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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 20, 1905)
Tins onrcou daily jsutjiai;" rorTLcAi;p TinntSDAY ' Evr:ni:ot afsil' k, ic:i flDMI; ROADS ; : , ARE iLiPilOYIhG Mn'nv Ulna' Aoraln ' DaUvarincr . tl.i. a..aa,aaaa !: ,i huh wi ivwi i w atws aw uiw HIGHLAND HAUUNQ THE' H WINTER ACCUMULATION it 5 The paialey-EIkhorn Company Has Purchased More Teams . . for Its Heavy Tonnage, 7 (Speelal Dbapateh t Tie tonal.) ( :- ' ' uka rat. v.. inril xa.aahlnmnt ,of concentrates from the Baialey-Elk-born and tb Highland mining proper tle. back of thl pluu li WW 1 'sumed with mor than usual nrry. Tb Highland had bm dellvertnf to a 'station half war btw the mino mod Halne durtnf tha latter part of tb 'win tar, but lately ku tM able to haul ;thes accumulated - concentrate - to iHalnee.,. Server! carload will bo put through at oooej son baa ba reeer-ed here, 1 v-'n , Manaavr Field of th Bsialey-Elk-Ihora la shipping- ateadlly again. Ho baa purchased three four-bora Mama, I which wlU bo added to tho two sls-hors teams ho had. With thla outfit tho man agement will ba abl to sot eoaooatratoa ion tbo road aa quickly aa they aro turned out by tbo mm, and do all of 'tbo ln-banilng 'needed. Tho Balaley Klkhorn'a antlra plant la working finely, tho throa Bryan mtlla aro runuln at capacity, while tho water power plant for tbo ootnproaaor and the eleotrto ma chinery for bout and pom pa gives com plete aaUafactlon. Tho Balaley la beln operated In the moat thorough manner known to tho mine's history. Indicating, that It la tho present' management's purpose to bring th property oat as a permanent ana neavy proauoar. Road a in all of the upper diatrlcta have improved, and banting to th smel ter has been mad possible again, Or ia received aa fast aa It can be taken ear of, whll th amelter U doing full duty. . . ; BELMONT STRIKE IS " EXCITING-SUMPTER (Special Dtspateb t Th Josraal) Sumpter, Or, April 1 0. Another clean-up from th Belmont property, which has caused a sensation In the camp th past .two weeks, ha been brought to this city. The extent of th strike haa not been determined. Tb gold secured so far baa bean from near th surface, at a point where further depth was prevented by a- beavy.flosj of surface water. .It la rumored that a good strike baa been made near, but there la no verification for thla.' - - Vincent creek Is on tb north slop of th middle fork of th John Day. near Granite boulder. It waa th aoena of placer work for several years, and some work of thla character haa been don on th stream lately, Ollkey and vrhM granted a, flva-atnmn mill on a property they wa there, and hare done- a limited amount of milling. ..Par- laM..a lk Mast altllatlnn - at the new strike have not been given, bat It 1 understood that th Belmont la Mar terest la shown la tb discovery, and several location err Doing mad on th creek. , ., MINERAL MANAGER IS TO BE HERE MAY FIRST Frederick R. MeUia of Baker City, su- vi irtniinv awmr uii iilsuwo iuj i -M 1 a. k..HAI.a. AsT. aVsTakl- insai si nil nxi a nni sbi as uuuui amii sau- la will net take eharra at nreaent. but By that time th contractors will have heir wort nnisneo. ana we aenvrsi Mr. Mellie recently visited Sumpter, aa Kunliie en thatr Ralmont rjrnn- narai wiMnnunauiL Tnere win i w. W - 1 uu.i.. t .LI. omposed surface Quarts. UPPER SHAFT OPENS THE THREE HUNDRED (Spedal Dlspetefc Tbt JooraaL) Baker City. Or.. April 10. Sinking on he Indiana copper mine, f 0 mile north- of thla city, baa been without In- ilssion of late, and th working haft is down to th 100 level. A short rosscut will be made to the vein open- M I - ......... l.H,a Ma 1 . . 1 1 1 Ml U LI .TV L . V . D . Mill I.LC1 b U W II. Ill on lur a wnaiuwvuia awwuvf wui -n zplored at this same depth. Drifting I. . A A . 1mm.. . mKmm. a Ana luula f copper ore. Manager J. W. Messner xpiorins; um properly m mil ai uie lev vywivu wui.a lawiuiif uw www aid to b In ore, th Indiana will robably' become a consunt shipper for least a limited quantity or or before Til STXXlD (goeeial Saipatch to The learaaLI - , rhoenlx, B. C, April 10. Th auf. . . . . . l , m . . .w- rfttalr CoIBmha Coppr eOmpanjtTTrg TU Best ... .'.'v"'.'-'' ' -. 4 'A Scotirlasr Soup I -AMeuiPoliah ;: A niaea Claanef i Ident T. X Underwood of thla company la Investigating the available ore, and also la getting la closer touch with the railway lntereeta, to know certainly if Midway aad th nw district beyond are to be connected by a rait Un this year. There 1 no donbt'la tb mind of min ing men that tb British Columbia com pany .wfll erect a fair alsed smelter at Midway. If they datermin that or may b had there to keep it running. B. C. SMELTER COMBINE ' - vNOWj HAS THE; BOARDS .i, J''?-'': -,.,- - '' -;V-.-..' i ' i (apeatal Pwssteh te The YaaraaU Tanoouver, B. C, April 'i.-A. multl tud of rumors continue to float about here regarding a probable merger of British ColumbU Independent smelters. Th visit of Orant B. Sohley. who U associated with J. J. HU1 of th Oreat Northern, gay lis to ail of th talk, but sloe it began many mining man bav really come to think that there may a combine. Th Crof ton, Tyee and Uadley planta ar all that are left tor th Independent on th coast if the Baruch combine la' mad to embrace the United Btaxe plants to th south. In thla connection It la said that 1. J. Hill ind his associated Interests bav con trol of th big Oranby property. Since the Oreat Northern buUt a branea Into th Boundary aad Immediately, secured mora than half of the Oraaby business, there seems some confirmative evidence of th Hill control. But all talk ao tar has been without tangible develop meata Indicating a. British Columbia oombm. .. . s BOHEMIA WILL ISSUE : ' ADVERTISING TRACTS (a?ieltfMaatcB te The JoeraaL) ' ' Cottage Grove., Or April 10. Th Commercial club here haa chosen a com mittee to prepare advertising ; matter which wlU be distributed at th Lewis and Clark fair.' Th Bohemia mines and varied industries of Cottage drove will b fully, represented la the new work, ' -v v--- - voaa ckoob oma." '; (Speelal DIspatek te The tarsal.). Cottage Grove, Or, April 10 George W. Uoyd yesterday received no we of another strike in th lower tunnel of th Crystal Consolidated. Th or ' body ahowa a heavier par cent of copper than ta th upper tunnel. A metallurgist' Is expected her soon, and he will apend several weeks at th property to de termine th beet process for treating th or. . . , (BpeeUl IH-Mtca te The earsaL) Cottage Grove, Or. April 10. A meet ing of th Bohemia Mine Owners' asso ciation la called for Saturday night, the Sid last. Important business will b transact ad. . mXAOT TO (8 pacta! Dispatch te The eeereaL) Cottage, Orove, Or.. April 10. AJ Churchill, a Bohemia miner, haa left for his holding and will pro seem te devel opment work thU summer. H took; la a good supply of tools aad provisions. Columbia' Phonograph's - New Quarters. Outgrew It Quarters In two" years. Thla is th record of tho Columbia Pho nograph company, formerly at 111 Sev enth street, but which yesterday moved Into soaetoua - sal ea rooms in the hand' soma new building at West Park 'and Washington street. ' Thla record not only refleoU great credit upon th Co lumbla phonograph a exoeuenoe or merit, but attests In a great meaaur the efficient management under which' It haa grown ao prosperous. Th business in Portland baa been conducted by Mr. O. Arthur Smith, under whoa guidanca it baa greatly Increased until today It la not only th largest phonograph and phonograph supply house la Oregon but 1 a headquarters ror th entire facino northwest, and which all-small jobbers look to for stock. Aa idea of tb enor- moelty of the stock of record carried by thla firm can be obtained when it la mentioned that there ar over 40.000 la iU saieerooma today. Tba wboleeale trad of th company has grown corre spondingly aa heavy aa tb "retail, a great number of phonographs and hun dred of record being shipped from Its storeroom each month. Whll it will take some day to become edjuated to iU new quarters, notwithstanding the rather crippled state of affaire, will be abl to accommodate th trad. YOUNG WOMEN TO MEET IN BIENNIAL SESSION (Janraal IpeeUl Barries.)' Detroit. . Mich, April 10. Prepare tloas ar about completed for th enter tainment of 100 or more delegates to the tenth biennial convention pf tho Ameri can committee of th Toung Women's Christian Association, which U to be held in thU city next week. These dele gate will represent 100 city associa tions and more than 140 college associa- tiona, with aa aggregate membership of about 01.000 young women. At tb session tb general topia for consideration will be "Th Relationship Between.' the Association and th Churches," and on three evenings th matter will be Uken up - with special relation to th pastor, th . Industrial world and th college world. Speakers of International reputation in f. W. C work will be among those who will entertain and instruct, and the will laciada special representative from th world' committee of th Toung Woman's Christian Association, in th person of Mrs. E. W. Moor of London, England. ' ZS TJsTOOS S'll'X U XXOhTAX (special Dispatch te The loerML) Olympla, Wash, April 10. The Su preme court yesterday decided th Spo kane ordinance unconstitutional : and clasa legislation, which prohibited ped- tningmtbin in lire limits or that city, Scocrtng Soap IVIauJe V''i ; ,"t. ': Binu0 Lir.IIT VATER : FCIa I .PRIVATE LAUDS Government WUI Not EeH Rights for More Than a Restricted v District to One Person j : PREVENTS MONOPOLY ,IN RECLAMATION AREAS Restriction Placed Upon Use of Water Forces Sale of Large Tracts. M. V,; ' ' - (Waahlogto Buresa of The lenrsal.) ( Washington, AprU 10. Th reclama tion act waa Intended primarily to pro vide for th Irrigation of landa belong ing to th United eta Us. It was plain, however; to congress that ewery gov ernment Irrigation project would beneftt a conslderabl amount of private land, Th means adopted tor tn organisa tion of water-users' associations Involve a speclflo recognition of prior vested water rights, and those who ar in po sition to claim such rights ar left un disputed aa to such claims, the require ments government simply call ing for their proper share of th cost of construction of th noons eery Irriga tion works. ' . - ' .- ' -In order to protect thee project of th government from a monopoly of land-owners or water-users, oongreee has provided that no right to th us o water ahall b. aold for mora than 10 acre of land la private ownership to any on' person, and, further, that th land-owner must be a realdent on th land or In th Beighocrnooa, and that no- such water right ahall permanently attach until all payments therefor v been mad. . ; , Thla Involves a limitation upon th us of private land whil th right to us ' th water la being paid for.- In view, bowever, . of the fact that . th water light furnished by th govern ment enhance th valu of th land ta a proportion far greater than the ac tual payment required by th govern ment, the . private land-owner cannot properly complain of tnes restrictions which will be placed upon him during th period of 14 years whll he la pay ing for th water light. - ' vm . , aawa V wtTI ohsrge you 120 an acre in 10 annual in stallmenta of ft each, without Interest or profit, , to furnish water to your land, which ta now worth lea than flO an acre, on condition that you will .Hv on It or In th neighborhood during 10 yeara," the land-owner cannot complain if b accepts the offer knowing that. a a result, his land will hsv a .ready sale at $100 per acr or more. , : BUILD NEW RAILROAD CFR0M PAL0USE TO IDAHO (SpecUl Dispatch te The XoorsaL) Colfax, WaslL, April 10. Articles of mcorporatlon of th Washington, Idaho Montana Railway company war" filed la Whitman county, Washington, and Latah county, Idaho, thla week. The company la Incorporated under the laws of Mam and ia capitalised for 1.X9 000.- Th Incorporators are among the heaviest stockholders in th Potlach Lumber company, T. H. ' Thatcher ' of Winona, Minnesota, will be president. and EL T. Weyerhauaer will be vice president. The rout 1 now located to a point U mile east of Felons. It Is expected to finish th first SO mue by next January i. - ....y AT THE THEATRES. Advance Sale Tomorrow The eesipeay sopportlag L. B. MaweD. and Charlai a. Veraer. wbo will eDDear a The Hoaoreble Joaa MarU" at tae kUreaasi Oread Uteatr. aext Monday aad Teeaoay alghtt, it wenlr. belasced. Asbtoa teveDa, tae knawa theaoicat alUe ef tta IraaelseD, B( Ms criticism et Herbert Baahford's sreatett comedy says: "Herbert BsenCor ass gives as eee el the gneteet eesieatee ef tae yar.M The ed vaae tale ef easts will epea fOda). awning- at 19 e eieea. - At th Baker. Oat e s. ttaesaad eeople was wl the eertarmaoes et tbe Baker last sight sceeebly set ess nallaal Uiat aa aedeaat, which weald have prove fatal, wee sartowla-everta-hy womaa'e ploek and eonrase. During the thrill In ride ef the BofrauM ee the eyeto whirl the sedal ea Mom. Hoftmaa't Mrycle Sfefte. bet by e saperhaokiB ettort tbe plneky httle wosua eoettaued tsirlde ead finished the eet with eee sedal anly. lse greet haak bergiary se the BakereaTaeh Is the -talk ef tbe taws. Tbe Travtoiaa, narvekme hoep reUers sad Jugglers, aad eevea ether big acta, eoeatltete a sees diu. arteraoone at m ecieea, eves- Inga, I JU aad e clock. Temperanca Lesson. There ere boom terribly rcehetle eeenes the greet teaiperaare Iraaon play, "Tea Night fct a Barroom. " which ia ataraeting erswee to tbe Umpire tha week, bet withal there M tbe brlabter fide, aad enddea oomad relieve the altoatloa )oat at tbe right mo man t. Tbe matlneoe are prorlnf a great attractto for women wbe ahop til saornug, er etteed te houaabold earea, and want as aftaraooe et comfort aad ejela reoraatlon. The adalaaioa price la, ef eoeree, a feature. ' The aUnplre tuck ensipesy Fine Show at the Grand. The Oread theatre thla week Is giving s bow e aa absolute par with that of the big eaters bouaaa, and as a ranlt every perforev aar teats the eanectty of tae ansae. BrrrMCrr, Jeoae aad Prlngle. a trie ef aplandld stale vntcaa, are twee worth the prtne ef edmtaaioe. rialoa and Hanaoa. eoe ef the beat -knows tama aa the uge, keep the eedimee ta roere threuhcat their entire set. Out Oardner blare .the in I tar with afclu. V boeata are clever daseera. ' Star Vaudeville. la seeking light sm maat the poblle ces alwaxaljlnd JW4 claaa vasdcvtll entertain mt at tbe Star. Thla boeae brines lets' direct from the vest aad Hxtm ethers from the Ornhenai circuit This - weak -1 MoT a ' and Oracete aad Daly aad irerphy are from the east, ead Weatoa and BaWy are from the Ornaaem honaaa. The ether acts are treag nd ettreetlve sad every one le worthy ef s place ea this extra One -prograsv . . , . . Sani--sMaj--aaaBBaBaiseaBaamw 1 Catches Pablie Fancy. The weeteat flui Is Dixie" seasie te kave eseght the public's fancy at the Lyric thla wwk. Tbe slay brand In. p'nty et.elran. bright-omJr and .startling situations. Klla wilaoa "tae weeiaet girr- ppmis in role different from aay aba has gtraa as yet. Mr. Cterfce ead Mr. Hendaraoa were sees te good advantage la thalr iparllT relea, while Jamae Mnrtoe sed UUIaa Orlfflth fsrnlabed the eoaaady end wo tb eppreeUtto ef the ssa t Farewea Week. I "tMnk rkimlooat.' whick Will eea th Ce- knnbia fteck eompasy' farewall ws SawlaT araene. telle the etery ei fwe r"S wiviw who wanted to pat thaw haabaasa1 naallty te teat, and ef tbe etartusg an eaauei ae- veetarM ty exaerlaaaad. Meet weak Is the but ef the Cotiuabia etscg eoapeay. r . - .- :- Sharp Contrasts.-',-Ta ai ec aurU srevokea. Dill, -' tsa- - ; JF YOU WANTj TO K1VTO W MEN SWILL , 'i . .'': -o "' ''."'.! .' "r ' . '. '. ' J. . X ' : ' ,; " ;- r,. i ; ." .; k&&':U&ifK i., .-v.-.- ' v:mm - : It ' Uli.ii''' "l-'t ' tf . iiiiiiiilii " ' ' ' . - . .' .-.-' la i i i i I 1 THE EILERS CLAIM OF LIBERALITY AGAIN VERIFIED A Caller at Our Store Grat!y-Impre4sed With; the Splendid Collection of Highest Grade Instruments, and More Than All With Our Low Prices. Sale of Exchanged Plaoos to Close This Woek Tbo Splendid Chick erinc Uprlfht and Many Others ef tho Advertised Pianos Sold .-Two More Uprights Exchanged for Pianola Pianos Yesterday Now Is the Time for Bargalas In the Very Best PlanosSome Used Pianolas Includeda Tou cannot flud finer piano east or west." declared a gentleman from tb eaat wbo knows piano business tb rough and through all over th entire country, who called at our ator yesterday, "aad ther la not another eetabllahment that oaa show a ereater variety. When It cornea to prices; you beat 'em alL . How ean you do It when you have to pay freight clear across thla big; continent?" Thia la just another or th many in stances which are continually arising, which prove our assertion that no mat ter whether your purchase be a brand new piano of any of our. makes, from th moat elaborate and costly C bicker ing, Weber or Kimball to th smaller priced but good, rallabl new piano, or an exchanged piano, such aa purchas ers ar now securing. It ia to your ad vantage to buy hr. - - . As w bav explained many tune ia print, w explained to our canar, our small-price, many-sales policy aad th numerous sxcluaive devices and mth ode which w enrploy that aav many dollars In tb coat of handling pianos. and also th advantarea wmcn we nave la purchasing In Immense quantities to supply six of th largest piano stores In th west. - - lust think. Our contracts with eastern factories for tb present year average a carload Of Instruments every other day. That Is, pianos, organs. Pianolas, Pia nola 'planoa. orchestrelles and electric piano. 110 carloads, and over t,0 In struments. Is It any wonder w ean afford to sell at a small profit, and our patrons re pleased patronsf eeaot sd fay WaBsee. wis sspply tae earned. ekes for "Dora none,"' . at tae tMumsta tab) week, are Irresistible. Wftea emoaaoai sltaafJoas eeaaaie taese, Utese ton pronator e forwsr. sad wtotaned eyes give place te merrv U ash tar. Jest ss lav real Ufa, pathos sad beta are I eloae toerb la "Dora Thome" and tbls enaaaeas tbe reallaia ef tbe play. Lest performaaae ef "Dore Thorse' Satmrflay algbh Matinee Satarday sftaraoea, ; "East Lynne" Next Week. ,;. . Tbe -Empire steek eearnaay will follow ap Its re gnet auifiaan ef tae saaiaa with a tll ore ambltloaa aaeemrtloa, end tbe pablie ia promlotd a atrons end eomplete prodertloe of tbe famooa anoOoaal drama, rieat Lyase, n arxt SwKi.r asatlaee sad all saVxt weak, with metis i every day. Tbe wall knew play aevat falls te ettraeV aepaftaUy tbe woawn, sad 1 sot sees see sere for eoae time. ' . oomnmrrurm or xaoa. ' (Jesrael Speelal Barrlce.) New York, April 19. autistic Just pubUswed owcTTfing: th country plf Iron consumption nr last monta gnow th remarkable total of 1,000.09 tons, Th total production waa UIMOO tons, "VEARi THIS SEASON ; ASK BEN SELLING EVERY REQUISITE FOR EASTER in generous assort ments will be found upon our tablesEvery garment is MADE RIGHT, FIT RIGHT and PRICED RIGHT and bearsmy guarantee SPRING SUITS and TOPCOATS $15 PRINCE ALBERTS $20 to $35 But to Return to the Sale , It Closes This Week. 'Among th advertised pianos there still remains a dainty little Weber for 1326; one Kimball for 17e; two Hard man planoa, on for 11 10 aad on for tl5. and aa Everett In a roeewood oaa for till, elc. etc Two more upright pianos war ac cepted by ua yeaterday in exchange for Pianola Planoa. On Is a very attrac tive little Hlns and thd other an ex cellent Decker A Eon upright. These also will be ready to gu on sals la a day or two.' ' Used Pianolas. - pianolas which have been, exchanged by us for Pianolas with the Metroatyle attachment, a couple of discontinued styles and one saleaman's sample, all In flrat-class condition. With the xcep tlon of Metroatyle Planolaa. you could not find anything more satlsfsotory, and If you prefer, to follow your own test in th matter of interpretation, these Planolaa ar )uat tb thing. There ia on In an boniaed oaa for only $110; on in mahogany, oric 1141; another cased in a very dark mahogany, $171; one discontinued style, walnut case, 200; another discontinued style, ma hogany case, 1240, and a salesman' samel. In autte a late style, till. All of these prices include on year's subscription to our circulating library, or 116 worth of muato. These Pianolas, as well as every pi ano Included in this sale, ar purchas able by a very moderate caah payuen t and small monthly Installments. Every Instrument fully guaranteed and money back, should purchase fall in any way to prove exactly aa repre sented. Kllers Piano House, 161 Wash lngton street, corner Park. which exceeds the production of Janu ary, th previous high monthly record, by 111,000 tons. ' la th same period fumao atock of Iron decreased J Q,Q08 ton, aad on April 1 the total atock oa hand waa tha smallest sine August t, 1901. Thla enormous output, as con trasted with previous month, waa dus largely to th reoord-breaklng la borne fth e-eUleiricta-llk FlUeburevlb Shenango valley aad th IlUnola-North-west group. - rail of Tragi Ksantar. ar the line from J. H. Bhnmona, et Casey, la. Think what might have re sulted from his terrible rough if he had not takea th medicine about which he writes; "I had a fearful cough, that disturbed my eight' a rest. 1 tried ev erything, but nothing would relieve It, until I took Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs aad Colds, wnirn completely eurea me instanti relieve end permanently cures all throat end lung diseases: prevents grip and pneumonia. At Red Cross Phar macy, Sixth and Oak streets, oa th way to the poetotTlce; guaranteed, 604 aad 11.00. Trial bottle Xxe. . . WHAT, SMARTLY '5 , J.. -V-.'i TO NOTICE The sua antnee. -Harvest when tbe grain Is ripe. Green Slab-Wood, rt inches, ti.rj per load. ; N ;" ;-y Dry wood, 16 inches, t-5o per load. 355 Front St. Portland Sawdsst Cocptay $35 FREE TRIPS TO LEWIS AND CLARK FAIR! Lewis and Clark Contest READ CONDITIONS, SEND IN YOUR FAVOHITTS . NAME, AND GET TO WORK AT ONCE v Owing to th wide general Interest in th larwl aad dark fair, TRB JOURNAL, will pay tb expense of twenty trip to th fair, for th moat popular persona outside of Multnomah county. i. TUB JOURNAL, will pay tb entire expense, including railroad and sleep las ear fare, admissions te th xposltlon for on week, hotel bill for on wek and amusement. ;.. , ; The Trips Will Be Divided as Follows: To th most popular person In Coos er Curry county, ton free trip; t the most popular person, in Josephine or Jack eon county, on f re trip; to th moat popular person lnvDouarla county, on free trip; to th moot popolar person in Iaine county, on fre trip; to the moot popular pereoo In Ban ton or I4nooln county, on fre trip: to th most popular person In TamhIUior Polk county, one fre trip; to tb most popular person in Washington or Tillamook county, ons fre trip; to th moat popular person In LUnn county, on fre trip; to th moat popular person in Marlon county, on fre trip; to the most popular person In Clackamas county, on free trip; to th moet popular person in Columbia or Clatsop eounty, on free trip; to th moet popular person In "Wasco, Sherman or Crook county, on fre trip; to the most popular person in Morrow-Ollllam or Wheeler county, on fre trip; to the moet popular peraon In Umatilla county, on free trip; to the moet pop ular pereoo in Union or Wallowa county, on fre trip; to th moat popular Eon In Baker county, one fre trip; to th moet popular person In Mai r, Harney or Orant county, on free trip: to th moet popular person In e or Klamath county, on free trip; to the moet popular person In east ern Washington, one fre trip; to th moat popular psraon ia western Wash ington, on fre trip. - K.-, Th basis on which eredlt for Votes will be given 1. pn Vota for svery le-tfun ta paid -rn -advanc fnrnrwor old 'Subscript Ions to the Daily, Dally and Sunday, Sunday or Semi-Weekly edition of THU JOURNAL. - Tb contest open at one and close at midnight n June 19. Pick out your favorite, flit out coupon below and mall It at one to THfi JOURNAI Box 131, Portland, Oregon. Coupon will appear every day In TILE JOUR NAU, during; th contest. , -' The time la short, writ for sample copies aad get to work at one. Subscription Rates Iklh - - lth SnaUl. 1 aaw..aTAA Pally JaernaL 1 year f-OQ Daily Joamal, wUb Sonday, Sao.,. .T Pliy Journal. moolha... ....... Iallr Joarnal. wltb Bnnday, S Swa Sunday a e . eP-W , l e nelly jeeraai. a mm Dally Jeernal. wltb Dally, eee weak. Iiicktdad , Dally. ea weak. IIM,...a.. Hmday. 1 deUrered, ISO nth 'M eeUvered, Saaday y va. Ttny JoanuU with Dally Jnomal, 1 yw Daily lanwl, with Dally Journal, S an Dally Jaaraal, wltb Dally Journal, mi Dally Jaariial. with I.4TM , i 00 ... I T! in I M ... i.44 h. . .. M ...1.1 anadey. Mas..... goaday, ia. .... Sunday, U S saas. tk.ll- Ian. 1. 1 Sniatav JflwrnaL t year. Basday Joernat, aaoetbs Lv f Saml-Waakir t i. f i eaHt laa.. . , . I DRESSED .;:i:::J6t:: mr.. y 1 I .-y'rW J: i '' ; Hotel Eaton NEW BUadMansly ferslsBed. elegsatly sowlpaed. rapraaf, ge mleaW walk tress heart ef aseeplBg ad eeataeas dlatrlet, all larta, airy, eetsbte noma, ataasi baatad. elettHe UxBta, tann u aaeb enailmajit. at. Lerse efflne. loaaalng. aaaoalns. writing. asier rarapjoa rum. by asstl ar t,lar.Wina rlvaw aaaafs Jtee-ea jl.OO to fS.OO a Day Speetsl Bet aa CMuaardi sTSS. MAS KATOS. lrl7BaW3r et" This Oowpos te Sod fee ONE VOTE i . . . for a e Mrsri popular perana county. id "TV'S r- -t I -- 11...