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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 19, 1905)
of Alfred B. Erooka. r"0,lf e ! ' for a year of exhaustive exploration aud aarveyfc - . -' - . , - ,-,. O.R,&UVVILLCAPTUnE - o exemption From Corporation PJni Dom ; Not Apply for I .Taxes ' Already Accrued. Y y C LASTING EXPLOSIVES MUD I pAVC UAI w LADbk Chanr in Director,, - Require ments t Already ' Is. Helping ? . ; the State's Interests, ' t This week the" Uti entered by h . Ut legislature relative to mining co Into effect That affecting the corpora tion tax la the most Important ia Its bearing on the younger element of th Industry. Remitting tha corporation tax. or rather fixing aa arbitrary llcenae f f it- a veer.. on all oompanlee owning propertied tbat have not produced It, 06 tn the preceding year U an Immanaa re lief. Several mine owner thought" the It exempted them from payment of tha tax (or tha yaar Just closed, but uch la not tha caaa. A tha original tax haa alwaya baan regarded unjust to mines not producing la fact, to all nlHlng property, remittance of the tax lor 10 waa asked, nut tha affort to secure any relief Involved a heavy ' rtrugg le, and It waa feared that. If mora Waa attempted, tha entire measure would fall. a ,.-. ,,- - Tha Mil providing that the. data of 'Manufacture of blasting exploelvee be .baled on1 th original package .will go . ito affect thla weak. Such a. meaaure a thla haa never been triad In Oregon, "t elmllar ones have been enforced by v -at mlnlnc eta tea, and miner aaeert t at they add materially- to the safety (. workman underground. - ,' After thla weak mining companlea i ay be organised. In thla atate a ad nave a board of director resident elsewhere, t ne of the moat atrlklng reaulta'of thla rseaauro has been tha bringing. of three f r four prominent .companlea here 1 : tdy. . They 'were operating In '"the ate, bat Incorporated whore, their rectora lived, aa It waa, impracticable ir the dl rectora to come to thla atate tnnually to hold, meeting.' Such, meat -bit be held anywhere now. and I fore the yaar dose -many companlea will no doubt make thla stats their foor. orate home. ' The amendment t the "placer-location Ua will go into effect within, a few nor day a: the effect of thle? meaaure ia to make placer : location conform i lore nearly to tha ltw'lir regard to lode i.xsaflone, go far aa may be la tha ne ture of thing. ? These were the only meaaure enacted ty the laat legislature, affecting the t.lnlng lntereata. None waa a declared an emergency measure, and all take t-ffeot tt day from data of approval .ty the governor. i- ;-. . FLAf.S.OF SUJ.VEY If J ALASKA THIS SU', CD MlnLn 7 The United, feee .geological aurvey Will proaecuter aAvteraiory'. and geotogl-i ctkX atudlee Jo .Alaska, thla. year oa a acale-eqoal to that, done the year pa at, - V. H. Moffltt ia to go t Noaov again. aalated by F. I. -Haa. He wilt continue wi'il on ui. vuHrvre, wqu. ear. ,nm will explore the tin depoltof York clstrlct mora fxhauetlrely, . : D. C. Wltherapoon will be aaatgned to the' Yukon-Tana na dlatrlct,. which , la the aeene ot wild excitement of late. Ralph W. Stone wilt do the geological work . for , Mr. Wltherapoon' party, which will be one of the beat tqulpped In the northern: field. L. ft. Prlndle will go from Daweon '. to Fatrbanka, atudylng the Intervening country and Che placer at the latter deatlnatloa. I'rofeaaor U. 8. Grant will atudy- the v op per depoait about Prince 'William nund ' with' Sydney' Page, geologlat. George C. Martin, aaaleted ' by A. O. ladren. will have the duty of making a thorough, reconnolaaanc of the Con t roller bay coal dlatrlct, where there will alio be a crew of - topographer. ?rofeaor R. 8.' Tarfr will make a aar vey of the Takutat bay dlatrlct,- where he , will endeavor to , determine If the oal field belong to the earn belt aa .he of Controller bay. - -- f r. R, Wright, aaalated by C "VT. Trlght. will . continue hi atudle of the lode mine of aoutheaatern AJaaka. -where tha government haa done eonald -rable work. K. M. .Kindle will atudy thla aame region.':. -. .. :- .-. ...;. , ; All Alaska work 1 under the direction t MANY NEVADA MINERS V-Vvi'v .;' .V." w C".-'.-ni'" Oregon mining interest are express ing greater appreciation of, the novel work inaugurated by the passenger depart ment of the O. R. A N. company, which la having- distributed la .Tonopah ; and Ooldfleld many thousand tract on the merit of mining resource la thla. state. The time was especially opportune, win ter saw a' steady rush to those camps, and the 'throng growa aa spring break. Thousand of men seeking a promising mineral Held will have to be turned away disappointed, and If they have tn their hand descriptive matter of Ore gon' minerals, they -are aa likely, to come la this direction a -to go to aom action of which they have barely heard. That the wealth of both Tonopah and Ooldfleld la greatly exaggerated In thi thousand of advertisements sent put I aocepted aa a poaitive fact by mining men. There.-, la good mineral .in that section, and some of the new atrlkea are producing i well, bat like the Klondike stampede, they are being vastly over done.! Rich or ha excited a multitude ot men, moat of whom will fall to find what they geek In the southern bonanaa lands, Aa the, mining fever la up. the prospect for falling heir- te a goodly number of theae goldaeekera by Judicious advertisement la vary favorable. The O. R. dc N. eompaay haa mndertakea tha work atona and I doing a eervloe for tha state, as well aa for the transporta tion companlea la seeking to enlist the multitude la Oregon. - ,-t : ; - MINERAL EXHIBIT TO BE A MEMORABLE SHOW Northwest mining districts are crowd ing to the front In an effort to nave their ore exhibited at the fair. Some of them are late tn the start, and will aot be able to accomplish all they expect. but the near Interest Insures far greater exhlblta.thaa atatea would have been able to bring together.,: Operatora In homaof the - district are organising aaaoclaxlona to do thi work Independent ly Of atate or county, or aupplemental to the larger plana A type of thla en terprise 1 found In aft. Baker. Washing ton, where a Lewi and Clark fair min ing association I tn existence. Coal Intereata of Lewla county, Waahthgt6n, have alae discussed aa Independent ex hibit The entire northwoat la aroused over tha work, and the mineral display wtu ne tn largest and moat representa tive the northwest country ever brought a t W .... NICOLA VALLEY COAL ATTRACTS ATTENTION TTnuaual Interest baa bean created ot late In the Nicola valley coal props r tlaa of British Columbia, In which aev- eral Portland men have become Inter ested. ' Four diamond drill are worklug In thla district, and the coal ueaaurea opened by aom of thi work are of rare promise, i The Nloola-Caal and. Coke company of Portland ia running a dia mond drill on Ita property. . The lateat discoveries ot coal there prove the char acter of the fuel to ber-up to the high standard .announced earlier IrT the his tory of the district. No doubt remain In the mind of the operator that they will' get a railway either thla .year or early next, and tnare. ia-a' general ex peotatlon that work wlu eommenoe on perhapa both the Canadian Pacific xteo elon end the Great -. Nortkern' v sew line. ' -. , ' ;., ; ' ', : -:r '. .. ' .'' -.,... MINERAL RESOUCES ': ' ' - EXCEL IN WAfiT WAYS '"' (gpeetsl Mspsteh te The Jearaai.) Albany. Or, April 1 Bellm K. Has san of Salem, a mining engineer, ret urned yesterday from the Cascade moun tains, where he spent last week Investi gating the mineral resources of that sec tion. Ue. reports important depoalta of copper and allvtr with aom gold and pronounce tola region the ricneet in copper of any he baa aeen in' the United State. Only. an copper deposit of o nor. Mexico, h aaya are euperior, and he predicts great mining activity. aa Boon a capitalists can be made to see in great wealth in the hills. Mr. Hassan aay ht also round quanti tie of bauxite,, the mineral from whioh aluminum la made, and ha I surprised that the deposit bavs not been de veloped. He expect to be joined tier later by men of capital who-will look over the ground, with a view to building a smelter In thi city. , , . (i There are some thing that RusssU Sag and Rockefeller cannot buy. -, A Mar's Worth Free . v ''. .,;; . ...' , - . - u i '.(','(. To Anv Rheumatic Sufferer i- t ask a Vpeslt-ae reftneaee as aeearlty. , TWre Is aethlag to risk aethtng te Sronlw etklag t pay, either aow er later. Aay kae utic sanerer wa does So kaaw mt remeay auy eae a rail aonaf's'worth free t try. , , - I willlagly auke tha liberal offer eeeaase 1 . kaaw Out Da. flop's kbeasjatle BeaMdy suy be reus asea ALWATS te arlag the atsMst re Uef that aiedlrlae caa Teats before I ais- eevemd this renesy. I etadlet the -eatar e( e'er. garsistHai Is really - ' .- ' - v, : Crystallized Poisonl .? . I Tear bleed la aHrtea fall' ef p1-rha . extern yea eat end drink see breathe lata year ert.iB. . It le tke aarpaee of the blood te sbeorb . 4 aft en? tbti very eolKm. As4 the kleV 7e, vhleh are tke Mood Iters, are eiseet'd t-teesM tae Bleed and eead tt bark tbreoah . the ayateav eieaa, to gitber saere aoleoa, which . ibr, la turn, IU eUmlaata. - . . . . , Bt aoeexlDMe the kldnere tall. And' eeaie. rlmre. front ems ether eeae. tke bhod geo) 'Be fell polena tint they eenaot sbwirb It all. rale is the start f RbenaMtl.a. . The sohwa venn1nte and erretalllapa The erretale kwk ke little gralas ef easar ee of fee wblte eaa. ? lu blond earrtae them and ther laereaee Is rise. Tnes, ernea It eaa earry tkeei no leaser. t oeansiia taeaj ia a jetss-ea a rMre. The Hrlase m year Ik fhe foil a Hie la rear era ea a rainy ear theae ere the eotwar eigne irae la T itward all I the aeeees emtale. And the tainted Umha ' and anepeakable ansnlah e( the enfforer whe . baa slleered his nrBn'onM te e anheanied and aaattenited far yeere hno nre the erteeaeee et rnat, sugl.pted, ena do. - nnennmlUm taclsilea la hnge, - erhrttea. -ws ralerta, soet tor III theae nre the reealta ef roeaejotla salt is ' la the bleed.. rmialy, the tret thing te do Is te reewrre the -. - Bet this Is aot eaoagb. The rOBMA ef the eeaana snant he etonoed. ee that ' eatnre nnar hare a ehanee te 4leelee aad elimi nate the err late erhlrh have elreaer (iwmt taiena ms eoaa iseva eaa BernMaent I mrit eke wbole earth tar a sseee far ynnjatliai eeaufhlng that I er enr earsMaa e-i4 feet eat la aeeeerlMne; eaaerhtng that ae eeald eeaat ea net eaiy . eeenaleaally, eat Wild esses are eeejotlaiea eared by a single sackageOa sals at fartjLOouaiaaVdrag ALWATH far the ravages ef Bbeaautlsa) are everywaere ena genaine rener is rare. . I spent twenty yean la esaertneatlng before t reit setieaea tatt. i aaa this dreed dleei ay tea ild sal resjiedy which weai only cleaa eat the selsoB, bet ae which weald ews a serBauoa, . . r t , - i Certain - Relief, e aenalbl as ia asve beea The aeeret lay la' a weaderfsl eheaileat I foand la Oeraaay. Wsea I fosad thla ehemlrel i anew tui i eoaia aaae a aaeaantle care that weald be practically certain. Bat even thee, before I suae en annoeecement aefere I wa. wllhne tn aut tmt name na it I aaa,w thaa g.000 leetsl Aad ay falhwea Were bal t -j Die vemi rnenirai ia noi me eaiy lanre dlent I ae. in Pr. Bheop's BheasMtie Cure -set it piece me i.iupux iihipio aaoe sehleveaent which, I seubt aot, eaa! aane in ae or eer war. . . Tkle chemical wan very expeaelve. ' The duty, tea, was blah. Ia all It coat ate per pound! Bat what Is S4.M per sennd for s BBAIi reatedr for the world', meat Mlnfal dnoeiel RRAli relief troa the greatest torture Asasa belngn kaowf I don't- .n that !)r. gheop's Itheaaetle Car r.a turn- boay Joints Into aenh again that Is lapoaelble. Bat It will drive from the nmoe ran seieon mnc neln sad ewelllni ewe inn wai m me ene or we thla UI spend the PIRgT dollar that Itheeaatle eat- mi naln and w.U- lagthe end et the enfferlng the end ec Bhea aatleta. Thet le why I eaa afford to aake ivwnt viin mi mi way 1 eaa errord the FIRST dollar that lUn.Mr . f erers, the world aver, aay lean ef ay lenkidy- .Write-Me- whe haa net tried ay retaedr. . Bat yoa aesi write MB for the free dollar package order I will eend yea aa order ea year drngflet wbleh he will aeeest aa gladly as he would teeeet s doller. He will head yoa from hie eheTres S BtaneArd slaed pnekare and he will send the Mil te ae- There ere as enedltlesa ae re enlreaenta. 'All that I ask yea te do la te wnie wnn enomy. Will sens yoa mt en Bheaaattaa bentoe. It la free. It neip re ie asoeretasa year eana. Or. theoe. Box 0 tra, Bsdsa. Win. wtu atsras. r.fjioop'sRheumaticRemedy - yJ..;.':-: I . I I j e - v - a. m't neay .'. t '-. .( ? . 7 ..; .; -. . 4 -'.'.V-. ''. , ' ' r-J ; i : - V - - '; - '-. .;'- ". t - '-" - -K - . mi v i v . S.' -.r ...... -r-l 1 1 " 2,iA.icA I,,,,,,. I ;r THE BIO 8TORE IN THB ; , if f i . ! 'II I I I I II I I 1 a , ,,1 Iboj-s j Confinhaiion ; i ' f I . : I SniM!ne . 'I . HI -nd Bau ; -l ' Free at the .' f Flowers of mm a w . - ... r-, - -v-; - .j -e V a. ... . : 33 COMMENCING NX2XT SATURDAY AX A. AIID CCirnirUirrO UNTIL DICTr.IZUTZD, C::3 extra Select caxla:lixie3 roR'CACTzn vill le tzlszivtzd to ti:e tkzt cc:. LADIES CALLING AT THIS STORE NO PUECIL.CE r-EUIEED. ANY LADY CALLING VILL' EE PRESENTED WITH OUR EASTER COn?UIlE:jT C.LircrjeTIA CALLA LILYONE 07 THE MOST GRACEFUL FLOWER P. S At tht Saturday before Eatter It a day of mthir turlatra It will be our oblect to can out th ' XUliet as early at pottlble, in order tbtt thedbtritctbn'iaiy t ccr:-l;UJ before the crowds of Easter buycra qture our enure attention, so, uuss. pisaia ccsza early aaa get a tczutiil 2y for Easter Sunday, and oblige 5 hFP 69-71-73 ThixdSte, Bet Oak and Pine For E-istcr Satiddy r Ticthlni Is Kcrc Ap rc-rji tha a Kite Zlzz fciurXfctftll Suit ' 4 . , '- V?Vi -J V'"'"-. FOR ' PURE WOOLL FAST DYE. HAND-TATLORfiD. SHAPRfiETAfMTNn .Wftniwa ; HAIR CLOTH SHOULDERS $169 BLUE AND BLACK SUITS. THIS REDUCTION . ON THESE ELEGAirf AND DRESSY SUITS FOR EASTER WEEK IS A RARE OP- PORTUNITY TO SECURE YOUR EASTER SUIT AT A POSITTVB SAVING AND GET" THE VERY. ' LATEST 'Stm&-?-?&-,:-?:h TEE S?X.'S $"CVy IS CK Easter and Spring's Choicest and Most Desirable of Materials, Hand-Tailored and . Shape-Retain ing. SPECIAL SALE PRICES . 7 Kheo Paiito ISulteO nt a tkltfT-! f. JV Vtt tirvn I'M.'M awa 7 - I -. ; -- -. -A -.';.v.'.- i"- .-s-,;-. ay ' Y 1 rea-( matcri- als, . colors and' styles are all of the" trflstwOrthy . iJ.OC For $5,00 and $5.50 extra quality, ight ytiaOO dark and medium color Suits, jnclad- ; ing Buster . Browns, also"Norfolk and double breasted.'. ;'vvvi'', -i-'i I J- "".:;.' ) -"C ViC For 4-00 Suits !lcae the good ; f , C w'j i -f , 'aT.-flel anna fnr vrmr lttMfiMi. .Trie ma Ma For .lEaster We . Chow Uort Styles of Nobby Suits Than Any Othet Two Stores In tht Qty. C7 OC Suits are easily the best $10.00 suits -in the Htv. Plrrifv of atwIaKHt. --ana aouoie Dreasiea. ; ; v- .-, V;C QC .Suits are phenoaieoal values, , They - v a - come in -joiue ana dulck dersre ana , -.a Unfinished worsteds ; also 25 styles of , n6bby v" -: Dreasiea.-1 ryip,.;, 451 4 'flC Silk and .Venetian lined. 'singled ' j QC ,Extra pualiy Blue Serge , and dark ;v j PlOij double breasted, styles ? Black, Blue D00. colors, in Worsteds, Cassimeres, Chevn , . : and Fancy Worsteds or Gunmetal Grays x Bran . rr I 1 i xjt II I I .. M ,. . . , J XT I ' . e.e a . . . . . . ' iots, Tweeds ; very ored garments, that i Worsteds, Cassimeres, Chevn , 'a , v'.and Fancy Worsteds or Gunmetal Grays; xiti,?.fiS j select styles, in full hand-tail- dagee, Kinkaid. Woods tt Ca's all hand-tailored Tv 4 t are easily worth $6.00; "garments. They are the best values in town. , ' ' : " Vy- J I J .. -'A : , I II I i -i a a OLDEST PENSIONER HAS ANOTHER ANNIVERSARY . (Jearaal Sperld Berrien., ' Are. N. April It. Ulraaa S. Cronk. tb enly aurvlTlaff; pensioner ot the war of Jltll, celebrated his lOitn birthday today. The afed veteraa liree with, hla daughter, Mra. Sarah A. Rowley, on a farm at the wtakirt of thi wlllacei He enjoy eplendld health -for a man of such ereat and hla faculties are aa keen aa those ot many peopl only half ale a. ." " '- --,.-.- . , - ' Mr. Cronk' career ha -beea notably that of a true and patrlotlo American. Born April It, 1100, in Herkimer County. N. XV to Mr. and Mrs. Jam Cronk. who were amonc the - first aetUera of the Mohawk Talley, he waa reared on a farm until 14 yeera old. when be en Hated with Capt. Edmund Fuller, -at Western. N. T- tn the .New Tork toIub- teere. .The aame day Jaroea Cronk. the father and John and Casper Cronk. brother, enlisted with the same reel-' meat. ' All . s erred in the defense or Beckett' harbor, and at the do-of the war with England the father 'and three sons were honorably discharged. Hiram B. Cronk aurrired his father .and brothers, but they all reached a ripe Until three year ago xne veneraoia pensioner drew only $11 per month, but congress na increasea nia pension fo fit a. month.. .:. ,. v-; '"'e.,' a ' 11 - BAT X BaTOLAJTS. S (Jeareal Boedat errloe.) . -. ; London. April !. Primrose Vlay, the anniTersary of -the birth? or Lord Beaeonsfleld, waa widely observed today usual. , Since the death of the great statesman. In 1181, first brought -to ' light hi snormoua popularity with tha Brit- lah people. Primrose day haa year by year become more and more a national institution, and today the primrose reigned supreme. At erery street oor- ner were to be found flower, girl with great baskets full ef them, every 'bus driver end cabby sported a large bou euet. and almost everyone to be aeai on the street wa decorated with the common badge. The main point of inter- eat. was. the Beaeonsfleld statu In Par liament square, and here. In unbroken stream, visitor war to b seen de positing r about " the r fceary pedestal wreathe and trophies In tntlnite variety of design. Tha etatue la Westminster AUea Lwls Best Bread. I . . , i v- CnTTOdgo wonrr vmsivt, ( . ' ' 1 eraal BaeeJal Serrke.) . ' i ' Chicago, April It. A notable aociety wedding today wa that of John Faraon. Jr., eon of John Faraon, a well-known Chicago, banker, and v Mlaa ' Pearl tavarty. daughter tt Mra. R. B. Murray. The csrejnony waa performed la the Alvays in. Demand ' It'paya to make perfect point, a our-" oohstantly lncreaalng sajee prove be yond question. If yon have a piece of furniture, a newly 'made closet, aom Improvement about 'the bouse needing paint of varnish, come la and get pound or twe of tht ready-mlzatf article " and note tht' good effect. 4 t ' ' - -;"'( ;: p '..,'- l:C "''ft fisher Thorsch & Ca ooa. : nosr in MommTSOnT '.. Fortr-flrht Street Preabrterlan church aad wag followed by a large reception at the Hotel Metro pole. - The' brlde groom'a father gave to the bride costly gems aad a msgntfleent trenaeeea, while hi gift to hi eon wa a aemt on th New York stock exchange,' coating II,- 000.''". . v ' To All Vhom It May Concern: u i?r rtlfr w I prepared t manufactara all kinds ef CarrUge, Wagone aad Truck and So general blackamlthlng at pricee that ali may Jive. Also that we are prepared to do all kinds i of Rubber Tiring. We have the only machine on the market for extracting wire' f from old tires and, rewlrlnr same. We are the aole agenta In thla At tor , the CELEBRATED KEIXET BPRINOFIEL.D TIRBTthe only tlra thai ' L haa atood the teet of year-. Why use Inferior tire. wheTlhebet U Juat aa eheaDT1 Call and a-et a naranle ae uk an ... iirTrJ! guaranteed. . Give na trial and be oonvtnoed. COLUMBIA MANUFACTURING CO:,-: --vwy atfoearg tt XMrUaad Cante Wtrte..V. I . ' w , - f , ; . ' e n ,1;- ' - StO aasl BM Tnt Man, Ooa, OolamMnv, aa. ee ex' A' ar '. - erwa'ai axeexV a a. JUUiUlUav VfU. IT AU5 lAT CwiST mn 1 ) 1 1 1 LJLJ .0 UUiJ So mtmy .people who Tiaalpp ot La GHdd are stricken with Jpeumonla This is due to the lct that the Bronchial Tubes and Lungs aro left weakened and unable to resist disease., - v : UUOUULj Iv t , . . U n n n nnr . r i :- : r-s t ii iii v i . k rr i II j i , i i.i i i ii iii. --iii i i ,i " r i i I ' r t . i i i ii i i a . f. - - v I t '. I) ' . ! ' ' ' 111. ; not only cures Xa Grtpp Couxhs. and orerents Pntumonla. hut strec-lfcsna tha' Luatra will not be susccptiWe to the deyelopment of eirious lung troubles. -Do not take chances with- some unknown preparation that may contain some Iiarraful drug when FOLEY'S HONE Y AND . TAR costs you no more and is safe and sure. Contains no opiates. ' I had a bad eaa ef La Crlroe abeat (en fttra tro which !tfl my Lant to twtk that I havt been troubled more tr lata tvary winter tinea until I used FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR, which cured mt eo triplet y and my Loaxs a troublt ntrW. H. E20 wTiING, D.D.S., Orrlca, Mo. : f a VACHEX, 187 Otfood St., Cklc, ttvt: "My vlft had very . ttvert cato ol La Crlppt, and It left her via s very had eough. Sbt hied S bottle of FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR tad It giro immediate relief.' The soe hettlto eoert&la tire aad ost-haif tlaa so stack as tit umU tlt aad the ti.oe hwttlte aLttt sLt tiat aa 4 jo ;c:ld Qcz:::"r::it7 c LAUS-DAVIS D2UQ COHPiallY, AIID .V.CCDAT.D. C Ci CVXtZVi ll