The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 15, 1905, Image 1

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    '.. ...... i ' '. . - :
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' TonL t ' and y Sunday,
.", southerly winds, .... .)
VOL. IV. ''NO. - SI"
spcn4 to Ini Ictmehts I
t V
' ' Mf !
Defense Insists That Francis J.
, Heney Is Not Entitled to Act '
. - as United States. District i
'.-'""' -": ' -V" ' ' '' i
5;-;r..,)y;...':;.(1 '
' ' '"' "''' ' "'-. ',i'.
ConcrcMDiaa J.'TrUltainaoA wm r
' imlRiil Jn th fed e Mi ourt this morning
- and Iliad demurrer to the-two indlct
' tnents charalns him with complicity- in
. Ortcon land frauda. Fleaa in abatemant
' wera ft)d by Dr. Van Geanar and Ma
: lion R. SlKKa, williamaon'a eo-deiaca-'
ants in ona ot tba lndlotraenta.'
Judxo A. B. Bennatt and H. 8. Wilton
appearad for alt thraa af .tha defondanta.
Mr. Wllaon d fat red to anter a plea 1n
abatement in. behalf ot Vr. Geaner and
Bltva. befora tha had been rratgned,
but to - thle objection "waa 1 made by
United Btalea Platrlct Attorney Heney.
" After a brief dlaeuaalon the point waa
waived by tha dafenae. and tba pleaa
: were then filed. In all essential partlcu
laxa they were the aame aa tboae .nt4d
In behalf of Senator Mitchell 'and other
V defendanta, tha legality of tha grand
Jury's organisation being attacked, ' aa
areUa -ana. right of Mr. Heney to act in
the capacity of district attorney. u- j
1. object- to the Bllng aad ' eonaldera
tlon of the plea. In abatement," said Mr.
. Heney r-upon tba grounda, ' first, that' It'
, oemea. too lata, and" second, that it, con-'
. tafna . -natters . which ' oontradlct "tha'
record, or whlab a.ra. It tru..oivly .rab-
able by tha teatlrnony . of the' Jurora or
-3 of the United Htataa aUamejii who must
be permuted- dieoloa wbat the tarnta
of thaar oath or the geoeral rulea :of
, law . reo.Hlre. them, ,to Jteep ' aecret, .in
order . to contradict tha aama. ' and the
affect af which, matter la to- Impeach
their verdict; . and .that such matter
- cannot be aet -up or considered in a plea
"i of Indictment" : "". ?, .
The name of Congressman Williamson
waa. then' called. :---:' ' ' ' '
"Mr.-Wllliamaon la preeent," aald hla
counsel, . Mr. Wilsoni "and we walre
' readfhaT -of the Indictment. ' ,Wa . five
notice of the filing -.of a demon-en .to
' each, of tha . two Inclctmenta ; agalaet
him." .'. : - " "' - .... I' .1
' - .There waa a.' brief dteefuealon ' aa if o
when arirumenta should be heard upon
' tha demurrera and it waa finally agreed
t that they should be aet for Monday, al
though some doubt waa expressed aa to
the possibility of arguing them then In
view - of the fact that tba calendar for
that day la already crowded. Congress
' man' Hermann-s to be arraigned next
Monday, when argument - alao -will be
heard upon. Senator Mitchell's plea in
'. abatement - " '
' -'''.' WlUlamaWnV'aafanaar'"
' The demurrer " to ' Mil '' Indictment
charging - Williamson with conspiring
with- Senator. Mitchell, .Congressman
Btnger Hermann. F. P, Maya. - Willard
N. Jones and George Sorenson, to do
. fraud tha government of landa In tha
- proposed ' Blue mountain : reaarve, ' - la
baaed upon tha contention that the
i facta alleged are not aufflclent in law;
. that : the Indictment does 1 not describe
' with aufflclent certainty tba nature nf
tha fraud alleged, and- that tha descrip
tion of the. landa la Inadequate.
' : The second Indictment found Febru
ary 11 chargea Congressman William
son.' Dr. Van Oeaner . and Marlon R.
' Biggs with aubornatlon of perjury. : To
this Indictment- the vonaressman de
murred upon the ground that the in
dlctment ia not direct and certain as to
' tha crime charged, and that it"doea not
" set forth tha .nam and .Identity of ,tha
" persona whom- the defaodanta .are
' charged with shaving 'conspired to 'au
- born, and doaa not describe or lden
' tlfy ,the perjury which la alleged ' lo
have- been suborned. Instigated and
' procured, or the land as to which such
" ' perjurjrwaa- to ba committed." " ,.
"'. ,, ry'a fUty. AMaakad.
It la evident that a determined" fight
" la to ba made by counsel Tor tha aevera
. defendanta-thus-far arraigned to .over
throw tha Indictments - on .the ground
that the grand Jury waa not legally or
ganised, and that Francis J. Heney had
no right to aet m tha capacity of United
States attorney. The latter; contention
la baaed upon aection 1 of an act panned
Juno 20, 1174 (Compiled Laws of United
States, VoL X, p. CS1X, which' la as fol
lower . . j ' ' " ',
"That every clerk of the circuit ftr
district court of ' tha United Statea.
United States marshal or United Statea
district attorney ahall reside permanent
ly In tha district where hla official du
ties are to be performed, and ahall give
hla personal attention thereto, and In
case any such officer ahall remove from
. (Continued on -Page' Two.)
W "
Fifty cents for an ear of com. ,
retailers and paid 'by a. number
Of. Portland - famlllM Unr '
morsel of something dainty e
tha flrat sweet corn in the mar- e
kt. - About five dneen eara ar-
f"fvflfe4 inAmm Km . u . " A
t - - - - - wj '.iwiiier ' infin
e Tlonolnlu and were ao6rt aold by ,'
t Front street hmiae to. a larjre e
' ."tall dealer.' a
';'.' "' '" ' ' V'
ii.i-'.'u. W X,. V ' .". e:; :';'.,'; yi
i t,.-1 I ii a I .. ., , i ' ' j,. . v . ;. s ,
V Congretanun J.
Edward Chase Flings Thirty-Rve
Thousand Dollars Over Cold-
'. field's Barsi-
r WHOLt;cAMP Drunk
. t ,. i r-n. ' fJ.i r ' ; '-r
( . . '.'."I 1 1 1 . .i ; ifc- I
" .' . ... ..' .t . -. 'J ' i ' f
When His Last Coin Is: Cone
fTo$pector Borrows Enough )
to Grubstake Himself. ?;
'" titmnml hulil ..!..
Ooldflelds,.- Ner ; April .15. Twenty
years of . hard labor aa a '. prospector
rave 'Edward Chase '$3.0 in cash.
Six ' days ' oroved , aufflclent for .Chaae
to -spend tha money. Dadng thla time
ha did not go near a gambling table.
His wealth poured In a golden stream
over the bare of Ooldflelda during tha
early part of last week. Saloons did
not lake it faat enough' ta. please Chase,
who-on the last of the aix deye threw
gold away by', handfuls on til the last
coin waa gone. Ha started out Monday
afternoon and: waa broke by. Saturday
ntgtVL .Monday last lie borrowed-enough
money for another prospecting tour nutt
left for the mountaina.'? - ,i t
Chase la a well-known prospector of
Nevada. -For years he met failure after
failure. ' ' Recently ha atruck ' claim
whleh-netted him and hla partner. $70.
0 in cash.-: Chase Immediately filled
hla pockets with gold and endeavored,
with fair euoceea,- to keep-every- drink
ing man In Ooldflelda 1n a-atate tf In-,
toalcatloa for a "week.'- ' "s,".' C i'V
. The saloons - aided' hfmr,'. 'charging
from 125 . to ' $10- on each order, of
drinks. Chase declares that .the- has
knowledge -of other ore' deposits' which
will bring him In. another' fortune, i
?- t i )--";! -.-.ft
' "' .(Janraal apeeial arrlee.)'
- Washington. ' D. CX April 15. Under a
contract to clear It. of rats,. Edward J.
Barclay.' a professional rat-catcher, with
five assistants and 24 .ferrets, have had
charge of t)ie eapltol for a dosen nights.
Only within tha last year hare. rats be
come a nuisance In the eapltol. . . Tha
destruction of residences On . the. pro
posed official building . atte has. driven
out. colonics of rata aad all aeam to
have ' taken refuge In. tha rapltol. They
scamper rthrougn tha marble, corridors
at night' - Barolay -will first clear out
the rata , in tha house 'wing, . working
gradually toward .the senate-, hambera.-
: ;:.boys WHO ANNOY HIM
; v.a '-" I;
, . , (Rpeelal Dlspateh, te The learaaLKi' '
" Butte. Mont- April 1. Becanae sev
eral '.boy a - annoyed Mm7 Albert t Cook
opened lira .upon them, seriously wound
ing l l-y earmold Jonnnle Lcey, who waa)
shot through tha . face,, allnterlng. hla
)a.w aad knocking out . a number - of
teeth. Cook ia under arreat. . Ha Waa
very Indignant because the offlcera took
hlmi In custody, .but offered, no, resist
ance. He loudly exclaimed aa ha was
being taken to Jalli v . ' V
'Hasn't a man - tha right to protect
hie-own propertyT,V' . ' '' , u
,. i i ii -..j .
" 1 :'-.' (foaraal tpwlal fcnW,) f
Cincinnati. - April 15 The United
Statea" court of appeals thla morning de-
clded'that Mra. Chadwlrk ran ba releaaed)
rrom Jail for 15,000 bail, pending the
hearing of argument for I new trial.
The decision refora only to the case on
which aha waa convicted and has noth
ing to do wljh the pending case against
her. -, ,'. , : ; ' '
iassaoo WatrrB nr bo
(Joamsl ann-lal Rrrrlre.t . "
Roma," .April HUrnr White, the'Rddle Hanlon and Young Corltett for a
new American ambassador to Italy, baa I
arrived bare. ' ;; ' ', 1
N. Williamson. -
' i
"i .
Costs 'I Much Less Than T,wo
Hundred Dollars for Round, i
; -.r
"fit I .
f 1
onion im dadti inn
. . . WWnitl fll BBaarvs w Saw
" i '. '
F1gurt Show at What Slight Ex
pense Easterners May Visit 1 ;
V:i tne,; Exposrtion.;
The New Torker or dweller, lit other
Atlantic coast states, who almply wants
to 'sea tha Iwls and Clark, fair and tha
country along' the' railroad right ' of
way. and who haa no' abnormal thirst
lor . outer pleasures,, may autre rrom
home with 11(4.50 in hla wallet and got
back' there) again without having . tele
graphed -ta hla banker. The. trip. Willi
have 'consumed' Just 15 days it he -devotes
six days to the exposition and a
Sunday to one of 'Portland'a churches.
- " i . : . Keren Vtal U Cost. . ' '
Tha ' following flgurea j ahow u tha
amount4 of' the; round -' trip, fare t from
points ' named, under -' . tha '' new a rata
granted by eastern passenger associa
tions. " and - tha- number . nf . days . re
quired for tha railroad trip each way: -
' Cltv.- m'"- - - Iavs. ' Fare,
New York 4 -' $75.50
Boston . . ............... 4 v 74.50
Portland,' Me. v..... 4$, 700
Richmond, 'Va. 4 t. '. - T4.50
Atlanta.' Qa. -......,... 4 ' '' 7100
New orieana
eana 4tt ''-41.50
i...;s...Vi...... tH ''' tss
. ...r.i.:.- IVt 54.60
St Louis
Duluth '. .- ....;........'.. tVi ; 46.00
Burlington, .la. ...... 4. .-. to.25
Minneapolis . .. '. . . .....
St. Paul.
I 46.00
I ' 46.00
Z 64.50
auHi.vir : ......
Omaha . .-. li4:.;'' 45.tK)
Denver .......... 7l. .... -1 ' ' 40.00
Kl Paso v'..k...V,M.,..i H"!' " 00
Memphis . . .............& ' 67.60
ins, esumate 01 expenses given in
the. opening paragraph representa the
maximum .amount that .will be required
to travel s flrat - clas, .with - Pullman
atandard sleeper, leit reasonable
amount dally- en -route,' and' to stay In
Portland during tha visit In tha Pacific
northwest. . - i " '., ..
! The aleepmg car Vara for the round
trip from New Torlrand other Atlantlo
eoaat.pointa Is $19. and for 13 a day the
traveler can satisfy the cravlnga of an
ordinary atomach In" tha dining car of
an overland .train.'.. Allowing 16 a day
for,1 hotel expenaes and admittance to
tha- fain 'during tha stay In. Portland,
the' ttrtal estimated exponas Of the trip
can aafety- be placed at " tha- figures
given. . Bleeping car. rates ' from points
In Chicago territory, are $5 lees , each
way than the rate from New York. Tho
dweller1 In Missouri' river territory can
deduct 17.50 each way from- tha Bleep
ing car fare from New Tork. From New
Orleans- to -Portland tha sleeper rata Is
f M..60' aacbAay.'i .-.' .' ' . : .' '
There are many .way a In which the
traveler can apend money to advantage
In 'aeOlnr .the Paclfle northwest. - Vari
ous parte of Oregon' are wonderlands to
tha average easterner, prater -lake, the
Columbia, river, ML Hood, tha wonder
ful fruit- sections of tba Rogue river
and Hood rrver valleya, the fine stock
farma and hop fields xtt tha Inland em
pire all theae should ba Been, even by
the mere pleasure eeeker. Trips to Se
attle. Tacoma. ' Bclitngbam. tha won
derful1 copper region arounfl Spokane,
the Idaho oountrjsand Yellowstone Park
and California ar full 'Of attractlona
, Tha flgurea given- represent tha cost
of tha trip direct to the Paclfio- north
west and return. ' Those who wish " to
coma or , return by the southern' route
must count on paying til additional for
tha round trip railroad ticket except
ing, of course,' people who . reside In
Texas and tha extreme south, apd who
come, and go by that route. .
oomaarr to :
, ; ' (Jnarast Hpeelal a-lr.) '
. San Frsnolaco. April It.- Morris yvy
of the llsynes Valley club has matched
bout to be pulled on la this city in the
Utter part of Mar. ',-."","'
' '. ., - i . - . .
'i , i'-i ; . ;, - i" .: -i t i i
President v Departs f Into
Cclirado Wilds Search- i
: H for Big Came.
' . - "
.,i (, .. . .
camp, sites-covered; ;!
; by deep snow. banks
Ladies of New Castle Present
Roosevelt With Fancy Hair,
v ; and Silver Bridle for :'
: V V Daughter Alice. '-rr-',
'. ' y "
Joaraal Sasdal Berries, t
Newcastle. Col., April it. Tha prea
tdentlal hunting party arrived here at
7:45 o'clock ' thla ' morning' and waa
greeted by a crowd of a thousand people.-
The president waa eating break
fast when the- train pulled In. He went
Me tha -rear-platform-and made a 10-
mlnute address to the crowd.
The -woman In ' Newcastle presented
the' president with a - handsome horse
hair, allver-mounted ' bridle ' for hla
daughter Alice. After breakfast the
party,' accompanied . by guldea, - started
for the first hunting curap, It miles
sooth of here. a . -..-. ,
l Tha horaea which the president will
ride aire a white and two sorrels, selected
for eure-footednes'a rather than beauty.
Tba guides are Jake 'Wells, Jake Borah
and John Ooff. A doaen. hunter a and
mountaineers want with tha president. .
. Dr. Lmbert and Philip B. Stewart are
aiaowlth the party, t- The JatterwlU
have general supervision of the entire
excuralon Into the mountains. Tba flrat
camp will be located 21 mllea southwest
of thla town. . A. foot of anow la now on
the sits of the camp. Guides report that
plenty, of tracks -of beara are aeon.' and
the prospects for sport are flattering.
Doga will be ' used to track: tha game.
Tha hunters will follow on horseback. '
A crowd of 10,000 persons .welcomed
the president at' Colorado Bprlnga last
night, where tha president made a' brief
speech' at the., depot and - took, dinner
with P. B. Stewart at tha latter'a heme.
The invitation from the . chamber of
commerce .of Xenve 'was accepted by.
the preaident and he will visit that city
after finishing hla hunt V. , J , ;
. (Speeial. Dispatch t Tha .Joareal) ' '
Seattle,, April It. Oaorga Garrett,
sportin g 'ad I tor of the Tacoraa - News,
announcea today, that ha haa -received
the acceptance of John I Sullivan
from 8t Louis 1 and Charlie MltcheU
from Larkspur Springs to fight In Ta-
coma early In May. - .
' ' v (Joarasl Special Ssrvlea.)
'- Sedalla. Mo, April 15. The Missouri
Paclfio passenger, ' west-bound, - was
wrecked In the yards here early today.
Fireman Anderson' of St.. Louis, waa
killed and Engineer Rogera of Sedalla,
Injured. ' ' . O . ''
" (ieeraar SpeeUl Berrlee.) , '
San Francisco. April 16. Rata gnaw
ing the- Insulation from -'the- electric
power wire a in 'the five-story building
occupied by the Crown Paper company
and tha ' Zallerbach Paper ' company
caused a Are this morning' whleh re
sulted in a loss of $50,000. ,-, - - .' -
acovwbb o siaws,
' ";' '''' Uearaal Spectal'aarvwt.l ' t -;.
San Francisco, April 15. The - coro-
ner'a Jury In tha case of Baggla Vilardo,
found the latter earn to hla death from
Injuries Inflicted by - Pletro - TortoricL
who la charged, with murder. '.
: PAJUrWatUi ' TO ' OaTOATS. ' . I
.': tJesrsal SaeeUl Service.)
London. April 16. Ambassador Choate
waa ' given a farewell dinner, by the
bench and bar of London laat night.- -
' In every department, la The Sun'
' day Journal.' Happy Hooligan.
Foxy Grandpa and all the other
comedians of the best comlo sec-v
, tlnn . published . amuse tba chil-.
dren. ; j.. , .a . , ..'. ?
Fashion pages for the women'
are provided by the best and most ,
' experienced modlatea in tha coun- '
try.; - . - . . -
- Tha etory of tha Konluble la
told In concise, readable form,.'
and makes clear the whole his
tory of the light now toarlng tha .
: great inauranoe company. . .,
Count Leo Tolstot and a dosen
others scarcely less distinguished
contribute special artioles. . v.,
The - workers'- magnalne, Chlm- ,
mle Ksdden, the chimes at Trinity,
church and many other exclusive
.features sld to the Internet, be
sides all the news by the' only
special leaned wire In Oregon, -makes
Ppttland'a leading paper -:
: Sunday Journal
Ihitte Lead
I . ' -. '. :.-''.'
( i
Walter ., L." Tooxa. Who May ' Be
Chairman of the Oregon 1 Delega
tion of WooJmeri. '
District Attorney Manning - Be-
; lieves Seriousness of Cases
Before Him Requires One.
Takes Place-Today as the Pre-
. siding (udge of the Cir '
:"V' ; t': J ' cuit Court. 'V f.-' ''' '
' Ona of tha" first ' lroportapt "acta et
.edge!' Fraaer, (. who became presiding
Judge of tha circuit court today, may be
tha -calling of a' grand jury at .the In
stance of District Attorney John Man
ning. .It la certain, that if tha district
attorney . regjiests , It - presiding judge
Frasef will call a ' grand Jury, . and, if
called; It will ba In aesslon next month.
i District Attorney Manning atated that
ha was considering the wisdom or ask
ing tha court to call the grand Jury. He
regarda tha responsibility of acting in
all tha Important- cases now Datura nun
for' investigation as very sjreve.
. Arthur Luclaa Fraaer today became
presiding Judge of tha circuit, court ot
Oregon for Multnomah county, auoceed-ing-Melvln
Clark George, who baa pre
sided the past yea r The presidency of
the circuit court In this county is held
by -tba four Judgea by rotation in one
vesr. term a. Prior to 101 tha bualness
of tha court was disposed of by referring
sll equity cases to Judge cieiana, crim
inal casta to. Judge George, and law
cases to Judxes Fraaer and Beara The
law of 101 requires tha court to have a
presiding Judge, who hears motions and
special proceedings and asalgns all cases
for trial. .... ' . -. ...,'-":.'.-"..-
tlearaal Speeial Sernee.) - '
Baltimore, Md., April 15. Members
of tha Society of Christian Endeavor will
gather In; thla city next. July from all
over tha country and Canada, with dele
gations from other parts of tha world,
in attendance at ' the ltd International
convention of tha organ laat ion. Elabor
ate arrangements are being made for tha
reception and entertainment of the hun
dred a or visitors.' -. ' '
The convention will meet tn the Fifth
regiment armory, which win seat '11,600
people, and other ifieetlnga will be held
at the Lyric theatre, near by, where
1.600 people can be accommodated. The
spacious halls will be ablate -with light
and bunting. - Tha acheme of decoration
will ba red and white, and-yellow-and
black, and- each-atate of -the-unlon will
be represented by Iter coat-of-arme and
colors. Over the platforms wilt be the
flags of Great Britain and tha United
States, together -with', those ' of other
countries. i '
Tha convention -choir- wnl ronnlst of
S.000 voices selected from tha Baltimore
churches, and a .grand concert will be
given In the armory oerore tne rormai
opening of the convention. A feature of
the convention will b an Internatloaal
foatlval ot'th-aiea, which will be conduct
ed by .Rev. Carey - Bonner, 'of London,
England. A- similar aervlca ln Royal
Albert hall, London,' waa pronounced by
Dr. Clark, the -father of the Endeavor
movement, to be tH most wonderful and
inspiring musical service be ever attended.-
, . ' " -" v-; .- v , -t - ;
r , . ." (Joaraal Special Serrlre.t :
Cincinnati. C. April IS. Mrs. Bertha
Mitts, a beautiful woman of Wllllama
town, Ky., . waa given a Judgment -for
tlOO damagea- in tha Covington federal
court i today for .one kiss stolen from
her: by Dr. J. B. Alexander ot McPher
son. Kan., who was formerly the Mitts'
family physician. Mrs. Mltta aaked for
120,000, but - the' jury- deemed . the
smaller amount sufficient
Tha doctor testified that In Kansas
ha eometlmea kissed from 20 to 10 wo
men on-leaving their , home, and that
not one thought anything of It He did
not Intend to offend Mrs. Mitts, but
pnly wished to ahow kindly feelings..
iJnnrntl 8erlll Berrlce.) ,
' Kalamaioo, Mich., April 15, Benny
Yanger fonght SO rounds td a draw with
Tommy -Mowatt here last evening.' A
large crowd witnessed tba affair. ,
Greet Scuthrn Will; at
Once Degia Ccastrucp
tba of New Road, -v
1 V-
John Hemrich Tells of the Plans
of His Line to Tap Wonder- U
fully Rich Deschutes
Basin Country. rf
v J J. .
(BetcUl Dispatch The Jsaraal. .
Seattle AprU 16. All mystery re
garding tha Great Southern railway pro
jected south and north from The Dalles
la cleared away by John Hemrlch of
Portland, who la now in tha city. Thia
Is the road which gave to the Washing
ton Trust company a deed. to lta rlgnt
of way thla week. In consideration of the
Utter guaranteeing lta $5,000,000 issue
of bonds. --1 ,,--lf :,.
Aocordlng to Mr. Hemrlch, Who la
nreaident of tha road, the. Great South
era plana the Immediate construction ot
45 mllea of tba road southward. - uraa-
ing for to mllea has already been com
pleted, and Mr. Hemrlch Beys ateel for
a greater part of thla distance la on the
ground. By July 1, he aaya, the road
will ba o Derated for the full 10 miles.
This extenalon takea tha road as far
aa Dufur, the heart of a rich agricult
ural-district. He -estlmatea that after
tha Una la tn working order-it will coat
tl a ton to move wheat out of the. dis
trict and last year there was. a crop of
1.100.000 bushels. '.- -1 f
The new Una 'runs ""out "-from. The
Dallea weat ot tha Deschutes river-Mr.
Hemrlch says the objective point. Bend.
haa long been a town that the Columbia
Southern desired to reach, but the grades
prevented eariLer building. ' ",7
Owing to the " topography of the
ground not antll - the Great ' Southern
haa reached, a point 75 miles south of
Tha Dallea will It become a competitor
of the Columbia Southern; From that
time , until tha Gseat Southern crosses
the Deachutea river, 10 milea further oa.
the two llnea will fight for business.
after- which .the .Great Southern- will
come acain into lta own territory.
Neither Mr. Hemrlch nor the local
capltellats Interested with him have any
fear of a building war on the part of tha
Columbia Southern. . The Oregon. Rail
road Navigation company, to which It
haa applied, haa refused to help It, and It
haa remained at Sbaniko, where It will
nrobablr stav for years to come. '
Just when tha line will ba extended to
Bend. Ill mllea dtatant from The Dallea,
Mr. Hemrlch la unable to Bay bat -States
that H will ba constructed with aa little
delay aa possible. . --
"while our route ilea north rrom The
Dallea Into the atate of Washington,
said Mr. Hemrlch yesterday, "we have
not considered the matter of building In
thla atate. We can get a good croasing
at Ths Dallea If wa want it. but that la
a matter that will be taken up at an
other time. We are goiDg to operate 19
miles of tha trsck la time for thla year's
crop, aoutb of The- Dallea., Then we
will extend la mllea further to a point
near Klngaley, and that la aa far aa we
can talk ot our plana at tha present
time, jother than In tha general atat?-
ment that the road will . be . hurried
through ta Bend." ..:', , , . ...
land te Ba Tapped Xaa Wealth la Son
';'' ,..'; aad Traaa. ,VV
-' Fifteen 1 MUa creek basin, tnclodlng
tha area about Dufur, Tygb ridge' and
Tygh valley, which are the Immediate
termini of tha Una projected by the
Great' Southern,' have rare promise as
agricultural districts. There, has been
comparatively little development of the
soil for a short distance from The
Dallea,' owing to tha plateau character
of the country aad cropping, formation
on the south rim of the Columbia chan
nel. .But at Dufur the land stretches
out In broad valleys and low ridges; the
soil is rich and produces oereals with
out Irrigation. Beautiful Orchards have
been laid out In the lower -land, where
Irrigation la possible. V Wheat fields
spread from the Deschutes on the esst
V the .limber line on tha west Many
homes are being built, and aa farmers
devote ' themselves to mors' diversified
products. It Is- f qund that the region
haa rare merlte. '-...., .
Tygh Ridge has been one of the
most famoua little 'wheat dlatrlct -of
tha atate. " All tha, farmer doea there
Is -to-sow and reap. .Cropa have been
uniformly heavy giving to the land
great value. r .,; .,t j
. Tery Promldng' Xaad. . :v
J As the white pine forest sweeping
idown'from tha Cascades has been cut
away,- agricultural - work haa crowded
farther , to tha west, and yet baa much
promising land to reclaim. Most of this
district haa been-, hauling wheat 15 to
46 miles.' and no effort haa been made
to develop other "cropa en a largo acale.'
' Tygh valley, which will ba Just be
yond tha Immediate termlnua at Klnga
ley, la an orchard paradise. - It la but
two nr three hundred feet higher 'than
tha Columbia. Is.wstercd by a strrtng.
persistent stream flowing from the ('se
ra drs. snd hss sdvsntagea found Iff few
Oregon' districts. ' Aa the wagon haul
for products haa been. 60 to 66 miles,
the valley has never entered the mar
ket seriously as a fruit producer, f . t
which 'It .Is best adapted. When the
railway reaches Ktngnlev, giving a haul
by wae-oa nf but 10 to 1r mlir, It It
expected that Tyeli' va'' 'V vis
become-famou-i f r ft f ' .
..... . . ' . '. ' f ' J. -.
.' '.;";" ' , - '''."''"'v,.' ..'.;
Path cf Ve::;
vie .
qouncil-of l:i?;iste:.c
Romanoff Family Pictured in IU
' lustrated Weekly as tand
v ing In Coffins Work-
men Are Condemned.
London, April - It. No report of - the)
whereabouts of . tha ' Baltic - fleet haa .
reached any of tha Aalatle porta. - Chi
nese offlclala at Amoy and Hongkong
ssy that It Is certain that tba Russian
warships have not entered tha Formosa
straits. i .'. . : '.'-..!. -.
Well authenticated Peporta state that .
Togo's fleet la at Makung harbor la tha .
Pescadores "between Formosa and tha
Chinese mainland, which tha Japanese
have selected aa their naval base for op
eratlona against Rojeatvenaky.
A number of colliers from Cardiff and
Durban arrived at Hongkong thia morn
ing awaiting orders. ' It is believed that
they carry " coal for Rojeatvenaky
aquadroa. . - - ' '.
The Russian hospital ship Orel after
remaining-36 hours at Balgon, haa left '
for Vladivostok. She carries the alclc
of Ko jest venskyV squadron and. a large :
Quantity of supplies. ...'
- The Russian fleet haa not been sighted "
since Tuesday, which- leada to tha belief
that the vessels have changed their
course to the eastward, confirming, the
report that ' the ships are coaling off
Cuyoa Island In the Phlllpre . .
M. V.TTTE K1ZZ;:2. -
rresldani ef Sraaauaai Oeaa.i r .iaa
Caafa Pasafiy Piatured U C "taV
"'' (Jearaal Special -aarvle.l
. St Petersburg, April 16. M. Wltte,
preaident. of the council of ministers,
haa announced 'hla Intention of resign
ing to become president , of the Com
mercial bank. ; .;
. A prominent ' illustrated weekly' ap
peared today., with an ' Illustration de
pleting the, imperial family. '.The
empreaa la holding tha heir - to ' the.
throne. , In tha background are tha
shadowy forma - af : practically' all tha
living members af the Romanoff family
In eofflna. Tba publishers disclaim any
responsibility, and say tha picture la
tha work of students employed on tba
paper. The picture has caused a aenaa-tion.-.'
.' .. .-. .. ' .. , .
. The court at Abo, Finland, pa 41a-
eharged General Scbaumann, charged f
with high treason. Schanmann ia tha
father of Eugene Schaumann. who killed.
General BobrUtoff, governor bf Finland.
laat.Juna : Ha waa charged with com
plicity In tha crime. Tha landtdagea
haa appropriated . 100,000 marks to aid
Russia tn tha prosecution of tha war.
Three .workmen found guilty of.
wounding a policeman In . tha recent
labor- troubles have been condemned to
death at Warsaw. , .
At Lods two men- killed a policeman
today. .-'One of them waa arrested. -.
SCOUT ships to cost V
f ' (Jearaal Special aervlca f v '
Washington, April 16. Blda were
opened at the navy department today
for the construction of tha three acout
ahlpa which - congress authorised last
year. " Considerable interest Is mani
fested. ' In the construction af thesa
ships, as they are designed to posassa
greater apeed than any other vessels In
the navy save the little torpedo-boat de
stroyers. Tba coat la limited to $1,800,-
000 each. ' '.-- i - -- ,
(Joaraal SpeeUl Serviea)
Kanaaa City. Mo.; April 15. Striking
Santa ,Fa bollermakere say that II)
men are out ' Many helpera and appren
tices have atruck. The national organi
sation will pay a atrike benefit of 57
m week to married men and 15 to single
men. - They - are willing .to arbitrate.
but will make a. hard fight .
I Utaraal SpseUl Serrlre.)
Minneapolis. , Minn.. April 15. Tha '
bankruptcy schedule of the Cos Comm le
sion company shows liabilities of UiJ.
41. assets 576.112. 1I,2M la due t
tradera ' -""" " -' -
WOMAN in fla:.:33
e Wrapped In funil ' r . jse4 I f
e her clothing catching fire fwi a
gas rsnge. Mrs. tiara l.rDar, i.
of tii Flflh strt. ssvel 1 r
j life If I r"l i "
erci, i ' t !
" s r
I !
1 , .''' .. ' -