THE -OHZGON DAILY JCUrL. rCLAI.LV .1 ..;;wwmj escapes wiin wcriArrs help Poping Belle , of , Chinatown In the Hands of Presbyterian ,v i, Mieeinn Prmla. i-? ' iV-.. SAYS SHE HAD BEEN SLAVE i 1 OF WEALTHY CHINESE Fight WW Be Made for Girl.bylj Arrested.: For possession ef Sue Wong.' alias V Mrs, Rom Down, Celestial countrymen , and American frlonde have begun a blt ' tr wan The girl la temporarily In the haode of Mra, W, S. Holt., superintend- V ent of tb Presbyterian Chinese mission, "' who thwarted tba Celestials yeetsrday ; by taking herefrom the custody of Sher : - iff Ware.-.y-v.! '.-"'.v'?: "'."'"V" , Sheriff Word went to, Victoria. B. C, where tbo woman waa arrestsd, and bringing bar to Portland when Intercept-. ed. by. the mission superintendent at Scappoose.' Wssh.,- last night. Mra, Holt was armed with a order of release for the Chinese (Irk Issued by. Justice .Read yesterday afternoon. . A On? reaching .the city the , girl was 4 spirited nwnr.ths.tsbs night avoid, the crowds of curious Chinese Xhi bad' con gregated to witness her return. -Today-the glrUa liharty-. pending - a preliminary hearing on tha Charge of , rmbeasitfment. - Efforts are being made to persuade tboaa Interested In 'her prosecution to caasa their efforts. To 'accomplish 'tbia stories are circulated rthst aha waa trying to esoepe a Ufa of bondage- and that the embexslement charge, was manufactuned In Order t,to . tighten tha fetters., , ' . ' Bus Wong, the slant-eyed belle of , Second etreeC who has' caused tha war ' between . ardent Celestials and Presby 1 terlan missions rtes. la the wife of too .'Tong. who .returned . o -China four months ago. His mission was a ploua one. tot ho went to procure for. the great wooden Joes an eye properly 'col ored end of right else. Tha girt became his wife live years ago. She la atlll ; young. ' Her eyes mra dark and lustrous, and causa flere longings In tha Celes 't'lai hearts' when they smile. Her hair Is raven black, combed aa smooth at - . adept hands can make It, hangs like tna eaves of a pagoda and Is held in place Her feet are small, so small that special ; ' sandals ara made la . far Canton for I - ----- n j 'tr wkM - -PMm-t- AvtA- t- tils . sacred mission he left tha girl In ears .... li. ku.. v m. m.wa k.a a Iong and itatlently , aha waited la nor decorated little room for tbo return of c reached Portland ' Sho mourned:' then other rnmora followed,, telling bar that J, he waa not dead, but had found t girl mora beautiful than she. : D ft ajUW IT VII 1 1 OTHW V ' ftft ". : overcome with arlef. Aa Itinerant Y " ' . ft. .aM.t la. - .tuAll ' i.AM ' ' - - - M tl . a Va &aa k.M v. Waaia, Imu v. Via ahAftv hla Intra fnr , . h-r: and had breucht rich dslntlea of u I . A a L. aaa ' awaa.Aa k. a 'i her. Bo when ho proposed an elope- K', ... . ... ... . . . . , or mm. oui rer spite ivwin ine vue in 'BsJkmg rPowdeir Vv;V:,-',i ; ' . ' ,.-;t.-'!-. ' ..V.vV;!-.. '' ' , ,With Royal' Baking Powder there y no mixing with the sweat of - V the brow. Perfect facility, sweet, clean, healthful food. J ; i - FdI'mstractions' in the Royal Baker aod Pastry Cook". ' took for making 'all; kinds of bread, biscuit and cake with Royal Baking ; Powder. Gratis to any . address C : i i . -, 't T N ' - V ' ' 1 ' r Admin) Rojegtrenaky, Commanding tbo Russian Squadron. the faraway country who had found a girl mora beautiful than ahe. Her krother-ln-law and other untnese Insist , that aha took )& In money and valuable gems that did not belong to her. -A warrant was Issued for her dnd plaoed In the hands of Sheriff Word. Ha neara or atra. jtoaa wwiu, wnim strange actions In many cities In the northwest had - eauaod : ssucn specula tion. When ho found Mrs. Roes Downs at Victoria. P. C. she had Sue Wong, and ah was returned to thl city last night ' : - r- -i " ' Har monda. tnoraissionanea, - euum that aha was merely a slave gtrL and wan trying to escape bar bondage. Sec ond street phllosophsrs, who amoko long pipes and alwaya know more than they Will tell, amue strsngeiy wnen asasa about tha ronaway, girl. - "Van no aood. ' tnoy any. ana way refuse to Join In tbo aympatby that the Blsalonarlea "Have -extended. r-, Tha girl will probably he arraigned In . Justice Bald's west aids : court on Monday... '- - ' - . S Ont Street Improved That WHr - Not Have to Be Repaired, f irroeL between -Wont and-Third streets. has Just boon oomplstod by Contractor El wood Wiles and front all appearance It la a piece of work that any con tractor eould bo proud of.' According to statement made by tha elty engineer It Is tho beat oompleted atono block pave ment In tha olty. , There la a guarantee of II years on - tho street without further dost to tha property owners, but it will bo as good la years aa It la now. - ' ' ' ,"' : .. --.; Mr. Wiles is prealdsnt of tha Con erete' Construction company nd owns tho only batch, concrete' miser In-the city, -which is. a groat Improvement over tho old way of mining by band. Tbo company 10 Installing a plant at Xaat Sixth and Madison atroeta .for -the manufacturo of concrete atono blocks for building purposes. 1 ; v . ; v. ; . WTkXTVK&MamXXLMT SXBATa, rXIearfcal Special tler-le.,' ' San rranolaoo. Cel., April '. If. -Tho annual' dsbato between tbo teams of tha University of ' California ' and Leland Stanford. Jr., 'University .takes placn hero thta evening and ' promises to bo tho event of tha university year. Stan ford has tho affirmative and California tho negative side of tho proposition. "Resolved. That tho inters tats commerce oom ml salon shall bo given power to fin and - Inforca railroad ratoa. Not It being understood that tho question of constitutionality be disregarded and that tha commission nay bo enlarged and equipped so aa to enable 1 to meet tho new conditions." , , , : mrxnao xs : '',." (Jesrssl Nseetal Ssrrles.f -r " West Palm Beach. FUu- The Condi tion of Joseph Jefferson la Improving, but bo la atlll weak. . - , . .-;; '.r; A XMtU Ptffsronos. ' ; " Prom tho Philadelphia Press. : Ascum He's got a good Job, hasnt her He tells mo bo la working for tbo government now.. Nowltt Huhl Tho next time bo tolls you tbateubtract "for" from It ' cleanliness, greatest t 1 SO.tMtMUJMSr CITY HAS UEEH PREY OF LOCAL ROBBERS Every Item of Pubio Work Has - ; Paid Tribute to Official fr'ty:-: Thieves.' 1 ENGINEER'S OFFICE AND f CONTRACTORS DIVIDED SpeclfTcatI6nsin ; SteeTrWork Changed So , That Builder ; and Officers MlghtrofrL la anpport of tbo claim that tha etty of Portland baa boon robbed systemati cally 4a tho letting and carrying ant of contracts, a certain contractor who deea not reside la this elty, but who baa Inti mate knowledge of tbo facta, stated today: - v -v. - ; "On every bridge built aoroaa tbo wn- lametto river, and la many other eon traota 'Oaliing for steel work, the olty baa boon tnado to ay for- Immense grafts.' and thla baa boon done by tho collusion of tho elty englneer'a office under former Incumbents with tho exec utive board. ' "Let mo giro yon a oonorsto Illustra tion: Tho plana and specifications would call for, Bay lt-lnch steel beams. Tha contractors would use instead Inch beams, and tho elty engineer would report, favorably on tho structure and tho executive board would accept tho report, knowing that tho work bad not been dons la accordance with tho re ouirements. . Often, to . my knowledge. after plana and spoclflcatlona bad boon drawn and contracts lot. tbo plans would bo altered, . to permit using tho smaller boama, but without reduclrur tho cost, thus giving tho contractor a 'graft' In tha form of par for a 11-lnch beam which was not supplied. now. wnen It Js considered that steel costs 110 a ton, and that perhaps a wholo ton would bo oaved by tho contractor . by thla fraudulent method In tho substitution of a single t-lnch beam for a 11-lnch beam. It wUl bo soon that quite a aum of money w6uld bo tnado by tho con tractor on tbo wholo job, and tho elty would simply pay for what It didn't get "That such things have been dona, I positively know. For obvious reasons. I cannot permit ny name to do uaea nt this time, "but I assure you that, when tho proper tlmo comes, I will make these statements In court nnder oath." District Attorney Manning refused to discuss tho statement of this contractor, Baying: , "A lot of thlnra nowadays are, at tributed to me, in connection with the Investigation In progress, that I never said. 1 I am not making any atatamente at all, butvam collecting evidence so aa to strengthen the ease of tho state- la all mature Involving tho alleged fraud ulent execution of olty contracts. That there was fraud, no one doubts, but I shall tioi give out anything to the public until tho proper tlmo comes, Tho in vestigation, however,, will proceed until all essential facta have boon gathered, when, they will be told and acted upon In a manner to secure substantial re sults In cleaning up tbo methods of doing oily work.' . . , :. J 1 1 1 i i i i i ; WALLA WALLA PAYS HER ; SHARE IN PORTAGE ROAD ... V , ' .:' . g-etat Dispatch to The JearaaL) 1 Walla Walla, Waah, April II. Walla Walla is preparing to pay her share of tbo expense of the Open River associa tion in connection with the building of the portage road at The Dalles. A com mittee from the Commercial elub will solicit funds to make up tbo balance de manded of tho oounty Xver $1,009 has boon raised, and practically has boon paid Into tho treasurer of the local branch of tho association. - Tbo Commercial olub hae boon advised that tho road will be open for use by May It. and tbo funds will then be needed to pay the contractor. The solicitation of funds will bo kept up until every dollar hi In tha hands of the' treasurer. . SAXTATIOsT AJUtT arsU-SnrXATa. - nev. C. l Chase, pastor -of lbs llas- salo Street Congregational church, will speak at tho Salvation Army hall.: Ill Plrat street thla evening at t o'clock. Tomorrow Is tho beginning of the armya week of self-denial and prayer, and at tho- evening service this special effort will be launched by Ensign and MraKuhn. ,., , , ,--T H,VT" P'1 - :V l.a.aVre l,--.lta' .--... aJ AS liOTEL lliifill Tr--J He Houses More Than Twenty, So Under Chicago Fire Re v ulations Vis's a Oontface. 'if'AC-v-:. jseraal, Ss-eUl Bar-tea.) , .. Chicago, April 16. Mayor Dunne has made tho discovery that under tho new fire regulations of tlto olty bo la legally t hotel-keeper and lives In a hotel. "What In the world am I going to find out jiextr? asked tho mayor, when ho learned that hla own flro department found him occupying av bouse In which there are mora than ! persona. : This, says the las' adopted last month, makes the Dunne home a hotel. - ' The discovery came about when fire Inspector ' Johnson reported that many down-town- hotels and lodging-houses were violators of the law. "By Jove." said the mayor, "there are t In my house ten little Dunnes, Mrs. Dunne, -myself, a-randpas, ' grandmas. unclea. aunts and five servants. I guess I'm keeping a hotel, all right, but I must have tlmo to consider what is nest to ao. I must consult my friends.". ; 'it. No hotel sign has yet heon Bung out in front Of the Dunne home, r ' EXTEND TO KIJiGSlEY ; (Continued from Page One.) The . areat ' belt of white pine for which the eastern slopes of the Cascades Is famous la flanking the proposed lln on tho west for its entire length. . - i Ontalde taO BsaarratV - Mills able to operate in the forests within ...It to It mlleo'of ' the main line, with" down-hill haul to the raUway. Tbt-Piswreserve Unes does not come down the mountain slops at this point' ':- -: -." Woman net. an area T ny It musa ox remarkably level country, averaging 40t to too feet high elevation than Tygh valley,' lies between this point and the Warm Spring reservation. Owing to the isolation of tho district, tho groat flat has never been cultivated seriously, but baa been the center of a thriving stock industry.. ,, - . Warm Spring reservation, covering the east slope of tho Cascades down to the peschutes' for many miles to the south of Woman, la -not counted an Im mediate resource, as tho Indiana do lit tle agricultural work. Further exten sion of the railway beyond Tygh val ley would be Into tbo gorge of the Deechutss, until Willow crook or other eastsrn streams flowing In on the eaat Side gave aa opening to climb to Agency plains and tho Uayatack district 1 te rn arkable development baa been made la both these districts the past four years. dssplte IsolaUon, . - x - rrodnotlvo When Wat erst. -, - Many mllea of fertUo platsaa land lie between Willow, creek and Crooked river, which la the' south.ra bound of tho greet desert area to which water la being oonducted by irrigation enter prises. ' Haystack and Agnney districts sro producing cereals, without. .Irriga tion, and tho arest region beyond, the Tumalow and Black Butte districts on tho west side of tbo Descnntes and sev eral other minor districts, are wonder fully productive when -watered. No englnoerinc cirnouitioo whatever will bo eneountorod In tho extension to Ktngsley, on Tygh ridge. From this point a detosr of six to seven mllea lb neoossorr to nrop into xygn vaiiey. -nut the, grade Is easy. ' Where tho Deschutes may bo followed beyond Tygh creek tho grade la easy, bat at places the gorge has no alluvial footing for a track After getting np to near tho elevation of Agency plalna, no engineering diffi culties whatever are encountered ex cept crossing Crooked river, which la a gorge down near tho Doacnntea. . . : . THREE ARE ARRAIGNED ' (Continued trans rag One,') hla district, such .office shall bo doomed vacant" - , This statute is tho amain reliance of daf endanteVnouneof In tho contention that Mr. Honey had no right to appear before. the grand jury in tbo capacity of Uplted States district attorney, and be cause be did'wUl-be argued that the proceedings of the Jury were Inval idated, Mr. Honey la alleged by tho de fense to be a. resident of tbo state of California, and not -of Oregon. - : Mr. Honey scouts the assertion that ho la not duly Qualified to hold- office. and insists that Oregon Is now bla offi cial residence, which Is all that the law requires. -, The question is to do argued Monday. ' . .':. - : , :, KINDERGARTEN UNION MEETS IN TORONTO -. (Joarsal Sserial aWviee.1 - -' Toronto, Ont, April la. For four days neat week - Toronto will bo thronged with teachers from all parte of Canada and tho United Statso. with some from other countries. They will assemble to attend the 12th annual meeting of tho international Kindergarten union, which will begin 1U oeeelona Tuesday. An ex cellent program baa been arranged for the gathering, providing, aa It does, (or a large number of addresses and papers by some of the foremost kindergarten experts of the world. ' , ,,;.u .. - TO RESUME WORK ON ASHLAND SEWER SYSTEM ;' "V"'-' (Special Dfcpetea to The TosraaLI Ashland, Or., April lt Work Is to be resumed within a few daya on Ashland's new sower system, after a suspension of nearly a year, beoauao of litigation as a result of which the courts annulled the ordinance under which the sewer waa begun. The city Council' framed a new ordinance, obviating tho legal obstacles pointed out, and the work la to be taken up. .t' : , - :' '",:': a Take Vise's Oare fee Oiaiaiyttaa to CesghS ssd Celrt. Br all erafl-ta. Me. -scmosT o fobsstbt. - 'The monthly meetnig of the' Oregon State Academy of Sciences will be held at tho city ball tonight at T:tt o'clock. An address will be given on The Bet sneo of Forestry" by Edmund p. Shel don, president ' . ' . r f t jpayi to do business gener ously. The, proof t Scbilling'l Best. ' Full-strength atvd pure, and the prices only enough to pay for the qualitye : ; J ;'' Mtybeybacks' f.'' .' v . ' ftS''.ki - ::. - iiLL.. - , r n A r " PANOPATHIC PROFESSOR WORKS WONDERS Restores Hsahli to Invalids. Pronounced Hopelessly Incurable by Physicians, Healing Iri 'the Faceof ' Ap- V j ':'.: r: ; parent lmpes!l;!.ts. . ' ' c-- DOES AWAY VITU And Condemns Brutal Operations No Disease Ha May STRANGE, INTAXCIILE. , I'ELI That v Cures When Doctors HAS HE THE Ministers of the Gospel Say He Is w for His Help toJBuff rinj Humanity . Ha . Gives ( Service and Home TnirtFr--'' to the Sick New Tork. April 1 (Special Corre spondence.) Seeing la .believing, and witnessing the seeming miracles per formed by Professor Wra. Wallace Had ley makes one exclaim: "la there a known, limit to. , thla man'a healing power T " Is there a single ataoase no cannot cure? la there any ease, so hope less that he cannot restore health V - Probably no other physician in ins world treats aa many- patients aa thla famoua professor of panopatby and physlactrice. Thsy come to him by scores and hundreds. Tho sick and suf fering, the lama and halt, tho consump tive aad paralytic, Invalids from- .al most every known dlaoaso form an end less' profession seeking health at hla bands. And thla wonderful man, thla wlaard of . science, thla great-hearted physician, receives then treats them cures them. Heala them of diseases pronoun oed inenrabla - by tha " medical profession, cures them after they have been doomed to death by doctors, re vives health and atrength In the face of seeming Impossibilities, ' Not In a spirit of boasting or vanity, but la a quiet, calm statement of fact, ho says there la no dlsesss he may not cure: aava It. and what la more, proves it.- During ev reseat talk- with -this man who has revolutionised tho theory and practice tof medicine, ho aaya: "Thou sands of precious human Uvea are need- lees! y aaeriflcod every year or useless medicines and brutal surgery that klU oftener than thay cure. All upright members of the medtoel profession know thla whether they admit it or not, and It la tlmo that tha general pubUe was made aware of the facta, v 'Caae have eome to m that have baffled some of tho beet physlclana In the country; whore one doctor baa aald the trouble waa with the stomach, an other aald heart, aUll another diagnosed kidney disease or something else. ' But In each ease 1 waa able to eee the real oaaee and by removing It I restored the patient to perfect health. I have known stomach trouble to be diagnosed aa heart dlaoaso, and heart dlaoaso aa rheumatism, and oountleea similar In stances. When theeo mistakes are made and tho patient la treated for tho wrong disease, how can the sufferer hope ta get well! It la aa If you tried to euro deafness by wearing eyeglasses. One la Just about as sensible as the other. But I make a careful diagnosis of each ease that comas to me and treat the real cause. -' ; I have discarded ths useless drugs a anni-aa unmanlv Brescrlbed br physicians and use a system of treat-) ment that la a much euperlor to aaotlH era medical practice as m- "' " -oandle. Now that I have perfected it after long yeara of practice and eaperl ments, I find that rhave the, power to euro my patlenta without their coming to me or my going to thera-For In stance, read this letter front the Rev, Samuel Button, an eminent divine nf Williamsburg. Ky. - You eee he aays: 1 feel thankfulto Ood that I was di rected to you for relief from my bodily pains and ins. a ills fsel euro that our Heavenly Father hae helped and di rected yon in working out the secret of Kwer over disease. Tour efforts must accompanied by tbo Holy Spirit to accomplish such miraculous cures. I know and believe that there la nothing to equal your treatment for tho release of suffering ones from psin, weak and disease. I wish all Buffering knew Ite power to heal as I do sin weaanass Ones meif to heal aa I do sinoe it cured me of heart and kidney disease, catarrh of tbo bladder and hemorrhoida. Dear Doctor, I cannot nnq woras to ex press my thanks to you, for your klnd nsss to me In ridding me of all my phys ical sufferings. My prayers are that ethers may do aa I have done, write to you and get relief, and that you may be Joyful In abundance on earth atM In the world to come for your faithful search and your success In finding ouch a wonderful power that when your treat ment c ernes In eontaot with dlaoaso, ill ness must give way to health.' "My experience baa proved that there Is no disease I may not cure. I do not pare how oevere the- case may be, bow chronlo, bow long standing, what other man have aald or failed to do, or whether tbo patient has been pronounced Incurable or not, I am Just aa ready to cure consumption, cancer, paralyeis, Blight's disease, Organic J weakness. DALLAS HAH WINS 1 AT tnilNNVILLD Fourth Annual . Oratorical Con- test of Prohibition League Is Held. ' (Special Dtosateh te The aaraaU ' - McMlnnville, Or., April It. At the fourth annual Oratorical contest -of the Prohibition league, held hero laat night, Chester Gales of Dallas college won first place. The prise was divided, Dates receiving fit and Miss Alice Wlcklund of O. A. G. tltrsecond place. Mine Myrtle Csiavan was marked first In composition. Rev. P. . Adams, pas tor of the First Baptist cnurcn, oeuv- ered the Invocation. .- The contestants delivered their orations in the follow-ins- order i A C Marsters. Albsny col lege, "The Problem of the Hour"; Miss Myrtle Celavan. McMlnnvuie college, "The Rotter War": Mm R. W. J-ewla, Philomath college, 'Tower of ths Drink Habit"; Louis Sounders, Paclflo univer sity. The Movement of the Age": Chestsr P. Ostes, Dallas college, "My Nation's Hope"; . Alice Wlcklund, cor vail la O. A. CL, "Why. a Prohibitionist r - - Jlj' mm USELESS DRUGS by CurgeonV Deadly Knlfe-r- Not Cure by Come v v , j fC;CE i;:S3TY POTEKQ and Medicine ' Fail and Hope POWER DIVINE? Gifted of Cod-, and Praise, Him and Afflicted- deafness and other so-called Incurable diseases, as I am to cure stomach, and bowel troubles, rheumatism, .nervous prostration, blood disorders, catarrh, or any of the other Ills that human flash Is heir to. I have done ao many times Over. With, out Intending ta ' boast. I may safely say that I trsat more pa tients in a year than the average phy alclaa does' In a lifetime, and among them are numbered many of the worst oases In the country. And I cure be cause I have at my command a power over disease so great that its extent can hardly bo realised. Recently I ro- celved thle letter from Mrs. C. M. ton, of BarnegHt, N. J., which will give n t ow many patlenta re- i euro: i am so e able to tell vou able to tell you that 1 am -wel can hardly realise that I am onred. 1 had been (old ao mony ttirlea by doctors thst my ease was Incurable and that I could never get well that I waa almost hopeless. Still. X always felt that If I could And a doctor who knew bow, he eould cure me. and I found him In you Most doctors do not know how. I think they know a little about common dis eases, but when It comes to ths serious snd difficult ones, such as mine wers they say they are Incurable, nnd never learn anything about them. My resto ration to health has surprised all who knew trie. No one thought I was really being cured when I told them Tr was, but thsy see It now and cannot .account for It. One of tbo doctors who attended me last winter was the most surprised of alir aa he thought my heart trouble, complicated with bronchitis, asthma and catarrh of the stomach, would surely kill mo before this. .80 you see how. near death I was. aad that you literally aaved me from the grave. . I also want to thank you for your personal Interest and earn of my ease. Tour kind worrts of encouragement did me world, of good when I was ao weak... I ara writ ing to all my friends who are ill, urg ing them to put themselves under your care, for I know you can cure them.' Another clergyman, the Rev. T. Horrls, D. C of Har wood. Ten., whom 1 cured of a complication of diseases, write to me saying: 'I am milch stronger and more active than I have been for years. I aball alwaya thank Ood and you aa Hla servant for the great beneflte you havo conferred upon me, and shall take great pleasure In recommending you aa one of the most courteous, efficient Christian gentlemen whom I havo ever known. I shall , alwaya hold myself ready to serve you as a beneficiary of your wonderful aklll. Command mo whenever I can aerve you In anything. May Ood, our common rather, preserve you long. In the land of the living.' I oould so on Indefinitely telling yon of esse after case almllar to these, but these are sufficient to prove to any one that I have been able to restore health In the face of what seemed certain death." ' . , . "Bur how about those who -cannot afford to- opme to- Now TOrk to have you treat them T' . - "It does not make the slightest dif ference. I euro them In their Own homes lust as easily and Just as surely as If I went to them or they came to me. Distance cannot weaken the healing power I have, -All that any one who Is 111 In any way, from any cause, has to do is to w.rlje me a letter, eridrsssln Wm. Wallace Hadlay. M. D., office l2aB. No. Broadway, New Tork. telling W the disease-they suffer-from most or thetr principal symptoms, sre and sex. and I will aend them a course of home treatment sbsolutely free -of charge.'' "Surely yon do net -mean that you give, services and treatment free to any one merely for the asklngf . . .- "Tes, I mean lust that I believe that as a Christian It la my duty to Ood and man to help all who are In need. Whan I have been given the power to cure I do not believe that I have the right to make any one Waste his money on lees drucs when I can heal him without them. We all owe a duty to our fellow men. We must all aerva In one way another Where a rich man glvee money I give health. I am not a millionaire, bnt I am able to afford to do my share toward relieving the sufferings of man kind. I em happy to give freely of my ervlcea wherever they are needed. Anl am eepeolally anxious, to cure any poor mortal who has been told thst his or her esse Is Incurable, thst there t no hop left on earth. Or any -one who has grown weary spending money on druos Jnd doctor Inn vain search for health. If they will write to ma and accept my offer there is not only hone, but an l most absolute certainty that they need bo sick no longer. And it Is a blessing that mv power makes a letter do- Just as much good as a peraonal visit."- Miss Mso Kennedy sang and ths col lege band furnished music during ths In terval between the close of the orations and the decision of the Judges. :- GRAND JURY ADJOURNS : TO MEET ON MONDAY - (Special tHreetch U Tse Jmnl.f Salem, Or., April It. The Marion eoonty grand Jury adjourned yesterdsy afternoon until Monday morning at t O'clock. , the entire day waa- taken up with the examination . of wltneeaes and the books of tbo state land department. It Is thought that it will be another Week et least before any Indictments are returned. : - TtL of Tngla Stsanlag. !: '. ' ' ' are theee Unas from J.. H. Simmons, 'of Casey, Is. Think what might have re sulted from his terrible cough if he had not taken the medicine abuut which he writes: "I had . a fearful cough, that disturbed my night's rest. .1 tried ev erything, but nothing wonld relieve It, until I took Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption,) Coughs and Colds, whl"h completelycured me.". Instantly relieves and permanently ' cures all throat and lung diseases; prevents grip and pneumonia. At Ko cross roar meey. Sixth and Oak streets, on ths-way to the poetomce; gnaraateed, tOe .and i.f. -.rial oottie (roe, , f e r - . - . -:'M X:i Ya Ci-JJ Good teeth are essential to proper Without good teeth there cannot be : MASLOAaXdsT Without thoroush raastlcatloa there cannot be penect . SIOaMalCJT Without perfect digestion there cannot be proper , , , . as, .aAtTCaf . without proper assimilation here can not be .,....- i . . lTtrTSXTZSaT - - - V . Without nutrition -there cannot be ( , nAI.X3C . - i - ;'. v- v uuka.,1 aaaltSi wrltat la -. . ' Uf ' " ' ' : Call 'and consult a reliable and com petent special Lai In Dentistry. i"T rrwef ....... . . . . . y 5.00 oza Mwn ,. 1 5.00 mi,n mut ...ii.oo HX.TBB nUdaM .........'.....50 ... -,. Wav Dental Parlors Fcsi-th izi Korrlsca Sts. , ' .r,i Over Sea.ay-Maona.,, Open day and night, from i:to a, m.- to it p. tn. ..- . -lsi,; Northwestern CVriiliwAntfrnftnt Civ Eastern Oregon wheat landa and steak ranches. Call and aee ua. a We have some good properties fcr sale, Rocms 218-220. Afclaitsa DuSiini Phono Bod 1TSS. : MBTIAJTS. OB. The Mew Kcrthwcst la well - represented by prose and vera la APRIL. Sunset Magazine ' v '"With Trawls aad Clirk;. " by Julia Fraser, Is an other well lllustrsted -vriv "... . tlcle about Portln .i a .'-, great exposition, and ieo- : pie of the Northwest , ' . . should read It and send,,., .. .' it east Other srtlcles ,., , ' include: "Amerlcsn For ' Ml as ion" Tn" t he World v ' itTree . Telegraphy.' eto. V . Good .abort stories and :. verse. . . .... - ' SOU BT AXftX, BBira V 'Ita Portland v'''- FOKTLftANlX ORTOOK. v Aawtrlcsa Has - tSM S Day ; .'.- V . -a4 tiswgri. , :;' , ' irKAPQUARTXK" TOR TOTJB- ; ..1 1ST8 AND COMMERCIAL v . . : TRAYXU.R& -. v ' Special rate -made to famllktsJ -and single gentlemen. A modern . Turkish bath esUbllshment In the Ikaftal. ji "'C. aMiWaOse, FIVB points nFv 'f; excellence; x if iaVTlllI ft 11 a u, inf i v.., which yon start reaching the center of in CI LJ V. J WM, U..illlllUM - ,v.. smooth and level tracks; giving rest snd a Si . J Jl- kulAa ah.aamaa.ta. a) aa.taa moat of the way 2 through tb cntr of ptrpuiauoa- 19 .at ' iBiewais vi smtsh- more; wba you travvl the) . NEW YORK CENTRAL ....... l - ...... lalllCftl . i-k.-,. , For lafarmiitlon and rates apply tn - . i m W C- BEACH REST, ' Nor. Pae, Coast Agent, 11 ThJrd sUset. rortiana. ur. ; '..-t' , '., '-V ...wV'B, JEROMB. Dsn.' Asent. lt( Monroe st, Chicago, IU. Extracted and filled absolutely without, pain by our late aclentlno method, pat ented and used by us oiy ree exam ination. '.,'... ,i ' TOtrg nOWVB and thoee who dread having their teeth extracted are invited to "n, '"f.11 "" " will demonstrate to tbelr entire sa tie faction our, claim for painless extract tag. i ,. y.'u; .' t.:.,.'-". ' SItiVER Flt OOLD FTLLINQS,., tLLlNas...,.TBt and S1.0 110 OOUO , ,7' N8.........f3.00 and S.fl ET TEETH .....$&.! II AND CROWNS FULL, BET OO rtf: Df"iic -nniftc l-aevat ' 1 Uillla-JJ UwllUVJ ttlt, MOBBZSOB ST. 0pp. Msis Fraak aad Old FestoBoe. - Honrs I rlt a.' m. to t p. m. ' Sundsr, 1:20 a. m. to 12:1 p. m. ; - ' To be sure yon are In the right' come in and get bottle of Ir' t i Q raves' tooth powder, free, r r 14 " art 1 - V