistance.
Mrs. Mary4- Pickett ' of Beaumont,
Texas, has applied to Secretary Edmond
C OUtner of the Portland chamber of
commerce, for assistance- la securing a
wealthy Oregon husband. Th new
charter of the chamber. Just received
from th secretary of state, make no
provteton for promotion of matrimonial
enterprises, but Secretary oiltnor has
Interested himself in th Texas woman
preposition, and will toy her letter be
fore a number of well-to-do Oregon men
he lack the feminine contingent or a
successful domeatlo establishment.
Mrs. Pickett, having read In Th
Journal- news of Mr, dinner's election
secretary of - th chamber, resolved
to place her case with him.- r c :r '
"I am a widow. s yeera old," an
writes. .T hav tw children a daugh
ter l. and a son of I years. - I am tired
of Texas, and would Ilk td go west.
Could 'you not assist main getting
rich husband T I am told men ar plentl-
ful In i 1"
em tired of belag alone. I am a lover
of horn and my family. . Now, If you
can assist ma, la any wa. pleaaa do so,
and oblige a very grateful woman.''
-sirsi Pleketf e addraaa 11911-liberty
street, Beaumont. Texas. . y
, Iidst. Tbne Toniht
Isst perfonsiltes ef Beribe 111 CUT'S
I "Dora Than" will be grfea st the
aulsMB. Iitrsess ef
story sad the ereeileoM ef the stay. eeeHMsed
wits tne very eiever pnesaiauea gnea ay
The lest week ef the eoeusav la WtlM
will start BMaarow sfueeena. sad the farewell
ertertn le to be the 4eeghable faree eeawdy
Wveay he tm H eaataiat laagh sad it
taU at clever attaattsas. , .
f :?STU Hon. John North," -
srles B. reer. the eeWhrste trim
ensMdlsB, Is saaeHated With U a. tmekwell.
wm will SDaaar st the Msraesai Orsas te
tre. htooomr sad Taesssy eight. , la "TUt
ll.m.lin Jeka Nerta."
jeaa narta." am m ass
te taeatee setreas. aavtag aaea aewetoted with
eerwal strong
. have pUxee here.
WW last la this city he wse with Joe Jetfer-
i Ik. su-etet esei, '-res sivsie," Mr.
the rrmeh eeest. which
h) eeasitd ea ef kle streagmt
tbma. aests are asw eenia. :, , v ,. ,
' V- 1 1 '" ' 1 '- - -' -;i.T
u. rtrformanc by Candle Lifht
, . .....
teat Blast, as Sylvester. Joaes asd Welle,
the slssere st the rasa, were -saont te make
their sspearssee ea the stss, -ts llfhts fliek
ere and finally - Veil est. , Renal t Me
rescr, . the sissasemeDt quick
let if eappnea
readies and a row slaeed semes h suse
serve ea tnotHghta, asd the serfersMaee
Nntwlthstssdlnt the difficulties aaaer whkk
rieMa aiMt I fa aaea preaeaiea tsew epeenitr,
It met wltk the heartiest tparnvsl et the sa-
"East Ljnsne."
. tar I'the WraWeek ef tie
iwnaerr-ttr T"" tloK stallsee tadsy. Uia.Sm
alre Theatre Ktaek mapaar Will sreatnt the
wnrld-fassies- tiatleasl Or MM. "Bast lnne;
ar lbs kliifiaiiat." SB aosstattaa -et Mrs,
Heary . Weod'a ealebrsted story ef the sssm
Mm Var eoMe s sasibee ef yaers this baa
M ec tne san pawaiai' mmm von-nafiu
spaa , ta aawneaa , stagei, asd ae-
1 At the Star.
Seal vtaderllW U faaed at. the tar tbto
week; vssdeetlle that eeeaa as sedleaee Bente
h.H.a --- ------ aM UH- Iwiltf, 111. llM.
t mts have senastnaet aenbatu wr.Hr, Wea-
ra See Beaaley are very Maeasie, ana vaiy
and hiaratiy atag ead talk their way to fleer.
Istfe eak IWaasa enatiiheree eoeratle selee
twaa and Ue maulader of the bill la e eaerre
ef e.H-M. By seedal remjaat bllaa Nohaoa will
stag "las r.ha ' at t.aoar.w'a perforsMaoea,
:.' ;., 'i ' At the Baker v
' tnnlehl s to steer ue will be the last ea
anrtiuuilea af wltseeals the reat bask b-r-slary
ea the Sakeraerar-h st tM Saker.
ryele wklrt hi emtker fMtars last Is drawl -f
beadrees ef eaeste slhily. Asd besides tbeee
twe kn restsras, reaMaiher that there are ear
ethee k e sets, kaoaeee dsiiy t i n): erea
Ints, f M sad t e'eie-k. ; t -- ; v;,
' ,' ,lu Prjiortonlr.-! - ;:
TmiVii, arill'se the leet ee-rj'if te aee
t r.aMa - -. "'les hiBt is a
iiisjinia." a ,,a be Va asaUiaa emwiiad
and mall It to the orac or Tba
Witnesses . Disasrea . Regarding
Policernan's Treatment of
Edelman in Plaxa ElockT Z
"Defendant Thought Efforf Hto
Knocrs Hia Block Off" In P
ng With Offense.' v
' Prod Bruns.' who ha apent hi tlm
mainly in "discussing conomlc and.
religion" since coming t Portland fronj,
Seattle, swore that Patrolman Carlson -kicked
-William Kdelraan' once as- be ,
ly prostrate on the grass at 'the PI
block,'- ik y i,-" '.' '
Paul Qraf- wb. wear long foothall .
lock and ha a languid air, swore Just
positively that the? ' patrolman
kledEdelnui. twlca.' -. J . '
M. atacn, wno aaiuiiica iuuhi ,
tlm that he was "agin" anybody weer
Ing a blue coat," and refused to- deny .
that be I an anarchist when asked
th question by Deputy City. Attorney -.
Flttgerald, swora- that- his vision wr
unobstructed and ina.t can son aicaeo
the Joan three or four tlmea - f ' -
iBdelman. wno was proven oy mmiw
tent wltneases to .have drawn a re
volver and snapped It twice againat th i
officer' ' abdomen, told Judge - Hogua '
that under almllar circumstances, had .
a man snapped a revolver at him, he .
-. iniiu Moa-u thereupon found th- de
fendant-' guilty Of---dlaordejrly-conduct-
and aaaault and Imposed the extreme
penalty Imprisonment sor daya and
d An of 11007 amounting practically to
S4 day In Jail. - -
. AU tht happened In -th pollc court
thl morning. Th hearing f Bdelmn .
was exciting throughout. Attorney E.
8. J. McAllltr appeared for th de
fendant and excited th Ire ef Judge
Hogu to a pitch wher he ordered th -attorney
to 'ltJdwa." '
Oeor Wickland ef Fremont. Ohio,
war' denounced by r.tnlryT
man who stood, by aa Invoked a crows
to -down' aa effiosr , la the discharge
of hie duty, but never :thenlr er"1
alatlna- him. ' ' . " ' ' :
It wag shown by Carlson and other
wtt Besses " that he awoke -Edelman by
tapping him a th cole of his ahoes
with hla billy." : Arising and aaeumlog
a bellicose attitude, Kdeimaa draw a re
volver, which wa afterward found to
be unloaded, and holding It agatnstr th
officer snapped It twice. Then h we
clubbed. A erewd closed la on Carlson
and would hav don him violence had
It not been for the arrival f Sheriff
Word. -.-".','
Bdalmah aald b had bee drinking,
but ecu Id remember nothing of what
happened wnttl i the pollooman struck
him, - Than he appealed to th crowd,
aaklng "Haven't I a single friend hereT'
He remembered that th policeman
howed hlmv his left handV-whleh-was
cut and bleeding from being twisted In .
th guard of th revolver. Th defend
nt aald he never carried a revolver, -and
couldn't explain how he happened to
have one In hi pocket. "7' ' -' V';
A tt chart of carrying a eone
-j.-1.4 sum. nlanad aaalnst Kdel
man. of which ha was found guilty, but
sentence waa suspended. Judge Hogu
informed him that a felony charge could
ba nlaeed againat him. and that be had
caped UghUy.r-..,--'i.?.
two t)TAirar:ERS-ARErr
'v.-'. 1 f .
f -i. Jaraw feHI er1te.V ' , , ;
8alt Lake. April Ji. Jstemlah
LownX and Oran Keller were blown
to piece la th Columbus Consolidated
mine at Alta today by thearematur
exnloalon af a blast ' liowney , I a
Michigan man, and haa relatlv
Butte, Montana.
cHiCACO wiiirrrrr.EAK
' V . , r , aaabsSBBBBBMBmaBa 1 .. , . . (J '
-i Wenraal Ssselal Sarviae.) f: I
San Pranclaeo, April . The break
la Ihd price of wheat en tha jChlesgn
board affected the local board. Wheat
opened at let and eeld down to em,
and closed at let amid tha greatest1 ex-,
cltement. . , . . . ,
' v x Piafsned Stock Oaaned Ooods.;.r.
- Allen d Lewis' Beat Brand."' j
MiM U th rmr-lre theatre -all tbla week.l
Trnilehl It la Mini if thm r K-nlre -.
w be a ta --e t r .t
BlJ wat M See X- Mal BMST'l I .
9 CUgtM aaad torwrtlajtd,
j ll'Tre same Um s.
' O'. , . : ...... .