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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 20, 1905)
D.'ILV J . a.1 V .lT.TAaK0ffi3" li'0luaCGG wiLLOEBMD ..ivantasi to Ba Taken, of Good ' Weather jon Columbia rt " r:'' River Bar. DELIVERY OF ROCK TO . . BEGIN IMMEDIATELY The Covernment Will Give Em ployment to Uig Capital and : ' ; ; ' ; Many Workmen.1 . ' Prectloaliy twice in amount ox n will be taken to the government Jetty lit the mouth of the Columbia river this uuon aa waa delivered last year. Ie- livery of material will begin next Tues- day. The Columbia Contract company, which was awarded the contract (or fur rushing 40,000 tons of stone from the quarry at Fisher's Lending, will deliver t IK. rata of x.sov ton, a oar. - i. v. Sweeney, who wlU furnish 110,000 ton from the Bunker H1U quarry, will de liver at. the rate or owe tona a oay tne , first month and tona daily for each subsequent month unta the eon tract, ha been completed. After the first month this will mean that , the government will receive I.50 ton of stone 'a day for tlte-.extension of the -Jetty. " Last Year the dally shipments amounted to only 1,890 tons. - - The Columbia, Contract company will have nine barges and two tu (boats In commission, and toe men employed. In cluding those at work in the quarry, Three of the barges wlllbeat the quarry loading, three on the way " to the mouth of the river and three , discharg ing at the Jetty every day'iathe week when the work gets well, under way,' The company "la having t three barges built at Q ray's harbor,, which will be ready In May. .' ,. '.... -A big force of. mechanics is employed lit the. Fisher quarry and the output will he double the former capacity. The Hercules and Samson will be .used as tugboata. the former taking the barges down as far as Mfestport and the latter towing them the remainder of the dla lance. . - . ' v'"-'- j- The Oregon Round Lumber company ot this xltiwill do. the lowing with the Olenola from the Bunker 11111 quarrjl for J. W. Sweeney and will ue three barges. . y.i :.' nmtk The Ladles Aid society of Grace M. E. church met yesterday In the church parlors, Mrs, E. C Frost presiding. A paper was read by Mrs. J. W. Wiseman vn "The Cross and Crown," and a vocal selection was given by J. A. Hamilton Kev. Clarence True Wilson, IX D, the pastor, spoke. ' Mrs. John Corklsh and Mrs. J.'E. Lytic were the . hoeteseee of the occasion; mr':.-fT-:T.rj gAXYATXOnT AJUCT 'iunn ' - The Young People's legion and Sunday school of the Salvation Army Corps No. V 1 First street, are-BvrTanaTws; ior a special entertainment and social at their hall next Saturday evening. Miss Km ma Harlow and other good singe re will take nart'.. mm ' Here's an extraordinary : chance, one that .will en-; able you to clothe your feet well for Easter 9S Pairs of Ladles' Patent Kid, - hand -sewed ', lace Shoes ; up-to-date ; , sold ; res. at $30; sizes S, SJ, M, 7, widths TC, D, E, ;'r. Easter Special Sii- , Reduction r on aST Shoes ; for Easter. Our- line of , Tan Oxfords for Ladies, J Children. Boys and Men is very Complete. It con- tains ; all the new, spring, ' tyleijindj.ip-to-date ; . every detail ' ; c::oE.st6aE: V, J) DECOIIG FACCUS Latest" ExDloit It to. Involve -V Prominent Citizen In the First Test Case. PUSH CLUB MEMBER TO . . BE THE DEFENDANT His Two Cows Taken Up by V - . . . a a : ' . . r Brother Memoer ana sua Will Be Brought S i t Tfc. east "side efflce ef The Jeeraal U la the store el Mrs. r. W. McUaaer, 109 past sMrneaa eireeb . iiiemi neo , The Mt Tabor cows latest exploit la the Drobable fining of 'one of the leading citisens of the town who has been prominently . Identified : witn tne Push club and Interested ,1a the cam Deign against the' unrestrained cow,' Re cently the club decided to take up the first roaming cows found la the suburb 1 prosecute their, owner unaer me herd law. The first cows were- taken up the -evening of the meeting by P. P. Dabney, but he . discovered they be longed to a resident of RusseUvllle, and aa It waa desired to maxe tne teat ease on Mt. Tabor M cltlsen, the animals were set free. " Yesterday., however: two cows were taken up and-, they were, claimed by a leading cltlsen, of the, community woo had been Identified with the Push club s toes -Its ' organization. . To show that charity did not begin at home his brother members' decided to prosecute hlmt and the first cow ejase. to be tried In Mt Tabor wur be'by the Puah club against - a member of the organisation. The .Identity of the ' of fending cltlsen is being kept secret until the sun u commenced. ' '-r" . ' " ' " '-. ' ' At tha election last June Mt Taoor voted to adopt the oute herd law and under this law "the owner, of 'vagrant cows may be fined 1 10 for the first of fense and 1X0 for the second, ml Manor Is the only suburb in that district that has adopted this herd law and there Is no recourse to MontavlUa citizens, wno suffer from the bovine migrations un less they sue the owner for damages. When the home cows are kept In their own back yard the Mt. Tihox citisens wlH" begin a campaign against visiting animals, but first It Is desired to set aa example. . . - ' ;.v ' ' :SAY SEWERS ARE BAD. UUeC rroaa TJmsaal- : taty OoaAMom m Aaaeaatloa. :'..t" Though 'the citisens of . Mt Tabor thoroughly understand that their adop tion Into the fold of greater fortiana will mean aa increase of taxes and a fight before they . receive any benefits, still the- majority of those included la the district favor the annexation and are hoping that Portland will vot favorably to their reception at the com ing election. As.Mt Tabor would have to take its chances la securing buii kub water and an adequate -sewer system, and aa It would secure none of the school benefits other part of the city have, while getting an Immediate bene fit of the city tax schedule apparently only a pressing need would force the residents to desire the c nan re. - The situation, aooording to business men of the place, demands relief, especi ally the sewer situation,. The greater part of the suburb has no sewerage service worth' mention and it faces ad estdemle of typhoid the coming .sum mer. While the suburb remains one It cannot build sewers and for" the sake of their children's health and . to pro vide for the greatly increased popula tion that la annually coming the citi sens feel they must secure relief. .. sxtwood : Btririuuti Tmzra. The Bell wood Republican club '. was organised last night Its object being to push- the candidacy ot clllaens in , tne district and "to harmoClsa -the "various faction of the place. W. M. La Force was elected president J. 'F. McKlrchla secretary, A. B. Hematock - treasurer. A. N.' Willis, candidate for eouncUman at large, stated his position regarding the saloon questloa and announoed' that he would favor the enforcement, ef the law, hut would not endeavor to force the reform .Issue beyond a strict en forcement of the present laws. . - ,s. 1.. .. . . i,X - .1 ::; WJUm MVTLB raw OMVMCM. ' The Bethany . German Presbyterian congregation haa decided to build a new church at a cost -of St, 100. Tha womea of the church will provide the furniture for the new edifice and two thirds 01 tha sum needed for the structure is al ready la the hands of tha building com mittee. ' .V'- ' The building committee or the Baby home has formally announoed the open Ing of the new Institution for Saturday, April M, at :! p. m. . All those whs aided la making the new nome possible have beea Invited to attend. - ( - ' Rev. A. A. Winter yesterday arrived to take charge of tne- First United Evangelical church, - East Tenth and Sherman streets. For the past four years he has been in - charge of the church at Dallas.' The special services which have been In progress at Partba Methodist church for the last week are being continued oa-account of the interest manifested by thos attending. Various ministers are assisting in the work and the meet ings may be continued into next week. "Skinner's Butte is the natural pleas ure ground of Eugene," say a the Regis ter. Shouldn't Us name be changed meaning no disrespect to Mr. Bklnnerf - r He Nervousneas. Dlsslnese '' Indigestion, Neuralgia are cauaed by stck nerves. ; - By soothing the nerves and stimulat ing tbelr action. Dr. Miles' Antl-Pala Pills relieve almost Immediately. Unlike any other pain remedy, they contain nothing Injurious and you will never know you have taken them, ex coot by the relief they affort . , , , - Dr. Milss' Anti-Pcin Pills have, become a frtHiaenold remedy In thousands of f ami! lea, where they never fall to cure all pain, and relieve those little miserable ailments which are so common. . 'Dr. Miles Antl-Paln Pills have not only relieved me of severe headache, nervduanees and Indigestion, but - my mother, who Buffered a great deal with neuralgia and dlxzlneaa, haa ben cured by their use." MRS. O. H. DAN KB, til W. d UU Moorestown, N. t. The first package will benefit If not. the drussist will return your money. II doe .a. II nenta. Never aold In bulk. eart . i Couff li Cigarette One Tobacco User in Three Has Tobacco Hearty AH Hare-Dis eased ' and Weakened Organs. No Tobacco User Has His Full .? Strength and Power. ' ; bcb tf (fee oilicftitsas. Nc Bnetf freer VV Mi Telggurlty TcstUIci Ftltowti I aerebr eerUfv that t was eeaWtely Cares Of we looseee seois men amm ro ky Besere' ToWceo-Bpnac i esve wot aed toaaeee la aay form slnee, mar k.d aay desir to da m. I feuad Tueee-s-Bpeciae mi Mrfr!, .iiiini bat at crest beat to a7 geaersi sesiuu pivrw iuui Boeelae I kit seed tobecee the aaatver ef yean set opposite my belewt Bev. W. W. Qleaa. sienaiaa. buss- : ae yean Hrr. w. J. Mmmoaa, Opp. Ala, . , A Ones R. Jolaer. AtlaaU, Ot r - to , : H. J. H-rrlek, AU'y Ho-toev. M. " Uller. Bsator, Cal., J, , J. A. Boss.lesverUB, Ohio. :' ' i j T. B. Kb.rp, (Jaloatowa. Art. '. W " L H. Webster. Mutebeeter, M. fU 2 " . A U. Wells, KlMley, Ksa., , W " B. B. Murray, Osaidea, Wul, , M Thoaaande of people have beea eared by To- bseeo-8peeiae. It Is a ksraleas vecetable reawdy aude by a aoted eheailst of CuwtaasU. It eda be (Ives Is drink or food, at awal tlBM, and will positively eore eny forai of tobecee hxblt, either with or wtthoat the kaowl. edfe of the psoe t Ilaadrede save by'" free trial parkes-s state. . . , . It osteal- enrea all -diseases erased by to- haree, elsseertee or eouf f . '.. Too avocers uajui uiewx. v and Bsee eta.. Claelaastl., Ohio, will eead roe. tree, la plata wrapper, a trial peekase of Yobeceo BoaFlae. sad the 1 .lyii book oa 1 sabjoet ever pabuabed, . wUl SHEEP DEM.TUY ANO lilP Spring; Lamb Said , to Bo Very rEnjoyablo Even Without : Mint Sauco; v"';r MILD WINTER AND PLENTY " .OF FEED IN THIS STATE , fi . t ... .. Ideal Place for Raising Flocks, and Stockmen Are Beginning t;.-,tb':-Ralixt Thij iI It Is said by men who have, looked carefully ' over the ranges - that there 111 be 100 per cent of Oregoa lands saved this year, aa compared with' tl per enA last year. The ranges are In fine condition, the , ewes " strong and health and tha lambs have unusual vitality.' , "It is worth the ronad-tiip fare and two days time to Sea a bunch of Oregoa lambs gambol oa a bui.- sua a ron land man who has Just' returned from Umatilla county. "They congregate in little groups an benches of the -mountain, and butt, promiscuously at each other a few - minutes, , men v suddenly there is a' scampering ia all directions and they, disappear, with . tails flying over the edge of the hill." . J. H. Owlna of Pendleton, , who has beea elected secretary of the National Livestock association.,-to ' succeed the late Secretary Martin, win depart April it for Denver, where he will take up the duties of his new offloe. He will stop at Bait Lake for a conference with President Hagenbarth or the . associa tion. A trip over the ranges ' has Im pressed Mr. Owlnn with the great possi bilities of the livestock industry in Ore son. Grasses and herbage that grow la the hills .. possess peculiarly nutritious dualities. The- climate all tne year round is mild and stock winters ia th hills of Oregoa better than ia most places where tha industry ia profitable. Prices 'ia recent years have been fair. and there is a good outlook for better ment of conditions along with the de velopment of the home market that is sura to come ' with the rapid increase of population ia the Pacific northwest states. - ; ....... . Portland, Seattle and Spokane will be the' locations ' for great packing plants that will take care of the thousands of cattle and hogs that Oregon. Idaho and Washington will produce, and livestock of all kinds now shipped to the packing houses of the Mississippi valley and shipped ' back to the ' Pactfle ooast ia form- of cured hams and bacon, will re main here and transportation charges will be saved . to the producers andi dealers, and psrhape to the consumers. The fine condition of Oregon sheep and cattle .this spring is due mainly to the mild - winter and tha early spring weather favorable to grass,, which was a month earlier 'this spring than last Tha result is that -the , ewee - had a chance to vet fat and strong, and the lam be were hardy. .Wool clipping is now under way. and dipping will soon begin, ' The government bureau of ani mal industry has three Vrperta In Ore gon who will look after the dipping of sheep to be shipped out of the state. . The task will be a heavy one. and will cause much expense end . hardship to owners of herds, but it is . generally ad mitted that the process is necessary to stamp out scab and manga Owners 01 Montana - ranges, where . Oregon sheep are taken for feeding and breeding. Claim that their herds have again been infected with scab from Oregon. ; The government will cause dipping. tanks toJ be- established at several points in tha mountains and also at two or three rail road stations along the Oregon Railroad aV Navigation company's lines andaorae of the herds that are Void for shipment will- be- dipped twice before they are plaoed on the cars.'. ' .- . , LABORS OF GRAND JURY N EARING END ' ' (Ipoclsl Mspetek ta The oeraal.j) Salem, Or, v April JO. Friday aftar- noon at l-e'eleck la the thus act by Judge Burnett for the arraignment - of persons- Indicted by the Marlon county Irrand Jury. As this was the date asked for - by Prosecuting Attorney McNary. he evidently expects the Jury to return some indictments oa or before that data Another . evidence that the labors of that body are peering an end waa the fact that the members of the Jury spent the afternoon ia visiting the' peniten tiary. .'. -'.' - v . I. Perkins, an .eastern Oregon horse trader, was delivered at the asylum yes terday by,' Sheriff. Tayldr -of Pendle- In Near Future One V.":i Act as , Market ' Inspector ; In DEALERS MUST KEEP . ' J THEIR PLACES CLEAN --fTvvi. '"t,.v City Council Discover TJiat Pe tition for Street Improvement -r Has - Been Forged. : Provision." was made by. the city coun cil yesterday afternoon t for the appoint ment of a woman inspector of markets at a salary of fit per month. A delega tion from the achool of domestic sci ence of tha T. W.'C A. waa present, and it waa recommended - that , the . health board consult with them In the selection of a woman to fill the-position. The new officer 'Will work In , conjunction witn the achool of domestic science. Ordinances providing for the appoint ment of a meat inspector and two depu ties were presented to the -council and were referred to the committee oa health and police, . . - .-. . '--....;: On recommendation of the street com mittee all the proceedings regarding the improvement of Beoohd street from Morrison to Flanders street were re scinded and tha property owners ordered to present new petitions for tha : im provement , of . the thoroughfare. - The property owners are about evenly di vided between bltullthio and atone block pavement on a sand cushion. "All proceedings regarding this street should be annulled," said Councilman Ben tley yesterday. 1 have discovered that tha petition for a stone block pave ment presented several months ago, haa been tampered with." - - It was ascertained later that addi tional namea had been, added td the pe tition by W. F. White, after It had beea filed la tha office of the city auditor, in order to. give it a preponderance of the property on. the street but with bo intent to deceive anybody. - i -,- - v , Tha Portland Oaa company waa given permission to ' build - coal bonkers at Second and Flanders streets, of 00 mi rated iron. The building- will be located in the fire limits, and BuUdlnr Inspec tor . Whiting had refused to grant a permit for it- :.'' A petuton for tha improvement of Al berta street -with gravel pavement was referred to the atreet committee. Prop erty owners protested, saying eosr of the work : would confiscate tha prop erty. ' ' . T License for . wholesale liquor' stares which do not run a bar was reduced from 1100 to 1400 a quarter. an ordinance providing for the ap pointment of aa extra engineer for the fire department was passed. K new ordinance licensing and regu lating atreet-signs was passed. Signs built hereafter must bo 10 feet above the .sidewalk, 'must, be attached .by hinges and must be turned to tha wall when not lighted. - For those extending from It inches to Six feet over the side walk a license fee of tl a qnaAer will be charged; over six feet flO, and over the 'Street 110. .. WILL BE HERE' IN. HUE FOR THE KENNEL SHOW ' ' Dr. T. K. Hunt has arrived at Seattle la charge of a party of II Igorrottes, en route to the exposition.. The natives will remain oa the sound, however,1 for several .weeks. . The Igorrottes are dog eaters, Just casually It may be men tioned that 1 a benoh ahow will be held soon after their arrival. ' Illinois has finally decided to band a replica of Abraham Lincoln's home as Its state building. This will be the home at Springfield, not the log cabin In which he waa bora. . '. . . .. - . Colin H. Mclaaao has been appointed excursion agent-by-the department of exploitation for.- the northwest idlntrlet His duty will be to see that every man., woman and child la the northwest states visits the fair. -T"- r Lewis Smith; one of tha carpenters on the Washington building. . fell from scaffolding- 41 feet above the ground yesterday and was seriously hurt - That he was not killed was due to hie land ing In mud. - In his perilous descent Smith struck two projections. " His hip waa. thrown out of Joint and his body waa . badly bruised, bat unless injured Internally he will not suffer greatly- oa account of his mishap. , , : i-.. ELK ROCK AGAIN T . - . ; DELAYS TRAFFIC Elk Rock, the giant landmark on the Southern Pacific railroad, about three mllea thla side fit Oswego, . caused trouble ; for the company - - yesterday. for the second time. A large part of the rock caved down, on the track, - and forenoon trains both ways were delayed several noura 1 The collapse occurred soma time be tween - midnight and morning. The morning's train from Oswego, due in Portland at-10:10 o'clock, encountered the obstruction and was stopped in time to avoid accident A gang of sec tion men were burrledto the place and the track waa cleared about 10 o'clock, The train from Oawege arrived here shortly before noon. -' wHa Harrslmsk Snoiw. rtrlnhsnlth (ela. meat! and kkinhoalth Tan lets. tlve aaf spordy care for every Itchis. banlas. araiy, Slereias, erostee,.. Blarely aed kloto-k knSMO, wltk laes of aalr. sir. 1 iwaw near, sru sure, ilea, ted bl.oa. Ileal, analtay akla aad n::gr::za!LYfy nwataMof TSa LfJ Coarletenf Karfas Soap,SStHBMlaea.aal erpUei Ski health (olnt.). BAeUknismaa, k-.I tke ekia. sod Sklnbealth Tablets. &9m ta exael saBar inni. All dnteclsU'. Harfnav Son fen the Ceeanloaln. fnf plsiplss, blnrfcseeds. relsiaa. roof kaoos. efcaf Ins, (kasptaf, roasnl ksoea, Notklos nul aire sock a ssoeay enre. aao. eakoa, Ma. Dead- Be. pnetace far Free Samples gad booklets to VHILO BAt OO, Hewara, M. i. WOOVAJLO, OLAJtKS ' CO, WwUVk and WnshiwroaV Are Dsys cf Cjirri r-; They Are Crccn:Ir Dxlhtcr for Cents Pert land Pecpls, .3.1 ' " ''" " Many "dark days" from kidney ills. i Jtaokache, headache -nervous, tired, ' ' Urinary troubles makes you r'oouiy. Doan s Kidney nas ormg renr; Bring cure to every kidney s erer. : J. Carson, employed at the poraana Lumber Co, foot of Lincoln street wr in street, woo resides at ( First atreet save: "I was feeling miserable with a de-roaeine; lameness around the small of my bac all last summer. At first I did not par much attention to it but It continued rne - worse and nnallv became bad that I, thought I would have to lay off work. To bend or move1 quickly cauaed severe twinges. I as oitea at- tacked with dlasy speus. specks 1 eared before my eyee and I had no ai ltlon or energy. . In the morning arose as tired as when I went to cw In fact I had all -the symptoms of a very severe case of kidney troubl uble. When I was suffering the worst' I read about poan s Kidney mils and procured k pox. 1 soon noticed an improvement n my oonamon. ana tne nam ana acn- Inor across my back soon disappeared. About six weeks aero I was laid up with a alone of .. the nrlo for two weaka. Symptoms of kidney complaint made tneir appearance aram ana 1 resorted to Doe n s Kidney Pills a-second? time. They Just . as thoroughly freed me of the trouble aa in the former, ease. I cannot express . what a change they have made In me. ... I simply feel like a different person." -. - For sale by all dealers, - price M centa. Foatar-MUburn Co., . Buffalo. N. X sole agents lor tne United states. Remember the name DO AN take no other. - ' . r wl1 pain by our. late aelentlno method, pat ented and used by us only. Free exasn- niTOVI raOPXJi and those who dread having their teeth extracted are invited to call at .our offloe,- where we will demonstrate to 'their entire - aa tin faction our claim fpr painless extract. STLVKR FILLINGS..... .....SO GOLD FILLINGS JS4 and SI.OO ft AND S10 GOLD ... ' - CROWNS. . . trr. . f S.OQ and f 5.0O FULL SBT TEETH., .v$9.0O Boston Pdiiibs Dzntists Btlra attntaUSOnT Wt. &: Opp. IEala k rraak and Old Fostomss. Hours :0 a, m. ta p. m Sunday, l:S0 a. aa. to I11U0 p. m. . . To be sure yea are In the right place come in and get bottle of -Dr.. H. L Graven' r tooth powdea, free, v . SIC. 5ICIIILL O. CO. M VlaiafA snrenfMn' ; . ' I'. S, -v ON BAUD JCVKKX WHSRB. Jf. you have a baby, get a: package of WttMQY. Ton . will and a leaflet "Mother's Baby. Throw the food away. ' but . read tha leaflet. , Next time yoa will keep the food, 10 centa a package. , . v , - . .. . ,l, AT ALL GROCERS. A zomuloion TT"Cnnw fee C amasptleei ' i Trial Beetle wrmtmmn , as rise aa. mmw .Mwrm, M ACawfi v EffllHEllj ,111111 . vv . vTId IN WOOD PRICES FOR ONLY 30 DAYS i 275 23C j I . I i . . --. ' ir AI La ; v - I IKft LK2j :J swi ."'::-.r i i'. : i . i y . - iSv' 'K-v 1 y'i.':':K;p'.n.;:;''r;ir' v;: ; Wc' oficr; burton, 'Stetson and B. CD,: . ... f cr;';:h3- Lewis's A v Wc' iare line;of OKios's ; ediisiyeg rlfifvlrairir Rtrrf wm ir--f j:J'. 'i ".' .. BaHiim ',- 1r J.;,.: 311 MORRICON - STR2ET '; 1 y t ''..-(.'.'"- - -1 - - ' ' '-i -:'- 1 a , . ' 1 t 1 ' t r,i.:'. r-'-.'-';' "V.".'. f tT TOllowing Prices aro frPeaeckRocki - other 'coalg rytoportlonately low. Do not pay mora thaa IT.00 tot tha .- - I 't'l;'v'- Tr:. ' r.baat.acywan oat-, , .-. y , ;;vv0.t v y.cAS h. dles' Swine - -'.'.' :."',.;:' ormrnFaounQi aUBTWAJJnr SUITS I all We en erewa ant arldse wok nlthual pahv Oar 10 yeare aaperloBee la plate work en ables es o Ot roar awatb comfortably. Dr. W. A. Wise taeta, stjoe lately wiuwnt pata. or. rise Is aa expert at gold ftulag aad T. t. Wbm la aa crowa aad arldee waea flatea or acidgl WISE. DUOS., Dentist : raOlna MUbw, ear. Tkted sad Wash Sta psa eveatase H IX Or. nuviras ro nrxB m-cT er- I -g- i: NX T .2.25; S;: r''.;Wvv.V J-V Oreen short slab, per load, ...... B1.7II y Dry short slab, per load. ...... i. I '?.6Q ' .Oreen inside, per load. ....... ...I a.25 4-foot dry wood, per oord...-...l 2.S5 : V Block wood, per load .......... 43.00 , Imiipl sacaaa Xetsrhsa aad Monat Tabor . . Cheap 4-foot from Prteos iaelosed far akert greea '" a n' - aron Btuirt. ee InaA.. ......... Drr ehort oe load. Dry 4-foot wood, per eord.. Blocks, net load... BANFIELD-VEYSEY FUEL COj i- riicm LtzZn ZZ3 CO THIRD OTRCEJT ' '.'-'"'.''' 'i '. , ':;' ."'..,"' V .x" the Knos, War- 1, . prepared .with ; a '... S .,, -.5-'t I?eat8letcn A ' ' ' ' ' 1 ' ' ' '" v REDUCED - t Retail. DeMrewT to Consnmer "' 6.50 wii7a00 : 1 curat; A.:'ll lt " .'. tsl srhamrwAZarxa ure1 k Ladles' Underwear. La Ribbed Vesta. Fine Llale Veata, long and I7e ilave a Larde Ljne - abort sleeves, low neck, ail colors white, pink; and '. bluet aU slses. iPrioea,:.. . ,v. --, r. From 25c im to $2:25: "VV.': - -.''::..- s .--'-.' THE li'cSTETair HF02Tir:p CO. imzynrTUmmuMT, orr. ouOanonroa. ef Cktsiss aad . jTapaaise Oarlea. . ar. VMCaa BUk. atww haa toand a aafe way fa expert at sol work, tstraetiag are araonA s. nb Pttanara treat Mais kA SB. W. A. WltX, raiiias nww avavsi v purrmio Ojtx.t. - - , 4tai-f a r tetaTnas. WTueanevee - ;-, sUbwoed by arrentnateai ta alstnrts-ere- weed, pat leaA nrs",rttr . Sl.TS s&anwpn M.BO .! XatghnB, r CXTf niM MAT OUT C3.00 1 AJTB SATS XT. aeramd aad 'aril. , '' S Ti.'rt'-.'it-,tiu..(.v 1 . .. . . - ..... )" 'V.' ''-.;,,,