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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 20, 1905)
tiki c?zzgon xxailt ."ioxmiixu pohtlXnd. 'txiuhcday evening, aphil:, i::z ODAY'S MARKETS i SALCOII PRICES TO v CrEfl VITII A RISE Generally Believed . That Prices . i l r i- ia:ii V on uannea unmoor, gym : ; ; iVi Move Upward.:, . . VALUES TO ADVANCE : "," 'FIVE TO TEN CENTS Potatoes : Weaker and : Lower Butter Market Is In. Very ''' ' Bad .Condition.' , Front street. April The prlnetp! fea ture of the Portland wboleaale aurktta "da 'are: . . ' - .' - -"7..: Malmop prima to opeu higher.- , . - ' Tiaf-nlM I Mmt down. ' - : Btrewberrtoe a drug oa the taarket. " Peteteee MtH and dowa. .. -.-t- :7 4hlckua coming ellghtly -fatter, ' WMI trad to nominal. ,v J ,.: Flour order, mtlm W coma. ''; . , , 1 Mutter market In w bad these. Nor ire dell but fh-m.1 . . California eteamer arrleet ta. ' hlw Mm to Open Higher, ' "' tt will be noticed that lb opening price on fMM ealmea bare not yet been announced, notwithstanding that Um fishing aeaaon ha alieady omul and tnat packing operation bare begun. Ae a eauai uf um pricaa oawa . im-rkma 4e the eommeacemeat of packing eper-1 ailoua r Immediately attar. Thla year eoudl tkwe ara aa mixed that frw ef the perkeri know ae yet what price to make en thalr etoefca. la tka salmon bualaaaa tka paat two I mra Kara kaa remarkable onen.- Prlcea arblck .elwaye turnea remurtaoty etroug mrer aa m tka abortaca of euppllee became BMira apparent, tar tara jeere euppllee of genuine Columbia . rlrrr enleook aalmua hart been abort of tka demand., and tboaa packera a bo waro la burr fj aall aarljr wvra oaptllra lalrr to pscka ' tkrtr kiaara. fkla ' rear (rant praaaat laalf-1 tlona tbwa will ba a abortaita, la tba aalaioa pak, um rrrr bWn too tu' for aactaaaful IMHIf." MMnuf -w wa ye wiim. in w .almoa tbla aaaaua will Terr ba from ft to 10c Mibtr, tbf, latter, fiava. balaf-uM Mat probabto. tba followlna ara tba ttcaraa ainartad ba nlf : Tall. l.6ol b5! (lata, Al.ovti kalras. Mcn.oo. ; Baealpt of rraah kalaioa tlfht. ; lMtl.iMl ara asnarlanplna aaav aiuarabl ail tlunr a aaranna auumeai np pllaa of fraab cblnouk aaliaua from tba bnrar llar. Bvcelpta bera thyo far boaav-baaa narkablr' aanall ami prleaa ara bfbM ar rirai. Colambla abad an la laraet aupolr wllb prleaa anchaaaaaV tadajr. , , , Tarpaatiaa la aaatoa nowa. Tba rartoaa palat booaaa bara laaoed a aw prlro Hat oar turpaatlaa, Bakbif tba aaw prlca about Sc ansVr tba prarloaa asuraa. Tba aa ivlraa ara:. taara. oac; barraat, , Hit par fab . bin. j : . . j ,i !. t . . . tiavbarrlaa' a Srak aa Karkat, ' appUaa of atrawbarrlra for thla tlma of tka aaaaaa ara tao baar aad atoeka ara a dn oa tha aaarkat IU prlcao acb' lowor todar. Tba CaUfornla atoaawr arrtvad la laU teat alkbt and broagbt tba aaaal rarao of -prodora from tba aoatfe. A car of atadltarraaaaa aavoat rantaa, tba tint of tba aaaaoa,. arrlrad la lulay from tba aonta. - - Patataaa Waakaa aal Boara. Thla tlma of tba rrar tba Portiaad pottt markal la rootrolld almoat altoffatbar br tba artlua of tbr ooatbera Biarkata. A drop la prkva la (allfortila jvaterdar waa foUowad b vaa la thla markat todajr- kocalpta tbara from all plara ara laravr. . . Oaloaa ara-firm. Mukat la .Bad Ukaa. '' Tba eraamerr bottor market, la lataary bad ahapo wltb - atorka alarmlaaljr bnaay aloa i.-raat atraat. Tba eltr eraamerloa alaa rapon a dullar fralla and aaotbar drop la aaloaa aot aallkalf.' canranua Bailor 14 owofaa aa . Todajr'a wbakaaio quoUtlOBa, -aa raataod, art at folwwt: :- , ,. Vr- , Siam. ' Itaar' and rata. . WHKAT Nomloal: cmb and rod, tTOMc; bniMtMia. vziiwm : iirw. inoo. BAKUtX toad, A-au: tUl, 124.00; ba. COBN-Trkalo. I24.P0; erackad, l&M pa -toB. - , . KTB 1H ar tart, r ' ' VAT Ma. 1 arklto. t 00: Ty. tuiLK lubn Oroaoa fatruta. M nniisui afw, wMimmt w-m " f.lo: grabaai, a. twi iwa, o.aa, ra. bun. 6.WU a.n. Bran. Ill 00 -per teat mid- dliiiaa, Am-ttO; anuria, eoaatrr, 2.0U; eiaou. RAT Tlmothe. Willamette taller, faaer, 11.00; ordinary, 112 Dt; raatrra Oraoa, la.00 mixed, 11100; clerer, 111.00; grala, ll.W; caaat. (11.00. . Batter, tana and realtor. rmrr nr. XmL . tltHSUr: mamr It 111 iTF. Str creamery, beat, , KH; around grade. WvX!Hc: ontalda fancy, ; ordinary. Ise; laUfornla. lBot ator. lac r.t.OM No. 1 freab Urraon. IMilbc doa, - CUBICSg Xaar raU cream, twta. ltc) ITottag Aetertra. !TlTHe; eaatara. Uajuwe Caiiruraia, u1kv, aaqnar. two, POLLTRK Cklckrna. mixed. laVie per lb: bene, lot per lb; rooetera, eld, lSe per lb; yanng, 1&H" P lb; brolhra. 4.ooJd-00 pre do; Jrrm, 15.60 per dox; dork. ls.00tt.00 per dot; gaeaa, ac prt lb; turkey. 1'iailaa lr lb; dreaaed. aVftUMt par lb; equate. ' Bop. West and Kidta., , ' BorS-Ceotrart, U0S, le17t; 1M trap, Sc for caokoti s13e for arimta and BBIIHIBBIi tt uot. IPOf etlp. taUey. eoarae to amalam, ltfJUwi . nil. UttZeei eattera Orafloa, U Jlc. . ... .-., -. , - MOHAIR Nominal, aoe31He. BUICk.l'akMNB oieartn. leojaoc; abort treel. iweuc; medlam worn, PVaJooe; bng wool, buill.00 aack.- . " TaUoW Prime, par lb, dte( (fa, and araaaa, lv2Vke. CUlTTlal BaKJt dtytttt . m) ft, bnylag HIDES Dry bjdee. Ha. L Id tba and np, ItwltHe par lb) dry kip. Ke. k to Id Ibn, 14c; dry ealf. Mo. t, anaor I Ike, Idalaet dry nailed bldaa, .terra, aound, 00 lb. ar inr, dU Ve; ao to 00 ttie, buaVke; aader do Iba and row. IQIHr; ataea and belle, aoand, a7c: kip, Uu IbaTec; eoand. 10 te 14 Ba. tti P'tr; ealf, aound. euder 10 Iba, PHOUc: groea tuoaaJted), It per lb laea; caua, le per lbHeea; norae Biaea. mnon. earn. ti.xai.Ta; ory, eecb, ft 00djl.0; eelt bldaa. eeeb. aoQCOa; pnat ekine, common, e arltk wool oa. eeca, xSr eern. loajues Angara. niti.av. rralta and TogotaUea. POTATOEI Beat Oreroa. I1.15Q1 ; ear Vita. f. e. B. country,; eei-ond graoe, gl.oa. per eark: buying, oar lost, Mr; Karly uoae, ll.uukjl.Sa; awaeta, Mat,; crated. Il.Tt : new, California, ee per la. ONlONaj I4.6u; bayere' prleaa, eomtrr. 4.19: Aa.trill.15.00: gnrlle. bat lo nor lb. r KLITR Applaa, axtrn faaey, 11.60 fa are Oregon. ?B0Hae per bax; cheap craeea, evUTSe per box; oraneea, meet, 11.0003.00 box; bananaa, "Q&e lb: lemon, ebolce. 1171 mus , Kancy, e.-wv mi: iiiot., aiexiran. toe Pet w; fioaapvifw. rnwu-wi; lanammn. ern. tii.iw per bdi; uewerala II TSijn err crate. aUavkarrlaB. VEUETABI.RH Tarnlpa. TSCjtOe par tnefe; earrta. gl.004jl.lo par eeeki beet, fl.ta par erk; Orrnjta rndlakea, Ike par doa: cabbage. nrepm. per rwt: f .Uforola,; btttaoa. Botaeuee, 1.2Sexl-A per orate; groea a " aaaa..aa.M 3 wuavrjkarnmma or ' rhlmnor Pjpo. Bower Plte, riro rroonnf. Drain - Tilt, Building ilrlrk. Flu Unlnc Vttrlflod fat. lug Brick. , -. . 4 ' - Dlncnd Drick Co. Offlee tnd Tard Foot nkeny 8t, lortland. Or. Phont Alain 191. ALL EXCHANGES TO BE CLOSED TOMORROW A All Amtrlcan aa wall at all d European financial exchange d d will bo cloned tomorrow Good d d rrlday. The Chicago board of t trad will ba ona of the few to : d open Baturday ' d pappora. T" par lb; Cblll atpprra, UfflTe lb; ralrrr. J.T&jt.0 par rata; tomataaa, ritrlda, li&O; Maileaa. J.3XiO; aaraalpa.' fl.ooall.SBi pla Plant, ooo par box; atrlnc baaua. IJci caallflowar. California, II. 802.00 par rratai rbabarb. 14H per lb; boraaradlab, Te par U! aprout. tc; artlpknkra.' oftafAOr nrr doa: aotboaaa lttiK. l.X)il.; par box; Orfx radldiaa, 16e par doa; (Tarn oaloaa, lonjue prr .oua: aapara- a. 10c per 11; aplaacb. M par w; grata oora, fl.80 doa. -1 . DBlkili MCITi Applaa,' araporatad. TdJSe par lb: aprtcota, PHUISo par 10; aaeka, t par lb laaa; aaaakaa, k ft 120 par lb; paara. 1 par lb; pranaa, Italian. HHa par m; Imbcb. par lb; fla. CaUforala black. VVk par lb; calltoraia wnita, piuma, piiiaa. par 10, oai iw par lb: tarda. al.BO par IB-lb box. tfnotrfcHV Vata, , v nOAK lack baala -Cab., B-a; -aowoarad. It; .03; fralt (raBaUlad, Bo.oa; dry grannlatad, boat craaatatad. ao.861 axon C. Sa.a&; oldaa U. bbhv. lOci 4k bb ioaa u, na.a; BBia, juc; 4k bob aaei but adTtaea ua aack kaaia. laaa 3ba pat cwt Ut caab. la data: maola. IdaJlOa par la. iiunct laaatiot. " OOITK CD farkaa branda, (14.M. ALT Kl aa- Balaa. a, aa.. aa. Oa. lot. II. Wi tobl. dalrr. aon. ali.00: loua. Iiu.311: laa. bortad UTornaoL oUa, f 1T.00; loua.; fcMa, tltue; extra tint. Lbla. fa. aa, oa, lot, f.MCj5.oo: kale, tHi w un. a.uutjs.00; nun. aoatnp. ALT Cuama Balf aroand. . 100a. oar ba, C.OO: COa. oar ton. 7.BlT; LlaarpooL lamp rock. Cao par tea; bo-lb rack. 11.00; lUOa. .To. tAboao pxtcaa apply to salaa of maa tbaa ear lota. Car kit at aoadai Brleea aabiact la aae Uadooa). ubaih baob calenttt. xa.Tsne.00 par 100. HICK Imperial Japan, No. 1. dr: Mo. S. te; New Orlaaeaa, aaad, ic; Adjax. SVac; Oaola. as. . BEANa lotii arbira. ae1 mrge watte. BMe; pink. He: baron. mi mnucaa rwam, 10. WDT8 reaanta. TH't yambaa, IH nor lb raw, -pdjIOt nee lb: roaatxl. ; untuaanta, aetWot per doa; wahmta. MQlae per lb; pine net. lOdtllUe nee lb: hlekor note. 10a per lb; ebeatnntn, eaatern, l)le per lb; Br. all nntn. 10c par is: nineeta, inmiae .per id, pocaaa, 14411V nee Ibt khrmnda. lXQla par la. vnmta, oeat vua. aaa, ' K0PS Part Manila, tee; taodard. Ue; uL !: letl brand ataaC ai' COAL OIL Pearl or Aatfal Caaea, 0V4 per gal; wafer white, - Iron bbla, lie per gal; wooden. Ike per gal; headlight, lTO-deg, caaea, 2e r - T" UABOUNaV-aodeg, taaat. a pee gti; iron bbkv. tde nor ral: ataea. caata. Mkt Bar gal: Iron able. IM per gaL TfBPKNTISaV la caaea, gee per gal; bbla., tie -per gal.- .. - .BKKtIKE S-der., etatt lot per gal wot kbl. IHWke per gal. WHITS. LKAD Toa lot. TK per lb; tOO-lb lata, Tt per lb; lea lota, ge par U. wirb hails Preoent ban at II en. tlNMKro OIL Par raw In bbla. tie pee gal; lee. 4Me per gal; gentian kettle boiled, tanat. mm per gal: bbb), M per gal; groan ante, ear lota, 129.00 par toa; ktea than tat lota. Bnw per ton., meat, ram and rieemleaa. FRESH MKATS TroU aureet Ueet.tert. OUfte per lb; pork, block, Tu?Ve pet lb; pecker, TtTe per lb; bulla, iklc per lb: eow. I) 4c per lb; mutton, 0417 tad lamb. with pelt. Il.ouul.oo: veal. extra. H47e; ardluary, per lb; peer. TlAMB, BACON, ETC Portland park (local) hama. 10 te 14 Iba. lie nee lb: 14 to It Iba. 12 per lb; IS to M Iba, 13a per lb; eottaga, e pea lb;- break (ut becon, Utloc fmw lb; pleBlc St per lb; regular abort clear, un amoked, par Ibl nmoked. lUe per lb; tteen neea. unamexea. e per 101 emonea, 11 per lb; t. lorn butt. 10 to IS Iba. anamoked. be pee . lb; - emoted, te per Tb; eleer bellMe, aa tmokri. lie per lb; e rooked. ISr per lb. LOCAL LABD Kettle leaf. 10a. iOt Bar lb: at, 10H per lb; ftn-lb tin. 10e per lb: team rendered, 10a, S per lb; fin. a Bar lb: tnbn, e per To IV B. St per lb. CANN'SD SALMON CvlnmbU rteer I -Ik talm.; S-lb Ulla. 11.00; faaey 1-lb Sett,; Kio saner aaw. . i ukj .wi ika ufla. pUk. MOtoe; red. $IM; aoadoal la, Ull. 1X00. ISH Bock and.- Te Bar lb; Soemlera. It Bar lb: halibut. Site Vt lb: eraba. 1. per doa; triped beea. IOC) lie per lb; eat- flab. Te par lb; talmon, Chinook, He; teelheala. fe ner Ibt herrlnc. fit per lb: 00 tao, ee per lb; ahrlmp. 10c per lb; perch, fie lb; chad roe, SOc lb; abad. be lb: black cod, e per lb: elleer amelt. be per lb: lobatera. JAc: freah markareL be per lb; ernwOah. aue per do: tVHinder. Sc per lb; etargeon, Tc per lb. OTSTEBS houlwamr bay, per gal. 11-16; par eark Te per- hV CLAMS Hard abetl, par has. St. 10; raanT tmma. az.ov per ona. . . . , SPRING LAMBS ARE . QUOTED VERY WEAK Hogs, Cattle and Sheep Are in ; Good Sape Goats Com ing to Market. Portland t'nlon Stockyard, April tO. Uet- toer receipt; - Bogt. Cattle. Sheet). Today ... , llo Week ago. I . lid !m Prrrtoaa week 4U 114 M Tbe weeknena la the demand for aprlng lamba la tot abenrtiing topic or tbe local H retort market. Herelota enntlnue eery bearr and atoeka generally arrle In bad eoodltloa. Tbe trade la only nominal. Hoga are firm aa well aa cattle. Tbe aneep market le In good enap. Doling tbe day 11 gnala arrlrtd In. irriciai nnrea rir UTeainra: llan ( eaatern Oreeon. M.00: blorkera. and China fata,; ttocatrt ana leeuer, 4.B0l 4.7(1. nmr-inw r.r.w wth n.M, 1 1 . I -. ... .1 , ') ... 1 . A limn B.IU wruiom mm,, ,o.t.',d. , mi.. iight enw. U1I; tturkera ana leeaen, 2."0; bull. fl.BO. ttlireo Beet faery eheep. (4.6O4J5.00; ewtt. r4.wut.ov; epruig moa, or. EAITia HOOI IcOWZJL " . -. -. ' - ;' nileaeo.' A or 11 90. Ureatork reeeiota: . Hnr. -Cattle. Hheeo, Cblrlro ............. ..,.21 0O0 ,(" lA.nOO KaoMaa City !. SAOO, 4. MO l.Mrt Omaha .. T.ODO S.KH) 10.000 Hot opened be lower witn ni. mix oeor. Rerrtaita a rear aeo were S.1.onn. uPrteee: Mixed. fSSMtHMU: enod. IS.e0ma.B2; rough. (o.t&.4a: light, t3.lfitiS.46. t title nteeny. ... . Sbmp Steady. . ' ,BaamtmatBammtnmBamBmBtnn) v ' COTTON CLOSED TWO - TO FOUR POINTS OFF Kew York. April 20. Cotton to 4 amount point lower end cloned tut down. - - Today I orfleltl cotton aurket Open, lllirh. Lew. T51 '; wi.! - 721 T2 ' 730 'T.15 T3 Clone." TMMW TIMtt&8 T24 January T5S TM Krhruarr March 70S 702 April May T40 T40 72X41 29 7:tft''.l vriun TM B TitXi T40 B T40t4T T4(tt4 June ..' 72 TM lnT .......... 731 T32 Aticttar T3 THt Setarmber-..... 740 740 October 744 74A Not-rmher ... 1 December .......... T4S 7&1 T4T 9MST047K MmiHg STOOHbV- - Sat rraaetero. , April 30. Official elating. Bit. Beinon I ,M Bid. Rg ........ M I'otoal Id I nine Cob 7d Yelkne Jacket.. .20 eizrheoner . , .bp Hale k Noreroat l.nn And -a .......... .M' r aatt. Belcher 2 (ten. Cal.-Ta ... I. ho Ophlr . ....... 11.29 (aleitonta. .65 Mexlran 2.M Can. M error . . . .34 Wdkta Vanmb A aoeedl Carh SSal4 en thmmdit - fU. na. aia,3j'li; to day. b.2. t, . . 1' . rOKTLAVV SAlfK ITATPffT. - f lekrlnga )t . ........ ... . i . .fta.Md IT Salaaca .....,, I0.ML43 PANIC IS CAUSED BY TMR REPORTS Northern Securities Closes Eight Dollars Under Opening . "1 Figures. :-'.' ENTIRE MARKET HAS - ' SENSATIONAL DECLINE Union Pacific Scores Heavy De cline Louisville Is the . - Only Gainer. .1 LOSSES, , . ' Anaconda ........ 1 Katr. pfd tl'";'.'.' s3 wt .... i'l I - - tA Mlaaaurf Pie Atcblaoa ......... SW Out. Wett Burar l ut. PaeISc Mall Smelter Preaaed Steel .. Hep. Steel .... Bep. Sleel, pfd South. Byi... Teun. Coal ... Rubber ....... '.'. i3 Smelter, nfd lu Car di Found ..... 1W car h-ound., pfd 1 Brooklyn ,. 1W Bait. Ohio 14k tioto. Pul ....,. Bt..P.ol ...:..... C. Ji. W ...... 144 Chraa. Ohio .. X Canadian Pat ... 1H Colo. South t North. Secur i... ene 1 Wabaah. pfd North American Nerf. A Weak N. Tl Central ... 414 Peaaayrraala ...... 114 uaa IS Reading i Kock laiana 1 . Erie, Sd Dfd ..... 14k Hock Inland, pfd. 1 trie, lt pia Ureat Weei . UL Central . Manhattan .. Southern Pne .... S" Ul Colon . Pae ...... 4S, tSIHteel .' 1 mNteeL pfd t lIWIa. Cent ' K aWl. Cent, pfd IS Metropolitan MCA. cent .. Wall Street. New York. Awl! SO. The War In the eaat waa tb principal ranae of a panic In the etork market today. The entire Hat la nenaatlonally lowrr. On the curb Ker there lUeurtUea cloaed S Bndrr the opening. ' L'nloa paeioc waa nearly ae.ov en at me cioae. in only gala In price waa made by Loulaellla a PtaaBTiiio, wnien CHaea point up. Today a official atock market:- -- f Anaconda alining Co. ... Amal. Copper Co....... Atcblaon, com Am. ;ar PounjLenm. do pref erred lmioi4ll hit m ntltl ss 4 IV.) 4MI 4ii W 101 tot iioou.;ioo 14IH 142 lWHIleO iiw!nHlii6miid Am, Sugar, com........ Am. rloielt., com...... do preferred '. . Baltimore A Ohio. com. Brooklyn llapld Tranalt. 111 ta 10HW 9i net . inn es d Canadian PactAc, cum. .. Chi. UL Went., com.. CbL, MIL dk SU Paul.,. Chi. A North., rem,,.,, CbMapeak Oblo...,,. Coto. Fuel Iron, com.. Colo.-South., com do 2d preferred . . , .... Delaware aj Uadaoa.... trie. com... do 2d preferred....... do let preferred . 162 Ifto 'Si 2241 IKS' 2ft6 1H3 1714 lib 23d 2 zia 6ii ses-J RU 04 MM 2 SftH 4Vi Mia 2S MX 2M44 3d IV0 la aa so on nnu 7V 7 It. Illlnot Central : 104 1 . j 1 10a inz 1821 ivOUMTUie at Aaaariut.. Metro. Street kr....... 14 1461 147 122 ion. 120 1S Manhattan Ky ,...(! Mexican Central By 1 ltd iuv 23 2S 28 h.. b. r. a at, m.... do preferrod .(... Mlaaourl Paclne hL, K. T., com. 4.... do preferred.......... Kew York Ceotrul...... Norfolk Waaler a, com. North American.... N. Y., Out. Weat PeanaylTtBta- Byvr. .... . P. .. L. C. Oa..... Preaaed Steel Car, torn. do preferred ,r... Pacific Mall Steam. Co.. Beading, com Bep. Iron A Steal, com.. do preferred. Bork lalaad, torn do preferred Southern By., com..... Southern lrac I do preferred.. St. L. A S. P., 2d pfd.. St. L. S. W.. com.. do preferred..... Teaa. Coal 4k Iron T., St. L. W., com... do 4referred Colon Paclne. torn.,... ' do preferred C. 8. Leather, com.,... U. a. Hotoer. com.... do preferred C. S. Steel Co... com.... do preferred.. ........ WbeeL d U R com... Wlaconaln do preferred Weetera L'nloa Tele,,... Webaeh, com lltVk lid Ut let ltl 10S lH 10 104 loVi llt 1 SO' as 1S1 ' i at 8U aiA o. 111 100 162 ss S2U.I Itl4ilul4iliiH 108 68 'A 68 142H 14214 141 141 iriHtiii 10HI4 4214 71 41 W 4 I 2014 78 S214 T61 8.'ll lux. 42 'ln us 21 H so ssh 78 S4H B4V4I S 4SU M14 4 21 W av 8S Bs SV4 llSli 0814 2614 TT 11814 117S H" T 24 84 7 Sl 2ft . . 4V4S bulk 40 Sim! ee V u 18114 'tiii 117 874 SSH 12M1. SS14 180V 124 'il" 1144 101 i 'is"! o PS 21V Otoe 42 hi 11 41 117 liH 8714 061. 108 ... I 23 61 Ull II 234 IH SMj Z9 OU PS 22 I do preferred 4 I 4d Total aalea for day, 1.P02.200 aharea. Call money, 4 per cent. tokopah irami ITOOXS.. - Baa rratwlaco, amrnlnt nmalon: April . 20. Official . doting. Bid. I Montana r ... . ..$3.40 Ada ma - Midway ...,..l.f2MllMnbawk . Bid. ........ .18. 27A uoamara . Belmont 1.4A North Star ... .62 Rearne ..........12 (Mid Mount .... .14 Mile .25 Kendall ....... .82 Columbia Mt ... .40A Jumbo .K6 Jumbo Rxten.,.. .27 A Jim Butler .PS Hl.rk Kutte..... ,8T Sllrer Pick .... .18 Nerada .1814 Ton. Kxtea.... Red Top ..... (loldSeld ...l Sandeiorm .... Sandstorm Ex. Home Stake . Loot Star (.no .T .85 . .1.1 .84 ' 1.18 Oeld. Anrher ... 1.07 Kay OBrtea. .08 Ophlr Tea ..... O. Bull rrog... Diamond field., caah Boy ..... .SNA .82 .72 , BOSTOB COPPXX tTOCKa. Botton, ' April Sn -Official topper ehwe Bid. V Adeentnra ...$ 13.60 Allout ........ 18.00 Atlentlt 16.00 Bingham .... 82.7S Calumet ..... Snu.OO Maa . . Mlrhlgaa Mohawk Old Doa Oareola. . 8.00 . 12.78 . 40 00 . 24.00 . 86.82 Centennial ... 17.12 Qulncy 1 on per monnt. mm Shannon .60 Copper Baugt 72.80 Tamarack M,,U'.W Daly. Weat .. 14.0P- iTrlnlty ....... 0.00 Dom. Coal .... TS.ooA winona u.w Brltlah Col .. T.7S ! S. Mining . Sn.00 Wolrertn ... 107 no lm. Iroa .... 22.2a Kim '.. 22.00 rranklla .... . 8.00 Oranby ....... 8. ST 14 Green Copper . Z7.60 Orcea Gold... 8.00 SEEDING OPERATIONS J NEARLY COMPLETED (Journal 9erinl Berrlce.) ftoaaH.-Waek.-AnrB 20. BrtJorm thla, tb ButtlieiB tectlon of Whitman county. Indira ta that aprlng needing la neurly rnuahea. Many of the farmert will complete the. work thla week and next week; will are tbe flnleh of tending. The acreage will bo about tba name aa lent year. A delay baa been tnaoea by tbe nerettlty of m coding noma of tbe winter wheat damared be frnet. but tb Ire tor portion of winter wheat to la goad eoodltloa. 1 no wentner tnon tar nun noun eery menr able. Tbe on opened etrly tad tha toll waa la good .a. pa ana renty 10 anoora tat mint, and tine then tbe weather ban beea fair. That tbe farmer bar not only bad tba adeantago af tbe noil being In good working nnndltlaa, boa- knot ba.a fa eared -with) fair weather at tbe MM time. Iba reporta from til oeer tbe county art Bmat favorable and tba crop praopert art aa good If not batter than oeer before. I oat night nad all day today a gentle rain baa beea falling, which Btennn much good to both the trait ana grala crept. - J Raw York. Caah Otffae. New' Ttrk. April 90. Caak coffee I hit, T Llo, Tc; . 4 Santo. Sine irrzarooi as-Ant iiAExn. Ueerpool. April SO. Clone 1 Wheat May, A Tied, anrhauged; July, 14 4 ap; September, ltd down. - -- , , - Corn May. d down; July, anrhangod., . Big catcfirs of fish art btlnc msdt la Btotoo eouniy stresms. . , Generally Believed That Opening Price on Chinook Salmon Will Be Higher Thi Season on Account of General Scarcity. ARf.IOUR HITS flAY OPTION VERY HARD Gates Crowd Badly Beaten in Set-to With Big Bear Interest. LOSES THREE AND FIVE - -EIGHTHS CENTS TODAY July and September Hardly Af fected 'and Show ' But Spiall. Decline.' ' THCfBHDAT WHEAT MABKET. Open , Thora, ...11.18 . , . .87 M ... .82 Va t'Vtae ' . Cloee IjnM Thur. Wed. Thura. 11.10 A 11.1.18 9 .0X . .ST , .87 .0014 .nxA'' ,a2)a'' My Jaiy.... Septv. . . (Spoolal - Dlapelrh to! Tha Journal.! Chicago, April 20. With option of more than 25.000.000 buebela of May wheat on hi hnda tnd tb threatened- deluge af IS. 600. 000 btuhel of caah grain. which will be dellcered in t:ni eago la tat of 10 daye, John W. flatea. tbe rare track nluneer nad hero of aeeeral dla aatera la tbe pit, baa beea forced to take hla pen and make a fight. To handle tbe onurmoua Une of caah wheat which will poor Into Chicago text wet Octet muat bare at hla dlepoeel ao lent tbaa $21,000,000 for retry buabel of caah wheat which gaen below 81.16. Thl mtant the toe of 8260,000 to the Oaten. lnterettn. . Today'i wheat market waa eery eentttlnnal tad after a very weak and lower opening May option waa oowa a a pnenet at ua cwee. The July tnd September options wore fairly ateady and west hardly affected by tha doing la ut may. looey a otnctai xoartet: ' WHEAT. , : ' - Open. May.... 4 MS July .87 Sept .82 Hlah. lew. I 1.0 ...8 low. Clnaa. S 1.13H W S l.o 1.10 A .87 ' .824 .011 .82 CORN. April.... May..... July..... apt .47l -4TJ4" .47 .47 .47. rB OA 1H. may .2B .'.. , ' Jur.,.... .23 " -2S .2014 .B .t..-7as5 mr . MESS PORXL : May 12.50 , 12 80 12 40 July 12.70 J2.T8 12.47;.,.. May..... T.1T , T.1T T.1S- Joly. T.ST . !. T.8f-T.8 12.4R 12.7S ' 1X87 1 - T.1S 7.82 T.47 AIM T.1T 7.86 1 Sept..... 7-60 T.wV -T.4T Jf.y 7.y,ii Jnly Brpt, , . ABORT RIBS. 42 82 S.ST .20 7.20 . 7.15 FRISCO WHEAT STOOD THE SHOCK VERY WELL San Pranrlara. April SO-B, I; Rnttoa A Co. nay: Tbe locni a heat market at. been quite firm la tb fact of doprcnacd coadlttona la the onatera market. There wea eery Jit tie .trading In May, which told tt 1.424 witn more wanted nt that price. Mlllera report tha. demand for eneh wheat briak and that the anppllee muat remo from tbo north. There I no piling of wheat going oa to deltrer oa May contract. The December option, waa slightly traded m at fl.28Mt21.2S. Barter eoutlnaee dull with the caah demand only fair. Tbo December option la beeelly oetrastd and u anr bad wea ther appenrt II would adeanet quickly. Ttdty't official 11 so a. av. marketi e WHEAT . r . Open. High. Lew.. Ooea. May. .SI. 434 1.43W fl.42'4 81.4214 December.. J.2Hm 4.2Sn J.XBlk BARLRi rl. May........ 1.18 1.16 l.U 1.16 December. 08 ( T w oeaoaa t o e te t?Ii SAB TBARCMOO LCCAt STOCKS. ; ' Sa Prandora, April 20. Local atoeka cloning, 10:30 a. a. 1 . , . Bid. - - Aak. Cnntra Co. I a Water. .........7.... 42 Spring Valley Water - Mutual Klectrie. Pacific Lighting S. r. Oa A Electric........ Ulant Powder... Hawaiian Commercial.,, Honokea Sugar ......'... Hutrkluaon Sugar... Paanhna Sugar...,, Alaaka Packera ............ CaL Prnlt t'annert' - CtL Wine Aae'a Pacita SUtea Tlephoot.. e-SNJ(WS 1S14 j:i .82 M 67 S7 aA- L.... 20 nan 17 17 , 26 26 8714 Mr40-ino 78 U. ......108 107 DEBATERS OF OREGON AND WASHINGTON MEET ... iSpecial Dltpatch t Tht Journal ' Foraat Oroya, Or, April 20. Tha 'rmr glty debating team W. B. Raarauiaen. '04; R. F. Peters, '01. and H. E. Tbomas, 'OS lemT today, accompanied bjr Coach Ooorgt B. Woods, for - Seattle to meet. the repreeentAtlTes of the Univer sity of Washington on rrlday evening;. The question la, "Rttolved. That the United States Should Not Retain Perma nent Possession ' of the Philippine Is lands Unless They Shall Ultimately En. Joy Statehood." . , This la s phase of the general question Introduced by Princeton and Tale this year and already used by several of the western colleges. - Pacific supports the .negative, whereas the affirmative was Successful atTale-Prlnceton, Pullman-Whitman and Waihlngton-Oregon debates. ' ' - The Washington team Is composed of Mlas Heyes, Stanley Griffiths and J. W. Campbell. . . .' ; ' i MUTILATED BODY OF ; y MAN FOUND ON RANCH (Special Dltpatch t The Journal.) .Cheney, Wath., April JO. The badly deoompouea body or aa uuncnrt man was found on 8. V. Bhoups ranch near here yeaterday. Tufts of hair, blood and a blood-stained rope were found near by. The body had been chewed. by wild animate. Nothing was found to Identify him. He was well dressed- end sated about II. He Is thought . to have been robbed and murdered. , , :, mam KAJimow muoArm. (Special Die patch 'to Th Journal.) ralrview, Or.. AprU 10. H. Myers, traveling f or . Maeon, Ehrman. Co had a narrow escape yesterday In a run- sway.- While on bis way from Oresham to Troutdale. on a hill near this place. his horse became frightened and ran away. ' -After reaching the bottom of the hill tha horse left the road and landed In a creek eight feet below. 'Mr. Myers was uninjured with the .exception hf aV Tsw 'f rttcTies. -The twill1, how ever, was oaaiy orosen,. . KATOB WTT.TJAnTS KPXAX3L ' Mayor Williams Spoke at the .noonday servlc today at the Men's Resort, Fourth and Burnslde streets. Tomorrow tioon Wallla Nash will give the sddress.e ' OVERBECK, STARR & COOKE CO. Members Chicago Board of Trad ' , , mmxm, ncmmion, got ow, btooxb ajtb Boav. : '102 Third atreet. McKay Building. PortUnd. Or. 'X. ; ffl BO A aTTVOTX.T OtMOgXSBIO aTgZBTZBB. . Cantlnuons Markete -by- Private Wire. Quick Berrlce. REFER RNCKS Ladd 4 TUton. baokefs, aad.JJniieuVautas Kattonai Bank of Portland. , 5 Journal Branch Offices ADT nSXhTIV TS wUl be rectleed at regular mala office ratea at the following placee and aeut to The Joarnai 1 time I for publication la the anxt itaoat k. A. Prettoa. drufflaU 2Sd and Thar maa atreeta. - ' ' ' 1 . Rob' Hill Pharmtcy. 880 Ollaaa ttrtot. corner 21at, A. W. A.Ua. p harm chit, tth tad mat - ah. II atMta. . - B. B. Jack, confeetleaeey. BOO tagtoa UI, comer 18th. , ... : iovtb. B. r. Jone A Co., druggkL nd 01 boa atreeta. - . Ctttel Drug Company, rlrat and Qraat , . tlrttU. . . f. ;.(, : ' CAST trsx. - Tnttlt't Pharmacy. SSS Mlmtnalppt 8f ' nne, corner Sbteor atreet. , KIcbolk A Thoggpeon. 128 Bnattll strtt. corner Alula enn. Jancke Drug Company, corner aaw. taoroe and Grand aeeanen. , 1. A. Dick, tobacco. 224 Crasby ast tnd leel bridge). ' . ... B.' r. y niton, eoofeettoaery, 874 Baas Burneid.a corner Union atenu.. Ingram A Buah. tobaccoamta, 162 flraaf aetaaa,' '.,, . : '-'. I. B. Worth, phartkMlaL jtelgemw . ttrttt. ., BK00BXTir. Brooklyn pharmacy, toraar PowtB aa4 Mllwtukl tuwtta. . .j tS Grand Aeeene, Phont Bntt SIS. ' fB la from hUaaourL rmriBAL roticol BI'DD April 10. at ?'tJ'Wi eSi Jt. K. nuoa. rnnorai a : w . Z forth Twente-fourth atreet, Friday. April 31, t S p. m. Berrlooa at tb SW prlent. LOST ABB rOTB Xlthar La4 er round ad a rat "tl word for U oau," FOUND A place to hart hair amttretoee reno- eatea ana retnrneu eama " 474. PortUnd Curled Hair factory. LOST Solid goia wieu una coaioi - , Walker engrared inalde of cnat. 24 rewtxd If returned to Taylor Young A Co. ST0CKH0LDIRS' , MBETUiO. Notice I hereby gleea to th tnckhc4dor of tbo Banker Hill and Suinraa Mining and Concentratlug Company (an Oregon corpora tloa baring It principal office at tbo City of Port land. Oregon), that a nectal electing of the torkbolder of eald company wlU Im Bald t IU principal once, Booma No. 601-604 Cham ber tf Commerce Building, In the City of Port land, Oregon. n Wedaeaday, th third day of May. IsooV at, the hour of eleren o'clock la tbe forenoon, for tba following purpoeet: To eonalder and act upon a contract authorisad by the Board of Directors to' be entered Into by ld-corporation with th Tecom Smelting Company, wheaeln and whereby It agreed that the Bunker Hill and SnlUran BUalng aad Concentrating Company akall - dlapoa of the product of Im mlnea far n period of years te aald Tare ma Smelting Company. Bad to coa alder end net anon earl ether matter pertaining to aald contract. Ito terma end ooadltteoa, aad to transact nucb other bullae as amy ,eam before eald meeting. Bald BMeting I called nad thl nrrflct it gieen aa required by the Board of - Wreetora of aald tompnny at a meeting theroef duly culled and held en the Berenth day of AprU,' lwOO. and la dna accordance with Section 8, of Article IX, of the By-mwn of aald company. Dated at Portland, Oregon, thla aaeaulk day et April. 1S04. 0B0R H0UfA!f. Secretary of the Bunker Hill end An Ulna Mining tnd Concentrating Company. - - . - XXX1 WABTTn MITT, - ' SRCDBB a 0000 posrnoit .- '4a Chrrlcat Tarhoical ec Coaatnaretal Una. W recelee call from tbo largeat eorpom- tiont, mtnafetnrern' aad mareaatlle hi uaa thronghoat tbo l otted State foe aoamtent aaleamen. axecatlTe, clerical and technical men, paying from $15 a week to SS.000 a year. we Beip capable men to better poaltlon without danger to their preoent eunnortleo. Wa am or yoa of eonelderatioa . for .Terr poaltlon yoa are competent to All, bo matter where located, aad tell yoa hew to bring your ability te the attention of hundred. tf employer who need high-grade waa. Call or write BUSINESS MEN'S CLEARING ROCSB. -504-S McKay bldg.. 102 Third St.. fort laud. Or. WANTED S mill and yardmen lir-rlty, SS; I team to haul lumber; S boye; others. Lum bermen a Labor Bureau. 20SH Morriaoa. A lOOD wrought Iron and wire worker. . Cull . Kast Portland Wire Work, 280 East ator .' rlaoa au- PORTLAND - Srnooii-ef -Tehnjraphy: - eomplett eipeneneea tetener.. bubu, rirst ax. MRN to leer, the detect!., profeoslon. -ret, Allaky bldg, room SOI . . Wantriv-A man am) iohnaon. te . beat earpeta. Apply WEALTHY AGED WIDOW WEDS YOUNG COACHMAN (Journal Special Sarrlce.) ' ' ' OUnna FansTX.- ' AprU Jl Mrs. N. p. Griffin, a gray-haired woman of (0 years and widow of a Philadelphia car pet merchant, who left an estate valued at $1,000,000, leaning ex In arm of a sturdy farmer - youth-; who was her coachman, John Wood, appeared. -at the Episcopal rectory at Whitehall Tuesday and told Rev. Mr. Elliott they wanted to. get married. , . . The 42 years difference In their sges was so apparent that the clergyman used every effort to dissuadS them from the- matrimonial venture. - All to no avail, ; however, 'the only- answer the woman would make was: . "I don't care If Johnhfwere only 11 1 ata to and I gueas I am old enough te know whether I love him." Seeing that expostulations served only to make the eouple more determined toe minister performed the -ceremony. ARRESTED IN EAST ' FOR FORGERY HERE MWMM, .. .. Andrew Stettin,' alias Herman . Freed, and possessing ' many other aliases, wanted .In thla -city on -the charge of forgery, has been arrested In a- Penn sylvanla town and an- officer will fetch him to Portland. On coming to Port land several weeks ago he represented himself to be a ' lumber dealer from down the river and pure hud a quantify of wood, for Which ' ha gave a check for 1200.. .The check bora the signature of a well-known lumber dealer, and the man who sold the lumber thought 8 tif fin was the dealer. . , , mABIJAOX UCXVBIS.' ' Hand JsrehaW. SB; Lena C. Hanaen.' XL H. R. Clearer. 2B: Clara M. A da ma, SS. C H. Lanbaoo, 24; Margtret Oatchet, 20. Wiof ti i td fjsook ""A' HOW Ml BO, HOraUBB ft CO, (Established llts.) " .--,' e maAnaaanaBBaamSt ' AT AJT9 STtMnE BSO: Boom 4. O round Floor. atxxrniB son ax. COLL'MBIA 1.(1 DOR. Ne. 114. A. V. A A.' M. Stated eommualcatloa ' thla (Thuredajri trenlug, 8 o'clock, ' Maeoola temple. Work W r. i , degree. All V. C. Maaoat lgTlted. ' By order of wv M. ' B. S. PAOCC. Secretary. MINMRIABA TkUBB. Mo, X Improved Order Red laeu. Tba regular meeting will be held ' In the new wigwam, Wlllaiaatt- ball, . Ke, ,. 1701k Second treet, at S o'clock p. m. each auurauay trvatng. :' . 0. B. . THOMAS, facbera; I.' CAR8TBNSBN, Chief tf Record. V . '. HXLP WARTXD rXXALX. wibtu) uomneteBt girl for general work; permanent eltuatlon. good wage, la . family of 2. at T1 Kaat Klgulk tt.. North soar nrotdwty. . Call after 8 p. m. or lure 10 a. m.. 4, LADIES and gtrm to aaalt la bow Una faaey wort; f 10 per week; experlenee uaaecoaaary wurn raa oa uxea aoine. Call at office. '28A Morruma. 1 oe Ljemoa, room a. W.ANTRD Woman to do light, general bouee- worn 1 or am. 11 ramuy; goKl kome fumlahed. Call at HOT Thuimaa at.. Willamette Height. U3IRL or woman ft I i family or 8 grown nertoaa. Mm da at. , CaU coco at 248 WANTKD Womat take family washing Phone Katt 881 ar laoulre SM Be el- SKIRT DANCRBS WANTBD at SOS Morrl arreei; uuirx. A toiectlOB to amauura. . Ullt. . .. . . ... " . ' WANTED Olrl to work in factory; call at once. KortAwttt Bug Worha, SOS East Mar. WANTED Olrl. for general honarwork, ' Phont Eaat 1TS0 Urand are., north. EXPERIENCED millinery atleaUdy at Portland Millinery Co.. 138 Fifth at. - . . WAXTKD Rumrlenced body Ira ner. , Union Amuadry Co. WANTED A seat girl or genera boaaawtrk. ei oizin. . j STXl WARTED MALE -OB rEmlXX, WANTED Men er women of good addreaa for npeeiat-womcanTaaaing-rn ciryr-gooo 1 orence reonired. .Call Satarday. Monday Weduoaday,. 10 to 11 s. ah., 730 Chamber of uommerc. - . . . JUST OCT New gat burner, . laata foreear, better Urht thl weiaoorn and cbea cheaper; aad 8 a. tare Balf av SIT Fei bllL CaU bat. 8 atoa bldg. WANTED ladlee er geatlemta for Bleamat work: good (alary; aourt S a. ah. to X p. m.. r zeu iniru at. UTTATIORS WABTETt . M T, POSITION watted by maa. 28. )aat off tat road; hnatler, energetic, a hard worker aad aa extra good aaleemaaietty nnaltlon nre- m. noteier, btb lamniu mu LAN. 40, Janitor, experienced, refrreacee and teeerlty.. want . porter work - In wboleaala bonne. . Addreaa K. 22. cart JonrnaL WANTED A BOtirJoa at errand bar kind of llghl of light employment, by boy 14 year Old; Aoareaa a u, car waaraai. BOY of 15 want work after school hoars. Phone Main sT. TTTATIORS WAJTTZS IT21ALE. WANTED A noaltloe a ebcmbermald. honeo. Keeper ror a wioower, or to tea cnarge nf rooming house, by a middle aged wldf.w lady. Call or addreaa 2SH Fifth at room 21. HOt'SKKERPEB with -txperleoce weald ilk poaltlon In private family; rarer nee. Ad dreaa K. 1 24, car JoaraaL - ITRST-CLASS mllUnery ttlttldy; txptrteBct; rererenceo. 1. an, cure oamai. WARTED TO BERT: BOOMS! ROOMS! ROOMS I Wt want srst-emae rurnlsuet room, pri es te roalJenee preferred. See at at-once: , we are doting ear Hat; our awaeta will pay top rata xur urai-eiaee aeeomaaoeattoaa; we charge a email remmleetoa and Bend yoe 1L C. Bowera, Portland HeteU. or th Lewie ' A Clark Hotel Co.' 1V1 glith at., Ortsoeiaa oiug. mono - mam two. . " BOOMS ta all parta ef thjr-tttr, Armlr 220 Ooodnonth bide. , EXPOSITION ACCOhtMODATIOa BUB BAD. WANTS. a TO rent, for a term ef year, a luburbaa place of from 8 te 10 teree, with Bouse ana barn ana ontaous.s. ea car line; Ut nrloa and location: moat ba reasonable. r A. i. Zh. in la oinca. . - BOOMS waated la all parta af city; we do not , rent your room, we aena you- uppneuuta. liewia ana turn nrnianea ttoom f it tlon. 181 Xorth Sixth tt. WWAW B .a C-aMMM uu - - - raaaonable; wonfd eonalder en eaat aide If not too far eat. - inquire - or - addreaa 211 Columbia at. WANTED Sr furnrahed or nnrnrnUhed with beard cooTenlrnt; S adnlta. K. SS, Jour. WANTED s or B aafuruHbed rosmt. weat tide: nanio aoneaninaein. w, six iret at. . WARTXD REAL ESTATE. WANTED A maU farm la short dwtanew of tb city; terma mast no reanonablo. Ill ill mi i, w. urnteatnaier. loe Pennoyer et. - WAJTTED-SCILLAJrlOtrt. THB PORTLAND AUCTION BOOUS hey aay thlag. Phone Mala Sena, at 211 Pint St, WANTBD TO BITT OR RENT furnished houeo. S te IB mom. Sttta lecwtlnaj. rush price tnd pertlcBlar. P. C. Trontaua, S45 xiurBaiao street. . WR build sew or flx your old 'home eerrT onable; good city reference n. Call, or write H. Wahl. New Weetera hotel. 832 Ollsaa. OIRL want te assist la get with a mall AmerirtB ' family: about 112 per month Call tt 81 Worth fourteenth at. WANTrTD Drettmnklng or pie In tewing by . me aay or at aom. mra, rarannm, Arwta, ur. ; mt. ocoti car. WANTED Printing mart - aetf-tnhlne. and typo for caah. SeoDBd L Cnt-Ratt Tailor, 234 PI.ACR te work anornlnga tnd eeenlngt for . hoard, by. young man. Addreaa L. 81, JournaL SHORT ORDER Printing J. Rrdnr. - Second aad Washington ata. Clay leas. PRIVATE LOAN WANTKD oa new boa, well inaureu. . .am ... u vs, eoumai. WANTED To bay bant and an art dram, dreee L. 22, ear Journal. Ad- WANTKD rural ture . rourth St. to reptlr. ; Mkla. 200 HOttSS FOB BPTT f UBR1TVK1 FOB BALE. WB boy year f multure ta aay quantity for tpot or ah or rati It at your realdcBee. Be sure and tall tp Portland Auction Keoma, Mail, beOB, for beat resolta. TBI PORTLAND AUCTION ROOMS win Mil your furnlrnrt for yea at your reeldaaot er St 211 sir at tt. Phont Mala poSe. ,. EXEOANT" fdrHura;-2-arl' Vase of S-mon houae; large yard tnd basement 1 reat gss. Will eelt reaaooable. 574 Third. , Phone Mala S6S7. ITRNTTTTRK of a S-rcom hone fur salt cheap If taken by tbe 1st: rent S'tS; come tnd aa It) a btrgtla. 4T North Ninth it. (ROOM hone, rent furmtnre 1B0. Cat! eeenmra 7 te . except narureay ana Bun day morning, 208 North Ttath. R A RO AIM tt Ssno Well famished bouse, cults ble for fair teeommodauoBt; hart eight hoarder. BOJ Clay at. 7-ROOM house for rent.'" B ream furnished, fur niture for aale; piano If dealred. 838 B. Ttylor, ner Thlrty-flrat. H'RNrrt'RrT-fnr aale 4-ranm cottage. ll.nOQ; - mt. a a . , . v 1 1 reus a' " mum uaa as eu oare irasui . Cader ab-ctha ef the Lewie sad Clark rah? Corpora tloo. . Phono Mala 8288. 1 CT. IChrPIRnj MTrTW!IT W. ' .BOOM 8, ( tl' COhta.a,B0S. -''. ; . ffio.N hum Saod.' W hare 1 number of choice rooming bonne locations far aale. Each one I a guaranteed ' propoeltlon. All tltlee guaranteed. Both buyer ' tad teller protected. , ... . . . SS ROOMS--HoUBkeplng, lease ortr 1 tht fair. tlWI per month, good furniture aad SrtU clasa loctUoB. Prlct 82,200. 24 ROOMS Houae atrictly medera, hot tnd cold water In each room, all new fnrnl- ' ture, furnace beat, rant 1126 with leaao, . right In the heart of th citac-K2A0; 92.009 cash, bak tt uiL ...... . 20 ROOMS Booaekeeplng. good furniture, beat . location In tht city for the fair., ge light ; and furnace boat., , Prlca f 1,750. Boat reatoaabl. . ' ... , 22 ROOM HOr'SK Transient, stesm heat, gat . aad electric llghta. one of Ihe beet furnlahed houae In tbe city, now clearing evw 8400 " pee month, leaao OTer th fair, rent eery . reatoaabl. Price 88.800. ' v lS-ROOhf HOUPE-Part houaskeeplng. furnl- 7 turn an mat eiaa. ruomt au takes, rneepeet rent In the city. 800, gaa aad tlectrte llghta, Jrfferaoa at., near Waa t Park.- Price 82,100. 11 ' ROOMS Rent BSO, elegant purntture, not tnd cold wtter, gaa llghta. fa"ng the fifth, tt. rar line. Prion wvuj S600 cash. tel. ' .to ulu 40 ROOMS Lease orer tht fair, lit oa en Bone, rent SHS, furniture til la (nod ebn . dltloa, gaa light. Income new S4M ', par oath, . .Price 84.800.. . ,v . . 7 ; BKSTACBANT Wa.htngtoa le... I 'rice Bl.SoO. St.," reat' 130,- C10AR AND CONFECTION BBT STORE With ' at.; taaat; rant tCT.bu. f rice gwoo. SALOON oa Sixth it. ; one of the beat-Sttad-up eaioone in too city; rent tin; meanest rune ? of selling! do not .fail to see thl place. ' 2.0OU. .. - .,.: . . '. T EMPIRE INVESTMENT CO. " -BOOM S, CHAMBER Of COMMERCE. ' TO LfcASR. AT FAIR OROrNDS. d lot, looxaoo ., .., Corner lot, 50x100 SO Booth tunce. 1(1x14, near entrance BOO Booth Place,. 7x11, Bear entrance ....... 8M) valuable Inalde cooceeaien. tntareet... X.2M PR RALR OVER TOWN.' N " Bettanrant. Wnahlngtoa St.. aeau TSt. .S1.S50 Reetanraat, near 8th it., aeeta. SO ...... 4M Reetaorant. fair grounds, tettt 800 , 4.004 , Rooming bouse. 120 room. t& Inteceat... .8.000 rooming house. 64 room, part furnlahed.. i.M0 nooming nouna, o rooma, rent,9 . grt Rooming house. Sd room, reat 840 -eon HoteL 30 rooma. rent SSO 1.2uo Cigar etore, pay 8330 down ..SM Confectionery and loe cream parlora Too Baloon, rent 60 1.800 ueery aunie, intartat ...... s,et Orecery., Urine rooma ana Sawmill, 20,000 capacity t.Sno Planing mill, ail maebiBtry aad bldg..., 4,600 Mroec onop .......a, aue BI POSITION LJtARINO CO. 21S Cowm-TClsl hlh. , Phono Clay uaruraiaaea OTTO CBOCKBTT. . - --4SH - Wwhtngtoa it. Phone- Black MU Reaaty parlor, a bargain, good location. . f200. r- '" 12H acre near CedarrHU, Oreaham cat. line, well Imnroead- Price 91,200; terma. . Lot! la Piedmont, S22B np. Rooming bout. 23 rooma, good leeatioa. 91.200. ' .- ilood bargains ta hurl nam eh tacts sad real ttuta. .. ....-. 8-ROOM. modern hoaaa, furnace and gaa, large Mtement ana attic, Bwoerata reat. cnoiee aoeaUoa, good oak furniture; a rare bargain. 22 rooma. good location, rent BSB, altar 100 per saooth, nearly bw furniture; only 1.000. .- ... ' OBBQON ASSOCIATBD 'RXCTHANT1B. 2SS Waahliiaton at. 20-acre farm ta Mount Scott car Baa with la Be Umlt, JVi acre la etrawberrlee, toe tuter fruit, bal. In chrrer, all cleared bat a email corner; thla land la aa Weal aa a floor, a good JjWM, barn and walL-Trico only 1218 atSm . morriaoa St. Cboa Maia 142S. B . 1 M . . .at 1 1. law, wwym .- M y .. A BAJtQAINl Good 2-atarr htannati 24x60, 4 Urlug rooma in roar of etore. together with full atock groceries. 92.T00 caah bvye It.' Building win reat for 945 per mouth. -Taka Mount Scott car. Inquire at Laoralwood BLEOANT 82-chalr reatanrant large, light auung-noom; coot, weu-oauippea . ancBen; cigar case tnd stock; fine window: low rent; principal atreet for fan- people; only 9S00. Bxpoaltloa Leasing Co., 210 Oommercial Blk. ' RREB LANDS fit OS BOON. "' rBRTTXB aolL pare wtter, dellghtfal cllmtt tana 01 aliens, apple ana closer. . ror run InfortnatloB addreaa the Columbia South era Irrigatlaa Co., 5SS Worcoater block. PortUad. I-OR SALE 4 lnter-et la S pt ring bualnaae; awv vim. am m a-m, w r,,tna, v wvbm, a good propoaltloa to right party; must ba. either a workw.n or. S itleemaa. Addrtea Wtttt Marble Works. Tht Pullet. Or. roit SALE Stack general merchaadkae. BplendM arming tag manainctarlng towa. popoiatioa .000) rar opportunity; 94.000 to SS.000 cash y. r. u. Bos 17a, sprtngnaat, or. . lOR SALE Clrae, oonfectlorierT. Ice cream ltd newt store; rant paid ht June 10; leaao ruse 10 January ivun; geoa atocx aaa jaraiaa inga. ui Sixth it., near Stark. FOB SALE OB PARTNBB Lady er gent. In reataurtnt; Sntry located, world's fair winner; worth 81.500; Interest, If taken at once. 9500. L 25, tare JonrnaL . BAN locate timber clatma cruising S ta S ' sniiiwa-rvianw iir uuu mrcu, near rwtisBo: refceencet; call after 8. U. P. Louden, Sua Third eL ... , FOR SALS la city, dry gnnda bualaaaa. good jnratina ana old ettahllaned; matt sell en account ef health; 92,000. B 28, rare. JonrnaL FOR BALE First -class confectionery sad cigar aroro, witn rooma; wiu invoice or cell at a lump price, Addreaa K 22, Journal. FOR SALR Homo bakery; good trade; cheap mu, roura ana rre cream ana inncneaj la eeatlgttt. See owner,- 408 Morrleen at. ' MITXINRRT and notion store. Sue location. .1 lu,, . n's iwra. ana cn.ig rrac, price tOOvl It It worth 91,000. Call 102 Plrat tt. A OOOD country store, postof&ee, bulldlngt tnd grouuu xur ee.eov. oe exruango rot City nrOO-' trty. F. Fuche, iS ritat at. QT'ASTZ nd placer Claims fur aale ta Cracks ireeB amine, iron .,vw la u,wg. A. B. Smith, Bearne. Or. . ' ,. yiNELT located restaurant; wilt exchange rooming bonne; if toy difference will ; Pr. L. ao, care journal. . . . 9T5 WILL bay new . ttock Ind Oxtitrra for reatauraat) taroiea atocg S1JO. tan - 82 Eaat Clay at .. .. FOR SALE At 1 bargain, rooming or boarding Bouee 01 e, it or za rooma. uau at 203 rifth tt. . FOR SALR A small ' dry goods etore. ' ' For particulars call or a a ores zui East sixta L HALF Interent In tileoa; 8300 required. Call FOR aale or rent, Bottoa Stadia, 188 Morrl- eon p.. ETtPLOTMERT AOIBTjrjtat BCANDINAVIAN-AMeRICAN Elf P. Office Beal eatau, rooming hooaea and builme chancee tpacitlty 270 Bamaldt.' Mala SOSS. PACIFIC COAST EMPLOYMENT AQENCT Bed 161 "or-a aecana it, Phone HANSEN'S KMPLOVMENT OFFICE. - . ... aTA'ktk URM 1 . .m.-T , - "4 SS N. Second L Phono Maia .nag. PIONEEit EMPLOYMENT CO. La bar central. BRLP wanted and topptled, male er female. h. aiuiissa. now vtaanmgtoa tt. Clay 443. ALPINR EMPLOTMRNT BCRRAIT Help fne. im". i".. im niws .1. rnont Main 1S17. IBS MORRISON Columbia Rleer Ins. s atiiiet is nor rumrsBed. Phone Mala SSSS. WARTTD AOFJfTt, WANTKD Lady tgrnra: eta make frnm 92 to f-t vaj. i an wmnn ena tTaaingt. item 0. SiiS Foertk at., Portraad. - . . - ATTRNTION. AOF.NTS!-W want onetr.1l proof poem; wriu as tt encc K. 23, iournal. V A -