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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 18, 1905)
. ML ) c;:::iis vm ME KM II? ciD i;: ' i r-j "T t r' nr ;' i .4, il...U J.1 ' ' ' ' Etxtxm It.o t'.ii CcctHo Rail. rotd Pr:;:ct Tfcit Would , !:V Cxrrj Country.- .C-.J aJ Levi TV Drtw With , Companion Thick, lil-Smelling Breeze From Hardened C-t::Jvr Nat ,: Found Dead and House in t .'( Slaughter House Arouse ' , 1 Celieve Thit Crmwi:i Lost , Much ty cr-'rj. ,';-';,:-..':;rt;fIahiaa,. .the Neighbor 1 ' . ' INSIDE DOC?. TL'.Tw ' PRCICID AID IF THI3 - i I .1 CITY V.C'JtD CUSCCRISS MAN HAD RECENTLY, - - GOVERNMENT INSPECTOR - ARRIVED FROM ALASKA tf t SAID TO BE CARELESS v had cirri T.xirj off Cupposed thej Coupld Quarreled -V and After Shooting Woman 1 Pacific States Packing: House Man ! Who Cuppcssd He Had ; Ceeii Victim,, of Criminal VjT;s;. ;,: HaVpad Record. Company Charged With Main ' ; ' taining Public Nuisance. He Fired- Building, li ' ; -: arlsl MasaicM t Tb JeoraaM . ; X Helen. Aprtl .l. Front V street 1b ' Missoula wss th seen of murder, sul " eld and ron thU mom Inc. th act of " on man. ,, Ixrl T, Drew, a recent-ar-" rival from Alaska, celebrated last night ' by Imbibing to freely of liquor. With ' JCmM Teat colored, he spent ssvsral - hour In saloons. . r v- ... : ' .;' About T o'clock - this morning two beta war hoard and a few momenta ', after tb house In which, the woman lived waa discovered to be on Mr. Tb :, s apposition la that Draw and the woman ' cuarreled, he shot her, at tb boua on . fir, then killed himself. . When th po lio arrive both wr .-Ts ; -r Th Br waa eactlngutshed with a loaa cf 1100. . Drew waa a white man about II yam of ago. yy.-.V". . ,-- -. SAY, CHIEF, TDAT:: ADCDTTDAT REFOIIT? -rr " - ' .',: CpUln DaJley Made Written Ctstsment That Cody's Saw loon Was Open After Hours . tcutjd half cozen kin : DRINKING AFTER HCURS - v ''-., -- . :'" (lur.t Chould -Encourage Good GTncer by Taking Soma Acr : - tlon In the Matter. " "Blllr" Cody's 'saloon, known aa th Clrard. at Sixth aj)d Stark streets, waa oca yaatardar morn In a at o'clock la violation of the drdlnaac requiring- It doom to b cloeed and no liquor to be old after 1 o'clock In th morning. Six or Tn men were in tb aalooa drlnklna at -the ttzna Polio Captain I aller found tb rear . door unlockad, and walked In. H atood for aoraral 'minute watchlns the man lined up be- ; for tb bar drinking; bofor b waa noticed by ..on of .tb drtnkora, - who, with bl comcaniona fled. . . A report waa made In writing by Captain Bailey to Chief of Polio Hunt. Mo action whatever baa beekk taken by Chief Hunt and' th report mm not n bn sent Into th polio opurt to be viewed by Deputy City Attorney Fit' rerald. Th venerabl chief awore at th alleged Inyoatlgation mad into bla conduct relatlv to th infraction of aa loon ordinance, on eharge preferred by Councilman Flea-el. that hla practice , waa to and aucb report to tb deputy ray attorney, t' -.-" r - - . vA-4garda th Olrard, Chief Hunt la furaulng tb earn policy that h Old when l atrolmaji le handed In - nln com? plaint In on "night of aalobna open after hour. . - Not on of theee com plaint waa rrer cent to Mr. Fitsgarald. , and . 1 waa - tranafarred to another bat to neat day.'. ''..... v. v.-; CURY- DEAD STRIKERS AT PUBLIC EXPENSE Repetition of Disorders Feared at Umoges With ; Por- . cetain Workers - - i ' (Joeraal gperlal BerrVe.) ' T.TftlCa; Tl allU. AinU 1. baa decided to bury tb Tlctlma of tb claah yatrday between th atrlkera and aoldlera at publlo ezpenee. A general . mating ef atrlkora waa bold thta after noon. A rooecurrene f tb dlaordar . la feared. . Troop are patrolling th 'treats. .. - '-. r - - Th claah waa brought about by the . atrlkar from tb porcelain work at ( ' tacking tb prison lata last night in an , ndavor to fro their companion. Thy -1 vainly triad to break down . th doora. ' when a detachment of dragoona arrived , ' and charged , tb rolters, scattering '.'them. . Later tha . nob reasaembled, turned ever a tram car which tbey n ' drord t make Into barricade, raiding I neighboring residence of ,- furniture, ( they tld ropa and wire aoroas th ' ; thoroughfara to strengthen their bar rler . . ' V, , .,'-, : Th dragoons chargod th barricade nd many riders were thrown aa th nob atoned them. Tb dragoona then rd with blank and afterwards with bail oartrldges killing two and wound fag several. Anally dlaperalng th rloUra, TEDDY'S HUNTING. K v y ; EXPLOITS CONTINUED -"''. aearaal Special Strrke.)' s Olenwood Springs. Colo, April II. A private telephone dlapateb from Naw eaatla aaya that President Boosevelt la , on tb trail of a black bear on equally larg -waa killed yeeterday. JOSEPH JEFFERSON IS . T GRADUALLY SINKING (Joaraal Sptalal Serrlea.)' f,- Jaekaonvlll,-rla April tl. Th con dition of Joseph Jefferson Is unchanged thla morning. H la gradually nearlng th nd. . . - .:.'.. 'ERICAN FLAG TORNrliiSl DOWN BY PORTO RONS e A , , . .. . ........... fm (Jflaraal gperlal samee.) .. , San Juan. Porto Rico, April . 1 1. Rlote - followed two meet- . i lna of th striker InrPono dUtrlnt ye tarda f. . An Amerl-. 4 .ran flag wmm torn down and s trampled on. Tfia pollr mad a 1 ror of arrtem .attVvsral) - ..frs wrr Injured, , k- , ' 4 They kill aH' kinds-of anlfiala at the. alaughter bouM.MMalone feetlfled. "The offal of hog ar hauled down to a; barn -on tha bank of . th river, a board la lifted and . they ar dumped through Into the atreaav " Offal la al lowed . to He around ' in a number of places for soma time before It Is dumped int tb rlvr. . : "I know that th company manufac ture aauaagea out of spoiled name. "The government meat Inspector, Dr. tiOveberry. la there, but he can b and la called away by trivial telephone m age at any time, and haa no Idea what I packed through the door, at night. It frequently happens that tha odor near the slaughter house la ao thick IV can b cut with a knlfa" . Attorney 8. B. Ldnthlcum ef Williams. Wood A Llnthlcum appeared for th de fendant company, which operates the Slaughter houa by virtu of a from Councilman Louis Zimmerman. Deputy City Attorney Fitsgarald, aa listed by Attorney Milton Bmitn. con ducted the prosecution for th city. ' A good part of .th tlm was taken up- by wrangle between. the lawyers over tha meaning of the ordinance governing th case and technical law points. Th first wltnss for th city was W. 1a Walpola, secretary of the city board of charities. He Hyes about 1,090 feat from tb abattoir.' Frequently, b said. It had 3een necessary to close down the windows of a bedroom In hi houa from I o'clock at night to midnight on account of th odors from th slaughter-house. Th -amell was aio noticeable in the nomine. The packing plant Is located on Bancroft at th foot of Seymour atreet. .- ) -, Mai one was the second witness; and was followed by Edward Session, whose borne la within five blocks ef the plant The odor, be said, was so nauseating that sometimes It awoke him and his lit tle boy. -v Dr. Blersdorf testified that numerous complaints had been mad to him re garding the institution. He personally knew that the odor from th alaughter houa waa nauseating. Testimony a to tb discomfort cauaed by the odor from the abattoir waa alao given by If re. Kate Burkhardt, Mm, Mill! Trumbull, Mrs. A. Parks sad Mrs. U M. Foster. A former employe. Carl MJlstetn, -testlfled that -the odor was due to the gases from the fertiliser. Th plant waa cleaned every day and thor oughly once a week. . - - t i D. W. Holblng, a real estate dealer, awore that he was In a fair way to sell a plec of property In tb vicinity of th Slaughter house, but that whan ht took tha prospective purchaser to see th land the latter refused to buy It on account of th odor froav the packing nlant. " " '". ' Further testimony will "be taken th can Thuraday.. . . i in AS GEOGRAPHIES Demand in East for Matter Pub T lished by Oregon Lines for f Schdot Use. v VALUABLE FACTS THAT : ARE QUITE UP-TO-DATE In Iowa's Educational Institu tions the Advertising Utera - ture Meets With Favor.. . The publications of tha passenger de partment of the Oregon Railroad Navigation company- ar rapidly- com ing Into use In the publlo schools In many parts of ths country. They are valued by educators Tor the accurate and comprehensive Information they contain about the states of th Pacific northwest, a region that haa been much neglected by geographer and which will receive In future printed text books much in or attention : than - hag been given It. : ., :' - .Letter were received yeaterdSy by A. L. Craig from school authorities In two oitlea in the middle west, asking for ooplea of the pamphlet "Oregon, Wash ington and Idaho," One of the letters waa from F. M. . Fnlts, superintendent ef the public schools off Bunington, i RAILROAD Iowa, a city of li.oo. people, noted forLotaa re-elected and holda hla preaent the orogresslvsness -of Its schools. Supt. Fults aaks for a number of copies of the booklet. , aufflcient to aupply the aeven large : school buildings and tb high school. H also requests photo graphs showing fruit growing, hop rais ing, and lumbering Industrie, and on of Oregon's famous slde-htu harvesting machine in operation In a wheat Yield, and some scenes at the Lewis and Clark fair.- These pictures are ta be used In a stereoptloon that Is a feature of practi cal education In Burlington schools. . A similar latter waa received from th superintendent of schools at Dickinson, N. D. ,' . --I It Is sstd that already there are near ly 1,000 eoplea of the O. JU A N.'a new booklet in uae in me puouo scnoois- or various atatea, and 100 of th company's map bava been Introduced for school Uae. ., -' '-..:'', ,. ; ; ;'v,,, WILL DRIVE-OUT TO r: f SEE GIANTS PLAY BALL A party cf about SO numbers of th Commercial .. club wlUileav the dub room tomorrow" at J o'clock Ih a tally-ho for th baseball park to wltneas ths first league gam of th season. Col. John Mccracken will : pitch the first ball. sVaBOSS POl brwoBU, ' Clearaal SpeXal gerrie.) '.'Antwerp, April II. The chamber of commerce today unanimously .voted .ap prove! of the government scheme for th Yggt xtens1on of harbor fadlltlea Which will make Antwerp the largast port la the world, at a cost ef $40,000,- fJUTUALIZATIOIf IS VAHTEO BY AGEfiTS Equitable Ufa Assurance Society 4 General Agents Favor Alex- , - ander'a Plana. 1 , i ' : - ' - t . .... ' v .' HYDE IS HISSED, BUT JOLLYS HIS EMPLOYES President Would Shed 7. His Heart's Blood for the Noble - Workers UndaHim. (Jearsal Special Berrlee.) . ' New Tor a. April It. The general agents and dlatrlcta of the Equltabla Life Aaeuranee society had a caucus be hind closed doors last night and adapted a resolution Indorsing President J. W. Alexander and emphatic request that th present factional atrlfe cease. : JL general meeting of th agents Is In session toda and la attended by Presl dent Alexander and .Vie Prealdenta Hyde and TarbelL President - Alexander addressed : the agenta aa "noble workers, the ones who had brought oo,ooo,ooo into the so ciety.". He declared that he could ahed hla heart' a blood for them. He said bb would not desl In personalities, and that he would not mention any mattera pend ing before the Investigation committee, Alexander then Introduced Vice-President Hyde. - . - Hyde waa hlased by on agent, but b proceeded ' to "Jolly" the agenta and made rferencr to - th- fact- that Tar bell, th secretary of th agents,, had held his Interest In renewal, and hoped that other agenta would do Ukewlee. Vice-President TarbelL who followed Hyde, declared that be had explained that matter fully In a signed statement. H grave Hyde a alap by saying 'that ha never would be required to pay back a penny Into th treaanrxJhe officer then retired.' The general agents then adopted unan- Imonaly a resolution prepared by Presi dent Alexander, Indorsing hla manage ment and pledging tha aopport of tha general agenta to Alexander la the move to form a mutual lsatlon. -.,.. " 1 n 1 1 1 " 1 1 ;'.'. Why Mr. Werlein Should Be Re : ; Selected: : J Vf.v In reference to charged which have com np In th local press by an oppo nent that J. X. Werleln, th preaent city treasurer, has occupied his efflcisl posi tion for th paat It years, Mr. Werleln ta a statement aaya, "the same la not correct" He waa elected ' In -th cam paign of June, 1000, and' by virtue of ki. r.ithfuiiMM to the people no nas position - due to that fact. Hare ar many reasons why Mr. 'Werleln should be retained In his office: Firstly, la view of the stand ha took agalnat the civil service arbitrary board. They took away about a year ago soms very com petent help out of the treasurer's of fice, and notwithstanding th fact that these employes had wltbatood tha neces sary y examination that did not touch upon the necessary qualifications or ths duties of clerks In the treasurer's of fice. , ' Such ' questions have been pro pounded as "Require the time that It would take a locomotive to travel a given distance, the driving wheels being so many feet and inches In diameter and making - so many- revolutlona a minute," and all through the examine tlona such frivolous and 'unnecessary qusstlona . In reference to the conduct Cf the office, Mr. Werleln hss laid down a rul that they are th public servants rather than treat the publlo aa though they wars subservient to the office. ; Tb city fund have been handled In- aucb a manner aa to make the office self-supporting from their earnings. -The general-conduct of the office ht been modei - throughout.- "Trover haa there been aa much aa a suspicion of a -complaint from : these who have almost daily dealings with this ' department. Thla and many other notable feature have atamped the city treasurer's office aa having -gained th confidence of the publlo and speaks wsll for tb rsnomtna tlon of Mr. Werleln. ''.- -- q ., Meeting of the Olafke Repub- e q lican club' tonight at .1 -o'clock. 4 - ab AHkyhalLLXhlrLndMor- d rlson atreeta .... . 'T- e wiato leg lgutl. WELCOME HOME. TEDDY'S CABIN Oil W TO TIIE FAIR Residence Used When President V: Was a Cowboy WIU Arrive -' -"yfjv':Nnt Saturday. , NEBRASKA WILL HAVE " ' a ? GREAT DISPLAY HERE North Dakota to Have Represent tation of Resources by Pop fr 'I ' ular Subscription. v - Nebraska will participate on rather an elaborate scale in the Lewis and Clark exposition. . ;' . Governor John H. Mickey-has ap pointed W.'P. Warner, Dakota City; ti. L, Loomla, Fremont, and H. O. Shedd. Lincoln, atate eonrmlasionera Mr. Sbsdd writs that th legislature has appropriated 111,000 In addition to ths material used at St. Louis, which Is valued at 110,000, There Is aa Inciden tal appropriation, also, of 11,000 for a sliver eervioe for th battleship Ne braska, now being built at Seattle. .Ac cording to Secretary Shedd, the presen tation Is to take place at Portland, and will be a feature of Nebraska's partici pation. ' . , '-. Mr. Shedd statea thai-It Is probable that the total of tha appropriation will be increased by several thouaands of dollars in private aubacrlptlona, and coaoludea by saying that in all probabil ity th Nebraska commission will, visit Portland at an early data. North Dakota la one of the atatea that will be represented on money raised by popular subscription, but Its representa tion will be adequate. W. F. Looker, assistant to ths executive commissioner, arrived today to Install the exhibit. Three care axe due next Saturday, and In one of . thorn-will . be . th original alt i cabin, which waa located a few mtlee fronr-Mendora and which was a fsatur of the exhibit at Bt Louis. The cabin la llxll feet. and. whether it wilt be placed In the agricultural palaoe with the rest ef North' Dakota's sxhlblt or b given a special alte In the open Is as yet undecided.' The crude residence of the man new president was a target for souvenir fiends at St. Louis and thouaands of names, still plainly visible, have been '.written on It Mr. Looker will be followed In a few daya by Com missioner W, jN.. Steele, , Eden Aedon, secretary cf . the Van Duaen Bell company of Cincinnati, will arrive In Portland on May 10 to install the cblmee la the government building. D. A. R. CONVENTION ' i ATTRACTS THOUSANDS - e.. . '.. -" (Joaraal gperiaV servlee.) .. ' Washington. April If. The 14th con tinental congress of the Daughters of the American Revolution la- holding Its second day's session in this city today. About 1,000 dslsgatea and alternatea from all the atatea In the union attend ed. Twice as many more accompany the delegate . ' The congress will b In , sssslon throughout ths week, and already bids fair to be-marked by sevsrsl warm con teats, the principal on bslng ovdr the office of president-general. Mra. Charles W. Fairbanks, ths present head of ths order, has served two terms and Is ineligible . to re-election. There ere three candidate mentioned prominent ly for the place Mra Donald McLean of New York, Mra. Oeorge M. Sternberg of Washington,- wife of th surgeon-gen srkt and Mra Charles Llppet of Rhode Island. - Ths election will occur'Thurs- dajr. ;',("'' .",. -., J"'.Yi'. 'BTWAWAT OT FOtrWD. v- - rpeirlr tMepatek to T loaraaL) ' Colfax, Wash., April Ik. Walter Led better, aged II yeara, who left his home In Rocklord a week ago. haa been lo cated la Diamond, 100 milea from nock- ford, - by Sheriff Canutt ' Hla parents have been notified! The' lad aaya that be waa whipped too frequently and too hard.-,- , ; .-. y '', t - 4 r ) ' nrrasTzsAmro batbs. ' "' , esrsd Special ServkO ,' ; Washington, April !. Ths ssnsts In terstate commerce committee' began Its second days' session at 11 o'clock today whn--it- listened to evidence on rsllway r: calls mmm Ml HOT GUTSIDE Mr. and Mrs. Willie Jams of England Coma In Pri vate Car. jLa,r: ARE WARM FRIENDS V ; OF THE ROYAL FAMILY Traveling for. : Pleasure, -; and , Think the Oregon Country Is Very Charming.5:1: ' On of King Edwardg 'most' Intimate friends, William James, of .London, ar rived this morning, in a special car at tached to the overland train from San Francisco, lie waa accompanied by his wlfs and two cousins, Henry Jamea, t New Ybrk, and Mis Boyd, of London. Th party spent th day seeing Portland and. tb Lewis and Clark- fair grounds. "We are seeing the Pacific coast coun try, although not for ths first tlmO Mr. James said. "We have been In Portland before. Charming place. You have a lovely country." '- ' - : While he talked hi companions went through the pile of curios and novelties) In stationery st the Portland hotel news stand. They bought liberal suppllu of souvenir cards, etampa and leather dolls with burnt sysholee, fancy scroll work, the word Portland seared aero th front, with a-curling Iron. ' - J-v." Mr. and? Mra Willi James da not Im press ths stranger with visions of Brit ish royalty. They ar quiet people, with a disposition to avoid nubile notice. Mrs. Jamee la young and pretty and wore a gray traveling suit and a gaily trimmed hat. , A magnificent brooch of diamonds and rubles was her most conspicuous ornament. ' ,i- ' .". . Mr.-Jamea waa shown a dispatch In which It wsa said he called the king of England "Edward." and that Mrs. Jamea addreaaed the queen by. her first name. He read the Item without comment -or- any ahow of irritation. " . -;"It la true we are from England, and that w are seeing the country," he said, dropping tha paper with an entire ab sence of Interest In Its announcement. "We have been about two In southern California, and are returning east by the -northern , route. . We .will leave Portland this evening. Our trip la en tirely for pleaaure. and ha no. business significance altbought, of . oourss, w ar Interested In looking over the North era Paciflo railroad, in which my broth er, la a Btockhoder.- -,-. . . ' Local official of lhe Northern. a elft' received instruction by wire this morning to sxtsnd special eourtesle to th party. ' Their car waa switched to the Northern Pacific tracka. and they will' continue their trip to Seattle and Tacoma .this vnlng. j.-.'T.V.V.-T, -y DIPLOMAT DANCED WITH P ALEXANDER'S ASSASSIN .-.,f-' f . i m V- r ': (Jesrsal gpeelal Servlee.) 'Ly-' :'; '? "Vienna, ; April II. A curious atory cornea from Belgrade. - It appears that at a recent court ball a number of for eign diplomats attended, on the under standing that none of them would com Into personal contact with any of the conspirators . actively concerned ' In ' th murder of 'the late . King ' Alexander. When the cotillon , was reached and the gentleman In one row had to give their handa : to thoee ' opposite, - It happened that the minister of osS of ths great power had for a partner a chief actor in ,the tragedy. He not only refused to give his hand, but straightway Isft ths ballroom. Immediately followed - by sll ths other foreign representatives. Xing Peter turned livid with anger when th painful incident waa brought to' his notice, and the function waa brought t an early close. ,,. . .,' , t ENJOINED FROM SELLING r TICKETS TO PORTLAND y, .V ;.,:'- . :i.e .. . i ' (Josrasl gpeeUi Service.) , ' San Francisco, April II. The South ern -Paciflo company brought ault today to enjoin A. Ottlnger and other ticket scalpers of this city from desling In curslnn tleksts to the conventions of ths Woodmen cf ths World end Knights of Columbus, which will be held In Los Angeles, snd to the Lewis and Clark ea pceitloa la Portland, '. In pursuing their Investigation of th aliased robbery or tn sars or a. 'J. Cranwsll Co.. on th second floor of th Abington building, city detectives have made a number of surprising dis oovertea A a result no further ' at tempt will be made to discover th. Iden tity of th cracksmen. - J v ' Detectives Reslng and Carpentsr wer aaslgnad to the case and called on De tective Snow to co-operate with them. Late en Detective Welner was aakd to assist. Wstnsr went , to th office of th company with the other detectlvea to make an examination ei ine aaie. in a few minutes ths officers discovered something that cauaed them to eubjeot tbe receptacle to a minute Inspection.; It waa found that the Inner sheet of the door had been removed seme time previously. The marks of a screwdriver were nlalnly seen. The - theory f th deteotlve was that th plat was re moved in order that th locatjon of the tumbler might be discovered and -the correct point for starting a drill on the outside of the door determined. Thla plate, they believe, waa not removd. In alt probability, until after on hole had been bored too high for th tumbler to b reached, with punch. - In-order to remove thla plate, the polle eay, th alleged eraokaman muat have been fa. miliar with the eomoination or ine saie. - Further Investigation - snowed tnai tha aersws of aa inner door had been re- eentiy'ramoved and put back; scratches on the surf see of 'the steel, wher the tool had slipped, told thla plainly, lavinv the office tn -detectlvea con tinued their work outside. It was found that not long ago Cranwsll pawned a part of hla stock for IIOO. He I alao aatd t hav been losing money at poker recently. .,,--. ,. ,r -.- Armed with this mass of avldeno. th detective sought Cranwsll, and told him bluntly that they did not be lieve he had been robbed. They did not so fit to confld t him what Ihey had learned. r ' - w do not intend trying any runner to find th man who opened th safe, Cranwell."- was th igntftoant remark made to him by on of the officer. , To this Crsnweli man no repiy. tie appeared glad to learn that nothing more waa to b done tn the matter. Cranwell ha been In . trouble rre- quently. Last February ha sold a half Interest tn th Cresosnt Jewelry store, on Sixth street, to F. K. Allen and J. Roaa On discovering thst ths stock waa almost worthless, the bad Cranwell arrested on a 'charag of larceny by trick and device and he waa held to tne grand Jury by Judge Hogu. Cranwell then returned flto eeah paid him and destroyed two notes, In th amount of lit each. - - ' i - - -' ' .- i - i. CHANGES IN ENGINEERS ' ON RECteAMATIOM VYORK Waahhigtoa Boreas ef The' Jearsal.) Waahlnarton. April la. The United States reclamation service ha directed the following changes In th fore of Its engineers employed upon Irrigation projects In th weetsrn states: . Ooyne Drummond of Wyoming hss been directed to report to Cyrus C. Bsbb, engineer In charge oXlh-Mllk rlvr, Montana, project, to Uke up reconnals-' sance work on Swift creek, Kennedy and Boundary creeka, tributary 8b Mary river. .. - E. H. Baldwin, constructing engineer, of Seattle, Wash., hss been detailed -to duty on the Pathfinder, reseyr near Casper, Wyo. ; '. ; t ' ' F. W. Huber of Berkeley, Cat. has been tranafarred to Hasan. Nsv to carry en tests of cement being used In the Hsssn Irrigation project, v , ,. ' ' - H. C Hurd, who hss been employed at the RoewelU New Mexico, enterprise, ha reslgnsd to accept a position undet the Peru vlsn government. Hla place at RoaweU will be tsken by H. T. Pat terson, now employed on tbe Hsssn en terprise. ..... -.-,,,' v Assistant Engineer C. S. Stelner and L, M. Hstch have been detailed to engi neering work on the Crow Indian rer vatlon, Montana. - MISSIONARY SOCIETIES 7ty HEARS GOOD REPORTS v"1 ' ; . '' -'"v i -i--. Th Women's Missionary soclstles of th Oregon Methodist Episcopal church met In semi-annual convention this morning at the Taylor street church, the president Mrs. M. D. Wire, of Eu gene, presiding. . - The -publication com mittee reported through -, Mra gar lor that 000 annual reports and 1.000 leaf let had been distributed. , Ths mis sionary committee reported 1,000 mite boxes olloted.v The report' ef the treasurer showed the branch appropria tions for the year October, 1104, to Oc tober, 101. to be 11,000, of which soms 1 1,000 bad been already raised. An address of muoh Interest was glvsn by Mrs. Yoshtoka, a graduate of ths ths soclsty school .st- Toklo. Mrs. A. N. Fisher, corresponding secretary, gave an Interesting report of lbs year's work In foreign fields, snd Showed a letter, -.some (two yards long, on native paper, written by th Mra Cranston mamorlat missionary worker in Japan. Mra. Amedee Smith and J. Roaa Fargo contributed solos which 'wer much ap preciated. The afternoon session was dsvoted to papers and talks. ; , , ,' , V'Vi MrV Beverldge Replies.- ; In repiyto' Mr. Werleln' denial, made In Saturday evening's Telegram, that he had not been In publlo. office for sbout 10 yeara I will state the facta of hla tenure of cfllc for-th benefit of the public.'. ' . , : ..t . In 1IS7, when, according to his own statemsntr. he- wss 10 years bf age, he was a deputy under Mr. B. W. Paget, then city . engineer: he then became chief deputy-under hie uncle, Mr. Frank Hachaney, city treasurer. He waa then elected t succeed hi unci In 100, and re-elected to the same o flics In HOI, making In all ovsr It yesr of continu ous servles. Hs now want to succeed himself for the third term. - To jnsks fc public ofllc hsredltary Is not socordlng to our form cf govern, ment and it is not subservient to the best Interests of ths public I leave It for the publlo Id decide whether thla endless hln shall b broksn. JOS. W. BEVKRIDOK. ' wvefened aeoch Caaaed oeda, ' AUoa Lewis. rst rrand.- Would De Run In -Connection With Rivsr Trtrcportatlon ' J - Whlch.Tt-it Rich tJindvfc r Eastern Idaho people want Portland business men to subscribe for ITt.OOO ef the stock of an electrlo railroad 11 n from Lewlstontto Orsngeville to com plots th transportation faollltlea that are to be offered by an open river, - W. W. Vettenbach, prealdent of the Lew. laton National bank, and A. FY Parker ef Qrangevllle, who for a week hav been conferring with Portland men, de parted for their homes . satisfied thst their mission hss '.been accomplished and that thla. city will lend active sup port t th project , ' i . It 1 said that while th opening of the river and operation of boats a e far as Lewlston will h of immense ad van- tag in securing more favorable rates from existing lines, the fsllur of th steam road to build extensions Into th Camas prairie, ths Nes Forces, prslri ana in urngvui district w"l retard , ths development of trade from the entire Clearwater basin, snd thst the tonnage ' to Portland markets could be Immenae- c ' ij incrvaeea oy ine conairuccion px an - electric tin to prangevtlle. tn princt rial trading nolnt In that rart of Idaho. ,' Eaatsra capitalists - have- agreed ; to finance, and build the line, a distance of i 4 miles. If the people of Orangey-Ill and th surrounding territory will sub- scribe 1500,000 of the stock. . . y;-y : a twmm f ' '. ifj '. hd hualiiM. men tkt .riMntfMrllle and Lewlston believe this can be done, and . ahow their faith In the project by ub- . aws twiugj enuua is va tiiaj w vrv. ea. w sew. w the sincerity or their views tbe amount -can be ralaed and the road built. " The altuatlon waa fully explained to ' Portland chamber' of commerce, and The chamber trustees held a meeting thla afternoon to consider the matter. , v ' moral Influence that we want from th - people ef Portland," eald Mr. Ketten bach. , Wlth. Portland business Inter-; esis oacain; ia. einrrin.e win . f a much better standing In eaatern flnan- . cial circles. We want to carry this work V forward to the point where not . only ' boata will be running on the river, and . ; controlled by our own peoiJle In the mat- : mf f unlit. mnA rates, but we want an electrlo railroad into tha Interior. eo ' operating with theaa boata'.: . - V i mmiA that weMhouaM must also 1 . V9 UU 111 livni Ml . . 1-. V. . Aau tmAmAmAmm n. A n w r. tlm. A J' or navigation line the public wilt not be ' h enabled to enjoy the full fruits of th ' aa open river. -, l.. r. - - - -- la. Stantaa. .. .ThO' open river committee - J work- y . lag haroV on th matter - of, obtaining boat tra na por U Uon for the upper Co-v. lumbla river, and from present Indlca- ,. tlona it appears that they will be auo- ' ossstuL" said a member of the commit- ' tee. "Oreat. Interest. Is 'taken In the river, but here In Portland. Prices hav - Mtfl nnninM xor iubl ura iMinwii " - halnar ohtalnad for th coat of 'building boats. At tb Lwiton ena .iney nave already secured one boat and, what la . ef greater Importance, hav eecMred thJ services of one of th best river , men v SU ejBeBeia,jrg V VHt - , . "it l akMcted that a meeting of th -' executive committee of the Open River V asocial ion win oe neia vni wen. " th matter will be brought to a cpn- , t A. If. a 1 D.rtUut mwmA ' ". .. that aa onen river Is a solution of many . . . i . J .mI..i I r .--.-.l-n SVe - .- a time many people doubted that ths ' nortsaa railway would be built ... '..- t "Aa in everytmng eise, a ceriain , ; smount of missionary work and educa- -tlon must be done before people under- . Stand It ana luie le peculiarly m. ( In this InsUnce, whr not unnaturally th railroads In Interest will dlscourg -- everybody they can from putting ; uny money Int the project. , v , , . , ''It la not trenerally known thst sbov . n i . i V a Hun.. tTVlilfnhla rne rmywm, .vn . there are seven steamboats owned by . . ens eompany, which lb now sbout to 1st ? ths contract for two.or three more to . ao int. maiim. v ,. . -' -- - generally, ss to wnat river commumca- . :, tlnn meana.. it can saiely be saia na it will not bs long (Indeed it is hoped (-. that thla week will not go by) until in matter Is In definite shsps. NINETY-SIX GROUNDS OF APPEAL NOT ENOUGH A verdict for the defendant ' waa !r , turned today in th caae of th Pioneer - Morrison Street Fuel sompeny against . Churchlsy Brother, for recovery of the , value of IK oorda of wood. . It. wee U -r leged that both plaintiff and defendant, bought the wood at Warrens from a maw named Johnson. ' H. R. Slnnott repre- ' " sented the defense, and Strode A MI4-. ' dleton for plaintiff. - . . - . Coplea Of the declslon-f the supreme ; court were received today In the two case agalnat tha Oregon A California Railway eompany, aggre-- gate of 161,000 was Involve, xne see ,. were tried before Judge Frsser In ths . circuit court here. Thst of Anthony 1 Nenoafih asalnst th company for re covery of 147,000 on alleged failure to . deliver title of landa bought ' waa de. elded In support of Judgs Fraaefs ruW;t.: ingg. . In thla caae eounael for the com- pan y appellant alleges grounds for. appeal, but th supreme court sustained : Judge ' Fraser on all of them. In th ' case by William R. Moffet for recovery ' of for non-delivery of lands; on-contrsots th court ners wss re-y, versedt Msny closs questions of law v wars Involved V In the esses, the 06 . grounds for sppesl slltged 1h ths Nep pach case - Indicating - the .exhaustive chsraetsr of the defenaa offered by the . defendant company. , '':' tri cmo SAMAaSS. (lesraal Speelat gerrtee.v - .''., Washington. April II. Reports re ceived by the weather bureau show heavy damages to th fruit '' crop throughout th central west snd south- em ststea - Ths frost extended aa far south ss th Carolina !. tXATSTaVATI XOXY WSSS. . A gtsreoptlcon lecture on tha events t holy, week with sacrej songs will be given by the chaplain st. the Re men Institute tc-orrrv t""'3 ft c . '0