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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 13, 1905)
- 1 - ziU'jj'l-tLai - . ; I ' ' ' t , '' ' .- '' . .. ', . ..." v ':l m Amerlcflir Coral Marbla Company . Opnina Work on Pjrinc of , , ,.!, ,. 'l FRANCIS CLARNO 13 IN r f CHARGE OF OPERATIONS ; , M. , - 'J(J ..:t Building" Wharf and Will Soonfiv .stall Cutting Machinery and;,' v T Needed DerrioJca. f. ; Portland, nan are interested In th marble, auarrlcs of Prince of Wslea Janda, neat JCltcblkan. Alaska.. ' Francis Clarao, manager for tat American Coral Marble ' company, the loeal concern. Is th property arranging for the ax tensive worn, planned .xor this w Contracts hav been mad ' for-i- the buildings to accommodate the work' mjta and for the wharf, by fcneans .of 'wnicn- ioe maroie wui do oeijvereo o deep water veasels. - An order Is said to have been Disced for quarry- machln try, to be delivered by the lattsr part of the present month,' . ".,v '.. .' i The marble deposits at the north end of Prince of Wales - Island ere wall known on tbs coast, but they have, never . been . worked, thoroughly. On othef eomnanr la en rased near -the Portland concern, employing , to 1 saen'thls SDrlns. The Portland people are situ ated on what 'Is known" a the north arm of Motra sound,: where deep water to navigate ci in vessels ar able ta the shore.' i Many tests .hav been" made of thta marble, and It takes a n a poiian ss -the -best liv the-anarkeW-and-l highly commercial in respect . to color.1 in .deposit la exceptionally large, slabs as great dimension as eaa be handled peine; available ven at the sunac. : . - t '. Z -''V :M0RNING'T0 BfcSULU. 7 BY THE' STATE CpURT -Judge - Bellinger yesterday dissolved : the temporary restraining order Issued out of his court forbidding sale Of the 'Morning mine on execution- f the state circuit court. - The Morning is situated in Baiter, county..., .Qebts had acoumu lated against it aggregating aaveral thousand dollars, principally for equip ment and labor, ; These claims weremt 1 in thQ form of a Judgment, and sale of the property ordered, when C. IS. fat ' ton and others intervened on th (round that they bad an Interest or title prior to the time, when tb debts were in curred. Attorney 1.- C Richards of Bumpter appeared for the creditors yes terdays afternoon, , and - when. e . haa finished hie showing the restraining or der was lifted immediately, leaving the . W . K .1.... I a., ' " . (geeeUl'lMsMtcti to ta tasraai.)- Nf Comer, Or., April 1 J. Superintendent W. E. Olfford of th Present Need, ' ASrned by th T. T. Moray . UU Of Portland, reports that he baa opened a ' grade of or equal to that mined in tn early days of tb property. It la th : belief of the management that th old shoot was cut by tart dlk, and th pr body Just founds! .it '.portion b- yond the. f suit the' Present Keed - was running on or takear frost th up- per workings th grade of rock Was ex . ceptlonaiiy nign ai though Me snoot aid not hav great width. A snodern arras tra, run with steam power, extreated the preolous metal wth marked ucos,"and a deep tunnet was driven to -open tn , sam or , body. ' . ' ; vkxmk nn ;kat . BAsnrat. ' ; (Sptclat' Ptepatek'te tb leoraaL); ' --Oregon City, Or AprU 1-Matt and Theodore Huerth, owning a group of . mining claims t . miles seat of . this piece, bellev tbar hav th rar metaL radium, lo their ores. Work' has - been ' prosecuted on th properties for a gold. copper ore, but recently specimens of tb . ore, shown to an eastern man who aa serted familiarity - with anineralology, 'were pronounced to carry radium. The statement excited sufficient'. Interest with the owners to hava thorough analy sts made, and a eonalderable quantity of quarts has been brought to this city and senfto a metallurgist for thorough test. AaAxjr.. ' (Special Msateh Tb VoaraaLt Eugens, Or., April II. -Reports "hav been received here from Blue river to th-effect that th stamp mill of th Oreat Northern has resnraed again. Af ter starting up recently milling was sus . panded on account of th heavy sprtsg storms. " Hauling or from the tunnel to the mill In heavy, weather proved a serious prooiem, causing in manage merit to stop redaction until th weather improved. Spring'' is now so far ad vanced that it la bllvd that no fur ther interference with hauling will oc-" cur. The aerial tramway will se erected . later Jn th ssson, . ("peclal Dlipatek t Tb JootmI.) Oallce, Or April IS Manager J. R, Harvey is cleaning up at th Royal dig gings, after ths first half of tb season's run. While but on giant was used much of th latter part of th first' half, water will no doubt continue for the remainder of th season. , ., ouDiroAxa wian boas. nrll btinatcb te Tk loraaI.I 1 ' OlendaJe, Or April II Cltlxsns ar investigating th feasibility of eonnect Ing the town with th Mule Creek min ing district, which may b reached from Balling Povjdor tJOT AIJ EXPERinETJT ' Twenty - years of success . from Maine to California is its record. y-r.-'C-.:": vv"''' :i Day It Ct for Taking Aetiort oh tho' Hirper Caein Irrlga- " tion Scheme. ; X A 1 , . . , s GOVERNMENT ENGINEERS 1 1t TO 'MEET AT ONTARIO Road Company Aske for an Ex ', :,t tenilon of Time in Which tft nitnnie I anr4e -V Bpui Dtesatek te The oifeell. r . i & i , . . .1,1 A, . i- Maineur 4rrtgauon project, or what la sometimes failed th Harper basin reser vorr"prejeeV located In Malheur county, will he constructed ' by th government or not, will b definitely 'known after April . 10, Tb oeverBateat noonsultlng engineers will hold meeting in Ontario on the -above date and will determine th advisability of going ahead with the work, for which $2,600,000. was sat said by th secretary of the Interior in 1104. , John T. Whistler of Pendleton, engin eer in charge of th- work in Oregon, has Intimated that If to per cent of th deeded lands under the proposed system was 'Signed . up. before April 10 th Har per Basin reservoir ana irrigation- sys tem' would bo' built, but If the, abov amount of land could not be secured by the abov date th project, would t All probability be abandoned. . ' . ; , It also aeems that th government will not accept th Malheur Water Users' association' bonding proposition, ' which was to. bond the district In the sum of r,60 for thpurpo' 6r buying out th present owners pf irrigation dltobes and vested water. r,ghts.,..v,,,',.v v." ',; -- Ooafldas, of ossso. .- 'I'.., - President C Efc Balding and Secretary F. W. Metcalf of . the Malheur Water Users' association, who "have, labored diligently--with-th property' owners of this section,-ere confident that the Malheur project will be ' constructed by tb government. Secretary Metcalf cites th fact -that the Malheur oltuation is far In adVanco of the Payette-Bolae pro Ject IB Idaho, which, now. seems to be almost, assured of construction. Willi only about per-cent of th land haa. been signed up under the. Pay. ette-Bola project, about . 0 per 'cent of the land ha, been signed under the Mai&eur project. Th Willamette Valley and Cascade Mountain Road company, which owns a largo body of land under th proposed project, and haa bean reported as op posed to the government plan, seems now to look With favor upon th proposition. Colonel. C. -JB, 8. TVood of Portland, agent for th road company", in a, letter to J. wL Blockaby. p reel dent of the Bank of 'Ontario, says: .' The talk in the newspapers about our keeping out 7 f HagoTornmnt. plan la. ueiw expect to cone In." Ths letter further ays that they are. trying, to got con cessions along certain lines and with this assurance they" are ready . to com tn at -any- time. It lo ndrstood that th concessions tbat th road company aaks of the government la a longer time In whKh to dispose of-, their lands. Knot aaaaAa. - According te a proviso -of th reclama tion act, no ' property owner -can hold mora than 110 acres under the system. and any parson or corporation holding any more than that amount must dis pose of ths surplus Isnd before that date or th sam will bo sold by th govern, meat. AH that th road company now asks ror ta an extension or tims in which to dispose of its lands and it la believed that th government will grant th ex tension if ths road- company-will oat a price on its una ana sign an agreement not to. raise tno prio.. v, . Th only thing that seeme to retard th progress of th 'plan ta the re. fuaal of certain property owriera, who have partial water rights, to sign their lands with th government. Unci Sam refuses to take bold of the project until all water rights and differences have neon amicably adjusted. Hiindrcfr )'. Pcftlrnd Reidrrs Know Vhst 1 Si 4 J It 4 in.; The kidneys re overtaxed 1 Hav too much to do. . ' Thoy teU about it in many achag and pains. --i Baokach. Sldesxhs. haadach. Early symptoms of hldny Uls. '; -' Urinary troubles, dUbetes, Brlght's disease follow. .... v . f A TorUand cltUen tells hero a pertain euro, .v;.; , ;; ;-;, -: ;''v'-;,,!- John X Keating, painter, of 101 H First street, says: ."I had dull, aching pains in my back . for a number of years. They were often so sever that tjhaa to ault work .for Jlwo- or three days at a time. The. kidney secretions were irregular knd scalding and 1 suf fered also from headache and dim ness. My back was alwayo lam and soro in tho morning. Physicians failed to help mo and aoj modlelno did m any good until. I began using Ooaa'a Kidney Pills. . They' relieved tho urinary difficulty knd th heavy aching ta ths back disappear roe sal by. al dealers. Prle 10 cents. Fostsr-Mllburn Co., Buffalo,, N. T., sol agents for th United AUtea. .... . Remember tho mat DO AN 5 -OJtd tako no other. ' , . , , , .-, TE ETH th road and trail leading to Mt Reuben district. William Mendenhall. whb has a property on Mule crack, has asked mac tne rout d investigated care fully, and that th fW operators of that camp bo aided In getting In touch -with tho outside eworld.'. He would Uk to put on oulpmnt that he may pTose cuts heavier work, and ha asked 4o( asslstanc . from this. - thenearest tup. (Special Dlipatek ta Ttte JeeratL) Cottage Grove. Or., April Is. Late reports from Bohemia indloat suooess- ruKTnlHing at th Oregon Securities plant, wher tO stamps hava been drop ping' most of tb tim sine starting work tner. - Buperlntendent Matthews states that th ore body in th east drift of tho Champion vein has widened in lat work, giving a good milling re serve. V.V "'- 11 ( r I " :. ' i , . -J . XAATa.TAiroorrm ssxaitd. (special pluatcb te Tk lesratli Vancouver, B. C. April 11. The Port. land. -Or., men who took a bond on th Nahmlt property, oa th west coast of Vancouver, hav taken away tho crow. and suspended work. It Is understood that they 'Intend to throw up th bond. A tunnel haa been driven , on tho prop. sny,- out tno ' snowing round there did not warrant further work. 1 WMAXMXM SXOOnrOt AsTZMeVTSB. ' (Special Dispatch to Toe' JoornaU I Prairie City. Or.. April II. Mansser J. W. Messmer of tho Prairie Diggings mine, near jonn Day. is understood to plan reopening the" property eoon. 8u perlntendent Joeeph Wsddell has been esst conferring with Interest there, th results of which hav not yet been an. flounced. The property is In shape to prosoout. steady work this season. XMAtX BBtLUaTw OBSajJUDB. .' ftLswIalon. Anrii 11 Tnh T Bullard, owning ground adjaoant to tb ismuua uarnn-ainf group, Das bonded . , r v . . ... . " wvft, wnv are obligated to do 1.000 feet of dia mond drilling immediately. If this work opens ere up to expectations, tn east ern 4opl ao to oroot a targe mill- ing pianw ; " ' BMXrMXi AT (OUII IUU. (SeeeUI tHeeateh le' Tae iosreal.) O rant a Pas.'Or AprU li. uotllaa have been hauled to tho Oolden Eagle, near here, for th season' work. Abost dosen minors .will Prosecute work during the summer months. Th man agement hopes to bo In shape to con tinue through next winter. - - ; . , That-Willamette Valley railroad snr Urprlse may wak up again before long BTLVXR FIL.L.INU8 .. SO) GOLD FILUN08.....T8D and 91.00 fl AND $10 GOLD crowns .sa.00 and f S.OO FULL. SSTX TBETU... .M.OO Boston Pclnless Dentin ,'.'-:'-" MiVe atoaanoaT art. Ovp. Baolog aVrraak aaa Old Hours l:o. a. m. to p. m.' 0unday, I:t0 a. m. to tllilO p. m. 'To be aura you a re in tho right placo, com in and get bottle Of Vu, S. 1 Needle Fiber -1 i .y ' j Hu bet4 ; aaiatd . qui) ' apV propriatsl. if;! v.. , ' 'I ' Air-6-Pinei -, .... t. , Significant of many ofJta peculiar and aiiperior Quail tie. Mad of th aoft fiber of th ever famous health hrtathing 'pino neodk. ' It bring to your bed tho air of - ths f oreat, redolent with - pHcaltli ' .v,;- .lii1 ' Energy . - Comfort .' i.f.. -1 .;. Equal In comfort to the high est priced mattresc nude, Su perior to all In ha wonder ; ful hjgienie ualitiaa, ' $15.00 (..I.' . J?'ta All ' Vvv : INVESTIGATE 1 ' H,' Hygienic Mattress Company 93 QRAND AVE. ; Phone East 812 , , hy wmtae ef steehef fee I e r , T-iaaee: ear TtTXj Taare. Il aw - m - e. d. rfva Wm nai, altar aa a- . mm m amid en a, eaa is aae seat a. -a tartoa, - ' XmTkm rrIVg tTRMTS A aOTTUL Snatrs"e""i"a's'aa'a"s"s' wanf m w"o w aSasJ extracted and filled absolutely wtthout pain hy our lata sclent I do method, pat ented and Used by, us only. Fro exam ination..,,., . x , aaaTOva nom and those who dread having their teeth extracted ar Invite to call at our office, whor wo will demonstrate to tbetr entire satis faction our, claim xor pauueas sxtract- j '. '. . ."..j-i; '.,,''., . . . .. .... ... (f ,,'). , 'j f l n i:..'i.-.Vif . . . ,i..f.A .1 ; i ' r:rl'f--'r : v- v:rj::'y-;.':,'r-; ;:--r V-': , . .v- - -it-: . . . ..... . -rt.-t .i i , - .:.,. -j. :-,'-( a? j- , ..,...,'. . r- v.' ' j i 'a- a ' -v J. .' V - V '! :: i,)'v.-rV . ... : -.? - ,t'..a:U"-J '; V V'Vt 1'. r . '. t J . t'...V. i : ' : V. ''' ,, ... I f 1 " i . -; ' -' ;' r o j ' - : ,i a. " ' ' . .- o -nrr r vt:'-..r i .ssj. . " .. ' i ... 1 ,.i '.'..-.itf 'it Fancy Hplophane Electric Balls and Stalac- utes will be sold , at If you are in need of any thing M this line how is the time to ; r.-.. ; j ;..V ha- . ' -.),' ,.. Jt w, V.-"-.f .1.' -. r";"' '' i "3 '....lf ' -rt- .. ., Are you INTERESTED in Electric Medical ; ...1 !.',.. :-. ., -t r-- ..v.- . ' , ""' '' ' " -.'!'.''. . ;,. , . " " . . ( , ' ' -'' ' ? ' .-''' '. iii" J "! . ', '- I ' ? If so, call and see our Medic Apparatus. A book of ihstructibns for the cure . (.--'I' O .; -i .V - ' - . . $6.00 ... 4 .v.,. t ' - -en. ' . i . " ' ' ' ' a, - . t .. .. K ... '.. .-a i - 'V -"- .. V :r-- .'b'"'rjVl-' p.. i, .r .... 1'' f .'' .' ' KBKSJ a ' I . Hit ak....-- . . . V- ." .... . r " . ,r v -vj . -. ' .... . f ... .. . , .. . -. .1 f ; 6 r. i..y -i ,.; 4 .i .-.if. .u- V ..4 l .'!, ' - '.' ' -' i :f .! V'. ; ' . ' 1, -,.'.-;.- "'f" t -' . .t . .-- ; ": r- 7: .C " .. -.V- . .' a- ' -i' f'l .. .V;; ' ' . .. ' ! ,: ,. .f. . w V . '. J I J : -.v........ " . . t . .v.. x... - fi' ' ' ' ' . ' ir,-v-, ..... . ? ; . , (....f-.; . '- -f-.':. -i . .-"' ' '.'.' . f .. ' : ' . ;- i- - i .' ' ,.... ; ;M.-' ,C,V !' c 3 -4 i - - rf v 'i f- - . ', ..i.'..'j..-,-.v .... . ft ' I'-t:, vv v J'. . .'. .' 'i .... 1, ..i . , ' -l ... i't'.t ;i , v.- ,S :. '; -"e ... . 1 .. . ;.,t A , t,.t., . . .'j .,,. . ' . rfc . . ft K t- -- J'' .. ... ... -.. i. . V I 'j .'." ' il I, , ... i . . . l. ... ... . 1, ' !. I , -V - ' ' .. -. ( i l : - . ' .A . -I u (, ' .'J . '. ,.J , " 1-, A.!'' f, 'r ' .,!! ' "(. , ' V . ' J! ' - . - - ' '" ' y' ' .V V. J I . ' . - i . ' v-j . f ' V ' r- ' . . ' i' y . T . -.' '' '-' , - .. .,; ? : , .-:.-'-, -; ; ' . .. .4 i ..'.'." " ' '.. i 'v,. . - ' . ' '..' .' ,- .'- . . " " s "" ." 1 v j r, ." ' ' ' I 1 ' ' . . - .-,.... .-(;.' I. .. - . '.' ' " -"I ' .' " " - ." f ; j . : ' (.-.. . . i ; : ' ..A (