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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 18, 1905)
-W - ' - A. , . rxorcczo .; : ? fo rrrrjva- - kstt or i t sn."i. , Nolle U hereby gtvea that t "'"- f Ik City of t-ortlsnd ku p ed a t . posed umimt (or to lisprov. et et Jea ' sup street (ram th east Uu ot a - , sue to tu eeat Una of 1 r' i re-, ad he sscsxtalned what le a J ' ' anooruoaauuit of coat et tea In., ee nt , accordance wllk the special sod peculiar : a eeueato wnfM ay mob parcel OS una as lot or part thereof within the uaanant ' dlafrtrt, and hat arrpnrUoned tba coat (or sld Improvement In La amoaau act e - iu sch barerl of land aad lot or part tbereef . s as Ita Share of auch nrrnriaai mnt. '. Any objection to th apportionment ( . . . ior aaia improvement B .ex oe rasa In wrlrlna to tba council a i tUd with , thai Auditor within IB days fro-o. tho data of ta tuiit puMlraUoa ( ttua eon.-,, and Mid co-r- -lections will 4m beard and dot, toad by t i council before tha psassse of ta ordinance ; lumlM tna cot of aaid lnMHroeement. Vital PIEDMONT. Portia ml . Oregon BLOCK " Ji, lot 1, security Baring d Trast Com- - PT. 114.14; lot a. Berurity Baring Tntat Company. 52.01; lot -IT. security Baring . Truet Company, 1 1-54: lot IS, Security Baring , ' Tmat Company. 510.54. BLOCK H. lot 1. Tit la Ouarajit Truat Company, 510. TS; . wt 2. Title Guarantee, Tntat Company, ' v - l Mi tot T.' Tltl Guarantee Trust com-.;- pen?, 50. M: lot la, Tltl Ouarantse dl Tmat ' Company, MJI2, BLOCK 10, lot 1' Title , exosraat Trot Company, 4.H; lot X. Tltl Una rants dj Trust Comnaay, u.40; -V'., lot IT. Vlt le -niMMntM' . Treat Onaananr. 5l 7; lot la. Title Guarantee Truat Com. ' Puny. SP04. BLOCK 1. lot 8, Security Bar Inta Truat Company, W 7; tot S, inrlt - MTinn m irut vvPBJt a,J. m t : tWuruy Barlnga Truat Ompaa, 41.0TJ lot 10. Hernrltr Harlan A Truat CoBtMur. ' tT.oS. BLOCK lot , Tltla Ouaraotea ; X i Tnwt Oorapanr, 14.38; lot , TlUa Guar ? "antra Truat Oompaay, 0.; lot 1L Tltl uuaranto TruM loaapanr, i.u; kx iu, - - Till Ouaranta At Truat (lMUI. 110.41. BLOCK a, lot , Tltl Guarantee Trmat ; : Ooutpnor, $4.M; let , Title , Guarantee d Treat uompanj.; m 11. no utter ; ' ant A Truat Company. 41.41; 1st 10, Title utwrante . Trtet JonipaaJ, w.ta. . - xotni, .- - tllA.T2. . . . ( :: 1 TH08. C. MTtXTI... 1 : lndltev at rna Cltr at Portland. Onaon. I ' ' rt of. drat puaUratlao, rsrtiand, . Oracadk 4aru AO, - i. . r . v-v nmtji fob nrnxR wobs. - rWlrd proposal will a . rrlTd at tit . ( of tae Audita of the at of Portland . Mill rrlda, April IX ISM, at S:W 4'rhx-k D. BL. (or tk IntMuranfut of Gal Id itntt frma the aorta line ef Thnmun treat ta tba eeeta line af Taasba atreet. In lb minw TOTldod by ardiuanr Ko. 14.474. subject to ' the. nroTtalana af the . chart and, ordinances f the Cltr of Portland and the ae timet af tt City olr. on die. Bid arast o atrlrtly 'la, aesnrdaar with print rd Masks, . which will ta furnlahd en appUratla a fha afflea of tba Auditor af the City of Portland. Aad Bald IBpravosj. r at eat a cmaltd a a before do dare fr the date af th alssiafl af tha contract mj ut aartica thereto. ' . N proposal or Mda win be considered Ba ft accompanied br rartlnad obsek parabl to th ardVr af Ik kfajror of -th Cltr af . PortUnd. cartUed bNt rrepoaalbla bank (or aa aaMuut aansl I 10 per cent af tba af frfst " nrnnoaal . '- t Th rlfht ta reject an and aU bid hi horeb 8 ardat af tba BierutlYa Board. , r- V -;,--,. - THOb'X DBTU!t.;; Aadttsa af tha-Cltr of rsrtiaad. Portlaad. Orefoa, AprU 6. 1P06. Lab PMPotAXB.roB fTtxrr wobx. alrd ' aronoaala wlU be recorred at th afdr of th , Auditor af the Cltr af Portland uaui mda. April si, loo,. at :oo o'clock p. nj. for tba latproreaaant of Rckihta Tr- rac rrosa tae weet una a mnnauaie stroei to tha east Una af block 40. Cartar'a Addl. tloa, la tna nutnBar-; pturldod b ordtnaoc ' No. 14,e0,. aab)ect ta tba pcaaiatoaa af tha charter aad ardlnanca ef tba Cltr f Port- . land and tha , aatimata o( tha Clt ut- Blda aaus -fea atritrU -la aecordanea with actatod blank, which will b - farnlabsd aa appllratlaai at tbo oUc st.tb Aadltor of th Clt af'PortktBd. And aald latprorenaent ' nauot b oraplr4d on or brfor 90 day (ran i th.dtc af ta aLxnlaf af the eeatraetv b , the par tire . tberet. ' . . v Ke prepaeabj or blda will be csasldarM aa . leaa accompanied by a certified chock parable ' ta tba araW of th Mayor of the City of . f'artland, eertUod b a rrepoaslbl baak for aa ' anxuat a as I to 10 par cast of tba asfrrajate ta reject an and aB Mda la bwabp Br ardro ad tha Kxomtlra Board.' "" v . THO. C. DBTUW. ' i - - .t ' ; auditor f t Cl of PortlaadT' f rorthtad; 'Ofsaoa, April IB, 106. v- , .-noNtaUt res mnxrtmoM.l w ' rWnlrd - prapeoal will be rccclrad ' tt -To fa of tha Auditor of th. at of Portland ' until Truay, .April at, IHuo. at l:w o'clock p. St. for tba luMnawunat of Bast Klchtath atreet froaa tbo north lla of Bt ("ouch atreet ta tha north Una of Beat Btark atreet. la tho Buaner ararldad br ardlnaBc Ma, 14.- aM, aubject ta the ptoTtaloa ef tba charter aad ardlnaneee ef tbo Cltr of Purtbuad aad tbe'aetlaaate of tha Clt Bnglnor, ea SI. Bids arast be strictly la accordance with 'printed blanks, wklcb will be famlebed ea application at tba office of the Auditor ef the Ot at Portleed. Aad aald InirroTtmc! Basst a coeipletad or before 00 day from th date ef the alnlaaj of tba (no tract b tbo partlra thoreto. Me pr.ipoaal or bid will be considered aa teaa aosoaapaahrd br a cortlned check payable to tba ardor of the Mayor of tbo City ef Portland. rrrtlftVd by napoaalblo baak for an aaaoaat aqaal ta 10 per cant ef tba acgnajate ta reject any and aB Mda ti hereby By order et Ut Bsmrlra Beard. y "' . Auditor ef tba at of Portlaaat. Partlsnd. Oroajon, April la, lMtV ?B0r0aULI FOB RBKR W0BJt Nasi proposal Win ' b reeal ' a Mir of th Auditor ef the Clrr elaed at'- tba y o Portland aatll rrlday. April 1. loos; at-k.v. o'clock n. ta tar th ImnrereuMat ef Twntr. third atreet (ma the north Mao ef Wasblaf , tea atreet ta tha eeotb Una af Thuraiaa Atreet. la the BUM pro Tided by ordinance No. " 14.U4. eaejeet ta the prorlatoes of tha charter 'aad erdtnaDce of the Cltr of Portland aad ta eaamste 01 ut -city Bniar. ea die. . Bide must be arrtotly ta accordance with 'printed blank. Wklcb trill be furnished es . appttrariea nt the othce ef tba Auditor ef . th City or Portia ad. Aad aald laaprorei mast b completed en or before SO dare fro th. date ef the alfSlivj, f the contract by th partlea thereto, . .j , - . ; v N proposals or bids will he moaldared aa teas scoontBanled by a rertlnd chock payable i; to tbo order of th. Mayor of th City of . ' raruane. comnea ay n rrspoaaiDie naak ror aa f aniounjlaojusl to 10 par oat ef the aflrrfte ri'a'1' M Md" " hmtT m By order of tha Caecutlre Board.' , , - TH08. C DBTUN, - V 1 Aadltor at the City of Portland. PartlaadV Ore bob. April yi, tBOft. , . ;H,y-f! raopoaixa fob btbxit wobk, - ", Naaled propnaala will be recotred at "th afflc of the Auditor ef tb city of Portland V until mday. April hi. 180S, at :00 o'clock a, as. for th lspreraeBt- of K earner atreet v froaa th west line of Irtecnth atreet to the tail line oa nnw treats street, , la th ' nner rmrrKVd by erdlaaace Ne. ld.ba0. J... sohjoct toy the prerlalaBe ef the charter and , srdlnsncaa- ef ura city ( PortlsiKl aad the aatlaat ef tha City Entrta, aa 41. , Bids Bust fed atrlcUy la aeeardaaca with . arlntrd bleaks, which will be farnlahed en ' appllcattoa at tha of 11c of th Auditor of , th City of Portland. And aald iBMwroaaent , Bust be soBpleted oa or before da day fma the data ef the alfnla? ef the ebotrsct by th parti thereto. . . Ne propoaala or Mda win1 be caaaldsied tm leaa aceotni iianled by a certified check parabt ; to th order of lbs Mayor of tk City ot . ' Portland, rertlfled by a reaponalble bank for aa r, ' amount oamel te A nr aent at tbo unonla 7' TsTVffbi. to rtjort say artd all aids Is hrby r ,' tiaet led. 1 -. - eras of the KXritlrd Board. - . ' -.;!'.:., - TH08. a DBtXJrf. , ' ' A rut! tor ef th at of Portland. , 1 PartUad, Orsoa. April 1, 1006. , . . . PBoroBAxa fob ixwia wobx. ?r teahrd proposal will b . received it tba efltce of th Audlrar ef th City ef Pertland ermay, April si, lwtio, at M.w e ctoca ; P- bl for tk rose tract ts f 'a ' eewer la . Beat Thirtieth atreet front the roster tine , of rTawtkors a Tens to th eewer la Bast j Thirtieth atreet at Beat Taylor atreet. la Jt th . Banner pro-rldd by ordlaance Ko 14, tar. eubject to tb preTbtlona of the charter ' ad ordinance f the at of PortUnd aad ' the estimate ef the City iensinoer. a fM. : Blda Beat be etrtrUy In . aeoordaac with " printed bUaks, Which will he faanlahod ea . appllcatlo at tb of lea of the. Audita- ef I the City of Portland. Aad aald newer araat a bacrpleted on or before dO dart frnm the date of tb alfmlu f th aoetract ay .the . . partlea thereto. Ke propoaala or blda will be ennsffeeed an- ; Ires aceemtHiBled by a rertlfled check payable , to tho order of the Mayer of the City of PortUnd. eortifted by a reovonalble baak for kh ' UJJHJl,,,"J to 10 per cent of th acarrfat Siej'tbt la reject a ay sad all bids hj betaby , . By order of .the BeoTa Board. 1 'xl - 1 v C. I.rTTJW. 7 Andltne at the Ptte at rwlaed. ' PartUB; Oobom, AprU 15, IMS. rrt- 1 ut. it irxar. ' eire that the Council af i. Ore- , at a o.eetlea 1 f Of Ak 1. 1 "V derlsred k e-.'insnc No. lew4. for to ( k .mid iinrt, from the center r .est to toe north lla of n tu aaaaaar nroridd by ordl 1 uma each lot. Vart af lot I of . ei r r llaoce AO. 1 and parcel f lead, -which are- 11 ally aad pertiHariy beoar -4, to h a follow, rls.: CAB.UTUXt'd AuuITtON to Caroira addition to tb City ef Pocxaed i. nd, ut 1, - K. C. . Stnllb, djat.iw; lot 1. li. "C. Bamltb, .il W; s prcl of land lylnf between f ? north line ot Wo ia atreet -.and a lla h0 feet aou-h of ad parallel with the . aouth 1 pna t i qoaer a -eet and betweea tha areaf 1 of ond ret, and a lla lie tea . wot tf- -of sad parallel therewith, B. C hauth. el. 12; total. 'l.W. ' A . utat of aioreaoid aaeaaaneet ha bn catered la- the Docket ef City Lien, and la new do and parabl at tb office ef tb City Treaeurer, la lawful atomy f th United States aad If not paid within thirty days from tb date ot tela notice, such proceed ins will be taken for the collection ot th asa aa are roTida4 by the charter ot tba City et Port- lha abora ajiaamcnt WlU hear lntrt tea dja4 af the hrat publlratlos. of thl noUoa. Aadltor ef the City ot Portland Ores. ; Data ef lrat paMlcatioa. Portland, Orecaa. April IS. lima. - i . runtn AMThdltTa-T FOB HTFBOTaV 4.4- HUT OF A1BIBA ATEXVX. , - Wottco la hereby rreon that the Aadttnr ef the City ef Portlaad ke prepared a proaosed aaaaaaariant fat tb lmprereaient f Alblna are aae froa the north Una ef Kllllnssworth ae aua to th north Uae. et Woat Piedmont, aad baa aacerulaod what he deema a 'Just appor tionment of coat of the iBprovement la ao- cordane with th apodal aad peculiar beaadt derlred by each Parcel af land and let or part -thereof withla tha aaaiaament dlntrlat, nd has apportlottsd th eaat for aald lavereee Beeat la the aaeuent et oppselta each puoal of land aad lot ar aart thereof aa Its assre et sach ptotiaaad awraararnt. ' A ay ebjectloo to th pport1nBat or coat far aald lmproromont most be mad la wrltint ta th CMadl and lied with the Auditor withla IB dara from tha data of tb drat aubllcstioa ef thai ' notice, and Bald objection will be beard and daterslaed hy th Coaacil before ear ef the erdlaaace- naeeaainaj , ta cost of aald loareaanaaL WEST PIKDMOMT, Portlaad,. Orernn .BLOCK a,.m in, y. awanaaon,; m a, A. P. B an a. 44.60; lot id. Title Onaran- te at Trust Company, f4S.B2; lot IS. B, A. Ceaalff. 4o.4d; lot 14, Portlaad Trust Ooa psay of Orepon, IA0.S4; lot 13, Tltla Ouaras te 41 Treat Cosnpaar, .! lot 12. Title Gaaraate v Trast rfsensaay. t4d.M: lot 11. e Title Oaarsntee Trust Cempsay, feO.dS; ot 10, Title oaaraatse Trust company, 40.70. BLOCK 11. krt Id, Tltl Guarante i Trust Coapany,- J0.M; . lot "1T. Tltl Guaraatae TrsaL.Company, IU.4S; h Id, Title Guaraata A Treat Compear, f le.00- lot . 15, Title Ouarantee d Trast Company. tld OS; , hH 14, Title , Guaraata Trust Company, 2B.TT; lot It, Title Gosrantee A Trust Com pany, t34.0; lot IX Title Goarante A Treat Company. $34.1: lot 11, Title Guarantee A . Trust Company, Me.18; Int 10, Title Goaraa- . tee. aV Tmat Company, 30.. BLOCK 14, lot 10, Title Guarantee Trast Coapaay, ' t3T.T4i Vrt , Title Ousraatee A Treat Com pear. 124.04; lot t, Tltla (ruaraat A Trust - Company, $15.04: tot T, Title Guarantee A - Tmat Company, (Id. 45: (nt d. Tltl GuaraatM - A Trast Company, I4 5. - BLOCK (, ht 1, Title 0earaate.A Treat Coaopeay, HT.STi lot t, Tltl - Gaaraate A Trust Company, - fee. 171. lot , O. W. tU (44. o; lot 4, Q. W. hell. 4e.S7: lot 5. Tltl Guarante A Trast Company. 4S.a2; lot , Title Goaraatea A Truat Con pa ay. 04.21; lot T. Tltl i ren te A Trust Cempsay, 4.lo; lot I, Title .'Guarantee A Trust Company. 53S.T4; lot S. ' Title Guaraatee A Truat Coapaay, .TT.4. " BLOCK 10, wt'l, Tltla Onaraatea A Trast (empany, tXB.ST; lol ", TlUe Ganruntee A Truet Ooanpsny, 1 ; lot S. Title Guarante ' A Tmat Company. 115.54; lot 4. Tltl Guar antee A Trait Company, 515.00; lot 5, Title Guaraatee A Trast Compear. 53L10; lot 0. Tltl Guarantee A Trast Company. I3T.14; lot T, Tltl Guarantee A Truet Company, 15.44; lot 5, Title Goarante A Trust Cera- . pany, StM: lot 0, Title Ousraatee A Treat , Company. 545.10. BLOCK 15. lot 1, Tltl Guarantee A Trast Company, fSS.Tl; lot 2, 'Title Guaraatee A Tmat Company, f 21.40; .-lot 1. Tltl Onaraate A Trust Coapany, I ll.o; lot 4, Title Guaraatee A Trust Coaa- Kny. 515.00: lot a. Title Guannt A Trast apaay, 511.44. Total, 51,535.40. . r TBOtV C. DtTXllf. Auditor of the City of Portland. Oracoa. . Hats at Arst pabUcatloa. Portlaad Oreaoa, April 15, lOua. MMFfttlKD AMWanaTUTt - FOB XsTPBOYX. anrvT of bast twibtt-btbtk btbxr. bTaries la hsrebr elna 'that' the Aadltor of the aty of Portland baa prepared a pro poned saaeeaaent for the laiproeami at et Beat Tweety-alatb atreet from the north lie ef Haw thorn areane te 100 reet aorta ei ta aorta Una ef Eaat Mala atreet, aad has ascer tained what he derma a lost apportionment ef east ot tb Impmvmeat la aceordanc with tb npacial and pecuUar aenctta dertTad by ch parcel ot land and lot er part thereof wlthiB the aaaiBBBiaat district, and be aa eortlonad tha east tor sal improremaaf ia he nmoanta net ooeealte each percel of 1 land aad let er part thereof as MB snare i ; uca Am eblrnlnoa .te the. aarsartloaUMet of t for aald. Improvement must he made la wntlnf te tn council naa atea wita in ami- tor withla 15 daya from the date of taa am pohll ratio of Uls aotlce. aad aald sbjactioea wUI he hoard aad determined by the Council before tb pan ef the erdlnase aaamala th eeet at ld Improvement. DO LAN'S AltDITION ite the aty et Bsst Portland SLOtl 10,- let a, kit Lemnara. 52S.SA; lot d, KUa C Lombard, 51T.10; let . OaarwS ' ft. IJncotn. 525.01: lot 5. Gear re C. Lionel. -435.0a BAOCK T. IO 0.- William Moryiratne, lot-a. wii llaa Marclneon, 520.34; east SO feat of west 50 feet of lot T, Mrs. U M. P. Bene let. ta.Bd: east 50 feet of weet 50 feet et tot a. Mrs. U M. P. Be-edlct. 53.4d: eaat M ef tot T. Jasaa A. Oray. WT 11; aeat H of tod 5. James A- Oray. 533.05; woat 14 feet of west U of lot T. P. W. Tor lee, OLSn; wr 11 ft af went U. ef lot B. P. W. Toraler. 51. M. BLOCK 2. lot 5, Winiam trenaaa, 57.0; lot 0, WllUaa tsrsoaon, 514 ri. n a KHAN' BKCOUrr) IDftmON to Kast Portm no--' tUAM-B a, at a, wiiuaa otTn- ane. B11.41. ' t DOLAK'H AOPTTIOW to th aty of Bast Portlanor-W.OCBI a. weax 100 icei or ant a. Guy O. Willis. 541.81; west 100 feet of lot 1. 400B tJOUtn notsre, noire oi. aula. BLOCK 8. tot 4. J. N. Deri. 5S4.45: let 5. I. N. Da ria. 525.53: lot 2, Thomas Parlln. , 528.1ff: ..tot ' 1. Thomas Derlln;.- 5.S. ttUtaUBk I. - lot -iBDBiia vurusa,- w.i ; lot t. Thomas Darlln. 5T.40. BANROK'8 PKCOND ADDITIOK to Bsst Port- land flln K ar, weat iuo reet or m t, Thomas Haruat, IM.SI. Total, tww.efl ; rJ, TH08. C. DBVLIM. ' Auditor et th aty ef Portland. Oresoa. but et ftrat publication, portlaad.. Orea-oo, April 15,. lOOS. . --. - ..'.; ' j.x-. PB0P05AXB I0B ITBIXT BUXVTnABOX. Heeled leimneal Brill ba earelced ' at th efnee of the Auditor of the City et Portland aatll Friday. - April zi, leva, at :uu e cioca n. . m. foe th rerwlr and malntnsnce af tb rropoeed Imprerement ot ., Irrlng street from ho weat line ot Fifth atreet to th at line ef Seeentb street, la tba aunaer pre rlded bf ordlnaac Ker 14.6.10. -" Bids Beet he to accordance with printed blanks, which wlU be furnlahed ea sppllrn tloa at tb office ot the Auditor of the City ef Portland. Bald Improvement Boat be repaired wheo ta proper muuicipai euin en tic aban direct and hall be maintained 5a rood eadltloa fat a period ef 10 year. . Bach pi apnea! Beat a tat the Bomber of year for which tb bidder pmpuaie to main tale aald street ImDrereaMat aad tba amount ack far which be proposes ts do aald Per 511 contracts ror auiatenauc or asm irfaco pavement where tha cost ef the lav ore meat la 510.000.00 or Irea the amount at tb bond . re. lrd with tba maintenance contract shall b 50 per eeet of to coat of the Improvement, and where tb mat of the Improvement la mora . thaa 110.000.00 tb amount of tha bond reemired with tb Bala tree or cerrtrsct ahaU U5S.000.00 aad aa additional san squal. to 55 per eaat ef tha meant ef the. mat ot the Improvement la aire ot ,10,0W., ' - No proposal er eta win n Kinaiuer, aaiaas compealed by a certided .cheek payabi t tb order ef th Mayer of the City ot Port land, certified by a tea ponalble bask, for aa aaaaaat aansl to 10 per cent of the asrcta proposal, to be forfolted ss rd sad lioul dated dams taa la esse the -bidder jaaolects at refuse to eater Into con 1 1 act aad preside a suitable bead for tbo faithful performance of aald work la th event tba caa tract la awarded to hiss. The rkjat to reject ay- aad alt Mda Is hereby reeervod. " ,'.. uw an u ei we vxm-nTTvv woem. - '. f . 1 THOl C PBTLIrf, I H .;. Aadltor of tb aty of Portland. PortUnd, Oreaoa,. April 15, 108. B0POSXB IJrTKOTKBTXBT OF BB0AITWA. Notice U berehy riven that St tb raaerlnaT af tb Covaeil ef the at et Portland. Ore- ana, beM oa taa Ota any er April, lave, th lol low In reaolutloa was adopted:' . Reeolved. TKat tb Oouacll of th aty ef Portland. Ore eon, deem It expedient abd pur. nnaee t Improve Broadway from the at lino o I' aloe a remi t the at line of Caat v!,teia street, IB u iouowisc Bltaaar, 0-e7ii 1 Plrat BV"tradfnt' (n ' Street " aa " heelw''"by" r tb tiry nnfiaeers piana no. pcincaun. mod By noatrueUnf artificial stoae stdo- f c y I h-fd on t e (la t ..wee r l ! p.-", a tare. and ae,.. , 1 ird v fxwcs:s a.. at Stan ea---. ...' "'."' , -rth Py hi iiawa- . " Pi-o tr ceeoirectiac r wales la accoroanc who tee city a. . 'jea'a peas, apeptricatloa ad aatlmaua. bald laire-eat t b mM'l la accordance With 0e comnrnt and rdlna of tn Oitr of Portland and th plane, .! -tlo and ee'Ttnatee of , m city h. '-- r. t. d la to tuc f the Auditor rt ! s of Portlaad on the 4th da et April. lu-. ed: "City Kaa-iooer'a plana and epaclnras tor th lm ProTmnt of Broadway fro- l c-t Ilea ef Untoa areaue to the eaat l--ie f "h-,t 0000 teanth atreet and the ertit ef tee work to b saw aad tee prebaw bl coat tseieet.'' Th coat of said Itr-uroreMB t to he an naaad an prorlded by the eiiy Oartrf a-on tb proe ertr anecially and pemiHar r bete.,ied teereby, and Which la hereby Oev -rJ t be aJ th lota, paru thereof and perceat ef laad lylna oetweea Ho KM) tt naria ef and parallel with th north line ot l-roadway and a lla 100 feet aouth et and peraoe! with) the Booth line ef Broadway and betw th east lis ef Uaics) areaue and a Un 100 teat eeet of sad parallel with the east Uae ef lets Brn teenth street. w. The Bainr's eatimate ef tho arobabl total, east fr the Impro earnest at aaldT aeroadV way la 2.TM.00. . Tb plan, aped fir tloa and aattnaeataS of the City Lnrtneer (or tha Impraruaesal at said Broadway are hereby aoopted. r Baaolred. That tb Auettor't th City ef Portland be aad be la hereby directed te Ire nolle at th ncoooaed imorotamant of aid street aa proeided by the city obnrtar. itemonetraecea ssalnat tha a bora lapaw meat Beay be filed ia wrfttnT wlth tha usatar slssed withla 80 days from the data of tba first publleatiea of this notice. ' , By , order atV th vCotrocIL ' ' ! ' ; . 4e.4len ef ke flre of Pert lend. . rertlaad. Orefoa. April a. .1005. Data at jarat pah Ilea Uaav, fboyoebb nmoTtxm of wxar obb. JKALF OP m-ATXB BTBZZT. Korles Is harahr eteee that at the ma Has; ef the Ceaaeil of the Cltr of Portlaad. Ore aoa, held o- th Sth day at April, lavd, th follow In reaolutloa was doeted: - neaoireo. That ta council or ta city s Portland. Oresoa, deema It araadlaat and por- poae to ImproT ' the eeuth Una ef rest H er water atreet irem Chr atreet te the earth line ef Colombia atreet, aid the Booth at H hbsr sertioa ef Water and Clay streets. Is eawordaaee wita ta plans aad epecirieataeaa c ta ut Bnflneer, in the follow la miaaar, t-rlti rirat By f radln the atreet la accsrdaaea with tb City Bna;lr'l plsss, apaclOeatiaai and eatlautea. toned By 4oatrarlB drtlfldal steaa eerba ta accordance with the City Baaflaaar'a olaaa. aoednoattoes aad estlmatasL Thirn- y 1 iman ixtln amneiai au u net wi. lnr tool ear eorssncn anth in ntr 1lratlen and eati mates Poarth By ooaet recti n artificial stone alde- Walks ( feet wide ta awesrdaaee wttk tba City BaplBsir plana, . apicinoatloaa and aa- tlmare. . rtftk By annflns tb street to (rasa wita oaacaa oa a aea ox umiatte no- area d Inches la depth ta aererdsnce with th City Baoinear's pUaa, apaclflcatioe and - umata. Raid Imareaamaal to be njad ia aecardanee with the charter aad ardtaaaeaa ef tbo City at Part laad aad the place, apeelflratioa and etl autre of the Cltr Knalaeer. filed la tb : tne nty Kneiaeer, itiea in in a Aadltor ef th City ef Portland lay ef April, lOOS, Indoraad: "City plana aad aeertflretioo for the erne or tn eveaitor 01 tne oa the th Knalneer's D Imorerameut ef Water atreet from the snath line et Clay street to the earth Una, of Colambla - street, aad tba estimates ef the k to be dose aad tb praosbl total east The. eeet ( aald Imarereaaeat to aa nraeided br tk eitr r barter apoa the nren. ertr pecially aad aecullarry beaafited thereby, and which la hereby declared 4 be a follows: Lota T and 5, block 101; lots 1 aad B. block 1U: lots 1. 2. 5 snd 4. block 113: KB 5 ami a, block 115; all In th City ef PortUnd, Tho Bnflneer' estlaute ef 'the probable total east for th lmsrBMat at said Water street BJ.izz uu. The a bee UaawSai at Is to 1 a a too block Improraa eat and shall be mala a period ef 95 year, a ef a majority of an taiaed by tba eiiy far prevloVd that tb owner property-baaafl tod by aald I poriioa thai nf aha 11 net pet I tloa for a aew or different Imprenaesat- before th exnlrattoa ef such per led. -...- t- Ta plana, aped ric tloa and eetlmata of Oh aty En 1 Beer for th Improve mast et paid Water Mreet ar aereoy oopcl. Reeolved, Test the Audita" ef tho Clt wt Portland he and b la hetser directed U Tv aotlce ef the proponed lm prove aaest et. aaid Street aa niscldid BasnssHitrancee aaalnat th nbee imprevement may he filed la writing with' the utdsl-nd wltbra 20. day from tha data of the firet Bub'lcatloa ef tola aeMce. ,.vv; .'.t-.-' , B order of tb Council. 1 ; -'. M THOi -4J. BhTPUfT. J ' Aadlbar of tn aty of PertlnasT. Portlaad. Ore goo. Sate at drat pehUcatioa, Apru a. jwb, FBOFOBXO XB7K0vs3CEBT Or "-i-. . FOuaiTm wraxtt.'y'- -; ) Notice Id berebr aivn that at the maatlnar of th CbwsjcU ef th aty of Portland. Ore aoa. aeia ea tae ata any er Apru, lauo, ta following resolntioo waa adopted:! ' Beaolred. That the Council of the ate of Portland, oiwgoe. aims 11 expedient aad Bar- poses to Improv Twenty-fourth atreet from the nwrth lln ef Planoer street to the center Un ef -Olbma atreet, to tbo foUowlac ner . te-artt: First By grading th Mreet tell width wttk fall Intersection ia proper aub-grade. Ba rend Br cenatraetln artificial atosj Btd- walha to accardaac with lb at EngiBBor' ptsns, apecittcauooa an eetimate. J aire or osbbu acting nrttrtciai bbbbb) Poarth By laying crosswalks. Fifth Br eaeetmetlBaT atsee sstteia. Olxth Br toinsln the atreet full width with fall. Interaactiea to tho tabllahad grade with BMcodsm. , Bald improveeaeet to- oe amde ta aocof dwc with tha charter aad erdtaaace ef the City at Pert land and the plana, epecin cation and eetlamata of the City Engineer, filed le th effire ef the Auditor of tb Cltr at Portland oa tba 4th day ef April, 10OS. Indorsed: City Bngiseer's plans aad speclflcatiaea for -the Improvement of Twaaty-feurth atreet from th north line et P lander atreet te the renter naa 0 tjimea street, sa ta eatlmatee of tbo work to a ease sad taa probabl tbereef.' . , Tb coat at said Improvement to be aaseaeed SS provided by, tb city chart epoa the proa arty apectally and necallarly beae-flted thereby, and which 1 hereby declared te be aU the kit, parts thereof and Barrel of laad betweea a liae 100 feet eeat f and a with the eeet line et Twenty-fourth street sad B Un ino feet went of snd parallel with tb west Una of Twenty foerth atreet aad betweea the north line of Pleader atreet aad the aoath lla of Ollaaa atreet. - The Bnglneer'a oatlaat of tb probabl total coat ror th improvement ex aaie iwesiy-reurta street la 50T5.00. - , . Tb above Improvement hi to b clamed: ss S macadam Imprerement an aball Be main tained br tho city for a period of four year. provided that tb owner ef a majority of tb property benefited by aald Improremeat ar any portion tbereef aball not petition for a aew ar different Improvement before th ajrpirattoa ef aoch period. The plana, rpeciricatnms an "estimata of the aty Engineer for tb ImproreBerel ef said Twenty-fourth atreet are hereby edopted. -' Keaolved. That to Auditor of th City Of Portland hosed he Jo hereby directed to aire aotlce ef the propoead Improvement f said street as provided by the city cbarter. .- Remonstrances against the a bora Improvev meat may be filed la writing with tb aoder- aigao -. witara w y , mm to aaie et ta first publication of thla notice. , . He - ' a . aha nennell. - - w ' , '.-.' THOB. C. ftBTtflt,- . : " ' Aeditor af tbo aty of Pertland. Portlaad'. Oraaoa. -Data ef Ant auhUmtioa. AprU 5. 1005. . FOB IstTBOTBaTZaTT OF ih rxrr of bitxb btbbbt. ' la aampltaaea with . a reeobjtloa adjopted at the regaiar meeting at the Ceencil, held ea the Bib day of April, 1005, declaring; tb district bene file b tb imprerement of the oaeterly PSSi feet et Blrer street from tb swath line of Albtaa seen te 100 feet south ef tb aoath Baa ot Alblna svenoe, aad dlreettag th Auditor ot the aty ot Pertland to preeere 0 preliminary saaaaamaat apoa the tots, block aad pare IB of h ad within said dlatrlot. now, uerviove. anm ae awvar given ursa eh ' ashaaesaeat la aa file la the offlr ef the latitat af tha Cltr ef Pert rand and with whom any and all objectloee shall be filed la writing, sad aotle la fulher give that the OeaaHl at Ita regaiar meeting eo. May 5. 1005. will hear aad roueider all ebjectloo to aald aaaaaa by partlea aggrieved thereby or latere ted tberein, an au uru perries ar noreoy te aeperi tnrirom nntia ih la eempleted. ' .,. , .-. 1 11 tin. c. pxtLin, Aadltor of the aty ef Portlaad. 0tsT to et flrat public Moa, April 5. 1005. norotxB btwxb nr kabt aoBAiaoa rTotlc ts herehp gtroa that it the Bseerl na af tho Coaacil ef th Clt ef Portland. Ore- n, held en the Bta aay ar Apru, IPUO, the owing raeolntioh waa adofrted . . rea. 1 net ts twuncu ex x t.tiy Portland, Oregon, Seam it espedient SnO nr. Bat Morrlaoa atreet from, center line of Eaat Tklrty- nloth Street to tn Bearer ta Fieat Mmilena atreet at the west line of Bast Thirty-eighth atreet. Bald aewer to be eoeetrneted af vitrified ewer tloa with all rea aery eatennasma, maaaoiee, impbolea and Srearhee, aad te be ef th following OlsrSssloaei ot 10 Inch alaaf asJdd Walka la wt'h C"'y r T J d'amater from s paint la th awter Mas of rest Ihlrty-elnth street tt a p- l la Baat orriaoo atreet t t ''rv-v, ih street; teonce ef la Incpe c ar I ua -star t a point to aat lweoc .. at ta araat line of Beat lalrty-rnia atreet. Held eewer ta he auastructad la amerdance With tba charter and ordinsscre of th City et PortUnd and th plan aocelflrattoa and eati naa tea at tb City hi,..!, fued la ta office of th Antlitor et tb City of rertlaad oa th 4th day of April. Ilea, laiorsed: !1'lty kjilnecr' plarat aad peclflcstfcns for a eewer la. Kaet Morrtaoa a tract from the center Un of Baat 'Thirty -ninth atreet to the aewer la Cleat Morrlaoa trt St the west Una of Baat Thirty -eighth trt, and the eatlmatee of tk work to be doe aad th areoeblo total coat thereof." - ' ....... Th east ' ef sold aewer to be sismad ss provided by the city 'charter apoa the prop erty apacially and peculiarly benefited thereby, aad which is hereby declared to a all th lata, pert thereof and perceat of bind lying between a line 100 feet aorta at aad parallel With the Berth line ot Bast Morrnton street and a lln 100 feet aoath of and parallel with th aouth lln of Kaet Morrlaoa street "wod netwi th t Use et Bast Thirty-eighth atreet and a Un 00 fart east ef aad Parallel with the aaat tine of Bast Thirty-ninth Street Th Bnglreer's eatimate et tb probabl total coat fo tb oaatrvctloa et aald aewer la 501T.51. k . , - The rut as. apeclflcatteaa and astlraatea af the City Bngucer (or tb osatrattoa ot said aswer are hereby adopted. Keaolved. That th Aadltor ef the ' at of Pttrtlaad ba aad he la hereby directed te give Be tic af the proposed conatrurtioa et Said newer aa provided by the dty charter. Reraxmatrear against the above may ba riled la writing with tb naderatgaed within 20 dais from th data at tha first publics tie ad this antic v . By order at the Cotrncll. Zll.."' ' ; . . TH08. C.'TBTT.rrf. Audi tar at tb aty at Pert la ad. - Portlaad. Oregee. -. Pate at 5rat peUlastto. April 5. 1505. FBorooKs- kxwo. ur bzbtob rrmxre. Botte Is hereby giro that at the mectiag at the Council at the at of Portland. Ore gon, bald ea the tu day ef April. IPud. the Mleerlng resolutioa was adopted: keaolveai That the Council ef th aty ot Portland. Orege. laaaae It ea pod lent aad pw iiiii to 'cooa tract a aewer la Ban ton street from a point. 25 tact north of the north lla f Dupant atreet to eaaaaatlua with the Bower la Bee ton staeet at tba aoath lla ot DUoa tree4. Bald aanrer t be eoostroered of ritrlfiod swr pipe ef 5 tarbaa clear lasMdc dlaaaeter with ail aai'aaairy aatchbaalrai. mae halu, tompbotoa and Branchee. Baat aawer t be roaatrwrtod ta aowadsacs wits the charter aad sttaeaces of the Oily ef Portlaad and tbo plana, apoclficatioss and asMaastss ef the aty Engineer, filed to tb oftlc at the Aadltor of th city of Pertland ea tbo 5th day f April. ISuS, todoredi "City Pagliinr'a plans sad spnelftcations fot a aewar In Beaton street from a point 25 teat north ot th north .line of Dapoat atreet te a raps tie with ' th sow In Baa tea street at the Booth liae ot Dtaoa B trast. and tba estiasatas ef the work to ha done sad the nrobabis total est thereof." The cost of aald aewer to he smuaid ss prertdad by the city cbarter apoa the prop erty aoedally and peculiarly bemflted thereby, aad which ia hereby declared to bo all the lets, pft thereof sad paroel at land lying betweea a Ho 100 feet aort beast err from and parallel wita rae am tairiy tin et Bar 111 with the as th westerly Una of Beatoa atreet and btwea th northwsaterly line of Pixoa street sad a Ba 100 feet aorta westerly from sad parallel with th Berth west erly line of Dupoat atreet. The Engineer s t I ma t ot the Probabl total rest for tha aoouctiua at aald swr la 477 !.. The plana, apwtfleatleaa snd sstlmatos ot the aty Engineer for tb eoostructioa of said sswor are hereby , adopted. - Beenlred. That tha Aadltor of th City ef Portland be and he la hereby directed to fire aotlce ef tb pcoppaod roosuaxttoa ot aald sswor aa provided by tbo city eaai PiiaiiBBBIi am aa asnlnat the be filed ta writing with the aodorslgsad withla zu say irea toe est e( uta ant paoucs Uoa ad tha notice. - . , . .. Bf order ef the ,frriiHt ' . ' :"- , i THOB. C. IWTLIrJ. ; Aadltnr if tba aty t Portlaad. Portlaad. Orataa. Oats ot Brst nnhllesttoa, April B. 1005, noposxs bxw-xb nr fobs btbixt. ' Watlce br hereby wfwM that at tba aasatlng of the CweocJI of the aty of Portland. Ore- Ce, held es the Bih day ef AprU. 1505, the llowlne raamlutlam was a don teat : Reolvd. That' th Council of tb at ef Portland, Oregon, deema it expedient and pau pose to construct a Bewwr in lord atreet from 20 feet north of th north lla ot Park avenue te the aewar la Twanty-tbir aaa Tt aaoiastoe arreeta. Held ewer to he eoeatrocted of vit rified aewer pip of 8 inch clear laaida dl- a matar wit an -eecessary eaicauasinsa Bnae hol, tomubolee and branch. Bald aewer to be Coeetrscted la Bceordsnee with tb cbarter aad ordiasuece of tb aty f Pertland aad tb liana, peeiflction end etlaute at tb City BnghsMK, filed la the office of the Aadltor ef the Cfry ef Portland on the 4th day of April, isuo, indorsed 1 "aty Basrineo' pleat aad oped flea tloa for a Bearer In Ford street from 25 feet north of the north lie of Park aveaae te tba wr la TWeety third aad Washingtoa streets, snd the set! ana tee ef the work te be doe and 1 able tat I et thereof." The oast ot said sswor te he am provided hy tho city chart upoa the property apeclaily aad peculiarly booed ted thereby, end which i herebv declared to be all tb lota. part thereof and pore a) ef lead lying be tween in eeet. use ox sera axieat aaa a Da 100 feet rest thereof aad parallel therewith, aad setwera - the seats, tine ef Waahlng-tue street aad tha worth Una af Park aveoee: also all tb ls, parte thereof aad parcels at lead lying blwoa the wet linn ef Ford atreet aad a lln ! feet west thereof aad 1 therewith and between a line 100 feet sooth of ead parallel with the aoath Una ef Wash ington, street aad tha worth line ad Park ave- Th engineer estimate ef th mhsblo total coat ror tae const recta? as asia saws 1 540.15. Tae pmaa, eaariaaaooee aaej oerjaste et taa elty eoglaewr for tb caee tree tie ot said aewer nr hereby adopted. Beaolred. That the of Portland be and bi Asdltnr of th aty giro aotle of the nrapusid was tract ton af aald aewer aa provided by the city cbarter. -. Beeseoatranre sgalnat th abor aewer may he Bled la writing with tbo nwoeralgne erithla 20 day from the date of the Brat Be bi tea tloa ex tam notice. , . .. . . By srda of tbo Council. ' - - . : , THOB. a DBTLIIt), " "Aadltor at tb City of PortUnd. Portlaad. Oregon, nato at arst publics Uoa, April n. isuo. FBOPOSKS ZXFB0 V EHXJ T OF X100LAJ Tffrtll le - mtamm Itie e Ik, rtlng di the CoaaeU of th aty at Portland. Ore aoa, held oa ta Oth oay ef April. HMO, th following resolution was adopted : , Keeeireu, iaat tne vouacti er IBB tiry r Portia d. Ore en, deem it eipodtant snd pnr- noees to Improve Meelsl street from th ssst lla f Twnty-foartb street to the West line of Twenty-sixth street, . la th following aaa. First By gradlaat tb street fun width with fall tetaraeetlee to , th subgrads ss fflrea By tne taty n.ugiaum rteceao sty eonairecung arsami sxos gtoo alhs. 1 t . Third eorart raw-tin arrlfldal atoae aarba. Pourth By laying croeawsika. mu-lj eoostrucung nos aaa gnpng gut- Hlztb Br bringing th surfse of the atreet ran wldtn wita suii interaecuoee te nroi era Am with ' mseedam. Hsld Improvement to be mad la ascordanc With the cbarter and ordinances of th City ef rwrtaua ana xse pisos, apsciacuxieoB en ant. mates of tb Cltr Enalneer filed In the ar te ef Us Aeditor of tb aty ef Pertland ea the 6th day ot April, 1005. Indorsed: "aty Baarlaoere plana and apecl neat loo fr tb Improv meet ef Nleolal atreet from tb east Use ef Twaaty-fourth street to the west Un ef TwentTolath etreet. sad the eatlmatee ef the work te ba doa aad tb probable total sort tUesreof." . . 1 Tba - aost ex saia lawisismeui to be as aaaaed aa arerlded br m cltr charter nnam th property epeeiauy and peculiarly banes ted tlMreby, aad whtch la hereby declared te be all tae Iota, parts thereof aad aercele ef laad lying between a lln 100 (eet northerly from and nsrnlktl with the northerly line ef Blcolal atreet and s Un lot feet Motherly from and parallel with th southerly Un at Klaelal street, ssd between s lln loo feet eea-arey rrom ana pnraiiet wita tea east rly lis or Twefityfejrth street sad g lln 100 feet westerly from and parallel with the reterly Bse ot Tweety-outa street. Tea Bnalaoar's astlaaat of the Brobsble ratal tar tn inuroraamat: ' of aald K lo be' rlsed aa elal street is ge.iai.ou. The abov improreasewi m i Beaeaasm imnrevBBni aaa onnu ne aaaie. tnlned by tb city tar s period of flv year, prevised that th rwoer f majority of tb property ' benefited by said Improve mailt . ar aay sortlea thereof shall net pe titles fa a mJmr ar , differeel Imsraiamaat he fere eve sxrilrcUoe of each period. - . The plane, apeeiienetiawa am esnBsarea of tb City Engineer for the Improveaneot of aald hleoial etreet are hereby adopt eel. - Beeolved. That tbo Aadltor of tha aty ef Portlaad b ssd he 1 hereby directed to give notice ef lb proposed tm prove aaent eg a Le af reet a pr ended by tb city charter. rsjoeetrsacee agaiaat tn a nova lSlpmve t may be .filed in writing with the and. signed withla' 20 day from tb dsts at tha first - nuoncatma oc tm uaxie, . , t ay sraer at tee toeociu , -'--' ' THOB.' C. PBTMrf. , ' Asdltnr at ths Oty of PertUod. Pnrilsad. Oreeoau Dele of Brat sabltcatlee. iprtlia, 1905. ,. . f "t y notczzs trra n ioxnu atxbttb. Notlea to brr-r eirea that at tba meeting f Ibe Council 0 t- City of Portland. Ore- Cs, held, ea te 5ia day at April, iteJd. th liowlng rec'xiia was "looted : iuwoared, 'lest th Council of tb at ef Portland, OTeaou. deem It xpdlnt and purposes to eoaeireet ,a awc la Mallnda avs au troa the weet line ef Puns U. King tisct to sewer la htoiloda aveaue at aeoond bend af paid areoa. -bald aewer to be coo, traeted af vltrltied aewer olii labt Inebe clear inside dlaaneter, with all aacaaary eatch- aaalna, manhole, lampboiea aad brsnches. Ha Id sewer to he coostraoted In accoroanc with the cbarter and ordlnanoa of the City ef Portlaad and the plana, apecUlrattoo and eatlmpte of tb Clt Engineer, filed In the office of tbo Auditor of the City ef Portland oa tne 4th day of April. leuO. indoreed: "City Engineer' plana awl peclfteatioo for sow ia Miilada aveeo from the wet lln et Panny G. King tract to the sewer to Mallnda avenue at eecona pen, ana tn eeiunaiee 01 ioe wee to be doe and tb probabl total eoat there-j The east ef-seld -eewer to be assessed sal provided by th city cherts apoa tb prop erty apeclaily aad peculiarly benefited thereby, and which Is bereby declared to be aU the Iota, part thereof aad parcel of land 1 lying between a line 100 feet north of and parallel with th north line of MeHnda aveoee and lla 100 feet aouth ef and parallel with th oath 110 of Mallnda aveno and between lln SO fret weat of and psralUl with tb Wst Un of Mallnda aveeaa and ita estensloe aoutbeaaterly in lla preeeet con re and a Una ho feet west ef and parallel with the West line ot th Penny tf. King tract. Tb Engineer' a timet of th probabl trial coat for th eonatruotio at said sew Is 5180.11. - , Th pUaa, snerlflcatloaa and aatlmstos of the aty Bngiaeer for the ooaatrucUo , at aaid ewer ar hereby adopted. . Beeolred. That the Auditor ef the City of Portland be and he is hereby directed to gtoe aotlce et the pranaaad - eon true tloo ot aaid saner aa provided by th city charter. aVonBstranree against th above eewer may he filed la wrltiBg wttk the andoraigned erithla to day from the data et tb first, pwbltoa- . tULm KaLu. . - . - erdrr af tha Cortndl. ' . . Tuna n hTTJK. f ' '-'.. Aadttor at tb City of Portia Bh -. Portland. Oregoo. Pate of Brat pub Uoa tie. April B. 140. . . ' FBOPOBXS 8XWXB Z TsUTWuTKB Not! ta berebr gteea thnt St th msaltng ef lb Coaacil ef ta dtp c reruana, Ore- goa. held oe tbo 5th day er Apru, isuo. ta following rssotuttoa wss adopted: ' Reeolved, That tb Council of , th aty of Portland, Oresoa, deem It xpdiwt snd par poees ta eeasttruct 5 Saws ta Vancoervar aveoee ham 25 feet aoath af the aoath lla et Alberta street to th sower to Tea at am aveaem aad Premont strosL Bald sewer to be sremtiwcted at vitrified sewer pip With all a ry eatebbaaton, " maaholra. lampboto and breaches, aad to ha of tba iol lowing 41 in melons: ot 5 Inches clear laaide dlaaaeter from a Boiat la Vancouver nveono 25 feet aoath -at th aoath line at Alberta street te a point tn Taseoever avan at Bala atreet; these ef 10 bsebes clear Inside dlaaaeter from a point la Vancouver aveejna at Bala trast to a point to 'Vancouver aveau at Bland as street; thence ef 12 Inches clear Inslda diameter from a point to Teneoerec avease at Btondeaa atreet to a polat la Vas eoQeer aveou at Bkldmar street; the era ef 14 Inebe ctoar Inside diameter from a point In Vajanoave aeeaaa at tkldmar atreet to a point la Vancouver a venae at Bbarer atreet; thence of It laeae eleae isaid dlaamtar from a point la Taacoueer aventi nt Bearer street to a point la Vancouver areoa at Falling street: tkeaca of 24 Inches clear tnsld dlaaa eter from a polat In Vancouver aveeaa at Palling atreet to a aoaawctloa wltk the aewar la Vancouver aveew at Pre moot atreet. Bald newer to he constructed to axrwrdsnce with th charter aad ordlaaaces of tb City ef Portlaad and the plans, apexdfirattona and astiBsst ef the City Engineer, filed la tb office of th Aadltor ot the Cltr at Portland n tb 4th day et April .106, Indorsed: "City Engineer' plana aad specification for newer to Vancouver areaue from 55 feet osath at tb south Uae of' Alberts street to sewer le Van couver arena aad Fremont streetA snd 'tb eati aaata of -the work to be dooaaad the probable total cost thereof.' 1 . The aaid aewer la to be immtmrted. far tha perpose of sanrerlng aad draining all ' tba lots, iwrtoithereof and pare Is ef land withla tba district beueutod and daatrlhed aa follow i Ommeaeixtg at a polat to tb east liae at Vaneoerar avenue 100 feet aorth at tb north lln ef Premont atreet; thence eeet along a line 100 feet north ot . and parallel with the aorta lino of Frasasot street -to a point 150 feet eeet ot the east Use of Vsncoarer area; thence north nt rtoht anal to a point la the renter line ef Alberts atreet theme west along Us cenaar lis of Alberta atreet to point lua fast 11 am af the waat line ef Halcht sro- BO; lb aaa aoath along a lla 105 feet wat ef and neralbeS with the west Has of Height aveeaa to a polat 200 feet aoath et the south Its of Faills atreet; thence net along a line 2U0 feat aoath ot and parallel with the aoath liae of Falling Btreet to a point lot feet west x tb weet liae eg Vancouver are as), thaars sooth smog a liae 10B feet vast et aad parallel with the weet un ef Vaareerer avows to's point BOO feet south ef ths south lino of Beach street; rheoc eat along a line feet aoath of and parallel wlU the aoath lis of Beeob stiwat ts tas place St Beginning. The cost of aald newer to provided by th city charter apoa the prep- arty specially aaa peculiarly nameo tnereoy, snd which Is berebr declared to bo sll tb lota. parts t net-sot end parcel of la no lying WKBia the dtotrlct aareinnaiore 1 "TWkog-fneer' aetlaeata at thai probable total cost ror u construction eg Th pisas. BseertfVrattoas sad astlautos af ths city Knglnaar (or tb uumauillna ef aaia eee heeen eAnnteet. Bssolrod. That ths Aadltor ef th Cltr ef Portlaad be aad be Is hereby directed te tree notice of th i posed eaneumtiua eg seas by tb dty charter. aacee amtoat the abora sowar amy bedhled la writing with tha anoMjrslgwad wlthm 20 dars from th date at th first paallc- uon et tea aotlce.'' , - . B arda of th CotinHL " ' . THOB. C. DBVUIt. . ' Aadltnr af the atr ot Pert Mad. Portland, Oregon. Dateef meat pabUeaUoS, Apru a, ISO. FBOrOBIO BXWTB rtT BAIT TWUTUTB) Notlcs le berebr germ that St the nssstlnaT f th CVaoeU ei ths aty ot PVwtlswd. Ore- gen, neia oe tae aw aay ar Apru, ia, toe following reach tloa wss sdoptedr ' . Beeolved. That the Council ef the Oty of Portland. Oregon, deema It expedient snd pui puses to roaotmct a aewer la East Twen tieth atreet from 40 feet aoath of the south line ef Bsst Bark street to tb eon sort loa with the sewer la Baat Oak atreet at Bast Twentieth etreet. Bald aewer te ba con structed of Tlrrlned sewer -pipe of eight facbss clear lasioe aisnmirr wita au sareeaary eaten haalaa. manbolee. lampholea aad braurhae. Held sewer to he conetrncted ta accordance with the abnrter and erdlnancea of the City ot Portlaad and the plane. apecisVatloas and eatlBMiee at th aty Engineer Sled ta tb office ef tb Auditor of ths Clt ot Pertland oa the 4th day ef April, 1005. Indorsed: "City Kzigteeer s plan a a apecincanona tor a aawer la joaat TwcatMta exreet rrom eo xaei aoata of the eouth Us at But Stark atreet to the Heat Oak Btreet sewer, snd the eatlmatee of the work to be don aad ta probable total cost thereof." . The cost or-saia aewer no aaaiaam a nroetdoel be the eltv cherter noon tho sane. arty epeetaily sad peculiarly henedted thereby snd which. Is hereby declared to be all tb lot, pert tnereor sna parcels et land lying between a Una 100 feet oath Of and parallel with tba sooth Has ef Baat stark atreet and a Una 100 fact north of and nerallal with the north Una ef Bsst Btsrk street, and be tween the weet Uae of Eaat Twentieth street snd s lino 100 feet westerly thereof end par allel therewith, and betweea the eeet line of Beat Twentieth street sna a una loo feet easterly thereof and parallel, therewith. . loo BOgtneer eewioe , ea o prooumo total coat fo th eooatruction at aald aawer Is 5283.4. .- - - The plana, speeinanrioae aaa estimates at m air Emrlaeer fo tb eontrctiu af aald aewer are bereby aooprs. Resnlred. Tbt tae aaoitor or tne city of Pwiiee he end he to hareby directed to eive aottc ef the pcopoeed ooatrectlo ot aald ewer aa provided by the city charter. . xt-aeitj ances agulnat tb above aewar ma he Sled ta writing with the anderslgned within to daya from the date at the Brat psbUoattea at this aotlce. ' .,, . : ,4 -,, By eroer ei xse vonncii. .'. , ... THOB. C BBVLTlf, ' ' :' Asdltnr at tk Cltr at Portland. . Portlaad. Oregon. JJata ef first pub lies tea. April a. 1805. - - fbopobib own nr fax itutt, ttimtBT . ITBX1TC ABO XWUTI BIBTK STBBXT Metles Is hereby given 'that st the ssestls ef tb Coaacil ef the at ef Portland. Ore gon, held n tn ata aay er April, 1PU0, the following leaomOoe wee adopted: Beaoivea, rnat xne xjouncii er ta city ot Portlaad, Oregon, doses It expedient and pat Ft construct a sewer la gelt atreet, by etreet and Tweoty-atath atreet, from aorth Uaa of Petty grove street 1a Pall street to 5 point la 01 m of street: thence ta Onlmby street to a polat ta Tweary-alnth street; thence north to - Twenty -elaik atreet ta th sewer la Rsleieh street. laid sewer to be mssti si ted of vitrified sewer pip , et etgat iscnes cieer insio ata ter, with all ai i isaarv oatchbaaloa. aMBhSMHV umrholes ea brancaee. - Held sewer to he cosatrweted to eeordanc with lb charter aad aeitlaaaaaa ed the city at Per I land and the plane, aeeclScetioaa d reHmstea ef th City Eaeloeer. filed In th office of tb 'Auditor of tn cltr ef Pert la ad a th Sth day ot April, laud. Indorsed: "tiiy ctt jioTirri. rnglneer' plena ami src1tcatloos fnr S sewer In beiL ijulmby aad Twenty-ninth (tree. from the ' north lln of Pottygrove atreet In Fall street to a point In Quimby street: eaat la Qulmby atreet te a pulut la Tweoty-nlntb atreet; north ta Twmty-alath a tract la atwe In Raleigh atreet, aad tb eatlmatee of taa work to be don snd th Brobebi total cost thereof." , The curt f aald sswor to be sasessed ss proTlded by the city charter upoa the scop ertr specisUy snd peculiarly henedted thereby aad which at hereby declared to be a U the tot, part thereof aad aercele ef laad lying be twees a Uae -loo feet aaat ef aad parallel with in eeet line of Tweoty-nlntb atreet aad a lln luu feet weat of aad parallel with the west line of Tweaty-alntb street, snd Between a line 100 feet sooth at snd parallel with th oath line et Kalrlgh treat sad a Use 100 feet south of aad parallel with th sooth Uae ef Oulmhv atreet talao all the iota, perm thereof and parol ef land lying petwuaa a line 100 feet north of Bed psralUl with the north line of Qulmby atreet and a Una 100 feet aouth ef and para lla 1 with .tb aouth line ot Qulmby etreet, and betweea the east Uae ef la II atreet and ita aatenaloo northerly la ita nreeant eeerrae. aall a line 100 feet west f and parallel with ths weat line of Twenty- ainia street; snd Sleo all tne mo, - pane thereof and parcels et land lying between a line lOO feet aneth ef en naraliel With tb north line of Quimby street snd the north Un at Pvttygror atreet. and between tbo est Una of Fall street aad lb cxteoetoe) northerly In Ita aeeeeee anaree eeet e tin 100 fort west at aad parallel with the west Un f FU street sad Its estcastoa BerUwrly la Its pr! sours. - - . '''.... Tb Bnglneer'a aatlmat sf th pvobabto total eoat for tb eoostructioa at said aawer Is SASI iu. i be -plana, -epecincateoaa aaa esnme.ea tne utr Knstneee ror tn tewaiieaieio -vi mid sewer are hereby rndopted. 'a Keeoire. 'isat tne Auaito or me v,vr w. Portland be and he Is hereby directed, to glr aotlce- at tb piupuoad osoatructioa at said sewer ss provided by the city charter. fteeaneereeaeee aeelftet taa ahov aWO SBy bo tied in writing with th undersigned withla 20 day from Us date ot tho Brat puMlaaUm ef this notice. ' .-.- . - By ere ef the Council. - -T - -,' . - Vw r .. THOB. C- DBVLIW. f : Aadltor of tb aty f Portlaad. Portland. 0rgea. Date ot Brat public tloe, April S, 1005. t . - pxopotzo mil taT KAWTK0BXB BTeeteei le aanhv arlvae that nt th SBSetJng of the Coaacil at tho Ot et Portland. Ore aoa. held ea the bta as of Apru. isuo., an following resolution wss adopted: . ' Beeolved. That the Council ef th Cltr at Peatiaad. Cvegea, deema It aspedlaat; and pss- peeee . le eeoe tract a sower aa nxvuaaa. a vane tram 25 feat oast of the eoat line of Bast Twenty-ninth etreet . te th sewer la swat Tkkrtuti atreet. Kaig aewer te he cow. stracted et rl trifled seerer pip of sight inches clear laeBde dlaaaeter. with ail aaaaanary satotv hesias. amnholea. mssphelee and braacbas. aaiel aearee to he eonaxrected la Wih rhe ehirtef aaa ordl nee, a ef tb aty of Portlaad and the piano, specific t lose aad Mtlautea et tne City Engineer Bled to tb eface ef tb Auditor T in cur ea -wre aa tha sth ear of AnriL Ivot. Indorsed- -city Bnglneer's plane and epetoeattoaa tor a aewer laUawthora aveau from 25 feet east at tb east Uae ef Beet Twesty-alnth atreet to aewer la Bsst Thirtieth . street, and the eetbeate ef the work to be doa and tb probable total ssst tbereef." Tba eoat ef aald sews to he sided by the elty charter, upon the property specially and peculiarly beaoatad thereby aad which Is hereby declared te ba all the lota, pert thereof and serosal of laad lying betweea elie ion et ,b -t and l-' With the Berth Una ot Hawthorn arena, aad a line 100 feet aouth of aad parallel with the aoath lira ot Hawt borne aveou snd between the eeet line of Beat Tweatr-atoth atreet snd a Una- 100 feat weet. of aad parallel with the) west Ba . V... -n I 1 1 1 1 a al, eat The atr Bnsteeer tlmato ef the srak skis total cost fa Us ainatmcUoa at said seen w ia ne -Th plas. sser4Btattoaa and estimates of ths aty Bnglneer for tb eoostrectioe at said aswa are hereby adopted. . . - 1 Beeolved. That the Aadltor ot th City of Portlaad be sad ha la hereby directed to aire notice of, the pi apossa eonsimcxiom ex ea aawer aa orovtoed by the dty charter. Benmoatraaces against ths above ower amy he tied ta writing With tbo , undernlgned within 20 daya from th dale f tha Brat foblieatloa of this aotleo. - By order of the CeencIL ' .' ' ' . - THOB. C. DWTLn. Aadltor of the aty ot PorUnnd, Portland. Oregon. Oat of arst peoncstioa, April a. FBOFOBXO ZWXaV . J . KAJ1 luirxBOB Notice la Feb given that at taa BMting taw-casjaeii of tn vixy ox rwrusse. vre- kel on th 5th dar ot AarU. IBOtw. th I lowing resolutioa waa adopted: Beaolred, That tb Coaacil ef th Oty ot art land, Oregon, da sal It expedient and per- bVm llenA. - ta eematrnrt a aewer la Best Mad! ihwa t treat from 100 fast west et th wsst Use f Best Twenty-ninth street to the sew tn Bsst Thirtieth strset. Bald sewer to be eoeetrneted of vl trtoed sewer pipe of eight laches aiear Inaide diameter with aU BMiakolae, tomphol aad braarbe. Bsid sewer to oe aosetiottea ; with tba charter and ordinances af Portlaad. and tba plena, apecuVarloo aad aa Uma res of tb City Bnglnaar Bled la , the offlr af the Aadltor . ot the aty , ef Portlaad oa tb 4th day ef AprU, IPUO, tadoreed: '-aty Bnglneer's piss aad aiMclacatloae lor a sewer ta Bsst MsdUsoa teaat from too feet - west of m Uaa at Baat Twenty -Bint a street to aewet la Bast Thirtieth street, snd the estimate af the work to aa aaa aaa us awmnvaia ssxai Boat thereof. TB est of aald erar to ho provided by th city cbarter ape arty epeciairy ana wnicn m pert tbereol ieaaa a Itne with .tb worth Uaa of Boot Madison atreet and a line 100 feet sooth of- sod parallel anth tb aoath line of Baat Madlaoa atreet, aad be tweea a lln 150 feet weet of and parallel trite the weet lln et Beet Twvnty-alath atreet and a line luu teet west ex ana parauaa wiis ke neat Una af Beat Thirtieth atreet. The eagineer'a estimate ot tab probable total eoat for th eenatracttsa of said . sews la IM SO . . The plana, specifications sad erthnats sf th aty Knainerr for the coestrwctloa af said aeeree era berebr adapt ed. - Keaolved. That th Aadltor of the, aty of Portland be and be aa bereby 01 recto to gtve aotlce ef the proposed construction ot aaid sewer ss provide .1 by tb city charter. h moo trance against th above ewr tsay he Sled la writing with the aaderstgaed within 10 day rrom tn aaia ox urn aist puuucauoa ox tarn so tics, s . . By srdcr si is veonni. - v THOB. C. DEVLIN. - Aadltor. af tb at of Portland. Portlaad. Oregon. , Date ot first publics tloa, April 5, 1105. - ,v fxofobxo trim or boobxtxlt tTBjcrr. - Mntlce In herebr sir thnt st tba msetln Of the Coaacil at the City ot Pertlsed. Ore gon, bold ea tae ata. aay at Apru, lvua, the following resolution was adopted : - Resolve, -just tne council et tne city et Portland, Oregon, deems It expedient ssd pur pose to conatract a aewer la Roosevelt- street. 5 her Kick srenoe sna nineteenth street, tram list feet weet of Sbertork avenue ta etnas, ye tt treet to the sewer ta Vaagba street at Nine tee tb atreet. Paid sewer to -b . constructed f rltrlfted eewer pipe of eight inebe clear Inside diameter with sll a ry catch basins, manholes, lampholea and branches. . Bald aewer to be constructed la accord ne With the - charter and ordinance of tb City of Portland, snd the plana, apeclnrstioa and etlmate of the City Engineer Bled In the office ef the Aadltor ot th City ef Portlaad on tb 4th day ef April, line. Indorsed: "city Bnglneer's plans snd epeclflcatlone for s sewer la Roosevelt atreet. Sherlock avenue and M no- tees tk street from Iuo (eet weet of Bberlock aa la Be Baser It street to sews ro Vsturbn erreet, and the 'eatlmatee ef the work te be dene. Bad the probable total eoat thereof." The coat er aald sewer to Bo aaseeeed Sa provided by tb city charter upon tb property apeclaily snd nteulisrly benefited thereby, end which bf bereby declared to be sll the ots, paru thereof and parcel of laad lying be tweea a line 100 feet eeat of and parailel with the east Un ef Nineteenth trast. and Ita x tension sort her ly la Ita present coarse, and a lln 100 feet west of and parallel with th neat Una of Nineteenth etreet, and Ha rate avoe northerly la its present couree, aad. be tweea the center line ef Keoaevelt atreet, and It x tree to easterly la It pre ut couree. and a tie 100 feet north ef and parallel with the Perth line of Vaughn etreet; alee block 13, Bberlock' addition to to City of Portland: aad .lao a parcel of land lying betweea two line respectively 100 feet aad 200 feet weet ef and parallel with tb weet - line of Nineteenth Btreet ssd Its ex tees toe northerly, and between tbo sooth line ef block 13. Sherlock a addition, aaa Its oateaeioe sssterlr and a tins 1 no e.e outherlr therefrom and parallel there with. Th Engineer' eatlmat el the prgbehle total coat for ,. lb oa traction ot said sewe 54AA04. The plane, mei float tons ead eatimate at th aty Boaiueer for tb eooatrectlus aat aald awr are herebr sdopted. Resolved, That the AerTTtee at tb City ef Portlaad be end ke In bereor d-r -ed to gtva notice ot th prormeed r .. i at , aewer as provided hy tne c t. , Heesonstranee alt t r r -t be filed ta wrllr-t with I a ' . 20 dare front tu d ( t a , at tbl SOtlc. By- order f Partlsad. AprU 5, 1. (J -N r- . , . ' t - Trains ta ti J&ttt CcIIyJ - Throe h Pnllavaa standard ssd baortst alee, lag cars gaily ts Omaha. Chiesra, book- -I toorlet sleeping car dally te Baaaaa t -; -through Pullmaa tourist aleenlng ear (a- e ally eoaehacted) weekly to Cemcaee. P ....g rnaW cats taeat xreeiee aoa ar . tJMOM DBPOT. I aeevae. I exrivwa. CHICAGO POBTLAJID . BPECIAJa, For tha, Eaat eta lngtoa. 5:15 a. as. 8:05 Ba 1 Bnat-P",- Daily. . SPOKANB FLTBB. Far Eastern Washing ton, Wslla Walls, Lew let oe. - Coewr . aAo aad . Orsst ,, Barf ara t:Up. I Dally. . 80 0.1 Dally. ATLANTIC BXPRBBS. 1:15 k. I T:15a.BV Dally. ' ror tb asst 1 lngtoa. Dally. Oefamala Biver DTviaioa, FOB ABTOR1A aad way points, coaaectlBg with 8:00 0, a. felly. Uhoarl ";. 5:00 p. aa, e,w. xoc xiwaco " ! Ml rl. IIIIHIlBf evia aieeB ere WMjatii, ee eeep, aoai. OOCW 10Hs p. ga. TamhlU Bteer Beets." FOB DATTON, Oregea aty aad Taahm Rlvaar T:00l Dally. T-aSa.1 mm, atmra. Bath aad Dally. IWllM ' ' X as a a Are Beats. ana taeiewia a., AboatSbeS ee vm ut-h." 11 Rlparts, Wah.. smrsT Wedaeaas nnralae'. IBuuday t IlCKaTt OPTICB. Tbtrd aad Wi POooe bfaia T12. " V' ft W- aTTTrHJatB, at L W CBaVltV OsseraJ Pseea EAST SOUTH DM10N DEPOT. ' 0TKBXAMD BXP tralas, (or Bslem, tat I ourg, aboisso, rWSea. x.a e:2to as. raB-a,ai etaro. Btecktea. Loa Aa4 Betas. U Pose, new urn lean sna tne nasi. . axornxng Praia Beets st . W aaiiy - - axnaa . a erik - Oata P B s. av wit-tat SB. AngaL Bllrortea. Broerssrrtlle.. Bps lag field, wsatnm am Katroe. " -f p. to Albas H.00 sects at noo a. a Mb Angel ton lacel. a. ss. CorvaUU pamiagii. !tt .. fiida. B. 1140 aberidaa paaeriiger Dtly. tIDally, escewt fiseday. - - -' FartW-Osweg aWtorrtoa larrto earn XaavaOt rw,. toot of jeffsreea street, Leave Portland dally for Osweam T:aO a. ts.1 lagb: tiM. I, 5i20. O BJ, t.4. 10:10 p. m. Defiy f-mlny). 5 JO, 0 0. 8:14. 1S- au sLi dad. U JO a. as, atonday oaxy, tne PtsraiBg frats Oewege. arrtve Portland " 11:10 p. a. Dully (aaaspt arsasy 8-aa. T tJO, 10:10. 11:45 a. a. Bxorptlaoaam. -- p. a. awnday ealy. 100 a. B. .' Le from mse jeoejo ..... HkM Salle leeaaea Bmsatarl SlXO S. a- Arrlv rertiaaa ju:iu a. an. , . . . The Indi peadem a Himaiimfh 1 apentaa dally te Monnmoth an Aow. - sactlnV with Itoa there Pacta sampaajB tosa at mnas aaa atata tlS. 1 " M we I Mflaft. W. a. ctiBXAJi, (aty xesgss gv TIME CARD 4 TRAINS ii Portland j UNION DEPOT. Limited. Beattle, ' - -S 5VI Olraata. Boatk B rl Pa av ' ?- - . -V" '.J . . . , .'...', rtWdrOa, , . . ' ros. iv V ' VI - , ' . T.-OSfj. to. sad Cray's . .: . Oar be I polnta. North Coast Uarlted. tor Ta rams, Bestttorl Butt. BtTPaat, Mla-I S40SW55, pea peiis. cavmgo, new. York, Boston snd potato Eaat aaa Booth. Twla-Utr Bxpreaa, tort Taeoma. Besttle, Bpe-i Bine, He tens. at. real, Mlnnes nolle - Ch lease. U.-4.B.I ..' .-. New Tsrk. Bostoa, and all points East aaa Boatbeaat. Puget aoaad - Ksaaaa City -St. Loa la BnertaL fur Taeoan, Beattle. took aaa, Batt BUllags. Dearer, Omaha, Kaasaa City. tt. LosJa and all potato Bast sad Soatb- 1:29 a. Sa. ee et. All brain dally , esoeot . on Bon, b naaea.. A. D. OBABLXurT. Aaaletsnt tesaeral rsaaeager Asee. , v US hiorriaea st. so. Third, rsrtstaei. 4hv asmseSsPse stse Sara? Jsjiiili C hp ) Vc y . , aree PTret-clsm isre- nee rjVra.T - a sad Baa Francler lbertse P: siuiaa i. d far 815. seeond-elses berth SS-M. - - -riefc.te te Baaterw poiete and 9 I aaa, ahM lit iieeree uiw. eSBBeeaBMaaaBaHaBaBesjaaBBBsaBBaBBaBsxmaBBaBaBBBBSaaame Astoria & Columbia r River Railroad Co Loses. ' CNlON DEPOT. Arrtvea, tin) a SB. For Maygers, Ratal, 11:10 a, m. Dally.. , Clatekanle. Wostport, Dally, . x ' Clifton.. Aatoria, W. .'r' - '. reetoa... PlrL Baa- ;. . mood. Port ttevi ea, ' ' OeerbaH Pert. Baastos, ' f ". . ' -.. - ; Astoria sad 1st shirs, ' :: . ''...- Tito a. . z. ' : ts, g. ' etotorlfi aprsa,:. t. O. MATOw - 0. P.- sad P. A, Assart, fj. a A. rrrwltT. Commrrta Ageat. 248 A'SjI stra, raeae jaaia eue, , - , '7l - 4 t Thnkah I -a 1 1 V 1 l h eswea Te :-r en' " ' J a I ..3 . r a 1 V ' 4 1