The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 14, 1905, Image 1

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    ..; a - t;0M&&i
'f , V
CCD ev::;i:;g
' , tTfc V.'exr.
Tonight and f aturday,
southerly wind. ;
'"7 '
;vox iv.Vko. si
U6 DETAILS ;RE(WnOIK(ifi,.'v
Gtoessel It Court-MartlaUd
i Mikado's '; Troop; ' Repulse
Slavs Main Body ;.-.? ;
' Czar Force rt KWifr--
,..r i-.-., -v.-. ;..;;.
.. (Jaornal HpmUL IwtIm.) !'- '
, ; - London.-AprU Toklo dispatch
, aUtaa . that mwb haa baa - racatvad
thra af raportad -naval ngacamant
" off flaivon. tfta capital and principal
port of Franob Cochin China. Mo dp
, UiUa poooarrtlnc tb batt) ba boea
- rccolrad but -tba'raport of tha arrival
; -of tho Ruurlaa boapital ahlp Oral wlU
- woundad aailora aboard at BaJfon la coif
flrmad from aavaral aouroaa. .'
-'At laat raporta tha flaeta war pot
far apart and It la conaldarod xtramalr
. . pro I
( baa
robabla that a. battl la now racing" r
btan In prorroaa tor tha laat oar
i or ao. " - '' '
; WkT Tof Walton '. '
" T "Naval off lora who- ha r (Ivan olosa
V atudr t tha coudltlona.aurroandinc tha
' hoatlla flaata ,xpraaa tha opinion that
' inataadi of ona sraat pitchad battla thara
will ba . Ionic' acrlaa of (nnnniiu,
With Tin actio at tmr ran on tha
; part of tha Japaneaa battleablpa and rra
. quant off orta to "out out" tho Ruaaiana
. by maana af toapedo boata. Thar do not
'. ballar Admiral Togo will risk a vanaral
onawiamant at closa ranca, oartainly not
' till af tar his first and moat obvloua tao
ties Hhv boaa earrtad on lone anouch t
, raduva tha atrangtb, of Iff anemr ma
. (tarlallr and to plac him at" tha asarcy
'of Japanaoo luiu la, final rush.
v doubtedly oould har. inada his attack
h 1 ha UlluM'llralta tf- ka tuul fansS
'ktor do. ao. ' But tar their opinion h Much
prafarrad ta wait till tha anamy was do
ployad lit tha opaa aaa. whara that la
, . pianiy or room lor jnanau vanna:. , ana
; whrr land and ntutral ports ar at a
' conalderabla dlstanca. - -
:. Tha ant Ira Japanaaa; float la ball red
J to hava fully twtea tho maximum apaad
of Ua rival squadron. They mar mak
f . nlcht attacks with their, apaady daatroy-
'. era a quick run In. a launching- ofe.tM
, deadly-tubas or exploalvea antawaji
j- artiBi TOBy max menao nm vuuiii j
, hlgM' and aay. aaa men waicn uiair
chance to cut out- straggling- ahipa and
, ' destroy them. ' ' s . .,.
, With hla double apoed and power to
outmaneuver tha onomy. and tba longer
rang of hla high-powered guns. Togo
virtually haa. Rojestvensky at hla
mercy. Tba Ruselun ships ate ao foul
.that tney.aannot manouvtr at all, rela
tively speaking. ' . . ,.
Tha naval experts Tlgurs out that If
, Rojeatvenaky lays hie course for yon
mo as o hla way to Vladivostok, it will
. tag hla float nearly two woaka to cross
tha Chin sea. During those two weeks
. Togo-may carry on running fight.
' On paper tha Ruaalan fleet la allghtly
'the superior of ita rival, but from ovary
.. other polht of view, tho naval expert
' say, Rojeetvensky haa not ona chanoa In
m hundred to win a battl or even to
"'destroy th Japan batUaahlpa.
' , ' , Skip of Both .adrosa. ,-
- In ' th Ruaalan squadron . which has
' never bn In aotlonv ar th following
vlaiv .'i '- . . '. . ..i.,. .
Battleahips Alexander lit, Orel, Oa
- lyabia, Borodino, Navarln. Knlas Sou
, varof t Blsaol Vdlky, Alexander IL, Pe
ter Val Iky ( Admiral Aprakain. Admiral
: Ben lav In and Admiral Ouahukoff. Th
- Xnlaa Bouvaroff 4s Rojeetvensky's flag
.'. ship, ; '' : "' '-'"'.j' :,-'::'
' Crulaers Dlmltrl Donakot, Admiral
Nakhimoff, Aurora,' Almas, Boletlana,
Jemtchug.1' Pamyat, Asova. -Admiral
Kornlloff, Vladimir Monomaph, Oenerai
" Admiral and Svietlana, Rear Admiral
- Knkvlst. seoond In command la on board
' tho Alma v v- "". ; .
' Destroyer Blestyaschtchl, ' Beau,
prttchnl. Bystri, Bravl, Bledovt, BodrL
Bealda th above th squadron eon
'taina 1 torpedo boat and numerous
transport and collier .. .
i It i not known definitely what ships
"Admiral Togo has with,-him in Ma
layan water became th compoaltion
of the aquadron with which Admiral
Kamlraur Is blockading Vladrvoatok Is
unknown. '' But It may be - taken for
granted that Togo hla with him all th
. battleship and th moat powerful of
the cruiser . . " '
-: ' Tha battleships are tha Bhlklahlmu,
" Aealh, Fugl, Tashlma, Mlkas (Togo
flagship) and Chin Ten. The crulaers
are the Aaaraa. Toklwa, Idsumo, Iwake,
:. Takumo, Aeiuma, qhlyoda, Kssagt,
Chltoee, Itsukuablma, Hashldat Mat
aushlma. Toahlno. Nanlw Takaehlho,
(Aktauahlma, NllUk Truhlnia,--uma,
Akasbl, 8a4 Tan, Mfyako, Takao, Tae
yama, Tsukushi. Kauuragi and Tama
to. Bra Idea theae Japao. has a large
fleet of torpedo boat and destroyers
-nd - auxiliary fleet that ".number
" some 40 atearoehlpa. - moatly -belonging
to the. Japan Steamehlp eompany and
. avalltbla.foi; scouting work. -.-
A. dispatch .to the Central News front
"Toklo aay that a aleg ha been offi
cially declared to have - existed since
'April II , within tha harbor limit and
in tha vicinity of Mekong, Pengu island
- and Peaoadore A naval -court of in
quiry haa been created at Mekung, and
a temporary naval prison establlahed. '
. A St, Petersburg dispatch state that
advtrea received by the Russian Ad
miralty do not mention any wounded
men being aboard the hospital ship Orel
at Saigon. It is understood the Oral
lreveo Saigon at once to Join the main
v fleet, which may be oft th coast wait
In for a hospital ship.
A Berlin dlspsteh state that Oef
i m1:i t:;it.)
1 .-
r-r -y? . r J N
Mist. Rom Harriet Pastor, the Jewish Poetess of New. York's East Side,
;"' Who Is'to Marry A. O. Phelps Stokes, Jr, the MiUiotiairs Slum Worker
Heads Band of Horsemen Who
f.- Swinging. Hats and Yelling
Thanks Citizens for.,
; ''' -JearaU ' Special SerrlM.) -.Texlino,
Tex, April le.-Telerdy
evening, P riWltult, ' the preaidept
made- flttlo final event of the day of
fun,. At the head of aom I horaameif.
he dashed through the - atreets -of the
little town, all wliglng hat and yell'n
Ilk madmen.- Aft-tbanktnar tqe people
of the town for their"' consideration In
lettinr Mm alone to enjoy himself, the
president retired te his ear, where he
detailed his exploits with the wolves to
tat newspaper, men. It was snnonnced
this morning that-th Colorado head
quarter of Secretary Lob and other
of th party erho do not hunt will be at
QlenwoodSprlnga, . , , , ..
Th president arrive at Colorado
Spring at 7:10 o'clock p. m. and leave
at o'clock for th west. He will be
escorted to th reatdanoe of H. B. Stew
art for the purpose . of selecting his
hunting outfit .-. '
President t Roosevelt will become
owner of the monster Colorado Midland
mogul engine NolS. which haa been
Smashing : Saloon , Crusaders
Sentenced to Jail -. and
Mulcted for Cash. ' i
' (Jeareal BpeeUi SerrM.t .;, ",,; i
-.Wichita,- Kan.. April 14, Carrl Na
tion waa sentenced to four months In
Jail and a fin of tKO by th district
court today, i Mr Myra McHenry waa
sentenced to 'two months and a fine of
fit. Mr Lucy Wllholt to :S days in
Jail and 1150 fin .
Qreat excitement prevail here over
th eenUnoe which were uspnded
pending good behavior. , Judge Wllaon
irned - toe crusaders to refrain from
saloon araaahlng la this Judicial dtatrlot
, - (yearnal Special Servtoe-V . ' '
Omaha,, Neb., 'AprU 14. The "vivi
section of a cat by Jama Brown, a
Omaha medical student, - ended in hi
sweetheart' breaking their engage,
meat, and the student took cocaine, con
vinced that' life waa no-longer worth
living. The girl's horns Is In Craia,
Mo. In hla delirium. Brown told In a
rambling way how a he pleaded with hlra
to abstain from the" practice or Vlvl-
aeotlon. When he wrote telling her he
had aaalsted In the vivisection of cat,
she replied by returning . hi diamond
engagement ring.. Moaning In - bed to-day,
the young man- declared he never
Intentionally done a cruel thing In. his
life. It la doubtful If he will recover;
- ' (Jearaet-Special tWrlea.) . ,
Burlington, Iowa, April 14 Mrs; Net
tle Craven, who brought suit - for th
atata of th lete Senator Fair of Cal
ifornia, wa adjudged inaan today and
sent to the asylum. Mr Craven-eon-tested
with tha heir of th eetate'ths
million left by Fair upon th grounds
of a pencil will, whloh was afterward
proved a forgery, ' .
Athens, AprU 14 Th spread of th
Insurrection . In Cret ha - caused th
Italian and Anatrlan government to
end fleet there. 'Their arrival ia re
ported today. British war veaaal have
bean la Bud bay. tot several days, - ' (
. (
Dash :,TTi rough - Frederick, Okla.,
Like Mad Men -Roosevelt
Letting Him Alon. Ji
i: ' n.
lected'to haul hla train ta Newcastl
The locomotive -w I -h tlo.000 tound
and ' vaiuod rrw.f ; t rmta
tlon will be mad , by ' John If Jpklnaon
on behalf of bth Colorado Midland aad
th train crew, so ,tbat when he return
from Newcastle be, will be JbaHied by hi
iovn engia. i i T - - . A " '
V There has been a fresh snowfall and
th- road to amp Roosevelt are impas
aable. -Everything la reporttd in good
order' and there will be no dearth " of
gam" ' Four bears have already been
located and are being watched and trap
per are; following the tracks of half
doson other :" . . .
The limiting party In Oklahoma se-
cured total of 18 coyote The bide
wUI be eent to the White House. , , I
The president's special passed Texllne
at o'clock this morning.' H wa
met at Emplr . Gap by -Governor Mc
Donald and party, who will accompany
th special to Colorado spring A re
ception Is planned on th arrival of 'th
train at Rueblo at :4 o'clock. ' " V
Six-Story - . Tenement in New
; f York Destroyed Flames
i ; Sweep MaineTown..
aearaal Special Servk.) - , i T
New Tork. AprU 14. FIv v peopl
were badly burned or Injured. In fir
which destroyed a U atory tenement
sweatahop la Hester street early, this
morning, The fir spread to adjoining
building -, and . caused ' a panic - in ?th
neighborhood. The toss IsHlM.OOO.
Th fir oauad a panlo among th
Inhabltanta, moatly. Russian . nr.. Pollah
Jw aad scenes of wildest disorder
and eonfualon -prevailed. Many , heroic
rescue, were mad by. th polio. . '
" "".- S (Jearaal Saerial Servteat-
Bpnngvale, M.' AprU-14. Thi t
wa. threatened' with complete" destreo
tlon by a Or which-atarted early this
morning In, a sho factory. . Portland
ws asked, for - asslstane : Two- shoe
factorle. a-emirch ' and many ether
buildings wsre destroyed.' - The fire was
not controlled luntll It had wiped ewt a
large part of th business section and
many, residence' ' The loss la lQ,vO.
A v " (Spfctal Dlesetrh t tie JoaraaL) ' ' 5
McMlnhvlU Or, AprD 14. The Inter
colleglat Pronlbltlon - contest will be
lield here , tonight. The contest 1 to
select champion to represent Oregon' In
the Interstate content.- The following
ara the orator who will compete tonight
ad th collage they represent: Pacific.
I .out Saunders; Delia Cheater -Get ee
Albany. Mlaa A. Carlo Marster; Philo
math, Mr R. W. LswU; McMlnnvllle,
Miss W. .Myrtle Cala van; Oregon Agri
cultural. Mia .Alice Wicklund.
' Th orator winning f Irat and secord
place-will represent th atat In the
Interalat contest. ' " .,
(Jearaal Upeelal Serrle.) V
- New Tork. April 14. Th indictment
for conspiracy against ' Nan Patterson
charging her with conniving " With J.
Morgsn Smith and Mr Smith to wrong
fully obtain money from Caesar Tousg.
dismissed, ; ..; y. . , ....... ,
Hia' APrat
' r : -..-, 'T7 : ."'..", .'';.: ' '-.'.;.."-!-.";.;,.,,
'.m f : Inferos
r v - ..
itens " Con
FV: r-injs and J
At t"-i Cxrr.i Tim Will
- Parallel Pnu.V.t Une,-
, . IJaavaat Special arvl1 ,
Chlcatro, IlL. April 14 Mayor Dunno
(oday practically issued an ultimatum
to- traction -eompaaiea In declaring that
he contemplated th eoxtatraotlon of
parallel line of street railway In order
to affect Immediate . muntolpal owner
ship and avoid paying. th exorbitant
price demanded by the railway com
panies for these, line The mayor aatd
b waa conaulUng expert and legal au
thorities with this end In view.
"Action and not talk" la what will
count from ,ihie time 'forward, - Judge
Dunn said when asked' If he ooold give
any detaUa regarding hi method of
procedure-in arriving at a noasummatlon
of his policy of Immediate municipal
ownership. , ' y
- -Insld of six months, Ji nty Jd.
ment. w can obtajn a v jct in th
circuit or auperlor courts 'ut condemna
tion proceeding fixing the value of th
traction propertle It may not, how
ever, --be neceaaary to oomatence uett
proceedings If th traction companies
and . the otty ; f Chicago ara abl te
conduct negotiation aucoes fully. :
. "If condemdKClon prooeedl t
eaaary w can obtain a .1 rdlct aad
Judgment lnid f Ut r nthj' d
upon th aal o th J r -
t.ataw'w' -lxrtreMi .-..j-the
Verdict and judgment, and 1 ease
of failure, to accept th asms ; we oaa
deposit -the money witkv . the- rounty
treasurer -of Cook county ind take -immediate
poaaeaslon f )the-roperUe
r Thereafter. If llUgatlon- be had,- H
will be .carried on .while w ara in pos
session of th propertle - (
- "If the traction eompany will not
accept a fair prlc th ;clty should at
one begin construction o a competing
line and at th nam time begin the
condemnation proceeding This la the
policy . I favor and the policy Which I
wur carry-nut." , - ;
Freniie.nnancier Arraigned on
the Charge of Abetting Cash-'
- ler Spear In Bank Wrecking j
', tJoaraal Special Serrle)
aevaland. April 14. Mr Chad wick
wa arraigned la th United State dis
trict court today, and pleaded not guilty
to a new Indictment charging ner with
Raiding and abetting Cashier Spear tn
making false entries in th book r th
Obwlin- bank, and making antra its la
ments to- th bank xamlnr.
- The court Increased Mr Ctiadwtck
ball from t0.00 to t J 7.00. Spear wa
arraigned and pleaded not guilty. ;
' (foeraalj Spestal Sarrte)
Hoviton, Ttx., April 14. The Humble
oil field waa th aoene of a most an
usual phenomenon yesterday. An up
heaval took place in the section (surrounding-
the Swayne-Underwood well
which was of volcanic violenc A solid
column of earth to feet tn diameter waa
thrown 100 feet In th air. Th derrick
was torn to atom th drilling machin
ery which wa on th edge of th crater
tumbled In and waa burled. - - 1
A aort of mud followed th eruption,
boiling up, filling th chaara and run
ning stream from It. Sand, oily muck
and stone war hurled heavenward and
fell over an area of many acre
Accompanying th -eruption was- aa
Immense Volume of xas which ignited
from the furnace 100 feet back from the
well. The flame burned 100 feet In
the air with a great roar.' ' They dlmltf
tahed until In th afternoon when there
waa only a flickering In th fissures
about the point1 of dlstnrbanc and in
the evening went entirely ouC - -. .,
- . : (Jearaal R rectal Serv1ca.t
-Coffsyvlll lCsn., April ,14-Thl City
I ridding Itself of the negro element
which for year ha been notorlou bar
Armed dtlsena are patrolling the
atreet every man taking hla gun With
him to work. Twenty-two negroee were
captured In the' dive last night and
will be driven oat of town today. ' Th
raid continue. . The -negro assailant ef
Mr Griffith Is yet.uncaptured. , . J :
'--- ---
' I . ,iv t. 'v;-- -. j i... ....-. ;"-.'.. .1. --y . ... '., L
I (Jncmui ftperlal Sw rli ,' V
'Auburn. Cal April 14. Adolph Waber
was yeaterday sentenoed to . be hang.d
on June 10 for. the tourder Of bla
mother. - A motion for a new trial waa
denied. Thirty flays wre granted tor
Ut parfeoUcf f aa Appeal ,, f-
(.U-:.-,' . : : ';';;"'
By 131 to 48'A. 0. U.'7i
Adepts WewFUa.
: - -
Oregon Grand Lods Acquiesces
in Recommendation of Su-
preme Lodg and Will Ad-;
t w Joum Thi Afternoon, -r J-
. After a contt covering a period of
everal : ytar th' Oregon Jurisdiction
of th Ancient Order of United. Work
men today adopted a new plan of Is
urance reoommendad by .'the- suprera
lodg of th order. Th deciding vot
waa taken at ' soon, ' following three
hour of heated debet and th new
plan waa Indorsed by more than two
third trot of th meeting, there blng
11 votes to par , . . , - '; . . r
Th tout vot aat waa lit, whereas
US vote were neceaaary ta .adoption
of the plan. Th vote rltd: " For
th plan,- 111 against It 41. Th dis
cussion that began ytrdy at th
opening session of th (rand lodg was
concluded this forenoon. D. Soli Cohen,
P. H. iyArcy and other mad speeches
In opposition tP th supreme Jod plan.
in oppoamon to yoe snpreroejooji
Strong argumenta wireasad is favor of
.J 7. Z- ... . r,..!,- in r u-.
the plan by W. M. Colvlg. W, XX Hare,
Ralph ireeny ana otnr - , ; i
:VA tnsnal fatsmll K' J
' Manr believed, that on th result Of
tff final vote 4 ndedth life of th
A. O. U.,W. in Oregon. -. The calling of
the. roll waa frequently Interrupted by
round of applause from' th contn'"s
-a. .whe-. r' wI'W'tW o J
u, 4-the.r Aa i tPP Qt- agatnec 't . l . &
When th grand recorder anacanoe t ta
final result there was prolonged oueer-
ITh ran4 lodg Will. It I 1 toved!
comolet 1U. work -this afternoon and
djourn to .th ,July mtlng of .110.
Upenaing xne rsgutar grana vs
meeting -this year. , Amendments ta th
tat constitution, conforming It to. th
new insurance rat plan, war -reported
by the Jurisprudence .committee, and
adopted. , A three-year contract for pub
lication of the official paper will be
made, andjlhla w,lUnSh.0,-
nesa of the aesalonv
"' WksS Kb W Pka b.
, Tba new lnsurancs plan provide for
a reserve fund, a srnaranty rund rrotn
which part of th death loss aa well
a th aaamnta of ' members trver
ti may be paid, and optional assessment
plana from which new members may
oheeec that which - beat meet " their
need "A new member may take th
level rate plan, which flxe hi asssaa
ment at th aam rat throughout th
period of hi Insurance, ofn may take
th classified rat "under which be ad
rancea every five year to an older
eJasa with correspondlsg Increase tn
the amount of hla assessment. , Thar
are various combination , rate plan
made no from feature at both the
level . and classified rate aad under
the combination the- member stay
make tha coat of hi Insurance suit his
rireumatanoe He can pay th current
Mat under the elaasifiM rax) piaa. aa
on as he please aad at any time be
can trans far to in level pino, at ion
age and coat as ha cn
t Aim OMs
A member at year may take the
40-year rat f assessment by paying
Into th order aa amount equal to the
reaerve fund hla certificate would have
accumulated had ho Joined th order at
the as of 4 on the level rata plan, As
between th classified, ' level rat and
combination plans. It is simply. ques
tion with th member whether he de
sires to pay an increasing cost from
year ta year, tn accordance with .the
death rate of hla class, or whether be
I willing to pay more than th mor
tality coar while young In order that he
may hav th benefit of pay Ins lesi
thaa th mortality cost when h get
old. All members pay percentage
Into the guaranty fund until they have
reached th age or . armr.wnica iney
pay only th mortality cost. - .
The new plan will result in Increasing
th assessments against o)der members
of th order who continue to carry th
full am on at ef their oertlf lost of In
urano and there are provisions te
enable any member to red nee the amount
of his policy.-or take a-half-oaah pay.
ment option. or a paid-up certificate
option. Ia eeveraj way b can keep
hi a ment down, but In each of
these proposition he ia bound to make
up the amount of natural accumulation
that would hav accrued to hla policy
had he paid tn a resry percentage from
the beginning. - - i -
.Th new plale-,1 aaid to b baaed on
strictly - aclentlf lo laauranc , principle
It advocate la th lodg are enthusi-
sstld ever Ua adoption. They aay th
Oregon . grand lodg which In recent
year haa been anable to make progr
la securing new member will put a
large fore of snt In th field and
greatly Increase the membership tn tola
tat- ' S .' '' :
- (Josrsal Special Serrle
Mllwauke Wl. April 14. Charles
Winter Wood, colored, a graduate of Be
loll rollege, 4s engaged to Miss Portls
tVsablngton, dsughter . of Booker V
Washington. Wood wa th atar orr tor
Of hi clan and a- leader In athletle
U t--i with th clap ot ll;J
Internal Disturbances In Vicinity
V; Uad to, Belief That VoU-
cano Is Susy. ! s
Railroad Fill at Sam Time Set
; tie Adjoining Mesas 1
" - '""Ar Caving In..;--"-).
... aJearssl Speelat' Sarrlet.!
. filaaon, : Cal- - Asril 14. Is Mount
Shasta, active aaalnT --'J-
Tom open by aom powerful lntarnai
dtsturbancs 1 th condition of a vacant
-r..KtH, r-vmnrti'i tlverv Stabla
notTUJoIHtng A. Kblatlka s uvery svarn
I .nrmmt tanrM eraeks have otMned.
her ..Great Jsgged crack hav opened.
from which constant stream of oars-
oolored, oUy mud are flowlngln-sreat
quantities.. About the earn tint th
upper aid of b bit fill across Big
csnyosl sank 40 feet
TblS pbebomenon occurred at if:
b'elock Thursday
morning. . Th fill
las-X.--' "-Jr butttjajbwl
Pyeara saw ty -.aaoM Hallway eonv
pany, and waa considered . One of the
safest. fUl an tha entire road. - Th
Inking of th flU 'and th, upheaval
t 8iaaon.'at the same tlm Slvea aYousd
to much Speculation a to th probable
-' Many of tha older cltlssns ar Inclined
to' f avbr tft theory that Mount Shasta
ta ofi"TB-verg - of npheavaL1 When
th mud first began flowing from th
lot abovs th livery stabl Mr KoIetka
was at th barn alon' She aaw' that
ha mud would flood the town -If left
to Ita own eours so gav th alarm
snd soon bad . men at work digging
trenches from th barn to th main
ewer ditch. - Th trenohe however,
esnnot carry the volume of flowing
mud and the streets below ar . gradu
ally flUlng-.- T""' '-r '
Some of th mud was thrown Into
clear water and an oily substanc oon
covered the top. of . the water,-which
Indicates the presence of much oil. It
lav reported - her that the ' mean above
town la gradually -sinking tn several
places. I i ... '.--y.- ,,'(,,- ' '
' ' j (Jearaal Special Sarvkk V7; '
San Francisco, , April . 14. A dapper
young man wltha jupooth tongue ae
cured entranewto th bom of Mr Eva
Wangenbelm, 170 Broadway, Wednes
day morning, snd when he left. Mr
Wanganhelm raiised a diamond sun
burst pin valued at 1400'. th property
of her daughter, which had reposed on
a bureau In the room Into which Mr
Wangenhalm Invited th stranger while
h outlined th object .of his visit.
He declared he was a repreeentatlv
of an eaatern firm of photographers,
and the firm was preparing to exhibit
a few of - th choicest - samples of ita
work at the Lewi and Clark exposition.
-The stranger' paid Mr Wangenbelm
a flattering- compliment - on her look
told her that an enlarged photograph of
herself -would be aa admirable thing
to -display -at th fair. It would Imme
diately attract attention, and the firm
could guarantee It would be a satisfac
tory representation or per. - - -
Tha atranger - was handeom a Mr
Wangenhalm afterward explained to the
police, and a "good tamer. nne gave
him a sUmp photograph of herself to
snlara - Then he bowed hlmseir out
snd it wa not until some tlm later
that" the disappearance of th pin waa
discovered. -
" tKpKlal Piapeteh t Tke Jeemal.)
Delia. Orv April 14-Th presbytery
of Wlllsmett met in conference in the
Presbvterlan church "In thi city Tnes-
day. evening and adjourned late Wed
nesday . evening.- Hev. w. , ,iv wardi
the last ' moderator preeent,' occupied
the chair.-' Report ahowed that more
than twice aa many member had been
taken Into ; th ' church '. the last year
thaa the . previous year. Rev. T. P.
Howard and Elder Portmlllar of Albany
war elected commissioner to the gen.
rat : assembly, which- meet In Wlnon
Ind.1 in May. The Ladles', rresbyterisn
society met at the. same time la the
Evangelical church. Tn service wer
well attended. : l , .
. ".(Jearaal SpeHel SarvKe.)
tendon. April 14. Secretary Ian-
down haa notified tha houe cf com
mon that Irealdent Poosev-'t lvl
tstlon to send a repr -" t- l
Mce r"" ' ""? halt if ! .
Li . i ! -
Th Jsurnxl .
Dcmsnd Thst Heat E!:r-
kets'of PcrtknJ Shc!I
v Bc Kept CIccn.
Business 1 Men ' Who - Refits td
Put Their Premises In Proper '
Order Will Be Boycotted : -
byWomen' Clubs, f fC
!There Is probably, no "city or' town"
In the Uplted State that need be either
mlagoverned or filthy if th raspect
abl people would Intelligently, unit In
th assertion of their right" -Dr. T.
Mitchell Prudden.- ,r, ;
On a btg blackboard. In bold- ehaliu"
this declaration of principle confronted
very person who entered the Portland
School of Domestic Science thi morn
ing. It had been Inscribed a the battla
cry of the boats who have determined
that Portland market must be cleanly,
and tha trend ot tn meeting held by
the4 women of the school Indicated
strongly that no effort would be left...
untried to carry the campaign agalnat
filth to aucceaa, even-at the cost of boy
eotts and the publication of the merr -.
chanta who may be designated as "un
clean." -
" There wer prhapalSrprntattv
woman presenj: when Mr Honsyman. -.
th president, called- f or . order and
briefly stated th objects of the meet- '
ins.. ,- ". - ; -
.' '1 want you to know," said she. -that
th condition aa wa found them ar
even worse . then they hav , been re
ported la the daily paper . We found
wig conditions that could not b
S-aNBS, - . i .- t
Thi ststement alon was enough ta
put th audlenc as tlMT keen edre of
xpectation, and aa the aickenln storlf
of "filth In the Portland -markets were
unfolded-the.espreeslona -of disgust n
th recital and rof 'determination for
reform were general. . . -v . , . i
"Mr Henry B.' Jone apote of (he
movement started three years ago. which
aceomptlshed some little good, but had
no permanent effect as recent develop- .
ments Jndicat. : : .. . -
linvJieaxtliyIn.favo.rloflj heavy
penalty being imposed on thoee who do
not keep their market clean," aatd aha, :
"and I abould hav no hesitancy in giv
ing their name te the paper" -
Dr. Ma Card well congratulated
womankind on th growth ot her In
fluence In the peat few year and tha
attention with which ahe la lleTned to
Twice wa hever nkM fur n..t
pector." she said, "and twice we have
been refused.' But now I nolle th
very -councilman who- were against the'
proposition sre for it.. The women hav.
th matter in hand and will e that
It 1 passed." -
Th epeaker reviewed the manner of
the' government's Inspection of meat,
but deplored the fact that there was
no ' local inspector for local- importa
tion ; She gav it aa her opinion tnst
heg cholera had never been exterminated
from Oregon farm but diseased meat'
has been Imported continuously j. sine
tha first scare of a few year ago. ,
' ' - Xras rutk. -. , '
Thi dlaeas shs added, was similar to
typhoid fsver la. a human-being, and
while cooking might kill the germ it
did not deatroy the toxin, which will In
time manifest Itself la condition of,
general unheslthfulnes.
"A government Inspector told m
concluded Dr. Card well, "that fertland.
because of Ita peculiar commercial con
dlttona and situation, needs a meat ln-.
spector more then almost any othsr city
In the United Bute That la a bold
assertion, but I believe it. . Not half of
pur meat bear th government tamp."
Mlaa Ldltan A. Tingle, on of th ex
plorers, remarked that ' aha waa glad
all of thoee present had not aeen what
the members of the committee saw, "for
we have . lost . our appetite . h de
clared. . l .-- - ".
"Th thins Which impressed me.most
of ' all was that svery merchant said
th asms thtng' We. never heard a com
plaint before." This show a lack -of
Interest somewhere," . continued Mis .
Tingle, "and apparently no one Is to
blsm but all of us sre." The speaker ,
drew attention to many apeclflc cases
of Altblneas found by the exploration
party.- . . ,.,-.-..,." .
r.'V-.' s Pood Waa Preah. -. '
"Moat of th cook book tell you
not to wash poultry, but to us a damp
cloth. If you had sean what we hav
aeen, you would want a scrub brush an-l
Be polio, hs declared- "Don't be arrald
to talk to your marketman. 1 Condemn
blm If be deserve it: and don't fall te
commend him If conditions In hla shop
warrant It. The trouble I that toe
many of u never fo near the market
to-Inspect eo million The telephone 1
used too much."
Dr. Wood Hutchinson happened hw
He took op the ordinance of Council.
man Zimmerman - and briefly - outline 1 .
Ita contents. It provides' for the o-
polntment of a city meat inspector, i
shall have two deputies (nil lni;t i
tt before the slaughter.' , -
AS It I" ald th doctor, "Portlar "
get the aoourlng of three stat I .'
th government Inspector ?-t-" s a r '
ot beef en the hoof. Port i
run and purch"e It, ' t i '
people li 11 h i
t a pe i . 1
r y . - ' '
"-1 r-