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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 20, 1905)
1ZZZ. ." r- - r rr n BA-rfW. ,-r- iMml at tSm-re af P . fee Waaenorvata I .ne tba 8tonS an-iawi '.' aeatc-s u Ma W amiest Per u( HM l (, P?. " CXDIOi ... ..,......... l.e. "ferial P- 1 taies dm , - , s . 1 lbs Dally. Mr. - dalnmod I 'kfteuy, pes 'wwsel" iilleawd. imemy. f i" i'i Journal, with Sunday, 1 1 a imuy mL 1 Hk ! e Dully J r -ee AO aa Sunday Journal, 1 7 Mr Beamy JoaraaL months. n o,mi Mi 6wjnl-Weety Jeoroel. to IS Paso Inane, Uioatrated.' MI maiast. eu tAt be Ma? W VWrbv! and smsll amount xn wraiu jut n torn Tba 1 aaa a fetal aala at th kOixC. nJiLHO H. Balk Oa.1 W. B. Ma l CB1CAQO Peataffcia Haw iiamf. ITt Imr t BUTU, COLO. Kaadrlck Baak 4k ttalfeaar npaay. m gmiiMui atraaii a. - tiilanth and Cartta atraata. - ; CaU J. McCarralla. c UNKAC. ALASKA Poatattea KAMaXs TT Vaa Naw K Nawa aay. erdar. 1 t - fprla atraatt OUaaa Balaam mi imni airaab KJNKCAPOUS IC . WW YOB. It CITT Braataaaa, CaJaa anaaay Nawa ' OMAHA Xiltora Botri ataW; Ifriaata ALT UlKM CITT fcanaa Batat Nawa ataaal; arrsv Baa. tt i Sapoo4 atraat. aoatfe. v WI. IXU1B PbRIp 1 ' - ' T Taiwa ha rhiilar '- .. 5 5?"' eOBrUeJ. 1 7U - !! 1 2 fl'f eosraet wtu Saadny. f awatha at ! 2 telly eeursaL 6 mom tarn?.. f ? '1 ! iw l 1 ... . . 1.14 RMlt.. .A mur . t-p fast rwiJssSa teaiai r BesspUfcl, u Mt Seat f-TXiil. 0. P 1P1. Portland. Or. ' I . - ab 7. wim uul Rini. una ottra atnat. , UK PBAMCiaoo W. a. Aralaa, ralaaa Batal pm . ataao.-, ami iuuo auraac aarttk Croa aaalt JO rraada A Oraal. rarrr ' lac; H. Wkaatlar. X Hataaaa ateaat OATTLat Ralalai Btaaa) Km atui " bTOKA IHaT'SrAr't J W. Oarkaa a ' ' TAOOMA. WiSH- Owtnl klawa 1 tift Rntl Ti 11 Hi Nawa atanA. 1 . YlCTORIA. B, O Tlctarla) Baak - Tka aaa la tba Fadae atataa kara- muff eaaaaaU rata baa aat 1 twma. la tba aJId dta vaat, kaln- baarlaat la Kaaaaa a4 Ka- bnaka -tmt axtaaAUf tftaaaa aaatwar la tba Okla TBllay. - -.-r- , - -- . '. It ts taoarally asalar ta tba Bartrr WwiaUhi afatra and wartnar la tba AtlaaOa and gaif . autaa, Llrbt (raat eearrad tbla aaoaalas .la. Tka laallratioaa ara tnr marall fib ajaattaa It ttk aiaMct rrtda, wltk alowij riataf aaHTKHW WB--Airll a ta Kr. aa4 Mn. Wia t Kknfanatala, 601 WUliaaw aaaa, a aaa nilani.B April 1. ta Mr. and Mra. tVank I'kMHlA aia ii Maa BuaJitaaaal XmmwL Camv Br AK av April 14. ta htr. mt Mra. Oaana L 1TUDDI.RM AH April . ta Mr. aaat lira. Baav 1 Naddaaaaa, MS ffoot atraat. a aoa, . Ha N KICH April IS,' to Mr. a4 Mm. Joka , Haarica. at ueaa HamiM aaaptiai, a amaa- 4 t. 1 ii . 1 ii ' t . rWattlaff-Qpra W. . Baritb Oa,, Wia bMtWaaa. paarta aa waaauaftaa) aaa. wntmon vvoAgMa.1 :. ltTLLBB kbHl it. B. B. poner, tU Bafona atraat. dtpbtkaiia; " i - CLABK-rAprll IS, - Prank , Oarfc. ITO Oraad a.auaa. aaaaaiaaa. KBUBAUBK April IT. Edward Kaabaaar, t41 HA RMOtTWT April a, Paarl 7. RaraMVnt airod , 4 yearn, at .Good Baamrttaa aaapUal; eaaaa. ' pnnnoBla. Creniatartont. ' BnBlTH - April jo.. Hanry Wklto,- atwi d Bwntba, Bo Batlroad atraat; eaaaa. taboreaJ aarnlaeitte. Burial at OraaawoadeaaMtary. 'ALABCOK April 1, jBnntta AlaNaa, nawi M . yaara, "oaw nanraa atroai; eaaaa, caaror a - tka Brat. Mat aa i aaa m m aaaaaury, - - Craaaatorlaaa aa Oracoa dtp aw" Baa. ' aaat allwoodi bj ii data. aelaatiaF. aooipiata. Cbama AdaJta, ebtldroa, uL Vial ton a. av to t a. . to. Partlaad Onantaaa aaanalilbia Psrtland. Ofwjoa. . , - Tba. Bdward Batatoa PbdoiUlrtaat iianniai. fanaral dtrartore and aaBbaiaaara. ta frnlrd treat, , Pboaa bOT. , . .. . . Y. P. rtaWy Boa, faaaral dlraetara tad anbalBMrv eoraar Tnlrd aad Madtoaa Btraats. Otaea af aouty earaaar. . Tabrpbaaa Mala - ' raaaral. wraatba and eot Sowera a aoatialty lit Boea City Omuiiauii, Twtaty aaeand aaa Clark Braa, f ar Oowara. tm Marrteoa atraat. v ' i' j BOMl .BSTaVR TaOBaTZBB, ' ' Lf M.i rbrlpa to A. Biebaa.' BtT aea an m. a. imTimmmm awuai isno run, ; aeetloa 11. i tawasklp I aartk, raaca T a .4,.j iua Jt at. Word to T, I. Barkkart, lota 4-it . . Iinaaiinh tnma a, Mma i ri ....... a U O. Packard aad haabaad to 0. Parr, ' . .lota and 4, black tVXi. Kaat Partland. k.000 i. n. Bnm ni, ia aacum av ai., ioc . . . trfl, aactloa 18, BlTtr View eatnetary. 1 i n. anutn io 4- v. naiwio m ai., aaai tr toat bt t. Hock I, lty. .... . A. Mnraball aad haabaad to 0. Carr, 0' linn af araat Una of Ella atraae and -aootk line Krarett1 atraat-. ; 1 I M. word to i. aimon, int t. biock oo.i; - -nltna Park addition: alaa Vta 1 and' : B bktrk 11. Palron Park addltton ....... Is h Hlrkey to M. B- Hlckay, parcel prop. : hiAok Ta. Cartar'a addition . - 1 I) Hlckay to M. B. Hlckay, part af black '. , WK-varteaia aaaiuoa . I. E. Rile tt w, A Tneeaae. traataa, ' lot i, block Ida, Ceratberr addition.-' M 'ortUad- Xrmat eompaay to J. w iiiaaay tot 14. block J. Viat pladiaont , , tM A. Harold to T. Tbompaoa, andlridrd v , norta as raat yt. u, nwes, m aoa- ; v mf iiw , ...... w.i, ......... - aw , K. a ark and wife to tba- sanltartom ' , I poorpahr . lot . Glltaaa eabdiriatoa " '" IWoft C. Tabor flelgbte w 900 t. Clark at al. to tba aanlurlnm com. , I ! pan, parrel propartf brflnnlnc aoalk-. . - V corner block-1, Baat Lynaa 1 X. Clark at aL to tbe aanltarlaai co. v .' t : pany, pairal pmporty bagiaalnt aoata- . , aaat eoraar block 1. Kaat Laaoa . 8D0 f). C. Rnaora at al to pnblje, pareal Drop- , , r if iuw li-ri rannina; uiauaaawa 4 4TLnaa roboa' addition ...V.,.. . B. VlnUa to D. B. Tlntln at aL 1. block A, Cbarrydate If. B. Mearhaoi ta B. Plaberf lot 13, iHonr-s, tot 11, btori sa, aad aadl 1dd H lot 18, block d. Bnoaralda .... . Waldcrboldt and wtf to o. C. Cboreb' hill company, S4 aaraa MyiBhlaAt at anartc aactloa onmar an aoatb aldo orrloa .aV towaaklp 1 aoatb, raat eaat , ,. . i 1 . V. Dolpk at aL to B. ft. Dolpb. block . lad and otkar propwty. elly 1... ...... . I 1 ar. Wrnta and wife ta V. U. Mayaa. w lot . block M. Albloa Bnmoatoad.. . . - IT . B. Mayer and wife ta William H, . nrarae, lot a. block St. Albion Horn- - -ataad aoa . w. Limufn ano. wira m r. ri. riooi. . -.... Ina 14.M acraa bcrlnnlnr loath aaat . , ear nor aartlona 14. it. at and aa. 1 i aornae aactlona tewaahlp 1 aoatb, raeta I eaat ...... , KM C Roharts t aL to B. T. Dahnae,' parcal prnarty bcrlonlna Baat A Mar , ..' a ted F-eet Tarcaly-aiahib trat r i.'.tBobarta at al. to B. T. Dikecr. V blnrka.1T. 30, fnaaaa'a b4 addt. uoa ' r. B. Lanrta and arlfa ta A. P. kwaaao 14,000 ' rnlad Maeav arl'l ba rnata4 at ( n( 1. or al C ISr)J a. i Ii , A 1 It. U -i, at 1:00 a'ca.-a . m. Ut ta . araaaa"t at Iirtac atrt (ra th, a4 i ua a ifk atraat ta Ua r-a aw-ata atraat. la tka Ban I ' aroi-aaaa ba. 14.BM. ha iMI - a oi t ebartar aad aralaaaaaa c V c. r rarUaad aad tka aatiauta at wa my jjnaar, aa "a. . f ' - P "-Ur aaaattaaia arltk Brt..Ied buika, wuk trill ba tBraia aa "i""taa) at Ua oitoa mi tba iar ta I. f mt Panaia. . Aaa aald aaaat b aaoaplatad aa a batara 0 UM ta Bate a loa a Uac at Um . aoauaat by Ua narttaa tbarattl " - r7 - . no praanaaa 1 n wi ba aaaalfaaH r- "" if a eartiuaal- ebacB t VmUm . tfca a-r af tba Mayor at tka 0..y a( t U4 a-rtlfcal by a raapaa)".kv bank (or a ". aa-al to )0 sat coal mt tba acfrrcfa m rbjat ta rajart aay aaa an Hda b) karahy br ardar at tba Xxanttra Board. v .1 r.-; a TH04. C. DBTXIM. V , . , Aadltor af tba City af rartUaaV rarUand, Oraaa, April U, - IMS. , - nOTNUI FOB fXWXB WOBX. . wlad rapaaab) will ba raaard - at I J tba Aadltor ol tba Uiy af rartlaad aatll Vrlday, April M. 1Mb, at :00 cbKk tka BaaLraxlli mt a aawar la S, eiraaa rraai tba araat una of W. B. Braaraa traar ta tba aawar la Boat Mala traat at tka waat Una at Boat Twaaty-foarU k BMnsar prarldad by ardlaaasa Ko, 14.bss, sabjact to tba Mwriatoap al tba ebartar aad ardiaaaaaa at tba City af Par. iala. U M Oty Biwlanr. " bwaf bt atrietiy r aaaardaaea arltb prlD,?a blaBka, wblcb wUI ba fornlabad aa appllcaHoa at tba afaea af tba . Aadltor af tba City of Portia ad. Aad aald aawar sraat ba aoaDitad oa or bafara W daya tnm tba , Ka prapaaala.or Mda wffl ba aaaalaarad a. Jmb aaaoaipanlad by eartlaad aback fayabla to tba .aroar of tba Mayor of tbd City af oariia.g ay a raapoBBiBia Dana 'Zar mm domat avul to 10 par aant a tka addncato lrjbt aVr)ast iw and all klda ta baraby Br Mdar "nf h i,- a i ' - -i ': , - . - v THOS. 0. DBtLTH, V l-L Aadltor af tka City, of Portland. Portland. Oraajoa, April la. laOa. r . i '' piorotAu res nwxs wobx; , ; Wtalad nmooaala will ha mwlrad at aba efdo af tba Aadltor of tba City af ParHand bbUI Prlday, April SI, 1905. at :0 a' dock p. a, i ma cuaati aauuB bi a aawar la Baat Waablnatoa atraat frooi tba waat Una af Baat 'TklrtylaU atraat to tka arwar la Baat WsablBftoa atraat, at Baat TblrtyolbU toaat, ' la tba ' aianaar prarldad by ardlnAnoa Ma. lAAaaJ . aabiaet aa tba nraatalaM of tba abarbM and ardiaaaaaa of .tba aty of Port land and tba aatlaaata of tka Uty Jtnrlaaar. aa Urn. . . 1 , . Blda Bnaf ba atrietiy U Boeordanra witb prlatod blanka. wtneb wUI jba fvralabad as appilcatlOB -at tba a (Boa air tba Aadltor of tka Citysaf Portland. Aad aald"aawar Bloat ba samplatod aa or baaara kt) daya froaa . tba data af tba aKBia- af tba aoa met by tka Dartlaa tbaiwbx r . No proBaaaM ar Mda win ba eaaaldarod aa losy acaovpanlad by a oartinad" ebaeb payaMa to tba ardar af tba kirn of tba Qlf f Partlaad, aartM.d by rrapaaalkia hank for namiat aoonl to 19 par etbt of tba afrofata rTka"Ankt ta rajaat ajqraa4 all btda ta karaby BWoTaV'Baard."-';-''-"- S . AwHtar sf tba aty of Portland. -Portland. , Oraawa. April Uv 106. (xncFumoB jjtd aocxptavcb ' ov nt- VBOTxaczBT or azxcx tkxr.v rtottco to bBTtby slaaa tbat Cbarlaa Waaaar." City Kactiiasr. kaa died to tba pfnea af.tba aadaralguid BOttco tbat BacblU Braau. bob trartora (ar tka f ptaranunt of Boaab Ptraat, da rna aawrlatona of ardlBaaaa Kb. 14.1b. bava eaaaplatod aald atraat froaa tba waar Una af Mlaataalppl araoaa to tka can tar una, af Mlebican araaaa; ataa fraaa tba aantaf Una af - --- Mt Oa lli.ii W. Bwaaattaa Board at d a'etoeb aa. tka , Bat day af AprU. 1Mb. and abtoetaaaa ta taa aa aaptaBCB of aald atraat, ar any part tbrroof, au ba nlad la tba -ofkeo sf tba, amlanlna1 at aaj a prior naro . TBI BIBCCTlTal OAB.,.i " t By thus, c, uaiia. :5 . AadKai of tka City of PortUaC; Portland. Orapaa,. Ajrll 1A, 180a. .. mwwmna in MacmAMCW Off I .PBOTZkTXjrT Off aUXBT.rBBtrOBal BtCX TWAJll-BMBT. QUTUa IIBIIi Notlca bi hereby aire tbat Cbarlaa Wanacr, Crty Bnainaar. ba atod la the offlca. of tba ndarnlanao, natlea tbat O. D. Wolfa, oootraa- of aJIrr tbroueb btocfc aa. Oantral Talbtnn. . a odor tba arorlatona "of ardlnanoa; V 14.io4 baa iaanartd aatd tract. JroaataTaortb Una of Beech atraat to tb aoatk Una af PaiUaf atreet. . - -Tiutd aeorptoara will be eaaaldarad by tba ItorttvaTaoard kt , d a'ctork oa-tba -Uat daTef .April. IBOB. aad aatorttoaa to tba ae eeptaaea of aald atraat. or any part Uaraof mmf ba llad la tba afaea at the aaliialana V: TWbXBOT BOABtV;; MT ItlUB. V uavun, Aadltor af tba City of Portland. 1 Oracoa.. April ML 1Mb. UAawBawatXBT MB MrTXMIBT OP . BAJR TAJCEIU, BTBXXT. ' la aaaoaUaora with a raaolntloa adontad at tba renlar Baattna ef the CoancM, bald aa tba tb& of April" 1H06, doclarln, tba dto trict baaaitod by- tba tojproraawnt of Bast TUaSSt trim tka eut enrk line af Beat Watar (treat tn tba Waal llaa af Dntoa araoa inl dKcttnt"tba Aadltor at tka Oty"of rorosaa 10 orapa r-1' : a poo tka IMa, ktoeka and narceta af toad wltnlaaaMdlatrlct, ., ; fiow, tneraiora, awica ai mmrmur a'j- ick aaaaaaaaaat hi aa. tie la tba afaea of tba Aadltor of tho By'JZil WW beaV dZr .uTbctioo; to ..Id 1 by partlaa atfrlerad tberaby or lateraotod "tkraln7 aad" all BBcknartloa Bra bareby warned not to. depart BntH -aacb raaa--.t kt catsplrted. . M v Abdltor at tbe City ef Portland. I ' JkaBTwIU't' Ba tW 'Vli P Twte of drat pabflcatton. April 3f. 106. CHEMALIS E3C-C0NVICT - V ' ARRESTED FOR FORGERY -, ; v,v,. . j .: - ' . 'v : . : - (kpedal Olapatch te.T3e Joarnal.) v ." Cbobalto, WmIl, ' April to. Richard Perktnaon was Jailad bar last night by Sheriff Crquhaxt. Ha la wantad fof tor refy at Vanootiear. ; Bhertlt Bleaeckar took Aba jrtaonar ta CUrka fjounty to day.. Psrklraran has aerrad a tana in tha pan (rota thla oonntry. . . -1 , TO OrOaqiAJaTa! wTATCT 9UTTX.m .7fr;'wWaaI BpMlat atoyalea.lj7r.Vj.:. Cottajra Orwra, Ora., April 19. Tbetw la , considerable talk ef Inoreasloa; tha praaant watar eupply of this plaea. Tha matter will soon be submitted to7 tha ota of tha people. Bonda will aard to be iaarued, and tha coat will -ba about t,ooo. - ' j - A reaenroir holding 1,800,00 callons and a tatr-tneh ptpa in placa of tba p res ant fowrMnch one ars tha contemplated barweawiita 11',-,, 'waat IIS feet ht 1 block 1, PortUad' Uoatoatrad.. ..., 1 It ataab and wlfa- to T. I. McDanlel. '; , , , parcel property as 1-lxU feet, tot 18,' , block ST, Bannyalda .... 1000 0. DeVanl and wlfa to C. B. Btrada. lot : 14, block P. PortSBoatk Villa Bs-,v 'tended .....,. ' 100 B. W, Oonti to t. N. Pea rer, 41.A6 acred besiaalnc aaatbaeat ef aortbwrat aornrr - t. i aactloa id, . towaaklp 2 north, ranaa t weat .....-. ,i...,..l,p30 acren e- l-lcrowld, Mt U, block 1ft. Hon tb era Portlaad ......... .'300 f. C-OaraweU to A.-McDonald; lat 8, . block lb, Sou tb era Portlaad . ,300 - , v: -' ' T ' --'Jr .. J.:. TOJra WBJfxrB, ; , " BAtbwTT April' 1, B. A. ' Baldwta, frame a mra bellrtlnc. Baeaall atreet bet ween kfra ' MJPI rrnaa - and Ilrla tract; aaat, BOLDBrl April l.'Tw. BetAVa, dwalHna. Hprto betwren Chapaaaa . aad .TwaaUaia arreeta: coat, 2.S00. PHOUTV April 10. H. H. Pmotr. fonttdattoa for atora. Kaat Morrlaon atreat betwtaa Aaat -Third atreet add Valea eraane. MBMCH April lit. Mra. May Mellsb. dwalllo. t nlon ran do near Canbrldsa atraat; coat. ts.nia - - : " r"' ' WIllTMIDB April It. A. . WkMoalda. K mllln. Qnlaiby betwaaa Twenty tatuad aad Twaaty-tblrd atreataj coat. i1,sn. BAT April !. W. C. , Bay. Wnalra ta awall -tod. T0l Darla atreet coac 1200, .. . Set rnaV rnanraard and jbatiaels ta ' peal aetata r-aai tba Tiilo Ooaraiiaa A Traat aaa 3i Ta znortv irr-T op xr-'Tf a-rrrr. pMoa to ber- r'eaa w a-a Aadltor at Una f y af . t' -A baa r "1 pra-p-4ad ewaxd for t lw of Jaa aa airaat M tka aaat 11 ua al - a aro- u mm tk a Una of Sol - d. atraat. m kee arttat mm , -am a llMt apportkonaMat of net at tea lia-oeBaat la accordance am tea BV-riu aa rjnur benasia Ban ead y jaaca paraei aaaaaani datrirt, and baa appartaoaad tbe eoe far a4 liapi I taw a-aaaata nt oapa. a.ia aaa paraal of toad e-d tot or part tbareef to Ms sk-re of sarfc P' tiaai4 m aiaaint. . ; tba- Aauaar wltbla IB days from tba data ef the toil popcattoa ef tb nwoea, aad Smad Bb toctioaa wiU bit beard and anoratlaad by tka eoanrol hafora tba . paaaaae af too ardiaaaea a ss a eot ,of . d tu-seieawt. , n."lr, Jrort,-d. Oiafa kopCat U lot 1, - b-eority -a. 'trm Z2: p--r, bit. 3, Brran y aarincs A ,Taet tooBy, 1 1. 41: tot IT, Barnrlty aariaa B Traat Coasnaay. klM', V4 Is, acrlT Mriasa aV Traat 6oapaay, 04. BLOCat 11. tot t. j. xiua wanxaotea my i nun. laoMar, e"' " lot 3. THIo texarantaa- A Traat Onaipaay, a, aa. . . rv. i . ' - a. Tamm I . pany, aa.Bl: lot 1A Tttia OoMaataa Traat - CanaDaar. 3CA3. . BLOCK ML lot X, . Title Oaarantaa A-lYaat aaa pan, 4-l totji, Tltla eoaraatee di Troat 4aaaay, tO dO; tot IT, Title Onarantae Traat Oooapaay, lJT: tot U, Title Oaareatae Troat Coav pany, fast. BLOCK I. lot 0, ftorarlty Bee Inaa A Treat OaaaannT. CH.37! lot A. BOcnrlty rUrlara A Troat Conpaay, l.l; lot It. Beearity Bdrlnss Traat Ooaaaaay. tl.OT; lot 10, Bacnrlty tartaas Troat Caanpaay, a 1 .1X1. miAJMB, Mt KK B, Tltla Oonraataa Traat Coeapaar. PAS1; let a. Title Oner- aatae Treat Company, 30.30; tot 11, Tltla Traat Ooaasaay. 31.40! lot' 10, Tltla Oaaraatae A Traat Coanpaay. 310.43. Atairnf a. let a. Tltla ftounnraa A Traat Company, S4.a-; tat 8, Title Oaaraatsa .inn maipany., anv i i, -sine war HIM A. Traat OaatpaoP. tLdl; lot It, Tltto Guarantee . di Sraat Company, f.n. , Total, fW'n',!;'t!' v .'; TBOC. BatPtaTrT,''' '5 1 Aadltor ef the City af PortlOBd. Oil sea. T' .Date ef Ant Babllcaftoa. Portlaad. OibjbB, April U. ltos. sealed prapoaatai will .be i reeetred at tba office af tba Aadltar af tba Crty at Partland aatll rriday.' April BI. '101, at 3:00 e'etock n. aa. ane tharTlaaaooaoaaant a Oalld atreet from the aartk Una ef Tbaressa Street ta tba Boats una et vauana atraat. in mo mamac prarldad by erdtnaaca Na . 14.4T4, anbtort ta tbe pro rbi tons' af tba' ebartar and ordioaBCao at ako City ef Portlaad and. tba astaaato of tbe City Pastoaar, aa tie. . Blda mam be rtrtcUy la ao dance with printed btonka, wbtob wUI be faratohed aa appUcatlaa at the nfaea ef tbe Aadltor at tba City at Partland. Aad aald Isiiweeamaat aiasf be eomplatsd oa or before 30 daya from tbe Ants of tba alanine; at tbe - eon tract bp tba partiee lliatelii Kb proooaala ar bids wit! be eomddered an teas noaampantod by a cartload aback payable to the order of tbe -btarar af tka City 'af Portland, imtltid by a iiapiaslbla baak for aa smoant eonal ta 10 par eaat et tba. anrogato PrTe5brkt te retort sap and an Wdil H aaraby "'' Ys H' If V -Tsar-- - v -, .', i, " m niB v AVrab men..--, - ' - Anrntof of the Crty bf Partisan. . ? PBrOaad, Oraaaa. April Is. 190. - ; llwALtTOB IT1XR W0BJC, to wtll ba - recatTod at the efdea of the Aadltaf af tbe Oty ef Portlaad aatll Prtday. April tX ISO at JM o'ctacA p. tn. for , tba ImproTimaat of, Batabts Ter race from the west llaa af Leernadala street to the- east Una af btocfc 40. Cartefe Addl tlaa. tn tba nuanar isueldad by erdlnaaca bo. 14e00, enbtort ts tba aiutUlaiai ef the eaerter and ardlaaacaa af the City ef Pert land and tba eaUmate et the City BBAi- daManat as atrietiy ta eeeardance With priatad baanka, wbtcb wtll be fmnlabad , on ppUcaMoa . at the ofsee f tbe . Aadltor of tba City of Partlaad. And aald Iniiinaiit mast ba aompletod aa ar before 30 days from fba data af the alanine; af tbe contract bp tbe parttea tbereta. Ma proposals or bids wilt be anasldered ws mnaatod br s certtBad rkeek nayal to tbe order of -tbe Mayor, of tbe aty of Portlaad, eerttted by a reepoamble bank for aa aatenat eonal. ts 10 par aaat of tha afresaU Tbe rlabt ta retoed sap sad all bids ta bawnbyl ... THOS. C DBTL4TI. .- , Aatfltar af tba City of Partlaad. Portland. areajon. April Is. .1308. - , FWrXALS TOM BTBXXT W0BX,' ' will ba raaalred at fba office of tba Aadltor of tbe City of Portlaad aatll Prldny. April tl. IBOB. at 3.-00 o'clock p. m. for the taiprnwmeat et Baat Blahtaeatb atraat from tbe aorth llaa ef Beat Coach atreet ta tka aortk has ef Beat Stark street In tha BMnnaT nrortdrd by erdlBODra Ho: 14. BB, snbtoct ta tba purl al ana ef tbe charter and erdlnancea af tbe CUy of Portlaad sad the aotiaaato af tba -Crty BaaTtaaer, aa Ito. . Bids meat be atrietiy ta aaaordaars with printed blanks,' wblcb wtll be fanlebed aa application at tba ofacn of tbe Aadltor of the City of PorUand. And aald tmprorement araat ba oonmlotad aa ar before 00 daya from tha data of tba sieving at tka eentract ky Na prapossla or bids will 'U coaaldared- an lass saonaanaatod by a nallaad ebark paysbto ta tba order ef tba Mayor of the City of Portland; i at tided by s rcspoaslbto baak for aa arnonnt eqasl ts It Bar eaat af the asnrea-ata Ttofri'tht ta ratort say "sad ak Mda Ii karabr By order af tha Bxecntlea Board. THO& C. DPTtrrl. Aadltor af tbe City et Partlaad. ' Portland. Oreseav , April IS. MOB. - v txotouim toM mm etwaat.V.a Sealed nroDoaata will be ' raealrad at the office af tba Aadltar ef tbe aty ef Portlaad aatll Prtday. April 31. ISOb, at 3:00 o'clock p. BJ for 'the - tmprorement Of Twoaty thlrd atreet from tbe north Una ef Waablna toa atraat to tba aoatb Una et Tbnrmaa afreet. In tba meaner prortded by ordinance No. 14.1124. aubleet ta tbe nrerinlana of tba ebartar aad. erdlna aces ef the City of Portlaad aad the estimate of tbe city Bnslneac, oa lie. - Blda amat be etrtctly ta aacordanca with printed btonka, wklrk will be farnlabad aa appllcarloa at the oftee ef tbe . Aadltar of tke City of Portland. And said Mr moat ba completed oa or before 09 days from fba date ef tba etcntns; af . tha eon treat by f he narrlea thereto. Ma proooaala or bids wilt ns eonal dared aa. kMS acooaapealcd by a eeerUtod eberk payable to the order nf tbe-Maynr of tba City of Portlaad, certified by a impaualbto baak far aa amaant equal to. 10 per eaat at tbe ssaragsts TnTVaret ta reject say sad all bids to hereby ,By. order at the fceewtrrs Board . k t '.L - iriuo. V. . IO. war., ', ' . Aadltor of tba City ef Partlaad. Portland. , Oresoo, April Ik. 180a. ;PWP0ALB f 0 STBXKT wbx t 11 Sealed proneaabj wtll bo ' reeetred at the ofsce of tbe the Aadltor ef tbe City of Partland aatll Friday, April XI. ibob, at :o a'etoca p. m.- ror 1 ine i from '.the I wast , nv for 1 the Impro cement af Kearney atraat 1 1 waat Una of rnxtaants street te the- east Tnae of Nineteenth atreet, . la tbe menaer provided by ordinance ho. 14.330, anbtort to tbe prerlaloos ef tha ebartar and arwianaces of the aty af - Portland r sad tke aatlmate of tbe aty Bnetneer, on tie. - Blda, moat be atrietiy la aeearaanro with printed blanks, wklcb will, h farnlabed aa applleattoa at theietflea ef tba Aadltor ef tbe City of Portland. . And aald mnat be eempletad oa or before 40 daya from tba date of tbe alroinc of tba con tract by tbe partiee tbereta. ' as aeoninpanled by s certlfted eberk payable to tba order of 'the Mayor of tbe City of Portland, certified by a reinaaalbat aaab ror aa aanoant equal to 10 per cent af tbcMaTegaU Tbertabt ta retort anyod all Mda is (wrebf ,By order (if .tba' Bxecntlra Beerd. , - Amtltnr af the City of Portlaad. i Port land. ' Oreeoa, ' April -18, W0B. - PK0POSALS POB SrWXB WOBK. .. aaled neaaMala' wilT' ba received at the efses ef tbe Aadltor a the City ef Portland sntli Friday, April 21. isno, at s:o .actors a. u. tor the coaatrBelloa ef a eeerar la Best Thirtieth street from the canter - Use of Hawthorne Beanos, to tba - eewer Is Beet Thirtieth atreet at Bast - Taylor street, . la tbe meaner prodded by ordinance No. 14.. 63T. sobject to tba prorwioaa ef tbe charter and erdiaaacae of tke City ef Portlaad tad tke estimate af tke City Kofi Bear, en die. ) Bids most be strictly ta eeeardance with primed blank a. which wlU , be faratohed aa eppllcattoa at tba offlca af tba Aadltor . sf tbe City of . Portland. Aad aald sewer, mnat be eempletad en or before SO days from the date af tbe rlrnlM at the ran tract by Ike partita thereto. . ' ' No propoaala or blda wilt be considered an tnan ncenmnantod by a rerttted eberk paynble to tha ardor of tbe Mayor of tbe City of Portland, certified by a resnoealbto bank for aa tamo easel .ts It bar eaat of the areTefem Tbe rlfht ta rsyaH any and all bids la hereby rPopetfPta. By ardar of the seeorles Beard- ' . V ndibw Ueaoo, I THOU. C, IHTB, sf ike City nf Porttoad. PbrtlAsd. April U, Ham, - nonxza ax: PBOposAij io trmr larrrxBABCB. Sealed propoaa'a will be r aired at the etoea of tbe A tar ef t-e C.-r of Portland BBUl Prldny. 11.. laui, at S:00 e'etock p. m. fur the reoalr and ef tka ptopuaiid ImoroTeaiant of Inun street from tba. west Una of Plftb "Street to tba aaat llaa of paTenth street. Is, thSv missal nrn elrted by erdiaaaaa ho. 14.A4. . ; , i -; Blda mnat be la sccoraaace With , printed blanks. ' which will be forniahed aa appllea ttoa it tba oftre of tbe Aaaitor ef tbe City ef Portlaad.. Sold ' Impreaanaaot moat ba reealred wbea' tbe proper ' smnlclnal aattberl Ilea shall direct snd nhall be malatalned la food eondlttoa for n period bf 10 years. Bsoh propaaal araat atate tbe naabar ' ef years for wblcb tbe bidder srupoara te male tals aald street improvement aad tba amoant each? yeas, far wblcb he prosnens, ta. an said Per all contracts for msiBtesaacs :. of herd rerfaca psremanta wbera tba east-of. tbe Im proeemast la 10.000 00 or eoa tbe arnonnt of. tbe bend raaalred with tba .msldtanaaca eaawact shall be M per east ef tha coat af tba Isiprniiisanat, aad wbera tbe coat of, tbe Improeameat to 'more r tbaa tlLOOO.OO tba amaant at tha sand reqatred with tbe msln toeanca eaatraet nball be 3S.0M.00 asd ss addlttoaal earn eonal . to SS per coat of tba amoant of the ' cost of the lmpretemaat ta aiceaa sf flO.000.00.; No ptabusal' at bad wilt be 'renaldered Snleaa aanaanaantod by a eartlsed ehaek payable to tbe etdaa of tba Msyoe ef the -aty of Port Und. - certified by a ttapuaalblo bank, for aa amoant soasi ts It per cent af tke accrefate pioposal,- to be forfaited ae txed snd Ikml dated samacas la . caae the bidder nlecta ar refnnan to eater late contract and provide aBttabto bend toy tbe fait bra I porfarminca af aald work la the araat tka eentract hi swarded to kirn -i1.- -r - na rust to reject any ass, u pwa By araat of tha BsnrtitN. Boned. ,.'t. - , : ... THOS. 0. DBTLIN. - ; .Aadltor af tba aty ef Portland. . PwrtlsadV Oraroa, April Is. Itoa. . , . . . 1 P0B TJaTBOTsV arjorx op xast TwuTi-rrxni btbhtt. Notice ts hereby alrra that tbe Aadltor sf tka aty of Portland baa prepared a pro poned amiaiaint for tbe Improrement ef aWat Twraty-BlaU atraat from tbe north Una af Haw thorns srenao to 100 fret aorth af the aorth Ilea ef Baat Mala - atraat. and baa aaeae talaed what be deems s rest apaartienment ef east af tbe laiaroeamsnt hi ncaardanea with tka epeclal snd pern liar beneflta dcrired by each parcel ef kind and tot ar part thereof wtrfala the aaiinaiiiit eiatrict. sad aaa as porttoaed the east for aald inrpreeeeaeet in the Asieaats art epposits each parcal of - hind and tot ar pert thereof ss IB) sbsrs at suok AayM'sblecttoBa&tto 'the apportion meat of soat far eald imimiamnit muat ba made la writlas to tba Coaacll and tied with tbe Aadl tor wltbla 14 daya from the date. of tba drat pabUcaOoa af tale notice, and aaU ebjecttooa wlU ba beerd aad determined by the Coaacll before the pa aaa re of tbe ardiaaaea saamaln the coat of aald Imnroaamrat. , DOLAN'S ADniTIO.H to the City af Baat Portland BLOCK It, tot 3. - Bll Lombard, aas.a; tot t, KUs O. Lean bard, ilT.10: let T. Oeorre C. Lincoln. 323.01: lot 3. ' Oeorre C. Uneoln. U-a B1WOCK ' f. Vrt 3. William btorsinaon. 34.33; lot t. Wil liam Mors-laaes, VbVM) rest bt fact of weet 60 feat of tot 1, Mrs. U M. P. Breed let. SI M; eest 30 feet of went 60 feet of lot 3. re. I M. P. Benedict. 13.40; aaat H ef tot fT, Jamas A. Orny, 327.11; east H of lot A Jamas A. way, asaas; wen i reei or feet af weat 14 of lot a. P. Tors tor. fin. BLOCK 1 tot 3, WIITiam . tkt.33; tot ,- wnusm Semaaua. BAN HO ITS tBCOND ADDrTTON ta Baat porttand BLOCK 38, lot t, WBllam Stprea aoa, 1A41. DO LAN'S ADDTnON -TO tbe City ef - Eaet Portia adVH LOCK 0. wast 100 feet of lot 3. Gey O. Willis. 341.811 Weat 100. feet of tot 1. Jobs Doha Batata, Belrb of. SOTis. BLOCK a, lot 4. J. W. Davis, 34.43: let A J. N. Da eta, 2-3: tot S. Thomas Parllni. , .T; Sot L Tbomss Darllao, S30.81I. ' BLOCK l. tot t 1. Thowias Dsrllnc. 346.37; DarBnc. T.A . ' 0ND ADDITION ts Bast Port' 'tot t. Thoi PlANnON'S SHflOND . . land BLOCK 37, weat 10 feet of 1st f, STt b-TlTn. : Aadltor af the City sf Portia ad. Oraaaa. ' ' Tlate of tret pnbUcntton, Portland. Olaaoa. April la. ISOB. PBOPOKKP ASSISSbUST POB BXVXB M tPXXWOOB bTBZET. , KeOcV Ma hereby aires that tba Aadltor of tha City ef Portlaad baa prepared a proposed t for the aaaatrnottoa of a sower Is cUwond atraat . from 120 feet waat of the waat Tina . of . STImlaalppt " sreaae to tbe hewer ' la ' Delay - street, aad la aa Fertile id . what be r ..jaams a fort apparttoamaat af eaat af tna eewer ta seears saea with tee apaclal snd pecallar. baaeflti derired by each parcel ef land aad lot ar part thereof within fba aaaaaaaaant dletrict. sad kaa anporttoard tba seat for aald aawar la tbe aanrants aat appeals sees parcel af lead aad lot ar part thereof as its share of sack pre- Anr obtoeUoas to the apparttoamaat. of coat for .aald aawar mast be made 1b .wrHlos to tba Coaacll asd filed with tke Aadltor 1tkia IS days from the data" ef the first pablieattos of- this antics, aad said obtorttoas will be beard asd determined by' tbe Ceaeeil before the I mn re sf tba oral so aaa namlag tha soat StTBDITTHlOH TN ' PBOEBATTL'S ADDrTTON to Amino BLOCK 3, saatb 100 feat ef tot T. - Mary TDeaaer. 33A16: eoath 100 taa af tot 3. Mary Toomey, (ZAls. BIXKTK 8. north 100 teat of tot IS, All la aoa Troat Ceeapejir. .LtsU. of Peadea, teotland. ' 8a.0S: eaatlo feet ef aorth 100 feet et tot Id. L O. Brian. S23A0: west feet ef Berth 100 feet ef v EtlSV B. & MsrtvSa. . TotaL 310X30. T ' Aadltar' af the City of Portland. Or. ' Date of first pnbUeattoa April IS, 100a. J PK0POSXD ASITsSaTKT POB SrWXB JM BAST TBUll-PTAaT STBZXT. Nottcs Is hereby frrea that the Aadltor sf tha aty of Partlaad has prepared a proposed a an ..a lent far the tuaausuloa af a aawar la Bast Tweatr-ftret street from 10d feet aorth ef tbe north line af Ores-ea atreet to a nain Oea with . tbe sower Is Best irrrac street, sad kaa aacertalnod what be deems a tost appertluemest af eaat et taa eewer a oca with -the aneetal sad BeeoUar beawflta derired by each parcel of land and tot ar part thereof within tka, aananamant district, snd kaa apportioned tbe eat for aald aearar la the amonnm aat opposite sack parcal af lead aad tot or part thereof ss its share af Snob nra Any obiecttona to the sppotltoument of east r snld eewer mnat be made la written to tba Coaacll aad filed with tbe Aadltor within U dam from tka- data of tke first paMlcatloa et this notice, and said obtorttoas will be Scare ana octet suueu or tao uwn aorora the pases ae af tke erdlnaaca mi mine the eaat SXILLlV AN S ' ADDITION to ths City' of Beat , Portland HUUUL w. mi i, ins ucnea oi mo - Good Shepherd of Portland. Or., 323.00; lot S, Ths Benee ef tbe Ooed Sbapbard of Port land. Or S28.00. BLOCK kt, tot 3. Bderard J. O'Daa. (23.00: tot a, Bdward J, p'Dea. ta no: lotM. Bdward . CDen, 813.70. BLOCK 31. lot 1, Bdward J. O'Dea. HL40; . tot A Bdward J. O'Dea, i1 40. BLOCK 38. . lot A Blrbard Brena72.S0; lat A Blchnrd BiwwBS. tSl.40; tot 4. KJ chard Brewas. oeLdtt. Total, 364.00. . .. . '- i. THOS. 0. WtTtlN. ' ' Aadltar ef tbe City of Portland. Or. , ; Hats af first psbllesttoa April 1A. 1S0A . ' STrPPLKkrEkTTABT ABSXSSMXsTT FOB ZM- PKOTnourr or bkooxd stakkt. Notice- la hereby glrn that ths Oowocn at fan aty- 'of Portland, k Oraaon, at s meetlas bold on tbe Btb day nf April. 1008. declared no. jeoen. lor ue L from tbe center I'.oe of Artbar street - te tka north lias of Woods street In tke man oar provided by ordi nance no. liaau, nyon race mn, pan ot i and parcel of tand.whlch are sped ally asd pecoHerlr be set tod, to be ss followa ris. t CABl'TUKKd ADDITION ts Cam there add I tins to tba City of Portland BLOCK 08, tot 1, K. C7 Smith. 330 Su; lot 3, K, O. Smith, kl.aoTprcVb mnd lyluf bataees lbs - aortk line af -Woods -street end a ltos Ba) , feet booth of snd parallel wltb tbe seatt line af Hooker street sad between tbe west V lino of Seonad street, aad a Use 100 feet - weet thereof sad parallel therewith,, B, Q. Vftmltk. 314I.U; total, 3211.08. , - - A autement of foresaid aaaiasia.ut bad been catered la the Docket tt Uty Ueaa. aad to saw doe aad parable at tba office of tba lily Treaearer, ta lawfa! money of- the United Stales and If Bet paid within thirty daya from tba data of this notice, each proceed lure will be takes-fee the collection of the aame ss are emlded by the ebartas at the City at Part Hie a bore esacaamccTt win bear tatereet tea day After tka Srsl peblleettaa af thla notice. THOS. C. D1VUN, " Aadltor ef the City of Portland, Oresoa. Data ef tret pabUcattoa. Portland. Orefon, .April 10, IfttlA PMCPOSKD AAACSBeTXyT ffOB IXPB0TX. ' - etKBT OP ALBDIA ATXKTI. Notice Is hereby elrea tbat the Aadltor bf the City af Portland baa prepared a proponed laaaoamiat for the lmprorement of Athlon aa see from the aorth- I4as ef Klllloraamrth are Sue to tba north Has of Weet Piedmont, and haa a acer rained what be deems s lost appor. ttoament nf coat sf lbs Improvement In ac cordance with tbd apodal aad pecallar heajedta derired by each Barrel a af toad end tot or part thereof en this tkV aeaeaemeat district, and haa apperttoned the east for said Improve, meat Is taa smaaata act eeanetre aacb parcel of land snd lot or part thereof as Its sbsrs ef enrh proposed aaareement. - Any, nhlertlona ta tbe apparttoamaat of cent, for mid imiirevomeni muat be mad In writing to tba Oenacil aad Sled with th Sod I tee arlthla 16 days frost the data af ths Brat nabUesltoa sf tbh) notice, aod aald obtorttoas will be beard snd ewxersxoed by tke Connctl kefore tbe pa sin re of tne ardlnsass ssaaaslnd the cost al r I ).. --aap.aat. , WEST Pi f. ' r-ortlaad, Oraon BLOCK A tot Id. A. f. Sweaesea, 4I Jo; tot If, A. P. fweneaoe, S44.60 let It, Title OaartDt tee A Treat f,ompeny. A62; tot 16. B. A. : Coonlff. t-A.rt; kt4, Portlasd Trust Oam pany af Orrauo, -0.84: tot Is, Title Oaaren , tea A Trast Oomsanr. 3e.30; lot IX Title aeraotes at Treat Company. 34.t4; lot 11. Title tiueraatoe Traat Company. 840.02; - lot 10,- Title OssrABtee A Treat Company, 30.70. BLOCK 11, tot 18. Tltla Guarantee A Trast Ooroaay, 828 661 tot 17, Title Oners st re A Trust Cornea ay, 1 14.44: lot 14, .Tula Oaaraaten A Trmst Compnuy. ll.PO! tot 16, Title Oaaraatae A Traat Company. 3I8.0S; it 14, Title Uoaraatee A Traat Company, (20.77; lot 11. Title Guarantee Troat Com " pany, 84.0: tot 11 THto Onarsntee A Traat Company, 8S4.8J: lot 11, Title Oonrsateo A V Traat oompany. A18 lot 10. Tills Ooarsa 1 tee A- Troat IVarpsny, e0.3. BLOCK 1A lot 10, Title- Onarsntes A Trast Company. 8-f7 4; tot 0,-Title Ooeraktoe Traet Com pany, 324.04: lot S, Tills Ovarastoa A Trast . Company, 81A00: let 1, Title Oearastaa A Truat Compear. 31 ., lot 8, Title Onsraataa A Treat Compnay. 314.66. BLOCK . tot Jf, Title Oaaraatce A Trast Company. 347.37; lot A TIUs One rant ea A Treat Company, 348.37: lot A O. W. Sen, S44.S6; tot A ii. W. Sell. 348.37; lot 6, Tltla Guarantee A Trast Company, 348.62; loi A Tltla Oaaraatae A , Trast Compasy. 344. ; lot 7. Title' Ooaran tea A Trast Compsny, 4Alt lot 8, Title Oaarastae Traat CoarpaBy, (38.14; lot 8. ) Title Usareate Traat Company, (37.34. , BLOCK 10. tot 1. Title Onnrantoa A Traet '. Company, (28 71 mt A TIUs Oasrantee A Traat Company, (13.36; tot 3. Title Ounrantae , A Tratt Compsny, (13.64; tot A Title. Guar . antoe i Trust Ooojpaoy, (18.08; tot 6. Title ,. Oaarastae A Trust Company, (ALIO; lot A .; Title Ouaraateo A Traat Oompany, (37.(4; , lot 7, Title Oaarantee A Traat Oompaay, (88.441 lot A Title Ouarsataa A Trast Com- Kny, SST.ou: rot s. Titw unarsnres a irnet mpnny, (48.18. BLOCK 1A tot L Title Onnrantoa A Trast Oompaay, 836.78; tot 8. Title Onarsntee A Traat Company, (21.40; tot 8, Tltla Oaarantee A Troat Oompaay, (U.t6) lat A Title Oaarantee Traat Com pany, (13.08; tot A Title Oaarantee Trast Company, (1A46-. Total, (1,606.4. - - " .v- THOA. C DEVLIN. , Aadltar ef ths aty ef Portland. Oraroa. Date af tret rmbUesttoa. Portland Oresoa, April 11 ItOA.'... - -. e. . PBOPOSXD ' ASSESBBTXaT TOB aTWXB let . ,', , rWKeTTTArKTK' STBZKT. J- , Notice Aa hereby stvon that the Aadltor of the aty ef Portlaad bad prepared a proposed amiss mist for tbe enaatracOoa ef a eewer la Twentv-slith street from the soath Use sf far. steoy's sddltioa to ths aawar la Nicola! street, sad has ascertained what Be deems a-, tost apportionment ar east at tne sewer la aeeoro ance with the special and pace llr benefits derived by each parcel ef lead aad tot or part thereof with! a ths a in mint dletrlet, asd kaa apportioned tke rest for aald stwer la tha smoaots ere oppeeiie eern percei ok mo aaa tot as pert thereof as Its share af , eaek pro posed aoa. somen t. Any obtoctloas ts the sppartlonment ef aaat for aald aawrr mnat be made la writtas te tha Council asd' filed with the Aadltor within 16 dare from the saca ar ue nret pasiicauoa ef thai notice, snd aald objections will be beard snd determined by the Council before the pa mass ef tke wllnaaea asm sains tka eaat of asld eewer. TBitSTEEO s Aoomon ss tss city at rmn- lend aixrua. s, art i. yarren n, t (21.10; lot S. Garrett N. yen l-erstcea.'. 821. lo: int 8. Garrett N. TaratareT. 321.10: lot 10. Garrett N. Ventecg, (21.10. BLOCK 6. tot 1. Mi W, Ha I aaa, 611.70; lot S, Emma -Daabaa, (12.70; tot A (an Daabar, (I8.7H lot 4, Bmms Daabar, (1170; lot A Kmma Irnnbar, 612.701 aorth 10 feet of tot A Emma Dan bar. (2.68; eoath 10 teat af tot A Balms I Jaaaaaa. sio.ia. -total. THOA v. DETXTN. .1. Aadltar ef the City sf Portlasd. Or.4 Dsts ef first publics Uoe April 16. 106.. . COKPXXTI0V ABT AOCXPTABOX OP 3XWXA " i ,i 4 TJf S3H STBXXT. ; ' Notice Is hereby riven that CbirleOv Waaer, aty End near, baa Sled In tka sfScs sf the BBdersisned aotlce that Bask McClsln. coo tractor tor tha coBStiacttoa af a sewer Is 3f4 street, a odor tka provbuous af erdlnaaca Na. 14.400, haa esmplcted said eewer . from the soath Uae of Varataec'a Addition to n oon- aectloa with the sewer la nieoiai street. Said' accepts ore will be eoastoered by the Bxarntlve Board tt d e'etock ea the Slat day of April, 11106. asd obtorttoas ts tbs aoeeet- aace Ot aaia eewer, or eny pan newi, asay be Stod la the etnas af tha nnderalsned at bay time arms tseratn. I - TUB eTXBCTTITB BOARD. .. - By THOS, C. DSVL1N, - " Aadltor of tba City nf PortlaeA . PorUand. Oraaaa. April I. itOA ' tXIMJUllON ABB AOCXPTAffCK OP 3XW1B . v, . pi jiMmM it -yiTTK BTxxrr. Notlca la hereby given that Charles Wanner, aty Bnslnsar. ksd Sled Is tke office sf the aobervlened aotlce that- Host Medals, sea. tractor for tke. osasli Sit list et, a eewer la Twaatyfirth atraat, coder tbe provisions ef ardluunes No. lAAnt, bea eempletad aald eewer from too eeafk tine of Tarsteef 's Addition to a roaaecttoa vrlth the sowar la Nlretal atraat. Bead Beeeptaaee will he oaaeldered by the Bueetive Board at d e'etock en tke (let dav sf April, 106. aad ohtorttoas te the sseept aaee of aald eewer, ae any part thereof, may ha Stod la tbe ofsce et Ua sa4inlssd at ssy tlast prior thereto. , ' - r i, Te mt il leu WW aaian . . eaua , , ai tryrmmw, ', . , By THOA 0. DBTLIN. ' AadHor of tbe aty et Partland, PrrtlanA Orsawa, April 1A 106. OOMTLmVIIOM AKO AOCAPTANOB--OP-tm- PBOTKSTZBT Off BAST IHTI STBXBT. Notice hi hareby rlvea that Char lee V a near, Oty Encleeer, has Sled la the of See af tbs ssderalsBcd, notice that Btavaas Bros., son. wnctnrs for tne Imiiunanat af Boot Ninth street, ander tne piarimsaa Of sruaaaca no. 14.18a. have comototed said "street, from the north Una ef Beaasa atraat bt tbs soath lias ef aUJswoctk-Street. Bold aeanptanra will be mmidirid by the B.wllsa Board at d o'clock aa tha Slat dev of AnriL 180A sad eblsettosa te tbe me- osptaaca of asld street, or a ay part thereof. may bo aiea in-aa stnen ss (so onemraJKnee St any time prior tbereta. lam m j.svi liitb Bvinu. By THOS. C. DBTLrN, . xndlrar sf tbs City ef PsrUsaA, Pwrfland. Oreaoa, April 13. ItOA ' COaTPLXnOB - ABO ACOXPTAB0B OP tM- pnTXMZaT CST , MAP LB VIXZXT. Nottcs to kareby sires task Charles Wasser, aty Eaeineer. haa Stod la tke efaca ef tke BjaBevslcsed, Botios tbat B. J. Debobr, eon tractor for tbe tm prove meat ef Maple street, ander tbe precisions ef ordinance Na. 14, lea, baa completed aald street, from tbe weet Ilea of Mllwsakla street to tka eaat Use sf Pint Bald acceptance win be an soldered bp tke Buaattvs Board tt d o'clock oa tke Slat day ef April. 0A and sbtorttons ta the ac ceptance of said street, or any pert thereof. may na men in ino fie. ai we iaiw,aea at say time prior thereto. . THA FXSCCTITB BOARD. V k'j . 'By 1HI. u, unrun, ', --'"' Aadltor st tbs aty of PortlsbA Portlasd. Oracoa, April 16, ItOA v COMPLETION i AND AOCXPTABCB OP IM- PBOTEatXnTT Off XAST 3LASISOB BTBXXT. Notice to hereby fives CkBrtas Wasser, aty Koaineor. kaa Otod Is the erscs at taa aadmlaaed. aoUre that JoplU A Maoka. aoa tractors for tbe Improvement of Beet Medians ander tha nrovBrtoaa ei oral nones on. 14, aod, have completed aald atreet,. from the aaat Itoa of Beat Twenty -ninth atreet ts tke weet tine ef Bast mullets street. Bald seneotsscs wlU be considered by tbe tnaih, Nnerd st d s'etork sa the Hat dsy sf April, 190A snd ebtorttoss lo tbe se aeetaace o said atreet, ar ssy pert thereof. may ba Sled la tbe etnee ai tse ssnerniABas t dsy. tl-prtor thereto " . . iOlfelAe! i iita aw "an '. . a v ., -.'.. By THOS. O. I'XVUN, . Aadllot et Ike aty of Portland, i PortuinA Oreeos, April 16. 10A COMTLBTION ABB AOCXPTABOX OP IM- ' nOTXVXBT OP WaUAAMB ATsSta, ' we. m berebr sivea that Charles Wanaae. aty Bntinaar, bee AtoSJn tbe sfSea of the snobnlsnrd, notlca that Elarood Wllea. rootrao. tnr for tbe Improvement ef . Williams aveaae, andee the rerlaMba ef ordinance No. I4.SIU, i... rannleced aald street, from tbe see tor line nf Alberta atreet to tbs can tot Una el OoU Said 'seccptSBcs will be" onnahJeeed by tbe ...lee . Beeed nt d e'rtork OB the - Hat day ef April, ISOA tad objections te tbe so re stance of said atreet, ar say part thereof may ba tbd In the effleo of tka SDderslsoee tt Shy ttmerprior thereto . . , r ... , , . Um KAsrt I' IITR X' ' l 4y, , . . By THOS. C. DEVLIN. . ASdttot of ths aty ef PortlasA 1 ' BWtleed. Oreaoa. Asril 13. - 1B06. -.1 C0MPLXT10N ABB AOCXPTABCB OP SKWXX - yi IB S4V STBAXT. ..: . , . , - , Notice la hereby ffir" Ikat Charles Wanner, aty Bnstneer. bos filed In tbe errire of the SBderalcnad notice that Hash McClalB. coo tractor for tbs eoMtrnettoa of a sewer la 84 H atreet. anaer tns are una ei eruieeme Ideal baa aomnleted aald newer from ik. nnath line of Terstcess Addition to S aiainn.tton wltb the newer In Nlcolal atreet. BOIO acceptance wu, ew eweunei in, eeelve . Aoard at d o'clock on th 31st day ef April, look. aad. ehjertloae to the oc eeptsuce of asld eewer, or any part 1 hereof, may be Sled 14 'the. ettlce of tbs andcrelfaed at any time re" t"eee , - Ttid In '"TIT Pilh. r-y l - 'rc. v. v . ii.-.. i ' ' -- 4 a tor of t a 01' v ef fucsnA twrlkmeL Ctvwa, A j Ij, Dr. W. Norton ; Davis. IN A 'WEEK ' Wd treat enrcamfaTIv all nrivate.' narvaMS Sad rbrooAs diaaaaca st sera; alee blood, stomach, heart, tlver, .kidney aad throat trochlea. We core STPHIUS witboet mercary) to nay enred forever, la 80 ts 00 daya. . We yasmvt nreuexvaa. wtuaat eparatlua ar pals, in as says., . i - ,.. - . . , . a . ; i Ws stop drnlDs, tka rssslt ef eel f-a boea, ImBMKliatelr. Wo can restore the eeiual vianr ef any sua asder 60 by mesas of local traas- . para nar. is oarer mo. - ., . ', We Cure Hoaorrboea la a Week 'The" doctors sf thla leetltate ars all rerolaf Cdnatea, have bad many years experience, e boea too em la- Portland for IB yearn, hare a reputation -to malotala aad will aadar-tnke- n. ease as lass omuls cure aaa be. af fected. Wt (aarkstae ts cars tn every esss ws sndar teka ar chares as fee. - Consaltetioa free.- Let. tors- aaaSdaatlaL Instructive BOOK. POB MAN Bulled tree Is plate wrapper. - it yea cannot ran at ernce, write tor noa Diana. Uom. tree tenant BaceasafsL , OfSea heara, to 6 and T to 8. Bnadays sad v A ''.' naadsys, 10 to lA'.(,. - The toedlsy epectaltnm la Om Nartkireat. .' y v, . ;, BaUbllsked lomA,v ,. t , Dr. VW Norton Davis & di. Taa Bey Xotel. . X. Oar. Third aad Ptos tta. -.- . .; " POBlXAsTD, OAXwOB. : - :. .- p. GEE WO Th Great Chines Doctor la called araat be - cause )ila wonderful ; euros ara ao well known throu shout tha United Biatea, and becausa ao many is srs innnkrui Uislr Uvea from . OPERATIONS Ha treats any and all diseases with powerful C h I B a so herbs, roots, buds, barks and vegwtables that nm nntimlvun known to medical science In this coun try, and throuarh tha uae of theae harm laaa remedies. This famous doctor kpowa tha action of over 500 different remedlea that ha haa succsssfully used Indifferent aiaeanea. Me yunrnntoea to cure cn tnrrQ, astbms. Inns- troubles, rheumatism, nar. vouanaaa, stomach, ilvsr, . kidney, fe rn aJ a trouble and all privets diseases. Hundreds of testimonials. Charga moaoraie. - uaii ano aoa aim. t .fjfjxfBTjXTAnoaT rmxB. . Patlanta oat of tha city writ' for blank aad circular. Jnoloss stArnp, Ada rasa - - . . THE C GEE W0 CHINESE X'.,v,'- MEDICINE CO. ; ' X A 1 elm ss awAmnm- TBasn 1 m em Jk tVm 6 a. 1. sua rutt" i Meiovji, rvi tiBMU. vit w3a4SbiBv way of 161 H AMar at rest, leads to of nee. Mention tnm paper. Painted SU Ingles :- AdvAnUges ; gained by ' usiag our . , machine. , . . , rr - 'i Shlnalea a f painted all over when dry, thus forcing palDt into all tha pores, rendsr Inv them wa terproof. This "prsvsnts Tit 4 mill from rustlns. or tha shlnyte from warplnB, or rottlnir oft tinder tha lap. They can bs laid A to tt Inch nearer to the waathar than other ah In (lea and still aiva better satisfaction. Tha paint used la man ufactured aolaly by ua aod Is espa alally adapted to protect roof a from moss and fire. ' It contains no craa note or other lnsredlsnts Injurious to- tin gutters. Our modern process enables us to paint tham all over aa cheaply aa you can paint a few Inches oa tha roof.. V We Invite yon ta call at ur-fao-tory and sea tor yourself tha merits of our process., or phono your ad draaa and our reprssentntivs will call and civs you full particulars. . .. BUd Diamond Paint iJfclBile Ce. Offioa and Factory 417 E. Main Bt -.. . v ikw watt ua. . ,. C3. GUini'S CU03 H IIERVE TCHIC A TABUPP TO TAXB AT STBAA TTMB. aa t4 Btoad and hanet K rayMtst Skt lets ' Jo taa yaa sod Ptceeyts, ( set fmt). , -- .rssWavensss4SesSfrsmSs()ssea, ' fa Create Aerre ferea. , Tt I mm tAs Nemera, re Stop Ore aeVa. nth NestAp sears, T Stop Hl-gl-t In fays, Tm Bake t ear dettos. ' T Curt yWars eVedaeS, . fs Pasvees User Ssota, nmk$iHCtr. reCeTsCpapspsf ,. - Ulli ass ass swd Oenstsstiaa, SOU BT DRUOdlSTt, OH IT Mali ON RrXUPT t OP PSICt, 70. A SOX? BOXES It. ' SB. BOSAjrxO-CXX. PBTLAPBI.PkaA. PA. . Every Uonan . Ke.aeA SjhSA. BBmemMamUflljt MAXYIL wUriwf Sferay xf TSfiaMl Vfnnvte ryr sad eWrtee. Beat (Up, Anbpi If he cannot anpoly I 3SAMhA aoeeotBO eaher.butasadainmpfof -Uinetrnted booh eeid ttstvea fall n.rtiMil.r, mnA ntMctkina in. VaJunble to ladies. PI An BI, th Bam as eUaBw Baw I nra. :ns. ivi:sL0rs SC3Tr.H3 syt.:? Skj j-yn7Qr-QBTea PIIEE LATiD Li CHEGOri H m the rklwel train, frait ted stotA asttkm h tlhStrorU. TbMa.sdiSc'otmsraabtMsrnjsl cost of irr ration. ' Deed dwart ween Sena sf Orrf M.. WArTC TO-DAY. BOOKLET end llAPTXlX DvKhutrAlrrirttloasBd PowrrCnaa- f - ;,lo-l 1-1 tfcltAuj Bufc.Jitvrortl4AwV.---, "If -Nl PoP A immf -ZT V IO vviwrLTl!T-5: eaa Km(Mmmmmmymmmmi eresaWlnJVN. ' , ..iilTa.," . "Win. -"ik-a eemo n,w7h. e AT -a, A m 1 v 'aW lm m-t . '.' - ' r -' ' lJr.ior.Fj!:i ii Trains la lis Ezxt DIj 3 Throagk PsThaaa rUsdard asd ta allot ssea ny esrs dally la oamsa. tourtot sleep! n ears dally to Aaaees , -1 tkrossk Pallmaa tsarist atoenlay ears (a ,.m ally seadactad) weeklr te Ceacase. 9-u.mtmt cars teeera cwi so was anos op- y. ONION DBPOT. Arrives. CHICAGO-PORTLAND - BPBCIAL. - - t a, Sh Sir p. tv . Por tbs Best vbi Baas. insroew , ' SPOKANB PLTCB. Por Beatera Waablas ton. Welle Walla, tew. 6:16 p. Bk latna, Oorar dAeme aad . Oreat . uBottbarn pain, ATLANTIO Itraaaa Por the Bast via MaaH 3 :lSk.m. rnSa.6n, Dally. - s , instoa. Colombia Arver DtyhWenT POB ASTOB1A aad way Mats, connect! a With a nn a. aa. nellw. Abeat - eien-. - ror iiwaen Narth Beech, str. Bee-Uarardey . sale, Aah-at. dock. llOroS p. as. as. Saaoay, I AO p. Sk "Tajnaftj Blvar POB OATTON. Oresonl . City sad Tsmbrn Blverf f-B a. en. iDafly. ennm, Bimra. Hath aad Medee, Asfc-aA dock. Dally. (Watar pormtttloal Boeke Biver Beats.' POB LBWI8TON. 14a.. t v'P"ets from IMl. at. Abeat 8 pas Toeeday Theraoay , ' Bpoksne ' and Lewtetoa. iPriday ISBBay TICXBT OPPICB. Third snd nhlilit Toto , poene maia Tie- y . .... rt w arrrwAnw n i - . - V. .nm A wn n . . Tumr , EAST OTBBLAMb BXP! trains, for Satom, bars. Aahland. eSJOpaa. manfn Ondeu. San Praa- t a.a ctoce. Storktoa, Los Aa- setoa. n rasa, new wv-i dairy, eseeat aaaoay with bra la - far MA a -l I 1 1 . , I . 3 A a. m. 'V V 4.-O0B. av er. a. v IIP-si. B,,i aoallla lull field. Wendonaj aadl Natron. Atteaa ' aects st Wood here wtta Mt. Asset sad Mlvar-j 10:lt s. loa local. Oorvallto pamiaaar. SheridaB pasmnyer, Ittrsoijav 1H a. ta. yw0l'6.fV6:--d Tk-1 . IHrlslna. . " rtopet feet of Jetferssa - atreet. ., "' teave Portland dally tor Oswaew T:S8 a. SI 1160. 8 06. t:66. 6:0..A:36, p. ev tSilr (rscept Besday). Mktht 8 .1. 1" I a. si. I 4:10, 11:30 p. nv aonday smy, kd Ratorsjna' from O ewers, arrtve Portland -r e.Sr i -Kit and sis. f.-M. 6 L 11:10 P. to. Daily (cstrrpt Boenvl S hn. - y 8 JO. 10-10. 11:14 a. m. Bsonnt Mia4iy. lii p. m. Bonda y only, 10:00 a. Si. , . . Leavee from Be roe depot fof Italia aad la-, stedlate polnM dally (except Suneaj) dUO p. hs Arrtra Portlaad 10:10 a. sa. -. . , The lndependence-Monmoath Meter I '"a operates dally to Moamoarb aad An-de. e Beetles with See there Pact Be aampaay's tm at Ihillaa asd Isdepesdeace. .--. - Plist clem fare from Portland to aaaawtc sad Baa Prauciam 1x0. her tha SB; aaaeae B...4 tare fin. aecoPd-elase bertha 33.80. Tlcseta to Boaters .smuts sudBmwpV atkr lane a. China . Reno mis aad Aaetraaa. . City Ttokei Ofdce eorner.Thlrd sad Wash, trta streets. Pbooa Mala T11. . . m7 rmuiil. . ST. A COMAN, - iTak-IertrtAaAittoa. AukV TiME, CARD OP TRAINS Portland i UNION DBPOT. Arrlv Pwjvt booed Limited, for Tnenma. Seattle, Olrmnia- South Bead 3Jta.m. dldt ft, Sk, and Oray'a - Parser points. North Coast Mmtted. for Tainan Seettle, Bntto. St. PaaL Mia pea no II a. Chlcase, Nsw York. Boston sod points t-oop-aa. TtaSk. aat aad outaeeet. Tvrla-Clty Kxnresn. Tacnam. Seattle. kane, Retona, St. PaaL ".V a Tt.kA Hlnnee nella Cslcnse. U:p.aJ New Tork. Bnetoa and all potott East ssd Sontbeast. Pnset Snand Kansas Clty-et. . Lewis Spectsl. for Tneson. - n-ettle. Sooktas. Batts BllUaas. Denver. Omaha. Kansas City. St. Louie and all potato Xast and Bee th SAO a. m. 'i. '- ' xm p. m. ee ar. AN trains dally except sa Beey A. 11. CH4ILIOA, Aeststaef Oeneral Psasiayar Ateet. Morrtooa at., ear. ThlrATertmaA Or. Astoria & Columbia i g River Railroad Ca VN10N DBPOT. Arrlv 8-naa m rrra. Hal 11:16- Dal Waat port. De Uy. Cllftoa, Aetoria, War. rentoB, PlavaL rlaev mend. Port Stovena, Oearhsrt Park, SeeMaa. Astoria asd Beaabere. V'tasreea sally, i" - ? - , Aftorra tpress. t oop. m. Dally. .. 8.40 a. tv.-- . -t-MAT04. - a P. sad P. 4 Aatotto, CSV C. A. RtWllf, flommerelsl Asest, S4S Aider : etreet. Pboaa Mala PuA r rak omeo IBS ThUd at, n , I J ees.- Ttanooontlnrikc:l -.Xraklnat Vxtlly TO PPOlCAr"' TT, UlNNa ' . , ? Usvl" ! - t. and SOUTH toevea - H pwioiT PXPOT. I Aiil'aa. m0 .1 :-: ;