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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 19, 1905)
ths cnrcoN daily jzz ix rc-nx.irr. V. r. iiinfifiFHT If Last of Elks Wreck Victim Se cures Tn Thousand-Dollar. . . . : judgment Against Road. " TRApiNG STAMP LAW V. ' i j MS DECLARED VOID .. :: 4 W 4 ;A Third Decfsion Fixes Value of v v Crowed Vision at Three '.. 3 ... . .......... ' .S . ' '. :1 hr: '1 ' l'?tv--r:;1 i Decisions this morning rendered by v Federal Judge Bellinger five IIO.OOS .y Judgment against the Norther Pacllld, r makes tfc ordinance attempting to tax ' . tradlnj stamp promoters - unconstitu tional aad makes tlfiot the utmost compensation of accidents which, re- :V mi la making a treea-e-yea maa out of one formerly blessedTwlth a. normal li jrlaual foea .! t ; ' y. - ' I " 5 la tba oeee of Charlaa Oberg against tba Northern Pacific, Judgment la gives the plaintiff for. 110,000 oa account of .Injuries sustained In tba Elks wreck ;aaf Chehalle In -TO The-jBagmept ti was baaad on tba 'examination) ot slit .'competent phyalctana who,, with m e , caption, agreed that Oberg .had no. lor V oallaed Injury to tba apinal cord, anil '. "-' that much of hla malady waa tba ro "". ault of hysteria and mental exagger-'-. tlon... In rendering- bla opinion tba Judge ; . stated that tba fact that tba plaintl - ' had been unabla to da any Work alnoa v; tba accident waa evidence sufficient to , Justify the belief that ha waa boneat la ,Jtf aiatamapl xt iniuriaa.- c . , . . Even granting- the lajurlea were part ly Imaginary, atill tba ourt. held that they ware real and evidently tha reeult ' of tha accident, even though tba ezclte ; nient of the trial eauaod tba plaintiff's .condition ta grow wore. Speaking of thia feature, tba oevrt aaya: t? v " ' '1 have no doubt but that the plain tiff baa been made worae by the penoV oncyof tba netioa and tba anxiety and - worry Incident but bla aufTering - by reaao af tbla exaggeration-of tola injurlea la none the leaa real and ia an , element of damage proper to be conaid . ered." . . ' . .-h . ' In the petition of Ernest Hutchinson : for- a writ of babeaa eorpua, tha pati tlon la granted and incidentally the or dinance agalnat tha trading stamp ..duatry la declared naconatltutional. , Uutchinson managed tha diatributtoa , jt tha 'trading atampa given Portland jnerohsnts - by the . National Tradjng , company, of Michigan. Ha waa brought , to court for refualng to par tba high .. lioanae fixed oa hla ocoupatlon by the council. Judge Bellinger, ppeakiagof .. the ordinance, holda It an invasion of r the liberty granted by tba constitution, '(., and holds that the trading atamp 1 l merely a form of advertising and the , promoters of tba aobema are merely ad , vertlaing ageata. ... . 4 ' Tha old case of Henry Smith againat t 3. C and L IC Day, la again reviewed, i v , .Tola ease, baa bean In the higher courts ' for years and grew put .of tha damage ' , inflicted on tha plaintiff y a rock coav rt ing tnrougn too oaoia at a steamer .-near ..- Tha Dallea and making him permenent ; ly crosa-eyed. A Judgment for tha plain . T-tiff waa glvn for fl0.OO0.,and tba de ' fendant asked for' a: new .trial oa the - .' ground that the Judgment wag excaa aiva. ; . . Judge' Bellinger .stated that Smith waa as Able to perform his work as be- . fore the aoldent. and that though bis 1 'eyea; werb' crossed, still they were as - good as aver for all practical purpoaea "He ordered that' If the plaintiff was 4 willing ta remit all the1 judgment above ts.aoa the requeat for a new trial would 'be-denied, but If be would aot accept IJ.OfO. the ease would .again be tried. In conclusion tba decision statea: , Tba lajurlea received -made bla croaa eyed, but bis vision la as good far aJV practical porpoaea as ever,, and , I do not regard tha aaatter of hla per aoaal appearance aa a serious damage to a, man of tba plaintiff's age." FILIPINO JAILED FOR : ' yV INCITING REBELLION -. if! . , V ,'.V, ,V '':.-. (Joarasl gpedal Servtoe.); ' ' 'J'- Washington. April 1. Mariano To . rtbio, juatioa of the paaoa at Mart vol ea, Itisoa, Is under arrest, charged with ae- dltion,. Aocdrding ta advioea received - berv Totlblo wrote letters Intended ta f Inclt tba people to rebelHon. t , jjsXXTTX' fismagmma' wot. ' ? . : J '!.' r r'-w ' r i -fSV . ,VV ! 'i Usaraal SaoeUI tervles.) 'f Cleveland, Ohio, April 10 The Offl "t wars r af tba c Nattenal . Association of, laittar Carriers , began a- meeting : la C3eveland andaV, One- of tba principal ' matters to be considered Is the oaaa af the national president. 3. C Keller, of tbia eity. wbo became Involved with tba , poetamce . departaaeHt and waa aum martly dlstalaaed from tha aervtoe. p.': . i -i .i m; : 'v. yaa. vMrnMM. v ''(' f,i,Spelal "blapetrh a Tke VaarsaL) ' . ': ; Chicago, April ll Carl Jn of the -: . JVrthold - Levt ' Bauaaga : company. ' ; wanted 'as a 'witness 'in the" beef trust' lnveettgallons, baa? myatanoualy dlsap ' pearad.' rr-j.-. 4s- 4 Vsi-- ' . I' :, - f '.: 'a v ; TKere lsrtquality in Roy : B makes the rood more digestible and ; -. 6on 4j:r'61 Royal has been no ted t by s ingly endorse t ami recom- a HUEIAMIIY AIDED BY V HYDROPHOBIA DEATH Between -: Fearful, 'Convulsions, Young Man Describes Symp TlVy tonis to Physicians. :X . - (Jearsal gpeefail aerviea.1 -New Tork, April 11 Louis D. Ell wlnge, years old, 'ef MlUburn. N. 3n died last night of hydrophobia at a boa pltal bora, . His case waa made inter esting by the fact that tba sufferer's bravery enabled him. between convul sions that ahook hi body, to aid the physiclaaa n atudying tha disease. , hi gave ma aiay wutingiy, sno, oe scribed every sensation minutely, and died with tha knowledge that although yobng, and unheard of be bad probably rendered a great aid to science, - and consequently to humanity. ! Five . montba ago Kiiwinge ; was petting a dog aent hint by a frlend.wben tha animal bit blm on the Up, face an nose. Last Baaday tha first symptoms f bjJropbobla appeared, and Ellwlnga was taken to a hospital and placed In a straight-Jacket. - e v , . In .the momenta when bis mind was dear and bla body free from the. awful eentortlona incident to the diaaaae, Ell wlnga - talked ', lucidly. He leaves ? a young widow whom ha married seven montba ago ; v ' 10EB GOES TO VISIT "PRESIDENT AT CAKP ;l . , .. . ' '"" , rV Roosevelt to Speak to Moan- , ( taineers' Children in Coun- ; try School House. 'if; - ari.l SmiIm 1 ' ' Olenwood 8prlnga. CoU April Secretary Loab left this morning for the Dreeldant'e camp en tba east divide at Cbarlea.Pennya ranch. He took some important papers which required the prealdent'a signature, aad will probably remain avernignt. -At the end of the weak the camp will be ' moved weat of tba divide, where game la mora plentiful. Ranchers have aaked tha president to Visit their school on the way up the mountains ana tail to tha pupils, and It la believed be will grant their retfuaat. ... ... Elmer Chapman, a eon dar from tba president's camp, arrived last night. He reports that tha president killed one bear aad bobcat. ' The president baa not yet moved bla camp from -tba' first place selected, ZS mUes, southwest ef Newcastle. , Chapman reports tba presi dent Is having a delightful Uma rough' ing It, ia the first P In tha aneralng, and takes tha lead la all tba bear-cbaeee. v DELAY AT: KAKRANII 'J ? . (Continued from Page Ona.) guard a :. and other troopa forbidding then to read the revolutionary litera ture now being dletrlbuted broad oast throughout Raaata. - ; t Tba ministry of finance haa aaalgaed i6.oea.MO rubles for aaw railroad struction this year. , -4 VO ; ' A ' Macrael aaeelsl Aarr1ea.t ' Washington. . April II. Rear-Admlral Train reports to tba navy department this morning from Manila that ne nag placed varloua vesseia of bis fleet at important points along the Philippines for the purpose 01 ooeemng toe move menta of the Rusaian and Japanese ves sels sad aecurlag compliance with neu trality laws. . -. .. 1 - ' ' TOSrJD0-aMAV lAUSlCmBB. itJiarael 'Saeetsl Sarvles.) ' -' Tokio, April II. The torpedo-boat de stroyer KUl was launched at Kura to- Mr x ' .v - t i- 0 .-( enrraravrmsL ' : (Jeareal secUl Barries.) Greenville.- c. April 1L The state council at the Junior Order of United American Mechanics began its annual meeting here today and will continue In aeaaloa until Saturday. Tha business Is of an entirely routine character, re lating to the affairs of tba order. The convention Is attended by about 10 dele gates representing a membership 1 -II OBXaOTAS OOaTQ " . . : nearest. Special Berrlee.) . Algiers. April 10 America. Is repre sented at tba eVitarnational - Oriental Congress which opened here today by Prof. Paul Haupt or jonns Hopaina uni versity. The aeaatona of tba eongreas will continue for ona week and at tta close there will be two excursions for the delegates 000 "to western Kabylla and the ether at Shtfra, Bnerenel And Tipaaa. - . .. , ' - SAXXJtOASfl XSDVCa MA' A telegram from A. M. Cleland. gen eral passenger" agent of the Northers Pacific, to tha local office of that com pany states that tickets will be sold daily to Portland from May II to Sep tember 10 at the greatly reduced expo sition -rata. The Northern Pacific, Qreat Northern and Burlington have thus far agreed to the proposition. . peculiarity i:ML;TCiiL Attorney : Vaughn ' Says Judge Hogue js Dreadfully. ". PreJ-; udiced Against Him. ' ' ': ,v '' " " ' '' .. " ' WANTS CHANCE OF VENUE ;; ON GROUNDS GIVEN Files Warm Affidavit, and Says Court Instigated Charges -f ;T 0f Perjuryr; In municipal court thla morning At torney W, T. Vaughn filed aa affidavit charging prejudice on the part of tle court in asking for a change of venue fr the trial 6f tha charges against him. "The Judge of this court la ao preju diced agalnat ma that I cannot expect an impartial trial.'','' The affidavit said, n believe- the- Judge of, thla court ta personally Interested la the reeult of thla proceeding, and that' ha lias so ex pressed himself; that tba judge af this court dictated, and caused, 44 be. jnad the . original affidavit upon which this proceeding Is. baaad; that 'the affiant named In said original affidavit did aot at his own instance or desire make or alga said affidavit, but that ha signed tba same under fear of being imprisoned and that tha same waa signed by him at tha solicitation of the judge at .this court.' . .-. if- i... a There are a great many allegations af facta la that affidavit that are aot facts," said Judgs Hogue after it had been read. However, I will takclne motion under consideration, ahd Will let yoo know when I decide." Attorns ya Ogleaby Toung aad Thomas O. Oreen represented tha defendant la tha contempt proceedings; there was no attorney present In the capacity of pros ecutor. The district attorney's office baa poettlvely refuaed to take part In the proceedings. While it la eald by Judge Hogue ta be a part of the dutlea of the district attorney tor conduct suob ' proae euUona, be has ignored tba order of the court for bis appearance. , . V EQUITABIEAGENTS "v -JOl'J-ORGAWIZATION Committee Wll Be Sent to A!- bany to Petition for Policy , 'v." Holders' Control. ' a at Special Serrtre.1 - New York, April 10. The general ageata of tha Kauitahle Life Assurance society went Into session again at the Hotel Savoy this morning. They will consider formation of a permanent or ganisation of general agents and dis trict managers, and dlaouaa the advisa bility of aending a committee to Albany to petition tha governor and legislature to amend the charter- of tba society so aa ta allow policyholder to become dl rectors and allow policyholders to vote for directors, , .1 . ;; vs - Letters between Hyde aad Alexander were given to tba . press last , night. Alexander denlea that ba ever know ingly participated in the profit at any syndicate for the purpose of underwrit ing bonds or securities af which the society became a purchaser. Mr Hyde replies, giving a detailed list of checks aggregating 11,447 paid to Alexander aa prenta of tha syndicate operations conducted under tba name of 3. H. Hyde aad aaaodatas. a iui -,. FIRE BUG DRIVES AWAY if I INSURANCE COMPANIES (BcWl DUpetch to Tie JearaaL) ' i Spokane. Wash., April- II. The German-Am erican Insnranoo company, with assets of $11,000,000 threatens to can' eel Its outstandlag risks la this city and withdraw from tha field If tha nu merous Area attributed to incendiaries continue,' , ; .. x The company claims It Is willing te post a reward of ItIO for the capture of any person guilty of arson; but failure to bring tha parties to justice, followed by a continuance of fires. wlU compel the' withdrawal af the company. It elalma that business written during the past year haa been unprofitable, notwith standing -the fact - that rates have ad vanced. The withdrawal of this com pany weald probably result In the with drawal of the ethers comprising the "Big Pour." tha Aetna af Hartford, the Continental and the Home of New Tork. THIRTY NEW WITNESSES: :? J IN BEEF TRUST INQUIRY ' - (Jeans! Special Service.) Chicago, April, II. Thirty nw sub poenaa were aerved upon witnesses to day who are wanted In connection with the grand Jury investigation of the beef trust. - The Jury reconvened today In the new Quarters In the federal building. Among the witnesses Is Jesse P. Lynch, former president of the National Packing com pany Henry Godfrey, secretary of the Aetna Trading company, the alleged casing combine. Federal authorities were convinced that several witnesses summoned today were about to leave the city. . , . FIRST DECISION UNDER ANTI CIGARETTE LAW ' i' : Uoorasl Special lerrlca.) ' ' Iadlanapolls. Ind.. April 11. The Ural declalon under the antr-clgaretta act was rendered today by Judge Whallon In the police court In the case of William Btan ley arrested yesterday for having clg a ret tea in hla possession. The court held, thst ths law applied only, to per sons baylngf cigarettes for sale. - FLOOD IS SUSPENDED BY PRESIDENT BERT 1 .ri..-"eeraal tyeeUl berries.) flen-PrenceOiAirll--!. Preeldent Bert today -suspended Flood, pending an Investigation Into his attempted aa sault made on Umpire perrlne at Loa Angeles Sunday. !., Bert will get perrme's report today, 'and It Is not unlikely that heavier pun ishment than mere suspension wUl be Imposed.' -;,.. " - " . ; oBinrurr 01 ataAPPOui Tau, ,1 '" (Jeerasl serial teretea.) Washington, April !. Daniel Crow ley -hast been appointed postmaster at Vancouver. He felled of confirmation by tha senate during the last aeaston, but la now given a recess appointment. PIAHOS" . For Everybody Now is the time to secure one at pn haix its true value. We have a large, number of second-hand and used pianos, all infirst class condition, and sometliaircannot be distinguished from mew. We want to close them out quickly and nave named prices that will do -it: 1 ; Y6tf need; a piano, but perhaps feel ypit cannot spare, the amount necessary to ret it now. This sale paves the way for you to do it. . Unly a little down and a JitUe each month is all that is necessary. If you come at once you will find pianos ranging in price rom. $75 up, so you will vt sure to find something to your liking. . We ft sso making-'a substantial reduction ' pn air our new 'pianos. ;' See our show win dows as to what we are doing in that way.. You no doubt will have lots of friends visitine you during : the1 ' f air and, of cpurseJ will, want a piano. Why not. drop in now ana see us ana we mi arrange matters to your satisfao tlon as to price" and terms. Our easy payment ' plan is popular with the people. , r , ; Allen & Gillert-Remer Cornef Sixth ancl Uorrisoh Stal OIL FEEDS THE FLAt'.ES (Contirtaed from . Pag One.) The explosion waa J f oUowed imme diately -by a loud report , beard by par. Bona employed la tha Beach establish ment -'.Fire spread' rapidly. Dense volumes of smoke drove persons oa the ground floor out of the building before tbev knew a fira waa In existence. . ' Oa tha Alder Street side flames broke from- the windows and ticked" their -wmy to tha higher stories within a second. Alarms were aent In after the fire bad good headway. Five engines, two chemicals, the flreboat George IL Wil liams, hose wagons aad two truck com panies responded. They were under the direct aupervtaloa of Chief; Campbell, who reached tba acene a few momenta after tha alarm was Bounded, aad di rected tba work of rescue aad Are-fight- Ing: . . .f - - .-.-- Sevan streams of water were play ing on tba fire at one time. whUe the n re boat lay at tba Aloer atreet dock a block away with two lines ready.- How ever, the boat waa not used. - Great crowds gathered la the streets and engines from -.distant parts of the city were forced to run through .long lines si humanity oa scaring the acene at the fire. From tba Alder atreet aide tha smoke poured in clouds from win dows toward tba rear. - in a window to ward the First street, side the- crowd saw a'lltUe girl who looked down and op crying and wringing her hands. They began to shout and soon tba at ten tlon of the firemen was directed to ward .the child. Ladders were throw a agalnat the wall and Laddermaa Mullen began -the ascent He soon reached ths child, and taking hr In his arms, started dowa tha ladder. - . ., . V The crowd cheered while other firemen smashed windows and searched. . tha building la quest-of other occupanta. The child- waa .carried safely to the ground and given into ths arma of Po ll oe Officer Wyndorf. . i - "I want my doggie and ray burpaa and my birds,' she cried, "pleas go get them." fif',.y. t j .'-... Other fireman went to the rescus'Of tha mother of tba child who waa stand ing at the window Immediately behind the IttUetglrl. Ladderman Mullen and Ed Roblof carried her safely to the ground. .. '' ' - ' '. 1 Ia the entrance of the 'branding oa First street Police Officer Prlefland oth ers worked heroically rousing people and saving their belongings. Detective Boe ing, who beard the child pleading for the birds, went Into the room that was denae with amoks and rescued them. Mrs. J. 3. Clinton.' on the third floor, declared that aba knew nothing of the fire vnttl aroused by a noise at her door. Flames ' surrounded her - room when she escaped. . She lost most of her belongings. .-"'.' ' "A""" . Soama ef tba XBases, " T. K. Beach, dealer In paints and oils, at IIS First atreet in whose establish ment the fir started, suffered the heav iest lose... His stock was valued at til. 0 with an insurance of 110,600.' ' Nearly the entire stock waa damaged, a large part of which will be a total loss, es Deolslly that ia the atore and shipping rooms. Mr. Beach stated that bia losa would amount to about 1 11.000. - Adolph A. Dekum, dealer In hardware, at 111 First street ia the next heaviest loser. His stock waa valued at 116.000. with tneurance of 17,660. While the fira did not reach enuca of hla atock. the damage by water lnr the store and basement where a large part of It waa stored, will he almost a total losa. He estimates aia joss at iis.ovu. The loaa ta the Oreea estate, which owna the corner building, In which the fire originated, was About If, 006,-.which Is said to be covered by Insurance, aad smoke and water damaged the building throughout. . , .' ', , The adjoining building,; occupied oa tha lower floor by Adolph. A.Dekum's store, (he property of the library aaao-- clation, waa damaged to the extent of about 11.000 from smoke aad water, partly covered by insurance. - The' second snd third stories of the buildings were occupied ss offices snd housekeeping apartments. The fire did but slight dsmsge to the furnishings of ths tenants, but they were Injured by smoke and taster. The smoke was so ' thick In the rooms of ths second story that it waa Impossible for tha fire men to work there until the skylights were opened. ' ' The following persons occupied rooms on ths third noors Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam F. Ornnow" and little daughter Florence, Policeman "Dick" garter, -Mr. and.Jdra.. Sheridan. -Atr. Brandea. Mr. Reed and two women. -Hale,, the pho tographer recently moved hla studio to this floor. The Portland Artificial Limb com pa V', Mrs. K. H. Dewey" a corset factory abd Banrord m Orover, real estate dealers in the corner building, were the tenants who suffered the heaviest loss. The damage to the tenants In the bulldlsgs will not amount to over 11.000. ' 1 1 1 1 - 1 145 SEVEFJTII ST., C;:. DOUQHt 2P New Spring $15 and $20 - Tailored Suits $8.89 : , -. . . , .. '. .. -' ' This Is 'truth, which you can verify, by visiting our Suit, Section tomorrow. Browns, blacka, grays, tans and beautiful light mixtures cenprlae the - clotba light-weight materials that are suitable for all aummer -wearing. Every ahta from'') to 0, and a number of the newest and sweUest styles. Including tha 8a tin tine d Bloused Jackeer with peprura, Eton Blouses and Mannish Cutaway Coated Styles. - The akirta are tba new plaited and tucked effects, with open wide Cars at tha bottom. Bee thla line In our window; or,, , nev better, in the new, enlarged Suit Depart-, CW Wfl mant Sale price. ..,. ...................... i(J,)7 aet the Habit. It Pays" The Latest What ether atore la Portland will offer you regnlat 130.00 Suits,' In newest spring styles, for half, regular, priest Sfot eaa, Then come ta the People's Store, oa Seventh atreet. and see those new Spring 101 Suits at this grand aavlnav Several of the prettiest and light French mixtures. They for , t.... 't .u(U. 'M.'4Mlr'i.M,Vf. Bancb. "when I heard a noise and turned to see the Oamea leaping n tha ahipplng room. - I scarcely bad time te grab the books, throw them la the safe aad close the doors when I waa forced to Ueave kniMinr r did not even have time to gatbar the letters front my. desk aad Close It" -V ', j SERVANT GIRLS BLOW - OUT GAS AND EXPIRE . ' ', learaal Special serrlee.) chiMfn AnrO if. Twe German aar rant girls employed In the home of Herman Psgel. on North Halatead street, were found dead thla morning as tha result of Inhaling gas. Pagel aad bis wife ' ware - resuscitated. , xne gins. Whose names are unknown, aiew out tn gas. . , . .' . . -. ' ' -;' BAT atAJPXBXiT tatTatOTDfeV ('';',''" ' (Jearaal peetsl 8arvtea.t v a ii neetare' Hay an- n ounces that ba will soon return leaving here for-Germany on,rTiuy. muck Improved ta health, .. .... 'x ... ... . ' -; .... , I- :.. '. ..V V- ill U.Z-ZU cr. J ALC22 ; Just in Time for Easter AT, SO' CENTS oty tiie rTMIE GREATEST ."SUIT BUY" Oil HIXOHD. -J. D. I MORTON, THE NEW . YORK BUYER. FOR THE sV" cvTrTTT rr e eTrtvi?oi t7lTMT" t- -o TiTTTMri . 'ONE). BOUGHT, THE ENTIRE SURPLUS STOCK' OF ! ONE OF THS LARC2ST MANUFACTURERS OF LADIES SUITS IN THE EAST. It was a caae of cash on the spot, and the quickest man first Our representative being epryest secured the lot at 50c on the $1.00. Funk Bros, secured 200 of these new Spring 1853 SuiU by wire last Wednesday and the 'arc here now by express ready -for the Easter how. '. ' -'. Entire Space a ;',-.v;;V,,,',::;.v A Q RAND EXPOSITION OP Lad ieslTailored Spits FOR , HALF REGULAR PRICE assw Half aa a rise by VmreAastes; " Thnxaday, mday es -' ; ' atuzday. - 200 of the Newest and Smartest Stylee in Fine Man-Tailored Suits re now on our racks that were not there yesterday. At these ridiculously low nrioes ,inev win not remain tf a chance to buy a Fine TTp-to-the-Minute-Tallored Suit that you can wear to air aummer and till late fall, for only half what you-are aaked to par L " ' in- nv suit-rjenartment. had they been bought at regular wholesale price a. - fit and oatchy lias and think of to $13.60 for only. $30 Tailored styles In the most popular shades of .black, brown, tan. gray a in uie moat popular snsaes or .niaca. prows, un.- grax -r i t stay here long, ao be on hand early aad em a 130.00 stilt .; ; VTl i (JW can't AlUOIC AFTERTSOOINO We do evewa aad bridge Work wKbeat pita. Oar. IS vvsn esperteece la plate van ea sbles we te fit root smtk eoatfertaslr. - Or. W. A. Wkw has (oond a safe way ta eawaet teem, sbseietalr wttbaet pale. Dr. T. P. Wise sa espert St sold tllllag sad ereera asd brldae work. KierseUag area wheat plates er artdgei are eraerea. WISE BROS.; Dentists TaOJag aMMlaa-, ear. Thud aad Wash Star Osaa leislssi till p. . (taadare fras 0 , .. is U. Or. aula turn. Ba. T. Y.-vigx. CHIEF HUNT WILL GET OUT HOTEL DIRECTORY - Chief Bunt bag decided to compile a directory of tha rooming, ', apartment hoosaa aad hotels af tha city for bla owa use. Be believes that be should know the reputation of each place and "those bouses which shelter criminals.-. Orders were issued this morning ta patrolmen to secure a list of every be tel oa their beat, with tha names of proprietors. Ths officers wars ordered to make their reporta tonight. The or Needn't, Look Shabby Easter 1 PAUL STRAIT! comes "t.:-:-:: : FORj . . Having ' recetv-ed'.a large shipment of uncalled-for ; Tailor-Mada Suits from thi Associated Tailors of Chi- . Uxao, I am able to open the avenue showing every man inTortland the way to dress at the top notch of fashion next Sunday, , Easter day. The shipment has .been "t - : opened and the goods are now ready for your inspec- ' J tion.""The suits are all toilor-made, representing the ream of a mJimificent Clothing in single and double breasted, frocks, cuta- .:r'wavs and Prince Alberts . ' ; I finest quality broadcloths, Tibets, unfinished and fin- i lshed worsteds and tricots and many other; fabrics. ' . The linings of these suits are of the very best imported V Venetians and Skinner's guaranteed silks and satins. .'rThey were made to sell for bought them at a figure at V you your choice for 915.00. v;.:, ' : COME EARLY AND GET YOUR PICK. 285-287 Washington Street , i. .. .( dollah ; Special Spot i ions. a n. aww m ' 1 :i : . ' Bon-a-fide Values ; : $22.50 Suits $12.69 rX-.''- ' aenulae Valnes at ' Neat. '; V-.. -j fe:- : sving ; u 'iZ'tyAi- 'Sr Almost aar eoilor you may deal re. Cloths ta Brnilan- , tines, Panamas. French Mlzturee, Cheviots, etc All the' nice, light weights suitable for summer and fall wear. ; Durable, well made and neatly trimmed Skirts, Waist Soltg aad Man-Tailored Gowns. Jacketa Satin . and aUk lined. Eton, mannish cutaway and bloused pep- -lura styles: new leg-e'-mutton full-gathered shoulder sleeve. ' fikirts The plaited and tucked.-with open flare ; at bottom. - Many auits eeauunuiy trimmea witn iui braids, silks and fancy buttons. Tou'll love the) dainty attractiveness Of this :tractfveneaa 6t this - ' 2.69 the Suits $ 1 4.98 1 DB. W. A, WOT. der Includes the first class hotels aa well as cheap lodging bouses.' ' ' ' V ?No one suggested the idea to me, , said the chief. "I think X Should know tha nature of each house aad tba kind of persons who frequent them." 4 Oeemal Special awrviea,f' ! Jacksonville, AptH 1. The condition of Joseph Jefferson is better tbla ln. H pnt 4 rvstful nighU aad ap- -pard bright asd olMtrful thla mom-1 to your rescue vrith , ; 1; I - ... . line of- uncalled-toy Spring They are made up from the from $ to uu, out I nave which I can offer them to -I-:.'-: