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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 19, 1905)
fc.swA V ' Jl-w iikV ".'V' v- . r- - '.' . fa " w-x i. ' :::: ) L' -2 C:;.J r --- - - e - : :: : :7 . r : W f-Z. -2 i'7 - a ' V - AT XJ A. VU 1Z . '.t Under the Auspices of Port- L land's Y, V. C A; , : 1SSNU r Ftfll THURSDAY, - . APRIL tO. . .'.Tea j' Coffee Chocolate - : Millc in Bottles ' Scotch Broth Chicken Salad Tea , Room Creamed" Eggs ,' : -y: Four-Minute Eggs - V t Cheese Omelet ; ' -f , ' Ham Sandwiches ' "Hot , Rolls , f. ' ' ' i - w ' v . , ... . .' , vJtsreaa ana cuuer EXTREMEST. DEGREE . OP3i!3; TOIORROvlf ! ' For t5. next three days, uatU in every department-' Not section in literaUty of, valus givtr j and ei vnfflm'i raiment alone, fttunnizi? PETTICOATS, PRETTY KIMONOS and serviceible WRAPPERS are alone s enough to attract the. prezrrxe cf every dressy woman irf the chy. Smartness ..j .k ( fnuMi niih ' Wnrtmin ; A ' ITlnr nmentt. . Fram tSa mn?".i-(-t cctume all down thro the line to the mnrnlnur clcsin? time at 6 p. ra. cf Cxturday, the Olds, Wortman ft KbXiores wH t jammed by sercitionil special Easter offerings shirks the duty in:rosed upon it by the nuna-rcnmt, 1 cut ca vic-s wttn tie otner ana eacn watn its neighbor to surpasa irne:tness in tne sort ci puce cuwrn cucs rri;-.B cir t v b T.s,ia wm. ic ( ciuuii..iiy Tiuea oucrca in SUITS and SPRING COATS. SKIRTS and stylh CIIIUf-VAISTC, czirtly ttilored RAINCOATS, IIANDSOME-SILK . WiU IVW STUT UUV W 4UUVU , w w. w. m w -T . - - house wrapper there a an air of superiority over all other elsewhere thiwir-s. At no time in our career aa a store have these characteristics been more con 'niruouslv otviervehle in our garments than now. in As 'specially planned lister event.- This rrnd cotrposite taxrain offerin will Vor.2 be remembered amonz nicuousiv Ahaervahle In our garments than now. in this foeclally clinned Loister event.' Tela rrsnd composite caram oitenn Portland women aa the MOST-REMARKABLE SALE OP WOMEN'S RAIMENT adapted for wear in every station and function f society, embracing annar.1 i rea ON THE. STREET. IN THE BOUDOIR. IN THE DRAWING ROOM and KITCHEN. EVER KNOWN AT EASTER TIME IN THE , ijreaa ana ouuer HISTORY OP PORTLAND STORES, CHOOSE NOW FROM PULL- ASSORTMENTS OF, THE NEW AT PRICES LESS THAN QUOTED ON Star and Crescent Cakes:'- THE DEPLEf ED STOCKS CWARJMWl, -a Arthur Taylor, II. & A. Shoren L. ...... ....I.., Renald Carter, lz'-z? The Norton ........! Mae Hughes, IlrJ,.. j . . Shoe Co. . . . . .. .... .1! I " Guy DePue, Portliri v . a Delivery Co. . . . . C ArAur Lindborg, Lind- " borg Grocery C,Z'.Z P. H. Battin, Wadham Kerr Bros... ...... . Scattering. .... . . . . 17,113 Total ;;.r...V.:..,.0,:: t?Xy. SENSATIONAL SALE OF TV Spring Tailored FOR EASTER V Every tult o m1' it the masterfully tailored product of Amariea'a : moat famooa oxpart maa-tallora, out and fashioned tn vary Utaat ; tntnenuuv atyia, accoraiBf to reunion s awat whlma.- iuat arrivals. c - ttoc Tcjlor- , wV va) WW Wstl fav 515 65 -Women'i $35.00 and $38.50 Tailored! Street Suits V i$25.00Suits -teifi Matsiials of KUrnlno and Broadcloth, Hon and Blovas atylaa: skirts In fancy felaltad effaeta: eolora ara Una. bluas. browaa ana blacks;, trimmed in fancy. braid and buUona. ... J . , $35' and $38.50 Suits for" Blousa, Jacket and trim Military styles: skirts fancy shlrrtd, plaited and flounced; materials are Serges and ?anama-Cloths; eolora navyr black and brown; trlmralnrs of fancy braids and buttons. A 'Timely and Exceptional Sale of Women! Handsome 4 ii ..- .. 1 ' " .. . ... ' i WaiSt an c?Tack etSuit Tor Caster and latr-on wearing, raahloa's very latest fancies tar tkesa Jaunty, fatebins Suits, ,;.:,,.; " ;.',,. ' . . : ; ( rr- ; ej t k t TVJ , si $15.00 Shirt Wcist r Sells for 85 $22,50 Shiii 7aist Suits for 5,7.5 $15.00 Shirtwaist Suits for 1 f MaUrials of Mohair and Staminas, jmn strleUy 'Ullorad: .skirts fancy plaited, or trimmed In tucka or braids to auttob waists.. ( $22.50 Shirt-Waist and Jacket Suits for Tailor-made in exquisite workmanship; waist with bishop sleeves, surplice fronts and shirred collar; waist and skirt tucked and stitched to match; : eolora navies,-blacks, browns and greens; Jackets are Moused, have bishop aleeves, trlmmmgs of fancy braids;, skirts wi;n high equated plaita., j.j a''t:: - Cii '-"v Special Easter Sale of , Women'a : .. Spring JU Sptendldly tailored garments, the product of leading New Tork mak era, avery detaQ of workmanship perfect and styles absolutely or root. 'High-art models of style and fit. Jackets needed for present wear,- for summer evenings and traveling.-. '-. . - , $2150 and $25 Coats for .7i5 -i-'T. 16 $16.50 and $17.50 Coats for $12,95' Women's $22.50 and $25 Covert ', ,r.-.i - " ;',f All Civert Coats ara satin-lined and have the modlah bishop sieves. Tlght-flttlnar styles, velvet or soft collar, plain or notched, la fancy effects of Inlaid velvet; strap, braid and stitched' trimmed, with, or Without rnaaeata, ;!;, -;-r ... ; - . .j.r 'J-j -; - WomenW$J6e50 and $1750 Cov- ; . ' ert Jackets for $12 Corset-fitting, overlap Beams,' plain notch eollae, bishop sleeve and straight buttatMd fronts; also Mannish Box Coats, with notch collar, -bishop sleeves and fly fronts, plain tailored effect., ' ' i';V -;A KSUARKABLB SAUC OS ' Women's Smartljr TailoTeiialrRSda Just the needed garments for present wear and far trawling. An Indispensable adjunct to .ev.ry woman's wardrobe. - Stylish and trim, a dressy protection for the new spring gowns.'. The great- est oargaina ever oxxerea in jronwnow - 5' i- usjsasl '' Women's $25.00 Raincoats icr StrlcUy man-tailored. In haadsomo blousa style or with loose fronts, with backs shirred and belted: legMt'-muttca sleeves, trim ming of braid and pretty button effects; also ailk-tiimaied in fancy or plain design. Very pretty, attractive, mannish mixtures in gray, brown, tan aad blue....; ..-v,.-.? C ;iir;.,'f' r t M isHitS.AkaT .sTaV ri ' J ' GRAND EASTER SALEOP Women's New Sum- mer Shirt Waists-1 $7Jnd $8.50 ;shkt Waists $4.00 Shirt Waists for - ; $2.50x Shirt Waists for $3.25 and $3.50 Shirt Waists v Plain and Plaided,Silk Shirt; j Waists,f irvorth: $7.50 1 and $8.50, : for $5.49 v" - - tnr ."K.i tty .-.; .."...i.... ...ri-; t ' '7 -v.' ' Ptala eolors and pretty Scotch plalded .patterns In chiffon and taffeta materials, leg ' mutton ' sleeves, strap, .plait and button trimming affects, lined and nnllned.wlth stock-collars and. tie, Latest styles. , : r'. ... V,' .'- v'-t"' "'" !.1 a. . Me t - . i ' Ark rter W box ;l$4.00 Shirt itelort$2.95- v .'s Kewest; Ideas f "fancy cotton rep materlala, w'm. narrow' -platted tronts. stitched In yoke effect. Fancy stock collar and tie.;. Champagne blues and plain white, r t : I $250 Shirt VV$1": ; . ot 'dainty v white French back, bishop sleeves, plaited fronta, stock oollsr and tie. . ; , . v ( -v-,', $3.25 and $3.50 Shirt Aists $2.28 Of pretty fancy linen, pique and madras materials, prettily ! tucked to fanciful .designs, fancy stock collar and ties aad bishop sieevea. , . . . , t . . V AH above d"escribed waists are absolutely the newest and latest stylss shows In America. C i -,- ;'. ', ',-' -." ". vvaiKing Skirts ii.'v4(. I f A:GREAT . EASTER- SALE OP ' r' it , .All .cut-in the prevailing mod, fun round lengths and bow flare affects. Very latest UUorlng Ideas embodlea and, of very highest workmanship. :,1V1-1 Sr. i :'-xa J M : 1 $6 50 :WaIking: Skirts for .V" r-;; ' .fa 03.98 s- $70 Welkins Skirts for 04.65 $4.50 ah $5 Wa Skirts '.V , J-,. ; $12.59 ;V7aiiadt( fee $7.85 . r A'eMwww''e ," .f..ii f 'AI 'f ' '. rrD.du vyaiKing okitis ior ; Fancy tweeds and Panama cloths In grey, tan, blue and brown mannish-, mixtures. v. v v '. ' ..'.''' .' f-'.-?". ; L ' fancy. Panama doth made in plalt.d : flounced effect," in green, tan. blue and brown mUtures." $4.50 arid : $5.00 . Walking Skirts for, $2.78 la melton and fancy tweedlsh materials la navy, ollva, gray, royal, rown and ta ariaed stfacts.'.v . $12.50: Walking fSldrts at $7.85 . Y-'Verr haadsome, eUmlne materials, plate navies, blacks aad browns attractively trimmed In fancy braid and jtaffeU aver the flaring flounce. A swell skirt Indeed! ' , -:'t" 4: ' A STIRRING EASTER SALE OP 1 Magnificent Silk Pet ticoats ' ' A grand opportunity for dressy and prudent women to provide themselves at a mere fraction of th- -t worth of the handeoma skirts,' ' ' . '1 ' . . .' : .'"'.V $12.50 Silk;Ktticoats ; for , So Silk Petticoats -for i- Butiful Petticoats Great Value at $120,lspecial at $6.95 , Mostly of rich and shimmering taffetaa la ehaageaMa effects,' embracing, graena, e-reya. halloo, browaa. " champagnes ' and plain blacks, la floanea af facta trimmed with atrapplngs, aoeordloa plaits aad with dust raffles. - Beauties. ; : .1 -, $10.00 jSilk;Petticoat3 at $4.98 Ptafa aad ebangeahle taffetaa, raffled and flouneed la aesor dlon plaited effecta; light blues, pinks, browns, navye. blacks sad changeable effects. Best fit values la the city for three . daya at .I....$4.t3 A TIMELY EASTER SALE OF Wrappers an id Pretty for tbo Boudoir. Tea we've provided for the housewife wan at home and traveling. Wrappers for household duties and a... j onos for the rest hours. ' -.:.V ViC "' $1.00 KIMONOS H -- - 75c KIMONOS ir $20 HOUSEWRAPPER 9&G C. ,11 I MI L .. I I I i BBsaMsMsBmSBsmmWL. .. $1.00 ICimonos 6?3 ' 1 Short styles la pretty outing flannel materlala la black 1 white and a big assortment af pretty , colorings and fane:: -I designs. --v. .')'(',-'-.'.... . .,' ' . " 75c ICimonbs 52c ' Fancy figured and -dainty conventional stripes la all tit pretty, wanted colorings, short st ylee. " ' . ' $2.50 House Wrappcrc, ::".''-t,.:--":.': -.VV'4;. TlS"r "S I -. 2 t ' "re i;t:' 1 r li .Kada ty na tf Skimped, hi i . i ertatf asi tt i i t"rrw e t j c trtauolzrs i nZ.Z 11 H 7 t ' ' . 1 . I . , "