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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 19, 1905)
. 4 -..IdU - J .... . .....- ...- ...-',-,. ' , -. i ,. v.;,.,.-. v -V v-. v -..;;' , xtI':' '.''. '' i t'-l V " ,Hary 'T'. '.(''a1 ''-. :- r .-, . i- . . mm t -ew -- et nMMi ; MS Un,t Ike BaslBI mmm - n-ot Far oa , 1 l r. 1 c; 1 I At mm, a wn e i eaetaa. ni tranirti . ' " fes " ; ADTiansnra B.TBtttTtA-:.TB. - '-M-B,bju. Special A-KnarUelag A-eey. ---aa onreet, Aew Korki Sxlaaa bole. ' - - - - w null , V "e r-t'y Jearaoj, arltk Sonde. 1 raat...T.JJ 1 r Jearnel. 1 hu ... r Journal, wlta Monday. skBBtka. At I- f Joarsai, aaaotne. ....... Joaraal. wltk ki-Ujr. A aaaetb. - i r mraai, S aaintka .. -ee f --BraaL arltk etoaday. I , ' --. ,. act.. a ... ..,..-'.. 1 l.r. par weak," Mlnni Sea Oar IMfM4 ,...................... Tmiaa ky AtaO, - ' ' Ha -Htly oaraal. wlta Saeo A. 1 yaaf..4TM Lny Jouul, 1 -ear .......... MS t imtif JvaraaJ, arltk MaadaJT. aatta, ' a Lolly Juarnal, WMtM HZ",ii -a taiiy jwul, wltk Seaaa'. aiiatll : o bally Joaraal, ( aaoatao 4-ee ' r t"i.y Joaraal. wlta Aaaday, 1 Beentk.. L!ly Jearaal, 1 saeatk .......! 'a Baoosy JoornaL 1 year.. .. ....... - aauesay Jearaal. aaoetko ........ tha Aoaai-Weakly Jiarasl, Tea Seal-Weekly Joornei, a U MM. , : . eek txHM. lUusuaUd. tall anarke. -., ' t 7MT . Wattaaeaa aboaU aa MM h featta. aaatal uinaa araara aa4 aMU aaMaata an aowDUbw la 1 aa a-aaat aaauyataaiaa. P. 1. Vortlaaa. Or. ' .vkxm m nmu kit k nm waaaBaa aa. ' ' ' TKm Jaaraal aaa ha , Ibaai aa ash at at fUnrlaa piacaa: " k-o.-d. IpAalw-B. acliar 0a. ,W. aV Ma- .LA('a-paUea Hw aeaaar. lTt h- atract. . 9 t VKK. CULO Xaadrlck Boob JUOnairf roaraaay. i2 amBUaata atMMI J. aMack, -"-nia a4 Cartla atravla. ' r riJia. cU J. aicCarraUa. r , , - 4U. Af.Agal .foaata Baak atora. , i ritY Va Xaw Kawa (Javaaay. ' U X6tLE a r. Oar4ar. - iaatfc atract; OUtar Vuaaa.' M aatfe a arraat. . ki i-.jkW)LIl aL. I. aUvaaaagk, - Mt 1 Ira atiaat. . , v YOK CITT Bmtaaa. Dalaa taaara. "N C ta Nrwa aaDioaay. . . .. , i iar4 Uotal Sawa ataad: aTaaatt i jrt ronnaajr, laoa Fikmb atnaC li .( LAaB CITY Itmyoa Hotal Nawa aUa; k..f braa.. 41 Waal aaoa4 alraat. aeath. t. uiJia-ffcilla Boadar. i laaaat atraat; ii V. i"t, Otlra attaat. u . l r a Is CISCO W. K. rdli. Pake Hotal t-m ttmmA. and 1008 lurkrt atraat: 0o4- aaiita kraa.. Sl Battar atrvat, aa4 talat (raaHa ktl; faatar rar.- Parrf hail' ' N. Wkoatlajr. tM'VatoaHi atraaC ' f MTLE Kalnlar Craatf Kawa aUad; laatara Swa rotaay. f - N Jntia W. Oarkaal Oa. ' 1 A. WAoH. Caatral Kawa auaaaars " I' Taaoaaa Nawa ataad. ' -TKiuia. . C Victoria Mafe tatlaairy -oaiaaar. - wuimimn. .''v'v IHaiBf tha la at M bara gand ralaa aart fallaa In lallforala. Kmada. Utah, Oragoa. aaatrra Waahiaa-toa aad Idaho. Bala la alaa rmnrtcd la aorihMatara Taaaa, aaatara Okla 3hm, Arkaaaaa aad waatara Taaanaaa. la aoaia kx-ailttra tha ratna la Wfattwa Oragoa wrc attoadad . br thaudar aad lit kutini. llaaTf froat armrrad ttila aaornlng la Vtr arlnia. It la molar ta Krrada aad eatraaia aorthara California, aad aiaeb war ana la tha -r amatala alata (roa Britlah Colaaabla -aon-aaaat to rotorada. 1 am ladleatlona ara for ctaartag waathav to r'abt waat of tha Caaradra. with ooaalhlr froat la rzpoard placaa, pad for rasarlag woathoH raat ol rata raaga TharaaaT, pracaoea VJ lawar taarparataroa taaigat. axans,f -- . -t - F"OWK Mil IB. ta Mr. aad Mrs. Rhary Ivrowa. oo Eaat SUth 1 street aerta, a ar"e, rlif -iO! AartI 1. la Mr. aad Mrs. W, r. Ptiroa. 3l Ina-straet, a aoa. LAI'DkltHOLM April IS, to Mr. aad Mrs. O. LaHderbolaB., . Md Tweatr-flfat . street. a daucatar.. . ..- ' ------: xr--Tr . Waddlna I hr hir Cards. W. O. gmlth Ca.. Wash ear. roam aaa wasaiagiea. eta. " ooaTTABiotrg anxajn. ; IB. Patt arsis Xfflagw, S91 . MltMla aeeaaet saeaalaa. . UKr.1.1- April IB. Cornue Beely, MT . Tklr - tmii atreet; raeaaiea. 8T'-bNBAl:KkV-Apra 18, Helen Stops aba net, I a Wallor straet: saeaalra. MKlNUC-April IB, Hope M'KassJs,- MT rt liNBAprll U. feiborlaa 'Diraae. ljMT ptnnner seeaaei aaiaaira, T April la. Miss Dbwthy. rearl atrert; aaaaelea. V(;K April ia, Kstherlae Vages, MS Cor bel t street; Bees las. . , m. . . ' BttOWX April t. ' Robert Browa. aged Stare. 1 14 nprutg strem; eaaaa, Biracareitia. nrl.l at IxMie fir ermatery. GltlKriTH April Id, Ump Griffith, aged J .ea ra. 4 is Cast Aakear; eaase,' eld-age. rtartal at Lone rir eeaaelary. ... ATKINSON April 14, Jewatt Atklnasa, aged reara, at galrsi; eaaaa, appopkny. Barlal at Lone Fir eeaaetery. Uir-DkETTI AprU IT. Heary T. tlndretb. aged K2 yeara, U2t Madraoa street; eaase, eld see. Barlal at Real tie. Waablagtoa. GO n DOM Apr!) 17. titer go Vordoa, aged B4 rear. t464 DeTla atreet; eaoae, paralysis of heart. Hartal at Laae Fir eesaetery. BANDBTttOM April IT, rrsak ft. KaixJatreaa, td I rear, at Arleta ; - raoee,- aiaraaaawi ' Purlal at Maltaeatah eesMtarr. NtWItOMK April IS. Aaate . KewaofM. aged ft jreara. z0 Wood atreet; eaoae,. epilepsy. Hartal at' Lose rir emeetery. , CresaBtsrlasa ea Orefoa City ear Haa, Boar elleraed; saedani, aeteotlSe. eeeiplete. Char aaa A emits. $aS ehlldrea. TMtore a. as. to t p. Ba. PortUad CretMttea . Bsssristhia. fartlaad.. Oragoa. . . r . . - The Edward Hoi waa radartaklag eaaaoaay, ' f sacral directors aad ewhalaasra. XM Shird atreet. . , Paeaa AOT. - v w .- m i i i. . . . I. r. Ptalay Dab. fBeerst dlraetare aad BiaalsMra, anraor Third sad Ma disss etreata. tace of coast eareaer. . TaVtphsae Mala . -... i i i .. ' Paswsl wreathe sad est Sower a aparlalty at Boaa City Oraashaeas. - Ta latjr saaaad aaa y aZAT. ettTATS TtAJtBTOg. ; Tha Title Oaaraatee- Trast eoBpaay to H Aadersos,. lot . .bteek It. Xlltoea add ....,.. ,S S00 M. X. BeldlDf sad hodbaad e Blhernla taelBga haak, lot IT. Work Jl, loatk era port lead .......,.,... ' g&g rarlde fttatee Sarlnea, Loaa A Balldlag . roaanaay te C. H. Korell, I4.4B arras be glaalac .at soot heart eetaai sretlaa ,'"' ' tewaatolp 1 north, raago I west. ISM l. Meusrrea to J. C. Coekraa. let.. . hlark IS. PolBt View 100 Portlaad Trast roaipaar te T. i. Ely, lota '. -B. a, blorfc N. Trtsseat Plsee JdO Or "Son Estate caaapaay te It. P. . Mall .west-H tats I. hkK M, Ret- -ladar's sdd JT5, A. Wfoai and wife te C. Taker, pareol , . .' , protxrte bealaalng soatkeast . corasr lot- - t, Blork tm, etty 4000 C. tieaaedea aad hnabaad to J. 0. Mass. '. psreel property helaalB( aoatheaat ear aer Mark f, Alblna ,lIoaieataad S3S A. grhwarta and wife , to .t. lot IT. Mark I, Albtna , loot le. P. Havre aad aoabaad ta A. J. . PtaffeBana. aoalhrast M owethaaat . H - aortloa H.. to-roeMp 1 aoaih, rssgs I'' rest r.7; . . .-. . ... . .. . . . TSOO L. Price ta C. B. Kelty aad wife. Berth y. feet af east T fret of lot 4. Work . elqr U (Mereassts lneaiaeat A Traat eotapaay to I. W. Pwaak et al. all anbdlTtstna A"" sod eaat g fere of subdleletoo P, lot d. l.tnHi . Pert la Hosaratead. ., . .... 140 r -nrf te K. "oreon. Iota 41. 41 bleek 14. A'uiaa: aad lota IS, 14, blork 10, "- eotral AIMna...., f -"e W, Jaaeoh Bad Wife to E. Hi' - . .. Ma. Iota M M laclealr, black s. rnt View '......jj.., 1 " R. .e'e. tri wife te 1.1 H. Saltier. . . I, a M te St iBrleatee. blork . . et View 0 . 1A4 iaaproeesaeBt earapsar , . n febrlelaan. lot W. blork it SOd at al to H. Or Peaderaoa -S M fet M !.. Id M 1 f rot4 rati.... 1T0 s et al It C. W., 0eaa - .. APTLIil TRIAL f . V Mayor Williams Hat v Invited County Officials to' Witness ,Tst of Webstsr. CITY WILLING TO OPERATE BOAT FOR ONE MONTH If Worthy at End of That Tims : : Will Bs Offered to the ; County.; ,v - ' ' lUror Gaorga H. Williama haa docld- ad to maka anothar attampt to demon trat to County Judge Wabatrr and tha county cotnmlaaloDara that tba Albtna ferryboat, tba Lionel R. , M abater, Ja good and aeaworthy and that with prop. er handling ah will give tha aervlce ex aacted. Ha haa orderrd.Hupervialng En gineer T. B. Ballln to put the boat In commi Baton tomorrow afternoon and to maka rwcular trlpa between t and .o'clock.'.. ' . i' " -I har Invited Judge Webater, tbe county commlaalonera, tha city council and - the city eoutlve . board,"' aald Mayor WUllama today, "to vlalt tha boat and make a careful examination of her. ny.othera interested .in. tha boat will be welcome to go en board. .Wo dealre to demonstrate to tba county court that tba boat will give rood aenrlce. Wa vara them one opportunity to vlalt the Webetar while aha waa la. operation last week, but- they did not appear, and te be fair we have decided to Invito them tomorrow. When tba -boat waa in op eration last weak tha machinery worked amoothly and cava no trouble what ever. .We hope tha commiaaioneri win accept tha Invitation extended them.' Thoae who are directly interested in tba ferryboat Bay .that if the trial la satisfactory ' tomorrow a . propoelt ton will be submitted te tha county offi ciate that the- city take charge of the boat and ' operate . her for one month with tha craw that la now on bar. . In tha event that aha should meet with an accident, tha olty will pay tha cost of making repairs, nut tha county win oe naked fo nay tha running expenaea. If tha boat meats with public approval and haa no mishap, a formal proposal will be. made to tha county authortuee to take charge of and operate her. - It ta aald If the-public la convinced that tha Webster la all that the buiiaera nave aald aha Is, tha county will be obliged to accept her. - . ' i Captain Foster and Engineer Hesiy. appointed by tha city, now hare charge of the orart. The people m tower At bina. ara clamoring for the boat to be placed ' in commlaalon - without further delay, and If the preeent plan la carried out their wlahea will soon bo granted. SOUTH BAY IN PORT. rtma Saw Take VtM af Am- Wltb cargo of general merchandise arid a-full paaaangar list tha ateamer South Bay,- Captain - Anderson, reached port thla morning from San- Franclaeo in place of tha Aurelta. which waa earn aged by Ore in tha harrr of tha Bay olty laat week. The South Bay la prac tically a new vessel and la owned ny h. J. Dodge, who haa been operating her of lata out of Eureka to other California porta. She ia an oil burner and baa two tanks In which CO barrels of liquid fuel ara carried. She la lit feet long. It feet beam aad 14 feet hold and can carry 410,000 feet of lumber. She will take lumber at the Portland mill By the time aha return' to Ban Francisco It la thought the Aurella will be In aba pa ta a gala go In ootnmlsalon.. ; rHlTHER'S Win Xaava i IftrUUty with SuppUaa for . tight tattoasi fat Varthaim Watara. Tha lighthouse tender Heather will atart on a cruise 'next Friday, carrying antmllea and material ta all of tha light atatlone In northern water.- A large number of buoya wiU maka up on of the principal shipments. Captain I C Hellner, Inspector in this district, will make the trip which will extend over a period of at leaat to day. The Heath er's laat trip in tha aame water was laat October. . . . - v "- " - Jamea At. MacOregor. engineer on tha veaaeL tendered his resignation yeater day to acaept a almllar position on tha steamer -Ara go, the new 4 coast aurrey boat belonglngito tha government. ALONG THE WATER FRONT. .After a lone aieg of dullness, bust neea haa begun to pick up on tha Da Ilea route, the steamers Spencer and Dalle City going out thla morning with al most full paaaonger Hat. Until recent ly there haa been but very little passen ger traffic on that route. . , in tow of tha Harvaat queen ma nara- entlne AmeltlA left, up .thla morning to load lumber at Portland for a Cal ifornia port. ''V ,'.i.'. , V4- At 4 o'clock thla morning the oriental liner Aragonl left down tha river bound for Hongkong -And way pofts. It I prob able that ah will get to eea thla after noon. ... , " ... :.' Laat night the teamera Alnane and let I. . block 1B4. Csrathers' add... 1400 P. McDaatel aad hBahaad to O. i. Oreee... , . . H aera oegiaalB ea eaat nae at star- f cas'Meff I. U 1L, eortloa 30, towaahlp ' 1 north, raase 1 eaat.. 10T0 A. M. Halt, edmlaistratsr. ta I. A. Carna . haa aad wue, tots a, a. anca a. Boeedale 480 C Taber ta V, T. Rand, Iota S, 0, IS. y 14, hloek 1, soMlTisloa let M, . M. y Pattoa. troatee... . 1 1. V. Pates sad haa ha ad to rab liefer., lot S. hlark tS. Aei I wood . . v. ttt r. B. . Woodavsaoee aad wife to M. O. Broke, lot a. Mock a, aera to aa add... awe NOSIIt aw-a rxaktm. - - .i ' COTIB .April IB. R. C. Cdbh, eottage, ' East noraalda betsreoa Fleet Math i and ' Eaat Tenth streets: east. Sl.dOO. - - SMITH April IA W. K. Ralta, Workshop, Meraeiaa serweea nrieoaia aaa lsieeaiB streetsi eoot. 04.'..,. MITOMAprll 1(4, 1. A. ' Veto, ) repairs ta tare, Ullaaa bet wean Third aaa . raortk etreete: coot. 01 60. " - SHAVKH April Is, Mrs. B. Bhsver. repstrs ta dwenina. Crosby betweea caerry aad Larahee atreets; coat. W00. AITKKN April IB. t-arrta K. Altkes. dwelling. kmc aeeenteeata aatweea s.aet Aioer aaa tlnerlana atreota: eaat- atf.Ha SNKVC April IS. P. Snore, eetuge, THrieloa Between l sirtrtf sts aaa ABiny-Btata - etreetei aa4. SMO. r " BiVTVB .Mil I . mwtmm 1 , Batter. 1 teat; third east. between, Sherataa Aad tie. . tirsat etrestav SCHt'B-Aprn IS. W. U Sehee. frsme kalld . Inc. t'psbar bet wees Twenty-fifth '. sad Teentr-elttb Streets; eost, 0100. MARTIN April IS. , L Mania, eottage, ht I nieeralty Park: ebat, 0l.-. MARTIN April IB, J. T, Meefln. dweniag, . eottage. Rodwsla street; lalreralt Park; .eoat. 11.100. SaI.LU II April IB, J. KalHeh. etare helld ; sac. earner East Bereatb aad Itekaa rene; eoat, Oaoo. BA I SA-April is.v c. n. Baaer. fraaso halld Ins. WaahtnsW hettreeB Meeeateeath , and CorMa streeta; coat. I14.JO0. . , , . et poor Hee raoee and ahstraets te real aetata rrnes raa Title OoeraBtee A geay, Chawbae e Ciwaairce halldtag. '-AbeautifuC level and Boulevard high above the river,, comniaridinj; a fine view pf river and harbor-r-vvithin ; . . ra" few minutes .walk 'of allJhe mills; and factories.! Fine, large, new, school house. - ( ' ft i (.'Small cash pavment; (v." every lot : -v I 1IW A 1 aVIW ':':- : ' ..:. ; 6 and 7 Chamber of Commerce,' Portland Oregon. . T (Roeers & Van Houien, selling agents' at St Johns; office anthe end of the car line.) - - r ; ' ' ' '' "; r. v'rl ; ;- '';; - .- - .(. : y:'-;:' ., . i , .- ' ,.f. V:'-'''- v.- TO (..Ufict -A-..J i -ryji . oLpasrr tmust. coAfANv: WW ae 4 par seat tatirin ea aajy ajaaa aiaa e Daaaatt e faua lwat raltht, ' rat- saaae e( fcWe aa aa Cartraeal aieatiie BtraJant. Mmmmtmim ara laaaaa eatea af DaaiaH te awa tar I t with iBtereet at a par eaai, as 9mr aooat awaaaae atiaaais war af taot aad ap halllol CarttaaaMS a DlHalt. MiasM datra- eaUl with toaaraat It' this:. Whatever trf your hard. i ware waata are tmntisfled, wa , suggest a rook througtt this stock. . .Variety and quality abound here, - and over all hovers deep regard ; for- your -pookatbook. AVERY &. CO. Aberdeen aalled for California porta, the former for Eureka and tha latter for 8an rranclseo. Tha Alliance carried If passenger, all that bar license calla for; ho olan had a nll eara-o af rraHaht. . - - .' One of the towboata collided with' a beacon, ah . aid to - navigation at tha mouth of tha Willamette river. , th other day and carried It away. . Captain L. c. Hellner.-lighthouse Inspector, re porta that it -will ba replaced at one. - In accordance with th decision of th commission-st It laat meeting wood burners' Are being placed in tha dredge Columbia And- steamer John McC reckon. Buperintendent Droves ', who .Is looking after the work for th port of Portland says ' that 'the - work of making tha chang will be completed by May X 'g(iil MARINE N0TES.V . Astoria, AprU 1.---Arrlree! down at I A. m,--ateamer Aberdeen; at t a.- m.- schooner BoreeUls; at 1:16 a. m. steam er Alliance. tft up at T a. m. barken ttna Amelia: Arrived 'At 1:10 "a. m. steamer Oregon from San. fYanelsco.- : . Ban Franclaeo, April , 10. Arrived At I a, m.- steamer . Columbia from ; Port land. Bhlled laat night-ateamer. Cav oado for Portland. t. . ,', .: Taku. f April II. Arrived Oerman bark Anna from Portland. . ' , -t - Xatorla. April II. Arrived at p. m. barkentlne Amelia from San Franclaeo. Sailed at p.. m.-r-Amertcan ship O. r. Sargent for Nushsgak river. - - s.. - Astoria. April 10. Condition' f th bar af-i..' m smooth; wind southwest; weather cloudy; -- t' Jc jt .v Astoria, April ' 1. ateamer Aberdeen Sailed o- Saa-Vranclseo at 10:11 and th atdamer Alliance for Eureka at noon. tuioi OSBBTame CMAS, Two lumber carriers, tha British shlo llolt - Hill and schooner, -Churchill, cleared for foreign porta yesterday with big-lumber cargoes, .The former goea to Callao. , Peru, with 1.071. W feet of Oregon Sr. valued at 121,110, and the latter, to Haiphong. China., with I4I feet, valued at Jt 1, 4 10. Tha. Alexander T. Brown wlp cleer today' with A lumber cargo for Manila wnirq approximates 1.000.000 feet. ' Th csrto Is being dls -patched by the government, snd com prises, a part or tha shipment wnirn will aFaawa, tea ad an wt U at 4 par eaat, These are feur So- si nittil la mmi War mt LaaaBOeatfaaaa. II :' whloh wa will aaad yea. Wa waa. II ; I aoaae sull .sosas la pr aertaa-s ff . Diiartaaaat. aad paw 0ga eaad '. ' JatoreaCv Cneriapiadaaai aaUei II -.; lad Afl aaaattoaa sasasnd hr ' ' V swauaal lettera. - . II , X'r-aalaaad Tvaa Oo. d OsagBBB, v ... , ' C Id Third Mree. ., ' l U. tm, PtTTOCIC V-Vraa. II . ' t rao r. Asa : : ' Vv f tt ot,T11. . f Catch Our f.Iessae? bs mad to th hoii destination front t r if d1 - - .-.. ... - . . , sichtlv tract of land, between SO x ICO and balance; on very easy terms.; ; Hydrant water piped; to v ft .V -J -'Tr-rvVt,,,'-'- vV .rv.V.vv, 'VJ I4U1 CdVlA VW W -'WJk Is the place to get a home at actual cost of material Nothing ' Jess r than S-room cottage allowed in my addition. First class bungalow cottages and large houses, all have picket fences and full basements, all porcelain plumbing and toilets ; inside. Come out and look them over, v Make me an offer, fust what you cafTpay down and how much you can pay per ; ; month; II live rig.t at Nashville SUtion, Tin the big white; ; house... ' . " V ."T" WC'-lyv;.'-':. i:'"?, i t V JOE NASH. Owner, , . Phone Union 1581. v. The Best Buys for the Money Aee..laee. -warv handsome S- roore realdence, good barn, vary fine garden, abundance of fruit and berrlea; an Ideal suburban home, near Att. Tabo-v ISOSO Very grand homo oa Grand ave- nue. in noiiaoay a Aaaimm, o ' . .. room residence, strlotly. modem: - 1 beautiful comer. , .-, , SBBOS For a vary charming city subur ban, home. full iota, magnlft- . j cent 7 -room cottage. moaern convenience, ' ' beautiful barn, choice variety of 'fruit and ber .' .; rlea; well community; asagntfl- cent soanery. . , - a ann 'rim l.rnnn evtttaare. new and ... . complete; corner ., lot. X blooA eleotrio cat. ' f SOS For nice poultry ranch out Is Curren Park. S S00 For nle' 1-aor place In Clack- - IBIIIr -"" . - '" - ' S 10O ror beahtlful tots In Woodlawn. STS bs SI- For nicArMldene Jots in Northern Hill, St. John. v . The;v: ; Dcra Lawrcsc Co. lSi Ths Oregon Operative y.. Horn? tAsswiato ; 5;:WIli.lAN'?:: V ; ' . YOU MONEY y AT . iiied give you 7years ': in which to repay if, Call at 233: Stark street For VfiiU $ a r t i c n 1 a r W j (Agents wanted in every ",' town inxthe state.. ; Dissolution Sale Of IH acre.: beautifully located, all In high state of cultivation, large bearing orchard; 7-room modem house, with ce ment cellar; large barn And Other build Inga; located north of Irvington on Fremont atreet, near race track. , Thla tract win be sold away below what It has cost th j)wner and on good terms. ;j J.L.Weiis&Co. AO UMAMO ATaTATtTfl. this port The ' schooner - J. ' W. Cllae, now en rout from San Pedro, Ja under charter to take out th balance of th Shipment. .-..;.. v--- . , SCAT MAJCa aTOni. OF STAJSaV- Local promoters ,ar trylnga least th steamboat Telephone for a movable family hotel during th eu miner.) A th boat 10 fitted out handsomely, 'and haa not beanused sine sh waa built aver a year ago. Sh could be-turned Into a hotel At llttl coat- . ' . Several month ago; there wa talk of chartering tha ancient steamer Olyrapla from th (X R. A N. company and trans form it Into a hotal, but owing to th fact that It would require a large sum of money to fit her np, th plan' waa abandoned,' ' It was also proponed te naa tha British Bailing ship Dumfrreaahire for the same purpos. but th - coat of fixing her up waa too much.- Dr. B. e. WRIGHT P'" "JaTlFXO t.ITuf that - relleres all pain In dental opera . Hons. , 94m, WSAhlaarVea St . SeVaatA. 4FerG(8nt .',.-.- i - V .,. 1 " f f. .... ' 'v the car Jine.aod', Willamette ;' Feet I t Ual V RCAL ESTATE The ; Title Gucrontee ; & Trust Co; : e;-,i ':. '; ; 225 - : ,. ' TlxlOO feet, n It. Johns car line and Wabash Ava facing aouth. A IL , .--" .'; .---'500 -r. 115x100 feet, 'within few minute' walk of Penlnaula station. Pin place for small chicken ranch. . Terms can be ar ranged. IA. ail.) : , ,; ... OtsltO feet, oa top of Mt. Tabor.- rin building alt. - .. T. 100.1 - "VT." : '81000 "T -y;v; !Vw cottage of .4 rooms with $0x14 feet, K. 00th sc. ' south of Hawthorn Ave. (8. 110.) , ' . S1000 100x100 feet N. E. cor. E. Pine Aad K. tOth. High ground. Few minute to E, Ankeny car. E- P. 141.) Kear hauae A mora a. lot 10x100 feet. At Weet Piedmont, cloae to . th. big ear barn., Term a, 1000 cash. tuna.;. eV tiV 91450 . t New boos 0 rooma, bath, pantry, full baeement, cement foundation, lot iOxloo feet, near "the company a barn At Wast ... Piedmont. (A. lie.) . :.--, .. V 81000 House t rvoma and lot 10x100 feet .on Union at near Failing at. (A. tit.) -t-:--. - SICOO .J-: House t rooms, brick basement, large broad piaaaa. lot 72x16 feet. I blocks from MontAvlllA ear at Claremount St. Easy terms. (8. U 1120.) - , v . ; ' 81800 - .'-v -'V House I rooma, modern, bath, large ban try, gss, aewer. lot 00x100 feert. on r"V oar line, cor. Williams ava. aad Alberta St. tA. .si.;, . 811S0O V Beautiful .lot 10x100 'feV on Larrabee u, commanding An view of river and harbor.. Few minute' walk from Steel bridge. (H. 111.) -' ..r . - , ;. 91800 ;;.,: Hon I Tooma, brick ' foundation, nle fruit, email barn, lot 10x100 feet, one block from Sunnyalde ear. (S. 120.) ' $2200 ; - - : 'ri. 100x100 feet, eor.-B. lth And E. Grant, with email eottage, cloee to car snd Stephana aohook - (B. P. 141.) ' , 92100 Roua T rooma. bath, lot 10x10 feet. Union at near Falling St. (A. 117.) '927150 - - Hons t -room, furnaoa, fun baaiement, lot 10x121 feet. Morris St.. near Union ava. Term on third cash, balance on tim. , xA. iio. n. , , r v , . - : House 0 rooms, .grata And furnaoa, with lot 10x100 feat, Schuyler si, near 10th at. A H- 114.) 3500 Houaa I rooms, grate, fufhaca. bam, lot 10x100 feet, 177 Williams ava, near Broadway. (H. 111.) ' R AC, full baaement. lot 00x100 feet, two bloc; ska rrom -cor. a atajn ana a, asm ata. tn. "V;, 90300 i'wCvf Modern houae 1 rooms, bath, baaement. brick foundation, eleetrlo lights, gonrl barn, lot 10x100 feet, close to car... (K. r. in. The Title ; Guoirontee S and V Chamber af Oosut Free lai.'d i;jor:EGo;. I la th rkW rak, n-ak tui Mack section la . "th world. Thaaaania aacmaWstscraal cast of Irrlfaoaa. Deed direct fnen Som mt Oreaaa. WRtTC TOOAV. SOOKXZT aad MAP nttl. O-acliatai Irrifabaa aad Pawer Ceaa. feSy,! I S-4 ilAclty araka tit)' 'i a, OUtt ' -i-' ( V T ' : 1 aaiaot mmmmt-.W tUa kA ... ., . , t 3 t n rotrs ?0S U '. v '.. v.-.. y. w al iiHuaimAX . 1 Jl m S awe ., u faaal.. L a a .a, ,. -. .-.' FATV-T ir" timet 1 o-e BBMse) M itrntmis pea it , OaV wee. ,.: , t. :.' ; -ew 'y f 'a rd.Vv, a'nvf-y ' kaaiai TO C mim per U-t p Saaaaa. ' ADTTTTAXTrf Baat b la loaiaol l a. a Vm it - e'el wad . Ar eaal by .4 eV t--mnr mjm A. "9.. t. Y--T-ZM. - 0TS ara . raatraalvvHwMt 4a-a. Civ a a year . as air-a ra-aa aaa n Wul eul V AUvw4 e . oe aearaol bW an Neat fanaw eat ta yea. Dae voae a ar a 1 MS paaaa waatera gsiaa. ! kala Wf. - OS - Orsad Phone Bast Si A ' "Ha. la. fraaa Mlaaafrl.' VBXATH rmOS. DIUVAt . Qreakaoi, W. April . 10. . tterdoa, Toeadey un a trotrn. Sttbag Laat ar Taaad a raidaTed saata." aaa U bvm onwa p-.w-- - -- . ' -Aatte. letter. la saeoerl leet;la frent of Meier A Kraok Co. Address W. E. Wal- BOie, sua eiieraoai at. -- - " wltt It easts sad bracelet In It; sear. let la , vaload aa old faailly relle. ' Leave at Jaaraal aaBcab. . aaeaia.. . t LOST will lady who too aaibrella er aala take trass toe relational ekarek Saaday ' avaalng plsee return to Jsalte aad get esl NITNI--Baah of 0 keys ta kalhvsy of labee Bldg. Owaer WIU reeelvo aaa ay eaulng .at raaana I aad IT, UDM HH. rOCND . A plsee to ktve kair asatrrasais . eaoa ana marava - - ' 474. .Pocthtad Car led Hals factory LOST Solid gold wstrh aad 'eaala: aai Walker sagraved laatda of eaat. $2 1 sse AT If retaraed te Taylor Xeaag m ta. Aaea a? tt oukoab - ' - Kar-F lathee: ralt'of eeeoaats; ' reward U istataed "te-UT ABiagiaa atog. ; n LOST April 10, lady's n aide, east of 7wontleth Mekawk kldg.; reward.- - wateh ea eaat 4X1 . STOCUOLDCBT MUTIKa Nettee Is karebr glren to tke stork nol da re of th Bkakar Ultl aad Bulllvaa Ulnlag and Concentrating Cewpanr (an ttaagae eorporstlea kaatno tta arlaelDal efOee at tke Cite af Fart had. Oregoa), teat a special awatlng of tba stackkeldars of sold eeoaaaae wtll- be Be Id si lis artaelaal afkre. Koeaaa Ke. SO1A04 Cbaea her ef O.aia.ece Balldtng. la tke City of Pert- lead. Otacoa. . oa wedoaaoay, ae ntira Ird da o'clock at May. ISOS, at the fcoar of elerea la tko jnraaana for tke folkrwia aaaaueaa: To FinMir aad aet oaoa a eeatraet aatkorlaed by . tha Beard of Dire, tare te be catered late by aald oarBoratiaa wlta H Taeeaaa asaeltias Oaaaaanv. wherela and waerebr it I aareed that the Baakea Hill sad BnlUrsa Mlabja sad OoaeaatraUag Cbotpaar ehall -dlapam of the si a tart at Its salaaa for a -period ed yoara te aald Taeeaaa SaaaUlBg Ceaapany. aad to eea alder aad aet apaa each etker Battara aortalalag te aald eeatmrt. Its sanas and aaaaUtleaa. aad ta liaanart ear ataea ssnsaai a aareeo aald BasarJaa. - Said Baeectng Is called aad tats nottee is glvea aa raeolrad by tke Heard of Directors ed oa4 saatsaay at a awctlag tkorsof del sailed sad held aa te seventh day ad AarlL UdS, aad la doe a recede ore wltk Oartlaa 0, of Artiele IX, of tke Sr-iara or aald aaaapeay. - Dated at PorUaad. Oragoa, this eeveatk day -l mai V." BOLMAN, " SsereUryt af tke. Banker Hill aad eValUvsa ' MlalBg and Canrantratlag oaoaeaay. j BSX w-AJfTTnlfOTS OB rSaTAU. JUST OUT Raw . aas better . llgbt tkaa Wetosaeh sad - aavee kail gss MIL , CaU bet 0 1 av SIT ran ton bMg. T2 WaJfTAD Aaaeteqr aketiiaisBbsia te ki " Aevoloplog and priatlag; kodeks for , rent. Orosoa Pkete Stock Co., Ill AUtk sc. near waaaiag WAKTKD LsdVa or gontlenwa for olaassal . work ; good aalary ; hears S a. am. to T . Bk, " ar aw intra er- HERE ARE THE SNAPS 1SS asrs 10 Acraa In cultivation; good houae and barn; water piped Into nous; orcnara; in 1 emnui county. '. PrlO. $1.10. - :,. BA asise 0 mile "from Portland:- 40 acroa cultlvs tori; iarge orchard r houae ana -.Darn;, se.vao.- 4 . ...... - . - . .. - US aetae Nearandy poertofWce: II In . cultivation: 40 -alaahed: rood Bias. tared hotiee; good barn; running wa ter; tooia anaiurnitur go witn s:. place.. 11.11. . A-Toona houaa, full' lot; will trade for Hlllaboro or Forab orova property. g-Toom cottage, small lot, weet aid Ii0,' 2l caah, $12.10 per month. -' Houaea and lots or farms for aala or sxebanga. , ; s-.-.-r Charleson i CI Smith SIS JUiaky Xldg. hoa W0 SSI. TV A Cottage i n Tor $10 down snd $10 .per month." CTioloA lot $100, $1 down and -fl A month. El act iio . cars, I . fsr.. ; . " mnoii m oitat. '''(:';. ' QBO. W. BROWN sos r ATXTJro au. 1 aiAlm SIS. so ACRES, All clea:i and fenced, on Powell - Valley road,' seven miles " from Courthouse.. Fsrt cash, bal. ancs on tim. - " 4 t, - P. Tel. Hsln 1S0. '701! Chamber of Com. Northwestern 'Investment Co; 1 FASIern Oregon wheat lands snd stock ranehoa. 'Calf and aee us. Wa have soma good propertlea fee sale. t . 1 . - ,j arv...S 2tA--.-) rk-...-..! C.-.- v m wmm John Sharkey nsH Sei irts. . , -r i ' - ; te CI ee v ' ' , , Wa r ... a . , ,r .,1 . i '. 1 , . . ... . e ,4 I i -a, y .-e . a - 4 to fVe-o .i.tok I . vlcbe - -as-v - -. "Aa aaaa ) a of - -i. e f : BMltloa a e -iua t . M I e C waere ... f ' aa-r', to your a' r te ,e a-', a or f ra,.,- wae.Aaedk.e-g.ia awa. . Ca'l i rte . AlrtN" 4 TS'S C'wl"Ci rrX 404-4 k.c-.f t.. ... .... at., lor.d.a.0, Oe. WAKTSO A. aaa a to de ee4ag to sar-a - call ormkooo' la tK saomi.g.- f-mttm L-.t 114, rod itaat Tweaty-firat St. ... WANTROUotel raBoer, goad aaaearaaea, n. W IJ. l na-MTli, .. -eta Paona- Mala HSO. A GOOD weoaght Iron sod were werkce Call Bast Pertland Wire . works, OSS bast Iter, alaoa et. . .. - ' - - 'v.- . rOBTLAHD Sekaal at Tolegeee-vt e-oeniete eooraa; esperleneed teeebe. kuotO Oirat sC MAN .te lesra tke detective prafaasloa. ' ret. AUsky bMg., seoss AM. Bar. WAKTRD-Akaeouutar fsr l at 560 SsTlor st. stoat repata-lag. CsS atXLF WAAT10--JTltAL. WAKTSD Singing aad danrlng soakeotts. cas able of drilling and - leadlag , aaay ballet ; . rSarae girls for aagaei eaawOlaa Oar bar leaeaa; lady sets aU klads. Address K 04, ears Journal. .' WAKTKD Oowpetoat girl for feoerel aeaea. - work; pemaneat altoatioa. good wages, la - family of A at I1 Beet Blgntk St., ttmtti, 11 Bear Broadway, call after 0 p. a, er so- , fare 10 .av. Bk.. .'.:- t - . , -. ." . ' . , LAD IKS and rir Is as aaait ta new Mae faaey OlO aao weekt exnerLraea aiamaurti work ran be taken home. Call al office, Mnrrlaaa. Tke oeaaea. roota A WA1TTSD A yoaaar m ta de geaoral kaao. work. Apply do Alder at LADX wanted ta. assist rallec at KIM Alder at.,, bet... rtrat sad gocoad. ..- -.. ... . WAWTtD -Sacoad girl; mil worsts cm, . '-' '. . t . ' WAKTAD A aaat girl for giaarsl koaeewark. 021 Slstk. ..... .....,'...' ' SITVAxTOaTS TTIITTTTf ATOTW C0PTINO, asslsUBt bookkeenui. er writing of a ay kind: aaat- earaftd. good Baa aaa a; yottag Bua, bvee at hosaei aaederat wagaa; will try to glee good aarvtce. . Address U . BL sere JooroaL.. . POSITIOI wasted by sua. OA, ysal off eke seed; knot lee. eeergerle. g kard worker sad. -nun ga--e aaoiaaa; Klir paoiliaa Be. . as. . M. ataMr, ITS xamklU et WAKTKD A posltlea aa efaea boy tkls eea. Bear; am lfl years eld; prefer war! ee lawyer's acAee. , Lawrence He ; Tkbor. Or, : ' . . .. f 10 years eld; prefer work la doctor's lodge. Meant MAN, ''40, Janitor, sperleeced." re rare area sad oecnniy, .waata porrer wore ta waeleaala at. aa. care eotaraai. - BAKDT. ekVwly. oonoe saaa waata work ad , any" kind horses; Is sis gsed gardaar. Addraas K OS. ear ieornaL . .. MIDDLB-AOSD - auw' waata , good . peeirioai wages set isas.tksa U per .day., SOI Hlb bard et. - - . .' ., aiTDATion POSITIO waBtod by exp i lady, as keaaokaaao 1 artddM-eged t SS. cere d BOCS SKBKPC A wltb aaearlaara , pealtloa In private faaiUyi tefsi a. at. care JOttraak OXRMAN erosaas will ae eat br tke dav 1 . rieaeiag er wanking. Apply 020 First, Beer Hall. j . .. . OOOD waltreas waata BaairJon la flmt-elea betel or reeta greet. I. wt, JearaaL . XanrUTatXAT AAnCBOTA. KaYdIKAIAS-AMCAICAR BMP. , Ofrkaa ' Real eetata. raoaalng luaaj aad aaalaiaa eaaacas siMelslty.. tit aVaraartde. tiata SoaS. SACIPIO COAST CMPLOTMBNT A4W140Y ' - ST'nf V Seeead at..,. Phoae Bod 1SL ..... ,. -... ., - BAMaSN A BMPLOTMBMT OPriCSL . . ......... SOB If Kef. - . SO St. BissaO et. . , PtOltua BMPLOTMBNT 00.- sacai aeap nee I tit HKLP wanted and aapetled, -sale sr fenMla. K. 4A DAAKB. S0AH Wasklagtea at, day 44A. ALPINA - BMPLOTMi!4T BUSK AD Help mr. nlahod tree. US First St. - Pkeao Mala 101T. ; US MOASISOK Corasabta ' Breer Awa. emaayi . eklllal la See faralekaA Paoee Male OaeA. f : ATTBimOM, AOBJfTS! We- want partrslt proof pooers; write ae al eaca, K. SA, eooraa U WAA-rTJV--TO XXXT. BOOMS I ROOMS! , BOOMS 1 We want ' Sret-elsss forMaked rooaa, pri . Vate raaldeaes preferred. , See as st oo ra; wa are closing ear list; ear sweet will pay 'top-rates for Srst-elsee acroa-wed tin e j . wa charge a a ata 11 reeaailesUn aad aend t , ' Srstlsas people; book year reikis now wltb H. C. Bower, Portland Hotel, ac the Lewi A 1rk Hotel Co., lit AUtk et-. Oregoaisa wlda- PVeae Mla Mt. , BOOMS la an serta af the uy. PFir wauMjan oiaa. . AirOSlTIOM ACCOMMODATIOM BCSXAtl. . BOOMS waated ia all ports of eltyt we do aet rent yoor rooa-e, . w ami yoa applicants. . -Lewi and Clark PartiwkeA ginia Assorts tlea., . IS! North Slstk St. ...... WAKTKD Iwrnlsked ar anfaralebed roam, -lower floor, wltk privilege ef gat flag break fsst; SBSirer at sace. L. XX, can JooraaL WAKTKD furelaked or anfutalsbod twim. wltb board; eonTonleatl ndalts. K. At, jear. WANTBD 4 or S oatwnlebed roe aaa, area! aAOsl state usaiBlase. O. ill Ftrat at. m POSTLAWO ADCTTOW BOOMS bay' gay. raeaja anaia eaaaa, as aui e -raa av . I, WANTED TO BTTT OS RBNT Pwrawbed bottae, to 10 roooM. Stat( location, E-Ie aad partlcalan. P. C. Trontmu, 44 smslds street,..' r WFJ batM new er Ax year eld koine very res. son hie; good city retereneee, van or write H. Wakl. New Western hotel, S33 Ollssa. WANTKD Dredmaaktag ar plala Bowing by tke day ar at some, kit raraAsst, Arlels, Oe.; Mt Scott ear. , .. . .. ' . rsr, 1SSA . aseeea aaa nssaingiam am. Clay fRITATB LOAN WANTED oa new keuaa, well I aoaaaaaaaut . A j4 Ann-annknl La 91 JsMPllal WANTED To ba bass snd snare drtaav Ad at, ' AH. rIW piB1ArgAta roa airr BOTrAxA, I Cash dlrseteta af lb Lewis aad Otark FsJr V'rv turn Mala 0S0. A'".'.; : BADDEBLt TaANSPBB-COMMISaiON 00 1 ytnaaa aad raraltor moved sremetly be es j . . . , n . . . . . - H flrwac-. mmmmM a.w . aaaa J COO, I tin-KRW, saodera. S-reesi boaee, bath. ate' BOl neaaon. crw mum, rnmmm nr. Dsrllag. FOn BENT 0-rooes .coriag it KM ggarmsa . at. y cea-em .oinr, 'l at ana BUtk, fob nrnwnviLTumzn booba, ' ' TWO anfnrnlh.d ennam for llftit beaaakeontng. lA'ssentk. nen italalgk St., bet. SVT,atMntk snd Rlgkteentk ate. FOB UeTT AT.ATA. NEW. ' aiodera. O-reeea ,!. elea la. lAautmte t Keat Pirteeath, aear MorrieoB 4. riFTH roreteked fist eattskl tor sooner dwbv ijoor. .: 'eV 4 '-' i '.