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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 19, 1905)
rioter: wOiirAGAIil Clj f.!i.Ti.icturer$ Come to an Ajrtsment and , Price . Drop Accordingly.! . - ZZT GRADES ARE QUOTED AT TV.1MTY-TWQ AND HAJJ stralia t Craoet . ' Come . to WarkeV Egs High" With J a Better Demand. . "- rral "Street. "April 18. The rlctpa ! tuna ef the Portlaad wholanal wm ere: - ' ' -! V''"v-t" ., City cJBcry ettor drene.. '.. ' .' Australia cnfM 1m nrlM. Beta er ranging klf her. ', . liriml real rather dull.' : Poultry market continue 1& -'H'.: ' 0r orange arrlee In. '-. ,;.V' .' Columbia ehad ehw big drop."" .' : . '' ' ' ' Salmoa receipt r aata Hex. X . Potato drop-la 'rTuwwTnarket, . . '', ': Onieae auetrd Aral bat aomlaaL , bop are gaining strength. .., Ottr Oraaauriat Drep Bttor Trio. Ujtmt .a. Mr ee.amae. hattar manufae. . k iam . tba ir....t nukM litutkaL tlrmls 4a tba face. a - te -eneak. Heretofore ; ti 'belnrred that whaierer nriea ther charged - would ba eagerly paid ay a aaMtnea pud lie, sat ian k; have foand to ba aa amr. Tba propoel. tloa U this: Tba receipts ef M ! town creamery are (bowleg aa Ineraae. But twaada ara ant tba only onee that ara com - . w k. an... la aflll aurjnlied With fair tocka at CaUtorala batter. I w a (act that M of th receipt from tb outhem iuw bar dropped off daria tba past week, bat pom at tba creamery men below ara atlll with . aad ih of them la particular algntfiea l iB'-ntkm of staying with tba market until Ve villiametta frera orer." Tba pwrti toilet fei . tbat tba market will esnu strike tne bottom, bat aa aoaa aa told atorait aprr wttoaa ara wrtl dVt w tba nurket will atrrartbea aad prlrra will anea ahowr a aarall adraata. I-at paatordar aftoraaoa all bat aa f tba rtj eraaawrloa baadrd togatlxw aaa (riropprd tba priea ar tba beat product t a paoaoi--TB ereaawrr that aurad ouulda taa fold la atlll ebartiae S a poaad hUbrr lut tbat Ifara. Uwal bBttor aiaa Mr tbat 1nT eaa aa lomror aacnra prlcaa abora what batter ef aqnal oaalltr caa ba aararad far aad taoy ara rbaaclnc tbalr atlada about (nrda prieaa wlcbTar war tr want. . la tba part fr roar, M battar mamitocturara ha learned aoaaa aarf rbjld Inaona, .aad antll tb loat law dar 1hrr baTa iiord tana. AVmt raat atnat tba nurkrt hi crr dalL aad aath Inc la aoloc aald Is tba battar market tbere earn XX. a paaad. Tba brat Callferala bottat la atUl qaeted at Ue par paaad, XltJ ' Ara - Tirmar . and Hlchar. - Tba eajr aiarkrt la ebewlna; only " amall ra ' lpta aad deawad la aoawwbat bttrr. Tba prlra at retail baa aow ena aboa tb SOe mark aad daalara ara mora willing to ataad 'a email adraaea at wbolaaalr, a tb atraat todal moat of tba off aaloa ware at WVi aoara. naa entire paaltry awkat la aery, firm.' Be-' enpta ara enlr tab?. - ' . AaatnOI Onwaa ! Xarkai, 'y-'--Mark Lery Oe. aad LaT a Bpletl today i.rf a anull lot at cranea from Anatralla. lbaa were the flrat ef tb aeaeoa and were "la aarelleat abapt. Tbey war paeaan la rare -et la boxa of a pouade aaeb and aold at J.60 per bos. -A rar ef orange came la tram toe aeatb tbla morale. Tba California ateamer U doe lata thai rrcalng. . ' Braaaal-man Ara tie ay ' The market oa dreaaed bon I rather ateady. m i-t. mU llh I wttti m ehanaea la irlim. IB areetea Teai iae w ouj with raerlpta beair. Ne ebaaga la ralaaa. Oolambia Bbad Ara Qaeted Dewm- ' Kerelpta of Oolambia rtrer thad are keartef aad tba market bad eearre drop to ft- per poand today. Arrlrala at ebloook aalmoa rrvartbe Ooraabia are vary light la tbla mar ket ea account at tb big" prlone oeiog atfered at rlrar paiott by the cold ataraga oparatara. Tot taa Drop ia 'rrtaa market. V A apeelal inaga to Tba Jonrnal tbla mora ,)ng say tbat potato prlrea la Daa rrauelar bare dropped ISo per JuO poaad oa aeeoaa' t tb bugar racalpta. Thla caused dealer bera t lower tbeur ptmbaalaf prlc tb aaaM Tb market acre, aewcrar, ia ia Oamaa ar aantca nrm avt Mini. ' i Today's wboleaaM tjaouttaaa, a IwrUed. ar a toilowe: Cknua. Tm aad . WBCAT Moailaal; elab aad reo. BTfJSBc; -bKieeteu. al(ec; ralley. 7(u. AaUiX Jead, raUed, 2.0; brew. OlWWbala, SUM raekd. '3oJd pal tpo. -'-kTB 1M pr wt, ' - r .r OATS No. 1 walte. B3R.00I aray. s rLUUI Baetara Oragaa Patent, MrJi atralabta. . eaporta. .0li-6; Tmllo. graaam. Im. aa-ea; xaJ UlUSTVTr Braa, II 00 par tsa abV dllor.. X.lS aborta, aoutr. Aaa-Wi abua, A18.00. ' ' .. ' . ' BAT Ttamthy, WUUaartt rmlley, ' faaey, (ta.00; ordinary, llt-OOj eaatera Oregoa, SHOO; mixed, I1S.VS; ewrar, ll.mi; grata. iU.Dv; cbeat. tll-Oa. " ' ' ' Batter,' Scg aad Vealtry. ,' mU fAT oweet, aitJWcj aoar, 1 dlZl Vc " ' ' BCTTER City rreamery, beat, B',,C; arcoad grade, 90w;Hc; eataldo faucy. Jc; erdloary. le; lailturnla, Idfer! atore, lac. JK.a Me. 1 rreab Oregon. lKe do. ' CaKKM Xaw rail cream, twia. laet Ween America. 17il7Uc: eaatara. UajldlaeS Calliuraia. 164k! Utedoar. lea. ' POUWBY. Chlckeaa, mixed, 1BU per lb; beaa. id per lb; raoatera, eld, 15 per per doaTfryera. V M par doa; deck, o.Oottfa.OO per dja; geeee, ave per lb; rarkrye, liwlac aMMtvi-tW par doa. - - Keee, Weal aad Xldaa, ' HOP Oeouact, laud, lji7t fBOd roe. Mai tut chalet! Ur prlmaa aad WuL loot ctlp. valley, eoare t medlam. lta)MMt ana, SlttSac; eaatera Oreaaa.' MB 17c. ' - ' fOrTAIB Nominal. BeeSzH. -v- , , " adrtUCINM Bhearing. lumJOei abort waoi ; BMdlaa weui, eUajouc; . luag wuei, bwc A1.00 each. IaLuiW Prlaat. Bar lb. dftft! Ha. t tad areaae. fJ2Mc - - ...'-- CaUXlUd BABE 0W aat bV barlaf binBB Orr bide. Ha. 1.- Id lb aad on. Idajievt per lb; dry kip. Me. 1. a t IB lb. Jar; dry calf. No. 1. ander B rba, ltOlSe: dry ealted hide, (tarra, eoaad, 0 lb e arer, dfcH He; BO to aw Iba. Btfa; ander do lb d row, BBittt; aura aad bulla. od, Q7c; .p, IB ta B0 Iba, Be; aouad. IB to 14 laa, J Bc; celt, aouad. ander 10 iba. moili; graaa toenailed). 1 per lb waa; eulla, 1 aer lb lean; bora hide, ealted. tech. Il.3ntfl.rn: dry. each,; celt hide, each. SaOBoe; gnat aula. Ocmwia. ejea. lotgiae; with troel oa. each. Stcitl 00. ,. rralbj aad Tegecaelea. Aagara, POTATOES Beat Oregon. fLlKQlS: ear 1 a. b. omatrr, l.0; aeeoed rrade. I 00 per Mck: buying, ear lorn, HV; Karlr Bl.0OUI.2T; aweeta, cert. Bi.o0ml.aU: craTeu. . i iu . a. m vaiiinrnia. r yrj OMONB 44.M); buyr' price, roantrr, H in: Antrll. BH.oi); grlle i I Ae per lb. 1 . ' rcrrryAcrijxrra or ' "anew r'. Bwer Pip. Plr I. aln Tl', Building , iu Uuing. Vitrified ia. i . . - . : Thon Aaaln III. TODAY'S PRICES ON 7 : ;7HE WHEAT, MARKET d - , ' Slay Option, Wad. Tua, . Chicago Ltvrpool . . . . I1.13HB ll.ltH St. LouU...,. ,ttA Kanaaa City,,. New Tort.... 1.0THB Milwaukee .... 1.13 Mlnnaapollg . v l.OtTtB Duluth ....... 1.94HA winnlpe' ..... l.oni San Kranclaco l.A. Toledo. ....... 1.0.- 1.A1B .-: 1.164; , . .' ;. 1.05 !. - Pr cntal ''July. . ' rKESH rBCTTB Apple, estra faaey, 1.M faacy Oregua, T6tae par. beat baa gradea, frOj75 per' boa; oraagea. aaeet, X0ui.M bet; banatwa, dHOae lb; trawoa, enoice. bei; fancy, ai.OW baa; lime, fctexleea, eSe per Iim; plneapplea, 4.eutfa.uu; eraaaemt. eaat era, u.uw per itMl wauiorai luiwianw, ie.(io per crate. VKOkTXBLEa Tarelne. ' TMMO par rMa. ll.uuul.lo oar ck: beeta. 1. aekl uraa ranmnea, so par aw teep. Oreeoa. ear cwt: fallfornla.! ktture. botaoaaa, Al.SOl.bO per trate; graaa pepper. Tc per U: thill papper. 14m 10 celerjr. , AlUt O0 e oral; majatoa riu'lda. U.M; Mealcaa,- aXatoAOO; II uiO I Hi . Die ola at. Ae pel Ea: atrlne been. 13o: caotlf iowec. California. Il.8a 00 per crate; rbabarb, 14Hc par lb; boiraeradlab, Tttaa per lb; ipruuta, o; k. jjiwiiik. - - : LitknM. letTneo. lutl.I per bos; Oregoa radlahea. IMnu per do; grace or. km. IStteOe per dual aapan. :aa, lua par lb, apuaca, par (reea eon, I SO doe. - UJIIKD rBCTTB Apple, attpwated. h per lb; aarteota, Hlae par 11 aaeaa, par lb leaa; peaebe. aS 13 per lb; peare. er lb; pruaea. I U Ilea. MNV( pay Bi; Fracb, IHVIat P CaBforaU kmc. IdSe aer lb; California white, per aa; plume, pitted. per lb; date. ldaa at per Ibf tarda,- IIAt p IWt bet... . . . ,- ' .-4 , BittarH. Vabv Xta, -. BcaAaV-aacfc bala .rube. 10.10: aawdartd. .U6; trait graaa la ted, M.vat dry graaa U led. i.m; beat graaulated, t.aa; aatra C. .a; olden C foefti bbla, 10e M Na, as; eoaae, iue adraare oa Back baeia, lea Xm per W lor caab, iB.dtrai amate. MUjW .' uunai levaayuic, - . t COfKBB Hack it braada, 114.18. BaXT iae Bala, aa.aa.ea.ea. MB. II. BO; table, dairy, eua, 111.00! luua, (IO.TB; laa- ported Uterpaol, 00. flT.00; lm. ie.oo; kit, tlduu; eztrd floe. 11. a, aa, aa,-10a. 4.u05.Mir pal, tju laa, p4.uuiita.ue; tUa, 66Jae. MilT .area naif aronad. 100. p 17. uu; C0a. toa. 7.u; Ueerpool. lamp foe. l.6w per lua: bo-lb rock, (7.00; 100a, td.70. (Aboro prtoaa apply to aalae of ama thaa ear lot. . Cat lota pcUl arloat aabjaet to -W UaUoaat. v It AIM BAGS Ctlcatta, -Calratta. S.7B0t.OO par 100. I Japea. jio. 1. afce; Mo. t, dl bead, f.tjdei Adjaa. mi new uriea,. BBANa Hmtll white, del larga wblte, SUe; pluk. bare. lA.a0; iimaa. dVjej bUHcaa KITS PMnota, Tet Jamboa. OH par IW. Batlde nae lb! reaatad. l eocoaM par re; eocuaauta. WtttOe per ana; wabnu. ldtJlO Per lb: pine in lb; aata, lurjltHe per lb; hickory aota, Jtm par ehaatana IliAla, Ma Ibl Braall Bate. 15 par lb; filbert. isCjTob per lb; faaey pec, Mwis pe. lb; almond. per bb. - - - .araiata, oeat oua jt, UOPW Para Maalla. 1-tci araadard. UKa; tbial. 11', e; ltle bread alaal, . - - - ' COAL OIL Pearl or Aetral Caae. 10V4 per gal; water while, tro bbls. 15 per gal; woodea, 18c per gal; headlight, 170-deg, auea. u abo una ejivarg, eaaaa. aa per gaii ireB hbka, a per gal; a tore, eaaaa, MUr Pt (ail Iron bbla, itte r gal. TUHf ENTlNbr la caaat, tie pet gar, eeie.. B4e per gal. I BENIIN INB- , eaaat 18 a V iba bblt lH nee WH1T6 TAAD To iota, TH par ttr0BIb art. I ier lb; lea Iota, Be per lb. wirK waira ri aeaa at UNBRED Ol Impure raw la hhl. 61 par gal; raw, eoc per gal; genuine ketu aoiiea. eaaea, aa per gtl; bhm, B8e pr gal! groaad rake, rar lota. tK.OO vv tm km thu ni bo, fju-w per wa.. ' Kaata.1 Fkw'aaB rrerlateaa. - FRXfflt. MMATB Troot atraat Beef. - ateera, tiV. per lb;, pork, block. T4t7e per. lb; puketa. 7tT7tt per Ibi bulla, ae per .lb; eowe. , IQe per lb; . motto, eflT aad la ait. with pelta, - gLbuajxao; Mai, eitr, dHtJ; etdlaary, tdVk V lb aetc rao pr in, tl. JAMS, BACON, bam. 1U ta Id Iba. 12 per lb; Id te IB lb. uvn. aiui u..,ana mtwm ihwi la' par lb; IB t B0 Iba, 13 per lb; cottage, a par lb; breaktaat bare. 1 20100 pa U; plralc. Be per lb; regular ibca-t cleara, aa amked, BK per lb; mokd. 10)4 per lb; dear backv anamoked, . Be per lb) -amoked. 10 per lb; Uaiea butta, 10 to 18 lha, aaemoked. Be per lb: amoked. Be per lb; clear belUaa, aa tie per id: amoaeo. ue par w. LOCAL LABD Kettle leaf, 10. Kl Bar lb; Ba, 10He per lb; BO-lb Una. 10 per lb; a tea m readerM, lua. p per la: oa. w ear .. B B; tab, dke per . rivNin baTLiii f VWt OHO Bar IB. ON Columbia rlrer 14b taHa, l-m Ulla. 12 1: fcr l ib Bate, tl.oa W4b fancy flat. l.Xt; faaey l ib eram. IATB: Akaaka ulla. ataa. BattBOai red. AM .60; Bnmlal Ba, tall, 12 00. . , - riBH hVock and. T par fet Boaadera. tc per Ht; halibut, ay ter lb; araba. Ulft pat doa; tliipeo Bee. , locjia pw io; f tab. T - par B1 aalmoe, Chinook, tee I he I. Te oar lbs herring. Be pei cat Be; lb; aolc. Be per lb: abrlmpu. lOe per lb; perch. Be lb: ehad re. BO lb: bad. Se lb OUkCJK -coo. Be oar lb: allrer a malt A par lb: lobatera. lc: tmk uutmi, be per u; erwnan, aue per m: noender. be per ia; tturgeoa, ie per lu. OTBTBKA Bboalwatat Bay. par gal. X3b; aer eck, T par lb. CLAAIB Hard abeO, B Baa. IZ.0O; tasar rblma, BX.0B per be. - DEMAND NOMINAL . 1N LAMB MARKET Stocks Arrive in Very Poor.Shape and Trade Does Not V;i:. Purchase. Portlanrl TJflloa StoekTard. April It, Lire- atock .receipt:. .... ;, , .. v' Hog. Cattl. Sbren. Today ................ ...a3 ( ao 1.417 Week a . ....... as , lw . 140 Pre r loo week ' BhO . Receipt in the local aterkyard were liberal todajr.- A tea tor of tb market I tb ex treme weak ia lamos. ueceipta ni iota Una ar eery heavy aad atarka ara anirlng la bad ahaea. Dealer de not rare te buy at any price, and price aa euoted today oa lamb ar nominal, tiug o catim are yram. ., . OffleUtl prlcre for IlTeatotk: ' linn Rear eaatera Oremta. 18.00: . blocker and China fat. 01BS tockr ami tMdera, 4.nO4.75. -J , Cattl Beet eeatera Orero teec, 84.23: light and medium ateera, 8ibOfia.7ft; ' " llrht cowa, B2.52.7B; atockera and feeder. tv.iaj: bull, tl.fio. Hheep Beat fancy aheep. f4.MC8.00; airing lamba, 8c - i ; xuxax koob um.-;-'-- ' Chlrago, April IB Lirtork receipt: ' ' ling. Ottle. Bmeeri. PMraae 21. on BO.0O0 Kanaaa fcltr .. .1 ......... II .00 f . ' ; T.0O0 Omaha B.OiiO T.ooO ling opened weak ta B rent lew, with t.X left orer. kcdpt a yr ag were Tl,. 000. Prleea allied. .1.0Jo.5o; good. BB.4A1 1. MH: rongn. X3(Vi 40: light, 8o.3SOa.d7 tfe. t'tttle Kteadr. 1" lowr. - . Sheep r1eto 10 caat fcrwer. ; COTTON CLOSED SIX-U . . TO EIGHT POINTS OFF N'ew Tort. April IB. Oottoa furarra apeatd tteedr bat eloae.l B to 8 point lower. Today official eottoa marktt: . ., trnen. . nit. Mfw, itio. Jinnar ' ...... f M April ......... la 1. 6 1.1 T ftft 1.M T.a;ii.xa May T.41 Jan t HI Jnly .......... T.M 74, t.Sl 11 140 T.40 T.ta T.;o , i.xh Tel 7lia i in T ..... t ....... T.60 i.aa T.JM.t4 T.aev.t. Aarnet rVrptetabat tP141 t.A47 l.wmul f.82,51 nrtnber rtOewrajiePT ' t)cnbt ..... fedpT ' t.'o'i . llrwet Oattea Market. J rjreriwol, April l.Cuttoa fsttra two Ddtnta lowac. t - , , IU1M CAUSED EARLY STREFiGTO Dry Conditions In . Wheat Belt 'i Responsible for .Rise in '; " , . .. Chicago Market." " ,r PREDICTED RECEiPTS S 1 ;LTAK EDGE OFF PRICE May Option Loses One and Five Eighths July Closes Three ; - ; Eighths Off. J..'f-' . . . - WXDNBSDAT WBBAT bUBKVT, r ' . Opea Cloa ' Cam la ' . .. Med. Wed. Tim. " Wed. May..... B1.1A .- BLUAaB tl.l&u - .ul aaiy .m . .sia .sa n . .uu tkpteailmr.... .aJ, Jiait .afltB " ,W0M Chlraeo. Anril 1. Locaa A Hrra aarr for wheal the early atronglh came from .coa tinned dry weather, bat the predict loo tor today aad tomorrow took tba edge off tb market aad nap out of the bulla market aelllng off rather eaaity, oa auMegucatiy recovering pen at tea to, it waa a typical weather market and tb future deoeeda oa tba weather. It atlll look ua B acalping aflahr.. , ,. . . , i - Bhort Oeeerlng laOora. , la Cora aona bort rorerlna derelorjed la tb early dealing, after which tb market eaggad back, ruling dull and indifferent the balance of tba aeealon. Trede ba been -tight aad with out apeelal feature, olilpawuta (rata primary pUatt oootiae largely in axeea of receipt, ad eaeai le be the oely farorabl feature. It look ilk a reaavoAhljr good Iradlag aur kt. -v ,,- ... ,..,...,,. - Oata iMed Sympata.' T ; " ' Oata rnowed armnatbr with ear la the early dealing, but praaeare from tb ltua tlua derelopcd oa the adranc. . Tbla la a feature ef the altoatioa that amat be eipeete with tb eaah-aituatloa. aa ht ia and larra ttocka, Tb market look like dragging fewer. ' "" Xaga C1g Btaj4y'1' la proelrlona lire hog eloaed atetidy with fair demand. Wa aa n hatter thee a moderate ecalpJag market, i. -, T . ,-raauay ouiciai maiteu: ' . - . ... WrJKAT. .-c r Anaa. Hlh - Tw . Om. - July..... .HA BS.V i..lZ,-- ,IA aVpt..., . .KSi .. JiaW . Jlk vuttrt.--, AprU. Mty..... Julr.:.. .46i H '..dtfiA i..4TSa ' .HkA :t2 oats, ; .noy i . . . apt. bt.r :55 i .HB 'JmJ July,.,.. Bfcpt.. 28 W MESS P0KK. May.. July.. MM le-oO . ia.Uv. irrr ; 13.80. , U.7B ' LAKD. ,. ISM ' ia.IT ", T-ll M T.1T . T.rr ; Ta V . Apra.. wy. ... . Jilr.... T.0 T.1T ..- I . BIBB. .. v -:- ijo . : ;,; ... SHOBT . . .(ei kept..., T 61 Map-... July... pt.., . T.2S . T.U T.40 S ; BAJT IXAJTCXBCO eaUIaT aUXER. Btn ' rrtndero. Anrlt. lBTodaa afflelal 11:80 a. aa..aaarkt: - ' - WHEAT. ' . v.'. t Otxra. Ulah. lee. rw May.. ...,,tl.4iB 81.43 St A DwMmbM... 1.1 1 l.S8.,7l.M May........ 1.111 . 1.M . J.18 . 111 nrktAJLT, iiiipbiiii An ctxAxixca. CtJeaaw, April IB. PitmAry rvcejpt: " T'T-' ' , T ' -rrT- Tody Tear Ag "'..... e .rf now. " rjnen, Wheat t................. IU3.0W ' ld,00t vorm i..........u,..r,.,r eVaMWO 818,000 Muvawui . Wheat . 1ft Ana . an eyM juorn UBS.OOO V 338.000 Total rieeraareei Wheat- 83.800 baahel; t.J"" aarrm; aora, mwxm aw be la, aata. tv. oaxaijoe cabs wtoeaVt. ' Oilrago, 4 April ah wheat: Today Faea. Ko. Ko. K. No. No. t red.......M.....t1 14 81.15(4 Bl.IAM e rwo.. .. ... t.iu--' t.ia ( i.w bard... 1.14 ' LlBVi - 1.1KH 8 hard BT ' 1.04 - .BB 1 Bortfjera......... 1.14 l.lSVb ll no. avuai.,M a.l l.UB K. aprlac. 1.00 ' Lot 1.08 LXTXBPO01 SRAnr XABXTT. k lArerpool, April IB Tic: B THd; July and Beptmber,. OarBMac HO ap; July, .Waaat, Ud low. Bp. May, Chlaag wrala Oar lata. . Chicago. April rain ear hta: - : -i. Car. Grade. Bwt. 1BA4. Wnat . ... . as. .. . a . .. an . ea Com ,.10T . . 8 10T s. . 18 veto 7 IV B4 BXwT TOXJC OOmX KA1XXT. . How Tork, April IB. Caff ea fs cMed J te io pntnt higbar. Today official eoffe awrkat: Bid. Aak. " Bid. Aak April .80.10 8&15Oetober .. May A.1B!xyembr 80 9 8I 70 , B.7S d.BO rune a.zs B.BOlDecemtnrN.. .0 a.BS B.n .nnary ... S.M ' IN BBOITebniary ... B.PO BBS July B.SS Aogaat 7.. 8. Bepumbar 8- March B.BS . 1.00 ' Vcralam Oeffe Xarfcata, Hw ' Tork. ' April -IP. Herr 1 coffee. m rbtnged to point higher. RI receipt, bar; nan toa, bag; market atatdy. Ha buig. H to H Pl hlgber.,.:-- '("' ':v'.V-'','bw Tot Oaali rTea.n ' ' New York. April It. Oath eoffo: Ku, T Bio, lc; .. Bartoa. ac .-r . a . ::'--:-'. xott a oooo bjlajm. . - ' DaTlaa. ' Or.. April IB. The bop yard la Pa laa aaa nctnity ma rin ana are Ing faat tot warm weather. AU at 1 tea enaat oa a targe crop tbla year. Ther r ttlU a great many eld bona bald bar by barer. T. A. Bigg at thl city bat tb greatest amount - av. B. WHUaaM baa a good ma ay aad aerera! other euyera bar a good many. They are waiting, like tba reef, for higher prlrea. Tbey ara aU ef the opinio that tbey win get higher arlcat, earner e later. ..... . . v . . ,-.;. WALL STXZn wOtfT.: Hew Tork, April 19. The Wan Street Joor Bal aaya: Anaerleaa atock la Loo doa are ttroeig aad atudy at about H to point bora parity. Khar eempetitloa with tb Wtlngboae will likely eat dowa profit oawwhat. There la a good demand for Unloa Paeifle la tbe luaa crowd. Tb bank gained from tb ub-treury cine Friday tl.8KS.0o0, Tweaty aetlra road decreaetd 1.80 per coat. Bw Yerk Begar Market. - '- Hew tork. April 10. Bugar! Rcflned, aw ehaaged; rw, ateady.-";.. -s.,, ,J ALL WILL SUSPEND r ::&vS ON GOOD FRIDAY . Cbleago. April IB. Tbere win b b m1n 4f the board ef trade rrlday. Umovra, aprii iu. iae toe err aa ore win be eloaed from Tbanday aftaraeoa aatll Tuaa- jreeaeol.' April 10. Tb eottoa end era I srhaagee will be eloaed from Tbanday aftcr- , . . . . - - Nw Tork, April ia. rn toe exTMage will b rked frtday. Tb goeerelag beard will be akd to rioee It oa Ratarday aa well. The eottoa eirhange wUl be eloaed from Tbvre- y te Mooaay. -Kew Orleaaa. April IB. Thd eottoa Prebane will ba eloaed from Thnreday afteraaia aatll atoedai pTIdar being Oood tVlday. BTOBTSUaT UCWHZA. r, XrW York. ' Antl! l. Cnr aantarlnwa: Hortbrrn Bamritie ope4 t 171; high, ITD kvw, 196) craped, 172 Hi Balaa, 88,000 aharaa. : : ' ; City Creamery lAtn Combine In Cr.'crt ta Force Calif orr.?a Cutter Out of rst -.II But One Malzj PubJIc CutJn Ftev' V Almost All the CI; Ust In'r.sw York Stock Chows ajDood 4 , Gain. - NEW YORK CENTRAL HAS THE LARCESTAD VANCE Every Time Weakness Set in Dig financial Men Would v ,;v.: -Buy. ,, y ADVANCES. ma l gt ma ted ..., a,iin, Cntrtl. ...... .'.1T4 ILmi"- Nah.....4h ur At roaad...... UlMetropoUtaa ....... W do nref erra. -. . 4L I1tlw i? Brooklya ......... " S Ka tf " . j ' C Bait. At Ohle...,.lC de nfd ' !l2 Ooka. Bael Ul - . if hi. PauiT....:::;: i- wicV.-:::: z ?.l r-cJf: HlNorfolk Weil.., J Che. A Ohk klllllL At Waarare... C Canadlaa PaclBe....lHlr,ennaylTnla ...... 1 Krle ...lll'aclfle Mail......... U a awoad.. IrajU .....lit e flrat It hia.1 ata u. Reading 4a Rock lalaad ta Boutbara By ii do preferred...... ft Boutbara - rac....lfiTena.Coal., ...... ,u Cnioa Pae iSiote! Wla. Cent. pfd... V.I de Dref erred...... iff Sraat Wtra..... 4 1 North. Be...., lli - ' ..... L0S81C8. . . , ... tnaroad .........1 iManhtta ......... H Atehlaoa, pfd "T4IN. I. Central....... ta Bawltcr, pfd......;-. Ml Tea. at faclOe...... Wall Street." New Tork. April 10. Thl waa t day ef booaUag ea the tock exchange. Brery weatneea eneuea to nig nnaaciai ild bur aad thl kept tb market from bowing a eerer low. Tb Lirerpool tragtb waa la LeaUrUl ft Naakrlll. which eloaed 4 paint nigner. AUaoat aU lb Hat U arat a point higher. , . . awOA . oncuu atocg aurtat: , .; ; , DBSCRimOK. ; Aaaooada Mining CO....I122U Amal., topper C.i......J H7VaJ eucjuaoa, eom. ........ I as 1 B8l Brvtarrea .... ut rounary, e r d Drefnrrad . . . . ioitiomhoi Are, Bugar. com. Am. Bmelt., eom.. nil oo preierrec..... Baltimore A Ohio, eota.. do preferred Breokfya Rapid Tranalt. Laoaaiaa raciae, eom... Chicago ft Altoa, coat.. do preferred C. ft O. W., cam...... ChL. MIL ft St. P..... C. ft M. W.. ram....... 81 Chicago Terminal By.... C beaa peak, ft Ohio, Cora. Colo., reel ft Iroa, eom Colo. Bon that a. com.,... oo aeon no. preterred. .. de flrat rjreferred Delaware ft Hadeoa.... uu.. Lack, ft We.... D. ft ft. d., cam do preferred ri. com oo aecona preTerrea.. do flrat leiteal OB BOtal tlllnoU Central 104 Loo I nil NaabriUe... net. at. ny Mexleaa Central By. . . . Minn.. Bt P. ft Sta. M.. Mlaaoarl Paelac. M. K. AT., com,. I..., prt)ff FSd a Haw- York Central 122 S3U 11T lot 1MH Norfolk ft We tern, -com 04 A norrn American H. Y.,' Oat. ,Wetra. PannayrraDla By. P. O. L, ft C. Co....... Prad Steel Oar, coat. do preferred Paclfte Mall S. 8. Co.... Beading, com.. ........ Bep. Iroa ft Steel, eom. do preferred ...,t Bock ltland. com....... do preferred Bonthern Ky.. eom do preferred. ......... outbera Paclfle........ do pref erred St. L. s. r, Sd pfd. St. U ft S. W., eom.... ' de preferred..,.. Txa ft Paclfle Tenataar Coal ft Iroa... 108 141 110H M Toledo. Bt. L. ft W.. c tit) BTQf BBfTl .e,a.WBl Dniea PadBe, com.. ISO oo preferred. .. V. S. Leetner. cam..... 4 preferred TJ. S. Bobber, eom. . V. S. Steel Co., com... do preferred.... Wlaeonata Central, cam.. do preferred. ,,. W. TJ. Telegraph. 4.1 87U J?2 10S 'I 104 aa 62 u m 224 wanaaa, com.. do preferred . Bobber Gooda do preferred . 421a Total aalea for day, 1 S21.000 abara. CaU BMawy, X per cat.- , tobopak. amrnrB BTOOia, ' Saa Praoclae, ' April . Offldal ; elorlag. Bid. Montana ......840 i Midway 1.87H MeNaamra .40 Belmoat ....... 1.42V, North . Star..... ' .48 ;.i '' Bid. -...a .ia Ada aat .27 A Dlila as Kendall . .13 OoiumbU Mt..,., .47 A Baeeae ........ .11 uumbe ......... M Gold Mount. .. .14 Uambe Extaa.,,. L.29 Jim 1 Butler,... Lit (Black Butt..... '.17 Nsraaa . ...... .lsui surer rict.... .1, Tea. Eltea..... 8.00 Gold Anehr..... L07V4 nau -jopw,.. . .aa ' inay u oriaa. . .. ,uv 8c4dfllT..... .OB lOpblr Toa ,. .80 A SaadatormX .87 ICI. Ball Frog... .84 Baadatorm Ex.. .14 DUamod field.? .70 Home Suk 85 Cah Boy....... 48 ' Loae Star .....iw 1.18 -J , - . . - ajt ixuoiioe local btocxb.- Baa FraMlapa, a. at,i ,. April . Leel ateeka. 11 V Aak. "Bid. Coatra Ceata Water. . Spring ' Valley Water. 8. P. Oae ft Xlectri. 44 a 1 BT BT OInt Powder a Hawaltaa Oom llonoke Sugar z)14 . -Sl Hutrhlnao Bngr......... 1TV4-. 17 Paaahaa Sagar... 1.. ......... IA 2T ........... Alaaka Ptcker'. ....... .......... seat or 10014 BO 107 M Cat Prult . Caaaera I.. ...loo CaL Wine Aa ... ..78 - Oceanic Btmbip. ....... o...... d '. Pacta But Telephone .....108 ' coaisT&cx uaa mtoaaSrrT Baa tVaaclamv April laffleUl. akaav a. fBBV BhamfBalBlMf. 7 . r.t- Bi4.r ' ?: Bid.i BulUea .......4 Belcher ...... .. ,2tl Coa. CaL Ta... 1.T8 Sg a.. ...... .8 .88 Hot". .14 l amn Coa ., . ,70 Yellow Jacket. 24 ODhlr .......10.nA ( aledonla 00 Mexleaa S.80 ' Coa. Merear.... . .84 . uebwner ........ 14 Hale ft Htrcrma. .87 . . .28 Scar plea i.MMt 0 ... .i BterUaa- eUtea. -- Hew Yerk. April IB. Sterling rata: U. maad. dBB.86; 00 day. 4B4.A0. , ronTiAn bavx KATiaaarr. ClaariBg ,4ld. And an Balaaee '. ....w...Cr.. 88,801.88 ' toTBAtTMAMB WTTaT MOaTST. ' , " (Bpaekd DlapaUh to Tea ieora.1) " Wallace, Ida April II. A maa known her as Knit secure money (or a poker tm(, went to the card room to arrant; tabled, and dlaappewred raetar flay, taking a poll of bills- amountlnf to nrwrlr 8300. H Is thought toliav bTOBB. t0 fjpokBAB. " . , raar-1 --'eu ff The Quaker Prophet, the .Only One In America," Clairvoyant Medium? ' iiM khlngton St. ;f Haadreda lifted ' from III health. aoeerte. lore and doaaeatle .troublaa b the aid and adrlee of lha aoted ' , .. ' : BBOTH WILLIAM. . ' ' Palmmt aad .Clalrrojaat Low feel Lew reel HI peara arc wonderful and Indiana table. Ba will Imerore rour cbarartor aa that ma will reach tb hlgheat poaalbl derakoomant of awatal rigor, health, huptn and a capacity ax. ear wealth. The ceo trolling power Im planted la your nature te autha year haabaad. wife or awaetheert be true aad kind to you; bow to reetora health and loat vitality; he In to re you .tttccta ur charge aoUlag for hi aarrlcaa. .. ... , -. ...... ... . . v ' BKCBET8 YOU SHOULD KNOW. . Bow. eaa I o creed la ba.tDeaaT How auk. baept on think f mT How eaa 1 win the oa I iml llow caa I eoaouer enamlea 1 Bow aarr Ike ea of year eboleel How eooa eaa 1 marry? Bow rjoacoer my. rlralT Bow aooa will wrer ororjoae? How ea I cat a Boaltioa t Bow re mo-re bad Inflaeace 1 " Bow hold husbaad lore J .Bow Bold wU'a lore? How acttl quarrel T , JECS TEACHES RTS - PROFESSION TO . .... -,- ., OTHERS.- V.. if'k' ."at,' to ' aw pa,' and aU day REMEMBER THE NAME 1 DRQTI1ER WILUAM J13AVashington rSti'S Note Our Prices imry . ...BO Good creamery ....... ........ ,v... ......46c Dairy batter . AS and 40 Hanca egg. gg...... ..,.;..... aoe agaaared ham ........ ...,.,...,,..18 le aad cettag ham ...................loc Beat Flcale Re member Baturdar la chicken da, rsjtek. ana,.lBc aad' IT pound. .. LA RAJrSX CRXAaTTBY. BM Yaakhin. If You Are Buffering from xidaaw, - . Boa, or xU4Aa Troabla, call at our offlca and we will poe.1- : aneT LttbU Mlatrat i .'"'.Water Co. K-. ' T V7- II FIRST BTRKBT. . ''- for modern dental work. . Warld-ra- - . aowDM spaciausts. . Lowoat prioas conalateat with flra-t-clagg Go to tba li- NEW YORK DENTISTS rovBTs An Opn day and night, from 8:10 s m. - -until 10 p. rn. . ... AOnC TKNT .1 AWNINC CO. . BT BT. TlrwtBt r Awninga for . stores sad rcaiaencea. V Tents . and ramping out- ' ; flta. Get our prices. .. rtaona ' XMt, A ,"v ftrl. ieel aad fcpty Beaeia.. trav ware.ia. uatOKaei orararct wC"! liku raW'SKNOLAaal la aa CMd BMaOW keaaa, awMd it etaaria. Teaetaee, aj.ra. Bi.iam iat Bi t.tHwniai aad Imim Heat, bay ef rear braastevw em Ae. ) anueee Be Paeatewlaee. xalmadada aadfcP-WflaamWaw,erra. Baeah.aal. ! TeeawejUI. tai ay lltlilnl vaaaelaat V. aaaaee. rauA. ra. . -Cwr3TI.lI3 Cn.r? WikaBSB'1brBiHowBeMnaae eutrrea w. .te Teeuung far ore fifty Tear, h aoouaaa towwhiid, aiht tb gum, allay all pern. wua wind eoua, aad la toa beat Bate-' erWOeelcaa. TatTiiTi aTKxm a mi tie - aVeota 4, eroLnd TUftn. abcxbbi or ooKKanaa. TOO LATB TO CXASSTTY. WAWTSIV- Kxpermaced body trener. : Unloa Laandry vo. -. - - J SKIRT DAKCEBS WANTED at SOS Mflrriaoa etreet; - aurrg. no nrawa w amataur. Bltts. ' . . J. v,. maamxaqi ucibbm. ... v Jamea 0. Bntkrn,' : Kdrth B. Mrflewaa, tS. O. P. Llelgnoll. BB; Katl Delflao, 18. Herbert t. htnoo, 83; Edith A. Co 111 a ra, 8B EugeB lAdr, B5) Ir Tuner, tS. ' TEETH ' Bam. II StllB . llbaUbllahed 1888.) ' ' ; Jwatms. AMT0 BTOCX MM0AXMM. ', OVERBECIC. OTARR & COOKE CO. 1 --' ' -Jntombors Chicago Board of Trade ' v ' BAXbT, ntOTlanOaTS, OOTf OXriTOOXJ AJT9 aOaTSB, 1 ; ' "10I Third atraat, McKay Bolldlns. Portland. Or. v ' Jr.;. bo a bttuctx.t ooaocxaizox? luimn. ' ' Contlnnoiig Marksts by Prlrate Wire, Quirk Barrio. Ladd 4 , .... . TUton, bank are. sod United MUtas NaUonal Sans of 1-orUand. . 'V . : y ; ' ' cL - s 1 ) IN A : WEEK We treat aneetaafalle all nHvata ucmm aad rnronie iaaet of aaea; ale blood, atomarh., ller. kidney and threat trouble. - W care SYPHILIS farltboat laweiirl eta red forerer, la 90 to 00 day. W reaaor BTH1CTUBB, without operatloa or pain, 1 IS W atop" drain, tb hn of altnwa. hnmedlatelr. Wa eaa Mlm eke eeinal vleae ei any ma unoer au ay maaaa I lacat treat. mcai pecuoar io urrra, . ' . We Cure Qoscrrboea la a Week The doctor t thla laatttnt ar all eenlar Ci a ua tee. ar aa many year' xperteee, e bee kaowa la Portlaad for 15 year, aara a repatatiae te maiauia aajwu-aoer take a cat .aaleaa certaia ear caa ba f ferted. - . ..r- . .... . - We guarantee te ear la every eaa w aad ma or rnarg ae -fee. coDaBltattoacw. ut tor eoafldentlaV. Inatractlre BOOaTf 0B MEN mailed free la plta wrapper. - If you caaoot call at erflce, write for Ilea plank. 11 em treatment eueoeaafut. OfBc aean, a ta 8 aad T tr 8. Buadara aad - aouuaya. n n ta.,.-. madlng eperlatteta ta tb Htrfkweet. anapuaaea tarn . . Dr.V.KcrtcnDr.is6Co. Taa Bey Ketoi. L Car. Third aa4 rte Bta. rOBTLAjni, OBBSOBi CITY ,'aTOTlOBB. ' FBOPOSES 8S8I8SBIBTT T0B STWXB . IS EAST TWEBTY-IXBST BTXXXT. . Notice la hereby aire that tb Aadlter at the City of Portlaad baa prepared a proposed a aaeaa meat far. the rxmatractloa of a atwer la Beat . Twenty-flrat etrt from 100 feet aorta oi taa -Bona uae or uragoa atreet to a eonae. noa wit a in wer in Kent irrut street. and bee aacuttlaad what a ' a yat pportlonmeBt ef coat ef the arwer la-accordance with tb aperta aad Mcullar awaafita derieed by each parcel f laad aad lot part thereof wtthla tbe aeaemamet dlatrlct, and be pprtiBa tb coat for aald -aewar la ta amsuata aat oppealte eb- parcel ef laud and lot or par thereof aa It chare f aach are- - Aar utiJ.Llhjaa to tbe etna tluument of-e for Mid rawer Boat be mad ia writing te tbe Couadl and filed with tb Auditor wltbla 15 Sty from tb data ef tbe flrat publlcarjoa ef - thl notice, aad aald objection will - be beard aad determined by tb thwncH before the P tear of Ue erdlaaae tlng tb caat ei aaiu aewer.- SULLITAN'S ADDITION to the Cltr'af . Portland BLOCK 80 tot T, The Booee etth Good Shepherd of Port land. Or., R8.00: lot B. The Hoeao ef the Good Shepherd ef Pert lead. Or., M 0O.- BLOCK 84. let B, Edward -1. O'Dea, in. 00; lot ft, Edward J. O'Dea. 8J8.00: lot T. Ethrard J. O'Dea. 818.70. BLOCK 11, lot L, Edward J. O'Dea. 88L40; ' lot S. Edward J. O'Dea. 831.40. -BLOCK B8. lot t, Blcbard Brewa. W.0; lot 8. Blehard Brow, t31.40; lot 4, Blcbard Brawn, 881.40. lew, BM-ata, - ...-i TIHB, U. UETLU. " Aadlter ef the CHy ef Portland. Or, Date ef flrat pabUcatkm April 18,-1808. YBOFOfXS ASSfSBaUBT YOB mwu BZUwrOOS BTBXBT. .?:.: Notice I hereby grraa that tb' Aadlto ef tb city ef Portlaad hae prepared a pinpid Beeeaamewi ror ua luaau uciioa or a aewar Sellwaod atret from 130 font ' treat of 1 waet Ua ef - hfUataalppI areaae ' te the etwer lu Delay atreet. aad km aarertalned I what he - deema a fatt apportloamaat of coat of ta eawer ia accord ance wita ine apoeiai aaa peculiar aeaenta derived br each aareat ef lead aad let or Bart thereof wltbla the aaeeeament dUtrlet, aad hat tpportmeed the coat tor aald newer la tba mounm aat oppeetto each parcel f laad pad lot or part thereof aa Ita ahar e( Bueh pre- paee a nut. Any eb)ectiona ta tb apportloataent ef mat fee aald newer moat be aade la writing t tb Council tad filed with tbe Auditor wltbla 18 day from the data ef the flrat pabllrattoa at thla notlra. ead mid ob led Ion will ba heard and determined by tbe Council before the pa mage at the erdiaaaet mm lag tb coat ef eta eewrr. SUBDIVISION IN PBOKBSTEL'S ADDITION to Albino BLOCK 8. eouth 100 ft ef lot 7. Mary Team. 828.18; eouth 100 feet ef let .' 8. Mary Tooaary. 828.18. BLOCK 8. Berth ' 100 feet f lot IB, Alliance Treat Oempaay, .Ltd., ef Duadee, Scotland, 828. SS; caat SO feet f Berth 100 feat ef 1st 10. L. O. Brlggs, KSLBO; wait 81 'eet of north ,100 feet of .. art IS, BI a. Hergert Bn.xav- Total, aiuuu. .; THOS. C. DBVL1K. Aadltnr ef tbe City ef Portlaad. Or. Data of flrat DSblteathm April IB, 1S0B. raoposzs IDE BEWXB ZV BTBXBT) Nlc la hereby glrea that the Auditor ef tb City ef Portlaad kaa prpred a propoeed aeaeaament for the eoaatruetlea of a atwer la Twty-lxth trt from tbe eouth Ua ef Tor. teeg- aaailioa ro iae www rticoiai atreet, aad baa aaeartalaed what h deem a juet ppetUoeiaBt ef eat ef the rawer . la accord -mm with . the anectal and. aecullar bane fit deriead br each nareel of laud and lot or part thereof within the amrmment dlatrict, and ba ppertloaed the coat roe aaid wer ia the amenara net eoBoatte ch parcel ef land and lot or part thereof a Ita abara of aach are. Aar obJof tinea to the apportionment ef eeat for aaid newer moat ba made I writing te the Council aad filed with the Auditor wtthla 18 day from ta data ef tbe flrat publication e thla . natlee. and mid ablet rhiue will ba beard and determined by tb Couadl before tb paaaage at tbe ordtaaae ameaelog ta coat of 910 ewr. , YBRSTEEO'S ADDITION to tb City t Port land BLOCK d. lot T. Oarrett N. Yerataec. tzLlO: lot S. Garrett N., Vertteeg, 821.10; t B, 0rrrtt N. YeeAg, 8S1.10; lot 10, ' Garrett N. Trrtteeg, 21.10. BLOCK B. lot - 1, Job W. Bala, 812.70; lot 8, Emma pumbar, 812.70: lot 8. Bmma Dunbar, 11.70; lot 4, Bmma Donber. 812-70; lot S. Bmma Ponhar, B12.T0; Berth 10 feet of lot 8, Bmma Dunbar. io8: eouth 10 feet of tot S, Ha lata le doaaaoa, tio ia. totii. .iou.wi. e v., w , THOS. O. DBYLnr. Auditor eArth City of Portland. Or. Data ef tint publlcatloa April IB. 1806. OOKTLXTTOaT AND ACCEPTANCE OF BXWXa IN TW AS 1 r-rTJTK BTXXXT.. Notice la hereby gtrea that Cbarle Wtner. City Engineer, baa. Bled la the office af the BdaralgBed Bone mat tiuga Mcuiam, aarf tractor for the earjatruetloo ot a newer in Twaoty-flftb etreet, . uader tb prnelMona of ordinance No. 14.4.10, ha completed aald newer from the eoatb Ilea ef Verateeg't Addition te a connection with tb sewer la Nleolal etreet. Said will be coaaldered - by tb eatlea Board at 4 o'clock ea the 21 at daw of April, 1008. aad ebjectloae to the accept- ace oc aio owe, e any pan inereor, may a Bled la. tba office af. tb aaderelaaad. at aar Urn, prior thereto., ' THE BXaWTrTTYB BOARD. r By THOS. C. DEVLIN, ' Aodltor of tbe City of FertuaoV' PtrtUad. Oregoa. April IS. 1906. . . COBTrLXTION AND ACCEPTANCE 0T M. YBOYXHXBT OF WTXXXAMS AYXJnTX. - . Natlc I hereby glrea tbat Cbarle Waaee. City Engioaer, niea ia tn of oc of tb undersigned, notice tbat Blwood Wllea, to. tar for tb improrement or wiuum arenne, ander tb neerlalorj of ordinance No. ta aaa ba cotnpbjted aald atreet. from th center line ef Alberta atreet. Bv the- eatgUa-C Goln treet. ' . Said eeptar Wltl be enmldered by tb Bxcntlr Board (t 4 a'elnrk ea the Slat dar ef APriL IPflB. tad oateeltoae te the ae. eepfanee of mid trt, r any part thereof, may be Bled ta tb of Be ef tb aadenlgned at. aay time jn-lor thereto. k . TUB III) I'TITI riOKP. By THOS. C. DEVLIN, . " Aadltnr wf the City ef Pert laad. ' Portland. Oregea. April IB. IPOS. af t oil n -t t t. lr'id , until rl. , a , SI. . J, at it -- r. for the i ,ry-- t of Ir J lu.t rem the wt i of ,,ftk etreet to t.e Ha of f" .,th trit, la t-, t - -w proTlded by o.u,ance ho. 14.8.4, a . .-.t to the proruiJoee of tj.e charter and .. ; ?li U'.T r 'urtiand tad th a.aie of, lb City Angineer, oa'dl. .' BldV meat b rtctly la eeoedaae with printed blank., which will ba turn, -ed oa npiicatloa at the office of the Aou.ioe a( the City ef Port, and. Aad aaid lmororemat -mutt be completed oa or before SO o fro th date af tb tlgnlng f tb coouaat by " arm- ai m uiutw. mouat -cuual to 10 per not ef laa a,.gl , ha rl.ll t. m mIm, . . . . 1, VI 4 l. , t eaeieijl " e-w wis ea new , By order f the Elrcotfre Board. ' a . a "olt' t th City f Pertiaad, " - PortUad. Oregon. April IB. 1008. YXOtOSAXi' YOB BwTBwrOXjt Sealed proposal will be reeotred at th If.T? , Auditor of the City of Portland ntil rrlday, April 81, Ittod, at 8:00 'clack' fr m. for the ctlou of a eewer la i Bt Mala atreet from th west Ha of W. H. Brown a tract to the aewar la Maat Mala atreet at the waat Ilea of Ka.t Twtaty-fonrth atreet. In the maaaer prorlded by -ordlaeoc ho. 14,898, aubject to the preelaioa ef the charter aad erdlnaeeea of the City of Pert. ' M 8i estlaut ef Ua City Bag! at or. Blda mrt a (trl'etly - ia aeeardaae with arlnud bUakt, which will be furalahed aa ppllcatloa t the oJBc of th Aodltor ef . tbe City ef Portlaad. Aad aald tower meat be eempleted oa or before 80 day from th Ko propotala or bid will ba eonet dared Ba. torn aceomeauled by a eertlM check parahl l .t.e,rder of tb Mayor of the CUy of , Portland, rertlBed by a reapoealbU beak for aa I mouat equal to 10 ear eeat af tb aggregate i proposal. , . 1 aneright t reject asy aad aB Bids la beraby I By erder of the Bxec-nMr Board. -, . THOS. 0. DBYUN, i -.,. A ad I lor at the City of Portlaad. gwrtUad. Oregon, April IB. 1S0S. . rBOPOSALS YOB SXWEX wobjc . JitW mpmb UI b reeeleed at the1 . Auditor of th City f Porfhtnd aatll Priday, April St. - laud, at 8:00 'clerk C as. "e mo eoaaurucuoa er a WIS la Beat Watbrnatoa atra., th. m , mu of . ThirtyHtlath street to the eewer I . Eat WMkiagtoa atreet, t East Thlrtylghth freet. la the maaaer prorlded by ordinance I bo. 14A8B. aubtret ea the nrariataaa ef tie I eharter end ordinance ef tb City of Psrt jjjjd and Ue eatlmate af tba City fagta, aa I Bid 1 anmt b trictly ta aoenrdaoea wtrh Brinted h leak a, which wUl be farsiehed application at - the efSea of tba Aaditae ef ' the City of Portlaad. And aald eawer meet be eempleted ea er before 80 day tram tbe No propoaale er bid win be eeaaldmtd aa. torn aeeompaaled by a eertlBed check payable -to the .erder of the Mayor of the City ef Portland. eertlBed by a rcapooalbM beak for aa t mount eoual to 10 Bar eoat of the aaaxmmta Tbe right to reject aar and all MAa hi haeahe rescued. ..... . . By order f th XterwtlTt Beard. - . TBOS. C- DKYLTN. J Aadlter ef the aty ef Poetlamf. -: ! rerttead, Oragos, , April IB. , 1SOS. . OOXiriJRTOM in Af a i .Ta w ma nam a a - Of BSH BTXXXT. Nerlc I haretrr wm that raeta aTaeAae. ' City Engineer, ha Bled la tba erflce of tba BBdrraigned notice that tfh McClaia. eo. tractor for the coaatractlea of a aewar la Bla, street, audcr the prorltoao ef erdlaeaea. Me. 14.400. ba eompleted aaid sewer . tram tba - south' Bb ef Verateeg'a Addltloa t,a aectton with tb arm- la. Mlcelal atreet. . naio aecepranca wiu be otntldertd by the Executive Board at A 'alack ea tba H.. a.. ef .April. 1808, aad bjitttea te ta aceept- - tnce ar eel sewer, er any part thereof, mar be Bled la th fac m(, tb eoderalgaed at aay weae.arMsr tanew. rjS. na.en vx.TW .evanv, 1 - .- . v . a. irarta n nevt l ' . Pwrtlaad,' Oregee. April IS, 1808.. . OOaTJPLXTION AND ACCEPTANCE OF IB. ' ' PB0TKMXNT OT BEECH BTBXBT. t Notice la hereby alrea thai Cbarle Waaaer. City Enaineer, aaa Bmd la th efSce of th oderaifaed notice ' that Behlll Brmv, a-. tncaura tor tbe Inraroreataat ef Batch etreet. Bade tbe proTlttoaa of erdlaaae Me. 14,890. bar eempleted aaid atreet from tbe waet Uae ef Mhwlaalppt arena to - tbe cantor lia of Michigan araane; alee from tb center Ua af Missouri arena, to the enter Uae of MlB- ota areaae. .' t . . . aid aooetxaaca arm be eoaaldered eg th Bxeeutlee Board at 4 'dock oa tbe tlet day ef April. IPOS, aad ebyarUeag ta- th eeptane of aald street, er aay part thereof, may be Sled la the of Be of th aodaralgned at .any time prior thereto. , ' .ia By THOS. & DBYUN.. -. -' Auditor C th aty of PertUad. Portland, Oregoa, April 18,,.1B0B. 00MPLETT0N ' AND ACCXPTANCE 0Y - IM PBOTXXXNT OA EAST BTBTBI BTXXXT. -: Nonce ta berebr aiTea that Caartee Waaaer. Oty Eaaiaaer.' kaa Sled ta tb efflce of tb aaderelgoed, Botiee that Storeaa Krtsv, ' foe tba Impimemaal ef Beat Ninth atreet. ander the proelaion f erdlaanre Be. 14,134, hare eempleted aald atreet, from th Berth Uu of Be eaa street ta the aeatb llaa of iUlewotth (treat. ' Bold aceeptaaea WUl - b tnaatdirii by tb -Bxemtrr Board at 4 'clock e the Bis i day ad- April, 1MB, aad eb)irtleag to the tc eeptABc of aald (treet, se any part thereof, may ba Sled la th of Be f th antVartlgaed ' at aay tUne prior thereto. J - I . ., IBI IU(.-UTITBBtURP. ' - By THOS. 43. DEVLIN.' j " Aadlter ef the City ef Portland. V Portland. Oregoa. April IB, 1B0B, , COBYLETI0N AND ACCEPTANCE 0Y !' ; YXOYXMXXT CAT XAPLX STXXXT. Notice I htrebr glrea tbat Charles Waaaer.' ' City Bngloetr. ba sled la the efOce f tb: nndsralf ued, notice tbat B. J. Dabubr, eon tractor for the tmprotimeat ef Maula street. ' ander the prorialoaa ef ord Inane No, 14.10.' . baa completed aald atreet. from th treat lie f Mllwaukle I treet ta th tail Uae at Ylrtt Bald aorectanee win be considered br fh- , aeeetlsa Board at d . o'clock aat the Slat uay ot Apa-u. leva, bbu oojecuox) io in ac- . eaptane - of mid etreet, er any part thereof, 1 ' it any tlxae prior thereto. 7'JUi Mlitlltl inilD. , , 'r at . e-urta r rtirvi iw -' . Auditor ef the City of Portland.':.'.' ,'' Portland, Oregon. April IB. 1000. . ., COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE Of IM XBOYXbTXBT 0Y XASI MADISON STBXXT. : -Natlre m hetshT gleen that Cbarle W.naer. rare Koeineee. haa Bled la the nfnea of the . nuderalgiied. notice that Joptla A Meeka, ana. - traccer ror u Kmproremeni os Base maoiaom -treet, and a tb araelateo of erdlaance. Urn. ' 14.BOB, bar completed aald atreet. from the1 mat line of Eeat Twenty -bith trt ta tba West Un of Aaal J arruata etreex. Bald aecepune will oe eooaiaereo ny tba Vueatlea Board at d o clock en the Slat day ef April, 100BV and ebjectiona to- the to-. " eeptaeee of mid street, or say part thereof, -aay be Sled la the ofSee at tb uadertlgaed : I aay time prior thereto. " "-lS EXECl'TIYl BOABDr ,' ' ' Aadlter of the City of Portlaad, , portUnd,-Oregoa. April 18. 1008. . I COhTYLETION AND ACCEPTANCE 0T . ' PEOYKBTXNT OX ALL XT TSB0TOH BLOCS .' TWXNTY-XI0HT, CENTBAL ALBINA. r Notlc bt kareby gireu tbtt Cbarle Wlnarr, City Engineer, ba Bled la the ofnea of tb nnderslgned, notice that O. D. Wolfe, eontrae. - '' , tne for the Improreraent of alley through block at, central A I bin a, under the prerUlo of '.. ordinance No. It.Wd, has eampteted Mid t treat, from tne nortn n ot new. etreet io ut eaata 1 Una ef Palling atreet. ,. ' Bald acceptance will be ecaaldered by the Bxeeutlre Board It d o'clock en the Hit ' day af April. 1008, and objections te th ae. eepttnee of mid etreet, or aay part theraof, may be Bled In the ofSee of tb indertlgaed . t any time prior thereto. - ' . THB EEKri'TlTB BOARD.':' , ' ny THUS. v. DEVLIN, - I ' Aadltar ot tb City of PertUad, '' Portland, Oregoa. April 18, IBOBr TOatYLXTIOX AND AOCYYTANCX 0? Irwn . ur nh btbxxt; ...,:,..;.. Notice I hereby glees that-Charles Ur.. . City Bnginrer, haa tiled la tb office of thd ' niwralgned aotlc that Hash Mct'lala, eon.' tractor for the (oMtrnctlon oi a wr I 841 l4.4r)2. ha eomelettd aald a e the Booth 11 n of Varsteee'a AdditiM . . . eonnectlon with tb newer la Nleolal (treet. i Bald arcepUoc will be ecwaldered by th I Bxeeutl Board (t d e'ebv-k oa tbe tl. day of April, 100B, and bjeetleu to tb tc-, eeptaac of mid wewer , er ear part thereof, may be Bled In the ofSee egvih aadmlgaed at any Urn prior thereto - r prior THB I PXeVITTYB nin 'v Itr Trtos." c. nrvf tf oo propoia or bid win b eoeeidered . lee. accompanied by a eertlBed e a payable to the order of the Mayor of toe C..y ot ' Portland. eertlBed JtA.reaoonafola hank le..' a '"rtu"' O'r Pix-tUad. Portlaad, Oregoa, April It, 1806. , ' " '..-..'' '. .. , " l' t