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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 18, 1905)
XCnTLAIID'3 FOHS1IOST 1 STORE. . QUALITY y : - Lcit 'x.ZJ'ctil. i L. C. C. Vc-. j Ccr.::;t. All t: J r t t Li Cj Lct Vzzzj t;:.rj C f.-juxf Cztariry ctzt in r r tj te counted fcr W We w Af V V eWr W ' r- TEA no on X. X Second Fbor, y v, Undcr-the"' Auspice of I Port land's Y VLC A. HSNU FOIl WEDNESDAY, ' y APItlL 19. '. Tea Coffey ; Chocolate - "Milk in Bottles Cream of Celery Soap ; . Shrimp Salad -.- 0 : , . . V" v Spaghetti (Spanish) :J'' ' Scrambled Eggs . ? t-"-.'"With Asparagus Tips " : t Poached Erg ry.y 1 ' Four-Minute Eggs 3V: X Boston Brown Bread , y-"yj; r.V . Ham Sandwiches . . Hot Rusks Tea Cakes ' EASTER PRETT1NESS CENTERS IN THB , Women's Fancy Goods Shops V r I B 8 T ; FLOOR . f - EASTER ' ; -, -, robes , or . Lac9- ; ,. ' Newlr IniDortad from Plan-. n. thmF bmuit of all tw-4 . littla - lac-nuuclDf ormn towns. -' . ' .. i BEATTTIFtTIi ' " , , . KASTER , EMBROIDERUSS , , Thonaaada upon Chauaanda of mllaa orTh moat charm Inf Bmbroldariea . that hn man aya avar (aaatad upon.- Gloves for ':V Easter? No woman will ba properly (owned for Euttr func- uona woo neciecta to prortda aorraet r...r.; aiort. aooompaniawBt. - THE HANDSOMEST AND . MOST COMPLETE ' AS , j BORTMENT OF 8IUC UBLE AND ALL- ; -. vr, '. 'SHJC OLOVES EVER SHOWN IN - ' . " 'Tma citt. . ;. v - I-Claap Llala Oloraa. la black, whlta, baavar aad Uta, tstra good -wOua; prica, tha pair.. ,...Stf t-Clasp Llala Oloraa. in black, whlta, alat and bla- . cnlt oolora. yrr tln; prtoa, tha pair SO Beautiful 1 -Pearl Oaap IJale, la whlta. Jblack, pbnvaa f and aaaorted BTajra, fancy backi prlca, pair..0 S-Claap Open MeaK Qlovca. tlala palms, in black and i'whtt! prlca, th pair 4...... .654 ; Pure Silk' Oloraa, In black and whlta; prioaa, .tha r'.pair k., . .................fl.oo AJTO.SX.2S i Very Flna Sllk XUla Oloraa. 1 claapa. aatrm awd VsT,,ml?H1lh " ... v"f 'loo asm ues "Mcraarch" Kid Oloraa, bast lnba world; price, tha . , pair . . ... "Eakay," S-claap. real Trench kid, rery dreaay; prloa, ' w' PlP . . L.'..',0O Trtr." S-elssp. . full, ptqoa. aewad. extra, quality; prlaa. tha pair ... . ....fl.SO lUa-nat,' t-elasprin black. whlU.aad colors; beat t. Klora made, for ............9I.OO' -1. SPECIAL ' ILtl -HECTOR- KID OLOVES FOR tl CENTS, j S-Oasp Hector, full pique aawad; also our' S-Claap , . Prix Seam Oloraa. Dent's style, vary swell, In all colors, resnlar tL2 slorea; special only..:. 98 Fine Swtea Embroider! ee, aiiltaleXorT!irnover"oir"l lara; prices ap jrom .35 Infants' Seta and Alloy era to Match, of Swtea anfl ; Nainsook, in pretty baby patterne; prices, tha yard ...1. ................. 11 W TO S6.00 . Corset Corer EmbrolderUa, beau tie ; priced from, tha - yard ...... 35 VF TO f 3.50 Beadlosa of Swtas. Nainsook sad Cambric, In new patterns; prloed at, tha yard...T V TO TS Xmbrolderlas In Rosa dealcn.' three widths of edging. - one of Insertion; prioaa from......20 TO 6ea Embroider! of Flna Nainsook, la teardrop design. sareral wiTth of edslnf with Insertion to match; - prioaa. tha yard 194 TO 68 Ball da Nalge Effect In Flna Nainsook, three wldthe Of addna". two . of Insertion; prices, tha . yard ..82 TO 915 Embroldariaa In XJUea of tha Valley Daalgn. fine , nainsook sroand, three widths of erf ring, two of Insertion; prioaa Z4 TO 36. Handaom Openwork Patterns and Irish Embrotdary, I , full sat to watch; prioaa, tha yd. SO TO 91.T5 - ' . B KAUT1F UL EAS T E R R IBBONS. Splendid Taffeta, Ribbons, In all colors; pricestho - yard .................... ..,...5a) U TO 35 All SUk SaUn Taffeta Rtbbona, In all colore.' black and whlta. H to I Inches wide; prloed at, tha yard. .'.from ....,....,.,....... 4a VF TO SO Fancy Shaded Meaaallne Ribbons, elegant quality. ahaded from light to dark, Inches wide, for belt- ana. ties; price, tne yara .,..... ..'..4. Soft Taffeta. Ribbons, handaomely embroidered, soma , i shaded; prica, the yard ................. . .35 Molra Ribbons, In tha- three ahaded effects, I Inches , . in width, make - handsome . girdles ; . price, tha yard .........w... .SO Print Warp Ribbons, 1 tO.T la wide, for sashes, glr- : dies, eta; priced at, tha yd. .50 VF TO 9-i.SO Satin Taffeta Ribbons. In all widths; priced ' from..... 6 TO BO Beautiful Bayadere Striped Ribbona, of fine, heavy ailk; priced at. tha yard... ...... T8 TO 91JI5 : DAINTT EASTER NECKWEAR.' Stock Collars of Embrotdared ButchersV Llpen, with swell front piece; prices, , , , . - ., each 91.00 S1.2S AJTB 91JS0 'EmbroMcred Tnrnorer Collars; pricesveach 28 39 80 68 Collar and Cuff Bets, embroidered on linen. In white and colore; prices, the set, ap from. ....... .75 Embroidered Stocks; priced st, each, up from. .25 Embroldred Collar and Cuff ets; priced at, the set. up from ....... .. ......... ."t; ..... ". . .25 Pretty New Windsor .Ties. In all the newest silks and colors; priced at. each. .28 38 BO 68 Crepe Foor-ln-Handa at. each -. i...35 - Embroidered Peau da Sola Ties, embroidered in' eon-' , ., t resting colors, at, eaoh ..................60 PARASOLS AND SUNSHADES. Parasols -and Sonshadea, black, twined and gloria; prices, sack .....9I.OO AJTO 918 Black" Taffeta; prices, sack ...... 9 1-80 TO 95. OO Fanay Pongaa, soma with hemstitching,' sons with tucked borders, prettiest of handles; priced at, ach, ...............93.50 WW 97.80 -Black Silk Parasols, with bemSUtched eftgei priced ' at. esrh -'-S2.50 Tsffrta-Corered Parasols. In. different Colors,, with Jotted pongee Ineertlon. rery swell; prtoed - as eeo .97.BO rare'-' . ' r -t warp top and fancy chiffon Vuf- f ; i t .ir.c "Cm ?.y lzzzous civeii in the aet kzzdle- , calon5 annzx cecoiid flgcil Haste Marks the Tread of Shopping Thousands! AND YET THZRS'3 NO NEED OF UNDUE HASTE IN CHOPPING HERE, - SHOPPING 13 MADE .COMFORTABLE HERE 'TIS-NOT A MERE MAT- TER OF BUYING; WE AIM TO MAKE THE STCSE PLEACINO AND INVITING TO ALL SHOPPERS AND VISITORSf THEY ARE 1 OFFERED EVERY COMFORT AND CONVENIENCE. THE WORLD'S CZ3T MERCHANDISE FOR PERSONAL WEAR AND HOME AND FAMILY USFIS MOST ATTRAC- -TIVELY EXHIBITED AMID A CHARMING AND COMFORTABLE ENVIRONMENT, WHILE THERE IS EVERY APPROVED DOWN-TO-DATE APPLIANCE ' AND DEVICE TO FACILITATE SHOPPING TO MAKE. IT LESS IRKSOME. ' THESE SHOPPING ADVANTAGES WOULD BE MOST INEFFECTIVE IF v"6UR FAIR PRICES WERE NOT THE LOWEST ON ECU AL QUALITIES JN PORTLAND. IT IS THIS FACT THAT MAKES THIS 8TORE THE SHOP - PING CENTER OF THE NORTHWESTTHE TRADING HOME OF BUYERS FROM FOUR STATES. WEDNESDAY BARGAINS ARE BUT TYPICAL ALL J AWEK VALUES.. READ A UTTLE DETAIL. .V; r; .Si-'.'- . tl:;- An Extraprdiiiary Sale of Laces As a special feature for today and tomorrow, must insure your presence and help to increase the popularity being attained and added to every day by the "LACE STORE The reg ular prices quoted In the list below are the standard values in every dependable store of authoritative style repute in America. Note the merciless price cuts and save by buying your trimming laces, needed during spring sewing time,' during this remarkable pre-Easter Sale, a .a s aaasssa a TIVtMafleXsaK a rtV YMffTriM t . !T - f 1 ? 9 F 1 M . , . . - . . i . ' . Among memtenngT-are di. r.aiuurr Arruyyaa in coarmmgiy ocauuim uoru acngns: . .Regular . $8!00 values-at, .the 1 --V ' k':V'lL- -; i.-? ' r7: 'dL' " 33c " TO ' Regular $5.60 values"at, the - ;; yard ?. .$2.08 Regular $3.50. values at, the ' 1 s yard , .. . .. '. ;, . ; . .. . ; ... . .91.48 " Keguiar; 1.7-values,. tne v- yard ..... ... ... .... ... .VC8- ;-) 25c ALL SILK RIBBONS 15c ... - YARD. -,:; .. ; Four-inch widths all silk Taffeta, in all wanted 'coktn.v.y: -!: " v., -y x -NEW ARRIVALS IN EASTER NECKWEAR AND N0LO VES.-: Positive necessities as adjuncts to. , ;;"the correct gowning of the Easter . : woman. , Verr fetchfn? new linen Turnovers; in plain and embroid-t r-'ered styles,":' ? ,.'-tf' ' -' ..--.-rv,.,v i ... . " osr srar . yaru. ........... ...a7 w ; Collar 'and' Cuff i Sets, embroidered or lace edged 35e o 75i and-' ; s.up to $5.00 set. i .t 'r New "Flat-Iron". Collars, TO to' , fl.25.. O NET TOP LACES IN THE SALE 18c YARD FOR 40c WORTHS. 1 4 to 10-inch widths j values up to 40c 't ? yard in tho offerings. Today and-' t -Wednesday or until closed. ' yard , ..18 r-.i INTERESTINO ITEMS With Women's Hosiery - ? -X'-.-"". AS A .TOPIC i-O - ?r-V 'f First Floor' Shops. ' :,;. .Drastic Price Cutting on Exquisite Easter . ; Hosiery for Smartly -Gowned.. Women. ' ' . X "-:'X- 'High grade, ; handsome inary xiosiery in ncn sijk, lace and embroidered' eU. tects ; aristocratic . mem. lbeirot the .11 iosicry fanv- llr reduced to . patrician i1 prices for Wednesday and balance of week, or until lots are closed. The detail : Women's pink, blue and cream; all-silk lace boot " Hosiery and all-lace T black silk Hose, assort ed styles; $2.75, $3.00 and $3.50 values. ' Special, pair T. .$1.98 Women's fine black all- silk Hose, daintily em-N brotdered and clocked with white 'silk, made in France and are '.seldom equaled for high grade hos- . ' ' iery; $4.50 and $4.00 values for, pr. $2.25 Women's plain black gauze silk Hose, with vblack cotton sole ; $1.75 value. Spe- r r 4 , cial, pair ....................';,. $1.29 Women's pink, '; blue, white, champagne, brown fine lace silk " Hdse,"' beauties all ' of them ; $3.75 value. Special,'. pair ! 4 4 ,.V. e?2.70 '.'V'; I Extra Specials W. the Week . x. JX-XXi MEN'S 75c SHIRTS FOR49d r' Men's Black Sateen Shirts, with white dots ; - our; 75c value. Special at, each.,..49et XX MEN'S 75c UNDERWEAR 47c ; i Men's ' Fine Ribbed Shirts and Drawers, spring weight, plain ecru in color, nicely ,' ; made, and finished, ; good 75c valuer -Special at, the garment..., ....... ..47 " . MEN'S SOX WORTH 25c FOR 15c ? : A good line of Men's Fancy Spring Hose, fashioned and seamless, gray fancy striped patterns; our 25c value. Special at, 7 pair,;;i..'.i.,y;.......'......:...15) 83c INSTEAD OF 1L25 FOR NEGLIGEE XX:'X "y SinRTS.;.r.v ,:V, Men's Negligee Shirts, of miercerired sateen, in plain tan; one of 6nr best values , at $1.25. Special at, each ....08 ' MEN'S SSc AND 50c ,TTES 25c ; Men's Neckwear,- in . band tecks, shieds tecks,' clubs and, foor-in-hands; good -; 35c and 60c values. Special at, each. .23 Easter! v.rrrs irV ..r ,. ,;.. we shall offer-an immense special purchase Dress Goods : ALL, WANT' AT PRICES ALL ARE .v; "!?: GLAD TO PAY. ' ' , Such Bargains in Dress Goods Were Never Known Before st the Opening of the Spring "';:-,'."-.-T.' . :" Season. . -X''-- -r- '. South Annex Salons First Floor. IMPORTED . -FRENCH SILK- AND WOOL CREPE DE CHINE AND CREPE :w ' : r DE PARIS. - yr--" Specially Reduced for This Week's Selling. Tr. .11 trnrnir,f3brirff, at tht ...frj lextreme low -prices-marked, should. .bring every woman' in Portland to this store,' the; City s Largest, and , Most Dbwn-to-Date' Dress Goods Store ' V-, "," $1.00 regular . grade Special for thT r " - : week, yard Z. ............. .' . , .... . .77 f $lJ25 i regular gradey Soecial r for the " " week.yard . ..................... ..89i $1,50 regular grade. Special for the " X .- week, yard . ..... . . . . . . 1 . .f 1.18 $1.75 regular grade. Special for the week, yard . ... . . . , . . . . . . ; . . . i .'. .819 $2.00 regular grade , Special for the week, yard . r. ,81.50 $2.25 regular grade. Special for the--'. week, yard .81.78 $2.50 regular grade Special for the . .week, yard . .. . . . ..... . . ... . . . . . .81,08 Etery color embraced in the. assortment, : including creams and all evening and street . shades. . 4.n:.y XX"'X- X'S''XX 62-Inch Imported EnglisHMohair Sicilians Very rich silk finish, the best wearing fab-1 . ric made for skirts and shirt-waist suits,"' ' ; colors are grays, navies, browns and black; our regular 85c quality. Special for the week, or while they last, yard. , . .59 , r'1) r . Black Dress Goods. "rv Our" regular $1.25 values in the following . wanted new weaves, ill guaranteed-fast :, V-. dye r't' rilliantines, , Sicilians, Panamas, feat Figured Panama, Novelty Voile,' y Crepe Serges and Worsted .Cheviots. " Special for the week only, yard. , . . . .87 MORE AND BETTER BARGAINS IN We Have Set the Pace, in Selling Silks for ; ; "Weeks.""V . .-, r ,. ' j Our low priced and the. splcndfd qualities of the goods have done the business,3Ion- -: day we shall break our own record in value , giving, as a. glance at these items will prove:. Imported Suit Silks In all new 1905 pat-'- terns and , colors, a tremendous, welt-se- lected assortment to choose from ; our reg- ular $2.00, $1.75 and $1.50 values. . X.' Special for the week only, yard . . 91.10 8-Inch Colored Taffeta The best value - ever offered at our regular price, in full color assortment, white, ivory, cream and black included; regular price 85c per y yaftL Special for the week only, yard v i j r it i -v. . . ar I T w w . xw mm m i a - . s ' w . - as. a k ft r w m m "v mm MHsjkm OEEEE5 DY MAIL OR fPHONE FILLED PROMPTLY.. AND SATIS-' FACTOEILY tPIIONE TRIVATE EXCHANGE 12.". ) STARTS TODAY First, Foor Shops t of Beautiful Trimming Laces st prices that 75c LACE BORDERED KERCHIEFS 25c V In this lot we have included dainty TielnsfifchidtylesTembroidered pretty scalloped designs, colored borders and embroidered in col- ors ; none under 35c- in - price at' .regular sale and more at prices , "above ; that reaching to 75c. ' All : at one price, for today; arid i Wednesday , ..v. ...V.:;. 7.';25f r 50c LACES 10c YARD. A sensational feature of today's sale ' will be the placing on- a special bargain --counter of thousands of - .yards of -daintjr Laces in bands, appliques and edges, in white, . cream and ecru ; very effective for trimming ' summer dresses. Val ues .included in'this lot run up td ;'50e grades. All go iri one sweep- - ring sacrifice salt today and tomorr. 4 row, or until closed, at a choice ' ofthe yard. . . i. .i.. i. , . . . i .10 f $4.50 Chiffon Appliques and r-Medallions, yard . , , . . r $4.00 Chiffon Appliques and ' ' ar a if l" el eO Medallions, yara .-. .-. . . s,- Black, white and creams in this bargain collection. . . -r : : EASTER THE REAL" SEASON OPEN r ING THE ACTUAL BEGINNING OF :xxfxx: , spring's reign, j J:rx , In Millinery's ; Court i Annex Second 'Floor. X'-- Formal . open ings Snd. infor- mal . showingr the new sea son s; Millinery beauties are over. ' Now comes the gen uine rush in the BijOtf Millinery Salons in that busv, hive - of .& eleeance and industrv.' the Second Floor-Annex. It's the; real begin ning "5f the season. Our Previous disolavs have triven vou an idea of what vou want jorwear on taster Sunday And after. We . . - o . - are spienaioiy reaay 10 serve .you wun tne newest and best that the authoritative style centers of two continents offer,' and supply you at the fairest prices known to any store in Portland. Our immense assortments are elaborate and yet practical, as all who have visited the Millinery Salons since the open ings can testify. - It is in the expert selec tion that our strong hold upon public favor relies on. Wfc have the best selected mil linery in the entire west. Not alone in the higher grade reaching from 810 tip to 825 and along up to 850, but also in the popu lar priced creations 'that leave the 81.40 post to jog along by easy price stages to meet the 810 exquisite. It is from the lat ter class we pick an example today and of fer it at a price 'specially ; reduced , for Wednesday patrons. For Wednesday only we,shall offer ladies' smart X ; j r READY-TO-WEAR HATS WORTH $3.00 yv-:X i't ry;' FOR08. -XX-Xy: The, -.brisk selling-of thir class ot hats for the past month has naturally resulted ' in lea ring" a number of two's and three's and single hats from lots nearly sold out. We've collected these. into one grand offering for" tomorrow, values up to $3.00 are included, the equal in style anJ prettifies of. any Jiats in the store of equal price". Sailors and tur bans are embraced in the gathering; values that start at '$1.49' and touch at CC?, $2.50 and" $3,00, Wednesday only. ..);.. .jcsr .1 it e. w -.a. n x a RECULT C? J. C -l b' cvvoTE Ax 13 a. i . ry,. ,: ' tcday 1" -A - Arthur ; Taylor, M. ti ' A, Shogren ....... , , JReginaldv Carter, - tell- . " ' . boy. The Norton . ' . 177 ' - -Mae. Hughes, Kniht!s Shoe, Co. . , . . j, . . ... lll.C . 1 1 Guy ' DePue, ' Portland ' ) ' DeKvery Co. . ... S117 -Arthur LindborgV" Lind- - - - borg Grocery . , ' . ? t,ZlZ r 1 P; H. Battin, . Wadham ' ;. &'.KeiT. Bros: . 4: ' 7 .' 'ri r-f Scattering.! , ".V 77,113 1 .,- ToUl . Si,C:3- SPECIAL EASTER VALUES - IN TIIH ON THE rFAIR-WAV' ! 7 - West Annex First Floor. . C , . WOMEN'S y $3.00 BUT TON SHOES FOR $1.89. i. ?!- i V-.- - I Only -about .60 pairs Women s, Fine Via Kid Seamless ? c. - r Hand-Turned V. Button Shoes ; , best $3.00 h -values .81.80 Xv WOMEN'S $5.00; DRESS SHOES - -''X: . ,', FOR '$3.49r ''f: . Very smart, handsome styles, 'patent ideal xia, iace styles, l-rencti matt tops, Louis . XV- heels and turned soles, the product yof a leading 'Cincinnati manufacturer noted for fine shoemaking ; - his -j $5.00. shoes, at, the pair. . . i . . :3.4D PINGREE'S $4.00 , PERFECTION X'xXXX-: r - SHOES $2.89. XX X "t Very choice kid . uppers, linings ' of damty , white kid, turned soles, patent "tips ; , ; Pingree's best $4.00 make, at:. v.2.CD WOMEN'S $3.50 TAN OXFORDskVr ; ,.:y-:'v V y..:-FOR'$Z39.;.;r-vU . Patent Colt Blucher.drfords dull matt kid top, stylish welt soles; for street wear ;; regular value $3.50.- Special, - ; pair ..:,:v?7r,v.. ... y;.yy.y;C2.33 MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S $2.50 ' ;'-y SHOES $1.49. j X:::; rX X Misses' and Children's Lace Coltskin Shoes," spring heels, welt soles ; regular . value $2.50. Special, pair. l..vt. . 81.40 ' CHILDREN'S $2.00 SHOES $19. -Children's Lace Shoes; velour calf and pit-'. I tent colt, : spring heels, Fingree make ;T V - regular value $2.00. ; SpeciaT, 7y-I.'- -. pair .......... ......... .el20 WOMEN'S STORM RUBBERS lie. Storrn Rubbers, best quality, narrow. -y' toes, all sizes. v. Special at, pair,.;. .ll GRAND SPECIAL EASTER' DEMON STRATION AND SALE OF; , : SoHd Gold SheU Ring; S": Warranted for Five Years-Replicas of Gems Worth Hundreds of Dollars! Rinfjs that can only ' be Mistin- y their models in a. - A a)vu . m v asa , 1 almost priceless .1 jewels by1 skilled , Xf experts! Tri- XiJ umphs of mod- em laDidaries W5 ' and 20th century lSP masters ,of ,. the X'J .'Vv V f - V V Vj -v ' Jewel er s v art l Faithful reproductions from almost priceless originals I . Imitations -that so , nearly ap-' proach the real that even experts are de ceived upon tursory examination- Not mere ly gems of superficial, beauty, but, stones that will wear and retain their brilliancy for years in settings that are warranted for a 20th of a century. Birthday Stones for every month in the year. Imitations of every precious stone known in the civilized world. Also plain band, chased, designs, signets-and baby rings. -. y. Set Rings, Band Rings and Baby Rings. ZZ p Set Rings, Band Rings and Diamond - Rings ........ i ........... . Real Stone and "Provid" Diamond t Rings C1C3 Genuine. Diamond Baby Ring.,,, ,rirr ") Real Opal Rings.. y. pl,I NECKLACES, HAT AND CEOCC:' PINS AND PUETTY, FANCY ZZZJ. BUCKLES IN Tin: SALTL New Bead Necklaces, in assorted cc' -' and brilliant wite cut , crystal.." 'S ? t. Pearl Ncc!-ccs. .......... I.Vv r.: ':r T t T'n 4 ..i . Shoe Store T" I . . I Wen