The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 21, 1905, Page 2, Image 2

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    irn: . ohtgon daily j -
u reran
Loot of the Get-Rich-Quick Mil-
lor Syndicate It Found fit
vy, ...... r'Jtjz;-.
Suit la Being Tried In New York
: Court to Get Poaaeaaidn'
,01 i reaaure. . . 2 . .
'f .
, J.ti-:-,awt SmcUI ,WtvlBS,V,.i ,
. t New fork, AprU tl.Tbe latest
'Cure In the gle,ntlo swindle o ll.
J th gct-rleh-qulck Mlllsr syndleate,
Lbelng told la th United States district
, (court today before Judg Tbomag of
, J Brooklyn. ' . "J. ;!; f '. ,,.''";;
- Tha xM 1 brought by X B. Lord,
truatao la bankruptcy, ol tha 1 par
. cant profit ayndleato to racover tl70.0t
ta'cmab and aecurltlM that balona to
' body wa recently dtacovarad in a vault
'.for tha non-paymant of . phyalcianr
jbiUa Aftar tha dtacovary of tha body
Itka va h anil kjuuHtl thafr Kimt tiA
.llenscd to Scblcalncar wra taken from
, Isafo deposit vaulM In Belgium by hia
. j,rlaavaa, who ara now tailing tha court
' ivlf they ahould kaap thla property
jinstoad of returnlna; it to the depoaltora
loat their money In the Millar ,ayn-
oicaiai. . . . . - -.!-.-.-.,' ,,
- f '" Edward eVhiesalnor waa a partner
. of p. Millar in the onterprlae
' "U'vu m iiu a iub w , irvivvua way
. jawlndled. On November t. ll,-when
, the Miller- ayndlcata eollapeed. Bchlaa-
Binder: disappeared with 41 hatldbAfj
. which waa eald to contaM IHO.00 of
UV the ayndleate'a money and f2,aae be
. .lonaln te William V. Miller. It waa
: -aald achlcaalnaar bad fled to Europe,
and detectives aeuld not find him.
, Schltnlnnr and bla fortune were!
- located by T.-Kllett Hodakin, a New
iTork lawyer, who spent four years on
-'the ease in the Interest of John B. lxrd.
"? trustee in bankruptcy.
v During the first two yearly after
f)chleaslnrera' disappearanca rumors
''reached this country of his prodigal
life la Paris and other parts of Europe,
and ef forte were made to locate and
. extradite him. These efforts all failed.
."In ll tha story was told bare that ha
had died' in destitution somewhere on
j, .J he continent, and, although denied And
forgotten, the story of his deat)i waa
5 - asnmb ta rarls rails.'
Kariy In 1I Mr. Hodskin want to
- 'Paris te find achleslnger and tf possible
Induce blm to make a settlement ar re
turn to America.- He did not locate tha
. .rugiiiva. out atonea or ma aunorata en
tertainmenta and his caprices of one sort
. .and another were beard throughout toe
- . JTreneh capital, for a time goblessinger
.'.had lived at tba Oraad hotel, and was
i known as Edward Solly or Cully. He
r ,apent - money lavishly - and ' wasr sur
rounded by a circle of gay friends.
.' .Later he established a racing stable, but
. because at some Infraction of rules waa
'-barred from tba Jockey Club of France
' .at sold many. of bis borsea. ...'...! ' ',;
, Ma embarked la a big copper apeeule-
twa ana was aaM te nave made a great
- seat 01 money, xnen eomeuuag oc
icurred which '.caused Una te leave Paris
..suddenly, "and ao one kaV where be
., had gone..- --v .
. Next cams tha rumor of hia death, and
;waa loat until early in March last, when
'. information reached Mr. Hodakla tbat
8chleesingers clothing had been sent
.from abroad ta his mother, now Mrs.
jestnar Blake of this city, and that this
' clothing had beea quickly disposed at
'to a second-hand dealer. v . .
'. aMkas Tiatt ta atiesi,
- Mr. Hodskin at bnc set detectives at
v w oh, ear. oro: swnea
,or Belgium. . There, after' several
- t wfrillllV hi' Mail," Ik,
;. Jqualntanca af-Kly Friadlander, a rabbt.
(In Oetand. whs half nfflnlatawt lh
'deathbed of Bubleslngsr, who had been
' VniltV, In timtmnA . mm . . Tila.Ml Q..I1.
.Prom this surting point the story waa
eon vnravaled. " .
.' achleslnger died of spopiexy August
It, 1 tut. In the Hotel Splendid, Ostsad.
iAt his deathbed were August Llehesrt.
fimeta, a wealthy trine merchant, and
' Ttwo or three other boos companions.
1a . k 111 ' . . . . MM.
wu eyyvmr in loa esse! xnree
elaya trior, to. his death . he -had -aoi-
, lapsed in tha Kursaal club, and waa
;taksn to the hotel by hia friends. A.
Pitera, the msyor of Ostend, aisa
, Afndavlta as to hia death. . .- .-
' Several physicians wsre -called ta at
; elend the fua-ltive. hut wore Mnahlat
tinder the lawn of Belgium, . withheld
, their burial certiflcata. which prevsated
v, tha body being removed to America, in
X vsatigatlon proving It waa aUU In tha
,y vault of Ostend.
. -k. Mr. Lord learned that Schleslnger had
r a large sum In the Credit Lyonals, a
(bank in Brussels. He called upon the
- veffldals of this Institution. They mere.
My told htm Sc)Mtov.r carried as
..'(account with the bank, which waa not
g" irga, and that he had rented a aafs
epoait boa rn thetr'vaults, tha contents
f which they were not supposed ta
JUIOW. ; i
; Through the aid of George W. Rooae-'
m" elt, consul at Ostend, the consul gen
enU and other United Btatea offlolala,
nkf r Liird MunJ 1. lUH . 1. -
mi- pcaiesinger not only had a
9 area sum of huim a.,.
.. tne safe deposit, but that soon after his
, . death bla brother Solomon and a New
j, York lawyer with power of attorney for
. Mrs. Blake had appeared at the bank and
f taken possession of all of the dead man's
v money and securities amounting to about
, I1TMM.
With .this information the scene
Shifted to New Tork again. Through
eistectlves It was learned that Mrs. Bisks
-v - 'had recently coma tnte poeeewslon of a
, large sum f tuonsy.. Solomon Scbleslri.
J ger, tha surviving brother of Edward, is
1 . vww. i.aww ui
partaersnip wita Norbert D. Light
' In tha flrtn cf Light- Schleslnser, silk
' !walst manufaoturera of thla citv. .
' '1 ' . .' . - . !
Th Travelers' ",Ald n
Praaa4. the object at
ssonlallon.' at
.protection ef women and- girls, has aa
..cared office accommodations at llt
JBUth .street, room a. "
As the work Is becoming better known
. tcalla ara rapidly Increasltig, both from
outside points and frem the city. It Is
.siseeesary that tha rooms be furnished
.immediately, and as earnest appeal la
; made to frlfnda of tha organisation for
aa office desk, chairs, floor eoverina.
aeverat rets with bedding, certains and
alack. ... ... . " - .
Anyotis having any of tba above artl
rlaeT ar wha la willing ta assist la pur
1 trhsslng.what la a Imperatively neoded
J- should phone Main 110 or address Part'
, .Uad Xrvelers.A4l assoolallos.
,' lfaver Williams wiu anuoaon w
tha appointmsnt this afternoon '
of 8, B. Cobb, of tha Standard
Box company, to membership In - e)
the city Wecuttv board to flU
tha vacancy caused by tha reelg-
-nation of Ueorge H. iioweu WUH
daya ago.,i
.-. Mr. Cobb wu formerly rep
ay' reeentatlve in in man-
at "tura. i ''' . ' ' '
WRIGHT AliD f,:o;iTE ;
Charged Wlth Aaalatrng- Tracy
and' Merrill " to. Escape , -
v . , From Salem.
fovrV-v.;... , t . :;-J:.-i
Monte' Confined in Penitential
at Salem; Where Jie la C
i Serving Torm. :'7VV'
- (RpaeUl Oiaeatck 'to Tte .eoraaL) . v
Salem, Or., April II. Thla afternopn
at 1 o'clock Harry Wright and Charles
Monte were arraigned before Judge Bur
nett In the circuit court, on the charge
of assisting and . abetting Tracy and
Merrill, . the notorious - outlaws, ' to
cape from the penitentiary.
Wright wsa given until Monday to
plead and D'Aycy. appointed to defend
him. ... ., , , .. v . . . ..
. They were indicted by the grand Jury
several daya ago, and charged with mur
der In the first degree. ' If found guilty
they will probably be hanged within a
xem-varus or wnere racy ana saerrui
made their eecape. , , .
Wright, who waa 1 recently ' released
from the prieon at Welle Walla, re now
confined la the Marion county Jail, while
Monte waa brought dowa from the peni
tentiary 1 here thla afternoon. He la
serving a -three-year sentence for bur
glary, only, part of which has ; ax
plred.' - '.' ' ,-';'! ,
It Is only In extraordinary cases like
this one that a than can be tried for a
crime while serving a sentence for an
other. The-eecond offense must be
greater than the first This Is perhaps
the first instance of the kind to happen
ta the state.
Several cases have occurred in fo!4
mer years where criminals serving a,
short sentence .were accused of crimes
of greater magnitude, but the practice
In mdst Instances waa to gat the. pris
oner pardoned by tha governor and then
rearrest him when released. ,
It ia rumored that Monte hag con
fessed to a fellow convict the part
played by him la the crime, but Wright
declares that ha will bs able ta prove
ibaX ha was In Seattle when tbe break
waa made, and for soma time prior to
that date. '-
- Notwithstanding this statement the
DrosecittiOB claim a te bet able to prove
that he waa laSalen -very. few daya
before th break, and that he mage tne
boast that there waa soon going to ne
a susessful'break at the penitentiary.
Tha trials" have aroused a. great deal
of Interest la thla city. Tba court
room was crowded to tha doors this
afternoon. - - -:
- 1 - -
' . Representatrves of tha agricultural
and tressury departmenta of tha United
Btatea government arrived In Portland
ini morning to take charge ot tha re
spective exhibits at the fair.
The agricultural Interest ara repre
sented by- It H. Brig-ham, ehler agent,
and C. R. Thompaon, hia assistant. Mr.
Brigbam la a aon of tha lata Colonel
Joseph H. Brig ham. assistant secretary
of agriculture under McKlnley a
Roosevelt and one of tha men most, be
loved by the farmers of America.
, The agricultural exhibit wUl Include
a department for livestock, the purpose
of which is to show tbs most approved
manner of . killing beef and tha beat
methods of preventing disease In cattle
Tha treasury department's show will
be under tha management of Milton
Brown of ( Washington, D. C, and will
Include a coining machine, but the dis
play will be lass elaborate than at 8t
Louie, where th process of minting was
show from tha time the gold was ex
traetad-from th ere. "
Messrs. Biighara and Brown ar ac
companied by their wives, and ara reg
istered at th Imperial hotel. , ,
rroox axoaTAjraMS oxoaa.
(Journal Sseclal gervtee.) .. -
New Tork. April 11. Good Friday
waa generally observed In New Tork.
Tbe six exebangss of ths city Nsw
Tork Stock. Consolidated Stock, w Pro
duce. Coffee. Cotton and Metal aua-
pended business, and most of the larger
financial houses war eioseo. -J n jvew
Tork stock exchange wilt be tha only
exchange to reeume tomorrow, the
others having adlournad until Monday.
Bpectal services wore held la a majority
of tba cnurcnee. , ' 7 '..:'..;' ,
. Uesraal Soeclat Serrlea.) ' 1
Omaha. April 11 A bltssard I raging
throughout western Nebraska, Colorado
and Wyoming. Traffic La blockaded by
heavy snowfalle and wlree ar generally
prostrated. t ... ' .
Ooeraal SserUI gervMe.)
Kansa City, April II. Commissioner
Garfield left for Topeka. today on his
way to California,-where he will mvea
tlgat tha conditions of the oil flelda.
" .11 .1.1 ' i' 1 ammaasBSBSBSss!
Is .very: often tcqnlrerJ,
Dad hyse, foul &irt irspcre
water, are amonfj its causes. ;
It Is cauedj t&9 toQ for
tubercles." and wbsre lt Is
allowed to resub tcberca
los or cenrurtca b
pretty tcrt to tds rcelV.
Rcsioye. every troa cJ
tcrcfc!a. Cctltood'Se .
. For tawrtswnriafi of ruMitaJa emu
for Book cm ScretVaia, No. I. ,
i How Is ths time t
, true value. W bar (a large - number of eecend '
hand and used planoa,!!! In first-class condition, '
X and some almost new that we want to dose out
eulckly. and. have naiaed a ' price, that will do it , '
Tou need a piano, but perhaps feel you cannot spare
tha ' amount necessary '' t gt It now. 1 This sal ;v'
"paves the' way for yoa to do. lft A little down snd '
: "a Uttla each month: I sH that Is jaeoeassry, 1 Tou
7 will find them all the way from T tip. tmg reduo ,l
tlons on all -our-new 'goods, See window display for V
particulars. Our aasy-cayment- plan la popular with
'; .1 '.'.. ... ... '. . - ...
mj pevpw. ... . ,jf
Allen & Gilbert
oosam won
: ' .: '' .-'.,' 1 ' ':
Hebrew ; Tailor la Found ; Who
' Witnessed Young Kill Him- .
aelf in Cab.
- - J? - (Jeuraal Ipeclal Serriee.) T
New Tork. AprU Jl. Nan Patteraoa
and her . aiater, Julia Smith, attended
church services ' today in ths Presby
terian chapel at the Tombs. When ths
senrion wsa over tha two women were
taken to a hospital cell, which, haa a
double room. They spent the afternoon
reading and conversing
Samuel Isenberg, . a ' Chicago tailor,
claims that he-ew-Caesar Young kill
himself while in a cab with Nan Pat
terson in New Tork. He states that
on tha day of. the shooting - hs : was
walking along West Broadway, when
he passed a cab, ia which a nan and a
woman vfcsre auarrellna. ' Ths womsa
waa weeping and- both occupants were
greatly excited. - At One -time they an
gaged In a struggle, but-of shert-dure-tloa.
Finally the woman laid her bead
on the man'e shoulder and the man then
reached around to a rear pocket and
drew a revolver, with .which be ahot
himself.-- . -v '..-
Isenberg declares that hs became ex
cited - by th - scene" ho; witnessed . and
hurried away. ' Being unable to read
English he saw nothing of the case In
tba papera and had forgotten neatly au
about It until tha other day, when,
glancing through a Jewish paper, ' ha
saw an account or 'tne ;ratterson trial
and concluded that the people -he aa
In tha cab must have been Young, and
N.aa Patterson. -: - M -
!l .x.:'("
, ' (Jesrsal Special Sarrlea) ' '
Charleetoh, W, Va.. April 11. Th
bodleo of tha five miners killed fa aa
explosion In the Xayford mine were
found thla morning and removed. . Th
mine waa but little damaged. Th dis
aster Is thought to have been caused by
a powdsr explosion, tha result of a
miner carelessness.
Those dead are: Burt Greaa, Charts
Nlcolla." Iras Nloolla. Arthur Crump,
William Allsn. Ths three fatally hurt
are: George Eastman, night boss; Mora
Darby, hsslstant night , boss; WlUlaa
Robinson, laborer. . : .
Meuraal Special Serviet.)
New Tork. April 11. Plsns hsva beea
completed by which fund for tne con
atructlon.of the Western J?aclflo rail
road ar assured. A eyndlcste of wall
street bankers has agreed to underwrite
th ItO.tOt.eO worth of benOs, th pro
ceed of which will complete a line from
Salt Lake ta San Francisco. Th Wat
ni Pacine will becoaa a. part- of the
Oould system, which wilt then extend
from the Atlantic to h Paolfic. r
..v' 1 "- ', ; j.
. . ' (apeelsl rxapateh te The Jeenat) ..
TJnlon. April 11. Business men of
Hood River are negotiating with Wright
Wilbur, jOf Union, owners of th Eu
gene woolen mill plant, for tbs location
of the same at Hood River. . Tbe owners
of the Eugene plant have beea la Hood.
River this week consulting ths busi
ness men of that place with a view to
eloalng the deal Wright is cashier of
th Flrat National bank of Union; Wil
bur la superintendent of - th Union
woolen mllla, , : ' .' . :
Mrnifula. salt erralpela and
Other distressing eruptive diseases yield
oulokly ana perrnanenuy to tne cleans
ing, purifying power of Burdock Blood
slitters, f .... 0. ' ,
'.'tr:'l ..' .1 '.jV ; .
,-'- ., (Jesrsal Sseei.l Bervlee.l
LendoA. April 11. Baroness Burdott
Coutts, looking remarkably well -for one
of her great age, today celebrated nor
Id birthday. All day long a procession
a larath- beys bringing- messages
from every part of tha world. me.senV
ger boy carrying nowers ana xnenas
bearina parcel kept arriving at her
home In Strattoti street King Edward,
Queen Alexandra and -other members
of th royal family were among tboae
to send) congratulatory messages, ,
' . Jrsal Special Servtee.,
Washington April SL.Tha poatmaa.
ter-gsnsral ha ordered a free city de
livery service to be established at Van
couver, Waahv September 1. Thar will
be tw letter carriers and sns substi
tute. ' . . .'-, .,.-.. a
John A, rwaoa is ppointed regular.
frank U Smith, sutatltute rural car.
rlers, route 4, corvaiiia, ursgon. ,
lj: 7 ;7 xur ivAjra axs. , , ..' ;. A
gpstial MaastHi aa Tke JearaaLr
Union. April r".. The Amalgamated
Sugar eomparw' thla track bought for
l. tha I.all raarh of acre rour
mile fro; Vnloa. Tha same company
last fall nought 1,1 44 acre adjoining the
Hall sa-perty for IM 600. The land Will
be U-gely utuued for augar-beetg, .
secure ' en at on half Us
-x .......
- Rammer Cd.
Am kobjuso.
tl r .
Woman Who Twice ; Refuaed
Lover, Remembered by Him ,
Upon Hia Deathbed. v
: (Jearnal Special Service.) ' -Omaha,
Neb April 11. - Although
twice rejected -by the girl he had loved
sines she was a little maid. C H. Keren,
the 'South - African diamond king, has
left her his entire fortune. The for
tunate young woman la Mrs. Joseph W,
MunChhoS - of Chicago, formerly Miss
Mattia Cannon of thla city. She beard
of her good ruck wblls visiting la Den-,
ver, through a cable from Pretoria, Her
father ia T.- V. Cannon of Chicago, pres
ident of th T. jr. Mspls Syrup com
pany of Quebec ' Heren waa president
of th Main Wood Maple Syrup com
pany, a rival concern. - ,
salss Cannon refused Keren s nana tin
account of the difference in their ages,
and married MunchhonV whom she met
when he wss collecting fares -In a
merry-go-round at aa Omaha resort.
After her divorce from atunchhoff, ' He
ren again pressed his suit: but waa
again refused. It la aald ta have beea
due to Mlaa Cannon' refusal to marry.
him that led Herea to go to South' Af
rica.' There he amassed a .fortune -of
160.000.000, part of which he haa since
squsndsred... v s-' -v -: "i ',
' . lira Injured th tug Star at th dock
ef th Star Sand company at Front and
Thurmail Streets at o'clock last night.
Th woodwork, on. tha -deck, waa burned
and the machinery was slightly dam
aged, entailing ,, k sot to exceed
$600.'.. .. ': ": '
Through s m la take of boy who' dis
covered ths firs th fir boat did not
respond to ths alarm. Instead ef turn
ing in th alarm from box it acioe
the street from the deokvthsy ran aeven
bloak to box at Seventeenth and
Savior treats to which the fir boat
does not respond. ' - ' r
Th fir department under Battalion
Chief ' Taung experienced eonatderable
difficulty In laying th hose, but within
flv minute after a stream waa secured
tha flame wer under control. .-Chief
Toung stated that If there had been any
seed of it he would have called th
fire beat te th seen of th bias arter
he arrived, but that the fire waa easily
subdued with one stream ef water.
The tug had towed a bergs of sand
at the. wharf in tha evening and th
crew had gone up town leaving steam ap
la tha boilers. Tha origin of th fire
ia unknown. i;r .., ". .; 0..
;'V. I -
-In th-munlclpal -eWff this morning
Mrs. H. M. Ogden told ' hew aha out
witted W. 3. Cain, arfent for a plcturs
framing establishment, locked" him In
her house and held him prisoner' until
tbe arrival of the police. . The man was
charged with assault and battery. .
Mrs, Ogden resides with hsr husband
at 17 Eaat Morrison street.. She waa
preparing to go down towa when tha
agsnt Intruded, and instated on explain
ing that he "would take enlarged pie
turss without-cost t hsr simply for ad
vertising purposes." - He had prevtouely
received a plctur from her, ahs ssld.
and had failed te return it . i ,.
1 aha Inokad the Altar auilflsWIv anil tnlil
him aha would hold him prisoner until
hsr property was returned. He swore
violently, shs declared, and struck her
la efforts to free himself. - However, he
is hsld shtU th arrival of tha of
ficers. , :..., .
Cain waa found guilty and fined go.
Hs rave notice of appeal. j .
S'' I- oaBsxaBBwaejsw T-" j v '
A mass meeting for th purpose of
organising aa association to work In
the Interests of a free, publlo library
for South Portland was held
at first and Olbb etreets. The fol
lowing officer wer elected: President,
Milton W. Smith; first vioe-presld.nt,
H. N. Smith; second vice-president, B. J.
Jones; treaeurer, Mr. Lwsonj acr.
tary, A. R. Spreadborough.
A constitution and library regulation
drawn by a commlttss appointed at a
previous meeting wer read and adopted.
Another meeting will be held next
week. ;'-,.; ;. ,
(leorssl Special Ssrrlee.)
"Hfsshlngtbh. April II. Sanator 6,'k
Platt, of Connsctleut, la sinking Stead
ily of pneumonia, of which he has beea
111 for aom time It is feared that M
will not live through tha day. v ,
These two words) Schmini
Best, are perfect asiirarce oj
getting your money'i-worth. "i
' Aleassaaaf'si
I, ...
. V
v . .
' 1 s V ;
1 ".r 1
' Good food ineke th world
brightsr and better.; WTJsaWaV
pudding is delicate, ' nourish- '
Tv Ing, 1 wholesoms and ecosom-
. loal. Ten- cent a package. ,,
Feed ' fifteen people. .
'''''' v'. .","...', . - I -ft r' ' ;,
iit'ATi' ALL. "GROCERS. :
, L ...V ' K . ..'.,".'"" f - .
See our ' Easter Disolav of
lhoiceEetyrLilies and
ether a i o o m 1 n g runts.
Largest Supply in the city, -'
also our usual, display of r
Choice Cut Flowers
v. ' ' VI8ITOIUI WELCOMED ! ' " , ;
;7-;- ase wmraTO rr.
" phone Mala UaVyV"
Pportlandfrlendsofth groom have
received announcements or tns marriage,
at Penviar, ef 'Warren OUbert and Mrs.
Laura TTjompabn, Wednesday, AprU II.
Mr. Gilbert la a native of tha Willamette
valley and for many years resided aesr
Salem. H te at present cartoonist on
the RocXT Mountain News publlshsd at
'u i'"riisn.i i nn rt fra 1 -
' ! Sold by
'I :
- L' a ' at '
v Worth OOc a pair 01 any one
' :: -T'V 16 Inches Wgh
r-C , ONE
v 1 aTsTaV P V - - ' W . Ai '' ' ' . '- V
taster t-rii v v a:
' ' -
Remember that our Easter Special Sale ' t
! ' : of Oriental Ru clcxta tomorrow even- . . .
H lag, Kit's trth yoW wlle to purchase
nigt jtimpmm? it'a a rare pportanlty,' V ,
'". There, no reserve abouia aale.' Every;
i i:': rug jn our collection u&dst ' thia discount
;''';v-arid we jTiarantee evirjr ruj as genuine,'.,-
- ' it
is x .r - . t a m sisib1a.jbv vs. -- 1
. wa really can sell DIAMONDS at 10 to It per '.'!., V
f ". '.Mt lower than aa tewalev In tha flit. The '- lvV : '
il I - ' -fact that most of our diamonds consist ef un- -'l- 1 I
II redeemed pledge places us la a position t . ? I V
I I ' '" ) ' u-!1 c'pr' I144 r -00A b- front k: t I
1 . - . .-.-s tow at sto asoaa thajt : nu xtwr - o; J 7l
' U V;-ii l ' - sT CAM. . - ': "., ' ' I
I '1 . With every diamond we sell w glvs a eertlfl- ",7. S
; , cats absolutely guaranteeing the quality and .'. I .. . f
V W value of your purchase, w refund your Ml '
M '""' money within on year, leas ' I per cent th ' I
.-cash purchasing -price, oa aay alamsnd bought T.; - . ' . '
Tte Portfcnd Loan Office ; iMI i
V Mars . Woclli Prop. , ' T4 Third St. Vf
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Special Sale Saturday
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other atores at 78c each, and they are worth that money.'
.: : i - , One, Only to m Cuatomer at -;
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