The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 21, 1905, Image 3

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    tea..,.. .J s o l. , .
r.:::.c gascll j caqs
j A nil
. i .
W V Uev
f.'sw" f-Tctcr rrs ta Hz-to-
V :
kf-'cfiiz tint Csr
4 vice Throughout Country
Nancy Ctrr.-i' C.i?rcm
Cr. V.V C. i:::ri Is Cirtzin Ttti
;',V Crctv,cr4artwC!.?:';.
eride; told r.crj kg
. TO 1113 CUw'NZCS
Laird of Ckibo Takes . Couple
llnrler Pr.4inr ' Whan' '
, Parents Disown.
.. ."' (Jearaal Snedel ferric. 1 ''."'-
Pittsburg, a., AprU Nsws of
ths mArrlare of Nancy Carnegie t
' James Haver. her mother's ' former
' coachman, brought out the (act today
, : that a member of the Carnegie house.
i hold la Pittsburg about year ago
tried to horsewhip Haver at the Car
. negle stables, but rot a thrashing tor
hla trouble. -Thia relative la Oliia O.
. Klckertson. a brother-in-law of Nancy
Carneclo. Al l result of the Incident,
-Harer . wu drlfeu from the Carnegie
home and went to New York. Blnoe
Andrew Carnegie baa taken, the eoaple
' Into hi own borne -In spite of the sto
rlea that Mrs. Haver" own family will
, hare none of her. the atory baa been
received of bow Carnegie went down to
the .fashionable Tiding- school to bm
Nencr and aet her to .cast her coach
- man adrift. Ha found hla alec riding
astride, wearino divided skirts. ..Carne-
gl waa scandalised. 'Nancy aanoanoed
that abe would, ride as aha pleased and
love whom abe pleased. That settled
It. CpeaklngClha, marriage, Mr. Car
. "My niece waa married to Sflr. Haver
In New York about a year ago. , nr.
H avar waa a riding teacher In the fam
ily. The family baa-no objection to the
match. Mi Hever . is an nonest,- up-
. right young man... would rather Nancy
had married a poor, honest man than a
worthless duke. ,. We want, no ricn man
In the family.? . . '..'
Mr. Carneala aaid that Mr. and Mr.
Haver went to Kurope Immediately, af
ter, their .marriage... Ther-return ea
few days ago. and are bow on a -visit
to New England., ' : , ,
Closely Contested Ballot End in
. ! V New Chief - f or-the ' ,
- it - . .'jMnal apeena wvtea.J
: Washington. April tL The- hotteet
. contested election la tba history of tba
Slaughters or tba Kevorauon snaea last
night with tba election of Mm Donald
. McLean, regent of the New York chap
ter, as president-general by- a vote of
. HI to. Mrs. Bteraberg'a . en the aeo
ood ballot; . .' - 4 .'.'' . ..
Ural Charlaa W. Upptt who receded
' a4 vetea on the first, ballot, withdrew
rom tha 'contest and a portion ( .bar
Irtrenjrth went to Mrs. McLean, v f ?
( Of tba U eaadldatea for rici preel-
i. ent knore taaa 10 recervedV a majority
' f . thai . votes : east ' aad ware declared
f Aloeted. ' Amoaa those jshooea were Mrs.
,Mary . Wood Bwtfl' of Baa rraneiaoo
And Mnt. rranklm Brooks ef Colorado
Horlnca . Other offloara .elected were
Jleoordlng aaawtary-ceaeral, Mlae Mary
' beaha, Waahlngton. D. C: eorreapoad-
ing aacretary-ganeral. , Miss Virginia
- MUler, Washington, D. C,; ragurter-gen-
Vral, Mrs. Stewart Jamison, vrasniag
. ton. t. C " ' "'....', .
v , (Jesnal gactal tarrke.) , ,- ... ,
. Paris. April II. It la rumored that
Foreign Minister Del cases Intends to re
sign. . .-. j ...',""17.. H '. .
, 4,
Easter r
6nr stock . of- Easter' Novelties
Is the larjreet and finest aver
Shown In Portland. .
For the Little Ones we have an
Immense variety of Erca. Rab-
.. bits. Chicks, etc, in all sorts of.
jcunay-enapeai tor nirmg wiin iiny
tugar Kgga. tricea. be to i.uu. .
J. For dainty gifts for the grown
. npir we nave a wonoerruiiy at
.traotlve dinplay of eggs, in silk.
satin, aluminum snd ' paper,
AImo dainty Parlnlan Boxes and .
Bankets, in exclusive designs, not
to be found In ether stores. All
for flllln with our Famous Can- '.
die Prices, lOo to IS.90. . ,
Tomorrow We Will Cve tn
Easter Souvenir; . i:
knd All It with Sngar Eggs, to all
purchasers of Easter Novelties,
over l& The larger the purchase
the better tha souvenir. . -
Oct tb3 IU-bt FIxca
Wa Havt No Brandt Stom
27 $ Morrfcca St. .
' j 11 raa . -
j . ' i . M a-eell V . " , " f
rzcrix r:uGT learn 4
Advertislnj Would Make Com-
: mooweahh't PopulatioaCrow
V". as Rapldjy as California. : J
"The value of your property la your
own appreciation or lt Portland and
Oregon ' are. beginning to - appreciate
. A new domestio creed "this, and from
the tongue ot aa alien. -Dr. W. C Hlb-
bartj, , who apoka ao sagely. Is a Call
fornlan. Ha spoke after seeing Oregon.
after knowing It better than any Ore
gonlan, aav Sam I.Bimpson, knew hla
own state. ' Listen to his words again
i. "What California baa . dona, Oregon
may ao. zou nave tna natural material
to work on. If you . will advertise, ad
vertise as California has advertised,
there la no possible reason wbyx the
results should not be the same, it you
would appreciate yourselves and you
own possessions, the world would ap
preciate them. - Let the world know
that you appreciate them, and see bow
quickly (hero will ba , wonderful in
crease In values. ;
.There was a time when with the
easterner ..LoaS Angeles meant Califor
nla. Property ', there appreciated with
amaslng rapidity, not exclusively be
cause' It waa capable of heavy produc
tion, but because people wanted It. - A
residence property . baa no other value
than tba intensity of dealra to live
tbere, f "-..v';. .. :
"Whlla Los Angalaa waa booming, the
average .easterner going . u taiuonin
did not seem, to realise that tbere were
other sections of the state capable of
as elaborate embellishment and afford'
Ing almost , if not equally as great, com
fort, -Then ' tne- remainder 01 ua state
awakened. They commenced Ao' adver
tise,' appreciate tbemseives - ana im
prove their propertied," ',T " ' I
But this optimism is not provincial.
not almnlv a California growth. . in
capable of aeelng beautlea be6nd its
aUta bounda it saea , uregoa Better
than the. native son. . v .
"A- rear aa-o I .elambored through
giant' fern.4, underbrush and forest : to
the summit of . the low ridge, back of
Astoria. , No mora sublime - view un
folds to tba human era - Tba Columbia
on one hand, the bar wltlT tti marine
splendors before - yon and ' utr wcnio,
two strong streams and the mountains
at your left - If' natural beaatlea for
a drive - were ever' gathered - Ur more
fnroefnl arrar ' tiuui around 'in is niu
back1 of Astoria. I have yet to view the
spot. Tet Astoria has never developed
this opportunity, and moat of her peer
nla do sot appreciate Its value. '
" . . . . -"J:
. - a.t Oraffo Otty. a I
"Testerdar I 'was up at Oregon City
In eonferenca with a local commercial
ixwiv- I studied' tba miffs where ta
river has cut through the formation.
now maasrsTown and verdara-ciaa,
could not -set a view of the falls with
out . climbing "through machinery and
over -a. dangerous, way, across pnvave
oroDertv -on whteb there are many no
admission' signs. ' The opportunity for
climbing the cliffs and getting a traa
oendsnt view of -the beautiful country
almost aa res trie tea. eaw resi
dence property there - which . Is bold at
a trifle, but whlcb will in time be worth
a greater number of hundred dollars a
foot than it Is now worth dollars. Also,
oommercial'lnterests are destroying the
aeanla value of the Place, xne people
An -not annreciate their property, and
get but a trifle of -the Values from It
they tionld obtain If they made 1J known
to the worm, i .
"Where could you lay out a prettier
drive than around oae of tne nms over
looking your beautiful ' fair - grounds,
with tba lake, rivers and mountains be
fore you? Your own, fair grounds will
ha admired as among tha moat beautiful
ever opened to tba public, but until tbe
fair had awakened your people and thia
single opportunity had been eeised In a
publlo enterprise, bow much was i this
spot appreciated! , i ;
Froperty Talaes
"I am told that tha ground there, onoe
held for a pittance, eould-aot ba bought
now 'for many times its recant valua
tion. Why? ... Because, your own people
appreciate. ita beauties, and have com
pelled the world to appreciate it by
embellishment and advertising. - Before
the throng of visitors that will ba here
this year -have finished their tale of
praise, yon wilt appreciate thia spot
far .more. . People of Portland will' then
begin to appreciate what It means to
appreciate their own city and to let tbe
world know Of its appreciation.
L "Stgper raaUatky.
Dr. W. C Hlbbard of tha Sunset
Magaslae la the epostte of thia strange
faith la Oregon. . Hla work baa been of
a publicity character for years, during
which time ha has witnessed fruition of
California advertising plana. . The Sun
set Magasine, whlcb was inaugurated
merely aa an advertising adjunct to the
Southern Pacific, baa advertised call'
fornta more than any other publication
aver Issued. This magasine is now
working In behalf of the Harrlmaa ays
Urn. and Dr. Hlbbard says that It la
not devoted to California, but to tha
cause of western immigration. :
; ',Wba AAvartislnr Will a
Oregon will be given such apace and
attention as the people appreciate and
Invite by preparation for reception of
visitors. ' Tha world baa varied tastes,
and It is the theory ot tae sunset man-
agemenCihat-adyerttaemont of Oregon
and Washington, as well aa California,
will open to humanity, mora variedln
ducements. Dr. Hlbbard seeks oppor
tunity to portray the wealth, ef Oregos"
at present, ' and la conferring with the
management of oommercial bodies who
are shaping, to promulgate what they
poseess. : i i .
"Your fair Is a surprise to even my
self, a traveled westerner, said the
noted writer. "It Is remarkable in Its
beauty of environment and development
of natural opportunity. I waa on tha
grounds a year-age wnen dredging be
gan in the lake. Today I find a wonder
ful transformation. There can ba but
one blemish noted In a survey of the
beautiful scene,, that being tha piles of
lumber waste and sawdust by tbe mill
on the river. Location of tbe govern
ment buildings on-the peninsula waa a
most bappy thought. Pretty a '"are all
of the finished buildings, the one loom
ing1 above all others, and which will be
first with the visitors, la t fie forestry
building. This Is a gem, and should be
featured In ail of your advertfclng."
' ' CJresraal SDeeta BarvleaT ' 1
Omaha, Neb, April II. That TTnton
Paciflo ooaratina" ofQclals are aatlaned
that tha trials of the pew gasoline mo
tor will revolutionise traffic, la attested
by tbe official announcement that the
construction of additional motor ears
will - begin Immediately. These oars
will ba much larger. than tna one just
completed. Speaking of the Union Pa
ciflo plan to build additional cars, Vice
President Mohler said:
"There Is little doubt that when tha
service la . established people on pranca
lines will 'be accommodated at Inter
mediate points Instead of solely at sta
tions. There is no doubt the method
of transportation will revolutionise the
work of branch lines, and to some ex
tent tha melt Unas. It will also per
mit the construction of other lines, of
branches lass expensive in character
than those now tn operation. Tba roads
wilt thus be enabled to materially im
nrove its-service facilities for the bene
fit of the people tributary to tba present
projected lines." ,
: The significance ef the official an
nouncement Ilea In the fact that, while
other roads have experimented on gaso
line ears. none, after having thor
oughly tested experimental cars, decided
to build additional ears, Other truna
lines will undoubtedly foDow tha Union
Pacific'a lead and adopt gasoline ears
to be used on branch. . lines. -
v ' ' ' . ' . ' ' "
v (Con tinned from Page Ona) ,
beyond the- amount , named in the con
tract, and -thia will be urged aa proof
that there were assurances to tbe Cali
fornia company in advanoe from official
sou roes that their '"graft" profits would
be given them.
- It will - then be shown, according to
tha prosecution, that Rumelln. took an
active part in tha affair, and tried to
aeousa the rejection of tba Maney bid.
first by Inducing Elliott to report ad
versely,: and, failing - la this, that - he
waa one of those who- finally negotiated
the withdrawal of the Maney bid and the
acceptance of tha California bid by the
executive board.
"Itching hemorrhoids were tha plagus
of my life. Was almost wild. Doan'a
Ointment cured me quickly and perma
nently, after doctors hsd railed." C F.
Cornwall. - Valley ; street,. Baugertlea. N.
Y. e' -.-'-. .
Preferred Stock Oaamad Ooads... ,
Allen eV Lewis' Beat Brand, .. ,
"Money-Making and Money-Spending"
waa tbe subject of a very Interesting
paper read by Mrs. A. H. Lomax at the
Home Training - association . yesterday.
She "emphasised '- the ' Importance of
teaching children while still young the
value of money, without making them
love it too- welL She said that entrust
ing some children with money developed
responsibility tn them; ' in others It
merely fed extravagance, and in still
others It- might .cultivate mleerty ten
dencies. !Tbe earlier these tendencies
were discovered and corrected the bet
ter, for the child. - She suggested the
value at a . weekly ; allowance and a
bank. ;. l ' ' - ; ' ' ' :.-'... .
One mother . advised -' allowing chil
dren to ' use acme of their pocket money
tor candles. Another spoke of the sat
isfactory results she' had ' obtained by
making candy with her children and let
ting them bave free run of the kitchen
for such pastime. Mrs. R. H. ' Tate
read a paper by Mrs. Theodore Bernl
about children who do not know what to
do with , their spare time.' The article
advised as much freedom for tba child
as Is practicable with discipline.1 . i
" - ' - 'S.u , 'A .-
William ' Edelman appeared in munic
ipal court thia morning to answer the
charge .of drunkenness and disturbing
tha peaoe. . His case waa continued on
1360 bonds on each charge. Edelman
waa lying on the ' grass tn tha Plsaa
block last night when . Patrolman Carl
son attempted to rouse him. He Is said
to bave drawn a revolver on tbe officer
who struck him with hla club.. .The
court room was crowded. -today with
friends of the prisoner. . . ' , ,
Bodily pain Tones -its terror If you've
a bottle of Dr. Thomas' Eclectrlo Oil in
the house, a. Instant relief in cases of
burns, cuts, sprains. . accidents of .any
II, . ' mmmmmrmmmmms'S2sa
"".;,; "h. ..." .'-' "' . : ''v?i'V'''v:.' ' j.;; .v'-. ;-.;."-..'"-.-." .
i-Vi' ;::v',:;-Vr 't; 'cl&t, T , ISAV - ' 'v.: '.:
' In Softriind Still Felt and Straw Styles
. 4
ngzsBg ma tvwxtuam $3
BB009C MAT WM natOf TMM '.
7AJCOTS . TOtmAJpsj snm,
omu An elx mi im.
aoara ton -miim tamamam
airaimwi xv uud ya
Mtwram tu rovsm wurm
vnn ni rmm M9rwm.
J A'
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''; ',' , ."... ..'; '-, v., v. ,;rj'-yf;::.;yi ,'K . '. X . 'vH iy, - f;. ...j ym,'.
These' Rome; - Klckel - Plated
Copper, 4-Pin til
Coffee arid Tea
; Pots, 45c
'. ' a' 0e .Coffee.ppfc tot. A Icuxi-.
i fen ry Jennings Sons
" m-m niw.iT.-.'-'
Republlran Candidate for the
., Nomination of , v ,
'1 .: t.'
;.'?:.';.)!',;:;.: '; :.:,,-...;. v ',1 v. --.j.-.;.
.. - .. 1: r . f - , '(. - ' . , - " i. . 1 ' ' 1 ' -
'Vv. yAhAyrTr:-yM.:,Ai v:.'.:i -'v-.Cv-'v:,,' OO . -;0.
3 pini u
V'. A-'. '
I ITT IT u 1 1 Tl u (r 71 Tni (C7 ( ( rV;
'".- '' f-V , ,., w";' ,' i .... 5: ,,!,(. '. '.
! .i..ii.T .;
'v.. .'. -' ,V :-
. V, y;.yy
:1 -
: . ; ; : Tailor-Made;Su Shirtwaist Suits,r Hosiery, -Corsets, ; '
VUi;A 'CILIa:! :;-.-':'' MUt,.. ' Aj't -.'." '
; Waists. , ; - n c Feather Boas. " : Petticoats. ; ,
7. 'IV-V' ;v -w'
y . " ',' '-
v' f ;,)( i ; , '
':- :i5 v.'
v. '
; MILLINERY Strictly Stylish Hats, Beautiful Creations, .
.Vi 7'.-''.
i : 1
; Three-Piece;and Outing Suits, ;; : Shoes of Every Description,
tti Odd-Trousers Fancy: Vests.";?" Soft and Stiff Hats. ;
-.. -7..
V '"";'-'
. a 1 . . t. . .. . , - ,. i : ...... .'
, .... . ..'
'... .r ;
V V V V V w -w -w w y y ,'w- w- -y 7. ,