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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 20, 1905)
lil:, Lai lli. . V',7. ;j: ;t ,.'..:..v:-::V rUnry 0. flzvtt Tc" cf K'Addl : Y.'ztt Intuit in th Great "V; '.';' - -, Expcc'ilon. . .V.:,' ; l; f " 0 - r a- TOBXSZT'S .1- O A. Colombia, fcmpire... Lrrte I.riod ... "Dora TW' Kl in a Bw--V f . lV.lV.'ie r. C. -Ktytr, ;',Pcs::r cf Chriit ,C:;urch, Ionize, i) Cpttk : "-.;",t9 rc.-'-.i:.-.',--: ; it. Ml ftilh V- - W - a jartinaav Ml 1hhruUW UUW 7 5 L t The wocms Interested - in the school of domestic Klc.ct asked 'Mayor WU llarnr this 'artei-coon -to call a special meeting' of the bord of health for the purpose of appointing the fetaale mar Ket Inspector, aa provided in tha reao- . lution adopted ft tha city oouaell yea terdy. Tha w ui) are hi hly elated '. evar their auocece In eeeuring a wor an tnapactor, and will land, taeir aaalsta oe to tha officer 'In the crusade a -iat tilth and tha Bale of impure fooua In city market a ' Eneouraa-ed by their auc eaa they ear 'they will not atop work ' until every market la tha city la made ciean.' '"J. C Borobera of Happnar today filed a peutlon in bankruptcy In the federal court. " Hla statement of llabtlltl .' Shows tha Star Brewing 'company to be ine cmex eraaitor. td amount or trie ; claim M .l0. - The total ' eecured claims against Borchars : la given aa 44.111. The toUl of tha unaecured claim la llated at f i.ttt tl, making tha total liabllltlge ,11.T. Hla assets are given : aa follow: Real aetata In I t Heppner. M.IOO; . stock. 1100; furniture h U and fixtures, 11.100; account. $140,' " Everybody admires tb.odor of a nine fragrant perfume and with the near ap proach?of Easter, Albert Berni, - th drugglat. Second and Washington, baa stocked up with a large supply- of tne moat popular Tarletiea both la fancy nettias and in j bulk. - Notloa the-at tractive display in front window.. Fred Butler, tr. Chapman' neted ao lolst, at the Whit Temple, Saturday nignt. a. tew or nia aeiectiotuware: -Orby, Had a Horae"; Handel. "Honor ana Arm"; Edward, "My Own U. 8. DeKoven, '"Armourer' . Song"; . Stuart. "The Bandolero." . Ticket . at Alien ' CUbert-Ramaker's. ','-' - - : Thirty-two atudenU 'of the Riverside academy.' togged out-la khaki uniform, etarted for' St. Helen yeaterday for a five day encampment.' Few are over 14 yeoretf agar bat they -are going tatol- army Ufa on the proper basis, eve to -the bean and hardtack which make BOldlere,1--:;.- .;r;... 'JV , 10.000 Immigrants Wanted To locate along tha Oregon Water rower Rail- way .company' . line . between Portland t- and Kataeada. For Information Inquire of tha Oregon Water Power Townalte -'company, lit First a treat Phone, Mala ,ll. i 'vt .' t .. -J ( ...,v- " : '.-.. ' -. Beware .of adulterated cream:' " Cut can and look, for -gritty sediment : lit - bottom of can. ,. One' thousand .dollar . reward ' for ' proof.; of - aay , adulteration la either Oregon bra pa or Paciflo brand of araporatad oream. i m C H. Bingham, the new realdent r r-snanager of tha Washington Life Insur -;'.. ance company of New Tork. arrtred to ' day- and asaumed obarg of the of Ilea V - Hla family aocompanl him .and teir permanent noma wui se maoe bare,, if , Eatacada Offers ' Opportunities to . manufacturer which", mean , trillion - ,i of dollar' It property- handled. V, For In - ,-formaUe Inquire, of the Oregon Water ... rowtf aoemaita company. '11 JTrat v atreefc'. Phone, Mala Us, . .... uoniraeia -Tor transportation or n j Hated soldier aad sailor between the Paciae eoaat and eaatem, points hare been awarded" by tha government to the . 'Harrimaa railroad -line for. the enau- v. ingaar. , f ; r, .,..,. , ; f- Beat dollar pctlela"oa earth, oor , rectly fitted by our expert optician, Et- . ery pair guaraateadV Examination free) for one week only.1 Ill Sixth atreeL , Metxger eV Co, Jeweler and optician. . ,' Boek.rWuratt Bock Wuretl Owing 1 i io ine cruaii iaar paioraay we are com . polled to aak customers to leave order early thia weak for delivery Saturday; J .Chicago fttantet, lat Firth street. , 1 :: Around tha Southern Faeiflo looe on .. the east -side to Albany and return via ' Corvallls and , tha west side. Past Be' rhema ' excursion, Sunday, - April SO. .- Fare,, round trip. . Ladles' Bath Parlors. :. W . reduce ; thO abdomen. ' cure rheumatlam, grip, lame back.' 41 Morrtoa atreeC Hood &: Panamas "bleached by Panama' hatter. Iadla and gents' hat renovated. Pa , elf la Mft Work, t8 Id at. Clay 4tt. , :' Woodwardia Dancing Academy. Burk. . bard'a hail, Monday and Thursday evea , . ;Ahsleys envelope display. Asm Phar- - . macy, Third , and Burnalde. -x- GalU ULFri nch restaurant, IMtTpshus- K, Ask your grocer for Golden' Cheddar. PRIZES FOR ESSAYS; w? BY SCHOOL CHILDREN ';.'Mi,i. -' -.,' ,-'-.-, - Sn accordance with the cuatrnn of P. .Thompson during hU lifetime. h1i .. estate through J. Jf. Teal haa placed Is the hands of the Oregon Human ao clety, the, sum - of (SO to be divided Into four prises two of $10' and two Of tS each These will be awarded to he successful Duplls' of-' the public . schools , for meritorious compositions oa kindness to anlmaJa at the coming an- . nlversary of the society, which will take . place early In May. Tne society gives tha usual additional prise... . ; VAUen V Lawta Beat. Brand. i 'hm f i ssnrs - Aire- irtxanrsAaw-, , ' wtrrt as sizsAiT tan or - BAot-m jmro.To mass. ' rexr fsb, sias. ; IIrvVttt,rrcyO Co. r SATTSM ASS rPBJritglAs. 34$ Wawhlnftom Itrt ..' SIA SSAVB TIUTlt j ' ;EQ0ter hag Dor;2 r.OTA'LE wenx - a othsr c:o citiis Will B '. Accompanied by Rtv, '' MrPops," Who.TQok Up- V ; ; Moody's L&bors. ' , Definite arrangements have been made for the aeries of meetings to be held la thl city next week, under tha direction of Rev. F. B. Meyer of Liondon. England, and Rev.. H. . W. Pops of Northfleld, Massachuset ta. For eight , days, ba- --Rv. F. B. Meyer. ' ginning next Sunday, meetings will be Held every dsy except Saturday.; Tha movement 1 a union one and 1 under tha direction of a special committee ap pointed by the ' Ministerial association, of which Dr. J.. W. Brougher la chair man. It was through Dr.' Brougher's Instrumentality . that. Mr. Meyer - was persuaded to com , to Portland. While la Chattaaooga Dr. Brougher arranged similar series of meetings with Mr. Meyer, and on bis visit to London last year he arranged with the famous Eng lishman to come a far west aa Portland on his next visit to America, Mr. Meyer has made . many visits to . the United States, hut ha never coma ks far weal aa tha Paciflo eoaat, and on this Uit tne only -cities which b will visit oa tha eoaat ,are Lo Angeles -nd Port- IfwtoV-.. . , .-.--.- ' .- . M. Meyer la known the' world er aa perhaps the greatest living, preacher, and among those who have never heard hi preaching his , book have, made him loved. .. Ha is. undoubtedly . one .of the moat helpful writer of modern time on rellgloua ilf a. Ha has, . for many years, been pastor of Christ Church In London, which haa ' don a remarkable work Among the people of that city. The gen oral arrangement for -the-day .of Mr. Meyer stay In the city are a fol lows: ." Sundar morning. ''"April I, ha will preach at - the. First . Congregational church: Sunday -afternoon at ( o'clock he will speak to an audience of m only at the -Marquara theatre; at. 1:10 o'clock Sunday his colleague. Rev. H. W. " Pope, will . speak to, women only at thrWhlle Temple; Sunday night Mr. Meyer will preach at the First Preeby tariaa church. Every af tarnoon and evening of the following week,:. except Saturday, Mr. Meyer will preach, in the afternoon at ' the . First Presbyterian church and la the evening at the-White The service eondocted by Mr. Meyef are not distinctively evangelistic la thelt charades, but 'he 1 a preacher or mar velous power a aa advocate of the high est type 'of Christian living. Report from the meeting he has been holding show that people have flocked to hear, and have everywhere counted htm aa a preacher - of remarkable, f power - aad spirituality." , - 1 ". Kev. H. W. Pope is a preacher and evangelist . of note la this country; hav ing for many years been connected 'with the work inaugurated by Dwight X Moody. He has been prominent at the conference at "Northfleld, Maasachot setts, which were founded- by Mr, Moody, ., aad . Is known throughout the saat a an 'organiser and teacher of personal'', work.. Mr. Pope's work throughout the eerie , of meeting la supplementary t that of Mr. Meyer. - t," 1 r- 'V '.",' Need Not Have Pedigrees. The dog ahow this year promises, to eclipse' anything in tha way of exhibit heretofore attempted In Portland. - Many entries are being received by the secre tary ' dally and application blanks for the same are In constant demand. A good feature which has been decided oa by the director is that It I not neces sary , for aa. animal to . have a pedigree la order to -exhibit-hi dog..' There r many dogs which, though sot bred In the purple, have gotten away with the ribbons, and 'establishing the above rule la a move , In ' the light direction, and one which, will be "much appreciated by owner of good canines. y , v . SPRING MEETING 0F - -PRESBYTERY CLOSES -.The spring meeting of the Portland Presbytery at Tualatin Plains ha Just closed. . Rev. David A. , Thorn paon, of the- Sellwood .Presbyterian church, was unanimously elected Moderator for the ensuing yesr. .Important - among the business -were the calls of Rev. ! M. Booser to the newly organised church f-ef.-tnedaaant.Aad Of Rev. A. W. Rhine- hard -to - the - newly - organised Oermin Zon church. Of Port la ad. --Botha calls were eocepted and dates .were fixed for the .Installation of the new pastors. Rev Levi 'f Johnson. - Presbyterian Sunday achoor" missionary, reported aa excellent year's work In the - field Of mission Sunday, school work. . Forbes Presbyterian - church Invited the Presbytery to hold Ita fall meeting In the new church at Alblna, which waa accepted, i Rev. M. D. McClelland, of Fourth church. , and Dr. E. p., HU1 and Elders Coleman and M- B. Oodfroy, .of Forbes, were elected commla- loners to the general aaaembly of the PreaDVterlaa church ' In tho Vnlted Btatea . to convene at Wlnono next TCzZ "I Entries cr.i Exit cf Lewis ,G r':0Cla1ePcir..':V-'V -APPLY- bo r 5 1 Chamber of Commerce : or 393 26th Street CEALTY flUST PAY - - : 1.0HE in FUTU3E Astsssor Sigfer Will Raits Mors ' Money on That Class of iih.;"'s Property. - j, County Assessor B. D. Slgler ' will raise the assessment from i.2t0.IIT, the figure for 1004; to aa approxlma Uoo of tha actual cash valuation. If as surance Is given . by the county and olty ofBciaia that the tax, levy. will not be Increased in. proportion. He IS eeti- mating all property at . It eaah valua tion, and will decide later whether or not ha will place It on the assessment rolls at thoaa figures. The new plan of easeasinent Involves radical Changs in the principle that has been recognised Jr assessors, who have assessed improvements relatively higher than realty, whereas Mr. Blgler's pro posal la to.aseeaa realty higher In pro portion than improvements. - In doing thia, he believea he -will encourage the improvement of property that has bean held for years without use and has paid - taxation . than - ha - property upon which building have beeneroetad If hla nlan be executed, realty will pay about 00 per cent of cash valua tion, and improvements (0. .' Heretofore, realty haa been aaaesaed at SO par cent and improvement at about 40 par oanL The movement for the assessment of property at aa approximation of. actual valuation appears to have spread over the state, most of the assesaora la tha various counties having stated that they expected to raise the total valuations In their counties this year. J - ' ' If the assessor's plan, be agreed to by city and county -officials who levy taxes the ee-mlll levy that haa been a deterrent to Investors .will be lowered. It Is believed that thl will operate to lnduoe the placing here of large sum of money that now 1 frightened away by tha e-mlil tax. -. k . . '.. PAROLEU PRISONER r BETRAYED BY WIFE John Conception Swears At His -Spouse and May Be Returned V to '.CalKomiav::! iii A visit to the Lyrlo theatre last night may; coat, toon wonoepuoa a year la San Quentla. He appeared la' the mu nicipal court this morning to answer the charg of abusive language, and - his wife, who preferred tha charge, abowed that he was a paroled prisoner front, the California penitentiary. Mrs. Conception went to the' theatre last- night with three frlende. ' Her 1 hus band was not la tha party. However, he followed them, and on seeing hia wife la company with another man .began to swear at her.-- .? - His wife showed a . letter from the warden of San Quentla prison, showing that he bad obtained a parole during good behavior, oa the ground that he had a crippled wire to support. la case he Is convicted of using ahua-i Iv language, b will be returned to Saa Quentin and forced to serve out bis un expired term.. "' " '-. Conception was committed to the panl- tentlary from Oroville, ..California, for grand larceny. He was formerly court interpreter, and speaks fluently Spanish, French, English, Japanese, Chinese aad other languages. HALF PRICE To Close These Out Tomor ''l I ; row . Without . Fail. I' l."'11 f, ,-v"-A .--'.U '- ' 'i .'.'. - , " . ' - : '. - ' . . . 65c Ccoa Door : tJP : . Matapecial... i. OOL 75c Cocoa Door ' A ' . ;: MatsSpecial. : . U?. , 85c Cocoa Door rA Q v MatsSpecial. .. , I IM Cocoa, Door P Cr v Mats Spedal. . . . . 00 v ' $US Cocoa Door fQr .Mats Special. .1 OyC - Last Chance to' Get V ; -Good Mat Cheapo-1- - -:'' '. . All larger sixes reduced the ,4' i: : veamevwsy;' ' t i " : ' - i . ! r arm arty (few Terk Farmltars Oo. OICCUSSSOTAfeCARD" ffT-. ' -OIL MID PR0CUCER3 And Says ; He Will Try for Mayoralty:' Nomination VVith , ,V'y-:' Hope'cf-Cetni'ltU;;'' After a two week trip In the middle west. Including, Chicago. Kansas City and other point In IJllnoU, Iowa, Mia. souri aad - Kanaaa . -Henry B. Row. Portland general agent for th Chicago, Milwaukee i St. Paul railroad.' .re turned thl . morning, aad took up hia neglected campaign for th Republican nomination lor mayor. .' '"1 Was , Immensely surprised ' to ft the extraordinary attention - bur expo sition Is getting everywhere la1 the 'east."' he said. , "It seemed to me there waa aot a man, woman or child who did not ask m about the Lswls and Clark fair, and aearly. all declared they were coming to aae it. I believe there will be a -volume of travel toi tha Paciflo northwest thl year that i beyond tha cwnpuoD ox . any one oere. as Chi cago, all through IUinola, Missouri and Kanaaa,. wherever I atopped. there waa the- aame lively Interest abown la the exposition." ....-, ;t , Mr. Rows aays the Kanaaa oil flald Is paralysed by the fight between the Standard ON--company and the produc ers. Th policy of the-Standard Oil company- led to a condition which made the wells unprofitable. - Prloaa paid by the company for oil at the well were ruinous, .and there ' was nothing for the producera to do but seek relief from edme other quarter, or let their oil go to waste. He says the state of Sanaa a will build one refinery, located probably at Peru. . He left Independence. Kanaaa the- a Secretary Oarftold of the de partment of commerce and labor, ar rived there to make aa Investigation fof the field. - " - . v . - . - ; "The . altaatloa regarding the mayor alty la Portland seems to:, be pretty badly mixed. I am going to do what I can to get the nominal Inn. he , said. "Mr observation ha been that early booms often collapse, and that th laai two weeks of a eampaign la the time when most of the eSeotiv work -Is aon.T-- T-"r ' . : a- ; bost revss xx bat. , (Soedal Olsaateh. te .The ( Chelan. - Wash.. April thought t be 'Nela Jiaaan. who drowned la Chelan bay, waa picked up by a steamer last nigh- Naturalisation papers of fal Jensen were found la the clothing. Jensen had bean missing from Taeoma for aoma time. ... FLOWERS FOIL EASTER. See oar Easter Display of crioice Easter. .Lilies aad other Blooming Plants. Largest Supply in the city, ; , also our usual display of . Choice Cut Flowers . ', YIBITORS WEIlsTCO ; , MARTIN a FORBES t0 WASJXSUTOS 9fT Phono Mala v.; r aoss strtHss. twe DAMAxioas, T uui soots, a nee aad leeella. la. Ma ar ether vartocke fntat U te Be. saa aag Wiaaa. , Paeaa Mala sag.- To Prove the Facts JOHN DELLAR el alma td gtye you a perfect flt on a Suit or Top Coat within tt.te to IS. lea in pries ta compari son to any other store la tha city. The only way . to prove thas la It . " I. JOHN DELXAR claim he save you from tOo to II A on a pair of Paata, Shoes or a Hat. - If you believe that Is so, convince yourself. , . ),. - JOHN " DELXAR claims to nave a large variety of Ladies' aad Mlssss Tsa Oxfords from loo to ILO lea la com parison to other store. To And If it I true la to go . to Six aad Tamhfll or TTaird aad Bavm, where.' JOHN DELLAR ha hi store. , Ooodj narked, tn ptala ogures. , - , AjMisjurunrss. BASEBALL!! sosomsAViov SAmsr, rangka aad rwaBty-fewrtk Sva, PORTLAND ' L03AN GittrES .33 mmd t4 Oame oalled :! e'otoek. - - Sundays,-1:1s. , , Orandstand for ' ladlae free - ovetw day but Sundays aad boildayt; men ISo, Ladles day Friday. . . COLUMBIA THEATRE 14th ssd WaahlsstBa. TOKlflWT SIX WHJt. MATT XX AT. h hat r7--flohinibl Stork Onstpanr, last w is, pneeaiins rmas m. mil naMes The self ra-rl.M sitrarttoa le the ettjr, reimiar sria. aoe. sae. wx. lar: i XV. Mr, iw.. Dm-town hex nfaee U ear t buktimis. rasas mis lie: eveaias si !h.t!-. Main tit. KaXT-"ruiK MMurazS.. raraweU j ft; - ,. :r' ' f i , ."-..-''.Tne j , , is imperative. "The "Walk-Over'' 45hoe - impttnu-: the Trf-. yrr Vr-vr t f-feeVand thelajararicc of tin mantooJvnV;'- 'f:s'::-' VAXrTNocherm 'use"d ;in:tJie'''Valkr :r-'l'$ Ovtrand-Aey'do not draw-the fttLC;?. v: X;f.w'' y . - ! - ' 'Tltey are made'.over foot form lasts, fit the foot ind ; : 1 : j ? - 'retain weir x aassj) ,Ji. eja. 'a i ; Kequires no jaresxingin. . ine-oniy snoe r ;:' - an old shoe", when first put on, Is 'the alk - ' '. t -. i-- . - -- . , .."'." . X ' " I. -1 ICE (Exclusively .VANILLA, STRAWBERRY. LEMON ANY FLAVORS irJ;.1J.;.IaQUIraD. : . Water Icesi Sfcorbots We1; are ' exclusive ; manufacturers. Our products have no equal on this market. I None but the purest and best Ingres clients are ' handled by us, , as a ' TRIAL ORDER WILL FULLY - ATTEST. r. We make a specialty of supplying Hotels Restaurants and Families. We deliver free in any , part of the dry in quantities from one quart up. ' Consumers will find the . quality of our ICE ' CREAM exceptional and - v our PRICES MOST' REASONABLE. t ; t1 ; i we-" solicit r a ' trial, i -r a t " ' ROYAL ; 20i-807 WASHINGTON STREET. . ' Phone Main S. saHsiaim' xoymAxs nr otobls . . AT TXU Third esd Tans OX Sesasg e need. MgrA f... ...... . OTHKB -aCTflr ''..' . 1 r ''; ' ttl . TBATIOtAS, . , " ' i aeiv. ua as BUM. aaa bus. aeaay. The Ores Tegg Ssnrtary. ' - at rM. !,. au.. AaaifcsM 1 rata ts ear etat. alRAIND ' hUTTWItg WVWTfJiri WON urErX'L BUJ, T4tsr RnfifMncst IHWt, Min-C aaa fiama- ua ao , ,. Tk OLTVt g TsourL Xa fT. AIO rgerA. . TKaOaa AaO r "'".OA. ,,-'. -JW-.-1UU AIT PaA... , laanTmsira. eeseral latslsa. 10c rvw Mta - t la float. XOc' Sea (eats, tea. lTCBD(U!I;(3Si70 ' ' ;" SAWTK01TS T aCX""" ' .'".1 ; roaxiAJis tu.ui . Nnw en. " Take Prtlaad lMshta ear as r erf at HsarthnnM strvre. oee hlerk tram ear is. cumnina. .(mm mmrniar, MMt Biasairieeiit view la aawrlre. e hvaatlral Mert e aowerfal nariaiight lop ei sswat. oa a a. u. te a, av X selectipn of properly Shaped' well snape.. -..'-v74 ..'-.--;-.---r..;v-.v .)" ' w aa r u nat s tne norce ot tne. name w aiat-uver., on snoes, . i r 'rV'attd'thatVwberettheiriresl'Tilue-is realized, J vr.- , : V $3.50 and 4.00 gwe. ' ' " . PS4 '.- " 1 C.r. TRE BOOT SHOP. THAT .WANTS V0tm TRADE fifcJay SpzclcH rttival . . . . 20.59 V.-?.'i;-:.i'.Vi.';. .-t. High rexie sad fbnyguar antsctL Plauiisbed rUne steel wtth. wsraiinc closet Six hole raTe.:..SpleotSd. baker end foel saver. hot icrji sens 172-174 FIRST STRX22T Pure Cream.) AJroSSMJBJaTTS. EMPIRE Wg -HeasM . Bvarr W e.Svwy JDarat t:U. hTahaee SaeS meat at a;: ':' 1ih CB!T8 MiCbt at :!. . v V -'''V ax , AIaUaTOS . - ,v " AU. THIS vans. ' , TVe. Oreat Tsise'SaM PTay. ' l: Kxa ZaT a iiioax' av ta teatre Stack mean an THE LYRIC theatre swrrrrw - ako aijnni Bvery Aftfraaoa ina Tnn. " TW roor-Art Saelkera Draas . hokltlM BrtVN Acta BartsnssseM il I K TJW aad lg a, av star ticattj: prwoxa AJr trA. rsors weTo TT SALT aJT - J. 7 . JaOX I - ' - tola c - r. Jim u 1 DAIR.Y : n v- .- 1 ,'.' w . ' made shoes " "V "J. -y VW j W.. '. A. ir'Y,; - -5 ' . eU " . -as-easy as :yv ershoe. ' : . ',;.'. v :..'.'"'-: 'V. ;AV';;--.''-v''V4V:r- - ' . - 1 an A a S -r- "' I - Buy at IN right place and ywa can gtA most anything , yow want, Wright la - th , Portland jeweler who ' baa ' made diamond seUiag a ifaat- . ure af his business tor many . ' yaar. Btrylng la large joaa-; -title snahifes him. to offer hla. v : goods at a lower figure than ? ' ' competitors. Altbouajb th ' ' price of dhmtoods ha ad- . vaaoed savetml thae within, - th past few twentha, Wrighra p r I o Tenia I ii stationary. - - Lerg asaaUtlea 1 th aecret. . a.n.vrig:it Don't Worry .Over Your Fuiiiiture- ,. A and Piano Moving. (. Mt'a 112 It Ecyl If youll let us send our t! j wagons and! experienced '-. -i '- .- men... O EN E R A L HAULINO, SHIPPING AND FOR WARDING. - Kadderly: Trcnif: V PhoMMain 13. A ll6 NORTH THIRD CT. 1 for Either Hale cr T JZmlm C9," Tka Jmurmxi ' amd yitr cic 112 I Invrnr IsUAUl T '' ' '. m Morrison it. ' .' : .. .. ........ . . , 1 v. ..... e , 1 ' I