The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 19, 1905, Image 15

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" r"
feofosxd AMxtnmrr ro ncraoTS-
wort of nnr nun.
- Nodes le hereby ' gives that Ue Aadltor
me. city of rortund has preoared a pr
Wl imwomI lor ue tuinrow neot ef let
up Mmt from tbe ssst llns of'bilrblgBU eve-
aso le us ssst 1IM el , north wick iuki,
Bad heB eseertalasd what he ilnu a lust
apportionment, of poet of the improvement la
aocordance with . tba special aad peeaUsr
eruenis aenvoa ay i ears parcel ox nan ana
'. . It or part Ihmol Wltbla Ue aaaeeaaeat
'.' dlatrtrt, aad baa spporUoasd ths aoat lor
v "'. said lmprerement la taa aaioaau aat oppo-
. IU aeh pa real of la ad aad lot ar part thereof
, aw its share or BBen propoaaa a aaa aw,
r Aa aeieetlona ta taa. aaaartlaaBMal
, coat (or aald lmprerement must ba msds
1 in wrltlnr i fh mimii ul aud ' atta
taa Aadltor within 1ft daya from tba data of
; the Srst publlcateoa of tbia aollca,' aad aa4 0b
; ' tortious will ba beard aad dstermlnsd br tba
,. :' souecll before tba pamags of tba ordinance
"cooing ine coat at naia improvement.
- j frr.SJ PIEDMONT, Portland. Orafoa Bi-OCK
11, lot l7l security Serines 1 Tlral Com-
Baa, 114.14: lot 2. Security Barings A Truat
;,',,, Company, $2.01: lot IT. Security Bering
i Treat Company. 61.54! lot IS, Security Portage
. m (mac tiempany, - siu.M. ouhj& h. ioa
k VI 1. Titla Oaarsutos as Traat Company, 510.75
- lot 2. Title l;iierentee A Truat Company,
v ' " 61.53; lot 17, fjua Cue ran tee Truat Oom
peay. to. pa: -lot, IX Title Qnaraatoe A Traat
f . Compaay. 8X8X ) BLOCK 10, lot I. Tttla
.... ouaraatee at nasi company, sew; .
u uaaruin a) iraii uwianfi fu-wi
' '4 lot IT. .Tin. Onerentee A Treat Oonoanr.
; $1.87: lot 18. Tltlo Gaaraotaa A Treat Com-
' assy,' $0.64. BLOCK i, lot 0. Becerlty Est
Inri A Traat Compear, lot . fennitr
. ftnap a Truat vompeny, ai.iv; tot
-.. I Bacurltr Sarlnaa aj Traat ' Compear, (1.07;
- bt 10. Kmrllr barlnaB dl Truat HsaiDaBy,
' '", tT.BS. BlXtCK J, kf , Tltla OoaranUo
' m iruai .(aapaar, a.zs; m a, nua uoar-.'--
aatca d, treat Oonrpanr. I0.IW; lot Ik Tltla
OaaraatM Traat Caaapanjr.-tl.adl (at in,
i Tltla Ooaraataa Treat Compaaj, ' I10.4X
. . ' 1IXCK t, lot , Tltla Ooarantr aV Treat
-. t: Ooatpaaj-, UM; Vat . Tltla Onaraataa
. ' Traat Compaor, -t0.T0;1ot 11. Tttla Gnar-
' ata Treat Oaeapanf, L41)-Vt 10, Tltla
. I - iueraawa Traat keiapea, - Tatai.
ua.i. 3 : ,
7 -' ' ' ' THOg. C. DETUW.
' 'n ' ' Aadltor af tba Cltv atf Partlaad. Oraaroa.
..Data af ire pubUcaUoa, rorUaod. t Orcfaa,
f , . ari4 jo, jvw.
Realrd propoaala will ba rrrolrad at tba
-'- --ai-a af tba Auditor at tba Cite, af Portland
. 'aatll rrMe,.. April SI r 1905, at 5:00 a'clock
' P. m. far tba laapreTrnmat af, Oulld atreet
fraeV (ba aorta Uaa af JTiuraaaa airael to. tba
' aootb Una of Tauha itraat. In tba maaaer
V.. nroTtdrd by ardlaaaoa Ko. 14,47. aablect to
. mm arena lona af taa eaartac aaa arauiaacra
, el tba Cltr af Portlaad aad tba eatlmata of
' Ur City ataclaeer,-on tUe.
BMa awtat be atrlrtly In - aeoordaore wttb
,. arlatrd blanka, wblrb will be furalahed aa
; j.f appllratioa at the offtre of the Aadltor --af
. tba Clt at Portland. Aad aald iBprorenwat
. - raoet be ceaiplated ea ar before 60 aara (roaa
taa oate of ua aicDisg ol taa eeatract by
. tb Bartlee tbareto.
. Na propoaala or blda will, be tonal dart d an.
, lrae aeoo'ipanled by a rertlned cbock payabl
7 - to tba edar of tba ataaar-ef tba 6tr af
' l-eruaao. carttaaf by rrepeaatbla bank tor aa
. , amoont aauaj, ta 10 par cent at tba aicrajiM
; ... aropaaal.
i aa ngai ta reject, Bay aea ail plea at aareay
By janlat at tba Sxaretlea Board. -V
. , v ,.J' THO 0. DEVUK.',-
- Aadltor ef tbe City of Portlaad.
Portland. Orxo, April 15. 100a. .
e ' ' ' PatOPOgALI TO RIZR W0U,
ReaJad propoaala will ba raorlred at tbe
afAra of tba Aadltor of tba City af Portland
, , . Belt Friday, April SI. 1005, at ' S:o '(lock
. p. aa. for tba laiproTanwnt at Hotfbta Ter
, race froai tbe weat line at Uwnadala itraot
to the eaat Una ef block doTcartat'a Addl
' , tloa, Jn tba maaoor1 pcoHdcd by, ardlaeoc
Ke. 14.50O. aohjrct ta tba proeteleaB of tba
raartar aad oroJoaacea at tu city ec Port
lead . and tba eat! mate at tba City . East
,-' . Boor.' ear fUa. . . -,.
V Blda aiaat ba at Hetty la accordance wltb
Belated blanka, watch wlU ba torolahed ea
r application at tbe ofaca of tba Auditor of
tbe CHy of Portlaad. Aad aald HawwiraM
tooat be eoaipletod oa or before to aaya from
tba data of tba algala ef tba. contract by
tbe partlae' thereto. '
Na propoaala ar blda will ba aomldeidji un
traa aceomttanled br a eertlned Check parable
to tba order- of tba Mayor of tba City af
Port land. eertUad by- a reapoaalbla beak for aa
aBMmni aajual to 10 far ceat ( tba MtreOto
. r?beH'(bt to rajeet any aadbil blda m bereby
Br df. tbj ..Mff-Jjft-ief !
V iodltor ef thiritjLot PartUmL
PartlaBa, Orraxai, April 1 15, 10O5. ;.. i -
'' -' -noroBAU rot mm woex.
r. felled -rjropoeata will be recerred : at tbe
Mice . of the Aadltor of tbe City of Portland
Bttt Friday. April SI, 1005. at .- o'clock
p. at. for. tba ImproremaBt of Beat Elgbteentb
aereet from the aorto It do at Raat ' Coach
utreot to to north use of Beet Stark atreet.
In tba manner prorlded br ordinance Ko. 14.-
tat, anh)ect to tba prortaloaa af tba charter
aad erdlnancea of the City at Portland aad
the eetuaat of the city EactJieer, aa tie.
Blda anaat ba atrletlr , la aooardaaea arttb
printed blanka, which will be furalahed aa
appllratioa ft tbe ofoce of taa Aadltor of
the City of Portland. And aald ttnnrortment
" innat be completed aa ar before 50 daye tram
tba data .of tbe algolae; ef tba ceo treat by
tbe parolee tbareto. ' -.
Ke propoaala or bids will bavooaatdered aa.
vkaa acanmpaaled by a eortlned cbecar payable
to the order of tba Mayor of tba 6ty ef
Pert la ad. certloed by a reapoaflble beak for aa
aaMant awual to 19 pat Beat af the axxretrnta
. arnpaaal. .
Tbe rbjbt to rcfrat any aad all kid bereby
By order ef tbe BxereMea Board. '
Aadltor af the City ef Portlaad. ,'
ParUaad. Oregoa, April 15. U0B.
rionuu ra tniR vou.
lee led prepaaala will ba reeerred at tba
afneo ef tbe Aadltor at the City af Portlaad
aatii rrraey. ' April ii. jscni. at 11:00 o'clock
p. ar- for tba Impraremeat - of Twenty-
. laira inrn rroai tae bottb line e iraaniaa
toa atreet to tbe oatb Ilea ef TbormaB atreet,
in tba - manner prorlded br erdlnanre Ke
. 14.534. Oabject to tbe prorlelona at the charter
aad erdlnaaees ef tbe City af Portland end
ue enitnate or tae city mgiatt. oa ale.
Blda muet be atrlotlr re acordenca with
arreted ' bleake, which will be farnlehed ea
application at tba efboe of the Aadltor ef
toe iity or mruaaa. . And aald Improraaaeat
Brest be completed oa ar before (0 days from
the date of tbe etaalaf af the eeatract by
. the Barttee thereto. ..
Ko propoaala ar blda will be reaeldered nn
leas accompanied br a certified check parable
to the ardor of tba Mayor of the City-of
Portland, cert Wed by a reapnuatble bank ror aa
amoant aanal to 10 par caat af tba intmU
irepoaal.. ..--..(...
The rlfbt to reject any bad an bids at bereby
By order of he torcuHTa Board. '
, , - THOS. 0. lETTJlf, J
r And I tor af tba City ef PartlanaV
Portland. Orenn. April 15, laob. . T
' .''-rValed nropneale will be reeafTed at tbe
'fBee-ef-tbe Aadltor of the City of Portlaad
. matll Friday.. April SI, leitS, at 5 00 o'clock
p. am. for the anproranwat af Kearney atreet
' 1 from tba west line of glitcentb atreet to
' ;, tbe east line of nineteenth atreet, In the
manaer prorldfd by ordinance . Mo. -14,5.15,
subject to tba ptoTlaions 'of ' tba charter and
; erdlnanoaa af tba City at Portland and . Ua
. ' estimate ef tba City Entoeer, oa die.
Blda trmet ba etrlcUy. Is oecordanea wltb
: prtated blanks, 'Which will be furalahed aa
' appUrattaa at the eUce or aba Aadltor of
. tba City af Portland. And aald ImproremaBt
; in net be completed oa ar before 40 daye from
' - the data- of the algnlnc ef tba contract by
the partiea thereto. ' -
Ma propoaala or bids will he eoneldered. oo
. leas aceemaanierl by a certlded check, payable
to tbe order of the Mayor of the City ef
- Portland, cartlled by reaeoealble bank for an
; " a mount aqnal to 10 par cant at tbe af (relate
'f 'oT'ri'ftit to reject airy aad (11 blda la: bereby
By order of tba E entire Board.
' i . ' THOI. C. DETMTf. '
i i . Aadltor Of tb City ef Portland.
' Portland, Orepoa. April 15. 1006. .
FE0P0AXa roE ixiru WOEX. ,
. flea led proponata will be repaired at' tbe
afftee ef too Aadltor of the City ef Portland
antll FMday, April
P. an. for tba eon
; Feat Thirtieth stre
ni n. iwie, at ;t ecioca
cone troct Inn ol a arwer ta
ilrtleth itMt Cmm Ik. ttee
-n niwiaiH areme to the arwer la Eaat
Thirtieth atreet at Eaat . Taylor atreet, la
' the , manner prorlded by ordinaries Ho. 14.
53T, , aohjoct la -toe- pfweleteoa ef tbe charter
u ! erdloeaoaa af the City of Port land sad
i..- the eaUmete of the CTty kntlneer, ea Ale.
Blda must ba strictly la .accordance wltb
- ; "Printed blaaks, Wblrb will be furalahed ea
' P"'0" L ' . Aadllar ef
, the City of PorUand. And Bald newer meat
if tompletod e ee be tore 66 aero areee the
- deto af the alcolof af tbe eeatract by tba
' . parties thereto. - '
I Me proposals or Mas win V onaldered ba
less acoampenled by eertlned rberk payable
to the arder ef tbe Mayor o the City ef
Pert lead, eertUed by a reapeaalbta bonk for aa
emooav eoual to 10 par caat ef tba Oejarecate
i propneal. . .
I The right ta reject ear aad all btda IB herekr
aeJ . ' 7 "
Br- arder ef taa Bseentlea Beard. '
. THOB, a I-iEtTI.'
. 'l'e Of the Clt df totrami,
rartlaad. Oreon. AprU U, 1006. ,
iiim".t -t ASrwwjrr fob tx-
, . VU Of 6OC0-A STEEXT.
Mattco ea h hv rTsa thl the Council ot
the Ci.y of 1 i ' A Oree C at a meetlas
held o-,tba f ey of Ap .1. 1- t, declared
the aewaan. r by ordinance No. 1uuS. for' the
lutprereawur of Beoond street, from the eeater
line of Arthur street toy lb.. north line ot
Woode street In the meaner aroTlded br ordl
aenee No. UnjoJ. suoel eech lot. Bert af lot
and parcel el land, which are specially aad
peculiarly eenenrea, to ae as roiiowo. Tie i
tAHlTUERrl AJilTION to Caratbers ad ill tloa
. to the city af rortiand isiah M. oo, lot l,
at. c. BautB. ih xi: lot -t.
K. C. Health.
41 r 'parcel of iaS t
I M Ptaeea
norto IU of Woods s erf ai ' a laud avO
leet.eou I el and pareilel wt-1 the aouth
I na of a auber street ad betw-oo the. weet
lne of tecoad atreet, and a l ee 100 feet
weat tne-eoc aaa parallel tnereeriia, c
bua 1.41.12; tot-1, aell.OS. .
A eietee ent ef a oreeeld aaeeaament ' has
bawa entered la the Locket af CHy Lleae, and
hi now due aad payable at the office of the
(Ity Treasurer, la bjwfal mooeyief the IMlltad
Btetee aad If not paid within thirty deya from
tbe data ef -this notice', each proceedtnes will
be taken for the collection of the aanw aa are
prorlded by tba sbarter af (ba City at Fart-
aboea sp4eeeant will bear Interest tea
days after tbs flrat publicatloa of tbla notice.
..j. i .'. 1UU9. u. aa.vbiir.
, r Adfntor ot tbe City of Fortland. Orecea.
, Data of Erst pabUcataon. Portland, Oregon,
April 10. 1806. , ..,,'- .
Ifotlca la brrebr siren that the Aadltor kf
tba ' City ef Portlaad baa nrenared a propdaed
seaassaeeat for the lmprerement of AJblna are.
aua from tbe oorlb Use ef Kllllngawurth are
aaa to the north Una ef West Piedmont, aad
baa ascertained what be doema a Juet appor
tloameat ef east of - the anarerement la ae-
brdeaas wKfc the spealal and pecaUar -benaflts
uerirea By eeca parcel ai una aaa tot ar
part thereof wltbla the aaseaement dletrlrt.
as apportlooed tbe asat for said latprere
la the amoanta aet nanaalta eech nareei
ef land aad lot ar pert thereof as Its abare
ef euch proposed eeeeaement.
Any objeetlona to tbe apportlonmotil as east
for said Impraeemenf mast be jaads In writing
to tba Coaacll sad Died wttb tbe Auditor wltbla
IB dare from the data of the trot DubllceUoa
ef thai notice, and aald objeetlona will be
beard aad determined by tbe Council barore
tba paaoaare ef the "ordinsnee aaaasalag the
eoet of aald Improraaaent.
WEST P1KDM0KT, Portland. Oregon BLOCK
n, loc la. A.- r. rjwoneeon, aei.zu: loe u,
A. F. Bwaaasoa, 644.50; lot M, Title Ooarae
tee A Treat Company, 643.51; let 16. X A.
Coaalff. 646.461 lot 14. Portlaad Traat Cenr-
Ray of Oregon. 650.641 lot IS, Title Oasrsav
6 Trast Company. 4CS0; lot 13, Title
Ouarantee Trust Compaay. 646.841 lot 11.
Title Uuarantea Treat Compaay. 6M.62;
lot 10, Title Guarantee A Truat Company.
640.T0. BLOCK 11, lot IS. Title Ouarantee
Traat Company,- 626 66; lot IT, Title
Onarantee A Truat Cempany. 616.46; lot 16.
Title Ooaraatee A Trust Compaay, 611.00: lot
16, Title Ooaraatee A Traat Company. 616.06;
lot 14, Title Ouarantee A Trast Company,
620.TT; tot IS. Title Oosrentee A True t Coas
pojiy, 64.60: lot 13. Tltla Guarantee A Treat
Compear, 664.61: tot 11. Title Qaerantee A
Trast Compaay, 930.16; lot 10. TltU Uuaraa
fea A Trnet Compaay. 650.29. BLOCK 14,
tot I6 TttM' Ouaraatse A Treat Ceaapany.
63T.T4; lot a, Title Guarantee A. Treat Com
pany, 624.04; lot 6, Title OueraBtea A Treat
iS S eu. Le ST sas- a'leeMaaeeaaiAAee. &
Treat Comaeay. 616.46: tot 6, Title ilnareatos
Treat -oeeopeoy. , unite a. eos i.
Title tjuarantea A Truat Compaay, 647.27;
lot X - Title Uaarantoe a Trust , ootopanT
67: lot a. O. W. Bell. 644.651 lot 4, Q. W.
Hall. 64d.T: lot 6. Title Oaareatea A Trust
Compaay. 646.52; tot 6, Title (iaaraatoa A
Trast Compssy. 644.S6 lot T. Tltla Onarsa-
toa Trust, company,, aes-ia; aot b, iiiim
ttosrantee A Treat Company. 6aa-T4; wt a,
Title Guarantee A Truat Co as Deny. 83T.S4.
( BLOCK M, lot 1. -Title OoarsBtae Treat
Company. 28.oT: lot X .Title Ooarantoa A
Traat Csaaoaar. 61X2S: lot . Title i
A Trast CeenDsnr. 816.64: lot 4. Title Uuer-
v sntoa A Trast Company, 818.06; lot 6. Title
vtoaraniee ex aruet lurnimn; , au.ivi wv rt
Title anaraatee A Treat Compaay. 83T.14;
L S rtdLea aTlaaeieeeaaeAeeA A rTaaimt Vv ran nm Bl or
636.44; tot a. Title euarantee A Traat Cose,
peer, 6.17.50: lot 8, Title (Jnaraotee A Trust
Company. 646.16. BLOCK 16. let X. Title
CuaraBtee A Trast (wmpaay. 635.71; lot S,
Title Ouarantee
tea A Trast Compaay. .;
tot S, . Title On are
6ll-4; lot . Tltla
ntee A Traat Company,
(luaraatre A Treat torn
Sny, 51X06; lot 5, Title wuarantee Traat
mnanr. 613.46. Total. 61 40.
Aadltea af the Cltr of Pertlsnd. Oreooa.
Pete of ftret Mbltosttoa. rartlaad Oregon,
eprii ia, ivuu.
Notice Is bereby gfren tba tba. 'Aadltor
of the City of Portland baa prepared a pro
posed aasaameat- for the Imprereaieat of . East
Twenty -oleth atreet from tbe north line ot Maw,
tborae a re sue to 100 feet aorta o( tba north
line of Beat Male street, and ass si
talaad What bs deeaas a last apporttoaBteat
af cost of the 'Improrement In aceordaaee
wltb the apecial aad peculiar ernrflta oerirea
br each parcel ef land snd lot Tar part thereof
within the Beat aa men t district, sad baa ap-
Ktloord tba cost for said loprorentent ' ia
.mete aet nonoalta each. Boreal ef lend
aad lot ar part ts creel aa its seers as asjca
oposed aesessBMSt.
Anr oblecUons to .tba atrportloament af
cast for ssld Improrement ssaat ba assda la
writing to the Council ana uea wiia we abxu
tor wltbla IS days from tbe date ef ths Erst
publics tloa of tola notice, and aald abjections
will ba beard snd determined by the Council
before tbe oeeeare af tbe .ordinance a ems slug
the cost or ssia lmprorsme-nt. - .
DOI.AN'B ADDITION to we cirr as
Portias BLOCK 11, lot a. in lomDera,
, 626.651 tot 8, KUa C. - lasmhard, 617.18;
e-haT T waawar-awan a let IN 1)1 rx. 6) eUl.TJ 1 . B91 a.
Oeoree C. Uneola. 636.6n. B.V0CK T. lot
6. William etora-lneon, . 6M.8S; tot 6. Wil
liam MorgtBBoa, 666.64; seat 66 fast af weat
po teat ot lot T, St re. a at. r. neneaici,
BXhal: east 68 feet of west 60 feet ef lot X
Mrs. L. M. F. Benedict, 83.46: asst H ' lot
T. Jamas A. Oray, 627 1lT seat H ef tot X
James A. Oray. $38-68: west Td feet of
west U of lot T. F. W. Torgler, 81.4n;
wees 14 feet af west U at M 1 T
Tnreler. 61.58. BLOCK S. lot 6. Wlllla
Bterenaen, 63T.6S; tot 6, WUHaa Storaaaon,
14 tl. . ,
BAKBOrTS h EErOKT . ADOmffif to Keel
Pertbind BLOCK as. ats a. nuiiem oorrea
ana. 111.41.
DO LAN'S - ADDTTTOTf ' to the- City ef .Bast
Peruana BLOCh. s, wear nn net or m z.
Guy C. Willis. 647 81: west TOO feet of
kit 1. Jobs Do lan Estate, Hsira of. 63.1,
6, tot s. I. it. irsna, ase.asi to a,
Oarls.. 62643: tot E 'Thomas Darling,
626.3T; tot 1. Thorn ee Tsrllsg, 8.m.83.
BLOCST 1. 1st 1. Tbomss DerUng, $45.67;
W s Thomaa nerTtnr. 6T.46.
laad BLOCK Xi. west. iia reet t i,
Thomas DarUag, $16.61. Total, 1666.
f . . THOS. C. DEVLIN.
Aadltor ef tbe City ef Portland. Oreawa.
flats of flret nubllcatloa. Portland. Oregon.
April 16, 1005. ...
PBOFOtiiJ' fob 'tTEtrr MAnrrnAefut.
uIhI male erlll . he reeelred st ths
efbca of lbs A editor ef tbe City ef Portland
antll Friday. April si. iwuo, ae e:w ciors
a. m. for tbe repair and maintenance at tbe
piapuaad laprorement of Irrlng. atreet from
ine wear lino oa ruia eww w uw cw".
line ef Sereath street. In the ma aaar pi
aba he eedlraanen No. 14.6M.
Ida annat he In ascerdsBes with Printed
blanks, which wfU ba farnlehed oA dppllca-
tioa at the otnee ot ine Aeouor oi too vity
of Port lend. Said lmprerement most bs
repaired when tbe proper municipal autberi.
tlae ah ell direct aad snail ae maintained in
wnmd aoaullrlaa tor' a aerled of 10 reore. 1
Each propoasl Bast atsto tbe namber ef
years ror wnicn me oiootw propueia k wjbib
tala Paid .street Impreremeat ssd ths aaaoaat
sacb year for which ha propoaaa to do aald
work. .k. - - -
r aft contracts for mslstenesra af hard
sarfsce psreaMata where tba coat ef tba Ina
praremsnt Is $ia-.nno 00 or rcea t4 amount
of the bond required with the malatenaaca
contract shall he 50 per ceat ef the cost af
the Improreaaeat, sod where tbe eoet of ths
lmprerement- ts more tbah 610.000.06 ' the
amount ef tba band redatred wltb tbe malo
tenance eeatract ebatl ba 66,000.06 sad aa
additional sera equal to SS per seat of the
amount of the ceat ef tba Improvement la
excess ot $1000.00. . r.
We piuueeei ar aro"win aa tiinsiaerea wniaas
aecompanled by a osrtinea rnock bbjpsbio ta
the order ef the Mayor ef the Cltr af Par.
land, certified by a responsible bank, for aa
s mount equal ss per cant at taa aggregate
proposal, to be forfeited as died aad Haul
dated damsgaa ta rasa tba bidder neglects
ar refsaee to eater lata contract aad provide
a suitable bowi for ths faithfat perfnrmenoe
ef aald work In the traat the-eeatract ts
awarded to Sim. .
The rleht to reject Shy aad all Mas la
bereby reeerred. -
By eroer at us ansrunre awiura. ' -
. . rum r. tiWT rw
. Aadltor sf ths Cltr ef Parlleeet.
Portlead. oreawa, AprU IX 160X
FEOFOtrt rxnartMxxt or bioaitwat.
Notlea ta hereby glrea that St tbe meetlne
af the Coaacll ef the City ef Portland. Oro-
Ka, bald en tbe 6th day ef AprU, iwkV the
Wiwlne raaotnttoa was sdootsd:
BeaelreX That tbe Council ef tba Ot ef
irtlAna. trrenoo. aeeeee eapouient saa ane.
peace itn.-lmproea Broadway from ths eoet line
of I'nleo arenaa to tbe . east llss ef Beet
Kerentessth itreet.
la taa touawiaf
Fvot--By1 geadteg the etrsed ea ahuaea by
the City Engineer e alaaa snd enecincettone.
seoad f ,poostroetlag arUfldsl stoas alder
walks la accordanes wltb the CIV E-glueefl
Piana. apac' loetiaao and auatate.
laird By Natruc(ia( artUlctol
. VAM1i mm .U. mi Tie
' Fifth by eonatr- rttne- wee a s-wmlkB U
aecordeare wlua -toe Crry. Auglnoer s puns,
aoeclrica Mnoe ant llmifia "'
Held iuproremoBt to b mads la accords nee
wiia ino chsrter sad oruiaaacee ei iwe .r
ef Portlaad aad tbe plans, speetflcstloua snd
estimates ef the' City koetnecr, filed la lbs
sfflce otbe Aadltor ef Je City of Pert land
ee.the 4th day ef April, lej. lodureed: t"Clty
Englaeer'a -plana aad soar' .cations for tba lm.
preresaoat ot Brosuway toa tbe seat line ef
Uatoa aeenae to taa eaat le ef East Heren.
toeetb atreet and tbe eietea of tbe work
to be dona snd the. probaaM total east thereof."
The oeet of said ImuraeeBMst ts na saseaeea
aa prorlded by the eity rhsrtsr anon tbe prop.
erty specially sad peculiarly benefited thereby,
and which hereby declared to be all the
lota, parts thereof as perceb) of lead rylnc
between a line lwfeet north ef and parallel
Wltb the north Una of Broadway ana a una
100 feet south of aad pereliel wltb the South
lias ef Broadway and between the east lias
of Union sreaee And S line 106 feet east of
aad parallel wltb. tba east Use af Bast Beeeav
terutB. street. . ' - v ..
- The Enslnaer's sstlmsto af tba probable
total east for lbs Uuprereaeeet af aald Bread
war aa 12.124 OO. '
The plena, epadneatloaa aad serjnnmorae si
raeviry auigiaeer ror tae inure eeeaee. o nauu
Broadway are bereby adopted. ;
Xeeolred. That the Aedltof of the City
ef PorUand be and be Is hereby directed to
(Ire notice ef tbe propoerd ImprorewMK M
aald atreet aa arerlded he tba eltr charter.
nveraeBaorsncea against roe aeoro loworc
ant aaar ba filed la writlnar wltb tba .andsrv
algned wltbla SO dare from tba data af taa
first poti I ice tloa or this bo tics. ..,.
jy aroer at taa council.
aAadltor .f tba City af Portland.
Oregoa. Cats ef first psbUcatioa,
April 8, 1905.
FEOF06XD lllrtOTEatXXT 07 WX8T 0XX.
Motlea ta hereby eivea that at tba maeMajl
af tbe Coaacll ef the City of Portlaad. Ore.
Co, neia on the oth day or Apru. wa, ua
1 lowing resolution was adopted:
Beaolredj That tba Oaocll ef tba Cltr of
Portland. Oregoa, dee see It expedient and par.
Poses to lmnrore went U ef Water B treat from
tba soatb line ef Clay atreet to tba north Una
af Columbia street, apd tba soatbeast Inter,
section of Water aad Clay etreeta, la accordance
wltb tbe plane and aped rl rations of tba City
arOKioeer, ia toe loiwwwg manner, w-.u ;
First By grading the street la accordance
with the Cltr Koxlaoar's plans, specifications
and eatlmstss.
Bccood By eoeatra-tinc arttflelst atons curbs
In sMsrdsBoa wltb tba City Koglneer's pleas,
spectflcationa Snd estlmatsa.
Third By esaatracUag aHIHelal atoaa side
walks IS feet wide, toelndlag ctarbs, la so
sardsBce wltb tbe City Xngi sear's plana, spee
Iflcatloas and eetlaaatre. . . '
Foartb--By conetrscting artificial atoaa side
walks 6 feet wide la aorordeace with tba
City Engineer ' puna, speciflcetioos and ss
timstes. '
fifth By brtne-lne? tba atreet to grade wltb
atone btorks ea s bad af concrete nod lees
than 6 laches la depth la aerardanea wttb the
Oty Engiaeer'ev ..pens, apeclflcaUoaa . sad a
aaia asBproramatsn ra aw aeeae
with the charter end erdlnaaees ef the City
ef Portlaad and tbe plana, e peel flea ttona and
sett ma tee of the City Erarlneer. filed ta the
office of tbe Aadltor of tbe City ef Portlaad
ea tbe 4th day af April, 19te. Indorsed: -"City
Engineer's plans snd specifications tor the
Utei ef Cthy street to tbe north Baa of
comrnms atreet. sua rae - eetimetea or ine
work to ba dona- and tba prebablo total bust
thereof." v
The cost af sold Improrement to ba aaasassd
aa prorlded by tba city charter apea tbe prop-
erty epedelly and peculiarly benefited thereby.
aaa wsien h heresy aweiarea ta as aa rouowa:
Lata t and 5. block 101 lota 1 and X block
111; lota 1. j, 8 aad X block 111: lots S aad
X block 113: sll la tbe Cltr ef Pertland.
The Engineer's eetlmete at the probable.
total cost for tbe imprersnjeat. ef aald Water
Street Is 63.122.00.
Ths abora Improrement la to he e la seed as
stone block Improrement and shell be aula
falaed by the city for a period ef 26 years,
prorlded that ths owners ef a majority of the
property benefited by aald lmprerement ar Bay
portion thereof ahall not petition tar a bow- or
different Improvement - before tba r akplrattea
ef each period.
Tbe plena, apectflcattoaa snd saMmstaS of tbs
City Bnoiaeer for the Improvement of aald
Water, street era hereby adopted. .
Beeelred. That the Aadltor ef tbe City of
Portlaad ba aad ha la hereby directed to give
notice of the prapnssd improrement of - aald
atreet aa prenaea ay tne city casrtar.
, II eel nam tra pore against tba abora improvement
may be tiled la wnung with the aaderalgned
wltbla 30 days' fraas the data at tbe Mrat
paniiosoow oi' ibis nones.
: By . arder af tba Ouactl.
r .! Aadltor af tba Oty of Portlaad.
rartlaad. Oregon. Data af Sat
Apru a, iBoe.
.e-ovBTB rirr. rj7
Kotlas as hereby eireu that at tba snootier
of tbe Coaacll of tba Oty of. Portland. Ore
gon, heed on the 6th day ef AprU, 1606, the
following raaorarloB waa adopted:
Heeoirca, TBai ma uonacii or taa city at
rsrtiaaa. -ureereet. mm it sspaqioai ana par.
pas as to Improve .Twenty-fourth atreet from
the Berth line at Flanders atreet to the Con ter
Ilea ef Glteaa strsst, ta tba- followtinf, man
ner, re-wu . .
First By gradlsff the street fan wMU with
fall lateraecuons to proper aab-grsds. "
Second By oiiisti acting srtlOclal stoaa slde-
srslks la aeeardaara with the City Eaglaeer't
plana, spec! firs twos aad eat l ma tee.
i airn air enaoiiai iiiai nruncisa a was aar
Foorth By laying crosswalks.
Fifth Br am at t lectins ntoaa SSttere. .
BUtb Br hrinsiag tbe atreet fall width
with faU InterBBCttoad ta the sathbUehed grade
wita BBaeaosm.
Bald Improraawat to. he made la accordance
with the rhsrtsr sad ordlnaocee of tbe City
ef Portland aad the plana, aped fleet tone aad
eetlmalee ef tbs City Knglnrer. filed In tbe
office of the Andltar of tbe City of Pertlsnd
on tbe 4fb day of April. 1005, loOireod: "city
Eaglaesr'a plana aad spseineatlons . for . tbe
Improvement ot Tweaty-feartb atreet from the
aorta una Of r lenoere arrees ta tne coster
llan af Ollsan street, snd ths eetimetea of the
work to ba dobs had tba probable total ceat
Tba cost of asld Impreremeat to ha
as nrarrlded by tba city charter apea
erty specially aad peculiarly benefited thereby,
aad which Is hereby declared to be oil tbs
Ion, porta thereof aad parerbj ef land lying
between . s line 106 feet east '.sf aad parallel
with the eaat Una ef TwoBtr-foarth atreet
ssd S Una 100 feet west ef aad parallel with
oi l wee (y roar in street ens
he twees the north line of Flanders strsst and
ins again use ez uiinsa street.
Tbs Engineer's sstlmsto of tbe nrobebld total
mat for the Improvement of aald Twenty-fourth
street hi 6076.00. v .
The abora Improrsssen la to he cleared as
a Bascaaam imprerrmeni ana soaii ee meia
talaed by the city, for a period of four years,
prorlded that tbs owners of a majority of tbe
property benefited by ssld. Improvement eg aay
aartloa thereof shall not petition for n new
or. different improvement .before ths expire tioa
af such period.
The plana, epeclneatloaa snd estlmatsa of
ths City Engineer for the Improve meet ot aald
Twenty-fourth atreet are hereby Adopted,
Besorred. That thd Aadltor of the City of
Portlaad be aad be la bereby directed to aire
notice or tne proposes improrement at sua
Street aa prorlded by tbe eity charter.
remonstrances a gal net tbs . shore larpreee.
Brent mey ba filed 6a writing with the under
signed wltbla SO days .from tbs data at tba
first publication of this notice. .
.. By order at the Council. J . ; .
- Aadltor of tba City' of Portland.
Portlaad. Oraaroa. Date af Erst Publication.
April X 160X . . . . ,1
fob iB0TiafXarr or
la eonrptlanra with 6 rrsotottoa adopted
st tbs regular Bleating af the Council, held
aa the 6th day ef April, 1080, ordering the
district benefited by the Improvement of the
saatorly S6( feel of Birar atreet from the
south Hue ef Albion avenue to 100 feet south
ef the snath lias ef Alblaa areone. aad directing
the Andltar of the city ot rortiana u prepare
a preliminary aeereament apea the lot, blocks
and parceai of mad wltbla said dwtrtot.
new, tnere lore, notice ia aereoy giroa met
eh amaaamast Is sn file la tba office ef the
A editor of tbe City ef Portland snd with whoa
any snd sll objeetlona shall ba filed to err! ting,
aad notice ta farther glrea that the CobbcII
at IU regular aieetlng oa May 8, ISoS, will
beer snd consider sll objections to aald assiss
meat by pertlea aggrieved thereby or rearrested
th arete, snd nil such pertlea are bereby waraed
net to depart thai ifrom antll rack nam aaa
eat la toaapkrted. ,
l tine, v, usrui',
Aadltor sf lbs City of FortlenX'
Data at first pabllrettoa. April X JP06. '
STIXET. ,. ,j.'
Korlos M hereby siren that at the meetlne
Of tbe Council of ths City at PortAnrt. Orr-
gos. Beia so ine bib any or epni., lago, the
fol leering resohittoB was adopted ;
ReeolvsaL That tba Oeancll of tba city of
Psrtlaad, Oregon. OeeSM It oinedlent aad pur-
to coaatraci a arwer ia ataac animeim
street fiam the Center line of Re at Thirty
Slnth street to tbe sewer la Reet Morrtana) street
st the west Ilea ef Beet Tblrty-etfhth street.
6ald seerer to bs en Detracted of el trifled arwer
tins with sll bib n miry ea ten baa tne, lee.
itnahelea and breaebsa, aad to ha ef tbe
; at 10 a ehoi teesf laaloa
CoUanlsg SJmassleaa
diameter from a point la tba renter Has af
Eaet Thirty-ninth street to a point la East
Morrtoos street st Xest Ihlrtr-eu nth street
thence af 12 tocaea clear Iwuia uuusstsr to
a petal la Beat leorrleoa surest Bt the wsat
Una of East lalrty-olghth street.
Bald sswer to be ouoatraeted la accordanes
wttb tba charter eaet areUaearea of tba Cltr
ef Portlaad and tbe plana, apeetflestloeS snd
eetlaaatre of the City luie-toser, filed In Ua
office of tbe Aadltor af tne city of rartlaad
net tbe 4th day of April. 1S,
rU, 10e, Indorsed: "City
iiaairireMnne foe a aawer
ejigman e plane ana ei
In Beat Mnrrlaoo atreat froae too MO ter line
of Eaat Thlrty-alatb street to tbe sewer la
teat Morrbma treeg at tbe west llns ef East
Thirty-eighth strsst, aad the eetimetea ef tba
work to ba dona aad the probable total east
thereof." . ., , .
- Tbe east ef aald as nor to be as I as
provided by tbs city charter upon the prop
erty snerlally aad peculiarly benefited thereby,
snd which is bereby declared to be sll tbs
seta, parts tbaraof aad paretas, af land tylag
betweea a Ilea 1U0 feet north of and parallel
with tbe Berth line ef Bast Morrlsoa street aad
a line 100 feet soatb ef sad parallel wltb the
snath llns of ttsst Moriisoa street sad between
the east Una of Eaat Thirty -eighth aereet aad
a line 10 feet eaat af aad parallel with tba
eaet Una af harat Thlrtr-aantb atreet.
The Kaglreer'e estimate of tba probable total
cost for taa ceaBtnutton ,ol aald sewer Is
The r.leiaa. anaarfeiMrlnna end aelleaaleo ee? tbe
City Enrlneer for tba contraction af aald sewer
are hereby adopted.
. Beeelred. That the Aadltor of the City ef
rortiana be end be la hereby directed to giro
notice ef tbe prepossd eaostrecttoa sf aald
sewer aa prorlded by tbs eity charter.
Keaeeostraaree against the shore newer assy
he filed In Writing with the aoderolgned wltbla
30 days from tba data of the first pabUaattoa
af tbia Bailee. ..- . -By
order of tba Cranell. ,
' ' Andltar of tba City af Portland.
" Portland. Oregon. Date of Erat pabllmtteq.
AprU X' 160X .. , .v ,
Notice ,U herabr given that at tbe meeting
af tba Council ef tba City of Portland. Ore
gon, bold oa the Stb day of April, ,1000, tba
iollowlag resolution wae adopted :
Xeeolred, That the Council af tba City af
Itortlaad, Oregon, doema It expedleat Bad por
poseo to construct a sswer In Bee toa street
from no tat 36 feet north ef tbe north line
ef Da pout street to a esaaesttoa with tbe
eewee In Beaten street at ths soatb line ef
Dlsea street. Beid sewer to be ooastracted
ef Tl trifled sswer proa af 8 Inches clear laslds
uisinsm wtta ail nsrssssry reicnoeaine,mao
holea. lampbolsa aad breach ea.
Beid sswer to be constructed la accordance
With tba charter and ordinances of the Cltr
ef Portlaad aad tbe puna, a pacifications aad
eetimetea of the City Eneioeer. tiled to the
office ot tbe Aadltor ot the Cltr of Portland
an the 5th day ef April, 10uX todorsed: "Oty
agineer'a plane snd spaclflcatlooa for a sswer
la Beotoa street from a aolnt 20 teat north af
the north Una at Dupoat street to caanae
tlon with the sewer to Beat too atreet at tbe
aonth llns af Dlxea atreet. aad the set taaa tae
ef the work to bo done sad the probable total
east thereof."
The cost ar aald sswer ta ha asaessea aa
prorlded by tbe city charter ' anon tbe prep,
erty sped ally and peculiarly benefited thereby,
snd which hj hereby declared to be all tba
lots, porta thereof and percale af lead lying
between a Uaa 100 feet northeasterly from sad
pereliel with the northeasterly line of Benton
street aad a Una 100 feet soatbwestorly front
snd parallel with the ooatbweaterly Tina oi
Beaton atreet and hot ansa the aorthweatarly
line of Diane street and a Bna 100 feet north
wee ter ly from aad parallel with tba ssrthwwH
Srlr Uae ef Duneat atreet. ,
TtoTRaa-lBear's estimate of the probable
total cost far tba aanstrnstton at paid sewer
hi 637X2X
Tbe nleeau stmedflrettona aad estimates of the
City Engineer for the assMtrwcttoa af said sewer
are bereby adopted.
Ureal red. That the Aadltor of the Cltr eg
Portland ba aad ha la hereby directed to glee
notice of tba proposed eooetruc tton ef aald aawer
as prorlded by the city charter.
Bilmanelianiao eenlnat the abora awwar BS
ba filed In writing with tbe pndsrslgwad with la
ju ears rrom tne oats of taa nrst pa men.
Ue of tbla notice.
By order of tbs On net I.
' Aadltor ef tba City nf.PertlaoX -
. cnuin, -n e. im i mw vi awa rvMBwo
April X 160X -
Notloa Is aerobe arlrea that at the meetlne
af the Ceamell ef the CTty of Portlaad, Ore.
Cl, held on the nth day af AprU., 1W00, thd
owing raeolatlea waa adapted:
ateootrea. last ua council ar taa city at
PorUajrd. Oregon, daama It ezpedleat sad par
rm to caeatroct a sswer la Ford street from
feet north of the north Una of Park trenus
to the arwer ia Twwaty-third aad TV eahinjrtoa
strewtt. Meld sswer to bs oanstraetod ef vlt-
rlfled arwer pipe
a ear tor with all
of 8 Inchas clear Inside dl-
ho lee. tomiOnjais and branches.
Bald sswsr to bo constructed ta nreordsnre
with the charter and ardlnaaoas of the City
of Portland aad the plans, spralflrntlsna and
astlmatee of tba City Engineer, filed la tbe
office of tbe Aadltor at tbe City of Portlead
oa tbe dth day of April. IPOS, indorsed: "Oty
Engineer' plane and speclflcattons for S tower
la Ford atreet from 36 feet north af tbe north
line of Park aeenno to the eewar la Twenty
third, aad Washington streets, aad the eati
me taa et uvs work to do dona aad
able total aunt thereof-"
.The cast of sard sewer tl bt I
prorlded by tbe city charter a poo the
d by tbe city charter upon tbe property
ly snd pecalisrly benefited thereby, and
la hereby declared to be ell the lets.
which Ii
parte thereof and percent of tend lying he
iweeo tne east une ei in street ana a one
100 foot eoet thereof aad Parallel therewith.
and between the aootb llns of ' Wsshingtoa
street and ths north Une of Park B venue: alas
all tba hats, porta thereof aad perrele of la mi
lying between the weet line ot Ford street
ssd a Has 100 fset west tbaraof and parallel
therewith and between a Una 100 feet snath
et aad parallel with ths soatb Uaa ef Weak-
ingua street sad thd north uaa ac rars are
"tw aaglmafs setl aaa ts st tba probable total
coat too the ooostraertoa ac oaid
ine piana, ayetiut'uuoaB ana asamstea or rue
dty aagii
ror tna
the oesartractloa of said aewar
o Baeeiir
Besolred. That the Aadltor at tbe Cltr
of Fortland he aad ba la hereby directed to
live . notice ot tne nrnpeai a eonatrnctiea of
said aawer aa pteilded by the city charter.
Memoostranres agaimrt the shore sowar mar
he Sled to writing with tbs aaaleralgned wlthls
SO days from the data at tbe Xrst pabUosttoa
or tam notica. , - - ,
By order of tba) CoemciL " m - - .
Aadttor of the City of Portland.
Portland. Oreaoa. . Data wt Irst nuhUcataaB.
AprU X 160X
FBorosxs . xxraoriacEXT ' Of BlOOtJU
Notles Is hereby glees that at the msetlnx
of tbe Coaacll of the City ot Portland. Ore-
Ca. held ea tae ota aay et April, IPUO., the
I bowing resolution was adopted:
Beoolred, That tbe Coaacll of the City of
Portlaad, Oregon, deems It expedient Bad pur
poses to Improve Nicola I street from tbs seat
line of Twenty-fourth street to the Weet Une
ef Twenty-eixth street, la ths following aeaa-
to-wit: .
llrst By grading the street fan width with
fall totersertloas to ths , sobgrada as glrea
by the Cltr Engineer.
Beeoad By cooetructing arttOcul Vtane slde
wslka. third By senetructuig artinrial rtoas earba.
Fourth By laying crosswalks.
Fifth By none true ting bos aad Stono gat-
Blxth Br brl raring the surface ot the atreet
fall width wltb full Intersections to Bronar
grade with macadam.
Bald lmprerement to' ba mads' la seeordanre
with ths chert er and srdlsaacee et tbe City ot
Portlead asd the plana, sped Bee aoos and estl
metee of tbe City Kmrlsser Sled la tbe of
Sea ef the Aadltor ef the City of Fortland oa
the 6th day of April, 1006, Indorsed: "City
Engineer' e - plans sad sped Bee tlooo far tbe
Improve meat ef Klrolai street from ths east
Una of Twenty fourth strsst to the weet line
ef Twenty -el ith street, sad -the retinae tee
ef the. work to be dons sad the probable total
at thereof."
The eoet of said UnproTemest to bs ss-
sa proriaea oy ua city charter apea
the property spectuQy aad paoallarly be seated
therebrv aad which la hereby declared to bs
sll Us tola, parM thereof aad parrels ef
laed lying betweea a Una 100 feet northerly
tram end parallel WlU Ue BorUorlr Una
of Nleolal atreet aad a Uaa 106 feet southerly
from and pereliel with ths southerly line
sf Nleolsl street, aad betweea a Una 100
rest eea terry rroea aaa parallel wits the eeet
erlp line of Twenty-fonrU street sad s Una
100 feet westerly from and pereliel with the
rater ly Une of Tweaty-eixU street.
Tho Bnglossr'g eetlmete of Us probable
tore! eoet for the I mm u nana at of oaid Mia.
SMI street la rXTST.OO.
The snore imuioiesaent m sa ao eiaenwr aa
meeadaka Imprereaasat ssd aball ba aala
talned by the ctty for s period of five yean,
prorlded that the owners ef nvajoiitr ef the
Laotf heneflled br Bald I amnraremeait ae
aay portlaa thereof aball aet petition top ,
aew er different Improrimnat before thd
axplrettoa at such period. .
the plena, speeirirattoat and sstlmstaa at
the City Engineer Cor tbs Improvemnat at, told
Nlreui street ere neruoy euopiea.
'Kesorrsd. Thst tbe Aadltor et tbs City, at
Portland he aad he ta hereby directed to aire
notice of the prasnasd Improve aacet af told
atreet aa preeldsd by tba city charter.
Betousaaansea agarast tbs shots imprevw
saont mar be filed In writing wlU the anew.
signed within 30 days from tba data of the
first puniieaueo et tnia news. Li':
aV aroer oi no t-nociu I'm
' Aodltot af the City et Portland.
Portland. Or men. Data at Sis Bubii nation.
AprU 6, 1606. . ... .... ..1. . . ,
Kotlas hi herabr glrea that at the meatiag
at the Coaasxl ef t City ot FortUnd. Ore
ana, bald ea ts 6ui day af April, lwtst, ths
Zwllowiea resch.'toa was adootod: ,
keewived, loot the OouacU at tba City of
Portisnd, Oreeton. dee aaa it expedient aad
purposes to ceaastraet a BSWs is Mali ads are
eee (rem the wast Una af Fanny 0, King
tract to sewer la Mauada arsons at second
bend of aald avenue, beid sswer to ba sen.
struct ed ef T I trifled power Pipe eight laches
clear last do diameter, with all aeeeueery ae tea
be' I no, manholes, lampbolee aad braacbes.
Bald sewer to he cooatracted In accordance
with tbe charter ssd ordinances of ths City
sf Psrtlaad and the plans, spsclftestloae and
astlastas ef the City Kagtaser, filed la tbe
office df tbe Auditor ot the City of Portisnd
on the 4th day ef April, laud. Indsrsedi "City
engineer's plane aad spsclUosttoos tor sewer
ta Mellada avesue frees tbe west llns ot Faaay
a. King tract to tba eewee la MeUnda avenue
st second bend, sod tbe eat I ma tae of ths work
ts bs dona aad tba probable total seat there
of." . . - - - .
Tba aost of aald sewer to bs see re eel ss
prorlded by tbs slty charter upon the prop
erty epeclally and pecalisrly benefited thereby,
snd Which le bereby declared to be sll ths
bits, parts thereof . and pnrcela of land lying
between a line 100 feet north at aad parallel
with tba north Hoe of Melloda avenue and a
Una IMTfeet aootb ef aad parallel wltb tbs
aouth line of MeUnda avenue and between a
Uae 60 fret weet of aad parallel with the
west Una of MeUnda arenas snd Its extenelua
southeasterly In Its preeeot roeree and a Una
50 feet wsat ot aad Parallel with the wast
Uae ot tbs . Fanny ;U. King, tract.
Ths engineer' a estlmsts ot the probable
total aoat for the oous tract ton ot aald arwer
la $160.11. . '- - T .
. Tbs Plans, sneririeatloae and estlmetss of tbs
City fnglBoer for tbe eonstfnctloa , af Bald
sewer are hereby adopted.
Reeolverl. That the Aadttcc of the City of
Portland ba aad ba la hereby directed to aire
notice of the proposed eoostraettea at aald
sewer ss provided by the city chert er.
Hemoostrancee sgslnat tba shoes newer amy
ba filed la writing with tba soderelgoed wltbla
SO days from tbe dsto of the first poblloa
Uon af tbla notice. .
By order of-tba Ootmctl. .J
. . THOX C DEFUlf.
Aadltor ef the City at Port at ed.
Pert Is ad, C-reaoa. Dsto at Sat pasUcatiea,
AprU X 1MX
- ATXanrx.'
Katlee la' herabr sires that at the nesting
ot the Council of tba City of Portland, Ore-
Cn, beid ea tbe 5th day of Apri ivoo, the
I lowing rseolatlsa was adopted : ' - :
Kraolred. That . tba Council of ths City of
Portland, Oregon, doema It expedleat aad par
panes to eorietrect a aewar la Vaaeoarer aveoee
from SS feet soatb at the soatb 11 sa at Alberta
atreet to tba newer to Vaasosrer avenue aad
Ptsssont strsst. Bald sewer to ha eone erected
of vitrified aewar pips with sll am emery
mtranaelaa, maaboaae, lemons lea sad
breaches, sad to be of the fol low tag dlaeenatoee:
ef 6 tucbee clear tosVds diameter tram a point
in v onceover areaos as net eoota oi tae aouta
Uaa ef Alberta atreet to a point la Ta
areane at Bate, street; thence efg.10
clear I aside dlaaeetee from a aolnt Is Va
sveoue at Bala street to a point In Vancouver
a venae at Blandenn street; thenre ef 13 Inehea
stosr laelde dlamstet from a paint in Vaasoossr
arssns at BbtBdeaa street to a point la Van
couver a re no a at Bkldmore strsst; thence of
14 inches clear Isolde diameter from a point
la Vaarosvor anaaa st bkidmore etraet to a
point la Vaaeoarer avenue at Shaver strsst;
thence of 16 inches etoaf Inside diameter from
a point In Vancouver arenaa at Shaver street
ts a polat ta Vancouver a nana at Falling
ot 84 Inehea clear Inside eiaae-
a Bolnt in Vaaeoarer a rasas st
Falling street to a eonnectkm with the sswsr
ta Vancouver avenue st Fremont strsst.
- Said sewer to ha em n true tod ta accords nes
with the charter aad ordinances at the City
of Portlaad aad tbe plans, epedfleatlotte aad
estimates of the City Engineer, filed In tbs
office of ths Aadltor of the City ef Psrtlaad
ea tbs 4tb day of AprU .lie at. Indorsed: ty
Engineer's plana aad apeciflcatloue for sewer
la Vancouver a venae from 35 feet snath of the
ooath line et Alberta strsst to sswsr la Taa
sourer arenas aad .Fremont atreet, aad she
estlmstas ot the work to ho dona aad tba
probable total coat thereof."
Tbe aald sewer to to be coast! acted far tba
parpens ef sewering aad draining nil the lots.
peru thereof snd paresis of hud within the
diatrtrt hounded aad deeerlbed ss follows:
Commencing st a point la the east line er
Vaneouvrr a venue 100 feet north sf the north
lino of Fremont street; thenre seat akmg Una
100 feet north ef sad parallel with theVorth
Una af Fremont street to a point 160 feet
eest st tbs eaat line af Vancouver areaae;
thence north at right ana lea to a polat la tba
center Une of Alberta atreet ; throes west along
tba center Una at Alberta atreet' to a point
108 feet wast of the west Una of Height ave
nue; thence eeota aesng a una lua loot west
of aad parallel with tba west Uae at Height
areaae to a point BOO feet swath ef the south
lino of Faluns street: thence ssst slneat
lino 300 feet south at ssd parallel with the
south Uaa ef railing strsst to a Point log
feet west of the weet Uae at Vsaensrer S ve
nae, thence noulh.,Blog a line 10$ feet vast of
aaa pereiui wita tae weet une
ef Vancouver seises to a point 600 test Booth
of the sooth Uns of Beech street; thence eaet
along a Una 6u0 feet south of aad parallel
with tbe south llns st Bosch strsst to the piece
St Beginning.
Tbe cost of aald sewer to DO
provided by the slty charter upon the prop
erty spocuily sad pecalisrly benefited thereby,
snd which m hereby declared to be all tba lota,
parta t Hereof and Parcels of lesd lying wkhla
tae district .airmssaiore asunaea aaa
Tba Beginner's eetisMts at us aropaBas wtai
east ror tne sunau aitioa ox nasi . sswsr
ea ao ae .
l no pupa, spacincanoBB aaa asnamom or tne
city Baginasr lor tae siassiisi nan ot aua eei
ere hereby adootod.
Beoolred. That tba Aadltor ef the City of
Portland be aad ha Is hereby direr ted to give
notice et ue PluBuei g suae tract lee) at
eewer aa mualdad br Ua cltr charter.
etemonetraace againet taa snore sewer may
bo filed la writing with Ue sndoratgnod withla
xu aaya rrom tne as is ac ua nrst panueo
tloo of UU Bottos.
By srdst .of tho Council,
As si tar ef the Ctty ef Pnrtlasd.
PortUad. Oregon. Data af Brat pabltrattoa.
apni a. iotas. .....
; - .: 11 STEER.
Notles is herorjr atoaa that at the Bare tier
ft the CaansU ot tho Oty at Portland, Ore-
Cb, asm oa us tu aay st spm, iwuo,
low Ine roselutlan wss adootedl
Beoolred. That tba Coaacll af thd City
Of Pert laed, Oregoa, doema It expedient sad
porposee to eona tract a aawer la Beat Twen
tieth street-from 45 feet south st the eouU
Una of East Stork strsst to ths soon
with Us sewer ta Bsst Oak street st
TwentleU street. Bsld sows to bs
strocwd of rltrlned sswer pipe et eight laches
clear Instoe ota meter wiia iu aweesnsry ca lea
be alee, aaeaholeo, lampaoles sad brenches. '
Held sewer to bs ssusii iictod la aceardasea
wlU tbe charter sad ordinances of tba. Cltr
ef rortiand and tbe plans, speclScotloas sad
sstlmstso ef tbs City Enaiaeer lied In the
ecaee at the Aadltor OI the city et Portlaad
en tba dth dsy sf April, lot. Indorsed t "Ctty
Engineer a plans snd apectDeauooa lor a eewee
la Bsst Twentieth street from 46 feet sooth
of the south 'line at Eaat Stark strsst to tho
Knot Oak Street eewer. sod the estimstna
ot the work to ho doae and ths probable tola
oner laereoa.
The cost sr saia sswsr to do assesssci as
arerlded br Ue dty charter upon tbe aeon.
arty epeclally aad pecalisrly benedted thereby
BBa WBICB m srrvoy uocierru ao ow ail too
lots, parta thereof and parceai at lead lying
hot a nan a llns 100 fset south of sad pereliel
with Ue sosts una oc esst Btara street snd
s Use 100 feet north of sad parallel with
the north Uns of East mark street, snd be.
tweea tbs west Une et East Tweutletk street
ssd a Uae 100 reet westerly uersot ssd par.
allel therewith, aod between Ue eaat Uaa ef
Eaat Twentieth street snd a Uae 100 fast
easterly thereof sad psrsllel therewith.
Ths Bnglnser's sattmate af the Brobabla
total cost for Us sons true tare at said sswsr
ta 8262.43. . ...
The. Mans, soeeineensns aaa asnmsrea at
rttv Kmrlnrer for Us coae traction eat
said newer are heresy adopted.
Keselvrd. lost us Asaiior or roe city or
Portlaad ba aad bs Is hereto directed te give
notice et ine nrupnaoo aoaniraetioa ot Meg
sower sa prerlded by the etty charter.
Beasnastrsocea agslnet the snore sswsr any
bs Sled in writing with ths aaderelgnod wlthls
30 days from Ua data sf ths Srst publics tloa
ef tbla notice. ' T
By ordes of tho Cooaefl.
.;,.. - THOX C DETLIN,
,v Aadltor of Ue City at Portlaad.
portlaad, Oregon. Data Ot Srst publics Man,
April X 1S0X
w :
STXXXT. '.',.
Notice bt herebr giraa thst at tbs meeUna
Sf the Council et tba City ef Portland, Ore.
son. held ea tne ota aay ar Apru. 1006, thd
following rosorstton waa adopted i .
Reeoired, Thst Us Council of tba City at
Pert lend. Oregon, deems It expeoierjt sad par.
Eire to eoeatrort a sewer In rail street,
imby street aad Twee ty -ninth street, from
i . north Uaa et Pettrreve arreaj ta FaU
ret to 6 petnl la Quimoy. street! thenre
In Qolmor street to 0, polat hi T weety -ninth
mt; thence aorta ta - Tweaty-nlatb
ee to the . aawer la Ralelsh ai.-.
Said orwor to BO eeoatracted Of rttrlfted arwes
Of Sht at ineaas . eieur imnaa diasaoter.
th sll aeesassry ralchhSALaa. toaaholaa.
lamrholes sod bran ah aa. i
Balg aarerer as so ssbsiisi ieo re aereroanrs
with tbe chart aad sedlasaeos st ths City
sf PorUand and the plane. epedrV-atlone and
eerlmetee of the City Eaaineer, Slsd la the
efare af tbe Aadltor ot tho City of Fortless
ea Ue 4th day ad AprU, IPud, ladorsed: "uae,
Engineer- plans and spec! See tloua for a eewee
Is Fall. Oulmby sad Twsnty-slatb
from the north line of Pettygrers street la
Fall street to a point la Qauaahy street; seat ra
Oulmby atreet to a point la Twenty-ninth
street; north In Tweaty-ntulb atreet to aawer
la Raleigh atreet. aad tbs eetimetea st ths
work to bs dons and the probe bis total seat
Tba ooyt af told aawer to ba assessed ss
prorlded 1 r tea city charter aeon tbe prep
erty soeeUUy aad peculiarly benedted thereby
sod Which Is hereby declared to be sll Us lots,
parte tbrreof sad parcels sf land lying between
a llss 100 feet esst et snd parallel with ths
ssst linn sf Twssly-nlnth strsst snd a Uae
1"0 feet wast ef sod pereliel with tbe weet
Use of Twenty-ninth street, snd between a
Uae 100 feet south of ssd Pereliel with tbs
south line et Xa Irish street and Una 100
feet aouth af aad parallel with tba south Une
of Qulmby street; Bias sll tbs bte. parts
thereof and pareela ot lead lying betwees s
Uae 100 feet north of and parallel with tbs
north Use ot Qulmby street ssd a Uns 1U0
feet south sf ssd psrsllet with ths south 11ns
sf Qulmby street, snd between tbe eaat Uae
of Fall street and Its eateoeloa northerly la
IU pressat coarse, and a Una 100 feet weet
of and parallel with Us went Uns ef Twenty
sloth street; sad alas all tbe tots, ports
thereof sod parcels ot lend lying between s
Uae 100 feet north of aad pereliel with tbs
sorth Uaa of Qulmby atreet aad tba north Uns
of Petgrrrove strestv- snd between the esst
Uns ef Vsll street snd lu eat melon northerly
la Ita, present- roeree. and a Una 100 feet
west of and parallel with th west Uns of Fsll
street and Its extension northerly ta Its prsssst
Ths Engineer's eetlmete of the probable total
ot for the ennetneerlem af ssld BeWSt la
$M1.64V , .
The plena, apoclocetloos sad eetimetea at
the .city Engineer for tbe -ronetruetlon ef
told eewer are hereby adopted. '
Itesolred. That Ue Aadltor ef the City of
PsrtlsBd ha sad ba la hereby directed to aire
notice sf Us proponed eone tract toe ot paid
arwer as provided by tbs dty charter. -
Bemoostrseces against the above sswsr Bay
ba Sled la writ leg wlU Ue nnaerelgaed within
20 deya from ths dsto ot the Xrst publics tloa
ef tbla notice. . , :
By order ef tbs JDonnelt. ' . ' I
Aadltor of the City of Portland.
Portland. Oregoa. Data at Erst, publication.
April S. 160X
Notice Is hereby
mr glrea that at the Beseting
Of the Council ot the City ot Portland. Ore
gon, herd on tbe 6th day ef AprU,. let. 4hs
following resolution was adopted:
Beaelved. That ths Coaacll of tba City ef
Portland, Oregon, dasms It ssnadlear snd pur
poses to eoueiract a sewer to Hawthorne
a venae freas 25 feet ssst af the asat Una of
Ksst Twenty-ninth street to ths sswsr to
East Thirtieth street, aald sewer to be eeav
stractod ef rltrlned newer pips st sight laches
leer toside diameter, with aU aecasaary oateh-
beat ae, aaaaholaa,
Bald sswer to
aimpnoiee aaa ornncaee.
M eoaatraeted ta aoeordenee
with the reactee and ordlneaeeS Of the City
of Portlaad aad the plena, opoeiDcatlona and
estlmstas st tbs City Engineer Sled la Ue
efare of ue Aadltor of the Cltr ef Portlnnd
en the dth dsy it April. 1st. Indoreedl 'dty
Eaglaear's plana sad SPselAcaUona for a tower
ta Uawthorae aveoee from 35 feet eaat of Ue
east Uaa. of Esst Twenty-uiath street to sswsr
ta East Thirtieth street, aad - the ee time tee
of Ue work to he done sad ths prebablo total
asst thereof." ' -
The cost sf aald arwer to be esst ana d ss pro
rlded br the -sky raartar open the property
specially and pecuftariy benefited thereby snd
which h hereby declared to be aU Ua tots,
parte thereof ssd percale of toad lying betweea
b line 100 feet north ot aad pereliel with the
north Une of Hswtherns s venae, aad a Uae 100
feet south sf ssd pereliel with Ua seath llns si
Hawthorne areaae and between Ua eaat Una
ot Eaat Twenty-ninth strsst snd a Use 106
feet west ef snd pereliel with Us Weet Une
of East Thirtieth street. - ".....
Ths City EBglaeor'a eetlmete of the probable
total eoet tot Ua ssnsiructloo, of aald Sewer
le 8130 Od.
The plass, s perforations aad ssttmatss ef the
City Englaesr tor the construction af aald sswer
are hereby adopted. . .
Besolred. Thst Us Aadltor at ths City of
Portlaad bs aad he la bereby directed to sirs
notice ef tbe prop need sees tract lou ot aald
sswer aa prerMed br the eltr charter.
lumooatrasoee aralnat tbe shore sewer Bar
be Sled la writing with ' thd ' auderuigtted
within SS Saya from the data at the Brat
publloattoa at Ule aotlea. , , .
By order ot the Council. - -
- ' Aadltor af tba Oty af PertlnnX
Portlaad. Oregoa. Data af Sret publloattoa,
April X 1805.
FtorosxD srwrx
: stbzet,
Kotioe Is
hy gtraa that st the' meeting
of the aty ef PorUand. Ore-
of the Cnaiacll
goa, held ea tba 6U day ef April, IMA. Ue
Beoolred, Thst the Oouncll of the Ctty of
Portland, Oregon, dusas it expodisat aaa par-
street from loo test west of ths west Uns of
East Twenty -ole th streat to ue sswsr ia seat
Thirtieth a treat. Bsld sswsr to
ef ettrlded eewer pipe of eight inches clear
Inside diameter wiu all aoessssry rstrnsaaiaa.
saanholos. Umphoies ssd nraernee.
Bald newer ts he eoaatraeted to I
wiu Us charter and erdlnsocsa of tbe City
of - Portland, aad ths pleas, BpseiAcataooS
aed eetimetea af Ue City Engineer Sled
la the office of ths Aadltor ot Us
City sf Portland ea the 4th day of April.
10U5, Indorsed: "City Engineer's plana aad
sperJXtoltoss tor a sswsr ta Bast htadlaoa
street from 100 fset west af ths
ea lino of Bast TweatT -skats strsst to aawaa
In Esst Thirtieth strsst. and the set! me tee
of the work to he does sad U
aoat thereof.". . '
Ths cost ot aaia sewer ta
arerided br tba eltr r barter apea the
rtr eneeiallr aad necslterlr benefited thereby,
ana wnica m asreoy uacierwa w we ea wo m
Krts thereof and parcels of lead lying be
ers a line 100 feet north of sad parallel
WlU ths north Una of Bsst Msdlson strsst snd
a Uaa loo fast aouta at aaa pareieM - wita
the aoaU Una or Best mameon street, sua ne
tweea a Hne 150 feet weat of aad pare Del
WIU the west Uaa of Esst Twenty-ninth atreet
aad a Uns 100 fset weet of snd parallel WlU
Ue West Mae ot East Thirtieth street.
too oeanneer n eucimuiw uu uw vawraow veaoi
erat for thsv saaatractaaa 01 aaia sewes w
The plana, snocldcstlowj aad setlmatoa af
the Cltr Kaaiaeer for tbe cons tree tloa of said
awai are heeehr aduBted. i
Hesolrsa. trast tns Aaaiior or law or
Portland be aad ba le hereby directed to giro
not lee ef the proposed eone troct loe at ' told
sewer ss nrerldavi by tho dty charter.
Kemonetxencee sgeleet tho above seerer Buy
po Sled ta writing with tbe aadsrsbraed withla
SO deya iromtna aaie at too area puuucauoa
By order OI too ,vounni. -
' "Aadltor of the city of Portlead. -Portland.
Oregoa. Data af Srst publico tloa.
April X 180X
Notice Is hereby glrea that st tbs meeting
of tho Cousell sf the Oty of ' Portisnd. Ore
Eei, held ea taa pu aay ar April, ipuo, ue
llowlng resslntloa wss adopted :
Resolred, Thst th CouncU of tba City of
Portlaad, Oregon. oSema it expedient and par-
nooea to sains tract a sewer in noosereit street.
5 her lock arenaa sad NlneteenU street, from
Ua) feet west er BaeriocB areone le Boosmit
atreet to the arwer la Vaagka street st Khw
teeaU street. Bsld sower to bs constructed
of rltrlned eewer pips of sight tne nee clear
inside diameter wltt sll neeeeeery catchbsalns,
aunbotoa, lampbolee Ssd braacbaa. .
Bald sswer to bo sonatractod la accordance
with tbe charter sad ordlaaaeas of Ue City
n( Hart la nit. and Us slane. aoedfleatlone end
estimates of lbs City Engineer -Sled la Ue
office of the Aadltor ef the City ef Psrtlaad
en ths dth dsy ot April, 1PU6, Indorssd: "City
Engineer s puns sad speciacauona lor a Sewer
la llooserelt street, Sherlock e venue and Klae
teeath street from Its) fset west of Sherlock
sveoue In Boesevelt street to sewer Is Vsugbs
street, snd Us eetimetea ef the work, to be
done, aad Ue probable total cost thereof.''
Tbe cost sf ssld sswsr to bo ssosseed oa
prorlded by the city rhsrter soon Ue property
specially sad pecalisrly benefited thereby, aad
which is hereby declared to he sll the lots,
parts thereof snd psieels et lend rrlng be
tweea a Una 100 fret esst of aad psreUel wltb
tbe esst Uae ot Mlaeteeatb street, aad its
extension northerly In Its pressst coarse, and
a llns 100 feel west of ssd psrsllel with tbs
wool line of Nineteenth street, snd Ita exteev
Sioa northerly in Ha price nt course, snd be
tweea the coulee line ot Booserelt street, and
Ita sxteneloa easterly ta lis Brosoat ooarue, and
Una lm feet north or a as parallel with ths
Bortb Uns ef Vengha street;, sees stark -13.
Sherlock's addrtlee to tbe City ot Portland; and
ewe a parorl of land lying between two Enee
respectively 100 feet ssd ) feet weet of ssd
narailel with tbs west line ef nineteenth
unrf end its e i tree loo northerly, snd between
Ltbe south Una. et bmrk IX Sherlock's addition.
Snd IIS sxreaeiow oeeirriy eeo a ,"oo lai rest
other ry thorerrem sno parallel uerewita.
The Kngineer a estimate Sf Ue probeblo total
ennt for Ua ssae true tloa at said . sewer a
64M.04. .
Tbe phina. apedflesttons snd estimates at the
Ctty Bngisser (or Us saaatractton at told aawer
are hereby adopted. .
Besolred. Thst the Auditor sf tbe City af
Portlaad bs and be la hereby directed to give
neelro ef the nronneed eooetroctlon at aald
eewee ss prorlded by tbe city chert or.
Bemoastraneeo sgsluet Us shoes sowar mar
ha filed la writing with the eaderetgaed wltbla
4wV y srvewmi BBS , vsmu I mra bob
of this notice. I ,
By arder a( tba Coancfi.
. .T ' THOB.
30 derd
the, date at tho Srst publics uoa
Aadltor of the City P" "
Peetlsad. Oregoau Data at Srst p
Bl NiWo t
3 Trains to ttt Esxt lzl.y3
. Ttoeagh PeMmaa aUndard aad taqrlet a''a .
Ing ears dally to Omaha. Chicago, hpoa -a
toartot aleenlnsr sere dally to Kaaaaa t l
through Pullman tourist aloeplag ears (r -e
ally conducted weekly to Cssceeux. Bee g
chair aara t aea In tree) to- the heat deny.
, UNION DEPOT. I Lesree. I Arne
6:18 a. B.
I 38 a. aa.
For the East vis Bsat-
Dslly. - -
lagton. f
For Kestern Washing
ton. Wslls Walla. Lew-
6:16 p. I
Dally. .
aatoo. Cam ailM.l
aads Oreat Korthsrn
psura. .
ATf. af l in avaaaaa
Far taa Beat rta Baas-i
- In stum . I
6:18 n. aa.
At 6. Be,
Colombia Blrsr PiilslosT
rvm astobiia aad way
Bolato, soaaartlag wltb
atasr. for , Ilwsoe sad!
80 p. a.
ex. sluaoae.
nana aaeecB, str.
suae. Aeh-st. doe
iu:w p. aa,
TamhlU Blrsr Xeute,
mn navrnw
CHr Bad Tamhrn
Tdto p. a.
petsB. stmra. Bsth aad
Baot. Asn-st. dock.
(Water permit Uea. 1
anesa Jtlvur Beats.
FOB LBW18TOM. laa..
4:00 a. as.
A neat 6 pa
- -
... . weeeu, sears.1 wransi
Spokane aad Lou letup. 1rTt day
T1CEXT OrncE Third aaat Wi
' . . ". , pnaoe Main 71X
' ?-?r-,,7HO"f--otT o6 AeasX,
" ea, eo veaaviw, unaaaraa
trulM, tor Bsleas,
berg. Ashmad.
8J0 p. a.
saeoto, Oxileek. Sea Fna
clsce, 'StockBaa, Las Ao4
re lee. El Psso, Ksw 4M
I 51
aaeea ana sno sees.
Uoraiag trala i
aorta at Wsodh
dally except Sun
X 85.
wlto trala Ser lat
AaareL lllrittss,
BrowasrUle, Sprlag
flslX TfsniUaal aadf
natron. -Alhesy
aseta at
s. m.
oadbura withi16J6
MW Angst- aad alsar4
toa local. H
CorvaBis pamaagm.
IBM, pa,,
S:35a. a. ,
Sheridan paaasnger,
.' Los re
s. m.; 4:10. 11:80 n. a. Saoday aaly. 66
a. m. " -
rUtaralBa from ferwere. srrrre Portia ad defy
I t a; IM, 8:0X AtJM. 8:1 i
11:10 X m. Dally (excrptSowdnyl 16:26. tri-t,
6:60, 10 10, 116 a. av. -Exorpt Monday. 13 -ad
p. ss. Sunday aaly. 10:00 a. a. - -
- . - - - - aW'Twteae hJ tweaah.
asdlsto potnta dally (except Snnday) dU6 B B.. '
Arrive Portlaad 10:10 a. a. .
The Independence-hi eouMuth IJbitor Lhas
speretsd dally to Men meets aad Awlto, aeoe
aectlng wltb SouUem Partaa oompsn's toasas
at Da Ilea aad IndepenAraee.
Flrst-oisas -tsre xrowi rwuam i w
ssd Ban Frenrtssa 6Kherths SB;
. ... a 1. a I h m SO SA
lare mi, enw, -
Tickete to Beaters pointy asd Fuspa.
3a pes. Chins, timesssra una
City 'Ticket Oracs corner Thhd and
A - waa aUT mlah Tl 9
c w. bttkobb. '. a WhlAN,
City ucsei avgaas. -uaa,
.J '.OF : '
trails ;
Paget Sound Limited.
for Taesena, aosttaa,
Olvmnae. Bouth Bead
846 X to,
U 46 f. to
' ' "t
sad dray's Harbor!
North Coast Llstttad.
for Tacoma, Seattle,
Butts. 6t- PasU Mlo-I
T AS 6 86,
nee poll a. twice so, new
Terk, -Boston snd potato
Ea at and aViotheaat.
Twin-City Express, fori
Tseoms. Beattls. 8pe-l
kasw, Helena, Bt. rani.
MlaasapnUs Chlcuge,
Ksw Tork. lwertow sad
all potato Bast 1
Puget Bos ad Ksnsas
Clty-st. Lsold BpedaL
for . Tssoms. Brattle,
SseAoao. Bette BUlleeu.
Denver, Omaha, Xsasasl
City, St. Louie aad all
rata. Bh,
points Bsst aad aouth
All tralas, daily sxoeut oa Bone bb
cm, . A. D. CBABAOVeT.
Aaatrtant OeaereJ Pa nee aaar Ar . '
13$ Mautsin St.. ser. ThtrX PwrttoooTOw.
Astoria & Columbia
River Railroad Co.
(toC-i. l'- sj
: aa i Ka !.aer '-. -
of Jefteraaa atreet. .,".'
Portland dally dor Oswego 7:86 a. m.
8:05, B:Do, a xu. o:zn. t.ob, nut p. sv.
- a,aa aaa I U llil
. Lsares. PK10N DEPOT. Arrrsaa.
6 -00 a-Bt, For Vaygart, Batuier. 11:10 a pa,
, reatoa, . Faarel, Baae-
? auoad,' 'Fort . ttoreea.
Oeerhert Park. See also,
. . '. '. Astoria ssd Saaihirs. f
"' 'K ,'V' . ' " ' - ' '-t '- .'' ' ' - '
t8 p. pa, , BxTWas gdily. ' og. ..
, . Astoria fapraae ' -
. . a MA TO,
. r. Snd r. J. Assarta. Or,
a A. BTBWABT. Coenmeeelal AePBWSdS AePOt
ataia sua.
aetejnpb tr3 X23 CZ I I
e Ti-asrieP'-'on"' ' ' i
mmyl TraCrxa Li.
pact Tir.::;
TO" FPO"'A'. ft. " r "
to1-t tr'e, t"-
sM i ' r
. . ' ' .1 -