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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 18, 1905)
on ITS5" whco you know HO W CHEAP nd ON What easy terms we sell X 7. . IIU aMOa. lUUtUkl Wl J. .UUi V '. ' ';'V v vtv A . ' '. mil . 'irr hr S . 1 . . r cTI Cara3tG "and . i i 'a :t-.f- ZlI$ow yarit to) se trioncjr give us a call, LI -J C 1 .00 Cash and 0 1 .00 Per VccIi EXTRAS SPEGlAISALEiOFv IRON t These ' hive just arrived from the East - To introduce them these cut prices are czcrcd. $1.00 Down, $1, uu rerweex Buys anyocu. '.;,:, I- ' . -r ' ? 1 1 mil! Hk enxt; hMfT hill knob. call colon; worth .T.- ? OA fcpecial at . a. i . My IT 9 1 t maw ' ' am, w I I 7 V. i- VTiif ; rtt 23 Com-': "ri-'l bitutioH Book h iLLl Cue and " ;:- .v. fe. ot.j(nahogwyt finish-? r?,"..'-..'-';' BaC ltk eat. bow- foot bras rail on &b4 and ffl KO foot . , Xrom MU llkt cut worth CI A . 6.00 p!ua . . ........ w 1MB IM "Ilk cut. all eotora.- kandaomaly flnlnhed In , CO t " gold; roc 114 Special . - 'WW Bwn Xroav BaV feat inohaa nlfh. . flnlabad In pratty color comlna ; . tlona.baavTtraaa trim- C 1 1 ' Kn i tolas; great apeolal at. V VW ll I 11 I 1 1 1 I 1 rrrOM 11; a . r a olid Braaa Bad. extra beary poata, fine abaped aplrala and ornamanta; Wai?T 520.00 Ilka cut. In baa. titui ttaimotm: frnaruy raaa-trtm. 01750 rv. ji B3H $17.50 Sideboard: golden oalcV finish- $14.00 Gold en Oak ; Round i.f Extension Table -JO JO 1 53.50 OtiorMiho- TayCcKler 'RocSer ; $2.50 11 :$7J(0 Ladies' 1 Desk, in - ,j golden oik, mahogany or weathered; oak '"'y;'.':'.: 50 Styles ; China Closets, in golden or weathered' oak, prices ' .' commence at i , $16.50 If rxv-i -t ..xi r (2.00 Oak Dining . Chairs, polished v SI 50 Oak , Dining Chairs, ; from $1.00 up. . . 2 8I-M Talowr Ooaek, w(t& CO Ofl . Xrlnf . . . J., ;, . . Coucbea from II op. . ' . . . Polished Oak Roll - .Top Draks j 3tf t...$20 - .4 ft. ..$23 5 fU. .$3X " ! "r THE GREATEST DARGAIW EVEa OFFEPJSS) ! ' . . . s. v... (', im;.i i ! 1 All snbstznual, u;to-date rurnlshing beautiful appearance; drirable to qualityat a great cut price y "7. $3.00 Down on ' , $20.00 $10.00' Downon' $50.00 $20.00 'Dm J100.00 Balance : on . easjF weekly ' or; monthly payments, v $14.50 Golden Oak Hall Tree S40 AoUm Oak Bedroom Seta, Prenoa, beral glaaa . larra 530.00 Great Sale of. Ektdnii 1U UN ton Mature: juat raeelTod from orient J to, 40o and ' O al toe sradea, tnla weak ,i OUR CARPET DEPARTMENT contains all the new and up-to-date patterns in v ,, every standard grade priced at a saving of from 5c to 25c a yard. ilPiiiiil ' r M m iTDtFinsT :svn. 210-2257 zitac ddj i--- -l Caaea . .-A ,M 1 for IS.O0. v i'f. W I I f I 1 .Picture Easels'; oak' cr' white eaameli f" 1 .25 $16iK) Eastern Hard" Wood ; Dresser, oak orU ' . . mahogany finish French bevel eiass ' 1 - , - 7 n 512.00 arje e, -- Eaatera woed. Krench? - ' bevel 1 $23.50 Bedroom Bats at 111.10. XMakaa, . I wa, : ,1 1 .'-. $70 Quar--; ; tered Oak Stand, 24-inch .top.-. 05.00 ; Stands from ' i $1J55 tap. .; $lSj0Hard Wood Chif- V fonier, swell. - top drawer,' white maple, golden oak or mahogany t , finishr,v''i4 .,i"- 514.00 8M 8S0 VoUahaa QaartereA f 1 fw Oftk aswaslos Table .. V O.UU - Tablea from tt up. $25 ColdenOtk Dresser -521 JO;-' T. 'v , r,. SSS Ooldn Oak fan swan C 1 - , v :itxvm 9reaae , EAST SIDE MADE Officers of MuMnomah Camp Di ; rect Big Organization in , Three States. UNIFORM RANK GROWS . ' RAPIDLY IN OREGON Number of -Regiments Doubled . This Year and Two More ; Are Promisad'. 11 mi alet erase ef Tk J are. mtm! la h PortUad ad eapeeUllr the bead--artera of Multnomah camp baa re atlr lacreaaea la tmportaaoe la Wood- n of the World administration and 1 present bot only la the bead off tea t ta TJalform Rank of three autre to - 1 at Eaat Sllth aad Alder streets Mer the reornt pUa of reorganjaa- ataU uniform eompenlea are matarlaUr Ineraaaed aad also placed under the charge of the local officers. How much the work ot the. beadof fleer of the' anlform rank haa In creased recent! r. may be Inferred whan It U atated that there are at present four reflments each bavtnc from nine to fifteen companies in Oregon and It la planned to form two redmenta more. A year ago there were two reglmenta with but ll ea la the state. ' The first regiment Includes Portland and vicinity as its territory. Colonel W. North being In command. . - There are Btae-com paste -in - the- regiment. The second regiment aa now organised un der the command of Col. H. I Daf. con. slsta of ' nine companies and inoludea certain, towna an the weat side of the Willamette, these being 'Dallas, Corval 11a, Newbery. Sheridan and adjaoent places. The third regiment waa organ, laed la March of this year under tha command of Col. O. 1 Parrlab, It in cludes tha territory Vast of tha Willam ette river from- Multnomah - te Lane county. ' Tha fourth regiment was also organised thia year and taken In for Ita field Lane, Josephine, ' Jackson, Lake, Klamath, Cooa and Curry counties. There are It companies In tha regiment. Colonel Z. N. Acre of Roaeburg la la command..'".. .'. ... s -The 'Multnomah ball and tha perma nent executive and adminlatratiTa offic ers who make 'that, their beadqnartars haa thua become not only the center of Portland Woodmen's Interest but of Oregon aa, wall, and ao far as the uni form rank la concerned of Washington, Oreajen ana. Nevada. T. M. Wood worth of Multnomak camp baring been recent ly appointed major and assistant adju tant general for brigade one. WOVXS TOT OsT Xli c , , The Arleta Law and Order league at a meeting held, last night decided to call a special election on tha Orst Mon day in June to vote on tha liquor. Issue as It eonoema South ML Tabor .and Woodstock. Tha Prohibitionists had pledged themselves not to bring - thla question up tha present aeaaon. but tha Law and Order league considered that It waa not bound- by tha promises of any? party, since it represented tBe entire- voting population of the 'district, and before resolutions were adopted relative to the special election tha mem bers absolved tha Problbttlonlata from all responsibility In the matter.' PeU tlona to secure tha necessary number ef votera to bold the election will be circu lated at once. . k ,':,.. , a vnos ATMrtra oui . Tba cry of patrons of the TJnioit ave nue cars baa been for. months, 'tjlve us Illuminated ear signs. This week their plaint waa beard and now that the cars bava Illuminated signs tha cry to take away tha signs la louder than the cry was to Install them. When Burn side bridge waa cloeed the wide' Union avenue car could not bo used across the steel . bridge and tha ' narrow City A Suburban cars ware atarted - on tha Union avenue run. All old City eV Sub urban cars have Illuminated algna, but none ot tha legends carried In I stock fltted their new runs. .The result waa that careless conductors wao forgot to turn their algna to the blank apace gave Union avenue patrons a severe shock. Sunday evening when eaat aide churches were pouring out -their crowds, three cars paaaed up Union avenue. Tha first waa a Wood lawn car but- lta electiio alga said Mt. Tabor. - Tha second waa a Vernon car and Its lgn waa half Sunnyaide and half Mt , Tabor, i The third boldly displayed tha magic word "Circus" and staid church members re fused to . ride at all. The - vestibule algna were all right, but In "the dark ness they could not be aeaa and the be fuddled people who for years bad been climbing aboard but one sort ef a car at a certain street corner found an. en tirely different aort of a ear which ap peared to be bound for ,every point of the compass. .. , : : ; , , , . t -. asomos axrrm eras. r Tha . funeral of George Griffith was held ' this . afternoon from F. S. Dun Blnga chapel. Eaat Sixth . and Alder streets, Griffith waa one of tha few living forty-nlnere, he having crossed the plains in that year, and after a stay in California made nia boma for a time in Portland. Later tie returned to California, but in 11(1 ha agalg earns to Portland and since that time lived oa tha east side. For some yeara be bad made bia borne with W. J. Sally at 411 Eaat Ankeny street, at which plaoe he died. He was (t years old at tha time of his death. yxosrTATXUA. anrnravaaa! OITB. ' The first woman's club has been organised for tha MontavlIIa district Tha organisation la affiliated with tha American National Equal Suffrage asso ciation and waa established a month ago. - Meetings are . held alternating Thuredaye and Mlas R- C. Ring haa been chosen president. Tha next moating will be bald at the borne of Miss Ring. SI Hart avenue, Aprtl 17. 'Borne especial line of work will be tsaen up by the club but tha nature of thla baa (sot beea determined. . COWS MEET DEFEAT. Arc Captured aad WOl y. aabar tale A. ee OsssW' ; , P. P. Dabney last night attended a meeting at the justice court ia Mt Tabor at which It waa decided to teat the validity of tha sUte herd law and to prosecute tha owner ft tha first cows found at large In tha iuburb. After tha meeting Mr. Dabney returned and dis covered three cows in his garden. He promptly shut them up ia the chicken coop and la awaiting developments. ."That will be the first ease under tha new dispensation," said Mr.' Dabney to day, "and when I discover whose oowe those three are I will start auit In the local Justice court." .'. The law which will be tested provides that when the owner, of a cow allows bia animal to roam, be shall be proa ecu ted by the state of Oregon and if found guilty fined lit for the first -offense and tit for the second in. addition to pound feea and costs of the suit. The Mt. Tabor Improvement league will pay the expenses of the cow cases and will carry out the prosecution ao that no individual naay bear the burden of the fight alone. , Thla baa heretofore been tha thing that- prevented oom plaints being entered and the new plan is believed to be liable to result la. a rush of business at the Justice court. ' Parents of the Brooklyn achoot .were addressed last night by. Dr. Stephen B. Wise,- who spoke on the Importance of the teacher' work and the necessity of the teacher being . free from partisan and" sectarian influences.. The, speaker believed khat 'aged teachers ahbuIdTre oelva pension and that each year of good work should bring a corresponding re ward. ' The danger of the private achoot system, and the necessity that free children - should all reoerve the aama foundation education waa emphasised. Violin solos ware given by-Philip Kamm and H. R, Albee. ; . v . ' ' Dr. aad Mrg. T. R. Croswait have left Mt Tabor; where the doctor baa prac ticed . for soma yeara, . and will make their home in Tacoma tn the future. -' P. J. Dolsen hob suited tha recon struction of :, his Mt . Tabor reaidence and when tha plana are carried out will have doubled , the else of the present dwelling.' ,.,'. ' Paet Grand Master Ralph-Feeney, A. O. U. W.. will pay an official visit f Sunnyslde camp tonlgnt, aoeompanUd by ' several grand lodge officers. . The Sunnyaide lodge expects te make the aeaelon especially Interesting and ao- ctal time will be enjoyed at the close of ue loage won, -1 ' ..: The energetic street roller which has for 14 months been trying to get Union -avenue in ahape haa again ' ruined the ' crosswalks between Holladay ' avenue ' and Broadway. Juat bow many new' walks have been built there la the paet 14 months Is not known, but another aupply la needed, , .-v. ' . , , BRANCH PUBLIC LIBRARY ? i FOR SOUTH' PORTLAND ;'. ; t .' i .... - - ; .'. ;',---n. At the annex or tu ojrtn freabyte . ; rian church, F.'rat and Qlbba streets, a meeting waa he! J last night for the ; purpose or isaing steps lowara ine or-, ganlsatlon of a public library in South Portland. ' Rev. M. M. McClelland pre sided, and tha following spoke of the advantages of a branch library In thst , district! Milton W. f Smith, A. R. Bpreadborough, J. Cook. F. .Al 'Lawson and others. There We aa abundance of enthusiasm, and R. C. Bronaugh, A'. R. Spreadboroughi F. A.. Lawson and -, Rev. M. M. . McClelland were appointed to arrange the preliminaries, 'and ' re port at the meeting on Thursday. A. R. ' preMDorougn waa eieciea secretary. . . 'Rev. Dr. Morrison Is tha preacher at tontght'e eervtcee In St Mark's church. ivtneieenin ana vuimoy streets, begin ning at 7:4t. The meeting in the Men s . Resort tomorrow at noon will be ad. dreased by O. C. Nicholson, All wel come. .'' - ; , e ; i (J---.'. 4 t .,.;'.-.' .ii.ii, " V ' Xi'.;