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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 18, 1905)
; M HEAVY i .1 Cuir.-tiss of Flour Shipped to Iter From This Port " f ; Every Month.'; ;:IALY ALL ARACONIA'S -CAr.CO FCR THS MIKADO Fn'ht Worth tver Quarter, of a f -;n:on V3 Be Delivered to Japanese Merchants. '." Lee than $t.OO worth of th, . Ara rnnl cargo will go to Chinese ports, Ml. mora than J00,m of It will be -jwrered to Japanese merchant. Until recently th imtu part of the cargoes t" from, thl port to the orient went to Hongkong and Shanghai . The un vduar demand for flour in Japan ta the caus of tho difference In tho figures. Tba Aregonl elearod this morning. a tho total value of bar cargo waa ).aesd at tJOMil. - These figure will roboMy bo tacreaaed a trifle, aa all her freight haa not yet boon put aboard. Tho manifest ahowa that aho will carry 47.117 barrel of flour. valued at $11. Si4, while tho remainder of the freight la held to bo worth tUMTl. . Cotton, tobacco, canned good a, cracker and ' await shipments of general merohandls rke up tbe freight aho will take out ta addition to tho flour. . 8b sail to- rrow. . " . Tho next steamer of tho lino to arrhre will be the Nlcomedla, which sailed from lior-kong on Aprtr It. As aho takes cto at aareral Japaneee porta. It uu- t require month for her to get to , urC L- It is said that she will bring full rn- Bnaca for th outward . , Ha k-miii mnna for more than 40.- t ,t barrels of flour, and 'the officials of too company are confident that a full cargo of that product will be secured for her, nocwiiaeranuuig me toe u -eral tramp steamers hare been engaged at a 4 rata. . , k';.- -:;, :- c:::r;ocxmzDUP.; TKfmaajbrnmar wax e ! il Wttk fe Soaae Time. : r:Jor T ngfltt reports that the gov r; ent dredge Chinook will be ted c to St. Johns for the season. She i lvtave up from Astoria tomorrow. It was 'at the suggestion of Major lr.fltt that ' the decision to tlo ths kreofO-op was reached by the war de - j-tment. For taking; this stand the r ' rr has been commended by all of the j . . .ug skippers of this port. They are mui of mttlnr a deeper channel umu the bar. and It Is the genera. - 'njon that the extension of the Jetty bring about that result. Many of t XMe who watched the operations of e Chinook at the mouth of the Colum bia last year regarded her as an extrav agant luxury. It coat $10,009 a month to operate the vessel and It Is a question wrother or not she did any good. . 'i ie bar pilot -and some others at ivatorla are strongly opposed to the plan .to take the dredge out of commission, and say that she was aa Important fac tor in deepening the channel. The gov ernment engineers who have made sur veys there and are In a position to form -an accurate and Intelligent opinion take a different view of the matter, giving all credit for any Improvement to the chan nel to the Jetty. It Is understood that the business Interests of Astoria, Intend to petition the war department to recon sider Its decision and put the dredge at DEEP SEA CRAFT. , goes WOl AgrregaW Is ,000,000 feat.' Of the II deep-sea craft in the har or. It are at the docks above the ridges, and that section is by far the ualeet part of Portland's waterfront. .'1th the exception of the Pythomene od Cbrtstel, which are not -chartered, il are taking lumber. . The aggregate trying capacity of tho fleet is close 11.000,000 feet. The names of the vessels and the amount of lumber they re capable of handling are: " Schooners rlc 7M.OO0 feet; Alexander T. Brown, 60.000; Alvena. 171.000; Transit, (SO, (00; Dora Bluhm, 400,000; Boreal la, 100,000; Virginia, TI0.000; .barkentlne A mason. 1.(00,000; British ship Lons dale, 1.100,000;' British bark Dumfrtes Khlre, 1.101,000; steam schooners Sea foam, 110.000; Aberdeen. 110.000, and Bee. 110,000. The Borealls and Alex ander T.' Brown have - completed their cargoes. Eight arc lying at the Port land mill. Ave at lamaa-Poulsea's and two at the dock of the Oregon Water Power ft Railway company. The balance of the fleet is comprised of the Ger man ship Henrlette, British shtp Holt Hill, the steamships Sandhurst, Dum barton and Aragonta, ana the' steamer Alliance, all below the bridges. ALONG THE WATER FRONT. Because of m. shipment of " heavy .ttachlnery which, was placed on - the upper '-deck of the does occupied by thf Kellogg. Transportation company-at the foot of Salmon street ' the lower floor ltnost went Into the rrver yesterday. The tower pert of the structure 1 now being rebuilt.'.. ' '- " 'V.'1 Just below ' lilnnton the gasoline launch Eva. belonging to .Hiram John on of this city. Is high -on the beacft. . he was tied up along the shore yes terday sad the swell of the river car ried her on the ' shoal. The Gasell made an unsuccessful attempt te drag her Into deep water. . . r. S. McRath ft Co. have chartered the British ship Oranasta to load gen era cargo at Newcastle-on-Tyn for Seattle and Taooma, Capt. O. W. Hcsford . returned yester- The Dest .4. 'A Carini Soap A Iitta! Polish' A C'u Cleaaer day from a business trip, to the sound porta. Including Victoria and Vancouver. He says the steamboat business up that way is In a flourishing condition. Report has reached the city that the transport Sheridan, bound from Manila to Portland, with, the Fourteenth lnfan try, on Sunday morning . sailed from Honolulu, where she mad a short stop. By making a fair passag she should reach bore next Sunday. ...'., - The steamer . Annie Comings Was placed on the route between her and Wasbougal'thla morning to take care Of the freight traffic heretofore handled by the lone, which la undergoing . re pair. - 'v f I The British ship Holt Hill cleared for the west coast of South America this morning with a lumber cargo. She will leave down tomorrow. -'.. ' With a full cargo of general 'freight the steamer-' Alliance will sail for Eu reka and way porta tonight The Aber deen of the same line will sail for San Francisco this evening with 160.000 feet of him her. ' - " ;. . . -v- . ' Word Is dally expected of the arrival of the British steamship Ras Elba at Tsnlgtau. China. - She sailed from, here one month ago today with a cargo of oats and baled hay dispatched by the same Arm , which Is loading the Sand hurst now la the harbor. ; - - Balfour, Guthrie ft Co. have chartered the British bark Paaa of KJlMeoraukle, 1,101 tons, to load at Antwerp for Ijos Aagelea and. Portland.' She, will begin receiving cargo at onoe. i : . During tha last week the British ships Lady Wentwortb and Conway changed ownership, both being purchased by Ger man firms, .'' v 7; QUICK TRIP. : 6 Toyage from Toko- te Seattle 1m Thirteen Says, - , '' . ial greets! servlee.' ' r-VU Seattle. April 11. The steamship Minnesota, the - mammoth- freighter owned and operated by J. J. Hill of the Great Northern railway, will reach here at i o'clock this afternoon on her first round trip from Hongkong and way porta.- She passed Cape Flattery at o'clock this morning. . ' - - - The Minnesota , left Yokohama en April and consequently has com pleted the passage across the "Pacific tn il days, which equals the Urn made by the fast steamers operated by- the Canadian Pacific, known, a the Em press liners. 1 Large crowds of people will meet her at the dock this afternooa and congratulate ' the officer on the splendid showing they ' hava made. 7 - MARINE NOTES. ''Astoria. April 11 Arrived down dur ing the night and sailed at 1:10 a. a, steamer Acme for Ban Francisco. Arrived at :! and left- UP at 1:10 a. so... steamer Roanoke from Port Los Angeles and. coast port. - Outside at 1 a. m a three-masted barkentlne. - Arrived at 10:40 a. m, steamer South Bay from San Franc laoo. . Sailed at 10:10 a. bl, Amerloan shin St. Nicholas for Nuahagmk. Astoria, April It. Condition of th bar it I t, n. smooth; 41ght southeast; weather cloudy. .... , A SANITARY CONDITIONS l&u I BAD NEAR THE FAIR The sanitary conditions In the. dla trlct surrounding the entrance to the Lewis and Clark fair ground are aaid to be vary bad. Dosen of large res taurant and lodging house nave been erected In the past six month without a thought of the sewerage facilities. Before the new building were built, the sewer were barely large enough to ao commodate - the population, and Bow have become so overtaxed - that - they will hot carry Away the waste matter. The result has been that the entire tUs- trict is In dangsr of - Infection from disease. Plumbing Inspector T. J. Hume stated this morning that the sei would have to be enlarged and new con nections made. . . "The people cut there will have : to comply with, the city ordinances, " said he. "They have not . been doing the work properly, and 4t will have to done over., They try to tell me how they were allowed to do things In Bt. Louis, but I Informed them that they were not living In St. Louis now and had te re spect the sanitary laws. The condition in several of the restaurant are very STREET IMPROVEMENTS i TO BE MADE AT ONCE : Fifth street, from Morrison to Jeffer son, will be Improved within a few weeks with bltullthlo pavement The contract was let last fall, but the con tractor were granted an extension of time, a they were unable to lay. the pavement in rainy weather. - . Property owner are anxious- to have the. street Improved, and the contract or are ready te beghi work. -It will take about three weeks to complete the work. ' - Yamhill street between Fourth and Sixth streets, will also be paved by the Warren - Construction - company, Which Is laying the bltullthlo pavement on Hoyt street on Portland Heights, as the water has drained away and ha left the sou sufficiently dry to permit the work to proceed. The foundation Is all In and rolled, and all that remains to be dose l tojay the bitumen covering. MANY CONVERSIONS AS ; rvv RESULTvOFJREVIVAL Successful revival meetings were con ducted In Trinity M. E. church, corner Bast Tenth and Grant- streets, , - last week, and there were some remarkable conversions. Last Sunday was espe cially Interesting, and at both morning and evening services a number of people decided te live a Christian- lire, -t -,-. TheVattendance last nle-ht was verv large, and the prospect foe, this week' campaign are promising. James L. Mc- Comb, , the street evangelist . 'assisted the pastor. .'...;.. ' .i.....;....-... Scooriag Soap Mai :. Ainnifl . C??0SE VILLIAHS Men Who' Favor Law Enforce ment and Those Who Desire !v; Control Against Him. NO ONE FOUND ON WHOM ' ' ' REPUBLICANS CAN AGREE Members of the Five Clubs Softly .'V 'V; Talk v of Harmony 1 and ' Can Hammers. 1 ; i-v ;'.r'-'V. , v :-- -L Effort to bring together the four Re publican clubs la a movement to defeat Mayor Williams for the nomination have disclosed one fact that all politicians accept -es .proved beyond a reasonable doubt the opposition te Mayor Wil liams Is - of two distinct kinds; one is that of Republicans . who - for political purposes wish to -form a new organisa tion to control Republican policies in the future, ' and the other I that . of those who bring forward the law-en-foroement Issue as . paramount In the present contest., . '".y were the Republican club to rind some common ground upon which they could act, the element that Is support ing H. R. Albee on a platform of law-enforcement would yet be left apart, and the opposition to Mayor Williams would f be divided Into two parte about equal In strength. The political situation la yet very much tangled. . v - Mayor Will lama cause recerreo some impetus when last night Willi Fisher, who was the first candidate to file his declaration for the , Republican pri maries, announced at the Republican club meeting that -' he . had withdrawn from the race and wished hi friend to throw their strength to Williams. - , 'o Vol Xmoa, Bat J XleV . V Fisher had not much of a following. but what he had be now offers to Mayor William. The Republican erob Is distinctly antl Williams, and. , Fisher announcement was received in A manner that Indicated that when Williams applause waa to be expected the members' hand felt cold and clammy.' ' . ' The dub last night Instructed It com mittee to report a week hence whether renewed effort te bring about coalition with the other organisation had been fruitful. - , - .: .'- W. P. Ready, who was chairman of the "harmony" meeting Saturday night the meeting that did not harmonise reported to the Republican club whoa envoy he was that the sum total of .nv suit at that meeting waa the expendi ture of "hot air," ut that be yet en tertained hope that something might b accomplished. It is believed that Keady ha soma card up hi sleeve. -and that his desire Is ultimately to Induce his club to indorse some candidate for mayor, , :' Herbert C Smith, chairman of th uboemmltte on selection of candidate for council reported in favor of John GUI and D. 3. Qulmby for couricllman-at-Iarger-And these- the club indorsed without hesitation. :.--.:. -.- , - "The effort to effect conslidatlon of the Republican dub reminds me of' a minister who made a speech In favor of church unltv." aald a well-known cm- sen today, "la which he dwelt on the beauty of Christian harmony, and said that be wouM believe In It If the other churches would only indorse tne-aoo trine of his own denomination." - - . Back Ovt fo VaMlf.' ' ' The Glafke men are committed to Glafke, and cannot consider indorsing anv one else. - The New Deal men want the other club to Join their club, while the Renubllcan and Tdung Merrs Re publican club do jiot know what they want with reference to the selection of candidate, but are sure they would like to absorb all the other clubs, and thus become th one great Republican organ isation of the city, for every one know that th Republican and Toung Men' Republican club are virtually th same. with th same men in control.- 1 . , It t aald that Mayor (Williams ha rtna on)Ara to Chief Hunt to make a show of .cleaning up th town, and to, be active nntil the election ha been neia The reeult of Mayor Williams' order to th chief, which was Issued at the In stance of hi political advisers, will be mm in the activity of policemen. The election of Chinatown as the scene of Ithla activity for political reasons is said to bave been made on th consideration .that the Chinese have no votes, to dls- .poee of. and that inereror meir oppvei- tlon cannot hurt tne cause vi w nrr. BUSINESS GOOD OVER - -PACIFIC NORTHWEST "W. C Seachreet, the New York Cen tral's general agent 'in Portland, re turned this morning from aa extended business trip to .sound points, British Columbia and SpoVan territory, r "Business condition are very prem ising, and th year 1101 1 bonnd to be the greatest from every standpoint In the history of the Oregon country," he said. "The. Pactflo northwest haa put on It moat attractive and convincing appearance 1 for the reception ' of the thousands Of visitor who will oome to see the fair and the territory. - It 1 certain that) some thousand of these people will be Induced to remain here. and other who come will at least make investments of money. . ' , Mr. Beach rest has announced hlmselt a candidate for th Republloan nomina tion .for councilman In the Fifth ward; and Is receiving many congratulations from friend on railroad row. He has declared himself In favor of enlarge ment of the assessment district af fected by taxation-for the cost of Mar 4uaflt gulch bridge. SHARKEY WANTS TO BE ' COUNCILMAN AT URGE Councilman John P. Sharkey of the4 eighth ward haa announced hi - candi dacy for nomination on th Republican ticket as eounctlman-at-targe. Council man A. K. Bentley haa filed hi declara tion to seek the nomination for re-election from the fourth ward. , Mr. Sharkey slates in his declaration filed , with the city auditor that he fa vors a 1-mlll tax for bridges, open com petition, on .ail. street and publlo con tracts, and a competing telephone fran chise. Mr. Bentley states that If elected he wiU do what he feels will be for the greatewt good to the greatest number. . H. D. Robinson of 14T1 Madrono street. Republican, announce tlmself as a candidate for nomination tor coun cilman from the tenth ward, . - . ' CTaTOBOaT. PTIMOATaTP. " (Secul tnssetek te Tk feeraaL) : 'Dallaa, Or April IL Th evangelist Mahop. W. H. HeU of Highland Park. Uli, preached the dedication ceremony for the new Evangelical church whlsh has been built la thi city Sunday. ., Allea at Lwl' Best Brand, ft a, i r- m -' . r r -e LeLULeJ Frcni M Awf!;l Cll.i Urn::-:?. : ' Ccrttched TIM Ctezi tea, J- Wasted to Ckt'rtcv. y TtZD DY CUTlCUnA to CI?, "Cxro tttiy ;;; ; tT.i Penr.tT.ZTA, ' :' v; "When, mf Httlg boy u tares BionUi old his head broke oat with rash, which waa very itchy and ran considerable ". watery fluid. . We Jrjed everything we could, but h got worse 11 the time till it spread to hi anss, . lef, mad then to his entire body, mad he cane sear dying. It Itched so he would scratch till the blood ran, and thia yellowish stuff would be all oyer his pillow in the morning. I bad to put , mittens ou his hands to keep him from tearing his skin, - He got so. weak he took fainting spells and we would think him dying. He was almost n skeleton ana, his little heads were thin like daws. - . - " He waa bed about eight months when we-tried Cuticurs. Z had not laid him down ia his cradle ia the daytime for a long time. He had got so that he just slept is our arms aJJ the time. "-:';, INSTAHT RELIEF . t washed hlavwith Cuticura Soap and put oa one application of Cutl eara Ointment and he was so soothed that I put him In the cradle. You don't kaow how glad I felt when he felt bet ter. It took one box of Caticura Oint ment, pretty Bear cue cake of Cuticura Soap, sad about half a bottle of Cuti cura Resolvent, to cure. I think he would have died only for the Biticura." 1 ;" " ;-;''' "h, ' ''-'-. as. M. C. MAITLAND, Jasper. Ont 4 No return la 14 years ! Mrs. Maitland writes, under date of Feb. 14,-1903: ' Itj affords me pleasure to inform you that it is fourteen years since my boy wee cured 01 ue ternoie sew aiscasc. 1 . I Jk VJ xxe aa occn pmnancsuf nu vn Is hearty ana strong." bw werte. Oeeeta neieleeia tsa Ceewe nut, im. rtaim mt. tiiiMi. tt- sms. ex. DelH kMafe.ina,l4ihntti aSii"! v. rmm una - umm. irr- w . mrimi tm avl tr Stwj COLLEGE OARSCEN HARD AT TRAINING ' (Continued from Page Nina) ' : ' Georgetown haa a race with Annapolis te a couple of week and th collegians expect a lctoy. - . As usual, llfll 1 known at this time about the gam but unfortunate Wiscon sin crew. . CrDea always has a good bunch of btg husky men, who somehow are handicapped by condition, Th entry ofjlyracuae In the 'four oared race make six crew In this as well as la th big lght-oared race. Wis consin I likely to hare . a crew In th rreahman eights this year, Thervntrte will be: : 'Varsity eights, four miles. Syracuse.' Cornell. Pennsylvania, Colum bia, Wisconsin,' Georgetown. . 'Varsity fours,'' two mile. - Cornel, Columbia, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Georgetown, Syracuse. Freshman eights, two miles. Syracuse, Cornell, Pennsylvania, Colum bia, Wisconsin. - o 1 -- ' . .7 The races at Poughkeepal last year resulted as reuows: ,, ' . Tarsi ty eights : , '-V'. '- --' 1 v ,v -.' .';". '-. TtsM. ,v - . . ' .- ' ..'. Ulna aera Syracuse .....................20 tll-S Cornell ...2 SI 1-1 Pennsylvania; ...20 31 4-1 Columbia . ......J;.........:.t0 4 t- Georgetown '', . ..''. .-... .JS slS-$ Wisconsin tl 01 1-S . Vsrslty fours , '. . ft r Cornell lt-S Columbia.' ......11 IS 1 Pennsylvania 11 1 S 3-1 Wisconsin .................. .11 II - Georgetown ,,.., .11 14 t-t ' Freshman eights' : Syracuse 01 CorneU ......,..v.;.,10 llz-l Pennsylvania- 10 114-1 Colombia ...i.. 10 I, 1-f GREAT SPACE WRITER COMES AND DEPARTS Henry James, th novelist, was at the Portland hotel . yesterday. He arrived Sunday night, registered "Henry James. London. went to bed, got up and refused to see th, reporter. Mr. James I an American rather, he waa an American, but ha spent years nougn . in jmgiaao to nave become an alien. He like British . custom and manner better than those ol this coun try, which he has fraquently erltlrlsed. It Is thought be Is obtalnitnr material for a . book on the ' west, having just finished a tour of California, .and hav ing gone from .nerd to ths sound. 7, .),i.J -' nisBA or (Special Dhpatea tie Tee JeeraaLtt ' Corvallls, Or, April 18. The funeral of Mrs. Anna Ford Kline, who died year terday, waa held today at t o'clock from the uvnnseliual church.' service, being conducted by Rev. Samuel Wooda - Mrs. Klin was X4 years of age, and waa mar- lied to Wheeler Kline of. Corvallls In June, 403. Her husband and on child survive her. Interment wss In Crystal LAke-cemetery. rr " ... - v v- 1 Me4 all kleee of bleed reseSlM vtllrt faltet te ee aw nfiooe bt 1 have tomrn the rtcht Ihlia C latt Mr fere wm full of slmle a4 bUrF aeda. A ftmr tekina Caaeeivte fch.v ell Urk. 1 an eoaileelac the aae of taam ae4 rMewaMadla, .n.m w ai 7 innii. J wmmt aae wave a naa ta lot morale,. "Hope to have eaeaee te reaeeuieae VMune." . rrae a wran, w sibt) se,, are-era, . 4. Deal For . ' ' The 5owt(s . : ; . AtmCATtUrra Stfmtr-raaeegnnd.neAead, or OrTae, Ma, avi. SJe, Ma-rar Dine tablet tumpee 0 00, 1 1 ri4 m balk. Th ta r eiaaaej. naekaa rear BMaev keek. SterUat Keaaedy Ce.. Chicace ev H.Y. fas PDDPfLES - ).:: , -rr . ,- v. Considered More . Than; likely .That Several Indictmente V.-W55I De Returned, r T $T9AIN 13 TELLING ON- MURDERER CUpLIELMO Governor Rejects Bonds of As , . torla Coatmah ' and ' Con- . aiders Office Vacant.. (Special Diapatck to Tee Joaraail Salem, Or4, Aprlt It. When the Ma rlon county grand Jury met Vesterday afternoon It was given sonle Instruc tions by ifudge Murnett which makes It almost certain that several persona will be Indicted: In connection with the school-land frauds. ' The instruction. war given In answer to questions asked by the Jury last Thursday, but which were not made public, and hence the in struction are not verV Intelligible to the general publlo. - They are as fol lows: '.-;. :', , ., ' '.'; ' ..-',' ': : '. "The court find that "Weary Willie' I gulrty of th crime of perjury, and that John Doe and Richard "Roe are both guilty of subornation of perjury. .The court also -finds that John Ooe-4s guilty of forgery, and that Richard toe Is also guilty, of forgery,' If he knew of the crime and acted with that knowledge." This la taken to mean here that any person having made false affidavits in bis or her application for the pure Base of. school land la guilty of perjury, and that any one who Induced them to make the false affidavit la guilty of subbma Uon of perjury. Also that any- person signing a fictitious nam to an appli cation 1 guilty of forgery, and any Jus tice of the peace who takes the applica tion of any fictitious person, knowing It CO DV-EICUIIOUB. IS I11UIJ UK ivriarj. A Whether these- presumptions are cor rect or not. th instruction Will. It is thought, greatly facilitate the work Vt the Jury, and If -they are correct It Is expected a large number, of Indictments will be returned. i ' Frank Gugllelmo, who Is now In the penitentiary awaiting bis - execution, wrote a letter to the governor today,) asking for an interview. HI motive In asking for aa Interview is not known. The condemned men is -eonrmea tn one of th common cell; but, unlike the other prisoners, he Is not compelled to iar atrtoea. . The deatn watcn occu pies a position In front of hi cell door both day and night. Th terrible strain is teHlnar on- him. and It la vary proo- able that .he, will be a nervous wreck before, (ha day of his xecutlon arrive. sjoveraoy Beject Beads. " Another act of . th last legislature waa annulled yesterday afternoon when Governor Chamberlain refused to ap prove or the bond of Jam Keating, who was elected boatman at Astoria by the legislature. i . .. '; ' " ' The executive reruaei waa maae, not because- the bond were not deemed sufficient but because ' the governor considered that the office of boatman had been abolished by the act which did away with th state hearth officer at Astoria. The duty of th boatman waa to row the health orricer out 10 ine Incoming veaaela, and for thl service he received th sum of 6ee annually, -. Th dutle ' of the office were abol ished by the- legislature, but the sec tion of the code ereatlnr the office waa unchanged, and thl fact was mad a of to get both bouses ex ue legislature together' and i secure the election of Alnsworth oa th Port of Portland com mission. - .. ' --"-' If mandamus proceedings are brought to compel th governor to approve of the bond, he will remove j&.eaung iron office under that section of ths cod which permits him to cancel appoint ments for inattention 01 auiy. am s ra tn eta how a man can b at tentive to duties of an office which has been abolished. . ; -' : ' . Governor Chamberlain today appoint ed O. W. Pro betel of Weston and Jerry Stone of Athena a regent of th Wes ton Norma) chooL Bch Of them Is to serve, six year. -y r. WILL INVESTIGATE i SL JPHNS' CHARTER City Attorney to Examine Orig inal at Salem in Hope of Set . vf! .tfing Dilemmas."' ' Th St. Johns council last night de cided . to settle th ' dlsput over th regularity of the present charter,' and appointed City Attorney Green to go to Salem and look Over th charter on fll In th aeeretary lot State' office and dlsoover If th copy correspond with th Instrument th St. John adminis tration la trying to work nnder. ' ' Thl action was taken after th cltr attorney had expressed the opinion that It would oe dimcuit for th city to sell bopda nnder th charter, and that the purchase of fir apparatus by the fort- mar city council waa illegal. The coun cilman decided that they would like to discover If th Instrument they were trying to us was the , on they were supposed to have been given - by the legislature, and If there was any hope of settling some of th problem, the Instrument presented. . - While Mr. Green la in Baleen he will endeavor to discover what foundation there I for th charge that the charter" waa Changed wnne it was on it way xrom - th speaker of th house to the engrossing cleric v i ' ' . . j Th council received a petition signed by a hundred residents asking that th Woolen Mill company be compelled to build a sewer to the river, and do away with the present method of using -a marsh for a cesspool. The company has already resolved to build th sewer to th river, but th health committee will Investigate . the matter. The - council was Informed by the city attorney that It had th power to license aaloons and other business usually licensed In in corporated towns, bnt no move wss taken to grant -a liquor license, aa th majority of the council doe not deslr saloon.- -Th, appointment of a mar- hal was not brought ury. ' -. HUGE RATTLER KILLED BY A PLUCKY GIRL ' ' ornal pelal aarrlee.l i;Z ' Presno'CaU April II. Whlls posing with a camera on hsr knee that, she might get a snaflahot at the hog, rat tler that lay colled on a trail in th' foothills near VieaJla, Miss Henrietta Savage was struck at by another rattler that lay hidden beneath, a shrub st her aid. Th' snake' fang caught In her legging.- Miss Savage- seised stick sh, had Used In - walking and clubbed th reptile to death. She brought home th skin, six feet long, bearing 1) rattles. ,. .. .- . . . , .....a. ... ., .... -. ., .... .. . ... 1 ,.1 ..,, L .. . T ms rdn:ctcr.Jair3 ndUsr OpiurruJ3r;!ia nortlsrsi 7otIUhcotxo. Aperfecl Remedy for Cons'Jpa Tion . Sout Stonuich.DiMrhoea Worms JCdnvulsions ,Fevcj-istr-ness arid LossorSUCKP. - ?ae Simile Sitfaarare of '' 4 NEW "YDI1K. XXacr cow or wbakeol ;.:'V. ; i .'.v..".'.''.: Looking for a Position ? .'v"'i- Then see thiV:k 'L - ' " .: evening's Wants " ' Classified Page, Awro -Wert!, -. rj" -K-e-eVai "f I'iis, Jk-reJtiW-iVitti r "VToBr 4tfeile. - ,v ',' a" tsn-' sv-vi f- Park aad Wasolngfoa. PorUaad, Oregoa ''-; "Tbe School of Quality" ; : MODERN, PRACTICAL. COMPLETE 'V'. Opsa aS the year; ' Cat align, free '' : A. P. AaMSTKONQ. LL. B PRINCIPAL There Is No Such Thing as Luck Pat a "r before It sd ye beve the kr eotete .the sltaatloe. plsck la atsntUl te We help yea te eoJe yeentlf fer year battle eith tke werM ay etfering roe a eesjplet ocrarae la Bookkeeping ead Sbortkasd. - ' Why not eryiuntae rear moactiU tats Setioe b4 writ, far puUeeJan . tedar I - : BUSINESS COLLEGE BEHNKE WALKER Mm Ul aterrtaoe Stb. ISrtUHat, ' Or. v Opea all the year,.- Call er end for eatalogae. v Every I7cr.n IBMiestea ana anoaua wnww Skoal toe eraoaarfat MAXYIL klrkt Spray VlW eMW VusaSf Snfteatfeaa RrW - Wis mt amcHe.y-$.t. .Moat uooTeuMm. nPmt "MBP 4r. iSkVt tta 5f b eaorlr the Aaa.l aacant se other, bataaad aun tot (liaatraM boot mW. tlereas . rail pameuUra and nlreniona tn. Valaaola to lanaa, SI- taaaee anej7lew lew WOOD COAL VOOD W Are xolniv Wood aad Ooal Meav If you are looking for fine, dry wood, A No. 1 aualHy at low ptie. Juat look over these figures and call us . up. Dry Sir, per ooTd.'.,'..i.,.',.,....fn.T8 Dry Oak, per eord ..... r. ,1-UlS Dry Ash, peg, eord. J. ............ Sd40 We make a specially of Sawed Weed, and all leading brand of Ooei . TAATXg SBOS, Phone Main 814. 43 vereet St. .-setween Tweirin and Thirteenth... Dr. B.E. V URIGiiT Te 9'" iSTUHO limWrtkmt that relieves all pain ' In - dental opcra- ; tlons. :u. : --, , !, WssHbMrkoa SsV see. beveato. ' - ' .ShrJawas v ' 1 ,- ' ' a, east, yJii ": M p ''7 : B:2T3 t!lD Sifted of I. v ,. . rr ; Do Yea Patrcnlze the .v';:; IfYoa Doa You Should ; ft . aie. I I . - i Tfi i rt y I Yp a ns -v r- s t n r s n n i id II 11 11 111 1 fiii 1 I'U.iAc ) l''J 11 .'hi "tWel 99sMMMh BWar VMM wftVi ' New York Dentists OooA teeth are essential to prpr, .' aCASTXOATIOV i-.;.,,-without good teeth there cannot be. : MASTZOATIOBT .'.. -x..., '. s, "-. Without-thorough mastication ther ; cannot be perfect. . ,. : r :r ' , SIBItTIOI v -..:,.''.......'-!.:' Without perfect digestion there crtnot be proper - .,?1'' - ' , ABSTatTTt 4 TXOST .)''"-- "V Without proper assimilation ther can- ' - not b .- ..-.. A -,-,.. UTKl'l-XOsT - --" ;' "r without nutrition thr eanaot be--T- wuhoat'baalth what Ur ". ' . .;'-'" ";' , Xrat j-.--.--r ,'. .. .f .-' : il '-;v, : Call and consult -a reliable and com- petent specialist- la Dntitry. iti-v aVW Te T C - -ww esaaaes SSeOO oox oavowara .....oo euiwnsg i.... '.$1.00 . rudtuini i .'...-... b i.ove , Iev Yorlc: .- -j.!-!'''-.'V.--A; Denial Parfors : " ' Foorth and Morrison St$; :i : ' .. Xver Sealey-Maaon'k.". .l ' bpea day and night, front 1:10 a. m. to 10 p. m. v : -. 1 lEs Portland ' PORTLAKD, OREOOK.- - . Amerkaa Plan $3.00 JDey , v' an4 anwer ' HBAOQUARTEH8 FOR -TOUR i 1STS . AND COMMKRCIAL . . , 4;.r ' -v TRAVELERS. t '.-.- .,,.";.; r Special rates made, to families ' and single gentlemen. A modern Turkish bath establishment In, the i hotel.. - - -' - - - . O, BOWsrM,- Jtaaa. k Z2. gu:::?s v IMPROVKD :!' UVEn FILLS - ONLY ONS POlf A OSS ; , 0U"BMBA.Orovln(r the eau-e ,;ouss.u - -r rii 1 -.fw. .'"werl CEXT PILL USTH - bold bt all psvootst. oa BT VAtLpV aioaT or oa. see. aa tax gMO HAMS PO PRBB SAMPLE BOX DR. SOMSKO CO., PHILADELPHIA, P U. t. . i 1 , . ' . 1 f-V.V'""-""' HaHnnnrtra fne--- Stoc rand y Trusses 2 .... i - 1 DRUG CO. l.'r I -"f'l .A ,.t.r r, v i A. , Third and; Yamhill Sts. " 1 ;'