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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 18, 1905)
.J l J.4 ill . , : ' Frank I'Mzltrztr Is Curled De netJ, Avalanche of Dirt I , ' and Gravel. - Ve-.. W W. - ' I - - -- : ens. vi i r o Department of Agriculture Gives Woodmen and - Farmers : Assistance. HOW TO GST tfCSf "OUT v OF 0TRETCHI3 OF TIWCSR Practical Cuettlopi Furnished for Preventinj and Extin J ' ? julthlng Fires. - i - ' fwAhlaetaa Banal at T Jtwul.) - ' Washington. Anrll It Mr. "Gilford , Pinchot. who haa charts of the forestry . bureau of the department or agriculture. will undertake to render practical as- ilitmM.iii hmin lumbermen, and . ,- othera In handling Jorest lands. He hue . 1 recenar laued a circular relative to mis matter which haa the approval of t'ae " . secretary of .agriculture, la which the J plan to aaalat In t orestry mature la out. line aa followa: , '' - . ' The forestry 14 ' ' ' n" Un" --fHsterw owned In three aeparate waya: " First, by the government of the United , States, to which belong th1 reserved ' and onreeerved foreata of the public do ' main; second, by aome of the atatee; aud . 1 third, by private owners, among- whom are Individuals, companies snd iiBKltu - tlona. The private foreat landa exceed '". In area thoae of the states and the fed ' era! - government ' , combined, and their preservation la a condition to produce ; timber, and to conserve the water sun t ply Is of vaat Importance to the nation. But, -aa a. rule, the treatment which ' private foreata receive tend to deatroy ; their valu rather Jbn te sustain -or ""increase it. --y- The reason - fa , evident and natural. : Theae landa. like other private property. are bold by the ownera for the returna - they yield, and the ownera have oniy begun to understand that ft pay better, -1 v aa a rule, to protect a forest In harvest -- Ing the timber crop than to- deatroy tt ' A knowledge Of how to bring about the .desirable result la atlll more restricted, while trained men capable of advising ' i forest owners In the matte- ara vry few Indeed.1 ' ,, ? ; - r-.J"' V V V rleaa aam&M.t:i . 5 IFor theao reasons the bureau, of . for eitry has undertaken to provide a aerie of practical examples 'of Improved treat 'ment of private forest; landa. In which .'.the beat Interest' of the owner ehall be -; secured through the protection and im - provement of the forest, i The one Is ea . sentlal to the other,, for the productive , value of forest land la (he only conald , eratton that will lead to Its preservation 1 by the great majority of private owners. " It Is pesalble to show that Improved waya of handling forest lands are best ' for the owner aa well aa for the forest: - br ssmtng fW OWhfrt W"mae-tttat of them and then publishing the methods and results all will be benefited. . Forest landa In privets ownership art mainly of two kinds, small holdings, for --' " the most part farmers" woodlota, and . larger areas, chiefly valuable for lura- , ber. Assistance will be given to the owners of each kind, so far as the funds ' at the disposal of the bureau will permit. . Throughout- Jrary Urge portion of the uaiteq Biaiea near every isnp nas a certain part of Its area under wood. elhr planted, as -In regions' otherwise '' treeless, or of natural growth. The ' 'value of this wooded portion,-besides sf- -fording protection from the wind, ' Is . chiefly for fuel, fencing, end railroad rfe-ttes, with.- soma bntldtn g material and the. wood needed for special uaes about 1 the farm. . v Without the woodlot the farm would very often be an unprofitable investment, because the farmer .could not afford to buy the wood which now coats him very little except the labor of cutting and moving It. Indeed. In very many caaes th woodlot kervps the farmer going. His abor there during the winter, when 1 otherwise he would be Idle, makea tip ' for any deficit from the cultivated land, ' and the ready money he receives from the sals of fuel, ties, or other material la Indispensable to his comfort and pros- - pevlty. . - : ." ' ! . In two directions,' then.- material-and money, tha product of his woodlot Is of ?hlgh Importance to the farmer. But in T the majority of cases this part of thn ".-farm Is far leas useful than It' might '('easily bo made. This Is true because ' ths farmer does not study Its productive '. capacity as tie doea that of his fields ; and pastures, nd hence does not make lt yield as fully as he might, with little - 'or no additional labor, if he went about ;'" It In the right way. - In every foreat region of the United ' States adequate protection against fire 1 la urgently needed.,- Often 'a carefully i. planned and well executed system of fire t protection Is all that Is required to en. 'able a'cut-over foreat to renew itself, - or to insure valuable returns 'from a ; second-growth stand ' already - on the .'ground. :.. . ' r i. The bureau of forestry 'la prepared to devise definite, practical schemes that . will effectually guard the foreat from .'. destruction or serious ' injury, by fires, i I Each plan -will Include an estimate of -', the cost of Its execution. , " . ,; Such flre protection plans will be un 'A dertaken under th same agreement as .'that made for the tsrsaeatlea of. work- ,.A4ng plans. ...- ; Parsons desiring tn assistance of tha ; ' i bureau or forestry unaer tne provisions 'of this circular should make application I to th foreater of the department of . : agriculture, by letter, specifying th ex act location, th slse, and th character Of the forest : .;:-4 '..;-rr-v nxanni ASmAggxjr oar niu, ' (Jesrsal Special Servtee.) Moscow. April II. The trial or Kale left, th assassin of Grand Dtik Ser ' gins, began todsy. v ; -'. Will Do A!l . In Its Power to Aid CoodJV'srJc In Ctate's De-K r ; velcpment. ' ..'V.:7,5.' r- , Flan for IncreaVtng membership In Uie chamber of commerce and to con tinue the development to be started In the Oregon country by the Lewis and Clark fair, were dlsoussed at a meeting of the chamber trustees yesterday. Bol Blumauer of the membership commit tee met with tha trustees . by request and . various suggestions were con sidered. . Th following members' were admitted: -. , '.. . Dr. Oeorg T. Wilson. H. C Camp bell. ' manager The Uslles "Portland A Astoria' Navigation company and C R. A N. By. Co. ; Jaoobsen Bade company. John w. Palmer, IS Concord building; The Burnswlck-BalkeiCollender . com pany., A. W.- Williamson, manager: tb Trinidad Asphalt Paving company; A. J. atcComb, manager Otis Elevator com pany; A. B. Jaooba, a H, Oruber,. Frank A. Knapp,. Edmond C, Olltner, R. C Bell, Edmond J. Labbe. Holt C, Wilson, James H. Pawson, Williams, Wood & Unthlcum,' Raymond A. Cbapln, F. W. Lieedbetter.-.. . . '. .'- v. -, ; j . W.VJ. Clemens was added to tb mem bership committee. The resignation of Secretary Samuel Connell was aocepted and Edmond C. Olltner waa elected. It waa decided that a Portland guide-book, "What to He and How to See It" would be published under the auspice of the chamber, and would be the only publi cation of , this -character ' to receive Its official sanction. , - A resolution was adopted : indorsing th proposition of the Undatrom Shin Building company to put on a. line or steamboats from Gray's Harbor points to Portland, and pledging the promoters that the chamber would do all in Its power to support and encourage tb en terpiise in a business way. i . Tne matter of atock subacriptlona to encourage the building . of an electric railroad from Lewlston to Gfanvlll waa discussed, and It was decided to meet later la the day with w. w. DeffenbacB of Lewlston and hear , the situation more fully atated... . . . . .-. v. '. '. : . ;.2-j,;; LIEUTENANT. BOON ; , GOES TO AtCATRAZ In - Company With Thirteen J. Other Prisoners v Leaves ; to' Serve His Sentence. .! ;' ; (Ipeeial Dispatch t The leuraaL) ' ' Vancouver, Wash.;,- April It. Cap t John J.: Brady left -Vancouver barracks at o'clock . last evening having . In charge Lieut.-Francis M. Boon-and II othes-. prisoners Sentenced to confine ment at Alcatras Island.- -. f - Lieutenant Boon before he was taken iifiy yooleedey stated s to the gusrds that n was. going ta give them tne time of tnelr lives in taking him , to Alcatras.' ; . . '- . It la not ' anticipated. However, that Boon will give any serious trouble, as special care will be taken to see that he Is given no chanos - to - either - commit self -destruction or escape, a a It Is well known that he would do either At the first opportunity. ' 1 s . Ths supposed dlsownmenfof Lleuten. ant Boon by his father, aeema to have been . groundless. " At least if such a condition existed tnatters have changed. as numerous telegrams have been re ceived by th prisoner from his aged parent during the paat week. Lieutenant Boon hlmseir nas . grown very optimistic It is understood that If alive at th end of hla years con finement he Intends taking a trip around th world and If possible loss all track of his old acquaintances. INJURED, IN JAIL!, FIVE v HOURS UNATTENDED Through fen omission In ' the wording of an order issued by Chief of Police Hunt to the members' of th department' NelU McKlnnon. badly cut on the head by ' falling , through - a glass, showcase in th saloon of. John Green yesteroay, was allowed to. go five hours -without medloal aid.. ' ,,' ;" McKlnnon waa taken to th city prison by Patrolman Blanc hard.. An effort was mad to locate lr. Zan, the city phy sician, but be could not. be. found. At I. o'clock yeaterday afternoon Dr. Zan was at police headquarters, and nothing was aald to hist about the man's-, in- Jury. ' -' i i ' ; i: A hair hour later B waa looatea ny the police and asked to com to the station. As he was wiux anouier emer- gency. case he asked the polio to sum mon Us .assistants Dr. sjocum. . This was done, five hours after .th accident occurred.. .. ; , ) .. . Dr. Zan's Instructions to Chief Hunt were to locate him In case of an aoclJ dent If he were busy, he aald ha woyld have Dr. Blocum called, Dr. Zan stated plainly that in oase he could not be found Dr. Blocum was to be called. This latter clause was omitted from th or der Issued by Chief Hunt - . . EXTENSION OF LINE ; -!; PLANNED BY RAILROAD The Oregon Water Power Railway company haa virtually decided to extend Its line from Cedarvllle to the Columbia river immediately. W. P. Keady has been over the proposed route inquiring aa to right of 'way conditions and his report waa favorable, as given to th executive officers of ths company: yes terday.; - . ' This afternoon Mr. Keady went back to Fairvlew.' it is snppoeee, to . sign right- of wsy-. contracts, . after ' which construction .work will begin.. Th line should be completed within four months. ' , llll I! I! Ill il 111 it Ji"o ' lllllill hi'iiiil II IN Wf,llMh x Burred-beneath "an avalanche of dirt this morning, Frank Mldeberger would have met a horrible death by suffoca tion had It not been for the activity shown by hla fellow work era. who plied ahovelo and picks In a desperate effort to release him. When he, was removed from his perilous position he' was un conscious. , . . . ' " , Mldeberger was working for Con tractor Batea in an excavation at Sev enteenth and Lovejoy streets, the site Of a residence structure. Warned by the falling of earth and gravel, another Vbrkman jumped to one aide and es caped, but Mldeberger wan caught di rectly under th cave-In. v An examination ahowed that hla left leg had been broken. The police were notified and he was removed to Good Samaritan hospital, where th broken bono was set by City Physician Zan. Unless internal injuries should develop, Mldeberger will be able to leave the In stitution soon. .-' ; :, DIG LCCOIMTIVE ' FOR PORTAGE ROAD ' l-j..W Thirty-Five Ton Engine Now in Use at Celilo Hauling , , Material. : .t v With th arrival at Celllo of T, big locomotive ready for active work. on tha construction of the portage road at Celllo falls those who have continued to ex press doubt as to the completion of that work have received a surprise. , - Th arrival of the locomotive means th speedy completion of the work. ' The epgine waa built in Davenport, lowa, and welchs It tons. - The nam C H. Lewis has been bestowed upon It It Is now In service hauling malarial over the tracks already laid. Thoae interested In the completion of th portage road ar highly elated over the arrival of" the locomotive. Work will be greatly facilitated by its as. JUDGE RAPS DEFENSE AT ' :.: .AFTERNOON SESSION a,'.',:. ' - .. . At th afternoon session of tb federal court hearing the land fraud cases ths ss sault upon the validity of the indictment was resumed. H. a Wilson of Tbs Dalles, representing Dr. Van Gesner and Ma rlon R. Biggs, took , up th argument for th defense. -H4 read many authorities to show that when a grand Jury Tiaa " onoe been em. paneled th judge has no power to add to It only In case one or more Jurors, after '"being" aworn "ln."Dec6ms slclr mnd consequently unable to Serve. Exoept is such oases th judge has no power to change the personnel of ; th Jury, contended,. .'. ' . ; Judge Bellinger remarked that If ths contention waa correct all indictments that have been returned in- th federal court in several years had been Invalid. H intimated strongly hat he did not agree with counsel for the defense. . , - -...' WAITING FOR VERDICT :-r IN THE X-RAY CASE Ths jury In th' 110,090 damage case against Dr. Ralph Walker" for burns caused to. T-year-old Helen' C Ball, In X-Tay treatment for ecseme. Is still out Th case went to th jury at. noon today, after closing -arguments by W. A. Cle land for th defense and O. C Moeer for tb plaintiff. W. W. Cotton argued be fore th jury yeeteroay extern oon. - , Th case has been on trial for five days, and has been more largely attend- ed thansjBXtjtal heard tn the circuit court her for -many 'moftthar- ACCUSED MAN IS SHOT BY THURSTON SHERIFF (Speeial rHtpeteh te The JoenaL) -Chehalis, Wash, April 11. This morning whll arresting J, L Lusher at Bucoda, Deputy Sheriff Oeorg Vane of-Thurston county shot ths for mer. Lasher's wound may prove fatal. Th bullet from a Il-callbre gun passed through hla. left lung, near-the heart. Luaher Is wanted for attempted rap. Th shooting Is denounced by men "at th Mutual Lumber company, where th aff flair happened, as unnecessary. FRENCH ORDERED TO rr ' ENFORCE NEUTRALITY ', 1 !l" ' (Joersal SseeUI. servtee.) Parts, April II The French govern, ment has Instructed M. Beau, governor general at Indo China to enforce regu lations governing neutrality at th be ginning of th war. It' it believed that th French wnaval force at -Saigon has been ordered to proceed to Kamranh bay where the Russian fleet is said to be coaling. -, ...... , ;; . , : ; jnoxoxJiOsT mar ' Governor Chamberlain has honored th requisition papers for James H. Nicholson Issued by Governor Pardee of California, and th prisoner was taken last night - by Detective Ross Whltaker. ' Tb charge ' against him Is obtaining money by false pretenses, ';' , Towjr BTnuraB. . ' (Joareel gpeelal service.) -. Oinll.m r-hlll. AbpII lt.Tha a port town of Plsagua near her has bee if practically destroyed ny lire, eeverai lives were lost. Th . property loss amounts to H.IOO.eO. - IOsTAX. ' Mrs. George Palmer of La Grand Is g guest at th Portland hotel. - H. R. Hoefler of Astoria is registered at tb PorUand. J. W. Connella of JBumoter,jChV-Ul at thr Prklns. --." . - Mf. and MrsV"wrr,"Xaraway of Rood River' are In town. ' . J. T. Stoddard of Weetport, Or, Is at th Parkins. - , . 8. O. Donaldson of Pralrl City, Or. Is an arsteml at th ImperlaL - fl. Schmidt of Astoria Is In town on business. - v - itpeelal DtapatcS te Tee Jaeraal.) ' Vancouver. Wash April II. As evN dene that this recent purchase of Shaw's Island opposite Vancouver by O. F. Pax ton waa for th purpose of using It is the termlnns of the Vancouver electric line, the Portland. St Johns at Vancou ver Railway company has. been- Incor porated to conduct an slectiio railroad from Union avenue to Shaw's island. range weIll inst 7 Is essential in every borne. If you use a Gas Range you will have no trouble with cooking. The More (Ming You Have to Do th: r.lore You Vill Appreciate a Gas Rcnf,; ( i , It is so easy to roanage, ccxjnoiniceU, quick operation . and saves all heavy work. V-'--'-"-: V ? :'"'v; '' :JThe price now includes installing that is, for the pur . chase price we will set it . up ready for use, which . includes ; a run of 40 feet of pipe. On a cash sale or if you pay for it within 30 da vs. we make vbu a discount of 10 oer cent. Where a fuel stub is already in the kitchen and no' pipe is i 'I'i'r y '' :;.?;r'. necessary a discount of 20 per cent is made. .7 f '; 'wsi :.'aH ::. ' ' : - v --'.; ''-'' ' ' ' -- aa ; at -' a - a - the uaswater neater nas aoivea the Hot Water Question The;plari!js as simple as' the gas; range. There : is , no accumulated heat to ; make the rooms uncomfortable, and there is no : expense except ac- ' tual cdst of use.; , We will demonstrate this to you. at our show rooms at any time, and it won t cost you;a;'cent'to r- The Price of Gas Water Heaters Includes lnstM!lng-L J i qJ:- '--.-,.-.:h,, '-;';'';.j.v--U':':i - iilffllii Mm miss - "T--- ' - T w s. ------ SlFtH AND YAMHILL STREETS ,tfT? 'J"."."1 " T ''eVj'" I'tt'i ii - "ii"t'' " ' "-' " ' '" "" - " ' 1 1 ' ' ZS-s 'Is afl you pay for ; the very best thing in ? nr : ' House Frirnishment you ever . put in your home.' v -; ; -: That is a trtrong; talk,' ;.' . but .we know it, - -' ; and we can prove It ; ; . j The utmost of V. ':''':M ': , COMFORT AND HEALTH " attends the use of the ; : :.rr XX; pine Needle Fibre'' Mattress. , '. 'sf'ti'A visit of; investigation :::x: ; will please you and us. V v - v ; . HYGIENIC MATTRESS CO. 93 GRAND AVENUE ' . - LUMBERMEN FORM ' -TTWI OREGOORANCH . The Paclflo Coast Lumbermen's as sociation la today organising an Oregon branch and prominent lumber ' dealers from all parts of tb state ar In at tendance at th Portland hotel Presi dent K. O. Griggs of Taeoma, Secretary Victor H. Beckman of Seattle and other officers' of ths parent Institution are bere.v . Until now the lumbermen f Oregon have been associated with tb Washing ton organisation, and hav ' attended meetings In Seattle, but ,ln order.- to make It possible for a larger number to attend regtilar monthly meetings; the Oregon -branch will be established. , Of ficer - will be elected 1st this after noon,: .'. , . - y -. TO ERECT WARDS FOR IU "7 INSANE CONSUMPTIVES . (Special Diesatca te The feeraal) ' Olympla, Waalu, April .Ii. The stat board of control Is preparing t begin th arectlon of two detached ward build ings at th Steilaooom iosan asylum, which will be need for patients arTllcted with, tuberculosis. - Th last legislature appropriated 1100,900 to be used for this purpose. Each building will be elzlTS and three stories high. Proposals for 'construction will be opened slay 1. A Powder River valley farmer has quit poisoning squirrels. 4nd is using a tt-rlll in ths few left, and says a squirrel that won't eat poison, ought to b shot. -V ',"; " - Ai given by n means every concession consistent with sonnd business principles. No "ifa and "ands,". about, it simply sausty us tnat you are nonest pay a r-ia i i IXAeral esVeaees maAt aa I sll artlalss ef vales. New I estmaes ea ia stoaat. rlnwn on n watch rhn.Ol.AVVEEEI THE RELIABLE LOAN . . ,;v ; -Aa as m stasoi nmnf." ' ' L 9. HOLZMAN. Pro,. ' 6 1 Tfcird ZtTZZU CCT. tlZ3 COAL 000tvtdSvSS: PRICES REDUCED ' The Following Prices are Retail, Delivered to Consumer Snlk - ts slwS .; r Peacock Rock SpringsidSOii 7,00, Kemmerer . . . ... . 6.50 7.00 . other eoals proportionately low. Do not pay more than IT.OS for tb 7- : best screened ooal. '.-.. ( The - Pacific Coact Cov jcmas. h. arrt, At . ; ,- Waslgon . - Telspheaes tzt att r 7 vooos4osoeooss44:tt: : 4 V, pa. t. y. win. We erewa ted brMee werk wltaeet sate. unr in rwr npmnr. la pl.t wi Hil ea te tit Jam BMsth enavtablr. Dr. W. k. Wle sea Imh4 a ear. way itract Mth, sbaoiaaalr wukMt p-'m. p.. T. P. Wat. h aa .ipot et sold eS i i.aka? erawe an brlitn wwk. (.itraetlag ttw whra sletee er kridgw in west.. . WISE DrjOSM Dentil y.iUae BalMuie. Mr. Trntad end Week - I a. s-oesa bae W7 Oaea areelaee till te IB. Or. Wa JOUHT4AL 'JtS7L- Si r .