The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 18, 1905, Image 2

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    Sundries 'WKthenGoods
; r... -'-.-L ;;".V k- ' . .rPrfitm . Arnmizr-r. (" .'. : , One-lb. T
l.UUCUn. UCI UUCill"'b :: . - - w . r ,, . 1. .. . - ( y . .
JlubvLTransDarent-GIycerine", lcASVt Uiilled
Transparent Witch Hazeli i ... jBc 2 r - Water ,
English Oatmeal, Jergeo. . ,10c ' i 3e Violefs -Regal
Oatmeal .. 'i r.lOtf ' 4 vs per bz,
tn cwoer tne , i 0 40c ; ; -
Weymouth Papetries ;.,iw;35cv';
Persian Lawn Papetriea . , 35c ' 10
rnon FWtine-Bath, oer doz.60c 30 : Luiidborrt Violet; Dew. 73c ' 33f ""Tr T!!": ; v.- --r jnch :.....ii.....?8.00 : r'VV v"' : Xi
.FairvDer dozT....;..i;...B0c.: 30 ? t Dorin'a Rogue ,de Theatre ' : V Dubl
; , v . 25c v W hM Combination-Purse , S 1 . V . ; SJIb,rt?U 1C-'"V-2S
- ' J . ; ti 9Sr. ' IS mcnes wng -ow. . .. , . i aa t Old Kevstone Mill, note size lie x 14
f CW "y " Cndre! ;:::Il.OO-- 48? , inches g...,......, 40c ; Ly Gnb . , ,
.;,;'f.-.. ?x i ,:;.r:r;vO-.;H----Holmes'; Frostilla 25c -12 ; Celluloid back Hand Mirror, r lrf'. rm p, BkSN.ll.P8:;SooTlir ,Poti4x- V
- y ;.'J D,. :. : , ' &ui ..ov.v.jAi. Ammrir .--j-r: 25e -lO ,'.,i, hvM 40 23 . GenUemens Com Purses , Wer . Cards n colore. IOHn a ; " ;..
,w th-Eiigl sh-VioIet . . 1 wequa 01 rny nrax ciass . , , , e ,
........;........ " COc.v ;33f i J; .powaer .. .....1...... ouc -.wpr . i-aates- nanaDag.srenetian- , , ,v - w
Bouquet; T"-1 "1 nor Gas Stove... .$10 ; 5t ; - '"handle . . . . ..$l.T5ri S3 :
, i'... ..$2.00,-J OB -v. .. . j. :, ...V--!: , i .Sole .Leather. Suit Cases 24- .
-.ii..trj L.Ai, it.mj jr: .
T,;--,v , KeguUr7.bPeciai.,;,Tettow'i bwandown Yowaer,; juc-- ... f , v; 5.inch beveled glass... 60c 7 32
3-row Imoorted Tooth
. 4-row Imported (Tooth.? .yi-f- t'"ii:ar-Ui
Brusb.:.:i';r:.;.:...;i..;' 25cv . -12 -
, row Imported Toth Brush ''- v ; ' f "'
f.vf and,. Bottle of;? Tooth!; --'''.B5;i:'?;
" Powder 4 . . v U : ; , ;'. .'. 40c 25 . - -.
) Ebony-handled : Nail Brush, ,50c ;;'ie .Canadian
bond bboay-bacic air v v - v
Brush SV.'.'.t.i. ........ $2.50 v t 05 Chicken
; Solid-back" Ilajr; Brush, ' yir-rr--wa 1
;. .:..Lii...".j:' 65c .V ',40 V Garden
.AViHiHair Brush. . 1;w ' "V Old Cab
PrMerlptlona our specialty.
CutadUA monr , aeeptA At Jti
set, per, set ..;.;... 7 25c - . llfi.
0 KS3TT CrntehM bA larAll
ebalrs. . . r,, : -
: Regular. Special.
Rubber Goods
Phntrirrrnnhlr finnan
' Film Albums, 84x8-hi? . .$1.00.. : 40 - ; ; ; - ; ; ; ' Regular. Special..;
Oub -Whiskey, v; w : r " , Reeular. SoeciaL Film Albums, 4x5-in..U..$U5 r 50 . Dickson'sWitch Hazel, pU. 25c ; 13
T. .ry.V,T r - f . whiter 3 pipes. $10 r 67 - w.-WtM- iw-.-1tB-Iil11.00 35 t.. il .! . 155
City Whiskey, qts..$1.25 V - 73 t 4-qt -Fou n t a i n Synngef-;; ; -;: pritinbut Gelatine Paper, : v - - V- Bay. Rum, 6-oz.....u.;v'25c f: 13 ,
inet Blend Whiskey. : i wnite, a pipes..... y of au.Jn : in half pros ' Olive Oil, B-oz.. Z5c ; -. 13
tiK : ot i 75c , , v o3 . 3-ot. Combination Fountain -- -. t , -...I.. . fiOe 30 - ulycenne, c-oz. ...... ..i.- zoc- .' I
l j " . , ' California Port and Sherry, - nS, ' v Powders L.v.v..; .. 25c ';12;.. ' I ' . - ..... . , I ,
' . Kl4 iUriS-wL0,2S 'if,r Reisling Table .Wine,qts.,v 60c ' 33 v Pure Gum Nipples, black, ; k V. T; ; ' CrttJSSd dwu; V
latur'f? iry, tru Musc, .vJSc bottle, per doz.., SOcl-W?. 10 :'Hypo, pe4-crysUls ' 89 : ; J 1 ' - ' - -MI,
1 W . - . " ' - 1 .. 1 . 1 t ' j ; ; ; ;
Frosty Night and Warm' After
' noons lha Cflmata tha Fora t
. ' Part of Wsilc
-:'.: I
Seeding Operations Completed
In Almost Alt 'Sections--'
'- ' Early Potatoes Good. ;. -
'1 .' i ,
; to - .
" Unite StmUa 4partmnt of mrlcul
, iur cl(ftit and crop bull.ttA f h
we,Oii bureau, Ongon ectlon, forth
x Th. first half of th w wmi Ary.
a with froaty aiahta and vara afUrnoona
Tba laat half wti abowary. and rood
: ralna fell In an aaotiona of tha atata,
-'Th, aoil ia now ta xcellflt condition
IllnatraUnf ant glaaa maraly
conrays tha rD,ral outlina,
and that la alt - Bat to appro
data . Ite baaaty, color and
. brilliancy, - ao - aoticaabla In
nra, na Biait paraonally In
pact It for 1U nartta. .
Tha' pattarne and afiapaa ara
ao aalaotad for thalr "dlfrcr
na" from tha ordinary . that
tba individuality on. looka ta
In a purchaaa la fully raailaad.
Taull - frtid -tha-Trtcat at " a
atandard of approTal.' , v',.'
. i
,4- i ..
CMMt Tbird aad Waaklartoa .'
' flraramnhJ.
for -ploVlna and rarmlnatloa of aaada.
and farming- eparationa hara mada rapid
prorraaa during- tha paat wack.
Tha atand of fall whaat to good; tha
plant la haalthy, and Ita growth during
tha waak haa baan aaUsfactory. Spring
whaat aoadlng ia -wall advancad, and In
many - aaotiona eomplatad. Tba aarly
town cam up nicely and no eomplainta
wara nada In any locality regarding If
condition. Barlay and oat ara alao
doing- woIL' Paaturaga la much battar
than usual at this season of tbo- year.
and all grass and f6raga planta ara
thrifty and promising. Lambing la wall
advanced and tha loaaaa have baan
aaal!.. Ooat shearing; la 1 finished and
tha mohair clip la above .tba average.
both In quality and quantity, w
Barly gardene ara up and good prog
ress taa baan, mada In planting lata gar
dens. Considerable land haa baan pre
pared for corn, and In the southern aao
tiona some corn has been planted. Early
potatoea ara doing wall, esoept ha a few
ezpoaed places, where they wara Injured
by frost. Hops ara thrifty and promising-,
v , - in. w-
, Tha frosts -have undoubtedly 1 dona
considerable barm to fruit, but to what
extent correspondents disagree. - Soma
thlhk only a reasonable amount of thin
ning hae.oecnrrea ana tnat ina rruii
crop will be batter in cohsaquencilharai.
of. while there' claim that I talis a
erunea. ' oeaches. rears, cherries and
plums have been aerlously harmed. Ap
ples -and French prunes have received
but little Injury. - Boms ' varieties .of
apples bava not bloomed so full aa usual,
but tha (Condition of apples la generally
promising. - ' ' .'.;-,
-Ooble. Columbia, county. Frank Welter
First part of week dry and warm. 1st.
ter part showery and eooi; ail regetaoies
arrowing nicely: potatoea up; pastures
Improving; . grain , looking , line; straw
berries and apples la bloom;- stock im
proving rapidly. ..-'',' t
Warrenton, Clatsop county, R. A. Ab
hot t Weather fair and snrlngllke: gar.
dens growing fairly -well grass good
for lb season: stock doing well; milk
oows gaining; apples blooming; cherries
and plums show that tha frosts have
injured tham some; currants were nun
tha most; a largo amount f spring
plowing dona. . .
Minerva. Lane county. I c. Acaeny.
Weather fine; light frost Tueaday
morning; planting in progress; prospect
for fruit good... -.
Oravelford. Coos county. O. O. Swan.
Weather favorable; frost ' Tuesday
morning; fall and early spring grain
look fine; ground In good condition for
needing; fruit prospect good if frost
of 11th did no damage; frost killed noma
tomatoes and cut down aarty potatoea.
Wedderburn. Curry county, A. a. Mil
ler. Weather very favorable for growth
of vegetation: a , very light frost tha
first of tha week did no damage; grain
looking wall; fruit prospects very en
couraging; gTaea good; stock Improv
ing. ' .." U . - . ; :r '
; , WllaaMM Tailor.' ..
Woodbura '(EUlott Prairie),- Clacka
mas county, Qeo. Fopa-r-Weather favor
able; plowing, seeding and potato plant
ing progressing- rapidly; hop yards
about all twined and ara receiving first
training; pastures good and stock, doing
well; early gardens doing nioeiy; small
f raits will be vary abundant if no. furth
er frosts occur.'
Scholia, Washington county, W. W.
Jaqulth. Fall aown grain thin, in place,
on account of February freeze; , both
grain and meadows are looking fine
and growth Is-forward for the season;
new hop yards being Set .out; prunes
well at and good proapeota for ft crop;
apple traee coming .Into btoonu onion
planting finished arty ' gardens look
well; plowing on low lends commenced. --
Pajrton. TambUl county, J, U. Moor,
Weather favorable; oonaiderable plow
lag and aeedlng - being dona; winter
wheat haalthy and - growing rapidly:
goat shearing commenced; mohair is of
better quality this season; recent, frosts
bava damaged prunes and not mora than
half crop will be harvested; peaches
In exposed places -have been killed and
tha crop will be far below laat year;
cherries, strawberries, applss and pears
in bloom; hope making a good growth
and' few growers ara up with thalr
work; pastures in good condition; cattle
and sheep doing well, 4 " - , "
, Hosklna, Benton countr. Perry Eddy.
First of week elder, with frosty
nights; frdst not heavy enough to eer
tously injure fruit, but It has blighted
tha strawberries that were in bloom;
grain and aarly gardsns ara In good con
dition; grass good; stock doing well.
j Liberty, .Marlon county, T. C David
son. Cool and cloudy . weather, with
some showers; light frosts part of week.
but they did no great damage to fruit;
grain and gardens making good, growth.
Pedee, Polk county, C W. PagetL
Weather cool. ' cloudy - and dry; nights,
oold, with froat; crops doing well; fruit
only allghtly . damaged; hope growing
mat and -jrarda In good condition; train.
Ing well under way; farm work jreli up
to date; -paetures good and all stock in
good Tondrnon;-r
Cottage Orove, Lane county, Richard
Tapp. Cool and rainy; plums, -cherries,
prunes and peaches badly Injured by
froat early part of week; potatoes; beets,
tomatoeav peaa and other tender veget
ables frossn: ' grain and pasturage In
good condition; gardening partly dona
'V loather.' Oregon.
. Stephana. Douglaa county, C D. Smith.
Nlghte cold and froety,, daya warm
with bright aunshine; fruit not. hurt
yet; crops of all kinds look fine; good
growing weather during the paat week.
Phoenix, Jackson county, Geo, Alford,
Crops fine; paetures good; early gar
dena making good growth; corn being
planted; plowing summer fallow under
way; potatoea being planted.
Althouss, ' Josephlns county W. I
Bad cock. Weather warm, with frosty
nights; fall aown grain doing well; fruit
thinned by the froat; early gardene look
good; fsed on tha ranges growing finely;
Stock look walk ':::,. -t'" 'V .'
"V OotambU JUvot- Tansy.. "
Hood ' River. Wssoo ' county. P. D.
Helnrichs. First dsys ' of week clear
and warm, nights frosty; tha last days
cloudy, but no rain; prune: ana pear
trees in bloom and promts a full crop;
apple trees - beginning to bloom; fall
wheat in flno condition, alao clover and
alfalfa,' ' . - ' . - v
Moro, Sherman county. H. W. Strong.
Week dry and unseasonably cool;
aeedlng well advanced, and .early sown
grain coming up slowly. " .
Condon, Gilliam county, T. B. Btavena.
Heavy frost first of Week, with soma
light showers later; flno growing weath
er; grass better than for several years
at this season; stock doing well; farm
work progreeelng rapidly.
lone, - Morrow county, . Edward Rlet
mann. Weather favorable and both fall
and spring grain r doing well... -
Pendleton, Umatilla - county, H. J.
Taylor. Weather cool;' wheat ' doing
well; ground . clear of weeda and In
good condition for growing; summer
fallow Just tight for plowing: pastures
poor; plums, . pears and cherrlee In
bloom; cannot eay now how badly fruit
baa. been damaged. , t - -. ,., ' '
t-'. JWMaaa SMgioa. 'J.. '-r
' Richland, Baker county, 1. N. Brad
ford. Weather gettin warmer, but
continued . f roet ' has damaged fruit ta
quite sn extent;.. early gardens being
planted and soma ere up; sores wheat
Is up snd looks well; alfalfa doing nice
ly! Irrigation has ..Just commenced;
range looks wall; lambing baa Just com-
o IligliestGrade Piscos
Splendid Chlckerlng, Weber and Kim
ball a. Also such other ' well-known
makea aa th. Stock Hobart M. Cable.
Everett and 'Hardmaa and ' a Decker
Baby Orand. - , ,-.
Thee, instruments have come to ua
recently aa part payment for tha now
popular .Pianola Piano, and alao In a
number of Instances for superb gTandt
of tha Chlckerlng and Weber makea
They ara used pianos, and aa such wo
ir sell lna- them, the orlcea at which
they can now be purchased are radi
cally tower man wnai iney sou I or
originally. A number of them will be
found really aa good aa new, And any
of the there amply worth every cent
wo ara asking.. ,. v. .-, .
Only Twelve of These
Great Bargains
: Chlrkerlnr. laraeet alxe. eased In wat.
nut, sells new at t60. The beat Judge
of planoe that-cornea to our store can
not tell It from brand-new, but present
price ia oniy s:o.
Weber, very dainty style, in a rose
wood. case, practically as good aa new;
price, only 11(6.
. Another We
eber. a little older. 1121.
Kimball, medium else, beautiful wal
nut case, 1216.
Kimball, very handsome mahogany
caae, spienaia ions, se.
. Another KimbalL a nerfect ma In an
art caae, panels beautifully inlaid la
aatlnwood, 1116.
Stock, genuine rosewood caae, care-
run y rennisneo ana in nrst-ciasa con
dltlon throughout. 1146. ,
Hobart M, Cable,, .oak ; esse, nearly
new, tioo,
Everett, rosewood case, larg - slsa,
Hard man, ebony case. In good Condi,
tlon, haa seen little use, (310. - --
Another Hardman. In a roaewood eai.
almoat as good as tha other, but a little
older. 11IS7 ,
Decker Baby Orand, left with us to
be sold, just ths thing for a studio.
Price, only 1160.
Small cash payments will bo accepted
In purchaaa of these pianos, remainder
of payments to be made In monthly In
stallments. Sea ua or writs at once If
you want to secure one of thess bar.
gains. Ellers Piano House, 161 Waah-ina-ton
street, corner Park. . Urn
etores also San Francisco, Stockton and
Oakland. Cal. Spokane and Seattle,
Wash.; Boise and Lswlston, Idaho. , ,
msnoedi some early, potatoes planted;
oats will bo - aown la a fsw days: a
scarcity of Irrigation ' water expected
hero thla eeaon. r
La Orande. Union eounty. W. F. Oeke-
ler. i Fall wheat making ' splendid
growth; spring aeedlng well along; pas-
tureage a little short, but stock gener
ally looka well; noma early fruit may ba
damaged, aa it haa frosen a good deal
at night - '
Onurio, Malheur county, S. L. Bnana
Mkine light frost, but no damage to
crops, unless it bo to aarly fruit; all
crops doing well; no Irrigation needed
BTew Oara. fav Oaaee.
All surface cancers ara now known
to ba curable, by Bucklen's Arnica
Halve. Ja. Walters, of Duffleld, Vs.,
writes: "1 had a cancer rn my lip for
years, that aeemed Incurable, till Buck
(en'a Arnica Halve healed It, Snd now It
Is perfectly welt.'' Guaranteed cure for
cute and burns, lie at Red Cross Phar
macy, sixth and Oak streets, oa tha way
to tha poetofflce. , . . . , ,
. ... ,. . , . . . y ,
PAUL STRATI comes to yemr rescue with a : .,'
Special Sale of Black Suits -r r
Having; received a large shipment of uncalled-for
' TsilorMade Suits from the Associated Tailors of Chi-
caro, I am able to open the avenue showing every man
ortlahd the way to dress at the top notch of fashion
next Sunday, Easter day. The shipment has been
opened and the goods are now ready for your inspec
tion. .The suits are all tailor-made, representing the
cream of a magnificent line of uncalled-for Spring
Clothing in single and double breasted, frocks, cuta-
1 ways and Prince Alberts." They are made up from the ' .
' finest quality broadcloths, Tibets, unfinished and fin- .
. , ished worsteds and tricou and many other "fabrics.'"
v , The linings of these suits are of the very best imported V
1 ' Venetians and Skinner's guaranteed silks and satin.;
"V, They were made to sell for from $25. to $90, but X have
bought them at a figure at which I can offer them to "r '
t ' you your choicefor f 15.0(.; v X'Xit'triM'
y, ,:.., ...-' ;'-! v : ; .c
.-.'.r'.-'v : : t- ?'".!'-'",;. -. '
285-287 Washington
(Bperlal Diapatek to Tke JaoraaL)
Seattle, Aprii II. Several thousand
Christians, church worksra and converts,
headed by tha Chapman evangelists, ps.
radsd aU parts of ths city last night,
shouting, singing snd calling on 1 ths
thousands who lined the walks to be
saved. . : ... . -- - "-rr -
"The restflcled alstrlct was thoroughly
exploited, many in ths Una seeing that
part of tha city for tha first time in
their Uvea. ' t ..
It wss tha first real anthualasm wit-
nesssd since tha coming of the Chapman
party, and tha head of the workers s
pressed himself as well pleased with ths
snthuslssra .shown. t r .
' ' .. . ' mmmmm ' y ', .
(Special Dlapaiet to Tb 7earBtM '
Vannnuvar. B. Anril .1 l.-Josenh
Kldd. eldeat (eon of Thomas kldd, .for
merly number of tha provincial IsgU
' . , '
' Meeting tt the' Qlafke RpuVro
' llean , club, Allsfcy t hall, tonight e
; at I 6'ciock. f ., ;:;,..,': ;f'f.v-y.,'v.;
lature, waa drowned Sunday- ttt the Frai
set river, He was out salMng with a
companion, wheft ' the ' boat eapslsad
Both were good swimmers and started
for the shore, but whew a few yard off
Kldd sank and wag never seen' again.
Bla companion- reached the 'shore. -The
body has not beetf-found. ' i '
It Is rtd ;mall. ! comfort to
have' iEing'r Best, on call
at your.. gTocer'f ; a, 'pity 'one
can't get every thinj such 'and
s Ceraer tterrleea aad West ark Stieslav '
RaadiaBieiy fantaSed, elegsntly eselpsea.'.
flr. proof, t mantes' walk rrosi Jiearf ef
hnpplne 'and bn.loeM dlatrlrt. all larta,
airy, eotaioa rooan. eteam -seated, eleetrlr
llshte telvpheae la ' each apartraent. Ha.
Xare.-fS - toenens. .inK.alna.. wrltlas.
liW-impH. parlora, ..Rooms Neerted
by . awn or talrpboat. J ' 1
Frlvate emsiVas eieetf walks sad ataaaiers,1
Koomi $l.oo f fS.OO a py !
, Sseclal Kates te fauaereUl Ilea, .,,.
f mu. gut'-UToir. .; ' :
XttJfmmV ef Betel lUSpeth, lliwkeM.yi
Is lbs riche (rala, Emit ana Mock wuJon b
thewerU. TeoeaaiMai of acraa nfkuU at arrl
ee ef Irriganaa. ' Dead clrect tnm tma tt
MAP faEl: Dewhufai frrlnttea me rrnvrr.
- v :