The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 18, 1905, Image 12

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    ... .,. .V
at fae pa-tefwee ef rwthwi.
I 4M teewagB
. . i e' -i o-oaeai trnHM
-r. 1 .-.; Ww ge pases. Beats; st
b-ee Bauer. . ' ) V , V
' " I P-
-reaala special Advartlelng Uf.
mnaurno Mimy
"T Journal, wit Saaday. 1 J"-'-! !!
f JmtmI, 1 year
r 4-oaraai. wlta una, a r-"
f l.i-M aaealbe.. J-SO
' - 7 Jourut, wkt bawday, ! JJ
r wu s antH
I" T Journal, with Sunday. J
wViV,''iuViiLiJy v
- -.. T. W Mali. .. ' ,' '
folly Journal, WiU lanoa. 1 Iwr...nOO
ur JourmU, 1 r
toll Jowul, wtU bwuday. aaa tba -
J r Journal. BMU 1.1
j r Journal, wttk Sunday. '
beu.y Jwul, S BMSIba
11 Journal, wltb benuaj. 1 aiaak M
liir IsvmI, 1 aea(n..u
aday Journal 1 near AO?
a B.auey Journal. aaa tba... aw
The SaBai-Weakly J 1
Sea-Weekly JwmI, 8 to IS BUgee
eck fcwoe, UUaatrated. (ail aarkat re-'
-aaitlanrue abeuld he ana by drafts, peatal
a, upreaa erwers Be email am aa ae
vUbw U t u4 3 ml ""f '""":. 1
. late fOa,ah
O. Bm in. FortteaC Or.
..xxu m oxnutAi. jut be roraa,
t .MM '
Two Journal aam to .Seaael aa aula at (ja
f'a llM BliMI!
. IDAaal H.. Seller Ce. W. B. Ma.
V-Poatofsoe News oatpaay. til ThmM
' eaeet i .
- ' V t'-OEeewtrlcw Book RtotVuearf
-. a. J imgnwi nwi . a
aad Cam iMtk.
.1 CU J. beCejwalle.
J. AT I la. A PoetouffW baok aam.
I C- 1 Vaa ham avaay,
aitC B. r. SaraMr. 1 I
t j Oilrar baiaaa, V toaU
U. J. Kanaaaca. M
. Xo CITT Braataao'm, Cnloa
i- firwa aosnnaay.
4 . 1 .Hal 1- w ftui: Mlgoata
uMCWf c " 1. 4 larnaai otiaat.
LT l : c. ' "-roa botel Mawa ataad;
. Val k4 atraat. aaatk.
. i I m-T, k.4 Liaaat atxaat;
li . . t. a ajraat.
V t kaACiavO W. . Ardlag. Pabca Catat
."--- iH i Warart Itnril OotaV
a Lraa., 1 kattac atraat. mmt Ml at
'a r'il; loatar 4k Oraar, Prry
, V XataaM atraat.
. k-ainjar OraaJ Mawa wm;
. a. 1 Mf W. Oarkaaj Oa.
i- A. V I. Oaatral haara anaay
I Tac Nawa aund.
Vi . ,IA. M. CVlctorw Book atari aaary
Avonoir tixxs Toxomaow. .
By 1. T. ' Wttaaa. 10 Vlrat atraat, at 19
. la. Ha la at furultora aja4 boua t f wnlaatoaa
T. a'tann, antlnwaar.
.. ' WIATHnt aPOM.
;iraj raloa ear tmltrm la Ollbarala at tar
"" aa Baa Lata Oblapo. Bliaa ua bar alao
ht4 la wastcra Oraana and waartaia Waab
a ad rata la rvoartad la - tba Tazal
ii- . Okkiboaaa. Arbaaaaa aad at aeat
4 I aca la tba aildaia AUaatta atetra. 1
. fa wnrmrr la Marada. aaatara Orafffal,
-Wi Waaataatoa and Idaba, . aad - aba)
-our la tba guit atataa. -"i
a ladtratkaaa ara tnr abuaaaa la thU
i .irtct tealsbt and wadnaaday.
rrr Vaa Bmklrk. S- DTla Bricklay. XS.
Vmn W. larloc. 24: iaaal Itolnrea. 11
Aaoir Jobaaoa, H; rtvdarlrk Carkaoav B.
A. K. liMbaDwa. J3; EnniA Boarrra, la.
i rroaaa L teca. 3d; Katkeriaa Trafbael. SL
d Carda. W. O. dKltb di Oa.. Wl
,Mia bat or. lavtb aad Waablatt ana.
aixTxi. ... ,.' '
"VJT April IS, to Mr. aad Ifra. Bart Kaaajr,
t Kaat Uwcb atraat: a daacbtar.
ft Anrll IX aa Mr. aad Mrs. Kaator
tr. iai Mead atraat: a boa. - .
nAM AorU 10 to Mr. aad Ifra. J. B.
"aai ot Craichtoa. Or.: a da nail tar.
uK-April R. to bur. and MM. Jaaoa Wal-
Btra laa Aaat lairteaata atraat;
.a April Mr. aa-Ma. -CharkM B.
4 LHTlaloa atrrrt: a aoa.
IN April lb. to Mr. aad Mrs. Rodolpl
in, H4 Vaoaba atraat) a daa(btar.
,.m DOS April I. to Mr. and Mrs, Ckaatar
ray or lota nrjj a aoa.
i-inrtl Id. ta Mr. aad Mrs. Da rid Kotfc,
t Kortb Tblrtaaath atraat; a so.
-R April 11. to Mr. aad Mrs. Gaartjs, H.
tan. ijo Kaat Twcatylcbth atraat. aorth;
MAT April IT, . SUabry Bony. ' Ml Obarlla
atraat; aUH.
- - " -
COOPBI'M April ' IS. Annia Ooodrasm. aawd
Sit yaara, at Uond aamarllaR aoapltal: eauar.
fx-rpai rrTr. . nitriai aa ivoar a ir rmiry.
Hi. H Ail ntJOJi April 11 W. JT. RlHurdaa.
aard "Jt yrara. T13 Kaat Aak atrrrf: raua.
i.roolr kldnry and art dlataaa. Bartal at
I Fir .rrniatary.
JAMVKT April 1ft. AdcHna Jarray. acad 3
yrara, at Halaaa, Or.; canaa, aanila axbana-
tKvn. nnrial at iDfira, ur. .
F UK KM A.N April 5. Mary fraamaa, bfwd a
yrara. at Omd Hajaarltan boa pt tall eaaaa,
parittniua. anrui at uiata iv camatarj,
HH.AND April 13, nha rVland, aard XI yaara.
at Ht. Vlnarat bra pita I; caaaa. lojnry la
aawrani. Bnriai at a,arm rir raiaatrry.
BCHINTLEB April 15. Jaaapb Brblntlar, atad
M yaara. at Kt. Vlarant'a kaaplul; cauaa,
. i-asm ot stoBMeb. Barlal at Moaat Calrary
rrmatrry. t- . . -
Kl i.KHAI KR April Id. r Oiarlotta Johaaaa
A'arDee-r. ara a yaara, M Kortk Harcotb
trtwti raaaa, caaraialoaa.
Barlal at toaa
tir raatatrry.
CX ARK April IT, DallUb Clark, acvd M yaara,
fa Braada-ay atraat; caaaa. aposkHy, Barlal
at timid Wm, Ot. - - .
KORMAX April 1. CatkariM Norn. aad
' . an yrara, at Haloa Or.r-rsnaa, aanlla aa.
haaatlas. Btfrtel at Msaat Carrarjr eaawtary,
' rrrsiatorriia) oa Oraana City ar Baa. aaar
Rrllataadi aandara. rlaotiUc. atfannWt. rbaraaa
Adalla, (Ml rblldraa. IStl Vlaltara 1 a. aa.
to t a. Ponlaad CraauUaa aaawlallaa.
tartiaac qragas. . , , , 4,
MMMaMMw " . v.. (
Tba Edward Ho haw a Cndtrtaklaa raaaaaay.
raaaral dlractora aad asibaUaora. '330 laird
atraat. f boaa kOT. x ,
1. f. rialay aV Mo, tanaral dlraetoas aad
wiMiaiaTv. rornar mira aoa Maaaaaa aliaaia.
tiraca at toaaty caraaar. j Talapbaaa Mala m. .
arraatba and rat duataiB' a anaidalra
at tVuaa City ttraaabnoaa. Tarraty aaauad aad
baaa btarrtaoa. upp. caaatary.
Clark Bros. fr awara. tm Morrtaoa atraat
J . ' xtit mm nunnu. ' 1 )
B. tfVBM. traaiaa. at al M P, J.' IHHt
Inana. lota M aad U. bhk JL Kara a
I'arb toe
iiTtmant raaapany to A. B. Dlnaa. .
Hrf t. Hlark 1. PtrdOMM ..... .7.. . . SM
t. autiM aaa aaanaaa to R. M. 1
T -. brt 1. blarfc 4. Waodlawa . t
' l. t'alklaa aad alfa to M. '.. goal
' 4 a If', lota X3-2T, larjaalra. Point '
rw addltloa '...1.000
T It Uala and wlfi- to C. A. at ...
rl . l..a )1 aad IX al dkUrarala
- .dltk-n SO
'. A. Wall.ra aad wl to R. Ollnaar. .
-- H Jet . block B, Caratbara' d- ' '
tloa i l,00o
a tlaarantra a Trnat nnapaay to M. .
A. lih-. ait II, block M, Baanyalda. J
II. I'oarrll la A. avhranhark, 40 ama .
mnlaf at anrnar J. K(ra' dnaatloa
4 riaiai. aartlaa II. Inataablp 1 asata. "'
a 1 raat , a
, Moha..a and arlfr t. . W. TSaaaa.
it It. bk"-k S tlb IrrMiftan. 1.00
ri ta M. J. larlanaj, bt II,
' t. Caat'aa aMIHna (
taat aad rtr to It. H, Parka, .
M frr lot I, btork 1. Baaay-
w ' If
a a-ira M J. 1. Brawar at aU,
. "t 1.1. aaMlrlaloa Rlraralda.. t.HW
, t rtarana to H. A.. I'lrkara. , - ,
Ten - StamBf Plant v;Wi.l Bt
Erec,tedJorf WU-Known Prop-
rty Near Jckonvi!l. i '
. 'r ; i -.... . ,. . j .- ,
Steady Development Hat Been
in Progree With Power Drills
- for several Montna.1 '.
' 8plal Dtaaateh to Tba JoarnaL) .
.- Msdford. Or April It. It ta def Intel
known that alajiag-ers Foster Orlnell, ot
tha Orriton Bella mtns, near Jackson.
vllle. trill srect a ten-stamp, mill this
season. Little has. been said of an
authoritative nature of this -work, but
It Is known that contracts have been let
for portions of the mill, and men are
ready to n rrorm -tne worn. .
Operations at the Oregon Bells nave
been steady for more than a year. : A
power plant for development has been
la -use several months, ' during which
period two drills have been kept en ore.
The result of this eneraetle suplors.
tlon ' Is ssie to' be Highly satisfactory
to the owners, and early In the winter
It was decided to supplant "the little
Huntington mill with a ten-stamp plant.
on which work will commence Immedi
ately. , ... , ; ... " .... ' t'.i,'- i :,
' (Special tHapstek to Tbd aoarsal)
Greenhorn. Or., April U. Interest of
the camp continues to center about the
work of the two prospectors Oil key A
Kersnaw. who opened rich ore on tne
Belmont group. ( They ara preparing to
prosecute deeper work on the shoot from
which, they realised $1,009 at tba sur
face.. But little) additional information
of an authentlo nature has been ob
tained aa to the character of the deposit
and tba entire camp Is anxious to learn
something more definite as to ths also
of ths vein and extent of the high o
riebment, .. ..-,
The Immediate district around ths
scene of ths strike has been noted foi
rich ore. Some part of the Oreenhoin
have) produced as pretty specimen stuff
as ever came from a mine. Tba re are
extant phoenix quarts nuggets Indicat
ing-that two or tare. - shoots ware
opened near the surface there carrying
enormous values. ' . Ths Bansette alao
had rich specimen .rock Jn Its upper
workings. . At ths Don Juan.. Virginia.
Black Hawk and Double Eagls ths same
results' were observed. - In latter days
ths I. X. la'a deeper work hss been the
sensation of ths camp, and Snow Creek,
which baa been developed as. deep aa
ths L X la, is proved to have a remark
ably uniform body of high-grade ore.
The camp is thus seen to .have to Its
credit rich specimen stuff at ths sur
faos, and very -rich .or at the greatest
depth attained In the Snow Creek and
L .X- This fact causes ths district
Uk. wonder what the. Belmont will show
when it Is sunk sa, and -t hare Is great
eagerness to know that thla is being
prosecuted by ths owners.. .
' (Seeds! Dispatch to Tba losraaLI
Grants Pass, Or,. April 1. Mill
equipment In this district goes out Into
the mountains beyond ths range of
graded roadav William alendenhall will
Illustrate ths pioneer character of the
stamp will soon, by delivering a plant
over a li-mlle trail. He owns a group
oa Mule creek, where his development
has been sufficient to prove two strong
veins, on of thsm said to be three
feet wide and the other 11. Both carry
good ore, if the 10 pounds of samples
brought to "this city for tagting may
ds accepted aa proof. . Ths ore hss little
free gold In it, but runs high In the
precious metal in bee form. - j
The district where Mr.. Mendsnhsll Is
working Is IsoUtted, and Is near the
northern- boundary of Josephine. This
group la In an exceedingly rough sec
tion of the mountains, and owing to the
difficulties of road building, the pion
eer workers -have not thought of pro.
vldlng for Ingress and egress by -other
means than a trail. - Prom the richness
of the ore produced, and the purpose
of Mr.. Mendenhsll to erect a small mill.
It : seems probable that ' ths dlatrlct Is
destlnad to .greater prominence in the
nesr future, and It may be that ar
rangements will be mads for road work
to or at leaat near the camp soon.
The type of a mill that will be
lot S. blnrk C. AlMna Roaratrad 800
Aanatta Cottar to- William Q. Oaasllu, '-.
at al.. lot 1. Park block d. cltr 10
L. A. Cottar te Aaaatta Getter, lot 1, '
Park blork S. ctty ,....r.... '
Saraaltr . Sarins ak Treat roaapany. to
Aanatta ittar, Ktt 1, Park Mock ' .
Hty: alao Inta'T sad S, block SIT,
Alkra'a addltloa
I. bt. Pittanirar aad arlra to C. ktorrlaon,
lot . binra r. nMmiM tot c. m.
Iattna 1W .' CM
. V. Baarb, admlautrator. ta city, aoatb v
an nt a. Duel a. . Kiiaa j. Martin v a
addltloa ' ztB
w. H. aaa aad wite to Ira Morrlaaa
at aL. lot S. blork 1. aabdlrlaioa lot
', v. aa. ratioa -araca xai
A. w. m smart aad wire to i. K. riark, ,
14, SB aad 21, tow nab Ip 1 sovtb, raaae ,
S aeat
boeiaa Qalilrr and wife te t. ft.
Wrlrb, S acrae basiaalns waat of aortb
aaat cornea Arcboo Dally donetloa Mind .
rlalai, aacttoa is, . towaablp 1 aovth, . ,
a A. iCally aad kaabaad to J. M. Wla,
tola 14 aad lb, blork S, tow a ef Laat.
T. DaLaaa aad wife to bt. A., '
Iota S aad , block a. Tabaaea addt-
A. H. Baed to 0. T. Malty, aoatb H
lota IS aad IT, blork . Capiat' addl
tloa '
C. r. Die aad wife te D. Arrblbald. lot
S, btocfc 11, Uaaota Park Aaara
Oat yoee
raaee aad abatrarta te
aetata froaa tke Title Oaaraataa A Treat
pan jr. Chaaibar
ef OaaiaMeea baitdl&l.
BfltNFJiaAarll IT, J O. Baraaaa, dwalllae.
nainaoni aaiwara i wauta aas Tbirteeata
atraata: asat. S1.S0S. .
JAKZKN April IT. P. E. Jaaara. addltloa to
awauins. uorar oataraaa Twanty-foerta aad
Twantv-Sftb atraata; mat. fjno.
rt'liKKN, April IT, S. Padaee. bars. Baraae
batwaan Slilb aad Sraaatb etraatag coat. 7.
WALKER April IT. Tbonaa Walker, rraalra
"7. e- aaaaatu .satweea. aiarastb aad
Twairth atraat a; anal. $4O0.
CAPI.K A BI'KTINd April IT, Oaplae A
Hantlnf, rapalra to daralllns, aamad hatweas
Kwratt ad riaadara atra-ta: mat. Smo.
COI.BY April IT,, Mr. Calby. rapalra to roe-
tanraat, rim aetwaaa Waablagtea . aad
AMar atrarta: anat. aaai.
TRLK AprH IT. Mra. Wllllaaa Tma. aapalre
ta dwalllnar, Raat Plaa bttmrm Kaat Twaety.
aarnad aad Kaat Tvaaty-tblrd etreetei eoat,
SIM. . v
riNX-Aprll IT. D. J. naa. dwalllatt. , Baat
Hamaaa batwaaa Kaat Ulatb aad Beat
Tanlb atraatai mat. 11.0OA.
OtiDrN April IT, . D. Oedaa. anttasa. Kaat
pittaanra atraat. aartk. tiatwara Wyaaat aad
fMtaa atraatt mat. SI Arm. .
KKMKK April -IT, f. Braaka, dwalWmt; Flafl
aad Park . atraau; eaal.
erected has not been stated by the man
asrment. A 10-atamp plant was desired,
but the enormous -difficulties r-pae
lng such. a plant to Its destination may
forbid. A mill la to be erected, and it
will probably be of the stamp pattern.
""' (8parlal Dwpatcfc to The Jaajraakt
Baker. City. Or.. .April II. Cyanide
tlon of ths Vlrtuo tailings dump Is 10
be. commenced In earnest soea, after
many vicissitudes. J. K. Davey 4V Son,
local metallurgists, , have" cleared the
way for their contract with ths' Virtue
manigemeht, and... through - their -sublessees,
hs Oregon Mining . Develop
ment company, ari conatruotlng fhe
vats for commencement of leacmng.
Thla tailings dump was the subject
of litigation between . Manager Owen,
of the Cyclone, end the Virtue company
last. fail. Judge Owen, had aa option
on ths dump, with the -privilege of re
moving a given quantity for his expert,
mental tests. While experimenting, he
found a' portion of the dump that ran
high in-gold, end was taking thla as
rapidly aa possible when the Virtue
management Intervened through the
courts, insisting that ths option privi
lege could not be.construsd as granting
the right to m'ovd more than was reason
ably . proper . for ' - purely experimental
purposes; . After settlement of this
case, nothing we dons with the dump
for a, .protracted ' period,. : but . lately
Measrs. Davey A Son have arranged to
prosecute work. Their plant la nearly
finished. - and within a short time lost
valuta at the . Virtue, which are esti
mated, to bo considerable In - the old
days of high-grade ore, wiU be recov
ered. . . . ' t
r- ' . M -
R, E. Norton Of the Goleonda com
pany, who has just returned from east
ern Oregon, aald that at the directors
meeting on April IS ths 10.000 bond Is
sue for the property . was authorised,
and will be carried out Immediately,
Manager H. M. MoCarthey la at the
mine attending to preliminaries of re
opening, and Mr. Norton will return to
ths property soon, where he will take
up hla residence. .Oolconda 1 to be
brought back to ths list of producers
at ths earliest possible moment, and the
work done under the new regime Is as
suring that, that time will not be far
distant, f.-. :iiL :.'-';
--(Spetilt CU-Miteirte Tke JoeraaLr
Gold HUl, April 1 (.-Development of
the asbestos vein opened nesr ths head
of- Evana creek. In this vicinity, con
tinues under ths energetlo management
of Irvine Ray. Mr. Ray Is working a
small ortw, but will persist until he
s fully inform ed aa to the magnitude
of ths asbestos deposit. Us says that
hs has a four-foot body In ths face of
his adit, and ths vein appears to widen
with depth. . Excellent samples have
been brought to this city, snd will be
Included In the ' mineral collection for
the Gold Hill district. -
' (RpeHal Wapatcb to The Joaraal.) .
Xwlston, Idaho, April II. Ths Great
ICaatern property, oa the Snake river
above this place, and situated on' ths
Idaho side of ths river. Is sending down
110 tons of .ore that has been on the
A . i m. n fn mm. thaa la waapa fllnaa
"""" - I
the Mountain Gem steamboat began Its - .,
runs : to- tipper-waters--f-he nvereal Correapondence) No one unao-
many properties have been placed iniquaiaiea wun,ine iscts can appreciate
condition to resume work, and ths dis
trict will experience the greatsst activ
ity known to it this yr. - ....
'"f (Special IHapatcb to Tke JeersaL)
Chehalls,' . Was)., April . 11. Deputy
SherlS Schllttler . returned yesterdST
from Little Falls, where he went to lrJ.
vestigats ths -reported dlasppearanoe of
A Swiss named Ren Zealger. Zeslger
applied for work recently at Anderson's
logging camp In ths Cougar Flat coon
try west of Uttls Falls. He disappeared
April T and sine that tims nothing
has been seen or heard of him. Before
he left, ths camp ha gave his watch, a
silver open-faced Waltham make to one
of ths other employes, stating that he
could have It as he would not need It
any more. . Zeslger took a rasor and a
small rope wtth him. It Is feared that
hs committed suicide.
Dally since he disappeared men have
been out searching for him, doga even
being used, but without' result. Zeslgor
left, among his personal effects at the
eamp papers showing thst hs . was a
member of the Foresters at Oervals, Or.
Hs was a stranger to the people at Lit.
tls Falls until hs cams thsrs to go to
work. ;
i , xrus bttbv.V
: (Special Dlepatra to fhe JoaraaLt
Seattle, April - II. Firs broke out in
ths Capital Milling company s flour mill
yesterday morning, snd in a short time
had damaged the -plant about 110,000.
Tbe origin Is unknown. For several
months the mill hss been Inactive, the
Intention being to start It up as soon as
ths wheat crop began to move.
Arc Days "of Suffering
They Are Becoming
i Brighter for Some Port
' land People; : ':-;V;v
Many "dark days" from kidney Ills.
. Backache, headache nervous, tired.
, Urinary troubles makes you gloomy.
' Dosn's Kidney Pllla bring relief;
Bring euro to every kidney sufferer.
They are endorsed by Portland.
. J. Carson. emDloyed at the Portland
Lumber Co., foot of Lincoln street, who
resides at ltd Flrat street, says: "I
wan feeling miserable with a denresains
lamenees around the email of my back
all laat summer. At Brat I did not pay
muck attention to it, but it continued
to grow worse and Anally became ao
bad that I thought I would have to lav
off work. To bend or move quickly
caused severs twinges. I waa often at-
tacseo wun amy speue. apecae ap
pesred before my eyes i
es ana
t had no am
bltion or energy. In ths morning I
sroae aa tired as when I Went to
la fact. I had all tha symptoms of a
very severe case of kidney - trouble.
When I was. auflrerlne the worst I read
about Doan s Kidney Pills and procured
a box. I eoonk noticed an" Improvement
In my condition, and tha pain and ach
ing across my back soon dlasppeared.
About els weeks sgo I waa laid up with
s siege of the grip for two weeks.
Symptoms of kidney complaint made
their appearance again and I resorted
to Doan i Kidney Pills a second time.
They Just ss thoroughly freed me of
the trouble ss In the former-case. I
cannot exoreas what a chance the
have made in me. I slmnlr feci Ilka a
different person." " "
ror saie or an nesiers. price us
can I a. Foater-Mtlburn Co., Buffalo, N.
T., sole sgents for ths United Htates.
Ramembar ths asms DOAN S and
taae no oiner. . . . . ,
-a va aaaa f ' 1 '
paexe,p , . W r'-"-
Rumored That S..P,' Company
Contemplates Building a
Connecting Une. :
Delegates Appointed to Attend
Development Convention
v'i-o-":;,1-; at Portland.
'- (Special Dispatch to The Journal.) ,
Eugene, Or., April It. A crew Of
southern Paclflo surveyors Is in Eugene
taking measurements of the company
grounds and buildings here and have
been at Henderson station measuring
grounds there and doing considerable
aurveylag. While the surveyors uro-
ress to Know nothing about any con
templated improvements, it- la reported
that the company, will soon begin ths
work! of ' constructing' the oonnect'njf
link between ths main Una at Hender
son and the east side branch line at
Sprlngfled, also ths work of rearranging
the buildings In the Eugene yards and
put in aildulonal sidetracks and a turn
table. ; ,.,.,.-;.;, . . ' . :
' . Bngeae-Ploreao Telephone. .
Tha manaaamant of the Kua-ena. El-
mlra ak Florence Telephone company Is
arranging to at ones complete the lino
through from Its present western ter
minus to Florence, it win take about
three weeks, to do ths work. Eugene
and Florence are about 10 miles apart
as the crow Bias. .. -.- :
StoM Delegates AppolaW. .
jCounty Judge Chrisman has ' - ap
pointed the following delegates I o at
tend the Development league convention
at Portland. April t and 17: r Fred
Wright. Saginaw; A. la Woodward. Cot
tage Grove; R. . Hawley, Creswsll; H.
C. Wheeler, Pleasant Hill; F. U Arml-
tags, Springfield: J. W. Shumate. Wal-
tervllle; Amoa Wllklna, Coburg; John
Lawrence, Junction Cityf T. D. Henaell,
Irving; C. K. Hale. Jerry Atkinson, Lav
rand; O." Bennett, Rlohardaon.
' " ' . otod niswsJly. '
Deputy -Prosecuting Attorney J.""M.
Williams has returned from Cottage.
Grove, where ha appeared as counsel lof
ths state In the case of George Stick
ham, charged with voting twice at the
municipal election ' there on . April .
Stldham was bound ovsr In the sum cf
S0 to appear for trial at the June
term of Aha circuit court. ; ' .
A. Great Irrigation Project Now
on - Foot : at . ; Two -.'o
Rivers.' v :;,:X.
., vi ' w..k ..i.rit i ua.
the remarkable resulta Ue.tnaV scoota
pllshed in this . ImmedlaU vicinity by
ths Snake River Irrigation compaay
But few short' months ago this whole
section wssan arid waste and doubt-
less would 'have ao remained, but for
ths far-seeing ability of the members at
tha above company, nearly all of whom
your - eorreapondent' is informed are
Portlaad people. "Two Rivera derives Its
nams f rora the nearby confluence of ths
Snake and Columbia rivers and Its loca
tion Is certainly - unique, as it la not
only in ths center Of the lands of ths
Snake River irrigation -company, but Is
likewise ths natural center of a large
scops of (Country west of ths Columbia
being a great table land of fins wheat
country, to the north ' the " ' Immenas
wheat, country, to ths north tha im
mens wheat fields of ''ths Big Bend
country, to ths . south -. ths Pendleton
farming section, and to ths eaat the
well known Walla Walla wheat belt. , -Ths
entire tract slopes gently, to the
south, tba mstn irrigation ditch already
completed, terminating near the town of
Two Rivera, located on ths southern
end Of ths tract midway between ths
tracks of the O. R. N. snd the North
srn Pacific k -' -'
A conveyance ' meets all trains, do
llverlng passengers' in 10 mlnutss at ths
new la-room hotel, where Mr.- and Mrs.
K. M, warner make everyone feel at
horns. -Karly-ln the moralng thare are
four or nve eonveysnces lo readiness to
transport aU land-seekers to the heed
works of the eompsny at Five-at Us
rapids on ths Snake river, where a taats
of camp Ufa Is had. Hers are about
200 men and lit teams at work Oa ths
main canal, a, very busy scene. Ths
hugs turbine water wheels are on ths
ground and with tl)s early completion
of ths canal will be placed in position.
Ths return drive prOvss a very Interest
lng as. well as pleasant one, ss a large
portion of ths tract has beer surveyed
and laid out In i and 10-acro tracts,
each tract being numbered from I to 04,
so that intending purchasers may see at
a glanCS not only ths topography of
the -country, but the location of the
main ditch, laterals and boundary lines
of each Individual tract.
On ths road are a number of trim
little dwellings newly erected by recent
purchasers of tracts. - These lends ap
pear to bo a kind of volcanle ash, lis
generally level and their productiveness
cannot be questioned by anyone who hss
gons over them, Ths elevation is from
1(0 to 400 feet above sea level only.
accounting for the absence of frosts aa
also ths sarllness of crop Four crops
of alfalfa may bo had here, .and twe
crops of potatoss. All kinds of fruits
aad berries can bo grown with profit, as
also bops and sugar beets. . Transports
tlon facilities are aU that could be de
aired, there being - two transcontinental
railways and no tract of ths lands bsins
mors than 2i miles from one or. ths
other railway.
Aside from this there will be water
trans portat ion from Two Rivers direct
to Portland so soon aa the Celllo rapida
are Improved, as It Is a well-known .fact
that both ths Snake and ths Columbia
rivers mra navigable streams. -
We returned to the hotel at I p. m
and had sufficient time before dinner to
look over the townaite and Interview
several of the residents, sll of whom
ara convinced of the assured success of
Two Rivera, ss well as ths lands tribu
tary. .-' ..-.. .'
To date besides' the hotel, there is a
large livery stable, a thriving lumber
yard, a general mercnanaise store, snd
two now bu illness Morkstunder wsy, to
.y sowing or a number of dwellings.
The school district hss - voted an
11,000 bond issued for the erection of a
fine school house, which ta t) be built
before the summer is over very
prudent action, as ths tributary section
will undoubtedly be settled vefy ranldlv.
aa each purchaaar la bound by his -con
tract to Improve snd cultivate hla tract.
The t irrigation ' company is . therefore
tl-fj Jcun:dl.'-;-;
Branch OIUccs
' ATTTISTWTarP" will be- raealvad
at raniar aaia oidce ratre at tba
followras pljraa and aaat ta Ika Joaraal
la Uae.-2ut paollrailoa in tke aaat laaeet
' . VOBTS, ,
1 B. A. rreatoa. dragglst, M sad Tkaa. ,
aa atrarta. , '
Mob Riu PbaiaaMy, SSO eUsaa street.
comae Slat.
A. W. Allea, pbansaekit,. loth ssd Kef
' aball afrraf
. . B; Jacks, cenfaetloeary.' SOS Weak. ..
. lagtoa suaat, coraar lUb ' .
,.r;..,.:;... : gouxK.- C'j'S '
B. r, Joeee Co.. draxglat, Freat
and Olbbe atraeta. -. ' '
Cetul brug Ckwsaay. Pint aa Oraat
..etreete. t
Tattle's Pbaraaey. SU Mlaataalppt av
. Ktrbols A Tnaaapaoa, 12S ttoseatl Street,
. roraar Alblaa aeeosa,- r :
(anake Drag Compaay. eornas Bew.
tborae and Oread areaee. ,
J. A. Db-k. tobaama. SM Crosby (aaat
and atoal brtoira). ' ,
B. V. rultoa, ooafaettoaery, tT4 Seat )
Baraelda. eoraar IJeloa aaeana. .
Ingraaj A Buak, tobaecoalata, 1S Oitbi
.. atauue. .
. i . - 'SVaTaTTBISB, ,' ' - ' ' '
J. B. Worth, sbaraMWipt. OOS Bebaoat'
.".'t,"u.:: ibooexw.; - -
Bmoklra paanaacy. eoraer reweB ssd'
' MUwaokle etreats. - ...Vv
V SI Oread Aevnee,
: Pkaa. klaat SI A '
VBa ta froan WauL"
ton abb tninm.
Either Laat er aaad adv
werda fee IS eeate,"
Luni nnca wm aw oisiavnia.
vatasd'a. Tel" Wrr JUevi st Jtarml
office. Reward. .
wltb IS canta aad bra er let la ii; eranan
r.., .-u none. a. . -w,- ,
Uldg. Owner WIU reeeire pane oy cauios
atooaM is aad IT, Labbe Bldg. , .
rOUKCH-A ptoee to save salr mattraaaaa na
rated aad returned aarae day. PbeBS-sUla
474. Portlaad Carled Han- (aetory. .
luni-'awa ana wam ana raw --- I
Walker aBgravad uaiae el eaac. aw rawara
If retarBed to Taylor Young at.
srxxraro) aoTioB.
t a n wvw v Ann sa i b A d II
-Social rmaalcartoa tbU
mf laattraeaJoa. Orda
of W kf.
. . BlJruS n, BALL, SacraUry.
ladge No. 1, k. P, bald every Taa
r raaltf it e-cleek, bfarqaaaa
wilding. Vlaiton ere eordlally- la-
rtteS to BTiroa. .
ED. D. rtJRTIH. K. B. S., ltrSS B. 1Mb at.
gVAPJB Apru la, la new w . iT''
r vol- imaiey a-reae, awpaaria- aa a -i
baraby gives tbat tne BBueieisaeii maim
f tba Waat .(Mai naaa uoar awpaw.
an lr BBBeiBteo euca oy aae rwruii i
the auto of Oregon for Maltoonaab eoeaty. I
la tba Butt ef tha rust nauoaai naaa ai
Pal.a atalatlff. aealnat tba Waat Coaat I
Saab A Door ceaapaBy, defendant, will, by I
virtue ef as order of tbe, aald circuit eaart I
ar tne atata er wnpa ana . i
dnty eiada aad aaterad oa tba Sotb day "t I
Marrn. saon. orrrr roe aam ana aan ai paoiie
eoctica to tbe blsbaat mooar tor eaaai m nana
. at tbe eeawty aowtbeawe door ta tbe city
, of Portlaad. ureeoa, oa .saiuraar, . ins
. day ot April. I, at 10 e'elec s. w te I
real rjroparty beloBgiBg to tbe defendant I
Waat (aaat Saab unor eoaapaay, aewataer
. wltb tbe mill. aurblBary. at oca aa Band aad
goods ta pf
e.aalim aad
All alda ta
procena ef manofartare, la tbe poa-1
id Badar tbe coutml ef. tbe racalaar, I
takaa at sack Bale eabtort ta tbe I
approval aad eoaSrsiatloe ef tbe aeld d remit
mart. N. B. AYKR,
Bacelvar ef the Waat Coaat Saab Deer
Company. -
. STOCXBOLDSBr ltBrnHo. - -
. Motleeto baraby glrea to tha artnritbeldVra
ef tbe BaSker Hill and Balllvaa Mlalag aad
CoeeaatratlBg Oneapaay (aa Oragoa corpora t loa
karlng Its prlBclpal afSeo at tba City ef Port
laad. Oragoa), that a eparUI pjaotuag ef tbe
etorkboldere of aald eocnpana art 1 1 be bead
at Ita prtaeipal efftca. BmHBa No. SOI-804 Cbaaa
ber pf Com ai area Building, la tbe City ef Port
laad. Oraaon, ee wesnaaaay, tne in ire say
of May, iSOS. at tbe boar ef eleven a'cbaak I
aa tba foreaoaa. for tbe following pai puaiai
To aooaldar aad act a poa a eon tract aatberleed
by tba Board ef Directors to be entered lot
by aald earpnratloa with tbe TaoMaa Sneltlna
Coatpaay, wbereln aad whereby It It a greed
rr.tii.a,mUf abill dlloi .? tka
i ffi fw a LLW aln u
aald Tacoasa Saaaltiaa Com Deny
aaa ao con
alder aod act epos aach etbar natters pertalalng
to aald eoatrart, Ms- tar me aad aoadluoas, aad
to transact euca eta
before aald BMetlBC.
Said aaaattag la called aed tkla Botloa la gives
"JT?T.m,'. iJtlo. theeaoTdiir eaiie.
rjllll .fc.-raiataa.eaf Inell. isoaT
aad le - doe eccordaara wltb . Sertioe S, etl
Art trie ii. at tba Br-uwa ar aald 'eeennany.
ax.rwnsBB, vraawa, wa sbtoblb aay i
at AariL 1B0A.
uravnua r a BVaSBani I
Serretary ef the Baakea Hilt and Sulllvaa I
Mlaag aaa ueaeeatrauag uoaapany.
WANTED Baalaeaa weaiaa, SS yaara aid ar
err, . aeeoatoatoO te BoocaeepiBg. tradlBi
wltb caatoesere, exMlectiooe aad geaeral
See work, aa Joint naanarrr ef aa office. I
Apply reoai 323 Ablagtoa bh
104 Third. J
WANTKD Com ne teat airl
work; prrBianrnt airaatroa, gene, wage, in
e.n. .e a - rri a-.. kiehia e .. .fc I
ai Bjignia ar.
Bear Hroeawar. uau ai tea ja at, ax. er .aa-1
fore 10 a.
WANTED Slatieg aed dasriag aoabretta. cap.
a- a i iiT i aI. I
fjoisj) OK anilinB lino sTwjOJ1.iW POtlX . lalMe.I
cDorti sir in jot aanir; coBtonn ror Dtir-
1 . Y-. --a II BalaLataa. - - T O A
i7ri jLrniL , " V " I
STYLISH lady with good flrnrev high ealaryi
permanent pnaltloa. AddnaaiH 3d, Journal. I
WANTED A yoeng weraaa to de geaeral kaaae
jappiy aoa auoar aa.
WANTED Conpeteat aarae girl. Call st 401
rirat et., net u. .
WANTED A seat girl for giaarai bnaaawBik.
wn nuta. -
el'HT OUT New gee bunarr, lasts forever, 1
better light thaa Wrlaheck and chea
half sae bill.
CaU bet S and
SIT Featoa bldg.
tV 1 WP-BIVnalai efcaaew aanAt alaaaBeaa " - - a I
W SB ii s nar xir-iu svi iw ! WU W Wgvyaa mam f
pMrflaMDC worm, nil MODtiaj wumint f u I
m. w p. sn.. xtu i niroi bu, ror. Main. - i
rot sUOT---4dixoo-t -
SALOON for teat, lanjadlatoly onooelte analn
aatraBca ana exit at rair. inquire S8S Up-1
ahar at., or ,10.'i4 Twewty-alxtb at. I
f 7 I
doing sll popalbls to assist settlers, and I
thoss who will Improvs thsir properties, I
but slight attention Is gives the specu-lrns
latlve element , ,. 'kJA 1
- ; xsr pttjto ooBmriOBT.
-(SpacUI- Wapatcb to Tbe Journal ) ;
Otvmpla, Wash., April It. Thomas S.
NlflllvaM a eonaiir anit a Neaat aeetwal
is at ths hospital In a dying condition I
a ruin m mururrvua uiiiw un ina oraa in-
filmed with a heavy club or bar Of Ifon, I
It is rumored thst his Injuries are the
reeult of an altercation near the bottling
works or the Olympla brewery, I or a ted
near the Northern Pernio depot with d
crowd or union men. ."Officers are Inves
tigating ths affair.
A 1
I" r .. , r t I
a a a , . . k. -a a
t"aa. ..-m--ae. -, a. 1 a a
-w(..,a i .ad b wt'-e X r-,iat
a vn i. clr,.i a tacnaual
a, i t !") e-
a k 0 a-aai..a
t tro. i a i a ware ta I a '.
Bias ta poaiiMMM
-(boat dan mr to tnalr prasant eoaaactkoa.
Wa aaaare of conaldaratlua laa erarf
oaltlus yaa are compatnit to HI. bo stattrr
Wbare located, eod tell yoa bow to brlag
your aixuiy te tne atktaona of baadraa
e( ampuier wbe aaad kuao-grade aaaa.
. C-'l o writ a
l.fc-- a V-Wn rfABIN(l HOrSB.
S04-S bca bi. a.. 101 luard at, Portland. Or.
WANTFIV-Boy a hoot IS yaara ol ara ta atrip
rooaco. lanuira of Mia m t.uu-a t-igar
Co., 333 BaraaHie at.
A 0K)D wrnnaht Irai and wire worker. Call
Kat Portland wire rtorka, SW Kaat Mor
rlaos at.
WANTKD Maa wltb naeaaaary tart latmlrad
tor a arwapepee reporter. Addreee - XT. care
Jasinsl.) , .-s
POBTLAND RHmi at Talaarranbr a
eoaraat axaariaoead taarber. Suet blrat at.
I ACTIVE boy wan tad to help rajrpentara. - Ap
ply un xwanty-iourta and Ankasy sta.
WANTBO rirat-claaa - aa Iranian
meat - be
bajtler. " Box as, bare JouraaL
MEN to laara tba defective protnaioa.
rac, ' auaay biog rooaa wu.
WANTKD ShoeBuker for eestoai repairing. Call
- at oaj noTira aa. . .
POSITION with aetabUabed lit nra by yeeat
urasoauaa. graauate law- acnooi; aaniirtra. la
lodlaaa: beat Oraaon refereacwe: chanaa la
w a aa. jlm Dtiiaa jiiug-. raiparaiao, loa.
MACHINIST and all-aoaad heady mas wants
a poaitMi ae baa natxta; can rarama tba
neat oi retereacee. Aaoreaa I aa Macula let.
SU Kally at. Tel, Mala 4S31. v . - ,
WANTS D A Boat tl on aa offloe bor thla attm
. aaar; ant is yaara eia; p rarer work in aocior a
or lewyar a ersoe. Aawraace uooa-ea. atoaat
'ABBOT, KfT, .
bt a ajnv .ui.
eober bulb waste work ef
any klad exrept boreae; a alee good gafdaer,
Addraaa sa, care JaaraaL '
OABPBMTKB wj-to tot ,m rapjlr work; let
I Uce betore you
I uiMU LllITn a. aH.
I .. " ZT ., "
I ; rjiS,,"0. ta" ' " .", Hi-
I . " . ' . .
ii, lL FU jZl
Jew Sat aa abject.. Addraaa J,. o. ear
XOTJitQ lady bookkaepar daalraa poadttoa any
sioe at. clerical wore; aijtDeet retaaeaeea.
Aedreaa loss Kaat Alder at. . - -
I'OS'TIOX waatrd by axperleoced. mlJdla-rad
P08ITION waa tad aa suaapar er boaatk taper
is now I by ieay at auoaia age. . - Address
i ao, care aeeraaL ,
eIRMiLN wl
eiaaalng ar waskl
HauT" m wmMnl
Ill ae eat by the dar
washing. Apply 423 fnat, Bear
POSITION wanted - by oaon potest dreaaraakar;
seat er reiareores. seereae 4 se. Journal.
ariamwAViia-iuBBfniH aua
I Baal aetata, raoaalnc n-iaia sad baalnees
aba area apactaity. r70 Bartmde. btala Sues.
BeeBoves to utb Herta lanad at.
Bad 1Q1. ... ... v. - . . r . y
SS M. Saooed at. , Pbaaa) Mala USS.
i i
PIONEEA EMFfjOTMENT CO. -tahor eoatree
- rera; kelp tree to owpluyawe. SIS
BELP wanted aaad oapplled. aula de fbaaale.
B. O. DBAKB, S06H Waablagtoa at. Clay eaA
1 " "
i naaara irae. loa rirat a a. raaae Mala WIT.
i US MOBBISON Colaaibia Blvav. Baa p. aaeaeri
aaiiwa waor rarBiaaee. raoee Mala aaan.
CLBAN, aanarlaattoBa, paring propoalt
people want It; It areata gasd sgaabi
bad laatltatloa. dOI M arajaa baag,
tlea: tbe
Matoal Aid saaaatotloe.
ATTBNTION. AOKNTSI We waat portrait
proof poeen; write as st eeea. K SB, care
dear aai. . .- - f .
WANT IrVUl tors, ,,Apply at 40 , North
Bixtn WL.
we waat arat-anaaa rwDunea room, prt
veto real de are a referred. Sea -aa et
wa are closing ear Hat; ear sweets will pay
toe rates for Srst-claaa agooi mode t lone :
we charge a aaxall eomailBaiaa and aend yoa
Srat-claaa people; book your roonaa bow wltb
H. r. iMiwaia. rortiane rtotet, or tna la-wia
A Clark Hotel Co., las SUU at.. Oregnnlab
blag, new jbbib zeo
ROOMS In all pert of tbe ctty. rarmbabed.
Apply 220 Oeedoaea bldg. ,
, Oadar dlreetlea ef tbe Lewis aad Clark Pair
Corpora Uoa.
ibeae Mala fOBS.
BOOMS waBted ra aU parte of city; we do not
. f". w" '
els and Clark - Faralabad Eoea Aa
ton. 181 North. Sixth at. ,
WAICTED-S farntehed aa- Bnfnmlabed noma.
wltb board I eonreaieat: S adalta. K SS. care
WANTED d ar S aaforulakrd ronana. waet aldai
etate eoBvaaiawoaa. u, xii rirat ax.
Phone Mala SftsS. at Sll rirat et.
WE botld new er Sx mar eld be me very rea
- a"- ...j ,
aa. rial, cvw. nnura anal, aoa w nee a.
SHORT OBDER Printing Hwaia V. J. Ryder,
BxaSasja-siJ ak sfcet W aai , In art tea arf a ' gMaep f eUbl
wi- wa-.,
Piaaoa aad furniture moved aronaptlr br as.
peneaeee aaea. . iiv iniro ax, aata loan.
NEW -cottage, S 'aeons, fit nowta. laqulre
bet. S aad 4 p. m. ear. Harding ea Uold
aailth ata., Alblna. '
I NEW .cottage, S roe
at. 18 aionta. tnpulre
ear. Harding sad IMS-
bat. s aad 4 9. m.
amltb aL, . Alblnav
I $14 NEW, xawdars, B room bonae. bath. ate
soi aayma. cor sdib. . rnxme ur. liar una.
1B BAST SSTH-nonaa, t rontnC taodara. la-
vjnlr 1040 BlnKmi at.
ri . i - aa. . ai a iaa as.
iwu innnuin roonw ror iiht mMmmminnK.
m nonm, ov tmirigm m.9 mi, MTVOMenta
mom HiffntfwiiiB w.
I'JUKU aaaa, ir yea waai xs Boars aad roeaa
la a para a aeat aad flret-elaea besaa, wbare
rates are aaeaaainsiy nw, aae win reeaalTl
tba eaae Beat aannaer aa tber "are Bow. eall
et tbe Aatea Houae, gereata at., eoraar
' "" ' ""
lindeli New Poaiir hotel. Marb.a
bat. , Third aad Peerthi eteam heat, alecm-
llght, porcrlala be tna; elegant oulalde rooats
da rooaie
n-tta araKiaaa Boare;.two IMople
alb. rboae III 031. x
NICELY fuTBStbed front parlor, enltable tnr
two; snara ir araireai eau, gaa, . pboBe.
1T054 Tenth at.
'V, ,.aVT"ia i, u .7. ..V r .."
rilRNIKnin roam with board, B90 Eaat Niels
at., N. Pbeee Scwtt Sow.
NEW, swidere. b-tnem Sat. eleae la. III Ul Intra
waix, aaa, electricity, pnrceiaia Data. Ill
Eaat fllteaotk. Bear Morriaoo.
C '
1. t I t r f. lmir- na
..r- Haa -a r-" a ta
-! ap. -k - aad a ...., a.
rilSNI-aiO boa-a nm, aa alfj a rooa
by tba vak or if toui; gas, beib aad!
paopa. . SiHa ' ii. i . 1
SOMB nlra furnlahad bHiarkaan -g rnoma. $mpla
or enaulta, at bad t-aiigrore at. i bd to M
' per Muai wood or laa.
80 SIXTH ST. Wall furnh-had boiiarkeealng
apartnwuUi Ufbtlaaat rooma; good lucattuu;
bomallka. . '
THR LINDA VISTA, nicely furnlabed baar-a.
log and elngle rooiaa raaaonabia, 1 -ok kins.
THS llONNAfTES, SU Plrat at.; aBjt
rooaw froai tl ta IS; fiu-alabad soaaakaauing
suites fron Vl.TS to $S par weak; rooass Bar
alght, froa aod atk-l toorUti aoiiclud.
TUB DBXTBB, iU Twalftk. eeraae T?aab.
. too, antlraly aawly-toralabad roopja ef log
pKXTbA AN.N .X aew ready fur aeeasaacy.
rboae Oraee aad.
KKWLT fernlakad moana 12.00 par weak aad
up; bath, elartric light aad phone. The New
Bolmont, lWltb flrat aU tlra. L, . elMlf .
proprietor. ... .. ... -
tO&H WASH., bet. Ilrat and rront raralabml
, ana anfarnlanad alnsle rooaia, wltb or with
out bouafcraplag4 very reaaooable. Hood did.'
MABQHAM HOU8B. 14w Stb Boo ma aa eatte
or alms let konerkeeplng rooaoa; aaa etovaa. -bath,
a lac trie 41 (bu; traaaleata auUcttad.
BOOMS, SX.B0 week; beat Is tba city: every,
thing saw; sot aod cold water, bath, eto. t
aortbweat eoraar Seaaateeatb aad Ovartos.
yVRNISHED beaarkeaplBg saltes, SS Bp; alee
transient ana oeera. uou
Ooldamltb, ear. On 14. , .
fboae lalos aSaS.
- eauib end Alblna are.
rVRNISHRD pooaie for rant te private boeae)
- nlra yard, good furnltnre. all new: prices frost . '
. 2.0O up.. 4S NarU Twenty -arat at. -
BIVEBHIDB ROTBI S4S Eaat Oak at; fnr.
alabad aad BBfomlabad hoaaekaapiag realm 1
lodging, rbone Scat! Sad. T.vT'
BLBOANTLT fnrnlabad rooaa for one er twe
a-ratiemea; private fisUly i gaa, ..bath. Sl
ay lor.
a a
THS OLADSTONB Sim Sarler ex.. faTniabad
roona; andrv sew awU(Bieat prtoaa na
aoaabla. ,
NICELY fnra tab ed reean, with
Pbooe, asat
at t0 Jeff
. ez.DU per waas aaa ap.
uuitn, . caaap rnrauBaa raasia sad badgtbgs. -
sas JCifbtaeata at., S blocma from fair arvoajda.
yCRNISHKD rooarva with er wltboat . board,
reaaaaabla. at 428 Stark at. Pbooe Mala eotu.
CHS A PEST aad beat taeatad reesw ta Portlaad.
. SI weak ep. Olhaaa, Pliat and Aklar atav
NICELY faralabad rooana, gl.XS par weak aad
as, . 7V ruts, act.. Mala and Medians. , -.
COMrOBTABLB fomlab'd roaaat, beta, rtnai
Mana aaa aua 1WIB, tW, aalor. .
NICB faralabed roosw to rest, prlcee yaasoa.
ua. au aa aaa jmn at... Baiaaa, or.
KBWLY faralahed. evlet, tranatoat I
a our ta sa. i aooa Maa
NICB front room, eloee la. Teat naaoaabta.-
Sl Eaat Bevaatb at., aortb.
FOB BENT Psralsbed Bleeping
Call st
a. fa awvoatB at. .... .
831 THIRD ST., aor. Market rerakikad aoeata:
PVOV OCaatteQa. - , . .
S4.1 riPTH raralabed Set suitable tot t adslut
bx tSdVi
yVBNISHKD rooaaa tor lodging.' 1010 M Bak
WB bay peer rami tare la aay eeaetlty tVay. epnt
, ab or sail It at year realoeajre. Be-eare
aaa ea.a aw rauiia ahavaaoai
toe beet leaulta. -
r. faml tare Sae eaa at vaaa nalilaeaa ae
at Sll Flrat at. Pboae Mala BSM. H ,.
" ROOMS. ' aew farBltnra, real ealy tits e
anonin. ant awwnnw, annre yara. is vraiking
dlataace of tbe fair ground; aaat sell tola
week. Addraas K tl, ears JournaL ,
EJ.kXlANT furniture. S yeaW
leaae ef Peowni
nonna; arse yard ana baeeaenti peat S.IA.
Will aell
Old , Third, , rbeae
Fl'RNITUBE ef S-ronta house, ta Sae condition,
for sale cheap; bonae for rent: aa eaat aide;
parueu araTins my.... ranaa saax. iwae.
rt'RNITTJRR ef a S-rooni bonne for Bale ebeap
if tokea bp tbe lat; raat J: cuexe aad sae
It; e bargala. 4T North Ninth ex.
S-ROOM bonae. rent $, fnralture flSO. Call -evaaloga
T te . except Satarday aad Baa-
day toorsraga. SOS North Teutb. . - . ..... , .
BAROAIN at fravWrll faralabed S-rooa .
bnnee, enlteble lor fair aceoaatadAUoM: bare
ctgbt beareere. S03 CUy et . r '-."
rt'RMTTTR8 for aala 4-rootu .cottage. tl.OOO;
-raat STJM. Addraaa K -go, care Journal.
Ft'RNrrTTRR S bouaekeetilng renana, etieapi Sne
local roe, rent ebeap. pbona Mala S424. ,
OBT wet tbe grossd flonri have apace to rat
. equal t eatraaca te fair groaada: na eppeei
lion; apply at eece. J SS. eare Journal.
FREE sample eoplee of the "Matrimonial
Regtater" to tkoae calling at eaar of nee; by-'.
' aall. loci all baalaeaa atrictly cnmOdenrlU; .
'.private recaptlos rnoejia; efoce boura 19 a. ,
' a. to S p. a.; eeea Honday. Intentate la- . "
trodadng Society, an Ita 34, ; Lange Hotel,
Slxtb end Waahlagtoa. '. , '
A M1DDLE-A0EO GERMAN wtth enaee saeeas
-, end e ateedjr poaltloa wtabea tbe aeaoalnt- .
mnrm ef aoins good we, men from to ' to Ski '
let rera atrlciaTy coafldeatlal; ae trlgera) ebleet
. aatrlBnayr Addreaa I 22, care Joaraal.-
BOOKS! , BOOKSh BOOKS! The kind - you're
looking fori "Deeaaerea," "A Hot Tarn ale.-1
" ''RosaTe Confeaalno," "A Sodal Llos.'
, Taanle HIU." "Tbe Beanty Spot" SOs esebl
llata free. A. Sckmala. ZJ l lra at
MANLY - vigor restored by Dr. Roburti Hero
Globules. One aoatb 'a treatment $2; t
aontba, S3. ; aeat arm rely aaaled by suit
Ageata, yVoodard, Clarke A On., Portland. Or. '
WANTED Lady er gentleman with good an. -pear
a nee to leara palaifcitry and ana re proflta.
. Anawer. ata ting particulars. Addraaa Pre
feaaor, K SO, care Joaraal. ,
STOP DRINElNOI Guaranteed eorei seed 80c
. xaoiet rorna; aaiwa is pinia auouaget Bad
cured tboaaaada. La L. Co., SI 4 tiraat bids-.
' Baa rraaclaeo. Cat , -, :
DR. OLN BY treat a all dlsaeaas with great aae-
eeaa; no ornra;- ctiras toDsecs, liquor aad ' "
iaorpbloe bablta. See SM. 3nSH WaahloaV
tos at - . - ' -.- '
TOtTB prea-etrttlona are more ' (ccsrately and
reaanunoiy- Blieu it Bjeei e ruarnaey, gar
Morrlnoa at. bat Flrat aad Saeond ata. .
w B redaca the ebdnraea, enra ' rBeuiaatlam,
grip, lame ears, la a lea eaiy. all Morrlaoa
" at. . Boad WJ2. . . .
books yoa eyer aaw.
,360. . Jeaas Book Stare.
sal AMer au
BALM OP F10S for all female
434 '
Alder at. rnnaa Mala 4fMS.
v , , - - - -i i .i - r'ii wi.i a ii,,.
FOR RENT S acrea ef land, alt la cultlratlou.
I--., ,1.1 A I u u-A ...
bit M and Section Lisa road.
tiers, wit -me ratling.
l'lNR plana for sale er trade for Iota.
S3, rare journal.
RE.NT--Stceea and boteii containing 114
telue eooma. en Twenlr-ifith .1 (....
arem mine-, anu exit y locate and Clark
fair. Apply to B. M. lonthard. bit Chaabar
ef bommeree, er 4021 Txentj-alits at
, .. -. ,,.-v ,
a. ( M-j