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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 18, 1905)
t. ; """""" " ' - --. - . i- " :N;7 '-7r.V7 :..'".v, v!-f; '-v-7, . . 7.7 -';7:i ;vy 'vv.:,. -i;,v.. ;,,.'. There m r.-e vv v atu take I w te- a 1 - -t-e ln preiereoce to ail otner r s but the main one is because ic -4 fnH In rura anv easa'of I tu - ' " a, ' r r"n a r f LJei.JJNs. ach. Liver or bowel complaint in Its ki years' experience. And in Uttio Italy a Csrutlful American Causes Jealousies r- and Heartburnings. -''...vT" i , i i has ' heretofore VENDETTA DECLARED A proven beyond all BY THE REJECTED LOVER doubt tbe many claims made for It. Vry one ou tie and let It dem onstrate Its abil ity to our you of Victim of White Carnation Turns .for Consolation to Wife pf -7'; Fellow Countryman. : Meat Inspectors.-: V; CCCL fcZCEPTIOM GIVEN ! v.. THIM DY COUNCILMAN Zimmerman thinks . That Re x cc?UcIs for Cireet Refuse' Art Now Fanned, Things. ' Mrs. W. X. Honevman. Mrt. XI & , Rockey and Mr. Jam S. Falling, rep resentative of the school of doraestlo science, who attended the committee meeting of the city conned veeterda - afternoon to-orge the council to pass an ordinance providing for a moat and market Inspector and two - deputies, were accorded a rather oool reception. Undaunted by the indifference of the council, the women will continue their eruaade against unclean markets, and hare decided on a plan of action. They (tve announced that It request Is mad by telephone or otherwise toy market men. an Inspection of to prem los will be made and If the market is found to be clean it will bo so declared publicly and placed on a re (liter at the school of domestic science. The woman ; will than urffe the housewivee of Port- land to patronise the places they, bar found to be clean. - When tbe committee appeared at the city hall yesterday they war unable to find the health and polio committee, which did not meet, and by mistake at tended the- meeting" of .the. ways and means committee. Councilman Louis 1 Zimmerman asked the women-If they ' desired to v address tho committee. 1 1 FcI Tlsdt 0 rpS Cwvl 111 MID Tho Cod Utw. OA Emulsion Tar : leneo" for Oswna. . art. Baoai. w , All Lea and all Pulmonary- Pi Dnwteta. two slsea. Mo and II. - Trial CottSo Froo by Mail ' to an nsndhis; nam and odor to " whereupon , Mrs. Honeyman ' briefly stated their mission and urtod . th members to ' recommend an ordinance proTldlns; for a meat inspector and two deputies, - as th woman- of Portland were much Interested in th cleanliness of th city markets, v' ; ' "This committee has' no such ordi nance before it for consideration today," replied Zimmerman. W had such an ordinance " presented a v year ago, but those proceedings are dead. If such an ordlnanoo is- presented " to the council Wednesday it will be referred to this committee and we will consider ft at our next meetlns;, two weeks henoe." ' MW war informed that this commit to would act on this matter today," In sisted Mrs. Hotoeyman.., ."All I know about tho matter la that tho ordinance - to create t he 'office of moat Inspector was defeated ; a year aro" said Zimmarmanv . - - '1 know that tho members of the council bar changed their minds about tnlncs, - and they may . liar changed their minds about th appoint ment of a meat Inspector," said H. ti, Albee. 1 roted) for the ordlnanoo when It was considered a year ago, and Z wll) rots for It again." r ' Th women thanked Mr. Albee and whan they had been assured that .iha. oommltte would bo pleased ' to hear what they bad to say, when, th ordi nance was referred to th committee, they departed. Immediately after they bad con City Auditor Devlin read a . communication from th chamber of commerce, asking for tho favorable consideration of . an ford inane creating th office of moat inspector and deputies. Tn other mem beraof ths committee n)ored a laugh at th expense of Councilman Zimmer man. --,.' A proposition to provide ' funds to buy ' 19 receptacles for garbage, to be placed in conspiouous places in . th cjty, was refused consideration.. 'Tn opposed to any of these "new fangled things at this time," remarked Zimmerman. , :; : ; ... , - -n. .-. . . "No filth accumulation for mo," spoks up Councilman , FlegeL ' : ' - The women Interested In cleanliness In the city markets held an Indignation meeting after, th committee's return from th city hall, and decided to con tinue to urge th necessity of appoint Ing meat ' inspectors, A large delega tion will attend th meeting Of Ui eouncll tomorrow.'. - ' ' Tb health and pollc committee has th ordinance, providing for the In spector and two deputies, already framed, 'and will recommend it to th council for passage. .. , ,. , DATE OF MEETING OF i ; . . SCIENTIFIC CONGRESS July I Is th date fixed for th scien tific congress at th Lewis and Clark exposition, which will extend over four days. - This choice was mad last night by th committee appointed by th state academy of science. Officers for tb congress war elected as follows: Dr. t o. Howard, president; Dr. David T. Day, executive secretary! E- P. Sheldon, GRAND JURORS ARE :? v IN THIS BIG LIST r?,;,.: ; ,7T.: It Is Quito Probabio That District t-Attornoy Manning Will ; r ; sv. -; Ask for 'Jury. m It a grand Jury b called for th May term of th circuit court, th seven men will be taken from th following list of petit' Juryman drawn 'for' service next month, from the 10 list ' It ts highly probable that District .Attorney Man ning will ask Presiding Judge Praaer to call grand Jury. 'Th May panel is: . t John Aistadt, florist; D. & Anderson, merchant: Carl Abendroth, laborer; Hi ram R. Alden, dentist; Ira H. Alton, bookkeeper; Ernest W. Ball, druggist; Boy. C Bateman, merchant; John Bays, contractor; A. W. Bird, capitalist; Frank Botefuhr, meKihsnt; Joseph J. Bowon, merchant;' Otto F. Brandea, salesman; Albert Brlx, merchant; T. Scott Brooke, real esUte; William M. Cake, r, physi cian: August Carlson, manufacturer; H. T. Clarke, superintendent; ,A1 Cleveland, farmer; J. W. Cook, salmon packer; Wil liam H. Courtney, capitalist; Adolpa D kum, hardware; W. A. Dempsey, manu facturer; William Donovan, transfer; M. J. . DrisoolL : stableman; A. H. Eilers, merchant;' A. J. Fanno, farmer; Henry J. Fish., paints; : Henry Fleckensteln, merohant; J. M. Fowler, captain; Big mund Frank, merchant; Harry 8. Oodr shaU, laborer; H. D. Crandon, manufac turer;. Frank- HacheDer, real estate; J. L. Hartman. Insurance; M. P. Hender son, manufacturer; T.J. Hlckey, yard-1 man; William Hlckey, capUln; Frank B. Higgios, clerk; J. J. Jennlng. furni ture; P. ML C. ' Johnson, merohant; Pe numbra Kelly, clerk; 8. J. LaFranos, merchant: Austin Lewi, farmer; Wil liam Macbeth, salesman; 8. B. McBrlde, blacksmith; Roy MoLoan, salesman; W. W. Miner, msrbleworker; Johan Poulsen, mlliman; J.- H. Peterson, Ureryman; Ja cob : Plttongar, dairyman; C B. Potter, merchant;, R..A. Proudfoot, restaurant; H. J. Bcherner, groeary; a. f. Birera, clerk: Samuel Strousa. restaurant; C H. Thompoen, broker; N. C Tomelson, real estate; T. 8. Townsend. creamery; s. Vestal, druggist. y.-, ' ,v.. j. corresponding secretary. An honorary rlco-prosldent is to bs named from each stat. The stat commission has gone Into Its new quarters la th Oregon bUildlg.' --'. '. ,,.'- J. P. Marshall has been designated by Secretary Reed as special commissioner to Philadelphia to make final effort to obtain, at any cost, the Liberty bell as a Lewis and Clark exhibit . As ths city administration has changed since the first effort was made, it. la thought that Mr. Marshall will succeed in the undertaking. - - - . , A Osate win tie qektly relieved by- Mao's on tot uonsnmpnoa. B& mm IN WOOD PRICES FOR ONLY 30 DAYS l 7 IlEliMUCTIOl C ;.-s ' ''M-t ' ' .: rra vlamwood rmiCBS snow ajoi."..':, ; -, ,7 ti k ' 1 ,K X A! - V ; - rom Tm szanuor onr. 1 ? v : 7-. i f" t " 'I P71 l' . ' i 5 Oreen abort slab, per load.....;,f 1.T5 ' 1 ' '. , ( .:-. Dry short slsb, per load......... 1 1 2. SO . - s M& ttl " ' ;t'"' QQH ' ;v . Oreen inside, per load. ......... .1 12.25 V : ' .'' J! v alJ CjL ; ' " . ei-fca) "f. ' -t dry wood, per sord 1 12.2S ; ' : " ' ,Tr., ' ":X;?.-"fi'r;- 1 - Block wopd. per load. ,... $3.00 J . . 1 I 1 J ' I , -5 !'-:V-J".-:v'; Sep wrtaast Tlgtv Wnisaaerte ' ' K.I I ' MAI . W r- , s :r Ckeap -teet greea etobaeet ay airasgiSHst. r .-.." I: ": "': v " ; ' - t '- .... - - , ' v. sumI ..' .," '.tV '; '' J '.-'- . '''' fe tbert grata woes, est lose. !' '--? tT '' I I l T I I . X maei short, ear load ...l.TK Sbmept Fartlsnd and WO. " ALU WEST8IDB nraaa short, ner load. .... . . .Sl.TB Dry hort, per load.. 4... - .2.BO - Sttgtsj, . Dry 4-foot wood, per cord....... 2.25 - t em TatXS MAP on Blocks, per load.,.. fJ.OO l sUTS SATS) XT. BANFIELD-VEYSEY FUEL CO. Phono Main aoa . SO THIRD rOTRELTT - "Little Italy." that section of Booth Portland Inhabited by swarthy-cheeked desoendanU of the Caesars, is in the throes of a fierce vendetta. The police fear that blood alone can appease the fierce hatreds Of the XAtlna.- . 7- Attorneys have been engaged by th warring tactions; the district attorney's office , has been warned of serious trouble; fights have occurred on the streets, and furious .women are Mow ing' the embers of discord across back; fences In the Italian quarter, y ' The woman, for love of whoa long stilettoes have been unsheathed, is an American girl, the wife of Joe Gtoven olli of Fifth and ;Bher,idan atreets. ' Joe is a barber and a somewhat recent ar rival from Italy. - On reaching Portland he met a pro'ty American girl whom he loved and who loved him and soon be came his wife, i . t '. rl" ;- snohael Korea IBdly. '- "T Among the friends be Invited regular ly to his boms was Michael Meroello, who toils in tbe . street, swinging a heavy pick 'or shovel - to 'improve the thoroughfares - of the , city. Mtehast called regularly for many days and there was no sign of trouble, .. ... , .- But once he called when his friend was not at home. He told" the -woman of his love, and she told him to "forget lt.".,a-'-i. r .-.,.,.:.. '. ';. 77. -.1 - ,;.MolwH Wh fiiiwa'';" He would not be insulted, he aaldV and would "get aa revanv t . But he was back la a few days and stood beneath her window singing love songs when Joe was ahavfng hie patrons and talking baseball to mem. us wrote her letters, Joe declares, urging her to come to him. ; . '-j-'-: ' Xot ZtaUaa Sra.- The letters " were preserved "by: the barber and given into the care of an attorney who declares that they will be valuable evldeno . if serious trouble follOWB.'' V- V V. r, Wednesdsy Michael wrote the. woman a letter asking her no meet him at the corner at" a" certain-hour that evening Blie gave the letter to Joe, who himself f llled the appointment , Mike stood idly at the comer when Joe approached and refused to notice him. , He denied that e was waiting to see his friend's wife. and denied the authorship of the letter which was shown him. t .. In the fight that followed Michael loat several teeth and knives and a re volver were drawn. ' Friends, ' however, ended the encounter before either, was seriously injured. The affair, was re ported to tbe police and an officer in vestigated. . Michael baa endeavored to cause the arrest ft Joe on the charge of assault and battery, .-but has been ad vised to cease hi 'attentions to the woman. Both have retained attorney a - Michael was married but his wife de serted him, stating that she bad been hypnotlnedby a stranger by means of a white carnation. :...-: v-y t,-;.. Summer at Deer Park. Md. , Th beautiful summer resort at Deer Park, MdV which is better known Inter-- nationally than any resort of the Alle gheny mountain rang south of tho Adlrondacka, has been Improved and made more attractive than ever. ' The tennis- courts .ana goii una are nowj immediately In front of the large hotel and are, therefore, very convenient for use. f i- :.'' . For II years this magnificent resort has attracted moat fashionable assem blages, not only from the east, but from everywhere, and consequently. .. h added to and extended its . already spa cjous grounds. Largo aums of money have peon spent in enhancing the nat ural attractiveness and beauty of the grounds, . located at such aa elevation aa - to give perfectly pur and exhila rating atmosphere. ' Five hundred acres Is a large area to be covered by a hotel and its en vironments, but ths nine-mile- plateau In this particular section of the Alle gheny range' affords an excellent op portunity to spread out. There are 11 cottages, belonging to the hotel, each having several acre of ground imme diately . surrounding It. Ex-President Cleveland occupied one of them for a season while be was chief executive or the country. The cottage aeaaon will open on June IS, while the hotel -will be opened June 14, under the manage ment of Mr. W. JB. Burwell, the most efficient, superintendent of hotels of the Baltimore Ohio railroad. In the early part of the lth century there was a great hunter named Brown ing who owned nearly all of the coun try in the ' vicinity of Deer Park- and the country was considered a paradise for hunters and sportsmen. . In the course of time the Baltimore dt Ohio railroad,' which ; naturally . selected tlie great plateaus as a convenient ' place to cross the mountains, went through this territory fend acedmulated much of the property." It devolved . upon that company later to see ths advantages afforded by the mountains In this s tion and eotabllsh sv summer resort, with ths consequent building of. Deer Park . hotel. It - Immediately : became popular and year after year, for a period of three months each summer, it was the scene of many a spirited .concourse of people, including presidents, ambas sadors, princes, all helping toward the gaiety 01 the place. It is a general thing for all the cottages and many of the suites of rooms in ths hotel to be engaged a year in advance, and th prospect for the season of l0l la equal ly nattering. - - : Plttsburc Waahlnrton.' Baltimore. Philadelphia,' New York and Cincinnati always have a full representation, ow ing to. the convenience of the through train . service from theee points. , A great number come from the south, and while Deer Park is never represented as a health resort, it is nevertheless a place- absolutely tfut of the reach of malaria germs, and hay fever la un known. ' .; .... -.A . JsTAZk B. Lombard, Jr., and wifs ar gta at the Portland hotel. Mr. Lombard is president Of the Paclflo Oral a company and is also taeavlly Interested in lands In ths Pa louse country. ' Mrs., John, Manning and children ere at Seaside, where they will remain until June 1. Mr, Manning aodompanled them to the coast Saturday, returning y re tar da y. . . V ... , , ..y. r ' .. t - rr , ' CC.r-ev3 Uvrr Trc:t!d LiCrf;pt r ; Don't accept substltuta ti sis on era.' - TE'ETM Extracted and filled absolutely Without pain by our late sclentino method, pat ented and used by, us only.- Free- exam ination. - . , , . raBTOTJW-noru and those ' who dread having (heir teeth extracted .are Invited to call at eXir office, where we will demonstrate to their entire - satis-, faction our claim for painless extract ing. ,.. ,:. ;... i-i, I. " M: S . ' 7 sfP "a. 1 "99JOO nd S5.0O vh:,.... -ift.oo SILVER nLLINaS........r......60a) GOLD FTIXINOS..... 70s) and fl.OO VI AND tie UUJUU CROWNS... 1. rULXi SB3T TEETH Boston Painless Dentists . : stu, MomaisoaT Opp. Meier Frank aa OU Foeeofle. Un.i i . A m. -.a S ' ajundsv. 1:1 s. nv to $12:10 p. m.. ,'-. ' r , . - Tote sure you -are In the right plaoe come tin and get bottle of - lr, SI. I Grave' tooth powder, free. ' ' " 1 ' ENEMY '' - It is common. - Nearly all the' . is' wholesome and best things are ; 1 common. . Bead how common Wheat, barley and salt, that's ' . 1 1 ali ! cents package." '. AT ALL QSOCER3. . ' O .'.,' V, ; j biirton, Stetson and B. CD, v. . We are prepared with, a 7; : line of Knox's exclusive styles for street wear; V - Buffuni & IPeni3.(3ton . - TZT5 Vc Have a Lare Line or urarjou tnczmn, m KXBTWAgfft' trOSTSl also Ladles' Underwear,' dies' Jlwlss-Rlbbed Vesta. Fine Lisle Vests, long and short sleeves, low neck, all colors white, pink and blue; all sixes. Frloea .;-..-- ' t Flrcin 25c in to 0225 THE WESTEKI PF03T1KG CO. im-vnTvmuTMwrt on, oza rowtortiaiu Curiot, of Ck raise and Ivory. Meture rramaa,- Mas ' tdag, . Pongee ilk.. -We. . . . (D ZZD- "CZZ3 iDi )CZ )CZT 4 '. . ,''" ' : V '.,) ' - "'" --'JU- ;... v , .,, !'. , . , .. -' $ iS--,; : - EASIDM SUETS Are just a little rore essentia than-Easter bats for girl and well leave it ' '-'t r777,V; w tneir'inotners. , V V..V 4 ' "'Ajvtt . -Vi . -. . ..,.( ' T - - .. .(V, .V-.!- . .- : '. V , ' OUR KE W ! LINE OP SCOTCH TWEEDS -just thejthine for v : ; k f 7 T - the Easter season can't be beat for thjs money. ?1.50 to (5.00 71.; An extensive assortrnent in other fabrics thorouxhry tested for robust boys. 7 ' 74. - Blouse Suits, Buster Browris anythiny you want for boys from S to 8 ; years old.:'..' J- -V. . P:-:V:: '''"'." ; 7r;-""?';','-,: - - KNEE PANTS SUITS-For boys of 9 to 15 years. Roeged :-'?. r V I v. , durability ,and nobby tyle.; ..::;. ........ .1.50, to ?0.00 ANOTHER LINE FOR LARGE BOYS-froim 14 to 0 years.,. : ' 7, , Selected especially foru spring dreu. ...... . . . . . . . .?SH) to (15.00 r" SHOES for all kinds of men, carefully selected line, fromflJSO to 5.00 7r t OXFORDS andother standards---exniethin2 swells at. .(3.50 - . Celebrated KrB. Quality in Men's Suits: The'-Wtlch- Hats for $3.00. . 'Others in Straws and Panamas. Nobby line Shirta and Neckwear; don't , 7 buy till you see this line. Uen's Underwear, that leUs itself. , .. 1...., .'''. . . '' - ' U 7'i.;- .7- - 7-7' ' .v. . ; '.7 -'j. 7. ',.;.,rv,- V