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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 13, 1905)
dlltiiuiSTO :;;ed dade l J:ntity of ' Castaway Left - on ; Fray's Doorstep, Revealed by Parent's Love. . . OFFSPRING OF WIDOW TOO POOR TO SUPPORT IT Could Not Live Without Knowing V How It Was, So Telephoned '.'.: " J ' for, News.' V Lov tor their children leads mother . ta do but atranae things. Last Wed- needay night Mr. and Mrs. G. Frey. of 50 Bast . Fourteenth street. . found seven weeks' old babe on their front : porch, - For several days sil attempts ' to discover the parents of the abandoned ' babe proved futile, and at last tney ae- clded to keen th child, as It was a beautiful little boy. Saturday Mrs. Frey answered a tele phone ring; and a woman Inquired con cerning; the welfare of the baby. The voice st the other end of the line seemed vhoked with sobs, and Mrs. Frey became Interested. "The baby la well thank you." she re plied, "bat would you mind telling; me who this nr ' ' , -I do not like to tell you. but I am the baby mother." was the snswer. . '! want to ae you. said Jars, Kref. I wunt to tak .to you about' the babf. You need not be afraid of me. but com ria-ht over." The mother appeared In a Short time. 81) e told a pathetic tale of her experi ences. She was a widow with five chil dren. Finding sh bad to go put to "work to support them, sh did not know what to do with the baby. Brie made several efforts to get people to take it. ' but without avail. She wanted to place her baby where she knew It would be .properly cared ror, snd at last oeciuea to leave It on the vreys' porcn. I Cid It for baby's sake," ahs said. For three day she beard nothing o! lier . child. Then sh decided to tele Phone to Mrs. Frey and ask her bow the little fellow waa . 8h did not mean to reveal ber Identity, but could not help it Mrs. Frey told ber that she would keep the child and car for It as her own. The mother has com the second tlmo to sea the baby, and now ssems iuit happy to think that It has a good DEMOCRATS HONORING JEFFERSON'S MEMORY Parker Heads Lists of New York Orators and Bryan Those at Chicago. v . - Jeorsal Special Berries, t ,". New Tork, April U.Tbere will be a: great flow of Democ ratio oratory In the graud ball room of the Waldorf Astoria tonight, when. In respons to the invitation of the Democratic club, leaders of the party from all parts of the country will gather to celebrat the anniversary of Thomas Jefferson's birth. Prominent among those . who hare accepted invitations and the, ma jority of whom hav already reached the city, ar Oovemor pouglas of Masaachusetts, former Governor Fran- "cis of Missouri, Senator Carmack, Ray tier and Pantet, John W. . Karn of In- i dtana and Congressmen te Armond of Missouri and Ralnay of Illlnole. i Alton B. Parker will bead the list of speak ers taking as his subject, The Future of the Democratlo Party." - ;. ITAJT ZBT OXXOAOO. ' : . (Jearaal Special Bervtce.) - ' Chicago, April 11. Arrangements on an elaborate seals havs been concluded -for th Jefferson banquet to be given st th Sherman bousa tonight. -Among th Invited speakers are William J. Bryan, Mayor Dunn. Thomas F. Wat son. Clarence 8. Darrow. Mayor Tom Johnson of Cleveland and George Fred Williams of Massachusetta ,-. INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS TO STUDY ROENTGEN RAY . (Jearaal Special Boyle.) Berlin, April 1J An Internatlsnsl Koentgen ray congress opened In Berlin todsy. It Is th first of Its kind ever held, and Its purpose Is t show what progress has been mad sine th dis covery of the , rays by, Professor Roentgen. '"..- - During ths several days ths congress will be 'In session lectures .will be de livered and demonstrations made by leading seientlflo men and 1 physicians of various countries. In .connection with th congress there Is sa elaborate and comprehensive exhibition of Roent gen ray appliances and of th literature . on th subject.,. - ... JURY FINDS BOY GUILTY ; OF SLAYING STEP-FATHER . v-;" ; : - .(Special Dlapetea t The JoaraaL) ' Helena, Mont., April lt.Th coro rtrrs Jury st Malta, which hss been In vestlgaUng th death of William Sits, has returned a' verdict chirgttig his II-year-old stepson, William Arming-ton, with first degree murder, The boy, the evldenoe showed, fired five shots at his father, only on of which failed to strike. It. was also shown-that flits was trying to escap when shot - When asked why tie fired after Sits was down. Arming ton replied: - - ,' - "H was not dead yet" - . i He was bound over without ball to th district court :.'';. ' ,T0 DRIVE SMELTER ' ' i OUT OF SALT LAKE (Jearaal BBertal SrHc.) ; Halt, Lake, April II. Papers, were drawn up today for one of th moat far reaching cults In the history of Utah, Farmers In th vicinity tt smelters here will ask th court to permanently re strain all smelters from operating in th Salt Lak valley. ' If an Injunction Is granted It will psralyse the mining industry ef th Inter-mountsln region, throwing thousands of men out of work. Farmers wsht th smelters condemned as a nulssnce and are a detriment to crops. - - -u t- ' BOSS, STW1TT IHUBCTBB. ' , (Josraat SorHal $mr.) ", ' Washington. April II. Mr. Msry Wood Swift of San Franclao, wss to atsy elected preeldent of th National Council of Women, now In seeslon here. Mr a. Rollnda P. Balleyf Han FrsnrlscO is elected corresponding scorrtafy. KOLY WEEK SERVICES BEGIN NEXT SUNDAY s . .... . .. , ... Program .That Will Be Followed at the ' Holy Rosary 1 . Church.-- - 'r t r- '. . . - ,.. - '' : ni ' wv nrWa will commence at Holy - Rosary churoh, corner East Third and Clackamas streeu. nssi Sun day with' the distribution of palms at 10:10 a. m., beror Digit mass. is tarn evening at ISO o'clock devotion of the rosary will be onservea, xouowea oy a sermon snd benediction of the blessed sacrament. At 7:10 p. -m. ' Wednesday the offlc of the tenebra will begin. which, with changes proper for each day. will be repeated on Tiursasy ana n dav. Friday evening Father J. D. O'Brien, O. P will preach on "The Pas sion." Thursday at S a. m. the beau tiful devotion In commemoration of the last supper will taae piacs ana wm continue throughout the day. ' Friday at a. m.. "The Passion" will be. chanted bv throe of the fathers, and the kissing of the cross and the procession of the blessed sacrament will follow,- eonclud- Inr with the miss of the presanctlfled. The ceremonies on Saturday morning will be ' the , solemn . blessing .of: the Paschal candla. the lighting . of ths candle from the new n re, the blessing of the Easter -water, the chanting of the litanies and ths tinging ot th balls. hushed sine Holy Thursday morn, ana lastly, ths solemn high mass, reaouna lng with Easter gladness.- The masses on Bsster sunaay morn' lng will be at th hour of , 7. :30 and 110 o'clock. Miss Elisabeth McMahoa will direct the young women and shll dren In ths singing during th ,:S0 a. m. insssrf M th 10:t0 a. re. msss th Very Rev. A. a Lawler. O. P, will b celebrant; the Rev. J. t. O'Brien, u. r. deacon, and the Rev. C V. Umo, u. r. sub-deacon. Th very reverend lather aunerlor will Breach th sermon. Th mal- ehelr. some or . wnora win ssslst ths fathers In th tenebra on Wednesday. Thursday snd Friday, will on this occasion sing Vld Aquam fOreeorlan). "Kyrle Elelson," "Oioris In Excelslo Deo." "Credo In Unum Deo." Haydn's first mssatn-B- fiat, offertory, Rea-lna, Cocll" (A. Warner), -sancius. "Benedlctus" snd "Agnus Del." Web er's msss in G-wlll be given by request Miaa Nora Shetland la organist and 1. H. Cass choir director. Th regular choir consists of ths fotlowing: First snd second tenors, J; P. Wlldman, J. Bell. D. A. Morris. J. K. Malley, . m. Caas, A. J. Brault. J. H. iniggan; nrsx and second bassos, E. J. Altstock. J. Hoben. A. Hoben,. A. Mortis. H. E. Manning, J. Wlnnerman, :. Thomas Nlc- son. B. J. Edsr, P. H. Coffey and Edward Atkinson. . - i .: - y . LOWER YUKON RIVER OPEN TO NAVIGATION 4aeelal - PlapatcS . te The Jesmel.).-..-. Seattle. .WaslL, AprU is.. . -Aavioss from Sksgwsy stat that th Xuaon river Is open below I Barge. Yes terday afternoon th los at- tha- mouth of the Hootallnqua broka ' Th jam formed by th breaking up, a few hours later, broke and th fore or xn ic is breaking the river below, toward paw aon. It Is believed that by today th river will be clear to Dawson which. If so. will be a full month earner man ver before known. , EQUITABLE INQUIRY TO K ;v..BE MOST SEARCHING (Jaaraal Speebl rvla) New York. Anrll ll.--Henry.C. Frlck. chairman of th Investigating committee of th Equitable Life Assurance society, states the Inquiry of the committee will be very thorough snd President Alex ander has been saked to furnish com plete data regarding th financial trans actions of th society, together with a fult list of .employes and officers, with a statement of salaries and emoluments ro!vd. . '- :- KIRKMAN SENTENCED TO ; ; DISMISSAL FROM ARMY (Jearaal Sseelal serrke J . , ' ' . "Washington. April ' II. Th court, martial In th"cas of Cspt Oeorg W. Klrkmsn, Twenty-fifth Infantry. Fort Niobrara, Neb., has sentenced him to dismissal 'from th army. Th principal charge against Klrkman was his rela tions with th wife of a fellow officer. Th woman' recently committed suicide. CHURCH AND STATE WILU BE SEPARATED IN FRANCE i - (Jearaal Special Servke.) V"' Paris, April II. All theJ amendments of the bill providing for th separation f church and stste have been rejected and th chamber of deputies is now voting upon ths different srtieles of ths but Th first article carried last mgni by a vot of '42 J to 41. . . , " RUSSIAN AGENT GETS BIG SUPPLY OF COAL (Jearaal Special Service.) . Parish April II: Herr 'Bekel, a Rus sian agent has, according to a dispatch from St Petersburg, collected 70.000 tons of coal st Saigon and 60.000 tons at Shanghai for th us of th Russian fleet - ; i " RUSSIANS DISLODGE ' JAPS FROM POSITIONS v ;t ' ill. (.., -v. (Jesiraal SpeeUI Strvteat St Petersburg, April II. Llnievitch reports that ths Russlana rllodgd ths Japanese from positions In Nanchlntsla on April U. ""Notice to All Citizens lit is absolutely necessary for you to register at . the court house before S o'clock tomorrow. It makes-JrO dlffv enc whether you registered for Issf spring. You jnust register now In order to Vote at, the coming primaries. Register now so that you can vol lor W. D. Qlafk a th Republican candi dal for mayor of the city of Portland.. cmvxsu maxxxqu aixsj. " (Jaaraal Special T1c.) Washington, April II. Th navy de partment has been advised that th cruiser Rallegh has sailed from LAbuan. Borneo, for Cuyo. Philippines. Ths Ra leigh Is watching th movement of th hostll fleets, and has evidently been Informed of the departure of th Rus sian fleet northward. ' TO BWlACa oimcams. , ()nra(t Sperl.l BVttIco.) . Washington, April II. Th armf de partment ha asked the Ruaslsn govern ment , to grant It permission to replae the Iwo officers of th UnltM HtatcC army that were captured by th Jsp aneaeat Mukden. .'',".-,", FAIR EXIIIOTO Displays Not in 'Placed by May a Twentieth May Not Com n : pete for Awards.' : l,s BUILDINGS ARE READY r'j. ; VND MAY BE USED NOW Joy at Headquarters Over News of Reduction In Transporta tion . Rates. . - Because ther Is a dlspqsitlsn on Jth part of exhibitors to delay th Installation- ot their displays until ths last mo ment th department of exhibits hss sent out a circular letter advising pros pective participants .that unless tneir displays ar 1 natal led by May 10 they will' be. barred- from'' 'competing, for awards. . This morning Director Dosch began th work of marking, off space for th Innumerable exhibitors In the various palaces; and ' each may begin work "at Onca ... - ' . Ther was joy at fair headquarters ever ths news that th railroad com panies In .ths- oast -had finally fixed a on far plug It for th round trip rat from th At lan tie coast to Chicago for th exposition period. The .official announcement reached President Ooods In th form of a telegram from George H Daniels, general passenger agent of the New Tork , Central lines, - which read as -follows: --T-r "I sm very happy to Inform you that at its regular meeting last Tuesday ths Trunk Line association agreed, sub- lect to th concurrence of th Central Passenger association to ths basis bf rates suggested by you for th Iwls snd Clark. centennial, and at Its meet ing In Chicago yesterday tn Central Passenger association? concurred In these rates, so traffic will b prepared as promptly as posslbls and I shall make th announcement In New ' Tork as quickly aa possible and completely. Ths New Tork Central lines ar glad to- do everything posslbl for th benefit of th exposition," Th dearxn for th souvenir medals of the 'exposition hav been forwarded to th treasury department and, if o- ceptable,Jh dies will be cut and ready for th miniature mint to b operated on th fair grounds by th first of J una The designs were made by R. Caughey and th medal will b th six ot a $20 arold Dieca They will be mad In cop per and In brass, plsted with gold.- On elds will bear the emblem of th I. wis and Clark centennial, th date of th exposition and five stars representing th original Ov states. Tha other side will show a-snap at tha Lewis and Clark territory and th motto, "Westward the eonrs of empire takes It: wsy." .... . The Dixie society of Oregon hss re ceived official notice that Governor Jeff Davis of Arkansas. In response) to its urgent Invitation, hss namsd August II ss Arkansas- day at the Lewis and Clark exposition. This date has been accepted by th exposition management. Governor uavis naa a oouoio purpose In selecting this data Hs deslrsd Ark ansas people to plan to visit th fair at time when tney couio aisor auona in Trans-Mlsstsslppl. congress, in which Arkansas always has been-a 1st rang fas-, tor. Oeqrg H. Brown and '9. I Carra way, of XJttl Rack, th state's execu tive commute la th congress, are mak ing preparations to secur a large at tendance from -Arkanaaa. Mr. .urown has arranged to havs his wlf and son spend ih iiunnn -'. , i i , ;, : CAMPBELL SAYS SUIT RESULTS FROM SPITE C. E. Campbell, whose wlfs conducts a private sanatorium at til East An keny street and who was recently. sued by Nelll Kelly In th east aids Jus tic court for $10 hospital fees, states that th suit Is nothing but spit work. Mr. Campbell ststes that ths sick woman called at ths sanatorium "ona-momlng and naked Mra Campbell If ah might atav ther until ehe got better, tms. It l said, was agreed to, and III of the 2I demanded for her case was paid down. La tor, Mr. Campbelr states thst a man called on tb woman, and after talking with her -a few minutes told Mra Campbell that Nelll Kelly was going to leave, and- that h wanted the money back. This wss refused. Nelll Kelly Jeft Her friend stated that, they were going to th Good -Samaritan .hos pital. Mr. Campbell states that yester day he called up th hospital, but was Informed that no person named Nellie Kelly was ther. 1 Mrs. Campbell says sh is ready to nurse th sick woman, oxahat sb may return to th sanator Inm -an stay according to agreement Mr. Campbell aayg that th patient did not use the bathroom, as Is alleged In th complaint ' ' ; ' Wronged wife shoots . HUSBAND'S COMPANION (Jaaraal Sseelal Service.) ' Cripple Creek, April II. Mrs. Samtiel Vldler, th wlf of a well-known news paper man, who Is chairman of ths Repub lican central committee, shot Mra Helen Coulter Douglas, said to be a society woman of Colorado Springs, through th heart in a room at th National note! her this morning.' . It Is reported sh found her husband In a room with-the woman. . '. ; - i H. T. McCallen and 3. TV. Strang of Roaeburg ar registered at the Perkins. J. M. Bridges -is her from Roaeburg. F. A. Morris ot Newberg. Or, Is at the Perkins. -" - " Z, . .Will Wills Is In from -Athena. ' Dr. Jsy Tuttls of Astoria is among the arrivals at the Portland hotel. Mr. and Mrs..,T. B. Wray of SUverton, Or., ar guests st the Imperial. '1 Ira Krb of Salem Is at th Imperial for a brief atay. -- W. ' F. Rigdon is in . th city froin Salem on business, R. N. Bishop Is registered at th Port Jnnd from OreenbnUc,-Or. Dr. J- C Twltcholl of Roseburg Is In the -eltyT i . asajrtnr Aoromaas o . Chimney Rjp. Sewer Pipe, Flro ProoSng, Drain Tile, Building Brick, Flu Lining, Vitrified Pav ing Brick. -; , . Diamond Crick Co; Offlc end Tsrd root Ankeny St, Portland, Or. Phon Main Hi. people It has been of benefit - thousands of people, and will help you' , ' ; v Amount at the fj' Time of K fft-B : Purchase and a Small Amdiint Each Wt3ek or iMonth will Do the Trick We sell you the same goods at the same prices," on easy terms, as other stores do for. cash. I The selections are just as good and the styles as up- to-date. There is absolutely ' NO . DISTINCTION in the merchandise. i".',;V':rv,r i .a 1 1 '!t - g-a .- t ai - - -v. s 1 i The Store Where Your LAME MAOIS M ATAY FROM GUARDS AndtKsr Prisoner Swiftly Steals From the Crty Roekpils With out Hinderance. . '-. ... OF COURSE, OFFICERS , ( SAY THEY SPED AFTER HIM But No Report Was Mads of the Escape Until Seven Hours Afterward. 4 . tT.m SItnlfli uiitmMX tn 140 davs on v. th rocspu ror vagrancy, eecmpew iron ths- ustodr of Ouards Hellrvr and Tlehnor yesterdar morning. - Th report of th break wss not mad by th guards to Captain Grltsmachsr at police headquarters until they took the roekplls gang la from work at j eolook yesterday afternoon. -: ' This means that Smith was allowed seven hours In which to seek a secure hiding pises or get out of ths city. -' In criticism of, th failar to mak a report, member of th department say thatyone guard rould easily hav watched th men whll th other went to ( Lb t nearest telephone and.cotlfled PTrl (J . . D j isSS "Is .the most important question distant and pocket-books are low, . find themselves.' Wc can icjAdvantagc of Our Unequaled Credit Plan y:E -rr -p-f r x: Tomorrow Night and 9:30 BEAUTIFUL k To aHtadies During No goods soldi, but tumr to inspect our stocic Credit I dood. T.'-.-.J police headquarters that Smith bad es caped. Th guards themselve4 tacitly admit they ar unable to prevent escapes, be cause they cannot shoot escsplng pris oners, who are guilty only of ralsdo meanors. Accepting this statement as true, Jhcrltlc say, on man could watch the prisoners as wall aa two; for a short tlms at least. County Ouarda James 'and Johnson a f sw months ago shot at a victim of th opium habit trying to escap from th county rockptl rand broke his leg. Ther hav been no attsmpts to escape from th county rockpll - since that time; nor has suit ever been brought, against ths guard or th county, by which they are employed. . . . Chief of Polleo Hunt has always been an opponent of ths rockpll. When th Institution whs r-staft)llshed, several months ago, h told all about Its al leged defects. Hs has uinada sevsral changes IS th personnel of th guards owing to escapes, but prisoners gst away with th regularity of clockwork. . It Is pointed out that th adoption of balls and chains would mak eacapes Impos sible. -.To add to th mystery of th latest break, Smith Is a 'lam man. Guards Hellyer and Tlehnor, howaver, vouch for bis ability aa a sprlntsr. ...,. -O. Keith, whs - figured In A recent break from tb elty prison, tried to mmr na with Smith, but was overtaken and held by Guard Tlehnor.- This guard Is a new appoint. . H naa not been reprimanded. . f ' . i ' .''',.'."?, snsw toi wzu The ' New "Tork Stats societyw ''will hold Its regular monthly meeting to morrow evening In ths city hall. An entertaining program will be given and business relative to the Lewis snd Dark fair will b transacted. of the day. . Ecstcr is only It is a dilemma1 in which a help you out, T i ; ' (Fridaj 7:30 we will give ; ; SOUVENIRS Visiting Our Store These Hours, j .tv:,;;- an -excellent oppor 1TTMG C. ; .390 Washington Street IS ACCIDENTALLY SHOT If HUNT Hugh Hiddlesdn of Oregon City , Trip Over Log, Shooting BODY IS FOUND TODAY ' BY A SEARCHING PARTY Youth- - Stuffs - Handkerchief In Wound, r-Trylng i .Vainly to Stanch Flow of Blood.'. ' ' Bieelal Dispatch te The JsarssL - Oregon City, AprU 11. Word comes from th country this afternoon that Hugh Hlddleson, an 1-year-old youth, accidentally shot . and killed himself thrss miles east Of here on Tuesday whll out hunting. His body was found today by k searching party. Ths. boy and hit father want oat to work In, ths timber, leaving bom at 1 o'clock Tuesday morning. Th boy took th rtfl along, atpectlng t hunt, and mad an appointment with his fathsr to meet him during ths sftsrnoon, - At th appointed hour and rise th father' kept hi date, but rould find no t rare of his son. , Hs felt no snalety st first, as bl sod stated that a was a few days ; great many. A COMPLETE STOCK -: OF Ladies' Wearing ;;fei:;Appa Tailof-Made : Suits, Shirt Waist Suitsr-rr Skirte,; Waists, ; Hosiery, Underwear, - K Petticoats; - Feather Boas. Etc and Strictly Artistic Creations Fashionable 7 MUliiicry. ", going to a mill several miles distant and Th father returned bom Tuesday vsnlng. snd when th boy had not re turned Wednesday he wss vainly sought for. This morning a, searching party was organised and a systematic hunt made, with th result thst th body wsa found. -.''-; - ' Th gun had been dlschsrged whll the boy was atepplng over a log, th bullet entering his breast snd passing through his lung. In a vain effort to stannrh th flow of blood th boy bad stuffed his handkerchief Into th wound snd walked several .hundred feet In th illp.n.n n hnma when h fell . ax- . . . . . UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA" INAUGURATES PRESIDENT . .1 ii .' ' S. " ,; i' "' (Jesnial Speetat grTee.) "i" ' Chsrlottesvllle, Vs, April II In th presenc of many distinguished du- cators, repressniing neeiriy t an , m prominent; .Institutions of. learning -In tha country, Edwin A. Alderman, former president of 'Tulan tinlverslty, wn tn day Inaugurated aa first president of th. TTntvaraltv of Virginia. It was ens of ths most notabla occasions In !th history of th university slnos Its foun dation by Thomas Jefferson. Ths in augural ceremonies proper were pr' ceded by a parade of faculty, alumni, trustees . and visiting educators, sil garbed In clsssto csp and gown. Th ceremonies were epeited with prayer, followed by addresses on behalf of th trustees. 'Ths Inangursl address of j Teamen i Aiaormnn wss loiiowea ty congratulatory sddresses on behalf ef th faculty, student body, alumni and ths Various Institutions of learning rep rssentaa among in visitors. I la 1 I I i IV ' . if r 1 1 1 1 . iw I-