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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 19, 1905)
-.- -T- - iHTGHELL'S . A ; ;.. TRPF ATFIVIn IJHI; AY ,VIUl Point Is That 1 Pl In Abatement CariiB : Raited All ; ; Questions of FactVyhich It Raises Must ! Bo : ' ;.? -- T: v;'-;iyH:-:i-Tried by Jury. :" ; : ; ;" iKSUSTAINEOr MONTHS WOULD ELAPSE BEFOREJRIaI" former , UnKed Ctatts Attorney John Hall vand Other Deftnd ants Adopt Dilatory Tactics in the Heney Conspiracy Case ' " , and Other, Indictments firought Against Them.'' - QuMtlons of grv lapertaae la the land fraud prdaeevtlona will h deUr attMd nast Monday when Judc Bl ' . llttser hand dowa his doelslon oo tno towea raised by Senator Mitch alia plea ta abatement. . By that plea tha da fanaa atrlkoa at tha vary xonndatloa or tha Kovarnment' oaaa, by attacklns tha lassilty of tha (rand jury' a proceeding and oonasquently. tha Taltdtty of tha ln dlotnanu which tt retumad. It ta contended by United SUtaa Dle trlct . Attorney Heney that a plea, In abatement wilt not Ua to an Indictment. In a federal court la thle Itata, and that only by . motkm ' eaa tha grand Jury' a ' proeeedlnca b attacked. The vital point of the dlatlnetloa Ilea la tha fact that a nation la heard and determined . by the Judge alone, while If a plea in abatement can be filed, all qneetlona of tact which It raise must be tried before a Jury. i ;' v i .If. therefore. Judge Bellinger thotiM auataln ' tha contention - of Senator MitcheU'a attorney, a jury must be Impanelled to pasa on the facta a to the ragalarity f the STand. Jury r gantaatloa and the legality si It pro ceed Lngs. . Interminable delay might re sult, lor not only Senator ail ten ell. but every other defendant was has filed plea In abatement would have the right to trial by Jury oa : tha ' question of fact raised by hi plea. All ef these trial would be merely preliminary and would la ao way Involve tha question of the guilt or Innocence of the accused. That would remain to be determined by sub' aeqjueat triaJ. before another Jury. ':: Stotlom o Qaaah. .' On the .other hand. If Jodg BellfhyeT take the view advocated by Mr.. Heney. Senator MitcheU'a plea In 'abatement will bo regarded simply as a motion to Quash the indictment, and a such- will be heard and determined by the Judge alone, both a to questions of law ami fact. M will secMS whether the grand Jury waa properly constituted sod will paa on the contention of the defense that Mr. Heney waa disqualified to act la tno capacity of United states district ' attorney. .;,.. On the liearing of taottone It I usual ta present the facts by affidavits, al though the court may la It dlacre , tkr call for the witnesses to testify in person, Affidavits and other - proof e have already been offered by Heney a to the atttaenship of Oeorge Oulatln, which be regards as the chief objection 'raised by the defense to tha organisa tion of the grand Jury. If the plea la abatement filed by Senator Mitchell and other defendant . shoald eventually bo sastalned by Judge Bellinger, the Indictments would fall. ' but- it. would still be possible, for the : government ts call another grand -Jury and . secure new Indictments. - . V. In effect, therefore, Judge Bellinger decision next Monday dill determine - whether Seaator Mitchell and' the other defendants shall , have early trial the charge found acainst them by the . grand Jury. A deeialoa f6r the defend- anta wlU meaa serious delay, , , The argumeata of the attorneys wese , canal aded late yesterday- afternoon. 1L S. Wilson at Th Dalles, representing Dr. Vas.'Oesner and Marion R. Blgga, made a brief but comprehensive state ; ment of the reasons why the plea in , abatement lied by his clients should be sastalned. He vigorously disputed the position taken by Mr.' Heney. and In sisted that fatal error had been commit ' ted by the' court In allowing changes In the personnel of the grand jury. after ' It had once been Impaneled. Judge Blllnf Intarpoaed the com- A Vabt la the house is a werj-sprlnt-of plassora If h is eroptrly fed and will nourished, then be is happy sad vrrtolv is happy." , ;. Taor baby will do Isealrhy aad bspy and a "well sptinf ef pleasors, if yoa vUl giva bin MaUia'a Food. ,, . . . ; Campta botiir osnt fro el caarfr. ; . raaslvsd the CrsAeTtTiaa, i ' swaed ef the Lee- -aa I - r. . . Te4tKLMklTcL w. s swd aiiii. : -tori rooo co, bostom. mass. ir(g)(D) , J , Ths New Locomotive Just Arrived and PLEA aent that if the contention of counsel was correct, there bad been no valid In dictments In hlr court for many years, sines tha right of 'the. Judge to make neoeasary substitutions for Jurors who oould- not servs had always bean as sumed. . '. - '( "i ' n " 1 must sdmoalih you." b added, that you will have to make a strong showing to convince the court that the practice that ' bas been followed tor years is Incorrect.' .- Tne argument of Mr. Heney-was de voted to a refutation of the contentions of opposing . counsel. - He maintained that th practice In the federal courts, where not expressly governed by federal statute,' follows the procedure fixed by the statutes of the state la which the eosrt Is situated. Ha denied that this proposition was a -novel oaa"and d elared that' It had . been recognised by such eminent Jurists, as Judge Thayer and Justice Brewer., and he read from decisions rendered br them. Heney, reviewed th allegations' of the del ease that the grand Jury was not properly organised aad that be himself had no righf to exercise the functions of United States district attorney. , Mors than one be Intimated , that th pur pose of th defense In filing pleas In abatement was to delay th Teal , -trial on the charges contained' in th indict ments.' -Vv '- v'-'1-''- ' v; ' '' "I am Impressed with ths view," he said turning toward Senator Mitchell, "that net with tending th repeated as sertions off soma of these defendants that they desire an early trial, they In fact desire to try any and every question rather , than the question of their owo guilt or- innooenoe.''.. , .... y . .. ' Met SSsdS Za wood JTaltk, As to ths allegation that Oeorge Ouls- tln, one of the grand Jurors 1 not a cttlsen, th district sttomey declared Lhls belief .that ths eharg waa not made In good faith but solely for th purposes of delay. He added that .the govern tnan was ready and desirous to, pro duce e video oe that Oulatln was duly naturalised. Judge Bennett concluded ths argu ments. Ha saca.mora stated that a dis tinction must be drawn between ths ser oral Indictments against Senator Mitchell, and that th one charging that the firm of Mitchell at Tanner received fees for expediting land claima of Frederick A, Kribs Involved no moral turpitude on th part of his client, snd that ba was therefor Justified in resorting to ths technical defense of a plea la abate ment, in in course of his' argument he made, by Indirection a vehement ar raignment of Mr. Heney, intimating that he was .. strongly prejudiced against Senator Mitchell and others of the de fendants, and that he had influenced th grand Jury, againat them. Numtrou authorities were submitted to Judge Bellinger by the sttorneys la support of , their respective positions. The vital point at lasue is the admissi bility of ths plea in abatement to th indictment returned against Senator Mitchell.- On of th important decis Isns upon which) Heney relies, th sup port of his contention thst such a plea Is not admissible, waa rendered by Judge Deady of the United - States . district court of Oregon, in 1171. In ths case of United States vs. Brown, ta that do elslon Judge Deady said: j V'V ' Important te rroeecuttoa. . , , S "Neither the motion to set sslde nor tha motion to quash will 11 where th objection doe not appear or arise upon the face, of th Indtotment, or perhaps uie record of the court. This boina- so. the affidavit ' of th defendanto' im pugning th conduct and Judgment of the grand Jury, cannot be considered upon the hearing of this motion. If the contrary practice were established, there woua do no .need, of grand Juries aad tne court would necessarilv assume both tha function of indicting and of trying criminals; lor it is Bare to pre sume that In moat ease th defendant would object to being tried anon the in dictment, and support such objection by ni ainoani mat a believed th grand Jury acted upon Incompetent or In- aufflclent-Trvldencs. Th . wit of ' man could not devise a mode of Indlctlns which would not be liable to thla objec tion from . the defendant. ,- t, -..,. The rule thus laid down, that federal courts -must follow ths statutes of "tha state, la aald to have been observed la Oregon vr since Judex Deadr'a de- iclalon. Mr. Heney ear that the asms rule has been -observed in Wuhlnnon iisiiiornia and many other atatos In all "vwri pvruinins v in. quaiizicaiions or a juror, both grand and oetit. ' John H.'HaU. fannerlv United fltatae district attorney, appeared In th fed eral court this morntns and .filed a. tiles la abatsmeat U the ladtetaseat charging Hard at Work on the Portage. Road. him with conspiring with' John Cordano. Charles P. Ixrd aad Other to obstruct Justice by defaming the oharacter of United Statea DUtrlot Attorney Heney, Th plea In abatement ta based upon the assertion that the defendant waa sun poenaed to appear before th grand Jury and was 4 here seat pel lad testify, not knowing that his testimony, waa to be used against himself. -It wa agreed that th question raised by th plea should be argued by written briefs, which shall be submitted within 10 days. Rev. Stephen W. TurnU of Koeeburg. who was indicted with Frank XL Alley. A. IC-Downa and )Sd Downs, was also present lit - court this - -morning, and through his attorney, Albert Abraham, ho filed a plea-In abatement. It wa similar to that filed by John Hall and alleged that Turnoll waa subpoenaed and compelled to teetlfy before 1 the grand . Jury, his testimony, being used against blmaelf. ' - ;.''"'.':".'. It is said that out for tn mass or work -which - occupied th grand Jury during Its . closing sessions. , Turn ell might have been subjected to further Investigation on-1 account of serious discrepancies between his testimony be fore the Jury and- his sworn statements mad previously to agents of tha gov ernment- - ;' i -J. H. Booth and Frank B. Allay, who are represented by A. C Woodoock aad L H, Tarn lev, Nwera present In -court sad It was stipulated that tnsy should have the benefit of th plea m abate ment filed by John HalL - - WITNESS TELLS HOW THE TRAP WAS SET. , (Jeorasl" Beedsl Servlea.) - - ,-8acramento, April If.-Only. two wit nesses were exs mined today In' the ease t ex-Senator .Bankers, accused of ac cepting a bribe. Secretary ' Clarence Orance of the Phoenix Building t taoaa company and, Oavla McMab told aheat Joseph Jordan demanding snonay for th boodjers and bow ths trap wag act ts catch ths senators. . , !.- , JKATB WO BASS dOBSlsrSSTS, .- i (Jeenal Special servlea.) J'-:i : Wsahlngton, ' April .;- It. Before , th sonata committee, on Interstate com maros today Victor Morawcta of the Santa F denied that th railroad bad agreements .as to ratea, .but admitted that the railroad "talked thing over and reached aa understanding as to what should be the - ratea to competitive points. He said that Intermediate point are nan re tea oy sucn action. scrjroJn "He beat m untu my-face lookecTJik a plec of beefsteak. , H told m be murdered two men in St. Paul. Time and agaia b choked mo until I w unoonaclou. While in Seattle he put a loaded revolver on the table and told ma that If I made a single outcry he would kill tt sad then shoot himself. H then choked m until I became un conscious. I am afraid of my Ufa. I wouldn't trust him, as x think he la a dangerous man.". So declared Mrs. Emma Jefferson In ths police court . this morning while prosecuting J. E. Jefferson, her . bus band, on a charge of threatening to kill ber. - . -. Jefferson waa arrested Tuesday at bis home, i!4H . Washington -street, as . wss beating ' his wife. Neighbors com plained to th police and the officer ar rived Just in time to see Jefferson com- mlttlaa the assault.. - t v Mrs. Jefferson stated she was a pelm- J it snd supported J err arson, bbc said that In the three year they had been married Jefferson had given her but ITS, At th suggestion" , of Judge Hogue Jefferson agreed to leave town and sep srats ' from the wife. ' ' r k:' ' f :'l The Orpheum. ' r Ths new bill 'st the Orpheum thl week presents many Interesting-feature. The artists are among' th beat In th vaudeville and burlesque line. . It is but Justlcs to ths management to slat that tha show aa presented at th Orpheum ranks among the best. In th city. and. Judging from th large crowd nightly at this house, the publlo is wall pleased. Ths performance I an unusu ally long one five hour of continuous merriment and laughter concluded by a well-staged ballet of pretty girls, and all for th sum of 14 cents. The Or pheum show la well worth th attention of th theatre-going publlo. OUmtUI SAXABT h -tii Bsssssa ' j' i ft ' i A resolution ' was Introduced la th elty council this afternoon fixing the salary of ths chief of the fir depart ment at 120 a month, instead of I14C, SB at present." The same ordinance pro vides for s raise or l a month for pw llcemen and $10' per month for police captains. The resolution wa referred to th ways snd means committee. ', a if ' ' w" 111 ' ;.' . '. 'it Portland Kennel Club, : ' ' Exhibitors dealrtng' entry blanks or any other additional information in con nection' with entering their dogs for the coming dog show, can Secure the same by addressing the secretary.; Mr. F., F, Wamsley, SIS Pine street, city. Entries will close Tuesday, April 2t. ' "ti ; . , 'VS'. S0Z,T W!BB!X ' At SU Mark's church. Nineteenth snd Qulraby streets, tonight at' 7:41 Rev. W. A. M. Brerk will be the special preacher. Th noonday meeting' tomorrow In th Men' Resort, Fourth and Bornslde. Will be sddreased by Mayor William. The meetings coramenre st It o'clock sharp and last not over half an hour.-- All are weloom. - ',-. ' - , . r- -'. -, ' t 1 KOCfl IS TDIED FO!! i mm mm Dentist Faces His Second Tri& - for Alleged "slaying of - Mia Dlwal !' 9 BIW S IM (Jearaal Special Bervw.)' Mankato, Minn, April !. Th second trial of Dr. Oeorge JC Koch, charged I with the murder of bis rival. Dr. Oeb- bardt, of New Ulm, was begun, hero this morning. Koch Is out on tto.OAO'.balLl and expresses himself ss confident of I acquittal . : ; , ,-. , Dr. luls A. Oebhardt was kinsd No vember 1. 1M4. He was murdered tn hi of floa and whan found bis body lay on tne xmor la a pool of blood, bis skull having been crushed with a blow from a hammer. A score of times he had been subbed In th neck by bis assail sat.'1 Through ths transom of his of floe a I man was seen beadlns over the inturad I dentist and stabbing him repeatedly. A cnain or. circumstantial evidence . eon-1 aected Dr. Koch with ths crime, though tha witnesses failed to identify Koch as th man who was seen stabbing bis dying victim. , . I Both tha accused murderer snd tha da-1 ceased were of the first families of Now Ulm, highly respected and with In flues-1 tlal connections. Jealousy in- practice I was supposed to be th motive of thai ertm. ' Koch was tried' last January, but the I Jury disagreed after having been out! several days. Tha trial was one of the I most sensational In the history of the! cute,- and attracted, worid-wld atten tion. DLAKCIIE TOuPKinS INDICTED FOR MURDER Charged With Setting Fire to : v Nora Stone and Causing ; ' "Tt" Her Deaths - - ' Blanche Tompkins waa today Indicted for murder in ths second decree, for causing ths . death ef Nora Btone by throwing at ber a lighted lamp. Tha in- diotmens wss filed by District Attorney Manning and allege that oa .March X Blanch . Tompkins, Intending to "cans ths death of Nora Stone, hurled againat her clothing and body a lighted lamp. filled with combustible oil. eaualng It to break and tha oil to scatter over th clothing of ber victim, so that th flames produced mortal bruises, burns and wounds from which the -' victim died April IS. - Another indictment Oiea today is acainst C Oaty. who I accused of forg ing a time check on th Oregon Water wb Power at Railway company. that Oaty took a time check which mad out for four days services man, at ft a day, with IMS charged thereon for meals, medical fees and commissary purchases, leaving $. due. and fraudulently raised tha 4 days ts 14 days, the It total wages to lis. snd th Sl.c balance due to lt.0. , Th nam of Otto Myhre, foreman, was signed to the origins! tints check. - ' - - -. ; . . No true bills were filed in th ease Of Lon Quong, for attempted burglary, and Ignate Wldawlts for larceny from th person,, : . - ; ' '-. Ullies Free .for Easter. r, Commencing at T:tO a. tn. nst Batur. day, two thousand fresh calla Ulllee -wlU process waa appUed very liberally to' the be distributed fro. Every lady calling ttoek market today. At divers times St the Chicago. ft-Tl-7 Third steet, the durto, gion when the jnsrkst be big store in ths mlddls of the block, will TVeak the coldea Influence of ths be presented with ths Eester compll- f01 WI ?t ml. anWanL mentr of ths Chlcaco. In form of a blgJlMnclsl lntsrast wm PP5"V fresh my. A apeclal shipment of th bT affort wss niade by Xh fsan eholcest calla lUUee that aver grew in clers to keep Northern Securities rrotn California . wUL arrive by express for slumping on ths curb. , At One time (Jur thls occasion. Every1 detail In regard ina tha day it showed a loss from th to having th lilllea bright and freah .1. w- . -1 .lit -..(-. will be taken., They will arrive In special refrigerator car over th 8.. P. R. R. Tuesday avenlng. and will be de livered to the Chicago on arrival so ts be srrsnged In time for presenting them by T:S0 a, nv, Saturday. No purchas or obligation of any kind. Juat come and rat the miles, ladles..-We wish to boss I out' the miles ss soon, as possible, bo-1 cause Easter Saturday wilt bCS day of I rushing business, sna wnue ine nines last, ws expect to almost be compelled to discontinue business. - - i REPUBLICANS WILLING - : TO BE COUNCIUIEN -wo pontics, out Business in us .city I administration,' is ths platform of Pan Kellaherr 407 r Bolmont. 'street, - Bepub llcan candidate for oonncllmaa at large. Charles N. Ryan, Republican,, of. tit Morris street,' naa declared himself a candidate for councilman at large. John I F. Cord ray, tha well known theatrical manager, has announced himself a can- dldat for nomination on the Republican I Coast line finally turned the tide, fore ticket a councilman from ths eighth I Ing short covering all along ths tin, wsrd. .1. .,1 , i I Trade throusheut ths session wss on a .- ' 1 " 111 - """"""-tmai api srvr.r" Lo Angnlea. April !. C IS. DavlsJ and wife ef Pasadena, while drivlnc tol Lo Angela this morning were struck I by a aanta f at a grad croeslng and - if - llllll X-,:--:" -.'v i 1 Today OgCtJU kMiw, M JUUIC IKmw Wuu' U rVlUSH - . A . . now fa the time to buy then. eccn?23icsUy..v All ocf . V ' ;: "j EasSpcdiliclosa Sstunfzy ctt Ita REGULAR PIUCE $ REGULAR PRICE regular price ; REGULAR PRICE v. r , regular price 1' r REGULAR PRICE i REGULAR PRICE REGULAR PRICE REGULAR PRICE tAPESTRY BORDERED PORTIERES -' REGULAR' PRICE $ W5 SPEOAL, PER PAIR.. 9 5J55 k V REGULAR 'PRICE $ 9.00 SPECIAL, PER PAIR:.i ....e.'..M 9 6.50 . REGULAR PRICE $10.00-SPECIAL, PER PAIR. ...... .. . . . 9-7XM) . " REGULAR PRICE $13JiO-5PECIAL, PER PAIR...,'. 9 85 . V REGULAR PRICE $14.00-SPECIAL, PER PAlR.V:;.....e.l. 9 8.75 REGULAR PRICE $18.00-SPECIAL,TER PAIR.'.".! . .7;. . ; 911.75 - Regular price, $20.oo-special; per pair; .v.;..,.. 91350 c. ;: SALE MARKET UPHELD BY THE BIG KITEQESTS Boosting Procw Applied Very UberaHy to Stocks in Wall . 0rSf,S Street Today.' .... -., smmmmmmm . . 1 y I .' (JaBmal BeeeUt service.)''' Kew TTork, ' April li.Ths boosting Uoenlnc of ft, but sufdeisnt money In -lv . - . . T m a th shape of buying orders came tn to cause a reaction. Ths closing cf North. srn -Securities wss ovr-a point ad vanced ovr yrtrdsy. ' '- 1 following views of broksrs were received over the special wires of Over- wb ntrr A Cooke Co. of this cltyt nick Bras. Tha stocK marxet showed greet weakness again this morning, the stock broke under heavy selling to lower prices thaa were recorded yes. terday. - The selling was. howsvef, es hsusted by noon and support came which steadied th market at midday. Later .came a rally - In which new manipulation snd urgent short covering were tha Influences. ' Th ' closing w.. .trans with the leading stocks up from 1 to I points rrom tno tow mars. Logan Bryan Ths stock manet closed strong snf In" . Spots sharply higher than yesterday. In th early dealing pressurs wss again in evidence and for a time the market assumsd a very vicious appearance. 'Bull operations by the prominent .western interests in Louisville , NashvUl snd Atlantis EASTER liu-jj . J nili Ji V ljl EASTER Ski. tSSmm ''rW&K I, ,'y XJJ:, STATUARY 3i ,, , g I large scale., but the market seems to give vry f vldenc of being almost "-'-(wholly inofcMltfiial; While th rally today was a perfectly, natural ona and caused almost wholly by short cover ins, w still believe It is Mis part of wisdom to continue cautious sa ths baU we have dsd mere tzrisa TAPESTRY COUCH COVEHS Hiuidsome Oriental Patterns with or without fiPECIAL.. ...... I.. i:..;..Uzj?.: 9 4.75 $12.00 SPECIAL $17.00 speqal:. SKOWFLAKE f.lADHAS CURTAINS ; JVery dainty designs In soft tinta for parlor $3J8& - SPEaAL, PER PAIR....". $5.50 speoal, per pair... V..... 93.75 -. $8 CK)PECIAL-PEJ PAIR. 4?5JL5 )' RUFFLED MUSUN CURTAINS nr sSttino' nrnn. 1 75c SPECIAL,' PER PAIR-.i.;... 50 $Lf55-SPECIAL, PER PAIR....; LI $1.10 $ti5-SPECIAL, PER PAIR. ... ... .. . .'. .V.. . . . . 91.45 EIVDS SATURDAY Bxtraetsd and filled absolutely without pain by our lata scientific method, pat- encea ana ssea py us esuy. s re Inatlon. - . ... niTOVI nOSXS and those who dread saving their teeth extracted are invited to call at our office, where wa wiu oeaaonsirai to tneir entire satis faction our claim xor painless extract- STLTEIt nLLrN3S.,.k. ..00 GOLD FILLINGS. ,...T54 aad S1.4KJ S AND tl GOLD crown a 3.00 ana rs.o FULL SET TEETH. ,....i.....aa.wv Costcn Pdnless Dentists '-.-" StlVs SIOsUUSOaT ST. ' .' ' -Osp. Males ) Fraah aad Old jrostosaos. ' Hours 4:1 a. m. to 4 p. m. Sunday, l:t a. as. to $1S;4 p. m. . To be ears you are In ths right pise come tn and cat bottle of Dr. JC I Graves' , tooth powder, free. BUT LITTLE HOPE FOR i PIONEER RICHARDSON Thomas M."1-Richardson, who wss stricken with paralysis last Fridsy, was reported as slightly Improved st St Vin cent's hospital thlsr afternoon. Mr. BJehardson Is a pioneer of Portland and ona - of the wealthy men ef th com munity. There Is but slight hope of bis recovery- -. '--v r-r-y- r- kxum ssts orrosrasnr; r - ("serisl Dispatch te Vae JoarseL) rwillow. ' ' Ida., ' April !. Theodore Cochran aad Dan Gallagher, sheepherd era. sot into a dispute yeaterday. Coch- rrui attacked Gallagher and beat him with a gun. uaiiacner iinauy got possession of the gun and shot Cochran dead. He then gave Almieif up. B. A. SV BXBOTS OtTlCXBB.. v '-'"'' (Jearaal Special Servlea ' ' ' Washtncton. D. C April 1. Ths Daughters of ths Am art cam BevWu- T:E E;.T;H nr. i . to our Easter v wise tobayoow.'Ay ii 5 Mngea, 8x9 feet,;"7; . 9, 8.75 e mmmm e.s- 912.00 1 , or btroom. . - . ;, C20, ATI ' nrVifta INiTQHT ..1 -TtrTbe Qrast Chios Doctor 3 2s caned rraat b ansa hi wonderful cures - are so well . known throsvhout 1 the United, abates, and beoaue so many people are thankful OPERATIONS" ' BetreaUany and all diseases . with powerful O h I n ee -' herbs, . roots, buds, barka and vegetables - Ihitu. MllMlvi,.. known to medical iaImm in thia mw.. try, and throuchthe use of these harm . less remedies. This famous doctor know ' the action of over 490 different remedies ' that he has successfully used In different diseases. He guarantees to cure catarrh, asthma, lung troubles, rheumatism, ner. vousness, stomach, liver, kidney, . fe male trouble and all prlvat .dleeeses, Hundreds of testimonials. . j Charges ' moderate. Call and see hint. , j , v ' -. OOBTSmAxTOsT FBJDB, i 4 Patient out ef - the elty writ for ' blank and clroular. Xncloaa atamn. Ad ' dreea - .. . ... THE C QEE W0 CHINESE s MEDICINE CO. J - Ut Alder street; Portland. OV. Stair. way of 141 Aider street leads to of. flea. Mention thla paper. , j i lion today elected Mrs. Fairbanks hon orary president-general by unanimous vote. Mrs.. Tunis Hamlin of Wash, ington wss sleeted chaplain general; Mre. M. E. & Davis of ' Wsshlnstoa. treasurer-general; Mrs. J. P. Doiliver ef Iowa, historian - general, and Mlas Alina O. Solomons ef Washington, libra rlan - gancraii Mrs. aarey M. A vary, ' aruikvr wa '4 i The irrocer I vrooM "fee too: romfoctable if all ' Lvb ' goods were like SchiDrngY Best and backed by the maker as they