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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 19, 1905)
-r" CITY EVILS VILL I ce wmm ... utsa CHALl . -J"- L . .lie '. . ... i - ' . ' aBMBMMOnaeMB " ' ft.' ' J; ; V.'cm&n Fraudulent! .4 V i- Milwtukle Citizens Desire Noi ., ther Prize Fights Nor Cam- )' bling Resorts. V ,V . LAW AND ORDER LEACUZ ; . . MAKES A STILL HUNT II I'll V ': r j rcicrroiv . C....3 Ermlope With Money la It at ,Ctore. -7 3.C3 IrdlM' v: I policeman is': i A CAD DILL COLLECTOR !Sii:;:::naOaiis !'' "Hzstiiy.' Repay Detective AaftaannnaMnX.: ll Visiting Sports Discover i They : Are Not Wanted and Cive . :; :'::; lip Plans. ; : -' ' . n. east 04 ersei at Tb. Jearaal U la the stare t Mra. r. W. Mcklaaer. M Best Uanana aoeet. - Telephone aleat t7e; 4 y r Mllwaukle haa taken an open atand Amount of Money Contained for' v , - Li Ctobn Package. - ' : '. . - , '' : ; A' - ifMaMlal ttaMtca le The Seerael.t - Seattle, Wiw April Xt.-IJetectrve Char 11 Phillips, tor 11 years a member of the polio depart ai ant, for the (lrat tin la a la lifa baa refused to max an arrest whan ha . caught , tha criminal "with the gooda on her.'" ' " 7 A few day ago prominent young eociety woman raaidlnc at tha fashion able OtU boarding-house dropped Into Lee's drug atore, Aa she passed tha cashier ah noticed an envelope lying cn the reglstor, and It did not taka two I air of area to see ther waa money In it. It waa addressed "Miss Tarry." . Stepping up to the cashier the young society woman aald softly., T-iti Miss Terry. ' I a yon have aa envelop with money la It tor ma." . ; - This ' waa Identification enough and tha casiier handed over tha anrelopa. An hour later tha real Mlaa Terry an tered and aaked for the money. Jim Le waa perplexed, but ha paid tha amount out of hla pocket and acolded Lis cashier, Two days later tha caahlar harried crer to where Mr. Lee waa a tan ding and rolntlna out a- woman at the toilet counter, declared ah waa the on who rot the . anTelopa. A detective called for and Phllllpe responded. He followed the young woman to her apart tnenta in the Otla, where he learned her name and Bent up a requeet that aha meet him In tha parlor. After a five mlnutea' wait aha enured, aoeompanled by her mother and a young man named -John." ; - r Now every one know Charlie Phllllpe, and the young woman waa no exception. "Oh. you are a collector, ar'n't you?" he exclaimed, aa' aha hurried, acroaa the room. "Mlaa Terry aent you. didn't ' aha? John, give thla collector tT.SO. for , me pleas, and aa the young man dug down In hla pocket aba ertea ' "Oh, John, that la lust lovely of you. Now, Mr. Collector, give , tha money to Mlaa Terry and tell her I am glad to end It" and with thla tha three left the parlor. f nuiipa nan never spoaen worn mu the while, 'but he thought Jim Lee would be aatlafied with the money, anyway. "Her name lant Caaala," he declared ,. when reporting to the chief, "but It rnouid oe," and that la an rouiips win ' spy. - ! . r ' ' - ELECTHXITY ir. AIR v4v C;STUr,:S FlfiE AU3M ' ewsaaaaaemBBnaBmnBBBa Bpilal Dispatch la ..The Jiarasl ) -, Albany. Or, April II. A heavy thun der "lower at t o clock Utat evening aur priced the people of thla city and aent them acurrying fop abetter. , A high wind aocempaaied the rain, ' and the water fell la sheets. .During the aterm and while the lightning and thunder war at the worat the fire-alarm bell tn the eourthouee -rang, the general alaijo. but the Indicator at the several fire stations ehowed no disturbance and the department did not turn out . It la supposed that tha electricity In -the air had la aome way disturbed the fire alarm system. . Nothing In the system was found out of order when an Invea-tig-" ton waa made. . ' - - Vlaltora to the bay are bringing aver large bunches of rhododendrons. The flowers bloom at thla time of the year an tree and bushes, sad usually early In May the Corvallla 4 Eastern rune a rhododendron excuralon to - the coast. The season la earlier than usual thla year, and the first excuralon la expected aeon. . - -. CCHVALUS I. 0.0. F. TO HOLD CELEBRATION I (fawtal Dtspetee a Tke JeeraaL) ,i , CorveIlla Or, April II. Great prepa red -ma are being made by the local L O. O. F. lodge for tha celebration, on April li. of the Mth anniversary of Odd Fellowship. - - A ', regular program for the event Is Issued by the order, but. In addition to this the Corvallla members are prepar ' lag an elaborate banquet with toasts and speeches. ' Special musla will be furnished for the event.' agaiast prlae flghta,: gambling , rasoru and saloons, though tha saloon now there ; will probably not ' be diaturbed until Ita- Jlcnse axplras. -X Reaeatly rumora of various enterprise of a queatlonable I character have disturbed the Mllwaukle. cltlaena, and at a meet ing of the Law and Order league Sun day night , the better element , of the place waa united to wltbetand any ' In roada that' might be attempted by out side lovera of gaming and fighting. Some weeka ago 1 a prise fight waa announced for Mllwaukle and the state ment waa made that It would be the first of a aeriea to. be held near the town. The leaders of the Law and Order league oonferred with the .Mll waukle of floera and It waa decided that when the prise fight waa really In evi dence, and the, principals and witness ea were on hand" that warranto would be eerved for the arrest f the entire com pany. Probably this nawa reached the ear of the promotara of the- fight for the matter : waa dropped and nothing mora heard of It. '.. Recently rumora have been current to the effect that gambling plaoea of mag nitude were to be opened In Mllwaukle. and agata the leaders of -thw Law and Order league made a still hunt. They were unable to find any evidence that pointed to the opening of a gaming houav but at tha same time they made euro that ahoald such a place be opened la the town the , Mlllwaukie offloera would ahut It up on the opening night. : Sunday evening a meeting waa held la the Evangelical church to discuss the liquor license question, and . the building waa packed with an enthusiastic audience. No attempts, however, will be made to call aa election In June to vote on tha lloenae queatlon, aa many who would ordinarily favor prohibition would not favor ousting the aaloon. which haa . been running but a few months, and which haa ao far given no eauae for complaint. The temperance forces are. however, working with the aim of preventing another aaloon being granted a license, and when the preaent place haa run the time permitted by Ita lloenae aa election will probably be held with the hope, of making Mllwaukle a dry to wa for the future.-. EVOLUTION OF A GHOST. J&w Appartttea at atm, aae Taraad Zate a Wart JUaaaaai, : ;' 'f. How a Mt ''Tabor ghoat was changed to a whit elephant and how It atlll remain a white elephant on the hand of the city, la tha story that divide Interest la the cow queatlon there Juet now. ,. Bom -nights ago rumora begaa to mysteriously - clroulat concerning a ghost. It wsa described aa a huge white affair that loomed up In the gloom,' and When the startled - person looked again the apparition had van ished. ; Two persons approaching from opposite directions towards tha haunted spot would not see the ghost, on would see- the dim white outline pis Inly, the other would see nothing, though looking at the aaAe bit of scenery. Children scurried pest the haunted corner and women took, the ether aide of th road. A skeptical genius one morning wan dered by the place and discovered that an - enterprising Portland house had placed a large metal elephant back from the road aome distance and had painted the Imitation beast white. The thing had no appreciable -thickness; and from the back In the darkneaa would not be noticed. : The -comer haa.oi Its dread. - w pMBMaaMBBMBS ' soatoos osoavs,: a-woBav r - The '"school ; chorua "Shit ' I being formed from th pupil of th Mt Tabor and Montavilla ' echoole -for- tit' "fair meeting of the National Educational aeeoclatlon la being regularly drilled. So far the work has been with the puplla la their class rooms and no effort haa been made to organise - the chorus aa a whole and train it together, but the varioua rooms wbioh win take part have J... '.'.-.; .. i Brand new daatfaa in Japanaoe V. i '. ' dear akin; tha latest novelty ' m'laatharv:;,;V-'r'VV l: TKE 'v-V', J. K. GILL CO. I , ' Bookseners and v '". t ; ; ;w Stationers VI THIRD AND ALDER J: CrtTlsit UUkfrta t given promise of good work and prac tically all the preliminary ; drill neces sary la completed. . v..-,-..,; v .. ,i- .: . ii fc?. ' .! t,H?TT''V'1 aTOT OtTObTT, Arista member of the '( Anti-Saloon league wish It distinctly understood that they are not eonoerned In tha ac tion , recently taken by th Law and Order aoolety to call a special election to vote on the license quesaon In (oath Mt Tabor and Woodstock. It la aald that the decision to hold the special election was due to the action of tha people of the two preelncto and waa not started, aided or abetted by the Prohi bition lata, who atand pledged sot to fore such aa election this year. . -... i i - tr - BTTXXS SOASS BT RBAJt -- -An experiment Is being tried In road-1 building on the county highway near MUwaukla. The old horse grader haa been replaced .. with a . 40-horae-power traction angina and. tha reaolU ae far have been surprising. Th additional power not only makes tne wora. easier, but It leave a much mora even aurface and aavea a big per oent of tha labor bills, th capacity of. the grader being doubled. : . ,,.-,, , ' . . 1 i ii i m - i " J M01.T imi A SXT. TABOta, Holy week will be observed ' by the Mt Tabor church of the Precloua Blood, services commencing this evening, j To morrow eervtoes will be held at I a. aa, t Pi m. and T:l p. m. The. aame pro gram will hold good for Friday and Saturday alao. . The BaaUr serrloa will be held Sunday, morning, beginning at f m, - .V . W .-. wood: WXU BVXU MALXm A bow haU wlU be bttUt by the Mt Tanor . eamn. -Woodmea of the World. on a site of the Oriental balL Tonight the dlrectora of the camp will consider the two jaana-offereoi and aeciae wnicn la the moat suitable for tha structure. Work will be started at aace on th fra ternal building. ' .. . 11 '-r ,;';: , ; ' ' ' ' BAST BBB arOTBaV';:... j . " Th MUwaukla Central school build ing la receiving a thorough renovation and work haa commenced on the-painting of the building. ' " ' The Bellwood Republican - club - will meet tonight hi the Firemen' hall to perfect ita organiaatlon and to adopt the report of the committee on. consti tution and by-lawa.' . ., . i - f k Past Grand Maxtor Ralph Feeney of th A, O, U. W. addressed Sunnystd lodge last ailght on tha beneflta of th new aasessment plan recently adopted by the grand lodge. . ; . . "Bodily pain )ba Ita terror If you've a bottle of Pr. Thomas' Eklectrlc Oil In the house. Instant relief In cases of burn, cute, apralna, accident of any sort r ' OO&VMBZA'B ST AO a , abb ' OajnroT in uh Taos ooz.tncgzA was ra rmm aaAaTf'axoac. BTT' AWABS AT TXS WOtLSl FATS A mt. IOVB, laM. ' Elcad the Journal and Got A 0 7.50 COUUMDIA ,: GEl APHOPHONE ' FREE Vith Your; Subscription illesrfcsWorWTali-Slna-Ussli-TCryShont I,. Make wonderful speechea Render the greatest music CHve vent to ' the keenest humor, and pour forth the best of everything th earth ,- produce through', r , .; : . - , Columbia Graphophojic .' eDBtawe1g.teqV' TTTJ JOCRNAU '-...'.., V'; ;i Fifth and Yamhill. " , l. ' ? r waa eend eollcitor to my ad drew ft ernUla FREB ORAPHOPHONB 1. .- -.. . :l ;. ' rrAtra ................... I . . . .- . 1 .'V da - -M - a e ..... The satlafaetlon In the possession of one of these machines It almost Indescribable. If you feel disposed ,;te hear a" little eomlo :, opera, yon caa. If you want to laugh, you . can. '- It you want grand . . opera, you can have It - If you wish to hear aome good reading your wish Is gratified. All thla and more, too, you can have without stir-, j ring out of your easy chair In your owe home by meana of our special offer. ' ',..,'.. ' v -- ; ; '' :. s , - with, the Ctlambla Phonograph company, at 111 Seventh street. The 'Journal la enabled to make this V ' . ' - .. .-- ' GREAT FREE 07FER to Snb cdiLcrs in PcWIcnd cr.i Snbcrbi I,' ' Cut out the attached coupon and mall It to' this office of Th , Jaurnai. at Fifth and TamhUl alreetm, and we will send our repreaen. . tatlvo to your, bom to demon it rate and at pin In to yoa hew you' can ' ,V v ' . :.'..'' Procttr thla regular; ',.V,V , $7.J0 COLUMBIA GRAPHOPHONX FREE. . ..I,, . ; , .. v. tl .J , - . ; Every man, no matter to what station In life Jie belongs, likes to . lcc!z LIj t::t on Eulrr Czna) , W easy lof the rich man to. do It,' He only has to go into bis peciet, rrc-zes a wrU tncJ purs or a checkbook, and he can buy all the roods he wants. But what abort i s tzzi ct medium means pretty harl for him to pay "all xasn" for waat ts nzizj. lltrz't where "OUl ,' :.JCREDIT SYSTEM." comes In handy. It enables lum to crtrs In exactly , the" tzz style as hui -It's sometimes richer brother. It doesn't cost a cent more. t. ,iBM W-T" e-eM.. W , BseaWaW w mmmj-p 1 ' . weea Wttf S'i Hsts . Ftocy Vccts, C.z. , ...i,:.:;! " h -.4' ,';; .-.' I Fcclioastlo Trczzzzs ri'. : v ir-:'I4ScrvisCwl3 Sheer t ' - . ' . : t And we request, you to pay thla department a visit, so that you may get an idea of the marnitude of . ,1 ' - OUT SIOCK. I'. 1 .. -' ,--1- .d' i ' Thntday Kljtt Frqa 7:30 to 9:30 : lSomcnir;rt:"Fcr I.2cn' i i 1 J ' 1V ejajf , V" a1 - aldilaviemBP Aeaaa aB4VeaBam ta4w aw wilaMsB tl.Mwa TeJaafTfl MbtfM SB tl$aa AyVWbbVM t MUJ. axt4 , V' TfL thVTI J gTuD l IT inT TiMlUaK VW WW UhUUiC VAAVayaj uvWP'ma aW'V Vw vylTiaii ' aBW (WUB VVMaV V U a ; . :r ; t qcn xvfrf n?i mi ; ; th? st-re m.?r Yn:-r Cia u tear ,t V-;'-" 1 1 T -If STATE OFFICERS III FIGHT; OYER DOUDS State ' Admintafration Circles i ; Split Over Sale of Port ""Townsend Securities. " MEAD EMPLOYS ATTORNEY TO PREVENT TRANSACTION Lieutenant-Governor Coon in Open Opposition to Course : Pursued by Executive. 7 --.JT (Special tHnateh t Te Jearaal.) ' lUottla ' Anrll . it. Bute r administra tion circles sre split wide open over the attitude of Governor Mead oa the aale to the atata of tha Port Townsend water bonds, In the sum of liia.ooa.) ' v ' ' ' On the one aide can be found Gov ernor Meed. Treasurer George M- Mllla, Auditor C W. Clausen and Land Com missioner. 1. W. Boas. . oa the other side are: Ueuunant-ooveraor cnaries EL Coon. Becretarr of mate bsjb n. Minhoia. Attornev-General - M v Atkinson and Superlntenasnt of'Publlo Instruction R. B. Bryan. ' . - Tha state board of land commission ers, composed of Nichols. Bryan and Ross, voted to purchase the Port Town send bonds at 1 Pr cent, taking the money out of the school funds, aa al lowed bv law. Governor Mead lmmedl ately came to the front aa objecting en the ground that the loan would deplete the school fund so that tne sisie gen eral fund would be unable to borrow Ih the event of the appropriations-made by the last-Maileaure-dapletlaBlt i - in state and other circles It la Inti mated that Banker C J. Lord of Olym pla. who carries all tne state funds la bis bank, Is the real oDJector and that John U Wilson, as a friend of Lord, has brought 'the governor Into th light..- .'- . "- .".. . Tb security "of th Issue, which Is payable out of the revenues of the plant, haa been attached, while the Port Townsend story Is that If the bonds are turned over to the contractors for th waterwerka they muat pear per cent, so i that In SO year ty selling to the state. Port Townsend will eav about 1113.009. . . - : T . ; ' The purchase was made after th attorney-general gave an opinion tnat the Issue wsa a good one- and therein th governor, and the attorney-general are a- out. - - - - Governor Mead baa filed an action in the supreme court to prevent the ac ceptance of the bonds by the board and haa employed a private . attorney to make the light This haa arrayed th attorney-general against Btra.- Lieutenant-Governor Coon Is mayor of Port Townsend and Nichols and Bryan voted oa tha board to accept th Issue, 'f ." LEXINGTON DAViS OBSERVED IN COSTON ' ' (Joaraal gseetal artr..) f .Boston, April If. Patriots' day was generally obaerved throughout Maaaa rhuaetts today, the celebration recalling the old traditions and hiitorln Incidents of tb revolution, Aa usual th day '., It' a dream. So unreal tmloe .l j r hava ;aajoyod-, tha, roal'V';; thing. .t; A. delicious dessert; , . aa. Ideal flnlah for children." -JBBBBOT. lo a package. - ' 7 ; AT ALL GROCERS. wad made aa oceasioa for the holding of many- sport ' and- outdoor azerotaea In Boston and vicinity. - The sporting event of the day, to which moat interest attached waa the annual Marathon road race. Almost lot A, A. V. runner took part in the race, which atarted at Aah land, with the flnlshlng point in Bos ton, a distance ef SI mile. There also were eye Is raeea. baeebell game, cricket matches and other oporto. Aa usual the principal patriotic cele bration of the day waa at Lexington and Concord.: In ., Boatoa all the eld houses of historic Interest were gayly decorated and were kept open all day for the Inspection of visitors. Allen Lewis Beat Brand, sswfasssss8sseessfssBssfssess A Illiiliii E i - ' 1 ' V. ' i . - . . X t . -:v .." , - . .. ... i-- ... is "r T. 'f On an T.T -rarl T?ff rvmor-ht rWrvrw h r MAY lOth, at A i 14 IRAS MUSS EIN & O O. ? V". x puSHlNO PAINT PEOPLE '' $ 7 Northeast Corner Second and Taylor Streets 1 I SPRING end ELASTIC 7(OE) k -TRUSSES 7 ' VV ' ' " Comtm and Coiuutt Our Ejtpmrt. ' ' : liWwa r $ 1-7 I .Utte.pavla ,Drur .Co,v IN WOOD PRICES. nvTw. for mnw msmm BBaBaaaBaaalBBm . hOr P F17 ;"77 BaaaasaBSBBaaaaai - as a P 1 ea w , a. n II I I I I V ; ILL f s?7j7i r V:rtil 1 i i i ri i i - w n, aV.jisr , 1 " 7 1: ffrr--. .2.00 .'t;:0.y .t -. ': :.... , -! I , : y-1.; v. ' -a- ... - M FOB TB3B BZBTBXOT-OaXT. -f - . r d ; v. 3 i" orB aBort aiaa, per toao fi.TB ,v V, Kj ' i; , i vnen imiui, i.r ig...imf, T,. ; I ' M i, , : i wool ary woool per coro. mx.xv. cy:-i.. D ' -T f Bxaavt Srortiaad atoafMa. WiBaatotia ' rtlJ CWap 4-root greea sUvmea ky smatesMa PHms iBrtoeed la aJatrleU are . for ahert grees wees, per lea. -1 -JJZtk r JP 't vd J r .'. ..' 7. , 7" feSSY' 'ALL WCOTCIOB ; - - . Oraew srHri per l4,..,vriiv.Cl.T-- Bssept Bortlaad aai , WB. " " Dry abort, per load .... f 2.50 aaa Salgata. ' . . ; ; . Dry 4-foot wood, per ooTd.......(a.Z3 s - CXTt rim scdg on - Blocks, per load. ........ ....... (3.00- ' L. ' AJTO SATS IT. ' BANFIELDtVEYSEY. FUEL CO. OO THIRD OTRCBT ' Phonea Main 7 n-