pom.::D, cuiiday ; i:ci:i::a. :" a: i V , i 3 , ". - TIIE OREGON , SUNDAY iciIIIIAL, tVAOELIST SAYS - HE MS HIT GOD Evan Roberta the Welch Reviv alist Hae Had Talks With - ..' tne Aimiffniy.ff :i '") WONDERFUL COMMUNION , LASTED FOR FOUR HOURS , As a Result of His Vision Roberts Has Effected a Moral i': Revolution., (Special DUnttcb by teased lre to T Joeroal) ' New Torlr, "April ; 1J. "And he Mid. tbou canst not m nr fac, far tbr ' shall no nu m and llv."H '' , i1.. . , . . , -. ; inui Mia ina Aimifnir ra nwm. - 8 spoke tb Lord aftr he had glvan , th law unto Moses. . v . T. there haa bn born Into th " 'world man who bear "witness that ha - baa mat Almighty God fc to fac ami c meld, repeated communion - with hlnv r It la Evan Roberta, tho young collier- who haa evangelised Walee ao completelyJ mm tn affect a moral and rellelous revo- - lutlon. 1 : ' Bo wonderful a man la RoberU aadao .' manreloua are hla worka that William ' T. ' 8tead. publicist, author, statesman ,anf arholar. made a trip to South Wale , to tudy him and the Infection he has spread abroad. It waa to Mr.' Stead that Roberta told bla amaslng atorjr. When tba editor naked htm how be be-. Can hla work, he said: . ' i "For a long time' I waa much troubled . In my heart andlnmy aoul. by think- - Ing over the failure of Chrlatlanlty. Oh, It aeemed auch a failure such a failure ' and I prayed and prayed, but nothing aeemed to live me relief. .,1 . "But one night after'I bad been in great dlatreaa -about this, I went to . sleep and at' 1 o'clock In tba morning suddenly I waked oat of my aleep and ,1 found my a If with unspeakable Joy and aw la the .very presence of. Al mighty Ood.- 't i .- "And for the apace of 'four hour I waa privileged to apeak face to face with him aa man apeaka fare to face ,. with a friend. '.At o'clock. It seemed to ma aa If I again returned to earth." "Were you not dreaming?" ' "No. I waa wide awake. And It waa not only that morning, but every morn ing for three or four month. . Alwaya I enjoyed four hour of that wonderful communion ; with. Ood. I cannot Ue acrtba I. I felt It, and It aeemed to change all my nature. I aaw things, in j a. different light. I knew that Ood waa going to work in the land and not only thla land, but ai the world-" . : MILLIONAIRE AUTOIST ; - :IS cleverly caught -. Beclal Mapaten by Leased Wire te The Jearael) , - New York, April-H.-rMaFcua Paly, . aon of tho lata copper magnate of that name, waa cleverly caught by Connecti cut conatablea thla afternoon while r ...1.. mm kAuwaa ITMntk an aa t Jfcwahll aa t PlrfVUlUg m. i -V a vuvil exwwvauvvaaw from New- Haven to New York with iOeorg r. Meyers, a 'Tale eenlor, aa hla . guest. v,. . . . Ha daahed ihrehgh Norwalk- at- th rat of a mile In . little over two mln ' utea and a half, and although ordered to . atop. kept, on umd- Btamrorev-;,.' - When Mr. Daly reached Stamford ha found th street- blocked and balfa - n..n williwnfM wiltln tnr film. Thtff . had been notified y telephone . from Norwalk. --.v.'. .'. r-? A -.' ' William Wataon, tho -chauffeur, waa held in lloa bond, which waa furnished I by Mr. Daly, who then aped on toward isew xorg to Keep aa engagement. . FOREIGN NATIONS MAP AMERICAN COAST LIGHTS . (epenai tnssaua ay i ess wire (eiae Maraaii Washington, . April i ll-It haa , been dtacovtred. that foreign, natlona have laaen xne paina 10 gel aucn accural Information aa te the location of the . earchllghta at Vnited States coast de- " ranaea that they have platted them on mi pa, the light being Immensely val uable at night aa rang for Bailing. " The military and other experts lm mediately went right, at work to make thla foreign knowledge absolutely value less. - It la proposed, and money haa -been appropriated for It, to place plat forma for - the- lights. ... which can be raised or lowered. By a scheme known -only to. the experts the obscuration of th lights alternately will myatlfy the .navigator of a - ship approaching th 'roast Or trying to sail by these lights. shipwreck t h trusts to the new war. . I gnus fatua.ii . ' Jv , . - V ' : Lewis & dark Cob Jewelry NECKLACES r A superb collection of these w mi rabies In all tha popular fea toonlng. - Th . combination of pearls, turquoise, amethysts or topa present styles of th high- 'eat order-and eaclustvely so. -'- , T , I, ,1 II, l II n , , H !.'.; i.. -Xt "savlosxATa . : PRICES MAT mi . ' asooom - . raverebl, " . m ajt--'. Ooaaurtaat r"" With the UOM I ' rrwratltmg. . jr.liin - --f-ru-i-in i-n f L a .-'insunarxn - -- - ' Bead Neck Chains v . Bolld gold bead of various si sea , and aecurely . strung on heavy ellk oord, strong claspa aocorn panying. v.' A&CFddenbeimer Oorsat , Third aad Waaaiagtew jtwrtoi- MWitrasfltli4- YidMI' A GOOD COAilACTLI f OHi ROCKEFELLER Preacher Who Met Him for a ; i Week Says That He ira V " :. A-'v Pious Man. i 1 c. : READ BIBLE AND PRAYED : ? EVERY DAY AFTER MEALS Couftf Not Reconcile, ; However, . His Private Life With His ; V. Business Methods. (SpeHal Dispatch by Uated Wire te The Jooraal) Litchfield. Conn., .April It. The clearest Insight " Into th character . of John. P, Rockefeller ever obtained - b.v tbos not intimately aasoclated with hlra. was aiven today by John Hutchlns. pastor of tha Congregational church of Utohfleld. t ) Mr. Hutchlns spent a week In tha spring of 101, Intimately with Mr. Rockefeller and hi family, and baaing hla Judgment upon that opportunity for learning much of character of the multi millionaire, be declared Mr. Rockefeller to- be a man of. th moat intensely re ligious conviction and a man sincerely endeavoring to accomplish as mucn aa possible for tha good of tha world. - This certificate or gooa.cnaraoier Tor Mr. Rockefeller, -wag given gratuitously by Mr. Hutchlns. . . j fin tha early spring of IMS. Mr. Rockefeller and hj family came to on of th entailer mountain resorts." aatd Mr.. Hutchlna today. "ad ! waa brought, accidentally. Into ,a wees oi oloae eonUct with him. 1 ; .. Wi took long-walks together and I was aoon asked to leave the private ta ble and apartment of tha proprietor and join Mr. Rockefeller family i their eriMata. "I waa sharing, ror me time, me aino lr Intimacy of a Chrlatian houaeholg and th man of tha household was, aa ha ahould be, th leader In thla. Havf log the. houses entirely to tnemaeives, there waa a freedom which ordinary hotel Ufa would not have permitteo. Kach mornlnc after the breakfast, there were family prayers wtin reaaing xrom the Bible. Ait miniaier. wun an nerlenca In many charges, no come t knits anVaathlna of thla functlon.- "Of th observance In tnig parucuiar famiiv i can sav that none In any place ever lm Dressed sae naere with Ha tovlng earneatneaa and simplicity. The entire atmoaohere of th family Ufa waa tha atmoanher Of love. . . f , . "Mr. Rockefeller . went te th city for day. On hi retara b told m that h found ' bis aon at tha church baching a class of youa men. . Then he added. Mr. Hutchlns. I woald rather have my aon filling aueh a part as that than to see him sitting king on throne. ' -: ' " -r realise th incongruity or me situa tion and . lament It I have near a man and a minister of Mr. Rockefeller's own denomination tea ininga reiievim upon Mr. Rockefeller n moral character and claiming ha nad positive proors oi their truthf ulnesa But I have not be lieved 'and- do t itot believe mat nr. Rockefeller Is anything but a staceraly Christian tnknr which I found him to be during that week of unsought and accidental ' personal eontaot. . vTh iaClon will aria how to roa cilei- th i private Christian, character with the large publlo dealings la th worfd of finance, and it la a curlews one. t nut tba following to him In more than on of our conversations." and could gtv hia answer If that war any object. They were not aatlafactory to ar. they wr to mm. i But I mak attempt at reconciliation, either to eatlafy nry wa mind' or th minds of others, I simply bear witness to tha lasting faatprssslsn of Chrlatian character and sincerity which that intercourse mad apes me." TO TAKE ORE UNDS' ? OF GREAT NORTHERN New Corporation Formed to De .. velop Mines Owned by , 0 Hill System. (Sperial Dispatch by Leased Wire te Th tooroti) Boston, April le A new corporation la to be formed to take over, th last holdings of or lands owned by , th Oreat Northern railway - and ; develop them, v This innovation In finance Is Intended 'aa a conversion ef the fixed sssets into dividends for the stockhold ers. Th Oreat Northern stockholders will recalve aa a' bonus for giving up their equity In th lands new. stock which will be worth flOO per share to them. On thla basia It will be worth til a enaxe to the holders of Northerns Securities and about 15 per cent to Union Paclflo stockholders. Tha Union Paclflo will receive about Ill.rOO.OeO of th Oreat Northern atock and will therefore receive th aam amount of tha new or atock. t ' Th Northern Securities stockholders will re ceive about I2 In Oreat. Northern, and on th basis abov outlined will receive the same amount in tha new ore atock. Th purchase - of the -lands will, be made from th Oreat Northern direct by th new company, .tha exchange of rights being effected by giving tha new atock to tho holdera of record . at the tlm th deal la increased. FOUR HIGHWAYMEN . GET : : ; TEN YEARS APIECE ' (flseelal Diipatek to The' JoaraaL) ' ' Seattle. April U.Bdward Allen. 'Wil liam Kelghle. J. Tllbur and Frank Henry, four highwaymen . who-, held -up and robbed fully aig peraona in various part of Seattle tha latter ."part of March, pleaded guilty to highway robbery in TW auperlor court thla . rooming and . werf aentenced by Judge Griffin to each aerve Iw'Tears at hard labor in. tha , Walla Walla penitentiary. ;. : ' J - Jlghe and Tilbury gav their, ages aa 10 years, while th other two declare they ar It years old. Tha man made no remarks when aeptence waa imposed but took It as If it was a matter, of course. '; ..---.- ..-.,;, ,... ( MARIE TEMPEST LANDS 1 - f t . WITH ENTIRE COMPANY (Special Dtipatch krlawd mire t The Joaraal) New Tort. April 15 Even to th lady ushers who last Friday night wer play ing at tha Criterion theatre. In, London, th entire company of Mlaa Mart Tern peat arrived her today on tha Cunardtr Luranla, on a tour of th country. - . Th company numbers tt persons, and la to ahaw "The Freedom of Susanne" -fnr fnr weeks, returning to .London Wednesday, May 14. .No quick move f g thealrtrsi kind like thl hus ever boen I Cur Eycte23 Aic Guaranteed ;- If an optician Isn't willing Id guaVan te his glasses It shows a lack of con fidence fn himself which ahould make feopl very skeptical about entrusting heir, sight to him. With every pair of eyeglasses w pell we aupply a writ ten guarantee. - Our glsnses have be oom recognised aa the absolute stand ard or accuracy. - an' you anora , w wear any otoer aino i . - . Oregon Optical Co. Ok A, Sid-, raota sad Ti SXWOlfEfOUND ;: NO PLACE LIKE: HOME ''V After a Year's Stay In Europe He v Returns Gladly, Improved - . . in , iivaiui. .r- Adolph Wolf, senior member of th firm of. Llpman, Wolf A Co.. returned 1 , .u.nlna f.Am a ,mi . f . I n lHi.a rope. He is very much Improved, hri health and aaya that th last year waa among th very pleasaateat of his wool Ufa. At th aam tlm. h waa extreme ly glad to gat .back ' to Portland, of whoa great Improvement bo had heard much. Whll en rout horn he apant aoma time in New York.. Ther he heard much about th Lewis and Clark fair, Ha ist th opinion, from' th lntereat which ha everywhere heard - expressed regarding th avent, that tha attendance will be lara-sr than tha moat optimistic rPortlander haa ao far believed possible. Mr. Wolfa found that outalde of the fair Itself ther was extreme Interest In tha country, many people having decided to mak tha fair their 'first objective point but incidentally determining "that they will at th aam tlm sea a section of th country which la too little known and wbtcn at tha aam tlm affords a many opnortanitiaa tor new experiences If not investments. . - From tha moment of hla arrtvaj Mr, Wolfe's bom In King street waa crowd ed with a never-ending stream of friends and neighbors. - Many friends met him at th train and escorted him home, and from that time onward vntU midnight h . waa ao surrounded that h found It uttarlv impoaalhlsuto talk about his trip xtr experiences except in a disjointed way. Beyond expressing his gratification over being ono again back among tha friends of years" stand ing and receiving th congratulation of many callers, air. won xouna uiu opportunity, to do anything aia on in first night C his return noma. WOULD BE KINS, BUT WAS ONLY SWINDLER (CoaUaiMd from Pag On.) Italian wanted to eamsa tha arrest of th Russian nobleman and pravent nia taavlag. Th offloer explained that r.e was powerless t act in olvll cases, and that wttawat a warrant be could not ar rest th man. However, he offered suggestion. .- ' . "1 can't arrest him without a war rant.' h told th Italian, '"but as soon as a appears you "amaab him on.' -and I'U arrest both of raw for fighting." Th Italian seised ' the suggestion adlly.' H would wait, he said, and do aa h waa told, j He did not have long to wait, for presently th . "brines' appeared. H alighted from a carriage and walked awtftly toward tha gat opening into the train shed.- In doing so he waa compelled to .paaa close to th officer aad th Italian. Apparently ha determined hot to notic th Italian, bur changed his mind almost instantly. "Why. how do you dor ho said with th utmost courtesy, extending .his gloved hand.' "I'm ao glad you cama to bid m farewell. , Without uttering a word tha Italian suddenly drew" a revolver from . hh pocket and opened flra before tho offi cer could interfere. Tha plac waa crowded, and tha atreet outside tho sta tlon waa filled with carriages. - Six shots were fired, th balls lodging In posts and shattering - windows, but no one waa hurt Aa aoon aa tha Italian opened fir the "prince" ran awlftly towarda tha crowd and disappeared up Seventh atreet. H went Into east Port land, where he remained over night and boarded a train for Seattle th following morning. .Th Italian waa. arrested, but waa released. - t.- '- -. "I ahall never forget th so-called prince,'" said Captain Bailey. --"When I read th story of hla arrst In Bremen I at one recalled hla experience in Portland.- - " " . -- i - Th "princ" 1 aald to.hava operated ln!8pokan and in cities in : British Columbia after leaving Portland. - A number of other f fleers and cltfsens recall th Incidents connected with bis trip to Portland. Ha received a great deal of newspaper notoriety et the tin. When arrested at . Bremen navine stated that he waa arrested many 'years ago by Russia for political reasons and sent 40 Siberia,' whence he escaped to thd United States by way of Vladivo stok. H served with the United States troopa in th 8 panlsh-American war. Ha la the aon of General Ba vine or tha Hus sion army, and . Countesa Helen Toulouse-Lautrec, a member of' an ancient Bonrbtui family. ' It la a matter of his tory that Stamboulof f - had arranged a plape for "Prince Savlne en tha Bul garian throne, when Russia stepped In with serious charge, against the man who would be king. , ' ,- PORTLANDER TESTS i PROBATION UW (pelal Dlt-Mtrk byLMStd Wirt te Tb JeorasI) San Francisco, April It. O, H. Stan ford pleadedl , guilty . today. In Judge Coex'e court to th charge of grand lar ceny.'-His attorney asked that he he allowed to go on -probation. ' Judge Cook said he thought- tha probation law was unconstitutional, ss It give to courts th right to reprieve, s power which th constitution vesta exclusively n th governor. Tho matter waa postponed until Monday for further bearing. Stan ford atole a watch frdm Robert Dona hue and pawned It. Testimony wsa of fered today. ,to show that ftsnrord is a member of a rrsptctabU family Hying Frhrrmnce frir Easter Odorfl in Teqipting Variety in Oar . Periumery Department r' ' -J1 ' ' V ' ' - . ' 1 ." ;t ' - : This Season's Latest, VIOLET deVENICE, per oi - ENGLISH VIOLET WATER - AZn In Atomizer ..,..,..':..iUW 3mVA Per Cent discount onv i Century Plate Cam a You nh's Rectal Dilators ; - Wonderful relief for Constipation, ,."''-'Y, 'Vv .Etc. -: : Per. Set 83.00 wondara Jelnta, IAR AND FEATHER MICHIGAN U Fifteen Young. Ladies and Four Men .Compel Objectionable ; Female to Leave. SCANDALOUS ACTIONS ""PROMPTLY PUNISHED Compelled to Strip While thick Coat of Tar ls Applied With Feathers. (Beedal ptspateb-by Leased Wire te The Joemal) Hudson, Mich, April 1. Fifteen young -- women- ana 1 four men, wnoe semes the polio say are unknown. tarred; and feathered Mrs. May Post on Monday nlstit.. Mrs. rom nas oeen liv ing In the Retan building alone. "Well- known men hare been frequenting th Retan block alnc Mrs, Poat took up her residence ther and gav rla to con lderabl scandal. Complaints made to tha police - wera unheeded and aoma young married ' Women advised Mrs. Poat by latter that aha would better leave th cltv. No attention waa paid to thla, except that a man supposed to be her husband auddeniy appeared on tha soene. . Late on Monday night, after tha streets war deserted, II , women and four man. all said to be prominent In tha city: appeared at the door of Mr. Post s Quarters and 'gained aamiaaion. They did not hesitate to mak their er rand known, and when tha stranger tnea to Interfere tha men of tha party told him ha would better go into another room ana Keep quiet. Tha woman then ordered Mrs. - 1'ost to remove aoma of her garmenta. Despite her pleadings, they applied a thick coat of tar from buckets .which they had brought along and then sprinkled an abundance of feathera upon It. , Then they parted with, a warning that if th roo'ms wer not vacated within 4S houra worse, treatment would b inflicted. Mrs. Post has disappeared. WEDS A MILLIONAIRE . BUT LOSES HER TRUNK Chicago, April IB. Mrs. Charles Dosche, wife of a California millionaire, dabartad for Han FVanclsco on a wed ding trip tonlghy leaving her trunk and personal belongings oenino at tne yran oea Wlllard hospital, hire aha war hurs Lucy , Ann Schult until her hurried wedding Prlday. There waa dis closed another hospital romance, Miss ftchult nursed Mr. Dosche back from th grave In Mendota last year. "She cannot get tha trunk until ahe pay $ which she. agreed .to forfeit If aha did ndt remain her two gears,' declared Mrs. Mary Inglegart, president of th board of trustees of th hospital. We could let" tha old trunk if we wanted to wait snd replevin It," aald Charlea Dosche. tha happy . bridegroom. "But that, would take-too long: what's the user Thereupon Mra. Dosche cut II ner hospltsl bridge behind her and left for th Paolf Ic coast, where her husband haa a big fruit ranch, and where boarda of trustees will bother -her no WOOD' ARB. CLARKE & COMPANY- the CI Oft .$I.UIJ r ALLTHL v VEEK Z.UBTnXara OZ.OrX Irt Saa. 1 ,'t tef colora. - -.. i -t J SENSITIZED FHdTO CLOTH, i ultable for vlewe of ' .th . ' ; fair- buildings wonderfullr ' : beautiful, soft effects. 504 - 05 and 5f c tara&orar amd intm- : - nre by our own expert. quick work each film gtud--led separately t bring- th -aubjec out beat J PUes, Pa V -( vl i i ii h Stren&hen ThM Weak Antilo : - W will knit f plc f taatIo hoalery to fit Our -own loom and our own expert. Th only plant of Its kind on tha coast.- Elastlo Hoalery, knit a from freeh rubber and pur silk, aocompllshei for Bpralna, Varlooa Vins, Swouan. ; -. - J -y. ... - Trusses, Artltlcl&l Eyes, Surgical Instruaests, VOODIARK OUYB OIL IS MADE FOURTH AND WASHINGTON STREETS Will WITNESSES : ilDIIJG COVERflliEfiT Wives of Beef Trust Employers -v Summoned Befori Fed- iv ; tral Grand Jury. . ' . . - 1. 1 i'i ''. TWO HU83AND3 8ENT TO ' CANADA BY THE PACKERS Three Lawyer of Principal Pack ing Firms Will Soon Be ' ;' Indicted. .. (Special Dtssstca by Leased Wire te the Jearasl) Chicago, April ia Two Chicago wo-i men are said to form tha first llptk -la tha chain of evidence which th govern ment is trying to forgo around th beef packers. These women are tha wives of prominent employes of a packing company who ar Just jiow traveling In Canada and by tha svldenc of Jiies women It la aald tha government hopea next week to secure tha indictments which will be ,aa Important and "will reach higher than thos found hereto fore. The women ar Mrs, Irvine- A. Vent. wife, of the.' assistant secretary of Swift A Co., and Mrs. Richard W. Howes, wife of the head of th casing! department of Swift ft Co. Both Of th husbands ar in Canada. - ' Yesterday they were at the .Windsor hotel in Montreal.,- They left Chicago shortly before th grand jury Convened and traveled for awhile m thla country. going later across the boundary lin Inta th dominion. The government lr forced to prov that they are. really em ploy a That tha husbanda of Mra. Vant and Mrs. Howea are in Canada and that thoy ware aent there at the instigation of th legal advisers of a certain packing company ara facta which it la aald tho government aeeka ' to prov front th testimony of . these' women. . Both women returned from : Canaan within tha last few days. . Tba govern-1 ment.is aald to be In possession of evi dence that Mra. Vant and Mra Howea atopped In Canadian- hotels .-with their husbands. . - v. , Mra. Howea returned from Canada Thursday and was at ones sun-monad t appear at the home of Mra. Vant In Englewood. Ther aha is aald. to have met an attorney connected with a prom inent packing Arm and to have discussed plana for a trip to Europe with her hus band. A similar trip for th Vants la aald t hav been planned at tha aam tlm.,-- .. . .. t ,,- , -..,. Mr. Howea appeared before th grand Jury today. -Mrs. Vant denied that ahe had testified but would not ,deny thit eh had been subpoenaed. Boon, after Mra Howea concluded her testimony, th grand Jury adjourned. ' - . . No indictments were voted but It la said to-b th intention of th govern ment of conducting th Inquiry Into th packing buatn to secure three Indict ment against lawyers of on of "th principal packing flrma of th country. woM-ggrg boaju or tbabb. .. tHpeclal Ulejietch te Tb JownaL) , Dayton. Or.. April H.--Tha women of Dayton, and vicinity today-organised an auxiliary to th .board of trsde for th purpose of arranging exhibits "for tha Lewis and Clark fair and for clvlg Im Tt'i y tr that UwnJThiri tr-L-X J.U, peaa Vt grow without moisture. v n Mi7 -L ' 'i are aettlns mora ftoa than anv othur - l V ' V 9J 4 CU ' . aeKln tor In th northwest, for wa buy ser goods in .Immense quantities give customers th benefit ,.if lowest ' price. , . . , . j g,, , - ,. Price ft so-foo lsagths -; ,'t. , , ' t-PLT "COMPETITION" . V . . . "i i .. . 1 . i . iV ' 4-PLT COLUMBIA ..,.....,..,... -PLY "WOODLARK" , ,."..,......,........... ' 4PLT OREtON' t e,e . - ; :-ptY "shorthorn" .4. ... ..i.I.f . r r CQTTON'ilOSEi . . . . . . ...... .,: "DEFENDEB'' V . "ORAMOB tf)TTf)N" ....... t. .V . BRASS NOZZLES. 45V , ' HOSE REELS ............... f 1.75 : ' v :: . - t : Sunshine: for, the Shut-Ins OUTINGS FOR THE INVALIDS We Rents r J In valid Chairs "r3r Crutches -nMi, Small Cutlem tTDlMUra BOTSSOnS, Munt , rsgular 80, ra aad fOs, 9 On OI POOXST KiriY FROM-SUN'RiPENED CUTS THROAT AND t :t peell tUssstch te The'" VinSSTT' Havre. Mont. April it Mike Roasa. an iuilan Uborer. whll In a fit of temporary Insanity cut hla throat and laapad through a window of amoking ear t a rapidly moving Great Northern flyer. Search waa instituted, hut Ross sou Id hot be found. Later ths Italian ataggered Into Havra, with blood flow ing from his wound, ' and fainted upon reaching a aaloon.. Two thousand dol lara wer found In hla clothing. ' He .was on hla way to Rom. H will recover. ,1 Come to NICOLL : for c Your Suit for Easter ; Sunday-You i Will ' Find ; Gooils and Prices ;r Efquaiiy Attractive jv ; ; The best dressed mew of Portland are wearing;" Nicoll'a ' made-to-order Garments--and at prices,, quality con- ; sidered, less thanlr edy-made, '':;;V''; ; ;! Latest novelties in Suitings, Overcoatings and Trou- .. , ; serings just received. In special shipment from our New -York buyer .'" IV'-. "'.''''i.r'. ,.-;',:,"; ; "Vv' Oarmnta to order in a day if'r;uli4d jv ' ( "V'' v ." -" "atlsfactlon guaranteed In all caass. ''', ; ,'', (, 1, r. Full dreaa and Tuxedo suits a. specialty, ? rub - ana "'HIV.' : H I. , r3.s 9.3.76 ta.oo 94.00 , 4.50i' .............. . f9.VU . ', " 9AAM9mW XAMTAiX.9-Ju?i . (nv - v 1 - ported,, large alse, robust i -, . (.HniV.,'. .,-1 -vj.,1 '. ;3for$iyea.35c AQTAaiVhT? Ombular. half, gallon' to a gaL $t.ZS 1 76 ad &04 on soz ov rm roor tux , Wlta avery paroaaa la -ua ox gooaa. sonvu-. ..... '.; ;- .. ; , points .,..........20 AM9 10';" reduced to- ,.,...k...40 29 SSd' - - Latest ahapea in handles and OLIVES -.r - -r,s- v RALPH ROSE BREAKS. V RECORD FOR SHOT PUT ' (Special Diapstcb byLaued Wire to The Jearaal) ; Buffalo . April U. Ralph Boa, who hatla irom Michigan, rod Into Buffalo today from a town in Tennessee and an hour later broke th wod'd Indoor record, for putting ths M-pound shot. Ha put tha ahot 471-4 feet slashing a mark I that has stood for soma little time. Ros I performed thla wonderful feat In th Forty-seventh Reilmental gamea. Thou sands cheered . him when tb record waa announced. Roe says he can beat I tha mark h mad tonight.. mm man pciure, Ul roruaoo, vr. mot :.:. .':.. . ...t . . . provement. ' o .y .