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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 18, 1905)
i:, -i;.v "V. ' ' - V, ".VV V.7 V r . ' ' " W Wf" -V'Vf"V 7 T"' C.uss Are In Good Ccniin fcr t.a Cr j . . t '. ! - '..:H '-'II ' "7 l (. .l.-fj-AAiL1 '' i,.. 1 , "I , xv' Vf':H; " V H (( :- ') k V ' i " - Ntwt Of the Crtck Otrtr. MC;:V; -, . : ' - : ' ; .... .. . .... .- FC3TLAKD ARRIVES MoCrtdit " nd Hit; Warriort, FreJ From California, Ap v Cvpwaf Thla Morning."' : EVERYTHING READY - FOR FIRST CONTEST 1.03 Angalee Nina Will Arrfva This jV Evening From tha Land of J . Sunshine. , If "."v. : l - Tha Portland bxbn tttm arrlvwd tiome thla aaornlBC uf apd aouod after pleaaant trip from OaJUand. CaX ' Tha 'nembara of tha team look Ilka raai bail plafara, and ara a atrona anreaatlon jttnmv Mawayar-UpCradla la aa brown aa a 'berry and aajra- that ha hlmaalx narr fait battar la hla Ufa and that tha condition of hla man waa vary good. .Although afeCrcdla thtnka that ha baa a ' atar taan. ho doaa not ruah Into -raab pradtctlona about what' hla ulna will do. belDa; content to await raanlta and tha - opinion of tha local f ana. t , Tha work on tha (rand atand ta babng .ruabad la order that arerythlnc will be In apple pie order for the openlna; gaana The diamond la la perfect conditio a and the arDonda. la tnith. look - beautiful. .tha rraaa being mowed aad trimmed with eara. Baeretanr Sly haa been Ing Ilka a Trojan In an endeavor to have every detail arranged for tomorrow! and "h aaya thla uonitng-- that avarythlng will be in order for tha reception of tha VleltOra and menibvra of tha taaaa." On deconn of tha great' roah that tm ex paotad tomorrow, - Mtv Bay advlaea that aa masy aa poaaibla purchaaa their tick: eta down town, aa It will aare congeetlsn ' at tha gate and allow every one to get In for tha- caramonlea, aa they -win a tart promptly at : Tha old -forca will aeU tlcketa. and "Nick" Nlcholaou will 'look after tha mala gate, and R. P. Me- - Donald will be on duty at tha grand' atand. gate. - J. A. Horaa win set aa of ficial aeorer thla aaaatm. r ' Tha Portland and Taeoasa eluba, two of tha four Paclflo Coast leagva teama : that are to be In Portland today, arrived thla morning. Taooma left Immediately, aa Mike Flaher Ik anxloua to get hla Ttgara home for tha reception that la to' be -tendered them thla evening. 1 - '- Vmplrea Davla aad Klopf accompanied tha teama and are ' renewing old ac quaint ncea la thla dty today.. Con trary to azpeetatlonaL Davla haa been Oft. OPETO - - ',' . i ll - -.V' L: 'ordered to Taooma. while Oua Klopf ,! will opea tha eerlee here. Oua la look '.' Ing batter than ever before, and aaya he ; only welgha lie pooada. vat to a Judgt of weight one who looka at him would think he waa aprtnglng a Mike Flaher " preae notice. Klopf atatea that ha la L: pleaaad to again vlalt thla dty for- he aaya It haa been a long time alnce he . ' haa bean here, hla laat appearanea waa . whea, he waa with tha BealUe teamrof AM.' ' v- , Both Davla and Klopf apeak -la tha , hi h est terma af tha Portland team, the - former being especially ; well . pleaaed with the playing, ability of MeCredle'a . men aa ha haa vmplred behind them for ' two weeka.' Davta aaya that aa aooa as t tha Portland1 team geta the benefit of ' homo practice for a few daye they will wear oil tha rough edges of their field ' Ing and coma to the front rapidly. ' . 1 am aomewhat la disfavor with tha -" Portland team,' aald Davis thla mom ' ilng. "because I foond It necessary to fine a few of them, but aa long as I hold (the position ander President Bert. I shall . ! enforce tha baseball rules ta the letter. 'no matter who-the offender irntybe W 'to wTlat club' Ha may belong." '. ; .-. ' Klopf vetoed tha seme sentiments and - both umpires are united In their praise 'of the executive ability displayed by 1 President Bert In dfrectlng the affairs of "the league thla season. - , The Seattle dad Xoa Angelea clubs ; . will arrive here this evening, tha f or- "mer taking tha )ate train for Tacorae, where they epaa with the Tlgera tomor ' note!! 'taaeatee e Tea tearaat Oregon City. April .-The Oregoa City high school woa aa exciting game ' Vaa taa GOIN&l to gave IV tlkot est W ea 4ro tVe iViarii't ei wisa at --I, Set t-.e a. . e ellgwaraDy fiagissd C S e Slelilli Win gave IV Fiwlali tV taeo wife to wmUk sad II aeeerait from tha Hill Htlllary academy of Port- tana nunaay.-jjeeaon City took tha lead ana Kept It until the.atxtn Inning, when the military academy fell on Todd for a total of fx runs. In the eighth Inning tne aeorer waa la to I In favor of H11L In the last half of the ninth Callff and Toung hit for three baaea aad Cole for two. This tied the score. Then came a bunch of atnglea, together with group of errors by Hill, aided by eouple of eloaa decisions by tha umpire tm nnai aoore waa ir to if. ., WHO'LL SOLVE THIS A ' &i v : h BASEBALL PUZZLE i - ' Two teama, A aad B, are playing. A la at the bat in the laat half of the ninth Inning.' Tha aoore la i to 4 In favor of 3. Two man are out. a maa on second and another on third. Tha batter hits the ball Into fair territory, but It la not a -hit. There ta no putout, no base run ner hit by tha batted ball, aa aaalat aad no error, and yet A wins the game by a aoore of to i. -What waa the play? . Readers of The Journal are Invited to send their answers to tha problem to tha sporting 'editor. : ",.;v;. Sporting ' Editor The - Journal In answer ta your hasnhaH pusale Z would aay tha play waa a bunted ball aad the catcher got the ball aad -threw It over the first baaeman'a head, and while tha first baseman waa getting the ball the mea oa second aad third were running noma There were aa arrora or assists or puUouta in the game and tha score was to In A'a favor. - CHARLES ORABEN8TATTER. . Oregoa City. ,P. 8. Write and let me know ' hew Obar I to the rignt answer. Sporting Editor The Journal X answer- your puasle - la thla manner: (A) batter hits the ball In fair terri- , euts first base or runs out of bane line, aad the umpire sees It after the two batters or runaera have scored, aad the umpire notifies the aide B) -that (A) tha satur Is. disqualified for dis obeying ground rules.-; (B) touches first baas and 4A) batter ie eat aad aide re tired- with BO hits, errors, assists or put outs. . UEROT- WEBBER, , . v.. t-BAlelgh atreet ! Sporting Editor Tha ' Journal The answer to tha baaebalt pusale ta a "blocked ball." The ball waa hit fair down, the third or first base Una aad after passing . tha- base went outside of tha Una and waa handled by aa outsider. Of course that necessitates the return of the ball to the pitcher before it la la play, giving both ruanera ,tlme to score. . The hit remains fair but could not be scored aa a base hit oa account of outside tnterefereace.- Tours truly, - TRANCHEU Te Flrsf atreet. ' ) ' - - ,:. Won. Lest P C 1.000 New Tork . Philadelphia . ........ - Cleveland . ........... 1 i Chicago - . .....'... 9 Bt. Louis . ............ 1 Washington . . Boston . . ............. ' v,-l.M1 . a . .eeo J. ' .o Detroit . ............. t R. RE. Washington . . ............... 7 New Tork .7r 1 11 S Batteries Townsend sad aUttredgaj Pattiaaaa, Clark aad McOuira, j , , f ; Ah fibhaiga ' - ' Chlcaga . , .1 T 8C Louis . jBatteriaa wnite ana auuivaa; Howell and Sugden. JTATZOaTAX, ZXAtna. - - ' , . j.. Won. liost. P.O. New Tork i ........... 1-0 l.0d Philadelphia ' Pittsburg. . ........... 1 .750 Chicago ., v ............ J ; St. Louts . ............ t. i Cincinnati .. .......... 1-'a Brooklyn . ........... . I Boston . ... J .0 .149 If. .M .900 st. Louis . :r.-r."i. ...... ...... if i Chlcsgo . ..jS 11 ' 4 Battetiea Campbell 'and Warner; Brown and Kllag. tmplre OTay. . " . i -1 ' .R. H. B. Brooklyn . . .................. .4 Philadelphia , . 1 7 1 Batteries Doeochar, Beanloaand JU men Corrldoa aad , Doola. , Umpire Bauswine. . r- ' . ti L R.K. Cincinnati . . .'..,t.;. ......... .4 4 Pittsburg . . .... 10 Batteries Walker, Overall aad Phelps; ..Lynch sod Pelts. . Umpire Klem. - ' ' efcUla aha ;i ,,. '...' ' - OQIIM&II-CpQNC 111 " Tee Late far rraW3a, a) a mmm Inf 1 si, exa attar e a ui asaeare. ke l mm aad filllaa aB7. nto1 k the swei Md eene r-r i ( rkie H tafeete bk earn. Y 1 utiee r aa V- 1 .a. Mk ,i, Wki Mmx: imm m Ho hF college-oarseien wmmm " a ' mmx hard at training 'fiJtt,::Sji - - 1 ( LjEFf Rigs ";:- :M:-r- Heiari.'r-Ii6 .- 'V 1 Hkt&itr'tir'iK. - UnlvertKlw Working Hvd Pr. 'V'f-? ViViVrVrVc ( ;Xn :C:$?'?'k fo'XSi'i ':t':::X 'S'x SYRACUSE HOPES TO , v.. ; i-, 1 ? V-- ' ' " L W - 4 Ly jrrr: V; : r'-; ; '. -- - repeat triumph lit Wmmp -' w , mmm Cartooniat Tad Cotnpajea Baft. x ; - EASY VICTORY FOR POSSART AT OAKLAND 'i( Ban ' Francisco, April ; 1. Posaart earned aa easy victory., ever his field yesterday, winning - by ' five lengtha Bummarv: . '...'-. .- i Three furlongs Telepathy won. Toko Olrl second. Teaordale ' ' third; time. Futurity course Distributor won. Pa ehaca second. Parting ; Jena la third j time. .1:11, Five furlonga Toeolaw won. Collec tor Jeseup second. Silver Heels third; time. l:4z. 1 Mile aad aa eighth Posaart won. War Times second, Ethel Abbott third; time. l:eett. j ,v v . - : - MUe 'and f yards Edgecllffe won. Sheriff Bell second. Red ' Cross Nurse third; time, 1:4ft. Six and a half furlongs Albert Fir on. Merita second. Robert Mitchell third;, time. AM -- Omb 8C Louis, April II Amerlcaa Jockey dub results: Four furlonga 'Colonial Lady won. Paul Dealing aennnd, - Banning Miss tnird; time, :4 Mile By Play won, Bt. Resolute oed. Rudabek third: time, 1:44 1-e. Six furlonga Nellie Russell won. Lily Brook, second. Orchestra third; time. las. - . .' ... 1 ..... Mile aad T yards Lurallghtar won. The Mesaeager second. Little Giant third; time, 1:47 t-t. - rive . furlongs Ben Mora . won. Soundly second. Oavta C third; time. -x:oi e-e. ; ,- Six aad a half furlotige Miss Mar- oonl won. Sarnar, aecood. ( Uobaop'a t;noica tnira; time, 1:11 z-e. r ., At S. Zreala. Fair St. Louis, April IS. Fair grounds re sults were as follows: Four furlongs Joe Colaoa woa, Pla atleker aecood. 1 Fargo , third; . time. At I-aV- - . Five and a half furlonga Our Lima wen. Fannette second, Eleaaor Howard third ; time, l:oez-s. . Six furlongs Matador won. Fireball second. Lucky Charm third; time, l:lt Mile Cornwall won Mtsa Bae Day second. LitUe Scout third; time, 1:41. . Six furlongs Mary Olaan Von. Cudoa second.' Joe Ooaa third; time. 1:1a. MUe and aa eighth Watercure won. Grand Opera second. Seeoad Mate third; time, :. , : .. ; '-" ' :' A Atwataaa, ' New Tork. April 1 (.The Aqueduct reeulta follow: . . . MUe aad a half Bpeedaway won. So ciety Budt second. JSdnaJckoa. third; Ume. l:4t.' ' ' . Three fourths af a mile Read Dance won. Delcaata second, Virgo third; time, l:lit-. ' , . ' -. !- Five eighths of a mile, handicap Handaarra woa. Rose Tint second. New Tork third; time, 1 : -. - . , . Tha Osone stakes. . half mile Anc dyne won. Just second. Dr. Heard third; time, :47. SIX and a half furlonga Red Knight won, Wh trier second,' Flortael third; Ume. 1:J1I . . . ' . Three quarters of a mile Kaator woa. Drone second. Billy Roacbe third; time. 1:17. . ' . . '... '".'At Moaia-cmsry Fart.' '.' 'Memphis. - April , It. Montgomery Park result were la follows: Six furlonga Hannibal Bey, won, Taa With Jcffdctv Sbowfaic' the Six of Each Maa and Some 8ktcha of Hart '' ia Action. . 4. 4 sTOnCS YO AHA' . AU notloee of amateur ball games, challenges aad ath- w letlo events must be sent to thla - e office before I o'clock a. m. oa the day for . publication, , Ama- d : teur manager should aay at- , e 4 - tendon to this rule, aa the keep. e e Ing of It will insure, a proper-', 4) 4 report - of their . dotnga. Ths w 4 Journal, " . ., . . e v -. . :-.-..-....... - a ness seooDd, Miss Oomes third . time, 1:11. I , " Four and a naif furlongs Wasteful wrjn, laterllght accond, Joe Coyae third; ;t7. .:".-. . , s Five and a half furlonga Nannie Hodge won. Old England second, Lapu oelle third; time, 1:4114. , Membership stakes, five aad a half furlonga -Jemea Roddick won. KUagsar aecood. Lady Navarre, third; time, 1:01 , ' Mile Sanction won, Schoolcraft sec ond. Annie Alone third; time. 1:44 M. DIAMOND CLISTENINCS: - : ' 81ata" Davla was la a facetious mood thla morning aad told Henry Lang and Eddie Davey that he had Invented a new patent set of hobbles that ha would use on players who gat balky and pro test with their feet, aa Tim Flood did Sunday. - Davla refused to state the na ture of the contrivance, but said he had explained tta see to Oua Klopf, who may have an opportunity of testing tta mer its on the aeraphlo ball tosser thla week. ' Mike ' Flaher -was aot ' la towa long enough to peddle hla usual bunch of hot air, but stated that he would have plenty of that commodity oa hand next week. Mike naturally . dispensed the time-worn assertion that his Tlgera bad tha peaaaat woa already, Jack 0CoaneU, the welt known second baseman; - la spending a few -daye In Portland on hla way to loin MeCloskey'a rVaneouver team. O'Connall played with Boise lsst .year. Hs haa reletlved la thla city, and apeat yesterday with Buck Keith and Lew Mabeffey. with whom ha formerly played. O'Connall . likes tha Portland team aad aaya they will ha heard, from thla season. -Harry Schlafley and Loa Rankle war delighted to reach thla city. Both these players say they would rather play here than ta aay towa la the league. Jim Dalahanty, the crack fielder, of Ihe Beaton Nationals, broke his left ankle while playing In a baseball game In Newark today.' Ddahanty waa chas ing a long drive, when he ran Into the left field fence. Two doctors placed the Injured leg -la-spllats. and Delahaaty waa removed to hla hotel la a carriage, Ha-wta be-oat of. tha game tor a-loog time, . . :'. ' v :.' WAaVTJTOTOBT 91 ' (Jesraal gseelal Bsrvtes. 1 . ' Francisco, April It. The Uni versity of Waahlagten rowing four de feated the Stanford crew yesterday la the boat race off Ban sail to. California a victory of Saturday gives them the coast championship. sro 1 San Fraacteco, April !. The saper- vleore yesterday refused the request of the Tosemlte club for tha permit to pull off a hexing contest thla month. This means e postponement of tha meeting of Brltt sad Jaoea White. . . x - eememwa .-'-. antra.) ' i : OFFICE BOY REPORTS . THE FIRST PRACTICE The Journal office boy waa sent to ths ball park thla morning to report the first practice oa tha home grounds In preparation for the .opening game- to morrow. Tba ooy aaya: "Deya de cream.. Esslck, be ain't no great shakes for ' douV"lte . handsome stunt, but - bt eA.tpss da boraehlde some, all O. K. Jones Is da regular spltball king. Ha kin handle de damp sphere wld ease and grace. Garvin had his pitcher took eight times dla a. m and ha la gettln later fine shape. He looka like a soda fountain wagon, -but he kin shoot dem aver till de cow blow home. MeCredle and Van look like two twins, both are so awful long and skinny, but day will get fat as aooa aa dey tola de smokehouse gang oa Pared street. McLean Is de biggest man la dls world, but I don't know so much about other worlds, He wiU bat wld hla rite arm. ' The hole team looka like de real mankind and I perdict a glorious year. Business' called me away before I got my headlights an da entire bunch." .' OFFICE BOY. OSBOaT 9QQm ' Tha Victoria bench show win opea to morrow morning with the largest bench ing In tha history of the organisation. Tha. Oregon doga entered are Edgecote Peer and Willamette Sunbeam owned by Frank Watklna, Portland Kid aad Wep- als Saxon owned. by President .. Willis, and Wooltln Bang, the property of Frank Moore of Salem. The laat named four doga. were class winners at the Vancouver show laat week. Edgecote Pear not being entered. The local doga have a good chance ta win a few cup at Vancouver. E. N. Baker of New Tork city will act aa judge. -I imtu t. :s5-' Sporting Editor of The Journal Dear Sir A. beta B. 2I that Oakland would win Saturday' game. . They did not play on account of rain, bat played the game Sunday a. m. Who wins? , ,- .r ... . , . ;.- y A READER. . This la answered la the second ' rule of self defense aa published on th sporting page of Sundays Journal: "When waylaid by a footpad, who de mands your pocket book, throw the wal let at him with a twist . which will cause It to fly opea. The flaps will cover hla face and blind him long enough for you ta run four blocks.' CMAMFlUJi SMUT. i (Joaratl taeriel lervtea.) " ' - Tuxedo Park. N. T- April lty Charles E. Sands of the New Tork Raoquet and Tennis club defeated 'Jay Gould of Georgian Court here today by tha acora of seta td T. ' Sanda wins the trophy and the national aaaetaar champlenshtp of the United Statea. t - . -,. .' Bert'. Joaea, Portland'a clever aouth- paw, who la a good slsed maa. leeka like a midget alongslds-Garvia and McLeaa, tba giants of the team. , . The population of Kalnea la steadily increasing, and though, new houses are constantly gntng np none are vacant. to we aUea . ' are oftea frustrated by sudden break down, due to dyapepaia or cmatlpatloa. Brace up and take Dr. King's New Life PUls. They take out the materials which sr clngalnk your enerstee, and give you a new start. Pure headache and dlavtneaa, too. At Red Crnee 1 har- m. lla.k J. - - Ik, gray, to the poatoulce, 18c,- guaranteed. Cornell Is in Hard Luck and Wis consin Is Last to Touch tha Water. (JearatI Specie! Service.) New Tork; April 17: All th six col leges whose crewa struggle annually at Poughkeepsl la th Intercollegiate re gatta have been preparing aaaloualy for the tenth renewal ox the struggle on ine Hudsoa oa July 1 of this year. Laat weak haa aeea Wlaconaln. the last of the alx to get on- the water, sanding her oarsmea out oa Lake Mendota. On the Harlem, oa the Schuylkill, on the Poto mac and on the Onondaga and Cayuga lakes, Columbia. Pennsylvania. George town, - Syracuse - and Cornell all - hare their crew candidates at work. Chances for the season are being - discussed. Since Syracuse- broke- CorneU'e long suing af victories last June tha big 'varsity race haa become mere open. . - -Syracuse now baa to Justify herself, as It were, for .last year's victory. Thar were and atlll are maay who raieed the cry of "fluke" whea the Orange com bination woa at Poughkeapele. It waa aald that all the crewa let Syracuse go I en about her1 business, when the . .Salt City oarsmea started out with such a rush. , . -s -t , '. v ' v . Cornell ta Ti seals. Ha Cornell, for year previous th eham plon oa the water, finished second to Syracuse last year. The Ithscsns started this year, aotwlthstanding. with fairly bright proapecte. With both tha Foote brothers, Captaia Bossch. Fernow and Folger among the veterans of tha "var sity crew, things did aot look no bed for Cornell. Misfortunes, however, followed oaa another fast. By a lit era! Interpretation of the one year resi dence rule, jConkllng. Ollmore and Halll- day, three men of apparent 'varsity cal ibre, were lost to ths boat. Then fol- Llowed the loss of Sturdevant Sailor and roroes. Aiiogeinsr seven gooa msa dropped from a squad none too strong la veterans waa a hard blow to Court ney. Thing, however, are aot alto gether hopeless. 1 Sailor may recover from hla Illness sufficiently to row again. Sturdevaat la almost ready to raw again, Forbes, who deserted the college la or der to get a try at the crew af the Vee- per Boat club of Philadelphia, failed to make a seat la tha Henley eight af the club oarsmea. Bines hla return to Ith aca he haa been coldly treated. ' - He haa been placed In one of tha leaa im portant crews, and may not agaia make the 'varsity. It is bow thought that some of th freshmen may have a chance for "varsity positions, so scarce la real "varsity ma terial. , '.- ...... It may be seen that Cornell's hopes of regaining the lost statue are none of the brightest. The Ithaca crewa have been boated in tha following order: First 'Varsity Bossch, bow; Barton, S; Newman. S; Dods. 4: O. W. Foote, fz Ftmow, 4; W. , Lee, T; B. T. Foot, stroke; Taylor, coxswain. , - . v Second - Varalty Sturdeveni. v bow: Power. 1; Chapman. I; Ooodier, 4; John eon, : Bernhardt, 4; StowelL 7; Adama, stroke; Rankin, coxswain. - "Varaity Four Flaher. bear: Keats, z; Hooper. 1; C. Lee, stroke. - . ; First Freshman Welah. bow; Ned- ham. 1; Gavett. 1 Carman, 4; Dalaaey, I; Gracey, ; Bromley, 7 i Cos. stroke; Sloeum. coxswain. v . Second Freshman Leaeheav - haw: Vanderveer. t; Remaea, t: Holt, 4: Han sen, ; Bernhardt. ; Earl, 7: rarman. stroke) Mulligan, coxswain. Third Freahaaaa Kuachke. bow: Bo- gardua. ; Brahmert I; Andersen, 4; Goodwill ie. Baker. ; Baer, 7; AUea, stroke; Smith, coxswain.' ; Wttk Feaasj's Maa.' ' ' 'The crew of the University of Penn sylvanis. which waa third la. laat yeaf race, haa been going along quietly. Ki lls Ward haa only four of hie old mea lef t CrowelL Hermann, Stevenaon aad Taylor. . .;.,'... -The boat are rowing aa followa: " Plrvt-' Va rvtty r Shoemaker, bdw; CrowelL 2; Hermann, I: Brown, 4i Lav ary. ; Stevenaon, ; Taylor, 7; Atkln, stroke; Mills, coxswain. - Second 'Varsity Tewaaand, bowl Foster, i: Bogardua, t; Johnaoa. 4; Gay. fey, i; Kelley, ; Watklna, ti Todka troke; Lamb, coxswain. Third 'Varsity Allers. bowf Gleseon, 1; Holleabark, ti Raaon. 4: Keener, t: Lamberton. ; Martina, t; Flk atroke; siruner. coxa vi in. - Fourth 'V.lty Gilt bow; ttr holf. I; Cochran, t; Roberts. 4: Bryan. I; Wllllatr- 1 'ock. v'ni.all, stroke; It , 1 . ' Colunt 1 - ef heir the U. year. 1-1 year.' It la expected, with a aheer ef reason, that tha 'Or class erew anil maXe a good ahowtng against Tale, , ', n Lake Whitney May IS. Tha Columbia, crewa will. race aralnf t Annapolla on th Severn oa May it and will compete In tha Harlem regatta on Memorial day. Of the . "varsity candidates Captain O'Ljkughlln, Boyle, Marker sle. Ferrla, Von Bernuth. J. MUler and Poet aat In the 'varaity eight at Paaghkeepsla. Pterrepont. Fraaor Willis aad Taylor rowed In tha four which flats bed aeeond to Cornell. Donovan, a subetltute last year; Whit well, aa exceptionally promis ing new man, and Cornell of the '0J L'yareity also are oaadldatee. No attempt . has bees . made to boat a four. ".The crewa are rowing aa fol low: .. .' ' .. V ,. ' Shell "Bangs" Tonnele, bowl Budtng. ton; 2: Tucker, I; W. Miller, 4: Ferris, i; Von Bernuth, t; Taylor, 7; Pterrepont. stroke; Wise, coxswain. - Shall "Cowle" Norrls. paw; Mitchell. I; Seymour, 1; J. Miller, 4; Boyle. : Algeltlnger. ; Whttwell, 7; Poat, atroi; 8 pence, coxswain. . - . Shell "Reliance" Updike, bow: Dono van, 1; Kehrieln, : Cheadl. 4; Macken sie. I; Cornell, t; O'LougoUn, 7; Fraaer. stroke; Cuthel, coxswain. . - "Varaity Barge NewelL bow: Fisher. i: Short I; Toung. 4: McLeaa. f ; Halg&t. ; Will is. atroke; Kelley. coxawaln. Ft rat Freshman . Eerie. bow H'i- rich, l; Brack, S; Oeterhaut, 4: Snarl,. y. t; Finneamn, ! Kobbe, 7; O. atackanx.i. stroke'; Shlraa, coxswain. . . . Second Freshman 1 May, bow: Haaser, 1; Wilcox, fr Apesteguls, 4: Holbert. H R. White. ; M. White, 7s Annan. tr!r 1 Wlnalow, eoxawala. , ". ', , "Oeorgatown haa been making the moeT af the work with Coach Dem peer, and reports from Washington Indicate that tha "varsity boat Is faat getting into form. Dem peer, ft has beeq aald, will go ta Henley with the Vesper Boat club. In which ease he will not be able to wait over for th Poughkeepsl races. (Continued an Page Tea.) Easter Means S . . L ." ; v , : ( . . . - (v : ' i.- ' ..'it.:, T A.' i t :. '. -.. . t r - a' Dunlap Hat KJ GET IT TODAY Robincoil CD. Co. Hotel Perkins Bun2 nnr