The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 20, 1905, Image 1

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7 'T8-,-ht uJ , Friday. proU&y
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'' vol. xv. i:o. n.v
District Attorney Hannifiglof
"V - f I Attempted
h Charged With Offering Gty Engineer Elliott
Part; of $5,000 to Report unfavoiably m
- Charles K. Ramalln. oomeltanu (ram
the Unit ward and t ntobtf tt till
banking firm of JUhlsy Rumelln, wu
Indicted today by District Attorney
.sunning tor auegea urinary, tu w
. dletment that was Iliad sets- forth that
) Rumelln attempted to Indue William O.
- KUlott, . than elty radnHr, - to report
unfavorably da tha $t$,l0. bid of to
. racina Construction company of Wash
ington, J. J. Maney, manager,, for tha
nuiiaing or, tha Marquam gulch First
street bridge, ana that, whan Elliott re-
- fuaed to do eo,. Rumello said to-Elliott
that there waa 11.009 in it for them If
Elliott would reject tha Maney bid and
v that -ha (Rumelln) -would, aee . that
Elliott cot hia ehare of tha money.
At that Una tha Manay bid for $61,180
. waa before the executive board, aa wall
as that of tha Pacific Construction coa
pan of San Francisco for $$1,001, and
'the proposal of Rumelln,. according to
: the Indictment and the , .evidence on
which It waa based, was that tha Maney
. bid ha vine been adversely repotted by
Elliott. - tha California company's ;: bid
would then be the lowest and would be
, accepted by the board, notwithstanding
. the offer of Rumelln and Its acceptance
by Elliott would have caused tba tax-
payers to pay $6,000 more than they
. would hay paid had tha lower, bid been
Tha evidence trawl WlUoh tha iadlci -
went Is drawn 'la the sworn statement
4t Elliott, substantiated by other teatl.
mony. and It reolue that while the mat-
ter was pending Rumelln ealled os
Elliott and George -Sooggla. this deputy,
"( and labored to indoee them to report un
w favorably oa the Maaey bid. Rumelln
resorted to argument of various kinds,
; the Indictment says, each time 'meeting
with refusallrom the city engineer and
, his deputy, and,- whan It appeared that
State's Attorney Confers .With
: Garfield nd la Certain of
7- ': Conviction of Trust,
. Veareat Special serrloat i'l, !
City. .April 10. Commis
sioner Qarfleld arrived here today, ao-
- com panled by Assistant CaswelL. JaT
fleld said that tba work In Kansas bad
assumed such proportions that ha would
be obliged to return to tha field . after
visiting California.. " . f'J "::
.. The commissioner went Immediately
to the offices of tha" Prairie Oil A Oas
company and' continued bis 'Investiga
tion there. ,., ' '.
At noon ha met-by appointment Her-
bert S. Hadley, tba state's represenu-
- tire in the oustet1' suits -against the
Btandird, Waters, 'Pieroe and Republla
Oil companies. :. .-; . 4 '
' Hadley deslraa Information as to Oar
field's discoveries In 1 tha Kansas field.
Before going into conference Mr. Had
ley said: -'--.
W have already secured enough evl
denca to prove the Standard guilty of
violating tha . laws of Missouri In
monopolising the 'oil products of the
stats And It la expected that Mr. oar
field's Investigations will make tba
. state's position stronger than aver.' - - '
. ' . - (Jearaal peelal service.) " : , ;
''. .Washington, . AprirJ0.--JThsanwar
v received by Seoretary Hitchcock from
Governor J. O. Brady of Alaska, regard
Ing the tatter's connection with tha Rey-
. ' nolds Alaska Development -eompeny. Is
V ' not satlsfsctory and tha, governor will
' be dismissed If he does not . promptly
. - - resign. He is accused of using his posi
tion to further the interests of tha min-
,tag company.- ; ..,' ', ...' ;
' '. v '- I, ,v:
.V -" IV Uoeraal Special SerHee.) ' .
New Tork, April JO. The three at.
tomey' of Nan Patterson had a con
ferenoe with her In the Tombs ' this
mornings Nan said that she was sure
of acquittal this tlma Lawyer Levy
' ald that aha had new witnesses who
', would astsbllsh the actress" Innocence
beyond a' doubt Tba defense wlU not
rely on the failure of the prosecution
to prove Its case, but prove the inno
cence of the defendant. . c
ranaos :
(inane! SperUl Srce.i,'. '
,-. - Waahlngton. April . lo. Secretary
Hitchcock has accepted tha resignation
of of the 10 pension examiners con
stituting the board of review who are
sooused by Pension Commissioner War
, per of r'1-r pn"'roe to civil war
oilers t -i'-bever r
i bribery
i they were not willing to leuuit'uufsvor
ably an a bid that waa regular . and
competent, and which Maney waa able
to-carry 'out. Rumelln took Elliott to
ana side and aald In substance:
' "gee Here, Elliott, you'd better knock
out that .Maney bid. Tbere'e 16.000 In
It for us If you wUl, and I will see that
you ri your snare u you report ,un-
Elliott refused,' says the testimony,
and reported; that' tha Maney bid was
acceptable in arary respect.
Later, - so tha ' Indictment ' asserts.
other means were resorted to to set the
Manay bid out -of the -way, It belnc
claimed that tt.000 . was - offered to
Maney to withdraw -bla - bid. and. the
record of the, transaction showing at
any rata that It waa withdrawn. , It Is
hinted that Maney never haa -received
the tS.OOO ' that waa ' promiaed ' him.
Maneys withdrawal - to not claimed to
be in any manner wrongful It being
merely on, the basis of a business con
sideration and tha surety of $6,000 with'
out taking any risk Incident to tha car
rying out of tha'con tract. j J.': ' ' .-
Tha theory on which - Miy Manning
works Is .that, the great deaira manifest
by-tha California company to get the
contract, even at -the cost of $6,000,
whlcb would.- materially reduce lacUl-
mate pronta on a eontnet ef that magnitude,-
indicates that tne practice had
lbMn te Ahe-oitjr offlcials after aoa-
tracts bad "been let. and secure, mora, as
less graft In.theform, of extrsJU
f ' The-BIlng of
hie Indictment . Ja
pec ted to opea' the subject , of alleged
corruption la municipal, affairs to. the
gasa of the taxpayers. It- la the - first
fruits of. the- Investigation - that . has
been going on for weeks, and that has
absorbed the. energies of the district at
torney's office to what extant was pos
sible with -other business .pressing. " '
His Counsel Raises Point Which
-r:jf May Call ,fW :..
(Jearaal apteial seivlea.1 :
Chicago. - April 10. When bis
up In Judge Kersten's court to
day. John Hoob. tha modern Bluebeard
and confessed bigamist. , whole on trial
for tha murder of his ? wtfe. Marts
Walker Hocb. Impressed upon bis coun
sel that ha wanted a German judge. -
. Hoch's counsel rslsed a point which
may lead to his retrial. - Ha contends
that the present grand Jury which re
indicted Hook board na witnesses and
that therefore the Indictment was In
valid. He i also contends that Mrs.
Fischer-Hoch, being the wife of -the
defendant, cannot testify against - him.
She Is the star witness against Hoch,
V ! . oarsal SptcUi Berriee.) T
- Bacramento, Cal, 'April JO. Oeorre
Tlchenor, a private detective,' employed
by the Continental Building Loan, com
pany, was tha only witness examined
this forenoon In Bunker's case. Me told
how ha waa given packages of money to
take to Sacramento for the purpose of
entrapping Bunkers, Emmons, Wright
and ..French. Ha took with him A
named Hartley to witness the payment
ox tne money to ut senators.. :
Tlchenor testified that be witnessed
the transfer of tha money package from
Jordan to the senators. Replying to a
question by the district attorney, coun
sel for Bunkers stated that tha defense
expected to Show that Tlchenor was
himself - aa accomplice) and knowlncly
committed a crime. . -; . . ,
... ,'v).
909 TOM SAJTM, - ' - '
' - - - ' (Joarsal sptaV Berries.). ,
' Waahlngton,. April SO. W. S. Bandsi
former secretary of the legation at
Korea and now adviser to the king, baa
been appointed secretary of J he Ameri
can legation at Panama, to succeed
Lae,(who beoomea. consul-general. " -
- (Jeenal soeeUl Berviee.) '. '' 7 ' A
Kew Tork, ApriUJ. As a result 'of
the action of tha beef trust a further
advance of from 1 to S cents a pound
has been made tn meat making a total
advance of cents tn three weeks by
local butchers. w f . ...
. (Jeereal tseeUl Barvto. - '..v
-London. .April 40. Advices from
India stkte that severe earthquake
shocks have occurred In, the Kulu val
ley sines April 4. On tha night of April
17 a terrible shock,. was experienced,
reeultlng In the deatk of 700 persons,:
- ' V ...... .'
, '".'.v vs r, . .. '
' :' ' 4'' I ; . v f" :-: '
it - i: - " -
Charles K. Rnmelia, Member of . the
,IRS. YAH 03S9ALL' ;
Women of Woodcraft:' Chooso
: Officers . fori Ensuing r
. i-' .
Mrs.) Mary ;Huriey Named ;1 as
Grand Banker by LosAih..
v geies Convention4'
'y'' (Speeial tatopaaV "is' e JearnaLt H
Los .Angtlea AjrU 10. Tha TVomei
of Woodcraft today elected tha follow
ing officers for the ensuing term Grand
guardian, Mrs. Carrie C VanOrsdaU;
grand -adviser. Hester Oliver: araad
clerk. J. 1 Wright; grand banker, Mary
nuriey; managers, vr. roiiock a
Anna Hawkins. . while Laura Bralnard
was aereetea.' . , -,.t
Ths committee appointed by the xn-
eral conferenca of tha Pacific dl vision
of the order of tha Woodmen' of. the
world reported this morning. . reoo
mending tha following salaries: .Head
consul. S.060; managers. 11,200; finance
committee, tl,E0; banker. tl,S0t clerk.
j.kuo; auaitor.- fi.oeo per year,' ' t
- Testerday's session -waa largely de
voted to reading reports of bead Officer
and routine matters. Recommendations
were made for economy to be effected
by tha consolidation of tha off lees of
head clerk and auditor aad it waa also
recommended that the per capita-tax be
advanced for the purpose -at creating a
monument fund and relieving tba benefit
fund of expense. " i f.-'. v .'.'.
- Reports show tba death claims paid
during s last term, were 1.18S. 'and the
total amount so far -paid" on account of
deaths is $z.S7,l. All spproved claims
hare been nald. The heed bankers i
port makes no mention of the Interest
proposition, but recommends aa increase
tn par capita tax. " -!. -r -.
' Tba Women of Woodcraft have a fight
on regarding tha' location of headquar
ters, - Boise Oty,-ijeadvnNtBaltijaae;
Oakland and Pendleton striving for the
honor;- - Salt Lake has pledged a dona
tion of a $10,000 buUdlng for tha Wood
man for the location of their headquar
tars, and also a donation of a $18,000 lot
to tha Women of Woodcraft for tba Ioes
tion of their headquarters. . '
J. H. Poley of Los Angeles nas prse-
tloally withdrawn from ths contest for
head consul thus Insuring the election
of J. I. Boak of Denver. ' '
The light for location of headquarters
will probably, be won by Oakland. Cal
ifornia. The election of bead officers
1 will be held this aftsrnoon. - - . -
, ' ' . : (Joersal Special sme. ' - ' i
WesMngton. April 10. United States
Minister to Panama John Barrett has
me 1 sued at the request of the adminis
tration. Some of Mr.' Barrett's actions
havs displeased Mr. Roosevelt, who de
cided some months ago that he should
be succeeded at' Pansma by "Judge
Charles Megoon. of ths Insulsr bureau.
. (Joeraal RporUl sr13 .
Chicago, April to. Judge . Oroascup
todsy reatralned ths ' elty of, Chksaga
from enforcing ths ordinance "tot. unl.
versa 1 , street - car . transfers, on the
ground that the City council exceeded
lt authority
- ; - - r - ; - "'f" - 'w .. . :,. ".,...; A-J--
City Coondl, Indicted for Attempted
rm fx m
-r. .- - . u,
Minister t Delcasse ' Courteously
-f uv Offers to Furnish Infor-.
'$1 mation Requested.
Russian Squadron '. Undsr Nsbo
; gatoff Making; Faster . Pro- y
.gress i nan-Kojestvensky
T" . f -'.-iiaml gpwui servlce:i
il Berrice:i VM,
"Washington. D. C .Aorll 10. fBulle-
tln.1 InfofmAHmr imm HmhhmImiI
the navy' and staU departments that tha
o vessels of the Russian squadron un
der Nebogatoff ars making more favor
abie'progress than did -Ro)eet renaky. It
is expected that the fleet will be oft
Blngapora either' today or tomorrow.
Torpedo attacks' oa tha Russians are
expected 'In the course of toe next 41
hours.- w - ... a -,
' -' , . BBaasBSBSBsxasP " ' ' " '"" : rfr
' (Joaraal Special Carries.) i
London. April SO. The report of ths
Japanese movement protesting against
tha continuance of the Russian fleet In
Kamranhvbay aa a - violation of -neu
trality la confirmed at Paris. Minister
of Foreign Affairs Delcasse bas replied
courteously to the note saying that ths
information requested will be- furnished.
although it will take soma tlma to gat
us xaats. 1 -
A-dispatch from Balgen says that tha
Baltic fleet la - still ;ln .Kamraab bay.
Admiral DeJOnqulerea, oommahding the
rrencb. vessels, has taken-every step to
insure- the neutrality of Prance' while
tha vessels -remain la these waters. ,
There seems little doubt but that
Japan Is ' contemplating attacking the
Russian squadron " In 'Kamranh. bay.
This action would mean a. virtual dec
laration of war against Prance, for per
mlttlog tha, use of a neutral port by
a belligerent In violation of bar neutral-
ity' War ; with. Pranca. would jmsanohat
ureat Britain - must sid ' Japan, as pro
vided In the Anglo-Japanese, treaty. ...
Japan has .formally protested asalnst
tha use by the Baltic fleet of Kamraab
bay as a rendesvous and coupled there
with .the statement that If .Franca re
frained from acting. Japan will sand a
fleet of war vessels to attack tha Rus
sians in ths shelter, of tha neutral port
- A dispatch from Base bo states that the
Japanese squadron- Is getting In readi
ness to sail for. Kamraab bay aad at
tack tha Ruastsns there while 'Admiral
Togo continues to hold (he passage to
ward ths Pacific. - i . ...
Tha governor of Hongkong haa Issued
another proclamation, against the. ex
portatlon of coal, except -that required
for, tba use of vessels tsklng It aboard.
" (Jesraal flpeeUI servlsaii " " t
Ut. ' Peterabnre. rAnrtl tA AlanatK
from dunshu Psss says that tha Rus
sians discovered a turning movement 10
miles northwest' of , Kuwckwsngtsu and
to miles northeast of Ounshu by two
forces, each of $.040 Chin see baadite and
several thousand Japanese cavalry wits
SI guns. -' -v.-.; , '..'.....:-..",
jarmagosT scvoax xstrmorxo.' '
" Palm Beach, Pis- April $o. The con
dition of Joseph Jefferson la much- Im
proved today..' There no w seems . good
hopes for his recovery. -
XX if :3 FOURnsil-" PAGE3.
I!iy teat Lcses Nearly
Tczr Cents, . Northern i
Secirritlis Drcps$8
Whole New York Stock Ust Sags
; In " 8ympathy v With ' Fall ; Irt;
X RailroadSejritiei Before y.
':' Z' ' Assaillt of Bears. V: h
(Spedal Ussewk. te the JoarssL)
- Chicago, April 10. Tha Armour crowd
today forced tha price of May wheat an
tha board of trade 1 canto a bushel
lower than (he dosing of yesterday. -
rne coup delivered by tha brokers of
tha packing king wsa most successful.
For several weeks past wheat haa been
gathered by the big manipulators and
arrivals at primary points of lata havs
been showing a wonderful lnorease aver
those of tha previous year. - - ,
But Armour was not readv te snrins
hia, trap until today. Lata last nlxht It
became evident to tha gatherers of sta
tistics that tha arrivals la this market
would from now aa show a considerable
increase. This waa ths cue tha bear
forces took In ths market i today. . -"We
WUl . deliver every bushel of
wheat sold short by1 us and then havs
some to spare,' was tha dry. -At first
tha trade did not head this, but when
the official receipts came , la thara waa
a stampede. - t -. -
Tha initial sales' In the wheat nit
were made at a decline of H cent from
the closing . of tha previous". ; session.
With the exception' of a sale, near the
opening at a half cant higher, this was
tne nigh. point or tne aay. - ? -.-
No effort -on 'tha' part 'of tha' bulla
could .stem : tha . downward ' tide . and
thara was a steady drop la prices until
tha cloaing gong announced that toe day
waa dona. ". " '.
' Tha bull forces were utterly routed
la today's battle of Grant Armour,, the
beaf, aad Gates.' the bulL Par tha
tlma being, at least, tha packing king 1
in control of the situation, but 'May
option has tl mora days-to run before
delivery can be forced, . -
Tba weakness and tha active trading
would- indicate that tba leaning buU In
terests are unloading their holdings at
a sacrifice and allowing the shorts ' to
cover at practically 1 S cents below the
high point, The fact that vary few, It
any, ' Chicago brokers arc - taking new
trades In May wheat causes ths belief
that the bulk of trading la between the
two antagonistic leaders, . and that the
bear slds is helped out by. the free ar
rivals of . contract, grades attracted to
Chicago, by the greater profit to be real-
tsed there than at milling points. The
July and September options were not
seriously affected aa tha May haa been
ruling at aa abnormal premium, and
this decline only bringa tha spread near
er to a legitimate difference. '
Soma of tha followers of-, tha buu
movement express tha- opinion that the
drop haa 'been engineered tn order to
curtail .the shipment of wheat until toe
lat to deliver on May con tracts. ,
rosarm " as': Xatwscs
-. Prcpkasles raxkaaa gsfssslom.
(SeecUl Dtepetch ts tae Joaraal) -
New Tork. April $0. A panicky feel
lng struck the money market today. On
tha New Tork stock market thara was a
sensational meeting. , "' '
Tba opening of the marks tais morn
ing was but - fractionally lowei
the Hst bald i fairly steady for
tlma , ' . '--i '
Tba reports from tha far cast looked
mora gloomy and the prospects of a
general .war so- bright that svery trader
on the exchange became irtgntenea ana
sold freely all through tha day. .
This sell in a caused ar weaxer Tcaung
to hold the market down aad the losses
were aenaauonaL --.- ,.
la a statement Issued after tba cloa
ing. Thomas W. Lawson said: "
The feeling tin the marxet is tne
worst tn years. Tha entire map of the
world will be changed before Monday.'
pn tba curb today Northern Securities
vary weak and senaaoonai. . tne
prcs "recording a decline of $1 during
the day. "t- , " , .
On stock axchangs trading tne entire
market closed lower, tha only exception
to this being Louisville Nashville,
which closed a small amount up. -a.
Tha following are tba net losses' shows
In ths principal stocks: Ananonds. tt-10;
Amalgamatad - Copper, $4; Atchison,
11.11 : Saxar Refining, till; Ameri
can Smelter common. It. 11 Hi preferred.; Car A Foundry, $1.11; Colorado
Fuel. $1.ITH; St. Paul, $l.le"i Chicago
4k Northwestern. 1.7f;, Chesapeake 4k
Ohio, $ 1.11 Hi Canadian Pacific, $1.10;
Illinois Central. ll4l New Tork Cen
tral, 14.71' Reading $1.41 H: Tennessee
Coal 4k - Iron, $1.74: Southern Pacific,
I1.11H; Union Pacific. I4.S1H.
The money market showed a very sen
sational rise, call money being sooted at
tha opening at 1 per cent, and f per oaat
at ths close. . j ; : . , .
i ,
; (Waaelastoa stareaa e Tae Xacrsat)
HUlsboro. Ot April 10. Ths applica
tion of John Bishop to tha eeunty court
cf this county filed yesterday asks to
have Frank Bear, aged II years, of
Forest Grove, sent to ths reform school
sa an Incorrigible. -
April II la the tlma set for hearing j
the esse. The father of ths boy sel
tha carziw art u-Uua, t
. 01 M
. ' Carl Bweld Gnmaky. .. .
Newly Appointed 'Consulting
f Engineer; WUL Make; Pei
: sonal Investigation.,
1 ofneue IN SERVICE
Will Be Greatest In Authority In
Problems of Big. Irriga- -
tion Undertaking. -
'? I.
. (Wash las too. Banes: ef The: leernel Y
.Washington, D. C April Is. Consult
tag Engineer' Carl Sweld Orunsky, who
has recently been-put' In charge -of tha
construction : work of - tba' reclame Hoa
service, . Is preparing' to make a westfrn
trip Tor the purpose of personally in
specting the. larger Irrigation project
which, have been . undertaken and are
under ' contemplation y the' reclama
tion 'service. - He will . first visit . ths
Milk. river project in Montana, aad, then
visit' projects in Wyoming. Idaho, 'Ore
gon, Colorado, Nevada and Axlxona,
Engineer Grunsky Is 10 years of age.
having been born In April. 1861, in Ban
Joaquin county, California. Ha attended
tha public schools , of Stockton,' Cali
fornia, graduating. In llto. After teach
ing la the publli schools ef Stockton
for ; a year he went to Germany and
spent nearly: six years In Stuttgart,' as
a student' in the - "Real-Schute' and the
Polytechnlo ' Institute, from which ' he
waa graduated aa civil engineer st ths
head of hia class In 1177. In 1171 he be
came connected with the state engineer
ing department of California, of which
neer In llli,' continuing- as such until
1117. . .-' ' '.- - - - .- . ....
From 1117 to 1111 hs was m private
practice st Sacramento and In San Fran
Cisco, also serving during ltll and 1$0 aa
a member of the examining commission
on rivers 'and harbors for California. la
llll-ll be was .one of the engineers se
lected to design a sewer system for Baa
Francisco and served on the sewerags
board of that city. In 1111-14 ha again
served the state of California aa a con
sulting engineer to the -commissioner of
public works dealing with drainage and
river rectification problems.- "-.
A board of public works was created
by a new charter for. Ban Francisco, In
January,. 1100.- This board, kunder tha
presidency of Colonel O. , H.'. Mendel!,
appointed , Mr.' Grunskyi city .engineer of
that city, which position' he held until
appointed Isthmian' canal .commissioner.
Aa, city '.engineer , of ' Ban "Francisco ha
mads plans for a municipal electric, light
Dlsnt. a i munldnal ras worka'a muni
cipal telephone. system, "water works for
a .supply ofiweter from tha 8 terra Ne
vada mountains, jeatimated to cost about
$40.000,000; -a city railway -system and
various public Improvements. Including
a system ot main sewers tlT.It0.000).
public buildings - and "-parks for which
bonds havs been ; voted . aggregating
about $17,000.000. . . J . ',n v
While in private practice, be .was en-
glnseer for several Irrigation and 'drain
age districts - and - eonsultlrlg engineer
for a number of cities on sewerage and
water supply systems. In. 1117 ha con
tributed sevsrsl water, supply -papers to
tha V. B. geological' survey's 1 publica
tions, and In Its and- 1900 was one of
the experts. reporting to the agricultural
department - of the; United States - upon
Irrigation and use of wster from rivers
la California. Boms of his reports that
have sppsared In print are: - -
Report; of ' the examining commission
on. rivers and 'harbors' for California,
1810; report' of the' consulting engineers
to tha ' commissioner' of public works.
California. lli;, report -on the reclama
tion of district 100, California, lilt
United States 'geological survey,- water
supply sad irrigation papers.- Noa. 17,
II and II; United States department ot
agriculture bulletin. No. .100, chapter oa
on Irrigation 'from- King's river, Cali
fornia; report on a sewerage system for
Saa Francisco; 'ltll and ltll; reports
en the water supply investigation for
l Francisco, published lif municipal
reports .of Ssa Francisco, - 100-01.
1101-01, 1101-01.' and 1101-04 (tha last
not yet In print) ,
Mr. Gunsky Is the hlgheot salaried
officer In tha reclamation service, his
salary- being 110.000 a year. His bp-
pointment came directly from the rrl
dent. who, when '. he reorganised t
Panama eanaJ rommieeton. rve I r.
Grunsky his choice of tie r i cf
the consulting snginwr f r t . '
oomml""lon end eo- I r i
the rt. r . . . .
If, t - : '
Hyde Refuses to Rc:aj
Frcia tbe Epif t!e ct ; ,
: Agents" Keenest j '
Hero of Monkey ' Dinner Prom- j
.' ises to Enlighten Asnts as '
tfl Ral Facta In Fio4lt . 4
for Control. ' v - v;
j'; '-v.';; ;h-.'-nut::t '',. '.;
'',:-" - (Jesraal peetal Ssrvkay Xm.:-
"Nsw; Torky April 20. The committee i
of five appointed by tha Equitable Ufa
Assurance society general agents yes-
teraay- to call upon Vice-President Hyda
and request him to resign arrived at
Hyde's house at I East Fortieth street
at 1:10 o'clock this morning.. Jlyds'a
oounsei was present at we interview,
" Hyda declined to resign most politely,
declaring . that . such action oa his part .
would, be 'cowardly and disgraceful," I
Tha committee retired -. with - Hyde's
answer and reported to tne meeting of I
agents at ths Savoy hotel.' k.
Hyda told tha committee that Judg- .
tag from the reports of their meeting.
nm iinis bwi uui iu wiuvw wo- fc
ception of the unfortunate eontrovarsy. (
or tha motive behind tha struggls for i
control of ths society-- Be said that i
the agents ware entitled to know the '
reau ucu. . xia , wwuu vusniut wriu
tomorrow In reply to the request con
tained la. their remarkable communicant
tloiu- s ,-.' - - --'
, Hyda said that ths 'questions at Issue t
are now in .-the hands of the- depart
ment of Insurance and Mr- Prick's 'Com
mittee, and that it waa manifestly Im
proper for . the agents . o attempt to
Judas theee matters la a few hours and ,
tkua-trarrtedly aatlclpats what la now .
tha subject ef aa exhaustive examina
tion by authorities. - . . j '
. Concluding Mr. Hyde ssid: "My con
cessions have been deliberately miscon
strued, my silence haa seen mlarepre- '
sented, aad tha self-seeking persons
who hsva prepared' the present trouble.
and who. masking as friends of ths '
policy-holders, are. striving to deprive
me of. my property and to secure for
themselves continued control of the so
ciety,' persist in -violating faith and In i
publishing and conniving at tha publi
cation of attacks on me, supported by j
the society. Including the correspond
ence- or tha president, to wnicn these .
persons, have or are given access. -
"I shall do all in my power to carry I
out the amended charter, giving thai
policy-holders ths selecting of tha ma-
Jorlty of tha board. Beyond this I will
make no further concession from my
legal nguis. anu x aaaji ueienu aa weu
as I may tha. rights which I have re- I
ssrvsd." w . f ;. v .-
' One hundred and ninety-three general ,
agenta voted for Hyde's resignation and
17 voted against it. Another resolution '
adopted by the general sgsnts was to
the effect that they did not seek mutual-.
button In order to secure control but r
merely to conserve the Interests of tha
- A committee waa appointed to go to ,
Albany tomorrow and petition- Governor
Hlggins to urge ths mutual iaatlon of
ths society. Among those oh the com-;
mlttee are; . George Rathbun. Denver;
A, M. Shields. Ban Francisco; F. B. WU- i
cox, Boise, Idaho; Wyman Ellis, Helena, ,
Montana; W. 8. Bowen, Albuquerque, j
New Mexico; I Samuel, , Portland;
a F. KUtenewsky, Belt Lake; H. U.
Allenberg. Spokane, and H. W. Flaming.
Bpokaaa. i - 1 1
Permanent . organisation will be ef- j
fee ted and a Committee was named to
accomplish It. . '. 1 . , , . '
(Jesraal - SeedBl Berrlee.l ''
Rsdlaads. Cel.. April 10. Edward J.
Lawson, eon of tha late Millionaire
Lawson of New Tork, a one tlma law
yer ana ciunman, ten nera yesterday
afternoon tn response to a telegram
tenuis ox aia latnera attain, oy wnicn .
be and three other brothers, oomee Into .
inheritance of $1,100,000. Several
years ago Laweon received $10,000 at
the death ot hie mother, it Is said ha
week la Parts.
For soma tlma ns bas worked Inter-:
muwuf iur oia vrwi '4 j.icirra
company at ths powerhouse at Santa .
canyon, aad between times has , .
been "run in" by ths police aa a vagraat, .
In tha last stsges of a glorious Jag. : '
ticket office, was Identified by a pollee-,
man, given a ticket aad money and
started for New Tork.
, ,' i i . , ,i - , -
. - rWeahiaxtee Bereaa ef Tae loaraaL)
. Baker City, Or, April 10. The levy
ing -Herald founded Sve years ao I
Letson Ban let. the promoter, wl.l t I ,
Issue again. , Two linotype "
ware removed from the oClee t jr.,
last alctt end mj'inct t ' a
tereateaed. prre to I
ot. or evening t ...j wi ... "t a
i t way. , -
I . ' r i I e r-" ' t -