The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 20, 1905, Image 4

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1 ' :;(hfirv:.y-,. r Wrlh AM... IWDBPSHPBHT N E W 8 P A
ft g: jackson
,.pablkbd tv7 evening ( except Sunday and every-' Sandar morninf
f' 7' 'V-.' .' -r'v.' I.- i V:'-'."r.'--'.'i' s Portl Orgo.
HINA sea is lata in ringing
most dramatic naval affair
aneee .war. - An imDatient
; expectation.;; Russia a first bold challenge on the sea is
being accented with arreater deliberation than the world
exoected of even deliberate.. Japan.
caution fiat marked all Japanese military and naval Op
t eration ao distinctively that the preliminaries have in
variably excited criticism from experts, ' out result
. have with' equal certalritjrtiecessitated revision of first
conclusions, -and Japan 'finished with
"- mendationior its strategy. a-VvW.N
' i : Togo is no doubt executing; the profound plan of a
-" "strategy board at present -Hi ia thopportunity to
wait and thoose. Neither' Japan nor the, world doubt
tTogo'tbility o. demolislt-tbenemy
but it u apparent that. this tame result is being sought
with the least prospect of penalty.
'theatre, for a deep game -just now.
V ' oriental i playing his best cards. If
; with , Rojestvensky as ' effectually
Makaroff.and his successors, - there
naval strength left to meet whatever additional sacrifice
" Russia1 care, to place upon the Pacific altar, But if
Toko lost heavily now, Russia might be able to' recruit
sufficient strength to jeopardize
, the. sea.v.-;-' .. - ; '
v Japan .yet has a heavy stake for which to play, but
.wonld no "doubt be as judicions if the issue were not so
far-reaching. 'This pugnacious people revel in exerei
i ing their aeur-bora power of the mind. They would not
V glory in k victory that was won by sheer weight of ves
sels,, but must give it " the artistic touches of higher
achievement, in which cunning ingenuity traps a dull
enemy and wins, with no sacrifice. If Rojestvensky
traverses the haunted sea -with immunity from all save
the growing Russian fear, - and - reaches an apparent
' haven at Vladivostok or elsewhere, experts will expect' a
mcu-e calamitous finish for his squadron than if an open
"aea engagement occurred. ' '..
And what of France in this' emergency? - Will it or
Jdare it Permit its neutral port in the
for the open advantage of the Russian fleets r Already
mattering are being heard in Franca that that country
has been used a a convenience for the Northern Bear,
which stretches friendship to the breaking point in it
"demands while, when it has money to spend for war
.ships, it spends it elsewhere.,;!. France involved might in
yolve Britain under the terms of its treaty with Japan.
There are other complication in prospect beside those
Involved in the meeting of the two fleets which give an
added piquancy to the far eastern situation and entitles
it once again to the interested-attention of the civilized
jworld above any other question now before iL i r i
: V :- , 3 . .; ..:,,!,.',
FOR MANY YEARS the Seattle Post-Intelligencer
, was the "only" paper of that city., It occupied a
. similar position, there to that occupie4 by. the
' Oregonian here.. It elaimej to, have ot wM supposed to
,' have a monopoly-of telegraphic new. In politics and
other matters it became arbitrary autocratic and dic
tatorial. It wanted to run the politic and most pther af
fairs of the city ami. sUte and its idea and opinions
were expressed in a manner' offensive to a large propor
tion, of it clientele, whom it soughf to dominate and
drive, rather than advise and enlighten. V. v , '
, "Then a new figure appeared on the scene in the per
son of a man from Minnesota, who with very little cap
ital but much practical ability . and abundance of grit
started an evening paper called the Time. The new
paper was ridiculed, and it proprietor attacked, by the
V. L, but he and his paper throve, the people liked its
wide-awake and liberal style, even if its editorials were
rtot so heavy and turgid. It got the news, treated, all
' people fairly, hit criminality ' and odious vices hard
blowv 7oicedheommOfl""people'i"entiments.'-"and'BO
grew rapidly and steadily into a . great newspaper, now
far outranking, its ancient and .scolding contemporary in
circulation and prestige. -.v :-,''
The moral of this brief and simple (ale lies in the
application of it "
NONE of the many costly "improvements recently
; made in the Portland hotel ha appealed more
- t strongly to the traveling or local public, than
the fine system of fire escapes which now mark its east
rent exterior., ,sThee have been put up at eonaiderable
' .expense and no return can be expected from the outlay
except that which comes from the consciousness that
- . everything possible has been done to make safe the live
,of the guests who there abide. !, ..' v -V
The fire which yesterday threatened to end so disas
trously has given added impetus to the agitation -which
: ,'has been going on for some time in favor of fire escapes
on all the big buildings of the city; They should be
' considered, as a matter of course,'. par, of the neces
'j ssry equipment-of all big building. No step could be
v. akea that, would evoke -wider spread public approval
' .than thia and the city officials could render no better
' v service to the public than insisting upon this work being
.v.tione..!'..' , " "; ..
Harriman, Rc-
maKcror ivaiiroaasi
: A iImp:of a man of thought
' !wU of action'' la' given In Rufua
' Rockwell Wilson's ' sketch of Edwirt
.K. Bafiitnan la Public Opinion, April S.
Mr. Harrlmaa now oootrols'llve railroad
. Systew the Union Pacific and Oregon
. lines, the Southern pacific and Central
, Faetne, too San Pedro rout; the Atchi
son, Topcka Santa Pe, and the North
ern PaclBo aggregating SO.Itg miles of
.track. .'. 1 '-. ' v' . ' ;
Tble Is is truth a lordly empire, and
iLIlmnen rule It with aa Iron
hand. Ho la preMohTiroT.,'Srfly Vt the
' Union Paclno kbd Souther Pacific, but
ef all of . their suboldlary companies.
Me . Is president la aet.a-wll aa In
tani and esaeutlv . eoaamKtoas and
boards of directors moat only to record
their approval of hla plana and pur
I neea, Teer in and year out - la his
.Ace at It Broadway, with a map of
' Is entire railroad eyatem before him.
..e toils with the entiling energy of aa
inetiio dyaamo. . He- living man lea
tor rapid thinker declakm aad actios
9 hand In hand; end" ho will diapoee I
11 hour bf ar maaa of report a and corre
ndnne that another could not mneter
1 a day. Indeed, his stenographers
tr In relays, aad then , find It
"It to keoa pace with him. . And
. i-axs the snaa at tae hala feoio-
no the curtain on the
HOUGH, the
of the Rosso-Jap
audience ts in hourly
land,' for this was
rThia measure Of
good.. Whether
unanimous com'
':ir.--ti-v v-?-.
they can at least
eating, as baseball
matched. ,
Baseball is a
American game in
in direct assault.
still peculiarly an
to become widely
China sea is the
In which the wily
it is possible to deal
as Togo ' handled
will be abundant
tvaSr tamaiNAil ata-a
affile.' brains and
Japan's command of
victory over
ball team in, action
spectacle. ' ;
Baseball is a
dom any petty or
far east to be used I
stimulates hundred
keep their bodies
f. Meanwhile the
over. ' For, after
upward tejr taken
Ing large or small ascaplng his watch
ful eye.
Phvalcally this eaar of railroads is a
email . man. alight IS build, narrow
cheated, and delicate in appearance." He
la simple in ma taaioa ana piain in ra
attire, his business dreee invariably
onslstlng of a sack ault, all of tb
asm material. a low turnover collar.
and a small black bow. Ilia town resi
dence la one of the block of houses on
Madison avenue built by the lata Henry
Vlllard.-and hla next-door neighbor Is
Whltelaw Raid, editor of the New Tork
Tribune: but he Uvea most of tb time
on hla great country estau hear Arden,
in Orange county, where he finds A
much delight In the rearing of Una stock
and horses as does Mr. Morgan In
yachting, Mr. Carnegie la golfing, or Mr,
Hill In the collection of pictures. ' Hla
wife, who was a Miss AverUl, could
command by reason of her own family
associations a high social place tn New
Irt. but for-aoclaldf )ightapf them
selves Mr. Harrlmaa - cares - adthlngr
Nor has the building of his railway em
pire left him any time for them.. ' .
ax roa
." Prom the Washington Post. ' '
Secretary Hay's letter accepting the
decoration f the grand arose? of the
Legion of Honor, conferred on him by
Prance. . beeamo - publle - yesterday
through Porelga Relations, the Ameri
ca diplomatic red book, ad ran re abeeta
of which have been printed. The cor
respondence shows that the decoration
was conferred not only en account of
Mr. Hay's "merit as a statesman and
scholar, but also ef the serW , ren
dered by. you (Mr.. Hay) daring' your
administration, la direct log jovj( effort
jno. r. CAKsau.
The Journal Building, Fifth and Yamhill
team accredited to Portland suffered
another- defeat yesterday, - and was banded i
, goose-egg at that, it wa a great day in Port
the first game of the season here, and
people who don't take a lively interest in baseball are a
small minority of our citizens. The season is only fairly
begun7and the mightly-muscled Giants have a Jong spell
of time ahead in which to exorcise the hoodoo and make
they can or not, it is to be hoped that
score enough to make the games inter
games always are of teams are fairly
i i.'V. ; "".-
fine game, -and ' though not the only
the sense it waaJS or 20 years ago. is
American game. : It was the first sport
popular in this country, art'ha al-
A swa. f In ' ma la at b .- ' ( se-a
wrssa. w v mamvw av 1 4 fv WHS iiv - vthui 1 uvf VUSIUIU
stale" popular intcresrirt it. ' Britons have tried to play
ft, but with no suui eclaf and success as attend the
Americans' games,; .It. is such a swift and strenuous
game a only American can playjwelL And fine fellows
mot of the players are. f With "nervous systems keyed
up to concert pitch, with perceptions keen and, bodies
limbs nimble 'as Itchtnmar. a rreat
audience of intensely interested spectators, and glorious
well-matched foes to achieve, a good base
is a very 'interesting , and enjoyable
.. v l-'.;.:.:-:.. .:. -:h.,T
good, wholesome, honest sort of sport
Let rough than football and more energetic than golf,
it far excels them both as a healthy scientific species of
recreation. Football is mainly a college game and golf
is a game for fashionable folk who can afford it, but
baseball is democratic 7 It "is everybody's game. And
less than almost any other game has it been contam
inated by the gambling spirit. '. - . VV:;. i
; Baseball js a clean, manly, vigorous game, combining
physical and mental exercise and capacities. . The keen
strife to excel is in itself commendable, and there is sel
r vindictive . gloating ' over the van-
quished. who,,,tomorrow may be the victors. Baseball 1
of thousands of boys and youth to
vigorous, their limbs well-muscled and
their minds clear and alert . The very fact that it is ex
clusively aa outdoor sport, lasting throughout half a
year, or more, renders' if valuable both, to players and
patrons. JzxJ .v y'.-i ;v'4 v....,
Rain may interfere with the games at Portland on
some days, but as rule they must go on, and should be
well attended and appreciated. ' Here's hoping the scores
will become, evened up o as to make .the games 'more
interesting as the season advances. ' Play belli ;
HE PRICE JOF BEEF, at .least in ' eastern , cities,
has mbved fharpty. up again, and the big packers
nf they fhad -nothing to -do, with it, but that
wicked combines of stocV..ajseri art the taase.- -As to
this the, helpless .meat -consuming - public may - entertain
whatever opinion it pleases, but people are not likely to
consider the beef trust's assertion a the final and con
clusive truth ': ;.. v- 6V.'iV -r
government fs making 'some; snowing
of prosecution' of member of the combine, some of the
lesser lights or hired men of which have been indicted,
and some have taken refuge in Canada. The really big
and responsible men of the combine' 'evidently -fear noth
ing; the investigation may cost -them .something, but
they, easily make the-public pay this cost, many times
all, ;. whatever .the . legal proceeding
show, nobody doubts that a lew firms in Chicago prac
tically control ths price of ) meats ' consumed by many
millions of people. ,;.And few expect that the govern
ment will succeed in breaking up the trust
' If the president fo in desd earnest about breaking up
that by strongly recommending the removal of the pro
tection which is the chief . foundation and bulwark of
most of the trusts.'. But ihiaJie failed to do last winter,
and it is not expected that he will make any such recom
mendation next fall He is inconsistent if not insincere
in thus attacking or making a feint of attacking the rob
ber trusts, while making no motion to remove, the prin
cipal means by which the trusts live, move and have their
being..) :.. , , , -'"';
And besides, why do we hear no more about private
car-lines and :, discriminations and - terminal . abuses,
gainst which the president inveighed ao vigorously in
his message of last December? A the New York World
remarks, there is bigger game to be hunted than Colo
rado's wilds can show. - - ' - , -'--x -vt . . .
; ' f 1 . ' . ;
' Members of the council who treat with flippancy the
efforts of the women of Portland who arc now endeavor
ing to bring about better and cleaner conditions in the
handling of food supplies are extremely shortsighted.
The sentiment back of this movement is an extremely
powerful one for it enters every home in the city and
strikes at the very citadel of its public health. Every
in that direction is a distinct and ap
preciated service rendered to all the people -and the
members of the council who think otherwise. .will sooner
or later experience a rude awakening.- -'tt ' 1 '
to the maintenance of tb peace of the
world." ". ' . !
Mr. Hay, on the day the tender was
received, telegraphed; la part as follows
to js.- ues fortes, the Irene . charge
d'affaires In this country! . . - ...
."Waiving all Individual con ltd era -tions,
I sincerely appreciate the senti
ment -which has moved your govern
ment to take' this signal method of tes
tifying in my person its appreciation of
the efforts which, la the name of my
country - end - ae the --epnen -of -the
earnest wishes of the president and of
my fellow-cltlsens - In behalf of peace.
It has been my duty and privilege to
exert In furtherance . of 4 international
concord and good wilt- v v' r .
"I . shall .take . Immediate occasion ' to
Instruct the American ambassador .
Paris to advise the government of the
republic of the gratitude with which I
accept this honor, subject to . the su
perior sanction of congress, as pre-
ll'l'iueu uy our constitution of
aad 6t my high sens, of this tribute to
the endeavors of the American govern
ment ahd people to promote the ends ef
pesos, . . -.i .. v
Congress failed to paas the resolu
tion authorising Mr. Hay to accept the
decoration...' .- , .
: V ' roollars ts Sava Ooavtem. v ,
" Prom the Chios re Journal. .
Mrs. Balllngtoa Booth is asking 100
men to - pledge themselves for tl a
month each for one year, to be devoted
to the forwarding of her rescue work
among convicts and ex -convicts. There
are few men who can hear bar simple,
unaffected and desperately earnest ap
peal without belog moved if beeamo ene
si tae S.VV. .
Juna 1, rain or shine. ' -
Still, Togo has no soy's play on band.
Chko werkassst to he Mook on
iriaos utat zau. ;w,i .-. . . v . .
Tfco oaxlv imported atrawberrloa look
neuer aa taay.xaatew.
mo avaraa or , aarrioa life la ti
roars. , uut u soon longor to on.
The mayor will oh im fully aeeont any
oinor roaianaiioa or witnarawaia. .
If Bmit Jim puU Portland la
novel, ow of ua will evor nad it out
Per contra, a-, law to make you .work
ovor 19 noura a aay wouia be invalid.
Porhap Vacle 8am will eonerod that
It la tmpoaalble for Castre- to Jnaalt
Togo aad Rojestvensky retire into the
background, the baseball aeasoi
opened. ' -. ' . - y:-, ..'.:. . t
No doubt Secretary Taft would rather
be sitting on a Hd than chasing worvae
aaa aaarev - - , ; .
Mayor Dunn baa already discovered
that mayo ring la much mora strenuous
tnaa muging. " V- , -- v;-.
Tongues are coming eo tn ' flufnst
and voicing the Indlaraatloa of their
neighbor, Nose, , . ;
Tom Lswebn says one ef hla eeemlaa
Is a dodolttlcapolla. : But lwsou might
not be able to prove it. - . : - ,
If the president can and wtll get a
good grip on soma of the trust wolves,
it will he mors important,'
The sugar "trust did net have even the
excuse of a government Investigation
for. making Its last raise In price.
A 'snaa1 named Umburger ts mixed un
with the Nan Patterson case. Tb law
yer scented some testimony about him.
It looks aa if the Republican candi
date for mayor would Te one nominated
by rather small minority of the party.
If "th Rocky mountain bears read the
election reports last fail, they must
realise that they have no ebaae of out
running Roosevelt. . , .
"Bine tt has been tastfflsaj In court
that sausages are- made of putrid meata,
the popular prejudice against that kind
of, meat food la not likely to decrease.
The United States supreme court has
decided that Indian-landowners can buy
and drink whisky , the same as whit
men. But if they do they won't be
landowners vary long. :. . '
Policemen want mora pay.' Tbev are
not overpaid, certainly. If capable of
ficers, yet hundreds of men perhaps
equally capable would Jump at tb joba
If they bad the chance. . p ..
EHd any of' the1 Jefferson ay eratora
remember that the great author of the
Declaration of fndewsndenue died broke 7
And this 'being" remembered. Shouldn't
all Democrats do likewise T .
' Johahn Hoeh la also on trial, but wfQ
not be tb recipient of aa much sym
pathy at least on the part of men. as
Nan Patterson. But soma woman 'may
reel ratner tanoeny to warn mm. .
Oreonj Si Jcliglits j
Kd vacant houses In McMlmrvtlle.
Many new hop yarda around Amity.
Many Morrow county farmers live in
tOWnSO. , ' : ! . . ; r . : I J
considers its water system a
-' Eastern ' Oregon
dipping vets.--,. -
more ' public
f- A saah and doo factory Is needed In
Klamath county.
Amity woman' auxiliary numbers
ever e members. :;..,.:( .; r
An Increase of nearly 0 per eew
it in
bop acreage, some soy. .:
Almost everybody in Oregon is com
ing to the fair, of course. t . .; sy .-
' ' Plenty of trout in Trout creek. Klam
ath county. They should be plentiful
la a ereex taua named. -
Several Pendleton women have been
swindled by a woman who sold them a
tapestry waking outfit for -;f
. Klamath Palla think that the 'pro
posed rival town, "Whitelak City.- is
all on paper and a fake. Its newspaper
is published In Seattle, v. ,
St Helens Mt! W. P. Keady ts On
of the dealers in Portland e new deal Re
publican club. The players will do well
to eee that the revenue stamp baa. not
beea steamed. - 4 . ...
' Old structures that have outlived thrtr
usefulness in. More are being rased or
moved oft to make room for modern,
substantial structures of brick, stone.
iron land glass,-., -. ;.'r. ;;
- Buttevllle eorrerpondence Aurora Ba-
real la: -Last Sunday waa a very quiet
day in our burg. The saloons were
closed and -a-man- had -to get at- permtt
from the city mayor to get a cigar, y, ,
- Toledo Leader: While monkeying with
an axe George Hall out a deep gash in
his tight foot. As he denlee that lie
was cutting stove wood. the accident
causes more pain than embarrassment
Mitohell Sentinel! Practical .Sokes
sometimes go too far when It comes to
getting a young M. D. to crawl around
uses 1 in the night huntina
for a dead man. - It Is going too far with
the jok---Bharne boys r, ;.;
A Linn, county man has a "ditcher
with which one man and four horses can
dig a ditch three feet deep and one mile
In length la a day. The dirt la elevated
as high as s man's bead and carried five
or six feet from the ditch. The machine
COet 110. i V - v'.-.y...
1 Union correspondence Aurora Boreal!:
Herman took her out riding last Sunday.
If Billy keepe on going to aee her three
times a week it I a ' poaltlvely sure
thing that not a blade ef grass will have
an opportunity to grow Jn the path h
travels. Pishing is the present excite-
afore woolen mills are'needoa In Ore
gon., v r, ., v - -;
needs '
-' :;t
wb ia uus imru. , ( '',
A Lwi:-of New
; . , Jv '.y f ', ,'v'
The Journal la printing a synopsis
of all the laws paased by the last legis
lature, which those Interested would do
erell tA ra. nut roe rnM! "
::. '. Paotae Dalverstty Btreobess. .' -'
8. B. 121 Tualatin academy and Pa.
olflo university shall be managed bjrT
tnsmseivee aa a board, consisting of aot
less than tl aad not to exceed n mem
bers, who era divided into six classes.
to serve six-year tena. Approved Feb
ruary IS.. '..: V :..:(.
XHstrls Ataoraey'a Salary.
S. B. lf Tk salaries of the prose
cuting attorneys in the first and second
juuicuu cistricts is nxed at I J, eve a
year. ; , . '. ..-
1 - Aportloalar at Sakaot Paads.
a. B. its The sum of ttltse
overpaid to school dlstrleta In Wheeler
county rrom funds belonging to Oil
liana In lit, and it 1 provided that
me same snail ne returned.
BaUaf for Mrs.
B. B. t The sum Of tit waa an-
proprlated, being principal and interest
au en a bona issued to refund the In
dlaa war debt of 187.
- srstMtsja Sal eg waaaa.'.r.
S..B. 7T It Is made unlawful for
any on to sell or offer for sale, barter
or exchange, or have in possession for
the purpose ef semes- or bertertns-. or
to ship or causa to be ahlnoed bevoad
the boundaries of the state, for sal or
Darter, except for eclentlno or broedlne
purposes, any animal or fowl game -of
mis stste. ., . ,'-..
Ifturlom Treaaaiei's Salary.
S. B.'. Its The county treasurer ef
atarion county shall receive salary
of $1.10 year, and- bis bond shall be
siee, a year. . .,!( -:.-. :, w
TDesuUsur' Tsialaslliai 11 " v- '
S. & Its H 'any male naraon Over
tb age of II -years carnally, know any
female, not hla wife, over tr sad under
IS years of age, of arevlous chaste
character. In a manner not coming un
der the term rape, he shall be guilty of
fornication, aad subject ' to fin of not
leas than 1 5 aad not to exceed iOS, or
to Imprisonment in tha county Jail for
not less than one month nor more than
year, or by Imprisonment in the
penitentiary not leas than one year nor
mors man nv,, Approved Tebruary II.
; . Ooos Ooaaty snAtbiv ' " -t .'
8. B.- Ill Coos county la authorised
to set aside 11,00 or less sum to make
aa exhibit at the Lewia, and Clark fair,
Thla law took offset aa aa emergency
measure.. Approved February Is.
"''.' Raps Hag ffrhirrl fniflilTSB ' ,'::.
8.' B, Its Where the' census of a
school elerk shows aa increase of 10
cent or more in the number or
school children, -over the previous ' re
port, h shall notify the school super.
intanuent immeuiateiy 01 the fact -and
this count ahalt be the basis for appor
tionment ef funds. 7 Approved Febru
ary 11, , ; -
Suspaadrng Blstriot AMosasy. ... .
8. B. Ill If the district attohav
fail to attend any oourt at which he is
required to be, or baa a blood or mar
rtag relationship to aay defendant, or
ia ia any manner nnano.aily Interested
in a case- psadlBg. the povtr may 4rder
another attoraey to prosecute the ease,
wnen u iacts are presented on aa.
r TfW'i'-n'Ty.i'l
f H. B. lis All pereona desiring
f 0 1
pracuce pnarmacy ' snail secure a.
11. 1
eons rrom tns boara 01 pharmacy. Any
persep selling poison without labeling
it so and giving the name of the polspo
and vendor to subject to .a fine of ti
to ISO. No person can travel through
th state to peddle any drug, nostrum,
ointment or , application of any kind
until paying to the Oregon board., of
pnarmacy zve ror an annual license,
the penalty for violation of thla law
being a fine of 20 to ISO. ' Approved
y-ebruary . si. . . ,y ,, -.
stostfay Stock Rieedara.
' H. B. ITS It la unlawful to shin cat
tle -or- horses . from . oaa count;
other or from the state without flrat
having tb Sams Inspected la the county
whence they are being shipped, snd ob
taining, the certificate of this county
stock Inspector. ' Approved February J L
'. - Oaso of tae tssaae. . -.
H. B. 17s Insane persons must be
given examination by pbyalclsns desig
nated by th county ludgs when proper
application ts made showing the ap
parent mental condition. . in transmit
ting Insane to. the asylum, attendant
at the latter institution are to go after
patients whsn notified, and a woman at
tendant muat .be provided for all fe
male patients. .Approved February !L
ProtscUas" Bee '')..-.
H. B. lit Th open season for buck
deer in-all part ofthe state save in
Grant Harney, Baker and Malheur
counties la Tram Auguat IS to Novem
ber 1, and for female deer la the same
region. September 1 to November I.
It la unlawful to kiu user in tn state
from on hour, after sunset to a. half
hour before sunrise, or to bunt deer
1th dogs, or for one person to kill
more than Bv deer in. an open -season.
- ' . - Ree-aJsTrag Soboot bevlea.
H. B. 17 Counties., cities, ' acbool
dlstrleta and other corporatlona vested
with power to levy school taxes, are re
quired to make the levy in even mill
or , on ' tenth fraction - thereof.41 ' Ap
proved February !....,.,' i, ,
.,- Xjaaut cwuntsr aianse. r
H. B. Ml The eounty Judge of Lane
county ehall receive 11. MS a year, and
treasurer i,ioe. - Approves reoruary
Oolambla Ooartkoase.
H. B. fit The eounty court of Co
lumbia eounty is empowered to levy -a
special tax of not to exceed s mills a
year on the dollar of . all assessable
property for erection of a courthouse. ;
, Paying Bequests and PSbta.
H.. B. 14 Personal property is to be
sold first- by executors and administra
tors to satisfy 1 legacies, debts and
other claims against an estate,-unless
there is special , reason ' why realty
should be disposed of first, or unless
realty ha been indicated for such ssle.
Approved February tl. . '', ' .? , .
, . Blstriot Attoraey' Salaries.' ,
H H. 'its The district attorney ef
tha third Judicial district shall receive
11,6(0 a year, and be allowed five depu
ties, one In Marlon-county at a
yeaA-ona ln.X4lnn.aUl(?n one In Tllla-.
mook st 120. one in ramnin at ioo
and one In Polk at J50. The district
attorney for the fourth district shall
be allowed 14.000 a year and, three
deputies, two of the latter being paid
11,100 a year each and one 11.100. All
thes salaries are to be paid out of
the state treasury. ' Approved February,
tl. . ' : ' : .-'. r ., .- f
.l.,,. . Bistrkrt Sehool XJsrarle. -
H. B. 110 County court of counties
having less than' 100,000 population are
required to levy a tax of not leas than
10 cents for every school child of th
eounty between 4 and 10 years ot age,
which Shall constitute a school library,
fund for use of school Th flrat Mon
day In July county treasurers are re
autred to -certify te the county, school
.... .-...-'- . -.
'. ' - . . .- .. I . . .. .'.-v
-.' ' ,''
a ' ,. L.tendant tn amount of such fund
Wit to aj-norrlonment, and - the su
1.. te: nt is required to apportion
the fund aecordlnr to the numoer
school cMldrea reurts4 te. him accord.
Ing to law. Eetweea the flrat Ltonday
la July and the first Monday In 'August
school I 'rectors are reautred to certuy
to t& Cr -n library commission sush
books s t..y Sf. j-e for taeir district,
the price not exoee. am the a 'portion-
men t. end choice to be made from the
list fiii-nlrhel by the library commis
sion. Ap; ova February .11.
try AJsaoaer rieaoe.) :r, ,
Orsat Brltaln a chancellor of the ex
Chaouer "poin with pride' to a de
creased eonsuaiptlon of beer and spirits
la the United IQnrdom aad -says that
the people have changed their habits.
No; their habits have enanged thorn; the
diligent consumers are mostly dead.
Vven If -the Panama canal ia never
made the operation of the Panama rail
road and its steamers by th govern
ment will toe worth some money wasted
on the ditch.'. Under private ownership
the trade of western ; South r America
was diverted, to, Europe by prohibitive
freight rates en - goods ' consigned te
New York. This -thug Is now being
amended, if sane, safe and conservative
gentlemen please. Aa a result let them
close their eyes very tightly and per
haps there will be none. . .-
Let. the-Kuropeaa publle regain It
tranquility; the disquieting rumor of
great battle In the United mates baa no
other foundation than the fact that dur
ing tha last three, months of 1104 the
railways 01 (nis country auiea ana
wounded-1171 persons. That Is hot
battle; It ia an incident of travel r
h -rf ,C- .,. 1 l v-- -i- f "
The terrible earthcniake ht' India sup
plies enotaer handy text to the auatere
critics f . British, misrule. , In the up
roar of falling walls they permit us to
forget for a little while the incessant
thunder .of, guns blowing from their
measles the luckless Sepoy ' maflneera.
Even tha cries of Indta'a famishing
millions are for tb moment unnoted tn
the superior tpranny or opening chasms
ana mountataa, that will not sta put .
- Btaadard OIL 'poor- thing, does . not
know of any such - trims aa axaetlng
railroad rebates. That la what It says.
What It m-nrne Is that jot knew
I that It Is crime.
Eludes laoartot My brethren, her are
IS pieces of silver to assist you ia eon
verting the Romans to our faith. '
Flrat Apostle How aid you get tnemTi
Beoond, Aposue They ere tain tea.
Roman Caauiat Gentlemen, you can
not -afford to trace the pedigree of every
denartua that come to you. ,. Take' th
money. . , ,,'' .-.
SOmehow It doe aot took as If con
stitutional . liberty would come much
nearer to the Russian people through
the expIoelonjf a bomb In a publle
eobool during prayora.. r.-x, " v
The Paelflo states r growing rest
less under. Japanese immigration, and
the Pactflo states must b reckoned
with. They "must have their way. a
they 'bad It In the matter of Chinese
Immigration against - the . sentiment of
the rest, of tb country. But our Im
perious methods ' of dealing with ye
terday China will not do in dealing
with tomorrow's '- Japan. Bh' I far
j more likely to demand abrogation of our
exclusion treaty wiut aer auy uaa h
assent to a similar convention wun ner
eeir. we may una - sis.-ier ui
Asiatics" an inadequate expression - of
bey asptrattona, bad for our Intereels
aa that dictum ' undoubtedly is. The
American who base any strong hope of
a continuing peace with -that snergetla
snd headlong People upon official assur
sncee or popular sympathies knows
nothing snout Japanese character, little
. Amen can. sua none too - mucs
tb actual forces determining the
of nations. . Jt looks now sa If
t dangerous fo to America
st that ha arisen in two genera
waa that gallant and loyal gentle-
the . late commoaore . Matthew
Iwis and Clark
Ion to now en rente - up
river from Port 1 Mandan
for the headwaters la the
untalna.) . . 1 . t
We set off about T o'clock.
nearly one of tbe canoes a
ahore by the falling in. of
patt or; the nana. xne, wina.
too, -becamc again so strong that we
could scarcely make on mile an hour.
aa the audderl squalls were so dangerous
to th small tjoat that W atopped tee
th night among some willows on the
north, not bclrW able to advance more
thaa six, and eThalf mile. In walking
through th neighboring plain we found
a ftn-, fertile cl. covered with cotton-
Wood, some boxleldar, ash, rod elm and
an undergrowth of willow, rose bushes,
honey suckle, red willow, gooseberry,
currant, and aervloe berries, and along
the foot of the htlle great quantities oi
byoop. ;"- . 5 - '- "'- v
Our hunters procured elk and deer,
which are now lean, and six beaver,
which, are fatter and. more palatable.
Along tha plain thor were also some In
dlan esmnat .near I one of these waa a
scaffold about seven feet high, on which
were two- sled with their harness and
under it tb body ot a female, carefully
wrapped In several buffalo skins;-near
It lay a bag made Of buffalo skin, con
taining a pair of trtoocaslns, some red
and blue paint beavers nails, scrapers
for dressing hides, some dried roots, sev
eral plaits of sweet grass and a small
quantity . of - Mandan
tobacco. ; Thee
things, as well ae t
body Itself, had
probably fallen down
accident as the
on tha scaffold.
the body of a
custom is to place
1 tb
At a little distance wi
doc. not yet decayed.
ho had met bis
reward for having dra
red thus far la
hla mistress, te
the sled th corps of
whom, according to til .Indian usage.
be bad been sacrificed. 1 . . j
From Th Dalles Chronicle. -
If a carload ef sawlogA ware shipped
from eastern Oregon to bet worked up in
a. aswmlUat .PhlladeiphliL jiot a few
would think 11 a great loa..aa freight
would have to be psld on (the sawdust
and slabs. Tet ws ship wool from sa st
ern Oregon to the eastern Vrallls, which
surely . represent a. great iloas. It Is
stated that 10 ears of w wool is equsl
to about three ' and a i k-slf oars -of
washed wool, Thla being, the csse'the
eastern mills pay freight on II per esnt
of wast. The raw luaierlaf Is here' end
th wool should be worked tip here and
can be don cheaper than In the eaat :
rked tip here
nan In) the eaa
ka Capital
. . - Oraas Ott Is
Prom tbs Topeka
Occasionally there le a neiw Joke. Th
proposition to christen tha Kansas with
water .from some sprtjig orfit of which
John Brown drank la en ox them.
; "Cv. Ci3 t" -s.C-: t r :,-- .'''
Portland. Or.(Ur! 11. lo thctJItot
Of The Journal a -s ear leau of April
if appeara a eorw ntlon dated To- T -ledo.
Or., and a' - ..ed -Oj' and Inasmuch .
aa it in part d with coruin reported ,
ytterancea emanating from my pulpit'i v
and referring te the recent, revival cam
paign in thla city, and. moreover eon- v
tain 'unjust ' erltlciaras and, disi lays ' a
perturbed mind, in the Interest of truth
and a fair dealing with the Issues In- ,
volved, 1 ask space to reply.- .
. I venture to presume that "C." from ,
some thing in hi letter, I a "believer." '
Hence I wish to remind him or her)
that It would have been only iuet (never .".
mind geosroslty now) for him t have
assumed - that th. aawsnaper report of -i ',
my word may have made sa aay aomc
thing I did not say. . Ualasu'th report
of -a publlo speaker's - worda be steao- .
graphic. It ia quits likely that what h
says will -be altered, sometimes to, the -:'
confusion of many who read, and to the ;'. ';
dlstnrbiBa- nt hla n Mara ef mlnil It 1
is thus with respect to my dlscoarse on
the Cbapmaa meetings; statements were '
attributed to' me that l did not utter.
And it is precisely these ' statements
upon which your- Toledo correspondent
bases his unfair-snd unklpd . remark.-'
For lntnoe,'"C 1 deeply grieved that -I
should have remarked that I didn't be
lieve th even gel lata believed what they
declared, especially with, referme to an '
endless bell." thus making them -out to
be "inrrs and hypocrites." I may assure
C" that it is no- pleasure - to be mad
ponsor for something no .just person
would say. and 'sine C' criticism of
that atatement will go aa -far aa-Th
Journal goes, for simple decency's sake ,
I would Ilk this t go fter lt--1 did
not make the statement already mentioned-
I made It precise reverse, - X :
said X believed they Were -honest. ; a in
cere, oourageou. and I, admired them
for declaring their conviction ao fore-
ibiy aa they did. The exact statement' I .
mad waa that I doubted. U many, ef -
it ha Portland preachers who sst on the
paatiorraa with tno evangelists -tor .
many of the laymen), believed the lurid .
assertions of the revival lata; or. If they
did believe them, they were and are fre
quently guilty of dodging.- evading s.nd-
modifyrer sormueb so as to lend sup-
port to. tha common 1 prejudice .that;
preacher do not believe what they 1
preach and do not preach what they be--llv.r:rr
mad that statement deliber
ately, adviaedly aad am ready to sus-
in, It .2- - ,' ' f - .
Another-reference wf ."CT-eelle'Tof'
tkHaf eMtmlriare.4!AR-. tta eniAtea an utter
bm fkf mini "whir. An rwmA . ami ' ,,r
muat go and tha majority of the' hu-
map race." This refers to th teaching'
of endless hell; and "C" wants Igr know
if X can give him th nam of "any man,
anywhere, wbo ever made such a state
ment in any pulpit". Of course I can.
XT' will find hla name at the bottom?
of this letter. But I do not make any
on else responetbie for; that form of'
word. It to quit evident that "C" doea
not understand that many things may
be Implied; aad surely, if anything we
Implied tea much of tb teachings of th f A
recent campaign, it waa that-wntcn -
ess sed in words quit ilke th broken
sentence be quotes. It ke also quit evi
dent 10 at -C to totally unfamlnaO with -
ins events or-om-crina wkdihi iit nv -
PrOtssUnt churches 61. today; - for.' 4 so
fa aC-thcre l.ny posltfv teaObing; re
garding human' destiny, the- burden - of
that teaching 1 that alTwbo dhr ut ;
of Christ" are lost Tb aeaortlon that '
"half the bc diein. Infancy and so are
saved and safe" -la a miserable, 'Insult
ing evasion. , What' kind' of a notion ,
would that be to carry to tbe -"untutored
pagan' that becsuae hla child has died,
in Its tender years, it baa gone te
heaven, while he will not Unless he "ao
ospu Christ?" "If be wsr any eorb of a
maa he would -scorn aucn a qogma ' .
I want to assure "C that I 'had ampU
baala for saying' whkt -I did. Th
speaker esld that "all who go Christ!
from thl world, go doomed .and -damned":
another said that "Christ wa
th first one to open th pearly gt-Of- I
eaven.7 Will "C" not th implication
beret Another said; - "The doctrine of
th universal fatherhood of God Is an.
Infamous doctrine.- .Will "C" note th
logical bearing of thla upon hla atsle
ment about half the race dying In In
fancy T I may aay that I did not depend, i
on newepaper reporte. I attended, tnese
meetings,, and beard these things, and
much mors of a Ilka sort- Rogardtag
"Ca" questions eoacerning tb teaching
of' the church which X represent. I may
only aay that thla is no piece to aiacuss.
that matter; now. If he had algned hla
full name I would have sent hlra soma -.
literature bearing on that for It 1 quits
evident that he bad In hi mind, the .
tupld slander so frequently urged
against the Unlverssllst church,,- - .- -
- "C Shews nimseix unaote or unwiu-. .
Ing to discriminate between attacking
a neroon and criticising th person
teachings. Had "C" beep t ell disposed ;
te be fair h could very readily hav ,
noted 'that I spoke very highly of the
members of th Chapman . band; - and
also commended ,th certain beneficial
result, besides venturing te criticise "'
some ot it dogma, aa unsound and '
hurtful.' .-The fear that uch criticism h
may hurt th faith of aom week on
hows a lamentable want of conlldenca -'.
the power and beneficence of truth.
and la as puerile as a grown'' man can ;
urge. - oucn an oujtoiwn raigni, tie uipa
asalnst-soma thlncs that Jeaus said and
did; or 1 Luther, ' or Wesley, or Roger
Wlllama, or Horace-Buennell, or-any ;
other - lover of truth, anq: rreedom' th ,
world ha yf known. '
: la aonolualon. let me remind CM (hat
until he bumbles i Himself In th pres
ence of hi Maker Vnd seeks forgiveness J
for. th bitter, unkind end vicious slan
der, Involved in what be saya f bout th
devil using various agencies to auy th .
truth, ' he would better' refrain from
saying anything In the columns of The"
journal. or anywuere viae, , snout
'charity." ... !LMALUr
- Prom-th Astoria Statesman. ' '.
Knowing that they ere violating th
ordinance of the city; .knowing that
they ar attempting to do something
that .the people of Astoria do not want
and will not tolerate, the Standard Dil
eoropany 1 sneaking-Into Astoria and
has commenced .building 'a foundation .'
for en oil tank at the foot of Fifth :
Streetr Theydwn't eveu hare-the honor--or
principle to epply to the common ''
council for, a building permit, knowing
that it would not be granted, but have
a force of men at work building a fire- '
trap In the heart of tha city, eomethfng
that would not be tolerated In any '
other city In the world. - ..-,-) f '
'! .'..Blffercat, . , . "
Prom the Detroit Pre Press , - -Mr..
Duff Tou aay you never ued
Cross words to your first husband? I
- Mr. Duff Never! - , v . - r,,-; ' j ''
Mr. Duff X suppos It Is because tI
alone Inspire them? n- t. , . ;
Mr. Duff Nay- Indeed! tt because .
my first buaband wouldn't atand 7 for-