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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 19, 1905)
.- -I , 1 4 .t0 iCs. :.;Tui:;;DY0TE '...'..... ."rera tw-v ' e "Tui J '-m ft r "Sac wrt l i -- . . . ...A,,...., V.- , ',: v... W. K. Hum at Astoria. E. Q. Orlr er Tacoma, Victor IL Beckmen of fee f ttf, and about-19 other prominent , inBarsdn 'met here yceterday to or I ante an Orerae Lumbrmri'i i cation. Portland largest lumber mills : war not represented, and the meeting amounted to 1 ay when- another ef xon writ be made to affect an organise. uon, oreson lumDernxm are at pres- ent imitated with the WashJnaos Lura bermea'e association, and it la aald bet t tr conditions could be maintained If - toe Oregon men bad an association of their .own, which would bold meeting! J rortiand. , , .. ..- v. .w, a. Gordon, for it years a well known, bualneaa man of East Portland, ... died at Jila home at Oreaham laat night. r. 7 Mr. Gordon was bora' In New York , , county, Pennsylvania, March J I. J ML Me moved to Iowa when he waa to - . year old, ' and lived -there ' for nine years. - Crossing Uto plains In 1M0, bo .-. spent nearly ten yeara In the mtnea of Montana and Idaho. Id 1170 he came, to Portland and established ' hardware atore on. the east aide. Which he ootid acted till 111, when ho went - rate -bualnemji at O roe ham. .- He loaves a vwldow and two children. ' . v. - it is not mo much the coat of prodtio . tton, but the cost of ' selling which makes pianos expensive. There is oanva to hunt yon op. the hlh salaried salee ; iWian to make you believe that you art flatting- a bargain when you get a 'called t6t piano for 100. Then there la . often yet a commission to A teacher or jib acquaintance.- this is ail oone away .' with by Meyer's how methods of piano ''"selling. Be your ..own agent, your own , 'confidential adviser, and yeu will save ' from - tan to tlM on your piano. A. w, " 'Meyer. M Sixth street.. - - . ' Astoria's chamber of eommerce .last evening selected the following dele - . gates to attend the Oregon Development -..-league convention to-Portland. April 21 and 17: j. u. a. Bowiby, A. R. Cyrus, . C R. Hlgglna, Fv J. Carney, JT. Ross, . AiDert thinner, c. a. psimberg. F. J. ' Taylor. ..The chamber favors contlnu anee of work en the Columbia.-river bar . .by the dredga Chinook, and asked Sena- : tor Fulton to use his Influence to secure .-., u return .to that station. .. .Samuel K. Eliot, soa'of Dr. T, L. Eliot Of Portland,... has secured Rhodes scholsrshtp'aad will register at Oxford next autumn.. Mr. Eliot Is studying at o( , wasolna-ton - university 1 and - will c . , plete his course there this spring. The scholarship gives en annual allowance ' . , or l.tO tor three years to the one , - receiving It. Mr. Eliot prepared for bis - university work by a' course in the ' i Portland academy, finishing his work . Wm 4 1AA ... ' The Home Training association will ' , . meet as usual tomorrow afternoon et t ' . o'clock at the T. W. C-A, Sixth and Oak ' streets. Dr. Wise will be unable to give ' his lecture as scheduled, and Mrs. A. H. : lomit will, present an interesting pa- '., per In its place on ' "Thrift, Money Making and MOaey-Spendlng.' There . . will also be e papier on "The Moral . V' Value of Occupation." The papers will , be followed by dlscussroas. ., - v -t , ' T.' EsUbrook, c colored man. and T. . D. Smith were arrestaw yesterday after ', 'jnoon by Bherlft Word end roe sired to give Vonds on a ebargs of aelllag pools V by tbs handbook system. They gave ' fit ball each. They were. taken by the sheriff on ' Alder street, between , Fourth and Fifth street, where many -men disposed to gamble en the races tengssgats.. '.-', v. .-- ...t.vr v The . Concrete Const rue tlon company has just completed the concrete abutt-i"- meats at the east and west ends of the Bumstde street, bridge. Mr. Wiles, the " president. Is- to be commended for the . energy wiU which lie pushed the work .along. Mr. Cnapraan, the engineer. Is urging the repeira as fast as possible, ' . T so as to have the bridge oompteted at an . . early date. , , , , v -w . v - W. T. Lambert has sued to , (rem the Portland Laundry company It 4U.ll and attorneys tees elahned ' to be due on' a promissory note.-. The , note waa for 11.400 with conditions im . posed therein based on which the plaln ! US demands the amount now due, - . . - ,.' A mission will be opened at the Holy 1 Cross church at University Park this .evening at 7:41 o'clock.- Father Chapo ton of St Loula will lecture on religious topics. The laat lecture win be given next Sunday, evening. - .,; ; If you -are look rag for ' a novel or special style ef purse, pocket or bill V A gaBBewS "a ' ' ' ' " ? suit of skill .and v , equipment, "(lit does -what is: ex ; peeted of it: sells ' ; f J goods, for you. F. W. BALTES & COMPANY First and Oak Sts. Main 160 : V i V Ji rjr:::::v;r::::ir:v:J Tts best thirj for you to do is to Eve V7ithin your Incctae and save what you can. V encourage email beginninga and open accounts of (1.C3. Four per cent interest la paid on sav ing accounts and compounded semi-anttuaBf. Lv SIXTH AND LIOniUSON book, or(: in fact, anything la the better grade of leather goods, call on Albert Bern!, the druggist. Second and Wash lngton. Another lot of coin belts yust received. .' ' ..- ,. . ,;V An effort will be made by citisena of south Portland to secure a library for that district A meeting was held last night at the Fourth Presbyterian church to consider the matter, ana a committee was appointed to organise the campaign and to report at a meeting to be held (0.000 Immigrants Wanted To locate along the Oregon Water rower A Rail way company s line net ween 1 roruino and Es ta fad a. . For information Inquire of the Oregon Water Power Townslte company, lit First street. Phone, Main Esfacada Offers Opportunities to manufacturers which means millions of dollars If properly handled. For In formation Inquire of the Oregon water Power Townslte company, 114 . First street .Phone. Main Sis. v : : Best dollar peetlolee on earth. cor rectly fitted by our expert optician. et ery nair guaranteed. ' Examination tree ror one weea oniy. in oixia siree. Metxger Co jewelers and opticians. Bock Wurstl Bock Wurstl Owing to the crush last Saturday we ace com pelled to ask customers to leave orders early this week for delivery Saturday, Chicago Market, " rutn street. v . The Boltalr Amusemeat eompany has been Incorporated with f 10,000 capital stock, by J. A. Gorman, A, E Snook and H. sC Sargent .. ''.,....,'.; .'k Ladles' Bath . Parlors. ' We reduce the abdomen, cure 'rheumatism, grip. lama back. . 411 Morrison street Hood Try a meal without meat at the Vego- tsnan oaue. ,ae buu nren. Analeye envelope display. Acme Phar macy, Third and sumslds. OeJU ItaL-Freoch restaurant U 4 Upshur - t ' sbbbbbssbbsssbs ; Ask your grocer for Oolden Cheddar. HERE BOYS, LET WOMEN HAVE THE SIDEWALKS V Residents of .the district between Everett and Lbvejoy streets, ' wsst of TweaUethfhave called the attention of the police . to the fact that boya ride bicyclea.on the sidewalks in deflsnoe of ths Ordinance prohibiting it It la aald the lads are Impertinent to women. ana tnat tney nae tneir wheels st reck less ' speed along the walks, and when they meet er wvertake . women I they oraer tnem out 01 tne way. . The police ee pertinent advises' par ents - 01 aoya wne own wheels t that ' the lada keep off the sidewalks. as the offenders wlU be arrested with. out further warning. It la the inten tion of the department to pett people who ' violate . the bicycle ordinance in Jail. C;jIS:r::tC:..:jCin CptsJcer Czz'.zjzi Pc"c; ;Ad mJnfitrttljn la afliity Clot t on Reputation of City.' " ; Oeorae-H. Howell, who hss been one ei the leading candidates tor mayor. was the principal speaker at the meet' ing la the hall on the third Xloor or too Albee club was formed. It was. epo lally emphasised that the name of the club had no prefix of republican, but waa to be merely "The Albee Club." Mr. Howell also set at rest all speculation as to his future Intentions, when he that It had been stated that he would be an tndeapendent candidate if Albee were to be defeated for the republican nomi nation.. Me aald: "X shall not be a candidate. I am in this f lgnf for no ulterior purpose, .but because I believe that It la time for all who want good government to take off their coats and work for tne nomination and election of a man who stands for proved efficiency In publle service . and honesty of administration. -The election of Mr. Albee means that there will be a business-man's adminis tration, ' as well as one that la of kind with that which Teddy Roosevelt gave to New Tork elty when he put on his raincoat and went out at night to learn, actual ooodltlon. so as to be able properly to conduct the- affairs of the polios department . - . . ; '.. - . " are 9wmm". v' -: . "It means that the rich corporations and banks will not run tbs city govern meat, but that every oltlsen. rich or poor, shall have equal voice In the de termination of what Is right la the handling of municipal business."""' " " " "Do you know." asked Mr. Hswsll. that there has been SI esoapea from the elty JaU under the administration of Charles H. Hunt, mostly ef men who live from the earnings of women T Mine oouncilmea went to Mayor Williams and asked that he remove this, the foulest blot that ever marred the fair name of a city, bdt the request was unheeded. : There Is a new idea abroad In the land one that waa bora when President Roosevelt proved that an honest msa can compel respect for law when he goes forth to do his duty and execute his oath -of office , as en executive. That Idea Is alive in Portland now, and It la going to overturn, the existing order of things and cause the Inauguration of a new regime of 'Which we will all be proud. The election of H. R. Albee will be one of the results; of the prevalency of that Mea here In Portland." r The presence of George H. Howell and bis address In support of Albee were re garded by the Albee men as more than an offset for the announcement that Willis Fisher had Withdrawn tn favor of - Mayor WUllama -.?--- When he concluded, there were calls for Albee, who went forward and de. c la red his principles la a brief address. He waa - greeted, with tumultuous ap plause and said in part: . i. "Support is coming to us from unex pected sources, and the prospects are bright Indeed, tor success. ' There la a war In progress i a war' the none ef hlch la bounded by ' the Atlantle the east, the Paciflo on the west Can on the north and Mexico and the Oulf on the south. It Is a - war tor good government, and it shall not end until the principle has been recognised ss ef universal . acceptation that laws are enacted to be enforced, and that the laws at WlU. ' !.-- ry : "We are told that lieeastng vice I oessary ta the maintenance . of gov ernment I. hold that If It be claimed that 174.040 a year of revenue" Is to be gained from this licensing of Illegal practices, severs! . times -that amount would be saved were honesty to be ap plied la the conduct of elty government and . sound bualneaa principles insisted on. ... "I believe It should not be beneath tht dignity of a mayor to go aa Theodora Hooseveic aia woen, as sir. jioweu nas said, he-put oa his raincoat and went forth to learn conditions aa they actu ally existed, rather than to accept tha statements of men who were interested la aiding the law breakers te break the law and afford opportunity for officials te ply their 'graft' We havd eandida tea whose record 1s known, and others -whose position s equivocal who reach out for the votes of the lew breaking element et the asms time bidding for ths support of th whose one. idea Just now is that there must net be a continuance ef this dis graceful system of aull If lcatlon ef law by the executive and the disregard or right by officials generally. i nave asen quotea ss ravormg tne saloons, and this Is tha first opportunity to make my position clear. , I bold that under our present ' laws, saloons are made legitimate businesses and that having attained rtghta under the laws. they ere .entitled to a square deal. . I distinguish ' between saloons that keep the lew and those that do not' Senator C W. Nottingham wsa elected- president Of the club, and W..W. Morse secretary. . Addresses were made - by Rev. K, L. House, D. IX, Robert Living stone. Miller Murdoch, John R. James, John Bala and others. It Is said that 100 members are aigaed and that the number will be Increased to L0OO ta s fsw daya. f.!UCH EXCITEMENT BUT f0 ONE KILLED Soma rode In the patrol wagon, other ran at breakneck speed, a "few walked. mere took to the atreet cars, twa or three went on bicycles but they all bur lied to 44 Fifth street about 4 o'clock yeeterdsy afternoon te And that a prac tical Joke had been played and they were the victims. 1 . A report came over ths telephone to the police station that a horrible murder had been committed at 440 Fifth street The patrol wagoa was out at the time, and Policeman Wendorf and Ba Branch stsrted te rua to the scene of. the crime. Detectives Snow, Kerrigan. Dsy, Welne; Relslng and Carpenter Jumped en i atreet car and commanded the moterman to make the run of his life. Ths petrol wSgftn returned and Policemen Oolts, Qutnlsn 7 and Detective Vasghn went pnet haste. The venerable head of the police department went at a fast gait Id bla buggy. At 449 rifth street a gaping multitude wondered what waa the mstter with the poileewte. They wre smssed et the nurotMr ef offWi a knd Chief Host's uni y In Usw I'Z.'bj en"'- 26th Street Fftdnj Main Entrcrjco ;nd Exit cf Lcwb Q. -7:v Clark Fir.--V-;i.'t 'APPLY- nn WW . f 5 1 Chamber of Ccmtnerce or393Ji 26th Street 1 AT THE THEATRES. "rra Thorne" Popular, TOs la leeace m! in, art hMaSa a ih. uxaswia. . "Mrs Tkma" k.a kit seen, as it eid m Cblcase as ether taeatftee "!"? eeiaee, nittui end nn alteraate txvnmWm la the Usea e tbs wanes aemraay. - ...! - ' . Thrillliif Act at th Baker, Te the levers ef the tbrllUas ead tidtlnf Is ea est et tka nkm tkia k.. mu tmmt eoaio se wishes for mat ef the HeffBMai la their BCneloes erele whirL Tbs slrl is a etrcolsr fcmrk aMuwtB i fi re a Slaawter et tka kottoK as i . at the ssa, sIbmb verttesl. sad enesd. this the riser whirl at bteak-aeek speed ea. or dinary Mcycke. Bealost this there are setes ether act say see of which are worthy ef Hie. iseiedlBS the artmt Bunk sairiary,'- ea jss Bekeraavapa, the bmm auoemt aaevwc lctr nun la BTMUncs at T:aO e'elecfc Bad t e clock; after. s .dv e cmcs. 7 ' ' The Grand Theatre. . tier was - sever s smeh hinshhw Is sa ees evealag aefete at the Oread theatre as U r - esea sicat sr taw week, yield esd awe la their ' act ef "Meats Qaaana" le the blrtest hit ef the Mhd a rar aaaa la the heaee. The OUrer treepe sarlofsw faat es ta ttgnc wire that eat the Meed Uaslmc. Ksrdel ead Chsrdaa pcaaiut a aaeetaceler esaea. The atavlac ekare ef the Innaadlarr ta ess ef the ssstt effective story fihss ever effered aaywi ,K . Star Vanderille. ;;'X' ' Desfara ead Oreeeta. the eerelietta taasi at the gtar this weak, are direct treei the east, asd a reaurkaMr clever asd easDar act tsar five. tsto-Oeele Hobeoa eeatrlbates eseratM eelectleaa. while Wntoa ead Beasley have a aaasaa veraioa el -a Hot OM Tuse". that aloe aaUtnaa. The hill fe nil eraelJ4 with eaawdy asd swledy ead Is ealealateS ta please every vaadevuls setraa. . , , -V Crowded Houses at Empire, -V- "Bvea the soorias rela hut alsht aid aet aaa seople frost1 gatas ta the Bawtre, -sad a ca pacity ease , esjoyea - aa- escaUaet aerrena-eca-ef 'Tea Xwhts la a Bsneeas." Tkla M tesieaeaaee play has eaea eaaa tlae esd Hate assie, eat it as set eaaa. aea ta Pwi use far ie rears asd It easMB te tt eaaretloe like a sew play. It he all easatiee that auks s great Blase A bm wtu he sires .every day at S:1S elec. . .-."Eagt Lraae" at Enrpire. asaasy afteraeee the flfst pihjatsua. ef seat Lyase" will he fives at the Eraplre.4 T nm no weeoerrai sewav taw greet estetJaael Brian has te drew I the aaw sTaiplr stack eeemeer hi aeetiaud Its ability te ameetj It. . The at weswiy snr srte of sdauaelee eaa ealv lataiaia u iae Bsesas are erewees at reiest a slatlaee', every dajr. . BVaalss .;; Old Favorites Coming. L B. SteeaweU sad Charles S. Terat kanwa te the setroee ef the M areata erase. win BB ears ant hfaeeay ead Tvveesy la Berber BsahlnrS'e selltieal anandr. "n nua- arable Jeaa Kerth.'V Thai play waa rematly the CaUfarsJa theatre m Sea rres- Tbb .edrsaee eale eseas rrieay- suralag- , - Baseball Teams at Columbia. TcetgBt the ewabar ef the Partlesd ssd as s an Ma eaacBaii tMBW esswet tae Bszae la tae ceiewkia M . sf "Dera Thoraa." -"Pink Dominoes." - Hart Boaoay Bin eees the farewell weak ef tae tienaiMe swipb eeaiBeay la PortUae. The pisy. "nas UOBUBaae," h) s Brely . n way., reu ef ectiea asd stda aallttlaa alt. Bailees. .-.. . The little folks love Dr. Wood's Nor way nne ayrnp. neasant to take; per fectly barm less; noaltlve cure toff cougna. coiaa. Dronehitis. sstmna. Hall Mirrcre . Genuine French beveled plate mirror, oak flnleh, green or' ' genuine ebony, diamond shspe. - three hooks each. Three ataes. - , 10 and lt-lnch; worth 11-40? 11 and 1.0 ; . .... . . SPECiAL TOnORRO WJ- ' r-tneh SX1S, le-inoh. L4V II- , Inch SX.TS, v , .V,; - . ' ' ; If this wss a dollar aHlele redured to It cents it would , sen like hot cakes. Let as ssy. It's much cheaper. formerly K. T- Furniture Co. 184.6 First Street "V- A Red CaOt 'Pargaoini' r 1 In lr.t:.;:t d t'.tttiity'. Offers 7 f.'iycrtTty Candidates. . ""A , red -nosed person, stating that he represented the north-end voters, paid twotouching" tributes to two mayor alty candidates last sight and contract ed to perform the rather difficult task of delivering the vote of the "sub merged tenth" se both aspirants for the office of chief executive. His first offer was made to H. B, Albee at the meeting of the new club In process of formation en the third floor of the Ailsky building. . . 1 i "I am here te arrange to deliver te you the north-end vote," aald the gen tleman with the red proboscis to H. B. Albee, after taking him Into a back room and endeavoring .go Impress oa him that the north-end voters were safe ly stowed la his pocket He Intimated that he was striving In the Interest of morality to dsposit their ballots on pri mary election dsy for the msn who hss announced . that he Staadg for .law SB' forcemeat - ' - t ....'.-, :. .'.h Five minutes later the red-nosed msn was seen occupying front seat at the Gmrke club, and he was ready to de liver tbs north-end, vote to the. Front street merchant ." - 1 It was Impossible to learn the net result aL these -touching tributes." but the eresumotion la fair that his "touch Was not to be a conspicuous -part at the campaign of either candidates. At last reports the red-nosed one was looking for another candidate te whom he might offer the north-end vote. As there were no other clubs In session, his quest Is said to have been tn vain. Commencing tonight Evangelist 1. H. Elliott and wife, aaslsted by Charles Mayfleld. will begin a le-day revival meeting at the Volunteers of America hall. 141 Aaksny street. .j Matting Sale Havthg'a very large stock sf fine linen warp matting aa hnd. we must positively close It out te make room tor our new stock at goods to arrive for the fair trade. We also have a large stock et nsw eaaton, crepe .and; llneu em broidered patterns for ladles waists and drees as,' pongee silks and other fine goods, such as ' grass linen,', table center pieces, : Japanese and Chinese latest novel ties, surios, .eta at lowse prloea. Andrew Ka fCoT .'':' " a eai ij '(''- ; fni,,. efaOff vmivi1 ,.;;.-,...v. Honest Trading That Is ths way JOHN CELLAR has built up bla large custom trade carry ing a good variety of up-to-date goods st moderate prices marked la plain flgureav la II snow windows are dis played the latest, petterao of Men's and Boys Suits. Hsta, Pants and Shirts, with a general Una ef Shoes, la tan. patent leather or vlcl kid. Alo a full line et Trunks nnd Valises at the same place, corner ef FIRST AND TAlf H1 J- aolng business for 11 yeara, , A new branch lately,- purchased at THIRD AND DAVIS. ? AmUSaUejrjrTw. . BASEBALL I! .WOW FASUC Pern st Vaughn PORTLAND y;rr-t.'V. iVaf LODANGILLE3 j'-v.-V SJ amd 4 " A , Oaatee called I:0 o'clock. . Sundays, Site. - OkOMtmL ISa. Orandstand for ladlea rree everv day but 8uiMays end holidays; man tec eMuear uay snoay, - . .,.-, ..r. COLUMBIA THEATRE lets asd WasalsgtoB. TONTOTTTt ALI. WKKE. MSTTMWB B1V araer OahaatMa Stark Ceeapanjr, bwt weak bat m, BvwjBBima- rwui m. carl Baaaaae , SOsVaV raOaUtS.1 The eaty Brat -clue attrerttaa m tae elty, rennlar ai Ii ia atir a. K,. m.Hm Be, tte. 10r. Dowe-tawe has efsre all ssr at tn Merrhwa. Psoas buna 10; evealag at SrrBlCrWa BBJallBl 11. haiT -pink bOsnnoKs." EMPiRetess'sa Bar oBtaaW Iwf Ma Msa Xrery Day at 1:15. Oae Shew Saeh MSt at -. ........ S- APaUSSIO au. mis -vxik. .V :. ' The Hrae Tatpt aare Play. ay the Bwslre Stack Oaeipaay. X9 OTOU WBTaX,' Third asd TeathllL Kaatlae A naad. Msr. OTHKB ACTS: ' ' . SfSwS m avaa a W-tiw eaa jr. Bur. aae sue. 1 Tka BlMii,t hiwtaa- "The rei lasg Serf lary re et rat. T.B0, Ii. a . AaaUaal IS THE LYRIC THEATRE BBTKiwn inn aulH Si RBK'IB. ' aver Aftaraeea aad Svaalas. "THE swetrresT aiRru Pal hiMaaam at I:aBT: aaS ':is ax STAR. TH3AT0Z: 2L KVWOaA AJfB SAOrtAt vrijroa a st a, bkasxTT. . , wtr Aire hnnrr. . .. ae- f ' it : law i , a- aoDia r"T"7"","iT",,,,,,""n II -'a " - sva ii j . i 1 1 HJV'O . fe Year We really can sell DIAMONDS at 10 to 23 per cent lower than any jeweler in the city. The fact that most' of our ; diamonds consist of unredeemed pledges places us in a posi tion to sell them cheaper, besides you can buy from us cn EASY PAYj.IETJTS YOU PAY NO MORE THAN WERE YOU ;TO PAY With fvery diamond we sell we gives certificate absolutely ;' guaranteeing the quality, and . ralue of your purchase; . We refund your money within one year, less 10' per cent the cash - r f purchasing price, on any diamond bought from us. ! The Pori!tind ' f MARX tt BLOCK, Vwfr7$- Present- Eitremely Low of the Very Higheat Qrade Pianos Makes l It Uzzy to Possess the Greatest American flakes, y Exshauacwd ChldtsTf ng. Websr NewAlso Hobart M. Cable, ETsrott, tlardmaa, VvVX The Chlckarlnas leadership among tn naakes Is unquestioned. Jonas American Chtckerlng, when he made the first Chicksrlng piano, founded aa Industry wnicn- nas gsioea in preaiisw iw m A nam: tha Weber Diano. ths weber piano, owing vq the peoullsrlr sympatbetlo euallty or its tone. Is the favorite piano of by far a ma test numner ox tna woria s most lllusljrlous muaiclans. It Is the official piano of the Court of the Klag of Spain and also of all the Apoatolio palsces of the Vatican, having been selected by the presont Pope himself after a careful trial, and for his owa personal use, as well; the Kimball, better -asowa more widely used than any ether plane maoa, ana usea ana nisniy prsieeo oy Nerd ice. Sembrich and scores of ether famoua ainaera. - These ere eur three leading makes, upon a few of which we are bow able to make prices that will aatealah aay one at all acquainted with plane values. They bsve recently been received by us In exchange for Weber and Chicksr lng brands and aa even larger number for the wonderful Pianola Piano, thai will make -a musician of any one who bas a musical ear, whether they have had any musical training or not. Peo ple are dally partlag with cherished finest makes.' many of them almost new, la order ta secure oae ef these so called complete pianos, and It la pianos that nave tone to ue In this way that we are Bow offortna at such tramendnna reductions. Ws know that many aeools of refined musical tssts. but limited means, are hanksiins" ror Just suck alanee as these, end we would urge all such to In snd look st the instruments. won't ooet you anything, and you - On aeoaamt of moving Thursday to our new building at .,, v - WASIlir.GTOrj ST. "We will cloae la the forenoon, but will open at 1 O'clock la the efter- - noon, with a stock of ever 40,00 records, both diss and cylinder reo- ,, ords. . . :.. , ... ,,..-,',. Although the building will not be gnished complete for some time, ,yet we will be able to oater to our patron a demands. . .. avewhia i, COLUMBIA PJIOmCGIMPH CO. J!i Seventh street. Will be found Thereday and Friday at ! Washington . street, comer. West Park. ., -v x. . neisHSait JOURNAL WANT ADS .' J BRING QUICK RESULTS . AMMSSalSJrTS. . ORAISD ' aotsre A (Im...jv(i k;i ... sitrt--' t. ic- U ;-b- ' nn ; ' ' t : V Loan Office 74 TIURD ST. Prices' oh all Accumtilitlr " and Kimball PUnos. Sam Utzz'.j LssUr, Havtfwerfl, Crswa. Dwcksr Baby QiaUitf, Ctc ? , wfll doubtless decide at once that ynu have the rarest of opportunities to real ise your wish. There is a Superb Chicksrlng, largest- slae, abso lutely good as new, that sells wnea ,f for $S0. Present price Is only Mil. A very dainty- Weber, la a rose woe i Case for only 11(6. , Lester, full else mahogany ease. Sits. " Kimball, medium em. In a lovely walnut case, till.. Kimball, mahogany ease, and in splen did condition every way, 117. . One of our most remarkable onVH-- le a Kimball ta an art case, a pec'' r designed, with panels beautifully im.i with est In wood; tts tone, too, ia excel lent. Price, ia." . - - . Haddorff. large oak eaaa,. for till. . . Hobart at. Cable, nearly new, regular tltO style, for ills. ' . Crown orchestral (tha plana of masr toneel, t1i. . t , Stack, genuine rosewood esse,' 1145. ' Bverett, large alas, rosewood ease, alto. Hardman. la aa eboay case, -used but little, 210. i- --S- - Also Fletcher. Heinse, Conover. lebarjr, . Jswstt, eto soma as io- Decker Baby Oraad. left with t " be sold, goes for the little price ft Every Instrument ' fully ruara - 1 and -noney back" should asme-i I In any way. to prove exactly aa -r. re sented. . . . Any one of-' these planes can he ee- eared by msklng s first smell cash nev. ment. remainder ef eurchsas ta - y.- moderate monthly lnatallmenta. 1 lr1 Piano House. IS1 Washlns-tas - . corner Park. .J THURSDAY SPECIAL f ; 50 China ;CIc3et3 r A full also China Clbeot. f polished. In quarter - ae"M , with bevel French plete t tot top. Regular 2a epeou.r prfce for Wednesoay ' 01G.7C SswsBjssaBwawswsBsm . Henry Jcnnf:: Cz Scrip ' , iTs-m .. a -" t r a S., w eee. T-fc -a I at -' k . k. . "I form and gold, braid, a ,- IN, I. in. S a- sv AiBMBBlea lea aay Saat. - r,