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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 20, 1905)
,:'. TiiS -crxcc:!, daily jcu: : TO TCE AfM Cscdwin Yu ' Invincible With , J tc. Sphere nd Fooled I .K:.--..' :,.the Local. ' . UHCE CROWD SEES " T THE OPENINQ MATCH iter Second A Inning Etsick p- Twirls Good Ball, But Team- - mate Cannot Hit.. . .:.' lib Angel " ' TotUmM 0. Batteries. Goodwin and " Eogerj Es- '.' tek and JcLii. . ..." -.FoiHaBd opened the local muob ye ferday afternoon and received distin guishing coat af wbltmih at the bands of tM Ixm Angeles ball team. The loss of the gamo can b directly attributed to Goodwin's superb pitching. Tola clever youngster had tbo -local nw t 'his merer throuf bout' lb, entire gasae, and wten a ball team can't maka mora than three hlta. In a contest. It baa aa " "license whatever to expect a "victory, Portland waa defeated fairly, but many kicked at Klopra umpiring: several of bla doclsloa rousing tha crowd s Ire. He waa bUmed ., for, catfUng Householder's corking drtTa over flrat baaa a foul, and rightly ao. bat whether or not thla do elaion would have affected, the result li -a nittw - of conjecture only; Van Buren ralasd a houl over being callod out while sliding homo, but ho had no rula for kicking, aa ha waa out by a faw fet Use than three miles. Klopf -waa off color on balla and strikes at . timeav but even thv i3ood win maa- terly twirling waa aufflclant lo buffalo. 'tha local. ' Klopf may ba a good official and ona pm to not quits enough to warrapt Judgment on hto ability. Hla , voles -J wove r would never admit' him - la a. singing schoels-ot reputations, be ing dp and . fuU of holes.. It waa quit Imposaibla. to tall . whether a called- "ban" or ,-atrlk," aa hla voice ' sounded Juttha jama.. amtJiUufaclal contocUoha,- 'rbtla exceedingly active after a decision remained stalwart an bold whea a kick waa registered. To- day be will uae a. megaphone. Nearly four thousand fana witnessed the game, and It la hard to aay what the general opinion of tb team waa after , the match. It must be admitted that the Portland team makes a good appear' aaoe. can Held well tout cannot hit with any degree of safety,-aad without bat-una- it is Impossible to win. Batting slump often affect an entire club, not slumps often aireci an enniw ciuo, nv-i withstanding U great effort made, but I . l. jA laat forever. UITJ ,. - . It waa a great opportunity yesieraay It was a areat opportunwy yenieruay i for Portland to win, aa tha crowd waalyaioa aecood. Lore' Labor third; time, t m mil what a hrll-ll'll . . ' vWtnrv. mnA what a blil llant reoeptton would hare been tendered had they won. " ... XAS Jtngeies etneaou l ,. Los Jtngelea cinched tha game m xne rat.lnnina. ana enor iu w.s ma uwiHn. ' aa no aconng. The Angela scored twloa In- the first. tha -nrat- man ' flew oat to Bernard the - first- man - flew out to Bchlafir.'Braahear who too a: noons mmsmA til fa tWO baSeS. .emltb beat out. a bunt Dillon, fanned ..-.I ewn were out. Smith executed a ateal of second aa there waa a man . on Li-j --a w.Taii iiiil Hit trir to ret him. Cravath placed a safe ona In left field scoring Brash and . Jud. Roaa ' ended the inning, with a grounder to Sctolafly.- ' ' .. .' Tnman the first man In tba second waa. passed. Bobby Eager' Wngled tofi:i4H left maslcka error gav oooawin m , with the sack loaoea nernaxa n in .'Runkl. who threw to. McLean retiring Toman, and the catcher tried to com plete the double by getting Bernard at first, but Mitchell mulled tha throw al lowing Eager to ecore. Behalf) y, Mit chell and Runkle pulled oft a fast doable "play fn the eevanth. Bernard, the speedy Loo Loo outfielder, , being doubled at third on Brashes ra out at flrat. The , score: -Z . v . .- : PORTLAND. '-'T- , - - - AB. R. B. PO. A. K. - Van nti ran. If.. ...... 1.4 14.00 ' McCredle, rf. ....... t-chlafly. In. I 0. 0 1 f Hitchell, lb. 4 0 3 ' $ 1 )ioueholder. cf. .... "'' McLean, C. 4 0 j 4 0 ;Ata, sa. ............. I .0 0 i I Runkle. b. ......... J rj.vjrj sslck, P. 0 1 I 4 Totala . V.-...... 0 I H H I LOS ANGELES. . , " : A& RRFO.AK Bernard, cf. ..... 4 0 1 4 0 0 Bra hear, Jh. ......... I - 1 114-0 Smith, lb............ 4 11 1'0 0 Dillon, lb. ...r.i.. 4 0 0 11 0 0 Crarath. rf. 4 4 1 : 0 0 0 Roes. If. . . ... .4 4 4 1 0 0 Toman. SB. ........ 1 0 0 1 2.0 Kuir. c .......... 4 1 1 7 IS ! Goodwin, p. ........ 4 ; 0 0 0 ' Totals . 84 I T IT .0 V t : SCORE BT INNINGS.', Portland ,.'..0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 HIU .....0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 04 'Los Angeles .....I I 0 0 0 0 0 0 -0 4 , Hits . . , I 10 10 110 07 i ' ;r'v. . SUM MART. ' ': " Struck oat By Esslck 4 (Goodwin t, Dillon, Roe)', by Goodwin, 0 House ! holder S. Van - Buren, Esslck, Ats). Bases on balls Off Esslck, 1 (Toman, '.Bernard); off Goodwin. 4 (Van Buren, ISchlafly, AU. Two-baae hit Bra tshear. Double play Mchlafly to Mitch iell to Runkle. , Bacrlflos bit MoCredle. I Stolen bases Smith, Eagar, Schlafly, Passed ball Eagar. Time of game One hour and 40 minutes. , Umpire Mr. I Vlnnf i , :.,...... . , r :T MUST CttTB i rvrwmms nuuv viuv w ui uuiu m -closed paper chase oa Saturday. April ; S3, starting from East Fourteenth and Powell streets at I p. m, promptly.. Th hares will be Coghlan and Bream. There will probably only ba ona othef ' opportunity to qualify horses for th spring meet. -t .:. , - - Tkaadmff la a iaasa-1nan 11 taOHMG-1. O'QING. I ! ; GONE III. a .aaBMSWAaw aWSBaBBa , S sTmsIIIi Win Bse IV ,v DOrVT CRV PAKG f W1 KtmtT" tseewa SMW) SMS lo u a t f SH . It I r that aa) nt ar a, kaat SMSt hair AYlUOACZOaTS AT VsMtgxnaTT "-" SMOPS. - tnt Kam.H's. KMSx.11sai4.MKJTGtsa;s enrax (eahad RACING RESULTS ON THE SEVERAL TRACKS '.J w.- (afoarMl BpdI Barvt-) B abhi ta Matt Hocaa made at splendid purt 7",'T,"1 defeated , J euows tone sun . ".- Vii X nnl&en O. WOn. MOdl- cum second. Redmont third; time. 1:47. un. .. ih. airhths.kfr. Farnum won. Invlctua second, 15xpedlnt third: Four furlonga ratner uiiunn w. F. W. - Barr socond, L. t.nata tnira, time, ;. -v- ' d . ..riiMifti Hhu won. TaUowstona- second. Warta Nlcht third; time. l:JK." - ' : " ' rm " a x .,.iMifiMn4 flflhnlts won. mvn w .v H - - Whoa -BUI second, Hainault third; time. OHivi1"' - - T - v- . un. mn airhth Dr. IecKO WOn, Honlton second, BtlUKno third; time, Besults at Tork. AprU New 20. Aqueduct re- four and a half runongs -uun won, Superior - Boy aecono, -i innw third; time, :4! ; ',.. ' ' n.. fn.innvR,r. Klna won. Jerry Q. second, Torkman third; time, l:l-. Six furlong- Mont in wwu. -- elna second. Tommy. Weddeir tniro; time, l:li. !'"V " ' -jl'T .' - The Rosa T sxaaea, row nnouir tgend won. Lady Valentine aeoond. So ciety Bud third; time. p:60. ' ' wiuTni San won. ' Onatag second. Weyeoeld third; time. l:4L ,; f Six forlongs KJamesnn won. ooiow second. Ismanllan third; time, l :1a. ... - Ansvtaas. Wiuen. St. Louis. April 10. American Jockey club results: : " Four and a half runongs raui vwr- lng won. Colonial Lady aecono, ur. Wlndell third; time. : -s. , . n .. - imt rnrlmurs Bonnie Beg won. St1 Resolute second, ' Golden Flower tniro; ximm,-. m-. - rurlnnra AUalana won, MUi Marconi aeoond, Joe Bower third; time, l:m. . , MH And 7t yaraa ceecner wnn. umy Handsel aecood. : Lady .. Mercury third; time, 1:4$ J-e. ' Six furlonga Bister rata won. paaun second. Temple third; time, 1:11 t-i. -Six furlongs Sarner won, Rudabek second. Parlstenne third; time, 1:11 4-4. Ft, Trf'gla. p' ta--yair srounda re- tults: i- ' ' Six furlonga Woanded' Knee woa, Bella of Manhattan aeoond. Ora, Z. third; Ume, l:ltt.i7 z Four and a hair ruriongn oiacx won. Henchman second, wee tniro; Ume, 0:64. SIX furlonga susa arxaoie wot, nw Una second. Pontotoo ' third; tftna. 'six furlonga. V handicap Otto Btlfel won. Careless aeoond. Mayor jonneos third;, time. 1:14 lira. , ... - 1 ( . jnya ana ami inm 1 ii.ii-s won. Ed Sheridan aeoond. Lucky Charm third; time. 1:04. atiia ana i rmj-u Mile and T4 1:44. V.V'.;',a. At Mamphto Traak.- ; t aiempiils, apni jj-iukihi " (omT h-ara enaea loaay I six runongs iany tumra wou, ri I aentlment second.. Dapple Gold ,, third; I tin,, ltii v.. . , ; a i r...tiin I ,i1t vniii time, 1:11. Mil and .WiMflni jmvnlia wen. Golden Mineral aeoond, Brooklyn' third; time. I:t0. vuiA eiipiAna.Tnttfi won. Svrtm mlng Girl aeoond, RusUo Lad third; time. 1:60. . t-1 ,v ' -j ' nuini. k.u h.nrflnan mi la and an eighth Glen Echo won. FaJernlan sac. ona, tjonoaae iujiu, viu,, .... ai. ,.tAMv lll.M Sir tn vnft. Old LBngland aeoond. Councilman third; time. 14. - " " Six . furlonga U Dottara won. Com putation aeoond, .. Marco .third; - time, 1:11..-'''-. .,,-.: .v . y WHO'LL SOLVE.THIS L V BASEBALL PUZZLE ' Two teanm,A and B, are playing. A la at tha hat in tha last half of tha ninth : Th. MAM f B A A Iffl f.WW fif B. Two men are out, a man on second and another oa uira. too natter nits the bail Into fair territory, but It la not aa Vol kanekaa 4s wan Mil ft . ftfl llsl Slskl II II l a ggato AMWIW asw sawvww mw - - ner hit by tha batted ball, no aaalat and no error, ana yet a win in game or n score of to 6. - What waa the playt to send their answers to tha problem to Sporting Editor of Tha Journal Bat tar hits grounder to abortatop. aeoond or third baseman, who 'field and throw w 1 1 . ,ik. kla m n hfMn mnA hit baaerunner with, thrown ball, the nail aoanaing out ox rencn ox nvraer, enabling both runner to score. - Or, batter bunt, the ball la fielded, and on tba threw to first base it hlta-4ase run nap tmutula out of reach of fielders. out. both- baserunners naturally run aa soon as nan is niL, uuiu aoore un .win game for A. AS nothing Is said In yonr ....I . aWn 1.w.wm Kali Klttlna fl.U.f I think tha above la the -correct solution or same. - - -: ,. . 3. MORRIS MCDONNELL, :S Du-utA h.M rttimhla 'nntMnllv lunlAra. Sporting Editor of The Journal. In answer to your baseball pnssle: r Th h.4tjm hit a eat hall All A ra.h .tt the fielders; rnna toward first base, bat aoes not toucn it, ana continue on uniii he '. reaches second. - In the meantime the two run hare scored. The umpire calls the batter aafe. There waa no hit, aa ha did -not touch first base. , There waa- no error, aa the ball landed safely; V-, ANNA CORHJGAN. . xn omo to bt -taaoa-t.' " (laaraal Bnaelal Sanlia 1 ' I ' ;' Buffalo, ' N. AprU tO-AIfred De Ore. haa challenged Jerome Keogb and Kebgh has accepted. ' Tha game, which will naturally be for tha championship, will tiec-played In' -Buffalo , during the next uaja ( u .1,' ;.- n i i nimii W a It. Tee late fee Bana.U. sa sasny af tasei ware eeetsaedlr , Chesale kali I laearabl ! u far,. rear, indraft, ItafclBS eral aad ralltar sate eaa er4 kr i.apia the attarakle arearlk wlOk Xewkre' &rSiaa. It r. m'j retail i1ii 'faetarf. Dalla trl aeir ,. taaaiaa af atala laetaatlr, ktn h JTOTZC7S TO in A ' l l All hoUcea or amateur Dese I ball games, challenges and atu e -- letla events muat be aent to thla offloa before t o'clock a. m. oa the day for publication. Ajpa teur managera should, pay at tenUoa to thla rule, as the keeov Ing of It wUl Insure a proper report of their doing. Th 'Journal.. 4 f riflmo ooast umviv ' i. 1 OakUad Baa n-aadse TtOODU ......... Los Aaaalai . Portlaad BeatU ut :. Takaatl . Baa Tranctsco. April 24. Oakland de feated San Francisco and captured the lead in tha Coast league race yesterday. Moektman waa a mystery "to the Seala. while. Miller waa found , easily in the flrat lrmlng. Score: i-r-- , Ban Fran ,4 4 4 4 1 4 41 :- 4 3 Oakland . . ......4 144 4 14 4 04 ' t. 1 ttattanee Miner, tinea ana wuwn; Moeklman and Bums. Umpire r rina. .... .;.:.' , - ,. ... - Taooaaa Opeaa at Taeoma. Wash. April 10. Tha Tlgera opened the season, yesterday by defeat ing tha Seattle team In a closely played game. uniy tour- nita were aeourea on Keefa Score: : , "; ,. ' 1 a - , r.;-'".vT R. H. E. Taeoma . t .....1 1 1 0 4 0 0 ,7-1 BeatU 4444 1 00001 I Batteries Xeefe and Graham; C Hall and , Frary, Umplra---Daia. x , ,f , - i . , v . - SACtOirAJb UWUI.' ' j- '.. Won. Lost PC. .sod .164 ,;w .400 .400 .404 .100 .000 Pittsburg.. ........... 4 1 . New Tork I I . Philadelphia',- , ....... -- j-- Chicago . . ............ . J r Boston . . Bt Louis . ! t : ': Cincinnati,. ... 4 ' v i ,a a 'First Roatdn Brooklyn - v . , . e r ........... r, i - I Batteries Wtlhelm and Needham; Strlckiett aad Bitter. ' Umplsas Ems lie and Bauswina. i,.,. Second game , . ' . Ev KE Boston ,' . ...... 1 ' 4 4 Brooklyn...... ........0 ( Batteries -.Harley - and Needham; Bason - and Bergen. - Umpires EmsUa and Bauswlne.' ;' - . ' 4 At aw Tort. ; - . i . R. H. E. New Tork . ..4 , 4 1 Philadelphia .................641 fiaueriee Ames ana firesnaaan. ntuager ana xxram. t R. H. E. Chicago . u....w.,...,........6 7 I Cincinnati........ 1 6 0 natianes meimer ana Aiing; - AW Ing and SchleL . " . 'i- . ( - . , j pttfsjirant. ; . R. H.E. PitUihurg ....4 1 1 Bt Louis . i .................. . I t Baiierie ueever ana reiu; . jao V,.l.nH Iaaan .MrW,niM " ... , .i,-. "-Won.,. Lost.' P.C Philadelphia. ....... j. 0 1.000 New Tork , :..II..-Z-J I -, .764 Chicago . . t ' .404 Cleveland . . ........a" 1 ; " " l .'.400 Detroit .......... .V... 1 .1 .....04 Bt. Loula . .1... 1 ,',.-' 400 Washington . ...... t- f t .404 Boston . . ............ 0' . 4 i : .000 .... .v 'V :''(: ' R. H. E. St Louie . Ir4 4 Cleveland 0 f T . 1 Batteries Sodhoff aad Sugden;. Baaa ana Kueiow. -- , ' ..',..' 1 . k "i: .. R. 'H. E Detroit . . ... ........ 7 ,i Chicago ... ........l a ilea go ......... ..i. ........ .0 I I Batteries Donovan and Sullivan: Lttarson. Owen and McFarland. '. Patterson. ' ' - . A WVflaaarnMa. Phfladerphia . . '..............7 II t New Tork . 4 10 4 Batteries Cbeabrow and Klalnow; nana ana . rowern. . ;C: At Washington. . R. J3. R Wasbmgtoa . . 0 1 Boston.. ..'.................14 0 Batteries Pattea and Klttradge; Dl neen and.FarrelL - ,.: t - Tha first 4ball pitched by Esslck waa a strike and tha crowd responded with a whoon. . . .-.. Van Bursa was tha first Portlanderto make a' hit, but aa he waa caught trying to get boms, the hit waa not of any consequence. lie waa also tha flrat lo cal to get his' pants dirty, ao hla anger waa Juslfled. - - A foul tip shot through tha wire screen and landed la the grandstand. Nobody waa killed, so the Incident didn't at tract much attention,.-, j. .'. r ' . ' ' Umpire Klopf : should take physical culture for tha role. - The fana were straining their ears- to catch hla decis ions, and whan they did near them, what a howl waa ralaed,' : X z Before .tba gam ' yesterday TJrnptra Klopf . received a wire from President Bert . commanding tha official not to allow Second Baseman Flood to take part In any games until farther notice on account of the player's actions last Sunday. - Tha Los .Angeles Examiner haa the following on tha affair: - "Tha lover of clean baseball mart naturally condemn Second - Baseman Tim Flood for hto action toward TJmptra Pen-In yesterday at Chute park, yet a player who- haa bis heart ao much In' hla play that be will kick-to certainly more to ba desired than a tnan who playa along In calm, listlesa, easy-going waa-with no display of ginger.,- But for tha good of tha game - Flood must be punished. It may be la tha shape of a heavy fin or President Bert may bench htm for a week or two. Off tha field Flood to quiet and gentlemanly and Is popular f 1 f I f I I ' : :iiiilli 1 0 4 12 .3J , O 4 t 11 fi 4 . . SOI 10 -M 0 3.. SI'S .fine a o a .. ,0 t j 0 0 3 4.. 4 Mt with the men on tha otner teams. . A few mora repetitions of htgatomptad attacks "like tfiat of yesterday would, of course stamp pirn aa a dirty ball player, but Flood to not a frequent offender, and in tha heat of tha play yesterday he was carried away by his on controlling desire to win, and win for Lor Angelea. Perrtn Js sincere In his - work.- He means . to gtre every 'team and every player an even break,- but he simply lacks the balance an umpire should have.- He to not and never will be a good amplra' . . t ' Jimmy SC Vraln,-' Fred Clark -'and Charle Bwlndella war released by Manager McCredt yesterday. The local team was carrying 17 men and the man ager found It necessary to cut his force dowiu so upon th arrival -of -Mitchell th ex(ra men were released. Jimmy St. Vrein has signed with . Douglass' -St. Joe team la the Weerern league, oa : .-':--. ' ' .-. - -ta aMah I had -Msw rMvut sal m4 all kiaoa f Mra--. lit - t taMHiuiffM m a l.,pr iu aad after e.lae ba I . . ta.raror lee roa kow I Da.l . omi b.l to anr oa ean.rlaf from luck Itobbm.' Cka. U. Ualpera, U4a.UaM.. he Hark, . T. .i 5.tror TheDowtiy. O1 CANOvctrmime' .Pair aaa.'ia sssw a rm rr inn ti rwia ' Sterling Rmedy Co., Chleaf ear W.T. aal which club la Jay Andrews, the former Portland third base man. ' Swindells wUl probably return to BeUlngham gad take a rest until be can get Into shape, when ha may Join Jack Drennen. Qark'i Intentions are not' know, bnt It la con sidered likely that be will Jola Reilly'a Salt Lake club. . .n Van Buran rnnnlnsr catch of a hard chana In the ninth Inning yasterdayJ which retired the Angels for the day wa enthusiastically applauded - by the large crowd. Van to atUl the favorite he always bo bean, and every time ha ambled to tha plate It was a signal for a demonstration oa tha apart or tne speetatora. ' -- ' ''.-'.: Some of tha crowd ware xneuaea to roast Umpire Klopf which waa, to - a oertaln - extent, aa Injustice to that of ficial, for be la a consclentkHis worker, and although he 'may hare rendered an erroneous decision now and than, ha did not do It Intentionally,, and besides an umpire to aa likely to err as a ball ptoyer.,.Trtonot falrto blame Klopf for- yesterday's game, for a team can not expect to win a gaiaa oa three hits when tha other; fellows, get over twice as many. ' -" - .h-.-"-? Mitchell. , tba . new - first baaemaa, showed up . well la yesterday's game considering the- fact that ha rwaa Just off the train rroni Chicago.' Ha la a tall, rangy fellow and handles himself neatly, nndalso landed on-the sphere nicely, bat failed to get , any af bla swata safe., ; I Morely evidently haa a find In this young, aontbpaw, Harry- Goodwlnr who pitched against Portland In the opening -game yesterday. H was cool at ail stages during tha contest. , Seattle . to not to have . Heltm oiler after alt-The big eoHeglaa haa signed to play with Victoria in tba new leagoe thla year, and he will be used la tba box . with Galaaki. - 'Blackburn and Holmes. ; McManoa and Steele will do the backatopping. Old Ed Hutchinson Will play first, ddle Ford aeoond, How letta third.' Downing, shortstop. Burns will play center, ona of the pitchers will be worked in right neld and hard hitting ptoyer will be seoured for left field- ' , Lou Runkle pat up a splendid gam at third yeeterday. but emulated the ex ample of hla team matea when at bat. for ho failed th negotiate a hit. - - t . Jake Ats made aawxcCUent Impreaaloa yesterday, makdng a couple of splendid stops, and - threw asasly- to arsl baaa, Ata bids fair to become a red -hot favor- It with, tha local fans.:. '.'.. ' Harry SehUfly made a hit with tba fan by showing up as the only player who displayed aa- aggressive dtopositloa yesterday. , i-jTy- naldea la apienaid J. J. Curran of North Bend waa' la thla city last week signing local play at g tor to tooa'oay league, wnicn com prises the thriving towns of North Band, Bandon. Marsaneid and coquiue city. Curran- la manager of the North Bead and signed Harvey Newell. Ray Reed,. Pitcher Howard and Hunt, wba managed a team In the . Cotton Belt league last ' year. This quartet ooi prises soma of the beat talent, In the ettyrand they will prove welcome addi tions to in v-ooe nay league. - - Collie Drohot - left - for BeUinghaia with Manager Drennen yesterday after, noon. Tha little south paw has ' many friends who are confident that ba will deliver tha goods In th new leagaa thla season. ' . ' i ' The batteries for today wfO, be Oar vta or Jones and McLean. for Portland and Gray aod Eagaa for Los Angelas. , ..... . - - i i m i ' i , -The te-Tiess' Athletic club wOl bold a boxing . and - wrestling exhibition at the club rooms, 114 Alder street, on the night of April 17. Tha- principal event of tha evening - wUl ba a four-round boxing, exhibition - between James Tounafedorf and Fred Dlmmitt for th championship of the elorj, which . title to now held by tha latter. -. ' -- Aa effort to being mad to match Brown, the Peerleaa elub'a lightweight, with Hood Bottler, of the Multnomah club for th championship of the north west. .,.:r... ,' Z :. V-.' ,: " ''.; - '. .H- . ... . -, - '-I. xMAuxm noon. (Joeraal Special Sarvtea.) ' Atlanta, -Oa.f April 10. -Th Booth em- league la scheduled to open Its baaeball season today.' ' Weather permitting, the opening games will -be played as 1 lowat Nashville in Atlanta, Montgom ery in Birmingham. Lrttla Rock in Naw Orleana. - and Shrereport in Memphis. The circuit to, regarded aa one of the best aver arranged since tha Introduc tion of the national game la the south and all indications point to aa unusually successful season.. , , -z.:,., ' ; vAtTarrrxxji Mjurxisa onss. , tJewsal Speelal aerrle.) . . " Nashville, - Tann. April 10. Th spring race meeting at Cumberland park opened today -under , - eondltiona that point to one of the moat successful race meetings aver held at tha famous trade Tb cream of the 1-year-olds in tha west face ' Starter "Curly" Brown-for th Derby, which la th event of the opening day. ' Th meeting will - last eleven day,..' - ! , '.'..: -, t- m ' i' .',','. , ' Portland Kennel Club. .'. Exhibitors desiring ' entry blanks' or any other additional lnformatlpn In con nection with - entering their doga for the coming dog ahow, can secure the same by addressing .tha see retary.-MKI FTFTwamsley, i pine street, city. Entries will close Tuesday; April IS. f A Oasioess Educsticn Will Increase your earning capecftr, and help yflu along the way, to thrift anf prosperity.- why not avail yourself of tne opportunities ws are onering you To equip yourself for a commercial career by taking course In Stenoeranhv ar riookkeeplncT We look after the Inter ests of our graduates. ., .. BEH1SKE WALKER BUSINESS - COLLEGE Bleak, i yerttaad. 'Open all the year. Call or send f t stainaiia . . " ' ; .- : ."''''.' . ' ' 1 i - '"";;" 't- .-.' ; - , "vi ..: . i i ' ' ' 'v' ':.'.'' ':"' - ' ' -,.vV ,':'., .'- . . . V..v:.,V l,Ti ,,,-.' Eastef" GET IT ? i':. , ' v.. A- ' Robinson : v.? Hotel Perkins Bofldinc r T. T. GEER'S PALM Tekeafy Prof Grant Che? tedieldg the Cdebrctcd -vPlrnisteH'''; i ' Ket . kisg ' g' SvefMsof Oraat CkitergsU raid th saha of sir. T. T. Oeer. ei-eoraraor e th tat. . In sseaklag of Mr.wOeer's palam. Ptortoaw Ghasteraeld said :.-. -. - "Th Is dMtaetly - the eracatlv sasd! Th Sag on are literally aUv wltharewtnoa aad th Bower of totrteeer dhtlesistls type, aad toaseak the BMStaRy rast- hes mb, -They play . shrewdly oa htnaaa astur. ssd they, tisis the faculty of reas- tag wa sarlag aa IssUat' gash. Tb sand Is patriotic. Is a bora tghtsr, ad eon Id die. tliMrnHaeO tkanf apoa th batUeaald. aad loyal to khj friends, (trang In hla likes ad lenkea, ahrewd ad. conservative gard kbj aetloa toward eaemiai; taaltlfaa la hla bone, s SMgatscent provldet, aad pre will g te aay extreme to avert a Injury or can for a veeeat.' good reaeoner end stag- staeeat laglclaa. 4 tremeooowi will power and mtarally a good . eompaaloa and good traveler, . led from birth fated for sahUe efSee, for psbHe pnwar. , By a aMaas tkl balai aoUtleally ead. I will ay. bowcrer, that the aeyaaeament nt Mr. Oeer rmf rather with ahsself thaa with hla arty. - Ha bead, however, eeaott fetar po litical aowe. Pi .foaajr OcetarBcId' readl ar set BMre character reedlat. sat ke ten of boom ad heart affairs) taieats. nain, fatlsrea, deatha. kad qutlooa ttat sertala U the HI fee for -a eeeipteta reading of tb palm Is OOe. His sarlnr r located at 144 Sixth sweat, tttsea AMer aad starrkna. They r a enaa 0 a.. . . .1 . .. . If r:r:LE3j -. ? . . " , '.' . . r ... . , 1 , 1 , " 0 Z - I,,.',-. '. GRAND PRIZK PARIS V. , . fc. .',Jk. i: ..'...-.'- .., ri i it . : .. -. y - - A aa .. r ' A ' .' " :;'- K .'.J-M. ; I. in ' y-' f' aaa. i- i tm - '',---' l i- - : JDunlap - . - .i '' - . . V JJ'a;-;- b; ' v'-, 'i:tzil:"": '',",1t -s v ' ; ' '-' ' '"" ' n " TA " f '- - m - . . ; ,.-v r.'z- Vf V, J.iy" .... --(',.., -, ' i- .- , - t 4411 4 (, A W. 4. salwsiLilBWaMSwa nl 'i t'tent ..'-'- V s "y . i ? tet't-i f 'I ".:'.' ' - ", UiMt Wv i.t 0355 i: v: DOUELB ORANT PRIZB ST. Doa't mr that hish real aaotker awath d threw my (ear her earned Mr. Here Is ebaae t get a sobm at a bargala aad at as tsaa -yea ar ssyisa rest.- I save Booght all th aassld lets la Nartk bvtagtea tor th east 10 esy f AprU win Wter th BoDewlag lets fee - sale , at ta srtesl tlseJ. .. AU lotti sre fall Ma. 40x100 last, ; hH leu).av Ball kaa, water,- - ai toes sr ngauy. . -s. . - ll Darfirt a oaBtta akstraet fainliiil te every perchaaar, -. - . g - teie" 14 wlU sell th Ms tor 410 dews sod 41 par awatk, bet It the sarcsaaer will Uv a bla Ui,m hapreve It as caa say 44 flaaaJUU - ... l- .t i ... ; - How b rear ettaae. while they last. Thk I strictly laetd preearty. cISs t. Ualea T- .- 10-ealButa ar ervh!e.- Waer tae trt h laprsved the-' actual eatftb unprpvesMBt Is I be added t th Block4, let 4......Vr... ..Mo.oe Black 4. let 1 J... ...... tfoaeo Block S. lot ia.M... M.,,At.... -5 Block 4. lot 14. -300.00 Block- . lot 1S.......V. . rffl.oo Blerh 11, lot ..................t... lfio.00 Block-It,- lot f .-y-r.-. v -f lT6.eO Block Is, lot IU. ...... 10O.Ie Bloek 14. lot 14... ...'..... l.O0 Block 14. lot 1.. ....... 1IB.W Block 12. lot M.. ................. lau.uo Block U, lot 1. ...... .......... ........ 1A0.M Block 13. lot ...... 126 0 Block 13, lot 4............. ........ 160.00 BkMk 'la. lot . B Block 13. lot 4..... ...... 160.00 n iotk j, an , a......... ...... ...... .... Block 14, lot 3 . , i .... . ........ Block 14. lot y 4. Block 14. lot '4....... ........ Blockr 14, lot 4.....-. Block 14, lot IS.m Block 14. lot 14. ...... .'.a. a.. mm ....... 175.00 175 11 ITS. 00 ITS. 00 xue.oe iito.oo 1T5.00 Block IT. lot 11. 17 00 Block IT, lot 13. Block IT, kX 1....,.- 175 00 Block It.- lot 14..,....... Sno.00 Block lalet 1............'.. ....... Seo.oa Block M. lot I.... irs.oo Block is. tot ' a......... ............ nov Block 14. kH t.......MM.....v...... 175.00 Block l, lot 4. ...... ...... sno.00 Block 14, lot tO. ........ .J.. ........... ITB.00 Blora is. tot ....... ......a., iro.iay BhMk la, lot ia.M......MMM..........iT4.O0 8 DISCOUNT FOR CASH ; ,: ft, IPTHOM P5;ON 4:" - Pirb!llvVti)u 303i Washington Street OF t DO wnawr aLEalrfLT - ACRRg 4MB BVLtLX ItTKB t aiaka oa se cherse If I fell te call yos by rnmm I fall, aaawa of year Meads, eaemlea or rlvelk. 1 prosilae t tell ro wbetker year keabaad, wire er weetbeart hj true er falsa, tell yoa haw nla tha be of tha- a. rna moat desire. ewAv'thoaak arilaa -awav: - bow te seccaed la UbaelBeai, peealattea. lawmntsi bow t snrry tb ese of yeer.cbntrei saw te - gala, yontk. health aad vitality. Beau ni, . rares - anaa - Damci , new easares, cares anoae . aleiiei, ( . v ' How ees f have -good - reck 1 O. '-. ' y 'C , How eaa I sect d I baahMasT . ' Hew eaa I stake y bosw baeey'l -, - How eaa I toaaer wy eeeatieeT . -How caa anrry the oa 1 cbaestt z How eaa aaarry well! ,. j How aooa eaa I anrrvf ' How eaa f eoaoaar ay rival T " r '. . How eaa I stake aay ees lev BJt ' . How soos will my lover pressa! , rt IIaa Ma t mmt m t How" caa I get a gtmd peatrkaaT. " How eaa I rtrsiove bad tat-neaat ' J, Haw can I eoetvol ear eaet -( . How nake stataat aM thlak Of feet t How caa I bold ay hoabaad' lev! i I keep sir wife wife' km) BODBB DAILT 0 TO T, .AND . B01TDAT. , I03H WABHIItOTOK UT., "OB. FIFTH ; ' AMD WAHnlNOTON BTg.. - BLonni la tb wont 1aiaai ea earth. yt tke aaeliat ear - wh s zou NOW- WHAT. TO IM.Mntyaata.aiah Don oa tae la the aleara ralBag tarr4. aad eVw'tkeoW It la BLOOD POISON. Brad t DL BROWN. 094 Arch It.. PhUedelokla, Peae., for BSOWN't BLOOD, CUB, 4100 ear bottle) laata aae swath, BoM Portlaad ealy by Fraak Has, Portland hotel raanaeer. ... t ; WOOD COAL VCOD , If you are looking for fin.. dry wood, A No. 1 quality at low prxta, Just look over fheae figures and call us up. . Pry Ttv, pa ao-....i'..........pT; XT 0--C par o4 ............. .- -4 lrF Aaa, per aord. .k-e ' We iBke a ecla", of r-aWood, and aU W v , t et . v-J .- ..y, Phrra ln i - 7""- r't Ck i.t-j laaJTJt Bud '. -.tWMi. CLAIRV0YAN1 mziMi y;v,vr..v:;,,;.'4-'fr' f m tl F V A fe. i;c$l.!ii::h Street : Columbia PhonozrcphC LOUIS 1904. BlOeH 18 lot lSeeekaasauaaaovgaywvge moo Block 14, ba 14.... ....V.. ....... ...... 175.0 . ' Block 18, lot 1.. 175.00 .. Block J4, lot 1. ....... ano.00 Block IS, lot 1 .M . Block 10. lot - S.... ........ 1T4.00 Block 10, lot 4...................... 1T4.00 ... , Block 10, lot . 4. ...... ........ 1T8.00 Block 10. lot '4.. , .' 175.00 . . Block 10, lot t....,......vM,.M...... 175.00 Block 10, lot T 175.00 . Block 10. lot 300.00 - Blork 10, lot t:,.n...,......(......r.M0.) Block 10. M tn-1 ... lTno Block 10, lot 11........ ................. JTS.0O Block 10. lot 13 1T4.0 i,. Block IS, lot 18.............. 176.00 : f Block 10, lot 14. 176. 0. . Block 10, lot 15 1T5.0O Blork 10. lot 14...... 300 00 : Block 10, let t.. 1T6.0O Block 30, lot -3 150.00 f; Blork i,-kt 3.....-. ............ ....I ISO 00. Bloek 30, lot 4.............t.....iklW.00' - Block 30, lot 4. IV) AO - Block SO, lot . ..... ...a......... 140.00 ' Block 30, lot T................ 160.00 ' t Blorkeo, lot : 114.00 z. Block -10; t Orrtjr. 175.0 . Block 30, lot 10-...i............... 160.00 Blork 30, lot 11.. .......... 160.00 ' Block SO, kH 13.. ................ v.... .. 160.00 Block 30, lot 14 ....i , v..jii W W 2z Block 30, lot 16. .......... -1W).00 Block 30, lot 14..............;....-176.00 - Block 31, lot T....... ................ 1 00 i Block 31, let - 4. ....... ........ 106.00 . Block 33, .lot 0 300.00 Block 34, lot 3........,....-.... 3O0.C . s90Ck aM swH , Seswajsi a i lae.g a afw aeja si ejBwwaa ").0lM Block 34, lot 1 4.'......M.M..........)0.00' . Block 30. lot 2-24.00 . Block 34. lot - T......i ....... BA.OO , BlOrfc 34, lot g..M..n.a.a.....M 300.00 V Block 34, let 0. .. 300.0 Block 34, lot 10..... ........... 300.00' - V Block SO, lot 1 . m. 2U4.0O Block 36, let 4....... , .. SoO.OOi , . Btock 35, lot 4.. 3Q0.0O. - Blork 38, lot 4 Sno.OO Block 36, lot T.. 224.00 ' Block 26, lot , , . , 0r Blork 38, let ...-.. .... ..w...v"0.00 ' Block 36. lat 10.....M..... 3OO.0O - Bark 30. TtwT.. . 300.00 . Block 20, lot 4...... ano.00 . Block 30, lot P....... . ... 10. 001 Block 20. lot 10....,, 300.00 Btock 38, lot 11... 3O0.0r Bleak 24V let 13................... .. , . .y 34. 00 . PberJe E-ut 3 - M8 Mississippi Anuo Spfritssi Adviser sd KyjtJc Utti LOW FEELCW fffirrLOof TEE' Prices In Reach of All t NoOne, Turned Away tar differetk fresj saofker. a. rplrlt dlffereU treat a ao titer . la glory. Asd agaia we are emsaisaded te try the apinta . 4 M. If they b f Goo. for. frost good -eeweth good. If yea deal wltk evil Mopes thes evil .ym will receive.. Pvreoa sre kaewa by tbelr -deeos: Tace - ro to. th. good eag- receive the trafk. FaOF. WTBDBO krasea all awe te dad fault wltlT bte rk. aprigbt way f atviBg reeding to th pablic. HI room are Uke a lodesteae to the people; they Bock there tor tort galde tbeta... The ace the atnoat eoafldenee ia hie predictions. Already rot FkOF. WTJICaOS -L. staar a aoal that haa sou lor aaviee oa all aneatloo er IU aae I aaae hla te be THI 00BBICT ONB la Portland b 14 tbeee la tb tangled awebea of life. Tbaew are- aot wuo wordi. This la aa tnea of liiiii fake eeaesM te get people te hie room, bor-. ' Oo4'4 llvtoa truth. Call and aae far ronr. elf. - Thoae wba e BO way eat af the! derkaeat kad better call ea hla far aid safer potting It off lee hag. norxfatok wvmto at tkz abi ot 14 JLviaXBSSUL SM.BXkt .PtrLr.-,- liOCATtt ICIMBBAt, AKO Olta- -ltfwll - Oei illie giuaud -id- lrrairtia"a plainly that there eaa be so mistake. - paOF. WTHDeOB la alwar ready aad wHlutg ' to aeatat , thme with anall cepMel. aad If A roe eeateaiiilate , engaging la btwlocea ' raasot afford to do wit boat kit advice, - as - -be I anre tn direct yoa to eaereea. PBOr. WUTDoOB edverthwe nothing bat whet ' he ees en, and woald ant be claeaed with eerdraedere. and fortnoe-tcllcra. - Perinea ao arranged tba yoa' steet-as ,.' traagera - , '. - - . ' , PRICta WITHIN BEACH ' OF Ali. ' : , Offre hear fraa W s. a. to .a. sTrary., , thlag aacred and eoaOdeatlal. ; . , -' Doa't forget tb aaae tad nember, ' ' . - ' Prof.R.C.Wiridcbr 4UH t.. ear Fearthl Aearvh at. Bla sz.