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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 18, 1905)
il'AY'S MAR! .mm com FuC;,l DSOTA C-"pp!ies for Portland - Are1 Now on Their Way From East 'I- ,V, oj the Rocicles,';. ::;:;; CALIFORNIA BUTTER IS CUT IN VALUE TODAY Chort Sellers of Hops Are Be comlnj Fanatic rComblne ': Is-jWorrylng'.Tbem. r rract Street, April IS. The principal features Sf the Portland wbolwU markets today are: Minnesota potato an coaxing. ' California batter at lower. . Fee and poultry kr Arm. . ' ', Freeh bmU l fair araul ': ' . ' Hop shorts ara traatle. i ., . ; ' ', 8inm receipt arc light, ., -.. ' ' Mlnnorttn PotstooAm Camlaf. It kaa lrak4 out that a number of tan ' at potato aa well aa oaloae ara now. am their j wy ta tbla city from eastern points, prac tically 10 ran ot Colorado potatoes ara aa rout to thia city ia addition to tkoaa from r-lnte farther oast. Moot -of these ara from Wiaoesets. , It to said that t. B. Malkls is Mow section end ia buying tor aeveral Iocs! skippers, Tb freight rata aa potatoes i from' Minnesota points to tbla city Is asld t a aoe per hundred pounds. Tba raaaoa r tb dealer go firtbar aaat tor tbalr oek , . In trad of baying them from tb Greeley ajrowrra ia because , fartbar aaat they ' nia fancy Bar banks, wblla la Colon d tb - art act pat atarka -ara rare la. Tba local trad noes aot ears much tor tba latter variety, awboagh tboaa arba bare used them claim toey ara eeperlor la every war ta tba ordi nary potato. The-potato -nurket la tbla city ia vary flr as, all' grades being la heavy de. wixad. Dealer ara baring sunt stocks oat i l tb country and as kigk aa fl- Portland ' .being paid. Tb oaioa market la la goo4 i auapa irltb stocks a ad price nominal. - v . .. Oalifaniia -Butter U-lmwnrrr.rt-r- There I added weekeee in, tba creamery butrer xaarket. Receipts of Collfornla ,va- rletle are. aot heavy but tba produrttoe of local better more tbaa make up for tb aneenre of anaw of tba'' neighboring atata' product. Calif oral a batter la offerleg today . la tela market at la. per pound for tb , Hat product, bat aome aeeond ara a ere amy ' a going as low at ITVaC Local Talaea anew ao change bat tba toa ef tba market favor a a).bt deriin at taia urn, elects at au oTaoa are- piling up aery fast. '.. , ( r . , . Zaa aad Vaaltry Are Tlrm. . -'-.. Boeelpta at ect ara aot saowlaf arack of aa lacresaa aad dVmaad la Jvat aa atrong aa oarlxa; tba prreedlac week. Tba rerelpta af poalory ara bat a trlaa larreaaed aad dealer coaUauo to acat far aappUe. . -. Bap aorta Ara taatia. v '' Tbe exrlnalTt pubUcat1oa la Tba Journal of tba plaa to eombloe tb bopaTowr -or tbe 1 setae coast baa caused tba abort aellera t beooajM frantic and auny of tbeai ara dot la tbe rnuBwy trying to all taeir orders. To aoaber of abort la tbla market la ski eh larger ' taa waa-at BraT-aatletpated, . Tba toaa ot tua asarket la UgbUy better, but a caanga appear la tba priora, ' ) fclmea alpU Ara tlgbt. , Receipts of Colombia rlrar eblnook aalawa . ara ratber light aad demand I good at pre Availing prieaa. Tb ' river I too low for a . fceary catch, according to tba nabera. Bbad i are ia .larger oapply with . deeaaod . fair at aacbaaged reloaa. rraah XaaM ia Fair Daahaad. ta all llaea af fresh meats wltb tb possible eirentioa af ta aorinc laaaba there ta a fair , oeatand rollng today. - Hog ara aot ooaatnf aa fast and dealers ara willing to bay ia. a - aaoderata way. Hecaipta of, draaaad al ara e-nall. ' ' .' - -v...-. today wbokasl qnotaUoaa, aa reriaed. an . aa foUvwa: " wratr. nawr aad ra WHIaT Nomlosl; elab and red, aT0)SSc; i)lrm. Wtaac;. valley. WtaMa, , tsAAUCT eeea, XLau; -aoUed. AM.00J Brew- . U 1'OM.H Waola, M JOJ . rraeked. , .fp pat ' . -". i .T i.b pr rwx. t'i Mo. 1 walta, aaa.ovi aray, , - tiAV Kastaraf Oregoa Pstewta, ft M; 'rabta, Midi aaporta, fAottOAoM salary. WIUBTUFr Braa, . l.od par toe! said. ' -. aS.OO, aborts, eoaatry, n.OU t aTnaaorhT. arrtlsaaetla laflsa ' .00; ordinary, f It 0O; eastera Oiogoa, fit. 00) . .nad. $12. 00 j clover, 11.00 graia,, 4U.00; caoat. U.OO. - Batter, Sgga aad lWtry. FrTTTB rAT avweet, HHc; ouor, H. ' Uty areaaMryr best. She: aecoad wrsde, Xtv,U2Sc; on laid fancy. XUfS21tCi ordinary. 2uc; Callforaia, lS4t2Uc; tora, lie. S.'itM No. 1 freak Oregon. 1M doe.. CUlUtSB Mew fall erasas. twin. Jae) ' Tosng dassrira. 17Qlnej aaatara, xajis)ei Ita.-.urala, lt Caeddar. Ida, 1 POUUBI Cblcbeaa, failed, IBS pee? lb; nw, a . ivmvn w k, I lo: roaaa. IftVae nor lb: broiler. pea doe; Cry era, 6 M par aoa; docks, a.OOara.OO per do; gen a, ajW per lu; utraeys, jiajia oreaooa. a)2la per lb; aoaaba, eXtOtaiMM per do. Jsopa, Waal aad Xidaa. r OPS Contract, 100. lof17ej IBOt eroa, far cbeloei sV42 tor. prlawa aaa WOOL 10S clip, vsllay. enaraa ta ssedlam, i ltJUMi aaa, ZlUSc; ewtara .Oregno. USl i 17e. v ..,. . . MOHAIR rtoaslaal. SOOSHe. ' HAaajfoMtlNS Snaarlag. Int30c; short wool. &a,Mci asodlaat woes, SboaOc; avag wool, due I 00 aach. . Is.LLoWl'rtBM, per lb, dfiSc; Ma, aoa Sreese. V02H- cainiM BARK 44H par tb, baytag ' price. BIDKsV-tVy aide. Me. 1, Id tb aad up. leajldk per lb; dry kip. He. L to II lbs. 14c; dry mil. Mo. A, wooer Pea, IStliSe: dry Belted bides, steers, anaed, tOlbaar ever, SViU) 4 4c; eu to 00 lbs, fct ktavae: seder do Iba and . cowa, aasa bin, IS to etags aad bulla, eoand, 047e: n. Sot a lie tad. 10 to 14 Iba. vvc; caix, aoa oa, aaaer iw toe, najiu a. aaaer lo ids. astaile: areea tansalted), 1 per lb Jkasat calla, le per Ibises; area Mora. Belted, each. fl.xatJl.TB; dry, oaea, f 1-00S)1.KI; celt hides, eeca. XBtBOOa; post aaiaa, roaiaaoa, oaea, lOvJlA; Aagera, vrltb, wool en, each, xsedJfl.OO. ; . . . , ' - rralto aad Tififssli. .. i.-U : .v POTATOES eVaet -i Orearoa. tl.xtli ear lots. I. . b. reaatry, - fl.tB; aacoad grade, fl.00 per sack: baying, car lot, auc; harly ae,; awoeta, aeet,; tw, e i j wew veiiionus. we per la, )NlhS-f4AU; buyers' prices, oai I ON prices, aoantrv. ' 04 ovt4.14; , Asa trails. fS.00; garlic, vaide per t-RKSrT rRDTTaApalea, ertr faaey, fl.BOl faaey Orewea. TBaWde aer baai chess er.W .1 fwtfe per Jaw; oraneea. aaval. fSOUAtBO box: baaenaa. tSAe. lbi lessons. rkM li 71 box; fancy, 43.00 bos; limes, Meitcee, o&e per iwj eaaivm. tt.waj.w; eraaaai I IBS, ass. 1 era. f'l-OU per bblj tUroraia stnwbarrias, , Id.PO per rrat. .-. j TttJWhi per sack; I rarr-te. fl.ooajl.lo per seek; beeta. fl.SS per I pack; Oreaca radiabes. SO per aoa: eabbaao. I oa. per r!; rstlfomia. fl.10atl.15: -. bcthcan. fl.tndll.BO per crate: greea ' I uers. To per lb; Cblll peppers, 16ttlTo lb; . e err. fX.7iet4.00 per crata; tomateea. ' - . aseneaa, gx.jnja.o; r.ransoa. fl.OOQLlBt . ate pleat, . dee per I loi; airing beans, lxe; eaaliriower. Callforaia, I ' per crate; rhnherh. Ieyaie per lb; tzAsrcTAarvrrnxmrn or r '-"ney J-'-a, Sower Pip. Tiro 1. alo Tlla, Building -, Ids Ultt, Vitriflad For. t a-rlcJt. . .- d Tsrd Foot Ankeny fit Or. Phono MalB Iff. TODAY'S PRICES ONv THE WHEAT MARKET '.' d ; Mar Option, -' as a i 1 Tuea. Moil d ChteT0i.,..H.l'4 IUIXA; d Liverpool ,.. 7 Hd (aTHd d d Bt. IouU ..... 1.01B - 1.008 d) d. Kanaaa City... ' . .S2A ' d d MUwmukoo l.UVi ' iMSi v d d ntt"TorI.o- mtha , " d thilutb ....... 10s .... . . . d d ' Ban , Franclaco 1.44 , ' , L44B d d ' "Wlnnlpa ..... .11, '."'. , ' i- d Per cental, . j -, . . aw eaiaoiaa, isrov- pvr w. . , w artlcbokea. dOtAoe per do; kot boose . lettne. i:6oJl.T5 per box; Orego radlabea, . IbuAX per ana; green on loo a. uum per uu. aepsn' gue. juc per u; ayinarn. at yea ai.ou ana. pr lb) pranes, itellaa, ataWSH par a f-rcaea, H4MPr lb; flga. Csilforala black. eaH per lb; CaUfonria white, aar lb; pluau. putrd. per lb: data, gel da a. at aa lb; tarda, I1.M par IB-lb boa.,., , , ; , . eooerkea, lata, Xta, . UOAIt Back beats Oub,' O.S0; powdered, . 06; (roll graaulated, e.u6; dry . graaaUted, beet graaulaard, .; extra C, fa..; goldea IV &.; bbla, lOe; bbks, tftc: aoaea, due advaaea aa aaeb basis, las aba per awl lor eesb, la dsya: omnia, ldtalda par lav.-. VOMKT lwjla. .'i TOt'KtfaV faekaeo- beaada. U.aaV ' ALT e-ine Baies, as, as. ess. aa. 10a. ILtO; table, diry, bus, I1L.U0; iuua, glv-IBl las. porteej urerpooi, aoa, a; ins, ie.swi lUsa, fla.00; extra floe, boss, la, aa, be, 10a, moo& bo: bulk, tavlka, t.wa)e.up eaeka, BUS, ooajoOr. . ......... HALT tooraa Half aroaad. 100. Be tea. COa. mm too. UiarnasL as bid ilASO par toa; eu-Ib rock, 7.0U WOa, dd.7a. i Ahm ancai.ali to ealaei of seas tbaa seta. Oar lata at apaatal prloa aabjatt ta floe- . UKAIN BA0S CaVratta. fS.7BOS.00 per 100. HICK Imperial Japea, No. 1, de: Mo, S, e; Kew Orloaaaav awad. tMtjda; A4is. iavot. ae. BAANaV-Banfl white, det Urge whlta. St; pink, S Ms; bayoa. fs.00: liaaa. SW; ataxloaa reds, Te. . W CfTS Pease ta, TVet Bboa. tHe par lb raw. KetlOa ess Ei: Mated. ! ooeoaaata aBfjOOe per do; w a mats. idOloe per lb; pine oata, lOgjlSH pes ih; klckary aata, 10a par tb; rneataaas, osateraiaojiae per annst " 1ft par lb; fllberts, 160le per lb; faney pocaoa, iddjlSe per lbs aUaoada. UOUM fat la. Vaxata, 0al OUa, Saa, - f- ' - ROrB Par btaslU. le; standard, llic; nail, lfie: Istle bread slaai. COAL Oltr-fesrl or Astral Case. JoUd per gal; water white, Iroa bbla, 16c par gal; wooden, lac aar gal; headlight, 170-dog, caaea, 23 Ue dot aal UaJSUMC--8s-ds'. i. He per gai Iroa aaat, 34 t par gal; abK to per gal; tave. mm dois, lee i e per gaL TUkPKNTlh in u 7a par salt bblf. t far flaL- area lt ld-f t WtllTIa LUD 1 D Ton lot, TK per lb) fOO-B I per lb; lea lata, be per Dx RM naOS. Prseent baas at fl. 80. WI rgnll feUOtf par toa. Kosta. riah FRESB at RATH Btbbi etreet Beef, ataara, dStftVa per U pork, block. T4JI7H per lb; packer. TATM per lb; balm. ea4e pat lb: cowa, tQee per lb; awttoa. aajTa aad lasaba, with Delta, 1.60(gA&0; wsi, extra. SHtxIe; ardssary, S4Jlk par lb; peer. dHe per lb. aaajxa. tuuvn. arro. 1 01 nana paea tmeeil hama, 10 te 14 Iba, 13e per lb; 14 to IS Iba, M par lb; IS to 90 Iba, 13 per lb; cottage, Sc Pes lb; breakfast am lS4tlae M lb: ptenle, Sc per lb; regaiar short clears, aa sssoked, PH per lb;, smoked. 10 fee par a; clear be eke, anaxseked, Pe per Ibi '. smoked. 10 per -idj . juaioa omits, 10 10 ia 10s, aaomoaoo. as per lb; smoked, to per lb; clear belllas, aa- sseuea, lie per in: amoaea, us par in. LOCAL LARD Kettle leaf. 10a, 10 par tb; Be. lOHo per lb; BO-lb tins, 10a oa per lb; m raaaursu, 10 v per 10; aa. eu Bar lb: tube, tt per .e SOS. Sa par lb. CANNED SALMON Olumbia river 1-Ib taTM. S1.8S: S-lb tall. l.RS; x-lb tslla, SXBO; faaey 1-lb Sate, fl.00; H-lb faaey Seta, fl.xs; fsacy 1-lb a rale, fXTBi Alaska uns, pink. sft0SOs; rod, f 1A0 aamiaal Is. tall. fx. 00. nH Rock aad, f par lb; fonadere. Se par lb; AaUbut. dta per lb: arsbs. fL2S par doe; tripod baas, 104) He par lb; cat fish, . To 1 par lb; salmon, . cblaook, be; ateelbeala, Te par lb; aamng, Sc par lb; dressed. per lb; . perch. Se per lb; shad roe, aoe per lb; shad, a .per lb: buck cod, Se per Ibt silver smelt. Sc per lb; lobsters, loe; freak mackerel, Se per lb; erawftaa SOe per aoa; noomiera, oe per is; arargeoa, tc per 10. OTSTgRS Sbealwetor hay, par gal. fS-Xt per aack. Te per lb. LAMS Bard shall, par boa, SS.0S; raas alame, fx. 00 per box. , , . - HOGS ARE BETTER BUT LAMBS DROP '''" - gaxaxaaawaaxexsa " Tone In - .Livestock ' Market on ; Porkers Is Showing Vast V .. Imbrovement. i ; vV Portland Caios Btockysrda. April IS. Lira stock recrlpU: , Hoc. ., Cattle. ; Sheen. Toady ................. 4 '. 210 ' Sl weea ago Jim- an Prevloas waek ......... 04 123 duo There Is a Boch armrr feeling ta tb hog market today. Tb receipts continue nominal. Local batchers are ara la baying and this Is s wonderful bain to tbe toaa ot tbe market. Tba orleo snka better but do cbaaaea a Does r lu printed prices. Tbev Is aa extra good feeling la cattle aad sheep but spring Umbo could hardly be weaker. Pries show a severs drop of over fl. today. - Official pries for . livestock 1 1 Hoes Beat eastera Oreaoa: S6.00: blockers ad Chin fata, fo.23; tocker aad feeder, f4.S04J4.TS. - , Cattle Beet aastcra Oreiroa " etrers, M.X; light aad medium steers, fa.aotJ8.TB: old and light cows, U.OOVJZ.1B;- asocaara aaa leoasrs. f2.00; bull,' SI M. ' , v . Hheeo Bast fancy sbeaa. S4.OO1B.0O: f4.25U4.6o; aprlag lamba. Be. . , .;- EAJTimjt.HOOS TOUPT. , v.; CWcsgo, AprO IS, Urestock receipt: T , , j . , , Hogs. . Cattle. ..Sheep. Chiracs ............lB.OuO ; 4.b . ?, I8.OI1O Kansas City ...,. .lO.OW . lO.OW ' 10.000 Omaha 0,500 . 7 500 . " d.CoO Hogs opened steaay wit a,nuu lett over. Receipt a year age were 14.000. Price: tilled sad batchers. Sft.S04t5.n5: food besvv. fu.sfttia.SB;- roagh .heavy, f.S565.40; light, fB.aott5.49. .' . . , , ... , , ,.- v , t attle Hteany. , , ,. ., sibaep Steady . ?tf'L. COTTON. CLOSED IS : : J; EIGHT POINTS UP Kew York. April lk. Cot toa fern res opened etesdy and closed about S points edranced aver yesterday. - , Today a official eottoa market: 1 ' - . . . . Open. Hlrh. Low. Close. Jannary 73 . 70 T6T 7 72M Apru ... ... ... Tartu May TM T - T4.HW44 Jan , ..,.... Tl' T TM ; TT4WT5 inly m T40 TIU T.1N440 Augiatf -rriT;TT.'.-r.-T 71- TSA T424S fwptemhet ........... .... ... Ttla Oetnher .4 T4S 754 . iT4fv T62UKS Isovember ...,,.,,. , TS6tt6T Decern her TBS T5S ' ' 753 TBStiB . Uvsmusl tVttaa lUraaS. ' " r I IJvevpnnl April IS. Cottoa - fntaras ctaned I i I points higher. . ookstocx Mnmia tTooxs. Saa macisro, April li OfSclxl elealag, swalng aeaaioa: DM - ' ' Bid. Raviga, ....,,,.f ,M Pnto.1 . IS Bulfioa,,,,,,,! ,i belcher ,2T Con. c't -Ta.... 175 Ophlr .,.. M.aTVi I nlna Ci .T;l yellow Jacket.. .2. K 1 chequer ..... .41 li 1. A " - - ax tsieoonia ...... .04 Mealeaa ....... l ' .. to Iscjorptps -.SM.a .sd ETS'. "A Number of Czst of fancy Cariir. T ' tatoes Art F4ow En Routs From f.!!nrtt:ti, - Points to ths .Portland Market LM STCCK IS SEVERELY HiFfD Northern Securities at One Tims . Loses Sixteen Points on ;7.,,;:f-';-tiie Curb. V-Xf'r CLOSING TEN POINTS 7. t UNDER THE OPENING Union Pacific Special Prey of the S 6ar$ and ,Lo,ses Four, .; ';;vXD0rars. t -i .''i-i'e, V' Aaaeooda A ul ICstv A.:.": :T"'.tA auaiiai ',t., insiy. pro X Atrblsoa .v....... 1 Mlaaoorf PaO 1 a.iraieoa, pia .... Hngsr , North Am Norf. at West ... N. I. Central ... Oat -A West ...i 1 Psansrhranla ..... 1 bneiter ...... 1H ureoaiya ?' Halt, m onto St. Paul .... .... Ik Paclae Mall ...... . an ...... a led cpfu"i; C. N. W..,...,4W Cbosa. 4V otaie ... 4 Pressed Sleet u Ren. met Canadlaa Pae J olo. boatbera .... Srld 1: Krle, Sd ptd ...... 1 Krle, 1st pfd ...v H Great Western ... 4 111. I Central ....... J Rock lalaad t Buutbera By ...... 1 Bteel, ,. Steel, pfd 1 8. P., com , 114 Ht L. A- a. Ww P-.. Tens. Coal ....... 1 Texa A PaclOe.,.. U. P.. cost : d Wleroosls Cent ... tool. A Nash .... 1 atetropoUtsa .... Northern See. .....IB Mexicaa Caotral . ADVANCES. Colo. Foal . . . . . Oaa ...........1 Rubber t. ....... Mubber, pfd ... 4 1 Sole Soltb , loieoo, pi wkv-ctDt, pfd t, pfd .... . . w . w w a . Km lliaae wail oervev ww i" -z gecuritlca had a frightful bump oa tba curb today aad at ona time wa SIS J' P"'; tleally recovered eouM.of the loto, but closed S10 aader tba opoalng furarva with SB, 000 aalea. i nia lorceo ine mil" v.-- ---- - heavy deorhwa were aanouaced. taloa FaclAe lllaola Caatral teat potnu oa-kaTy aaU- todxy bfflciai 'atoek market: 'i DtaCBIPTIOR. Anaconda Mining Co... 121 12A1, 125 A met. Uopper Cow..... soil orcaaeoB. coxa......... do nreferred. Am. Car A Kooadry, do preferred ...,, Am. Sonr. com...., lz 1IH 1M14 Am. Smelt., cosb...m do preferred Baltimore A Ohio, com do preferred ..4.... Broeklra Rapid Traaaltl 100 caaaoiaa rscwc...,,i V. A U. ,W.. com... f-hL, MIL A St. P... C. A M. W.. com asTi, Chlrsgo Termlaal Ry, Cheaaoeaka A Ohio. . Colo. Fuel A Iroa, com Colo, soenhero, com.. do aeeond preferred... do first ore f erred... 58'Al SO 60 Delaware A Hudson... Uelawsra. Lack It. A H. O., aoa, do preterred ..,.,,... Erie, com do aeeond preferred... " do ftret preferred. , . . Itllnoi Central iMiiavllla A Mash rills. Met. St. lly. .......... Msabattaa Ry. ......... Mexlcatt Central By.. Ulna., at-P. A Sta M. d9 pTV&efrFI)!. .aaaaioa Missouri Paclae If. K. A T- com.... do prof erred ......, New York Central Norfolk A Western, com North . Amniraa.... N. x., Ont. A Wsaternl -saaayrvaaia sty... P. O. L. A C Co.. Pre Bass Steel Oar, com 00 prererreo, ...... rsrlffc Mail S. S. Co.. Reeding, com Rep, Iran A Bteei. eoaaj do preferred Back Island, coat.. do preferred , leathern Ry., com.. do pre far red. ...... Soothers Psclflo. ... do nj fefisd ..... .1 tS5 St. U A S. P.. Sd pfd St. L. A s W . com do prefarred. . . ,. .... Taxaa A PadSe. Tenn. Coal A Iroa.... T.. t. I f Wa com do prefewed. . ....... TJnioa PadSe. com., do preferred 21 1.ISH V. S. Leatber, cos do preferred..... a V, S. Robber,, com.. do preferred,,....,, TJ. S. Steel Co., com.. 'do prefarred Wheal. A L. .. com. ds & aaTfSatTS)'! a a s a a WImodwIb Central, cam. vtO" etwFPr" al ,a. Wabaali. m. s tSS) DCf al I'd daseeee ' Total aalea tor day, 1. 512,800 share. ' Call meaey, 2 par cent. , , , , .-- ':-Xtoiiotax man wncu. yf: Ran Francisco, April IS. Official els, mora ng V Bid. ' ' ' ; ,...r j Bid, Adam ....f .IS Mohawk .27 A Montana ...... Midway l.STft McNsmara .... .44 Belmont ...... 1.40 : North Stat .... .6f , Rescue .11 , Gold Mount ... .14 . Jim Butler .... 1.15 Nevada .13 Ton. Extra .w 5.00 ' Red Top , .JW Dixie .: .85 Kendall , .M Columbia aft .44A Uumbo .00 Jnmbo Kxtn....e ,2T Black Butta. ... , .ST Silver krk "...e .21 flora. Anchor .. 1.21 ' Kar O' Brian ... .OS ' Ooldfleld ...... . Sandstorm .00 Ssndstorm Ex., .14 Horn Rtak .. .M Opilf Ton ..... ..TBA In. Bull Prog ., .Sd ' f Diamond field.. .75 Cash Boy ...... ,TS Star ...... .39 B0IT0B OOFPXB STOOXB. April IS. OfdeUl eloee: Bid. Bid. 20.00 . A73 . an. 00 Britlah Cot ,.f S.12H Dots. Iroa 22.60 Uryea. Oold ., Mass Old Don ..... Isht Boyal ... II. S. siloing. Alloa SI. 00 80.STH 10.25 15.60 Ooeeola . . P7.50 . , ss.00 Atlsstle Calumet Parrot . . ,. evw.oo nsoav ja .,. Tamarack .. I'tak ....... fQHmftfMal ' ' Trinity Wolverine "... Copper Mt aa 00 125.00 7.00 60 lOS.00 Cooper Baag T4.50 l)ly West ,, 14.00 Pom. Coal ... 7B.O0A Oranby ....... S.00 .:': BAM TBAJr CISCO LOO AX BTQCXS. ' Saa rraaciaca, April 18. Local otocka, close 10:w a. m.:, . .... : .- bio. . Aaa. Rnrlna Taller Water k.. biatnal Electric ...... Olent Powder ................... STlf Urn Hawaiian Commarclal ........ SS SSts lionoaea awgsr Hntchlnsoa Sugar , ITtA MakawMI Sugar :;v.V.."i.""....".r.- SSVj Paaubaa Rugar .......... IS Alaska Parkers' Mm 21 87 Clirnmts Prnlt ..........''. . i0-l CsUforls Wine TT4 , lofH rsclS Bute Xelepaooe 10s , ''iwAix nun oosstp." V, New Tork. April IA The Wall Street iowr- sal aare: Amerleaa torh In . Lnndna ara steady at ahnut parity. Slight advaaea la consols. . Trivldead oa the" Amerleaa steel Fnnadry, preferred, ta likely this somlng July. The bank gained from the subtreeeury sine Friday f I.OOS.OOO. There seeaM to be a grow lag Increase la (II line nf huslaeea sod bright prtapeci pir in. year jeim ara 1 . Beatea' Closed. Tnaerraw. " Bnaioa, April is.-xu Bo toa axcbaiiflo will b cl 'TV VEATIIER GAVE- All ravEDic;,: In Early Dealing in Chicago Pit t ;'Jheat "Advanced Ont ; , Cent . ' ALL OPTIONS SHOWING S CAIN AT THE CLOSE May Up1 One Cent July Cains - a QuarterSeptember .'if , V:: an, Efshth. ; , 1. TOXSDAX WHEAT MARKBT Opra v Close - . Cloa ' Oat lues. . Tiia-. - si on. s Tuea, 4 ' Wit. .....11 ItUtl.lBU S1.14UAS .01 July .ST44 . .S8B .8TR , .00U Sept... Ml JUT. B ..SSt v.0 Chlraao. ADrfl IS. Loma A Brvaa ay: Ia wheel continued dry we t her throughout Ltiat west and aoatbwast rare to tb a-rket fa enroewhat better tone. Ia aarly drallnaa tba market advanced about 1 aoev ine cuaa, eabseauantly aaelag off a little oa profit- taking sales. The weather m toe sji-aaaorouig faetor at tbe mosoent aad ahowa ao Imme diate proa poet of Improvemeat. Trade la largely local aad at a scalping nature, but tbe market oa tb whole see us to show fairly good form. A continue tloa of present ondl tloua will naturally causa mock eoneero ta tba trad aad would bring maeh trouble ta the short interest and higher paieee. Tbe mar ket atill looke Uk a acalplag affair, bt ta as re as apward tendency. - Wheat Helped Oars; la earn tb eerlv-etrenstb la this seemed ta coma through aympathy with wheat. Trade at aa time assumed any Urge proportions sud no special sigalflcaac can be attached 1 ia tnnsacnoas ia toaay a bbssiob. m . : 1 .; . ' Oats sfarbat taad.' , " -The aata market ruled steady- with trade only moderate. What little eommlewloa boose soiling dcrelopod daring the day aesaaed ta a wen tasea 97 local Boons. wa aoa sua ehsneo la tbe specs la tire poatttoa of ih market. , The cesh mast- show greater inroads lota tbe lsreo eXoeas as ' maintain piesAit or, higher prieea. , . sowar e wai m iei BNTKrwi , , v .' . . WHEAT. ' '""''-'' Opexv High. tavw. ; CVsa, ..-. .SttaS stay S s.iH 116 rfiur...,. Sept. e. .a, v April, e May..... Jly.... Sept... a ' May..... . .on .X OORJt .dTW ' .4T4 ; .4T3A I .471.A 11 July..... bjopt..w Jlay..... 13. ST sly U.fT Apm... fiay..... 1.33 July..;.. T.40 beet..... T.6B aaf SPf aaa aaw .ST T.ST Jaly...M hpt Oct, J5TEA0Y UNDERTONE rVV TO 'FRISCO -WHEAT Baa rntrlwe, April IS. B. P. Rattan A Co. Bar: There baa been a steady aadertoaa la wheat today.- Tba Xawambar optxoa acta aa If It waa revily aveeaold. heversl attampta bar hovn made recently to dnprsa the price with. out enact, star waoai M oormant. There has been anas disposition show a on tbe part of shorts to make private aattkamaata. As pat taew anoro aava aot aeea rawaroec aa any , Barley at chin and tncttned hi Today aroexu i:no a. 1 . DBB1T. , r , ' - . , Open. High. . Law, afay.........'.tC44 V fl.4414 l.d llecomher l.SS - 1.20 LBS BABXJCX. '1 .. . CViaa. 1.18 B 1 nraTAZT, IHirBABTB AB9 CXXaAAJTCXB. Tear Age Bush. 174.000 033,000. tld.000 Wheat ....,. i, 000,000 . ara.ouo 4 S0S.O0O ZlAOOO Cera wneax. ousbele: fleer. Z9.000 barrel; earn, 147.000 boakels; eat. as,ww ens sew. 1 . CaOCAwO OABX WBXAI. Chlcaga, April Ia-Cah wheat: 1 ' Mi Bid. Je.-i No. f No. t No. S No. No. i No. a fWmaSeei 1.00 fl.lTf fl.144 hard List l.lStt 5 1.13 1.00S ,'.P LIT 1.08 herd .an nortbera. 1.16 . MSUj 1.0S prlsg ....w... l.QS ,1.0014 LOO O0BTBA0Z Chi e go, April We. t hard........... fa, s No. 1 ClOCAaO OBATB CAB LOTB. , . , Chleage, April If. Oral car lots; 1 ' -1 : Csrs. Orad. Ret. 1804 Wbaot , ' 1RV ' sr. lie . si Oakj 131 . U IM ,., LrrXBPOOL eBATB BslttT. Mverpoot, April IA Cloae: ' Wheat, ' may, .l.-l. I . - 1. . ' enr banged; July aad September, Hd P- Cotbt-May, unci saaageai July,. 40 down. ".; MBTLAJTB BABX aTATlJXrt. Clearings ......f)S1,4nl.8S oamacaa TS,7T.S4 rrw tobx cwito btabxr. Ifew fork." April IA Ooffes ftrtare closed av poieoj err. - Today' efflclal coffee cloae: - Bid. ilk I " BlM A.b April ......f.oo fs.os October ...,fs.M fe m htay ..i,... f .06 S. 10 November e .. S.bS 0 70 June ...... S.1S S.SO December .. A TO ST Jely ...... f 30 S.aoiJannery .... S S9 S.SS Auguet .... S.AS 40 Feornsry ... S.S -S.PO Beptamber . A 44 Soihlarck ..... S.W A PA .. .. ..... : . 11 Vow York Cash Oeffe. Nw Tork. April IS. Cash coffee: Be. ,T aw, inc) na a oaanm, auje. e CHILDREN WAITED BUT .v,Vv HE NEVER RETURNED A group of little children gathered near tha foot of Morrison street yes terday afternoon and were noon In con versation with Alexander .3. Smith., fl yaara -of aa-er-who-has .conducted the "1106" coffee-house there, He told them ha had soma kittens down on tha wharf, and said ha would bring them up for the -children to .nee. . -, They remained at- tha head of tba stairs while ha descended. Ho reached th bottom, and the children saw him totter and stagger as he want after tha kitten. - tie did not return as aoon an expected, and they ran away. . Ha faired to return to his noma lent night, and today his wife went to tho restaurant to find him. , He had not Been there since yesterday, aha was tola: Bhe at ones instituted a search for him, and ho Was found deed on the wharf wrier ha hsd gone to find tha kittens. An autopsy today, by. Dr. & A. Jlar tTS. .to. .aH .SSVB .80 .30 .201 B .as. .asT . .,.siA at an a ruax. . . It. 00 ; , IS BO : is m B 12.ST 1X80 13. SO B hAKD. - ,, " 7.1S f . T.I6 t.a .- .' T 23 ; i n a ;. 7.40 7 40 V 7.40 B ' ' 7.55 - T.5S 1M - S30RT BIBS. 1 - APT APS ., S PS B 7.BT - , 7.JJ T M I . .) w . .. T.4S-,, o a - ToaW . CeOeago, Apru IS. rtimary recetpti ' ;. '. : Bush. W newt 828.000 Out a . . . .... ........ ShiainantSS WaTBAT BTpOXB. -Oaatract wheat storks t -, . Today Inerean . Bueb. - Bush. ..1,1.11.000 72,000 . 401.000 81.00 4,000 ' SI ,004 shall showed that h died aa th rast ot a suddso,. Attack of nauraJsla. of tn heart. ' Ho was familiar flrur near th waUrfront, and had Urod ia this city for ooTorai yoara. For IS yaara pr' vloua to his coming bora ho resided at COqullla, where ho was angugod In tho logging Buslneaa. Tba pooy was taaso In chars bwCoronorfFlnaoy. LETTER CARRIERS VHL T ' BE HERE IN SEPTEf'3ER .. . .... IIimiI n.lal Sal I ilia t ' Davaland. C) Anrll It. Tha OZOCUtlVO commlttea or tho .national Association of Lottar Carriers today completed ar rangementa for holding tho .convention In Portland1 In tho month of Bontembor. htlnneapolla waa a stroas - compotitor and axertod avoir, effort to . socur tho eonventlon. . ; ;..''.''. ' '-. At tha Buffalo convontlon , Portland was aolootod aa tha plaoa for tha next meeting of tha association which In hold every two yaara. . Attar tha decision was made, however, mere was great difficulty ia obtaining rata concessions from tha transcontinental railroads and it waa practically decided to select an other . meeting place.' The recent : an nouncement of reduced rates during the Lewi and ? Clark fair by all trans continental roada waa All that Was de sired by tha executive committee of tba aeaoclation and Portland accordingly re mained tha choica of tha body;' V v .. AID ASSOCIATION . . ! NEEDS ASSISTANCE The Travelers .' Aid aaaoclatlon will open headquarter af 10 1 1-1 Sixth street and tha increased rasults ex pected have necessitated aa appeal to tha publio for aaslatanea. ,": :.. . Tba following articles ara needed and may be sent, to the of flea . on Sixth street; or.willtbe sent for it tboaa de siring to assist mill call telephone Main 1106: tha loan, of a Toll top desk, -a email table or stand, two . chairs, rocker, one or two rugs And a clocky. . - FOUR BOYS CRUSHED ;-'..:;..;T0 DEATH IN PARIS -".; (Jearnal Special Bervfce.) ! '.'.T, Indianapolis, IniL. April If. Four newsboys were crushed , to death in tba' panto occasioned Dy a falsa alarm of flra at tha Indiana polia Jdaeonlo Terriple last night Tba boys ware waiting for tickets to be distributed .whan -tha cry of flra started a stampede. TOO LAW TO OIAIBtrr. LADT wanted to sssist tailor at JS1H at., bet. Pirat and Second. FOR LEASE NEAR FAIR GROUNDS SSXtO - feet, 100x100 feet and JOOxlOS feet, on Thurman street, ' suitable for hoteL raerrv-sTo-ronnd or ' nnb-laurlna Apply F. V. ANDREWS CO, Hamilton Dunning. O. GEE WO Th Qreat Chines Doctor la called great be- : can his wonderful eurea are so well known - throughout '.' the Uhltad 1 Hint en. " and becauaa so nut people are thankful to him tor saving uiuir uvea iron OPERATIONS I Ha treats any and dlaeasea with werful Chin ana erbn. rootau bud a. ' K.i r that or antirolv tin. anown to meaicat ncienca in tnis coun try, and throuah tha uaa of theae harm. less remedies. This famous doctor kpows the action of over (OS different remedies) that ha has aucceasfully used in different dlaeaaea, Ha a-unrantaea to cure catarrh: asthma, lung trouble, rheumatism, ner- vouaneee, atomarn, liver, aianey, . ze male trouble and all Brlvate dlaeaaea. Hundred , of testimonlala, Charges moderate. Call and aea blm. . - 1 OOaTBlTXTATlOBT sTssaTM. i - , Patients out of ' the city writs tot Diana ana circular. . xucioee gaunp. Ad' dress THE C. GEE WO CHINESE .MEDICINE CO. Itt Alder street Portland. Or. Stair way of 161H Alder-street leads to of- nee, mention tme paper. ... - 1 1 CHESTERFIELD Psyehle, palmist and clairvoyant. . ' BpseUl 11 tbla week: My fall ff palmistry readings and dead trance rlalr. voyaat alttlogs. We. I tell of chsnges, eoe eeeaea, ' failure, -mar riages, divorces, lew suits, travel, deaths, lore affair, eeoara. tlons, dateoses, etc 1 lecept no fee In advance. If yon are aot aatlsfted yoa pay m nothing.. I wish hi show the eltlsena ef Portland that there hi on la thl profession that understands his Business ana m no tase. rurmrs 144 sixth at., bet. Alder and Morrison. Of Bee- hour, iv a. m. 10 w p. m., oaiiy ana Bnnasy. c::t:::3 cyt.:? ashaissid Onikimai wii.ll r Viinoaa of BoUhwei for 1 Plrty T It aoouaal toeesUKLaurtens the gums, aUars ail pn. earaa wind eoua, lae bent s rfor djacThcae. EHTY-riVB crBBTB A BwTTLB. - khz s.3 wSmta, 4T r viXUue I TJaa Big foruanararal BMw. team. I aNeahareeJaamawtioaa, eaaeaauis xx irniaueaa at aieerauoaa . of maeea memkraaes. daa. ' mmA . :atcianaiiau --v. goal or psmanaa, BMDWSAIl j Sweal ay Kvra y 1 ev east ia peua uiappsr, I hy express, Bcenald, let yj Sl M-orlbatilesSt ra. V 1 h in maksl V FC.h FILES fTCailta POee iriiina ewf "m endeeos.liiHi la form, a weu as Swine, aiiaeoing or rtwnrudine.1 -llasnreeureitbyf ir.4 oearkO's sHoPrr)dr1 ions laaaana aad hi eea .a. AioehBiunoa. bunal ereadruseiemevsaat by w'i. x-rBecnv.rroe. Write as. xsu svau m a o. yauaasw raj tEatabllahod Ills.) . . VBT9 arrooz BmOatns. oaea 4 uTOtld floor. 0sLA.BLs.sTB OA CrweTsfBsMrja. ''SB aP" ua, r u 50c SI J 1 1 I - f rT 1 OVERBECIC, OTARR 2s COOICt CO. .' ' Members Chicago Board of Trada. ' , . aBAnr, noTmon, oottobt, btockb ajts bobtss. . j" 101 Third StiwoC' IfeKay Building, Portland. Or. s . . . - ura f)o A STBIOTXT OOBtaaXBBZOB? BTrBTBSB. t Continuous Varhet by Private Wire. Quirk Henrico. REFERENCES Ijadd A . JUton, tiaasvars. Bod Vpitsd BUtss. eVBUOBSA fisnk at Actlaad. : Dr. V. Ncrtca Dwivb., IN A WEEK W treat a press fully all orirat. sweat ssd chronic diseases of awn; akw blood, sumach, heart, Hver. kidney and throat troubles. We care axrHiLls (without mercury to atay cured forever, in SO to an a..s - We eamme STBICTCJBB, wllhuut eparatton a pain, in It are. W stop drain. the result ef eslf-abee. Immedlatoly. We caa raatora the seinal vigor ef aay ansa aader SO by means ef local traat- meni peculiar' U euraatvaa. ,'.,..' Wc Cure Qooorrboca ia a Week The doctor ef thl is tl rate are an regular graaeatoa, nave had many years' experience, have been known la Portland for 15 year, have s reputation to maintain and will under take no case anion eartaia care can he si fected, .. - W guarantee t cure in every cue we nndbr taaa or ensrg as zee. consuifanoa tree. Liet- tars eonfldeatlaL Instructive . BOOK COB MKN mailed free la plain wrapper. . If yon eaanot call at ofSce, writ for quas m otaaa. . nam xreatmsat succeesxui... Ofnea hanrs, I h I aad T It t , . ... heliday. 10 U VL Sundays ssd The leading epeetstlsm In the Horthweot. . EsUbhshed ISSS. Dr.W.HortoaDcvis6Co. Taa Bey Xesal. . . Oec Third aad Mas fts. , MBlXAsTS, OBIwOB. - ; . Of! aTOTXOXS, ' rBOPOVEB ASSCSSBteT T0B ItWTi IS ' ' BAST TWXBTT-I1BBT BTBZXT. - Noties is aereh alvwa that-the' A editor ef the City of Portland ha prepared a proposed amiBsnisnt for tha eons traction of a -sewer Ye Heat Tweatv-ftrat a treat from tOO . feet north ef the north line ef Oregon street te a cobbsc- ttoa wita 'the sewer la Bast Irving street, and hsa ascertained what he litems a Just apportleanieat ef cost ef the sewer la accord ance with tba special and peeuuar seneiita derived bv each aareel af land; and lot or part thereof within the aeeeaoment district, aad has spportioned the cost for said eewer la ue ameuata aet op poet te each parcel of land aad lot or part thereof as Its share at such pro- Aay ohjectloas to the arTortlonmeat of cost for said sewer moat be mads In writing to tbe Council aad filed with tbe Auditor wlthla IS daya from the data of th first pnblicutioe ef this notice, and asld objection will he heard aad determiaed by tbe Council before tbe passage ef the or dine ace ssseeilng the cost of said eewer. ' SULLIVAN'S AOntnON to' the City ef East Portland BLOCK Z0. lot T, The House ef th deed Bhepherd ef Portland, Or.. 00; lot A Tha House of the Good Bhepherd of Port bad. Or., txs.on. BLOCK S4. lot f, Edward a. truea, fzs.00: lot a, usira 4. u vea, 123.00: lot 1. . Edward J. O'Pea. tlf.TO. BLOCK Si. lot L Bdward J. O'Oee. fit. 40; tot Edward 1. O'Dae. SSl eO. BLOCK SS. lot 2. Blrhard Browne, f33.S0; lrd. Blrhard Browne, 431.40; lot 4, Blchard Batwna, ffl.40. . 3BUI, exD.w. 1 - ' ' ' ' THOB. LlRTLllf , '-.Auditor ef the City ef Portland. Or. Date of first publics Uoa Apm lSJlBOiV. . ntOlHMXB Aan rXBT BOB IXWTB IB BZLLWOOO BTBEXT. . v. ' Motice fa hereby given that th Auditor t th City ef Portland hsa prepared a proposed Bssiaasmat ror the coos tract 100 ex e eewer is BeUwood street - from ISO feet west ef the west llae ot - htlmlaalppt ' aveaua te tha 1 eewer m'-Delay street. - and ha sacectalned 'what he ' deem -.- a lost SDOoruon moot ef eeet ef the eewer in accord sore with tbe special aad peculiar benefits derived by each parcel ef land and lot or part thereof wlthla tbe sasimmsat district, and has Lnport toned the mat lor raid eewer ta the amounts eet opposite each parcel of Isnd aad let or part thereof a Its share ef aach pro pose saeeeemeet. - . . -Aar obtectloaa te tha aorjortloement ef aaat for said eewer oast be made In writing te the Council aad filed with tbe auditor within IB day from the date of tbe first publics Uoa of this notice, and said oh lections will be beard and determiaed by tha Council before the passage ef the ordinance sssesaliig tbe cast of seld sewer. SUBDIVISION Tlf : PBOBBSTKT8 ADPITTOIf . to Albina BLOCK S, sooth 100 feet of lot T. Mary Tbomay, f2t,lK: eoutb 100 feet ef lot B. Marr Toomer. t3S.lS. BLOCK S.' north - 100 test ef lot If, AUlaace Trust Company, LtA, of Don dee, Beatland. US.SS) eastSO - feet af north 100 feet af lot IS. L, O. Brlgga, fZXSO; wast t feat ef north 100 feet of let IS, B. B. Merger, W So. Total. flOZfu. ,. is TrlOS.' C. UEVWH. Aadltor ef the City ef Portland, or, Daw of first publication April Id. 10OS. notoma Ammtm. yoB ixwxk xb . TWXBTT-aLXTxI BTBXIT. , ' ' Borlce la hereby given that the' Auditor et tbe City of Portlaad has prepared a proponed am aoa man t for th cone traction of a sewer ta Tweuty-alxth street from th eoath line of Tr- ateeg a addioon is ae eewer ia nicoiai atreet, aad haa aacartalaed what ha dee ma a Juat apportioement of cost ot the eewer In accord, a ace with tbe special and peculiar brae ft ta d.i land hv aach nareel ef land and lot or Dart thereof within the saaeeemeut district, aad haa apportioned the cost tor sale sewer la tbe moanta eet oonoaite Cork parcel of land and lot er part thereof as Its soar ef each pre- poaed aaseasmeni. lor objection te the apportionment ef cost for said eewer not be mad ia writing te the Council ana tuea wits ue A aal lor witnie is dsv from the date of th first publication of thl notice, and eald objection -wlir ha heard and deternuaea oy ue uooncii neror tb pease ge at tha ordinance aiming th cost or said sewer. v' TBASTBRQ'B ADDITTO! to the City f Port land BLOCK 4, lot T, Garrett N. Vsrstseg, t 21.10; lot S, Garrett N. Versteeg, t21.10 ,t o Oarrett N. Versteeg. 121.1(1: lot 10. ' Osyrett N. Versteeg, f21.10. BLOCK B. lot 1.. 1. John W. Haloes, f 12.70; lot S, Emma Dunbar, flJ-TO; lot f, Emma Dunbar, f liTO; . lot 4, Emm Imabar,- flXTO; lot B, Emma DhBbar, f IXT0; north 10 feet ef lot S, Kmnia Dunbar, fifS; south 10 feet of lot a, Halma la johaaoa, fio.ia. iniai, iw.ou. , Auditor of the City of Portland. Or. ' Data of first publication April If, IpOS. TOaOTXriOB ABB A0OZPTAV0X Of SXWXB TWAJiir-iTcrrB: btbzxt. Notice Is hereby liven that Charlea Wanarr. City Rngtneer, hs Sled In th ofnr of tk undersigned notice insc Hogs Mcusin. con tractor for tbe construction of a eewer la Twenty-fifth etreet, under the provlaione ' et ordinance No. 14.4M, hsa completed ald eewer from the eoath line ef Varuteeg's Addltloa te a connection with tbe sewer la Nlcolal street. Bald acceptance will be considered by tb Execattv Board at d o'clock on tho Slat day ef April, 1800. and ahtactlon to the secept aaes of said ewer. er any part thereof, may he Sled la tb office ef th nndenlgned at any time prior thereto. TT. THB BXBCtrnTB BOARD, ' i . .' ' By TITOS. 0. BBVLIN. ' " " Aadlto ef th City of Portland. , Pcrtland, Oregon, April 13, iSOS. ' WaTTLETIBB ABB AOCTPTABCE OP DC PBOTEatXxTT.Or WTXXIAMB ATKXVZ. Notice I hereby given that Charle Wanner, City Bnainacr, haa Sled In the' offlce of tb undersigned, notice that Blwood Wiles, contrac tor for tb Improvement of Williams avenue, under tho rov(sloo of ordinance N. I4,;oto, kaa comoleted laid street, from tbe canter line et Alberta etreet te tbe center line et Ooing treet. ' Said aeceptaae win be mnaldertd by the Executive Board at 4 o'clock od the Blot day ef April, 1006, and objection te the ac ceptance of sild etreet, er any part thereof, may he Sled la tha efSee ef the UDderilgned t say time prior (hereto. insj iitbj xiiiAmr. ' , By TH0S. a riEVMIf. , - Auditor of the City nf Cortland. Portland, Oregon, April 11, 100S. Sealed propoeeia wi'l be received St tk ern. a of t A "w of t" Coy of 1V- -4 until hri.'tay. A. I 21,. 1 - d, ut ' o( S. a, fur th 1 wTnumt ef lrvi.-g at mm th wet I,, a of Aifth street to in east line ef Seventh (treat, la In manner rvlded by or a-'.sure No. lt.Ktd, su.-rct th provialau of In hrte and ordinaucr of the Uty of Portland aad th eslimaia of the t'lty Engineer, on Sla. Bids mast be strict I. In accordance with : printed blanks, which wUI he furnidied ea spplicatlon at tha otsce ef th Anu.tor of ' the City of Portland. Aad asld Imorovomeal N must bo completed oe or before SO eaye troia the Bate qf the algauig ef the eoairaet by tho parlies thereto. Ne propose la or bid wtn he ronat dared an. lea accompanied by rertlfled check Payable la tbe order of the Mayor of tb City et 1 Portland, certified by n responsible beak for a amount equal te 10 par esat ef the aggragst propossl. y lortght to rejeet any snd aU bids Is hereby "Iwy'erder ef the Execotlve. Board. : : , . THOA C. LETUrT, Aedltor ef the City or fortlaad, . Portlaad. Oragoa. April IB, UMB. ' PBOPOBALB jrOB (BWXK W0X, SeaJed nropoaala- wlU be received at the ofnea of the Auditor of the City of Portlaad until friday. Anrll SI. 190B. at S:00 o'.wa 6. km. for tha aoeatroctloa ot ' a aewsr la .,t Main street foam the west line of W, H. Brown's tract to tbe sewer ia Best Mala street at tba west Una af Eaat T.u.f,nk ' street. In th manner provided by ordinance No. 14.A38, Bobject to tbe niutrielone of the charter aad ordinance of the City ef Port-' Und, and the estimate ef th City Engineer, on SI. . . Bid meat he strictly la eocor dance with printed blanks, which will be furnished ea I a police tioa at tha of Be of th, Aadltor ot th Uty of Portland. And Said sewer mast I be comoleted on or before SO daya from . the fi snlg of the eestraet ay the par tie thereto, . . ; Ne proposaU er hid win be eosaldered an lea accompanied by a certl&ed check parable to th order of the Mayor ef the City et PortUnd, certified by a reapoealbla bank for an amount equal te 10 nor eaat ef tbe eggragat pronoaal. ' JTborigbt te reject say sad all bid k hereby. By order ef the becutive Board. , -:"!. i THOA C. DEVLIK, Aadltor ef th City et PsrUunf. Portlaad. .Oregon. April 16, 1S0B. . PKOnhALB EOB BXWEB W0BX. Sealed nropoaala wlU be recelred at the ' efnee ef the A editor of th City of Portland . until Friday, April tl, lMV-at -S:V a' clock : P- ax. for the euua true tioa ef a eewar la ' Beat Washlagton etreet from the west Doe of East Thirty-ninth street te the erwse la . Bast Washington street, et Esat Thirty-eighth ' street. In the manner provided by ordinance . No. 14.630, aubiect te the provialoo of tb ebartar and ordlnancee of the ' City ef Port land and the estimate ef the Uty Knglneor, ea' ie. . 1 - - Bid ara at be strictly la aeeotdaace with printed blanks, which will be furnished en application at the ofSce of the Aadltor et " the City of Portlaad. Aad aald aewar must ' be eombleted on or before SO dsys from tbe -date of the elgniag at the eentraet by the parties thereto. . Ne proposal or TBds win he earialdered on- mas accompanied by a certlsed cheek payable to tha order of the Mayor of tb City ef Portland, rertlfled by a reapoaelble beak for aa amount equal te 40 per cant et. the aggregate ''bright to reject any sad an bids tt awreor By. eraer at the Bxecntlve Beard. - J . . THOB. C. DBTUW. Auditor of the City ef PerUang, Portland. Oregon, April IB, ISOS, . COBTPLETI0B AJTS ACWEPTAJfCB 01 SZWXB ; r XB BIH sRBJEXT. : Notice m hereby given that Charlea Wanasr, , Oltr Roginser, has Sled la the ofSce et the ' aaderaigned notice that Hegh MrClala, eoo-i . tractor for tha cuaatiuxllea ai a eewar -ta SBiA'- Btreet, aader She provlalona ef ordinance Ne. 14.440, haa eompteted eald eewer trssa the eoutb line ef Versteeg' Addition te a eee- r Beet ion wlta ue newer la nieout etreet. Said acceptance will be eoaatdered by the ' Bxecntlve Board at d o'clock en tbe Slat dsv ef .Apru. 1S06, aad objections ta the accept- v sace ox asiu sewer, se say pars raereox, assy be filed In tha efaos of the aaderslgwad at Any THB rTXBCTTTTVB BOABD. ' By THOB. U. DBVLIB. f : i Aedltor of the aty ef Portland, -v Portland, Oreaoa. April ia, 100s.. , 00MPLETI0B AB9 AOCEPTABCB OP 1B. PB0TEXXBT 0V - BXXCX BTBEXT. - Notice le hereby' given that Charlea Wanarr, City Begtaeer. haa Sled la the efnee af tk aaoorelgned notice that Bechlll Braa. cea trsrtore for the Imnroveaaeat ef Beech street, i under the pro visions ef ordinance Me. 14,860. have completed said street from the west Use of Mississippi avenue te the sen tar line ef Michigan srenue; akw from the center line eft. Mlxeourl avenue - te the can tec Uaa af Kin Said acceptance will he corartdered by the Executive Board at d o'clock ea the Bisk dsy ef .April, 1000. ad eo)ectieaa te the so centance of aald street. any part thereof, may be died in the efnee ef the ssliialgxis' at - say time prior thereto. ' i . : tin Htuuilts ruuv. Bv THOB. fl. DIVLlTf. , Aadltor ef the City of MtUad. ,1 Portlaad. Oregon, April 18, 1S0S. - r r CWnTPLETTOB. ABP AOCEPTABCB 01 Ulev BBOvEntXBT Va AuhBT ATUIXxl aTXmaavX, I Notice I hereby given that Charlea Wanaar. City Engineer, ha Sled la the offlce et the pnWaigoed, notice that Sis 1 ins Bros., eon. tracwr for the improvement et Bast Ninth etreet, ander the provlaloue of erdlnenc No.! 14,13d, have completed aald etreet, from the;:, Dortk line of Beaeon a treat ts the aouth Baa eti , Kltawerth etreet- ' ' '. Said acceptaaca ' win be eeradered by the .. Executive Board at d o'clock oa the Hat I day ef April, 1906, aad objections ta the ae-; ' eeptaaee ex saia erreet, er aay pars xaereoi, , mar ha Sled In the often at the aaderalxasd at say time prior thereto. j I ; . xxtB' araat:!) 1 ivar avAiii, . . ' , ' "r THOB. O. DBVLlTf. Aadltor of tha City of Portland. " Portlaad, Crregos. April IB, JS06. i f OOaTUnOI'Asa AOCEPTABCB OP IM: PBOTx3CEBT 01 MAPLE BTBEXT. . . Notice t avereby given that Chxrlea Waaswr. City Engineer. Has Sled In the offlce et the uaderslgned. notice Uat -B. 1. Debuhr, coo tractor for the Improvement ef Maple street,' ander the provision of ordinance hie. 14.10, haa comoleted aald street, from the west Hue ef MUweuhm street te the out line et tint avenue. .-.-- Said accvptahc win be ronelderea a th Cisco tire Board t d c1ork en the Blet day of April, -100B. aad 4Jecxion to the ec oeptanea of mid etreet, er any part- thereof, may be Sled In the offlce et the undersigned at any time prior thereto. - . ana aaai.uiiv soxxu, By THOA 0. DBVLTW, 4 , - -Aadltor ef the City ef Portlaad.' ' Pertlxnd. Oregon, April IS, ISOS. - f- COKPLETI0B ABB AOCEPTABCB 0V OCe PBOTEMXET 0V EAST MADIS0B BTBJCXT. Nntlc ta hereby given that Charlea Wenanv.. City Engineer, ha Sled la the etnee ef th1 anderslgned, notice that Joplla kseeks, eon trsetors tor tb Improvemeat of Eaat Madmen. street, under tbe pror talons of oruuano Ne. ld.kbS, have completed aald etreet, from the east line of Bast Twenty-ninth street te the weet 4ine et Bast inirueia etreet. . Said acceptance wlU be coneldered by fhe ' Execetlve Board at 4 o'clock ea th Sist dsy sf April, ISOS, and object lone te the ao-. ceptance of said etreet, er any part thereof, may be Sled la the offlce of the undersigned t any time prior thereto. . , . axtai jSAKlyt.' lira;. ',-'.'' ',.... By THUS. C. DEVLIN, ' Aadltor of tha aty or Portlaad, ' Portland. Oregon, April IB, ISOS. COMPLETION ABO AOCXPTAB0E Of Of. PEOTEhtEBT 0E ALLET TKB0U0K BLOCS tWEBTT-ElOKT, 0ZBT1AI. ALBTBA . ; Nntlc. la hereby given that Charles Waasrv. City Engineer, ba Sled la the offlce ef Ue undersigned, notice that O, D. Wolfs, eon trac tor for th Improve! ef alley through black . Central Albltt. nnder tb provlsiene of ordinance No. 14. Sod, bee completed said street, from the north line of Beech street to the south line of railing etreet. , . . . Said acceptance will be coneldered by the rralva Board t 4 O'clock an tha xi.e day ef April. ISOS. and objections to the se er pta nee of said etreet, or any part thereof, may be Sled ia the offlce pf the nderslgned t ny tlmjiprlor- thereto. - - - xno RAMitiia miiav, 1 By THOB. a DEVLIN, ; Aadltor ef the City nf Portlaad. Portlaad. Oregon, April 16, IBOB. ... COnTJLITiOB ABB ACCEPT ABTJE OF tXlTt ... . j . xsi WS71 osnnsx. ' i w.. 1 1. v v.. .i.M b. r. ... i- - , . . - - . " - viwm w snser. City Engineer, hea filed in th office ef the -anderslgned notice that Hugh McClala. con- irarior i. .. v....... v, . e. eai in as so street, under the prevalon f erdlnaarei No. 14.442, ha comoltred (aid ewer from the "ith line ot Versreeg' Addition to a eonnectio with tbe eewer la Nleolal street. Said acerptsace will be considered by the Executive Board at d .o'clock on tbe list oaj w. . I'' mn vnrueeai re TBO OC- eptnee of eld wewer, er ssy pert thereof, may be Sled In the office Of the aaderaigned . aa any tum j" r ninrm. a aat r.i u I 1 1 o at. X It IJ. : ...l,r JHOB. C PEVUX, -u- Aadlie ef th City of fVirlland. . Iwrtlaaei Oregoa, April 16. 10A, ,