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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 13, 1905)
The '"Clock Ll;!. t;.--v the Gas Eilla and give a c!.... er, stronger and whittr f J!.t i -Jess cost and last lonjtr C.n other gas burners. Sole Pert land Agentav-Tbird Floor. The "Quick Meal Ranges, Gri and Gasoline and. Blu-Flame , Oil Stoves are best for summer ; y cooking Third Floor. serve J free to all vLJtcrs' cA Third Floor Annex. ;r?eciil demonstration of rsriiaj end. serving by Miss Eno for few days only. Every visitor at1 the. store is cordially irivitedv to enjoy a cup of this delicious' beverage FRE2. ." '. Forecst ' Ctora with Lcr:t -V Stocks on the Pacific , Coast. ;The Qual ity Chop. Another Friday of Matchless Bargains Characterizes the frrA- r n a p? n en l n a v GRAND "FRIDAY ECONOMY SALE " m: uimw ? i mum Econor.iY SALE it Embrold- Lessons Given Free in the Art; ;.'f'''v' Floor 7 Annex. '. m (TOMORROW) MATCHLESS BARGAINS INDEED MARK TOMORROWS OFFERINGS. THE WORDS ARE ; CAREFULLY CHOSEN AND USED IN THE RIGHT PLACE. IN THE ING.:.' THERE'S BUT ONE WAY TO GAUGE A BARGAIN AND THATS BY WHAT ONE GETS FOR ONE'S MONEY.- JUST, SO IT'S THE QUALITY OF, THESE GENUINE "SIMON-PURE" BARGAINS SELLING PRICE. POSITIVE SAVINGS AWAIT THOUSANDS HERE TOMORROW, REALIZING THE NEAR APPROACH OF EASTER AND BEING ALREADY TAXED ; TO THE UTMOST OF EVEN OUR GREAT CAPACITY IN WAITING UPON THE BUYING THRONGS OF A BUSY OPENING SEASON, WE SHALL PROVIDE EXTRA HELPERS TOMORROW IN ALL DEPARTMENTS WHERE ' NEEDED . THAT ALL MAY BE WAITED UPON; WITH CUSTOMARY CARE AND PAINSTAKING COURTESY. SHARE TO THE FULL IN THIS "GRAND PRE-ESTER BARGAIN FEAST.-: ! j . V Tamely apd Extraordinary Undersell' ing Scheduled for Friday in the V i: Knitwear Shops Women's and Misses' Underwear and Hos- iery Take the Bargain Road to Meet You. these sayings tomorrow and ; select . the Prudent buyers will 'avail themselves of needed undergarments for . wear months "'l v - 'ahead: ?. 't-. : Women's Imported Fine Black Gause Lisle If Hose, with black- silk, embroidered ' 1 i boots ; rour regular 65c hosiery-, pair 37si tir . rn.i -...''- rr i: ' nuincn - oiavs. ygiwn nuiv( ' mcuiuiii) ', weight, spliced heel; double sole, French v toe; regular 25c value,: for,. -'. . pair . . S. : '. . , ii . . . .V18e Woman's Black Cotton Hose, seamless; dou ble sole; a splendid .20c quality, Special; pair ....... ....;.j...... 12 Children's . Bkck' Lace Striped . Mercerized .Hose, Seamless and black fine ribbed cot 'Jon hose,' finished foot,' linen Spliced knee; " values' 25c," 30t, 35d pair All Sp&- '." J1 cial at,' pair. . ........ . . .. . . ...... ,19 We have a fine White Mercerized Lisle til. Meshi. Union .Suit Wish to ; introduce 5 something- new; and : certainly;,, nice, low neck, sleeveless,, silk ribbon and crochet i- trimming; we marked them $1.25 suit Special to introduce them, suit... ...85t Women's White Cotton Fine Ribbed Sleeve , ' v less Vests, short sleeves: 15crvarue. for. - V e 1 m . jt pyi : oaiDngganr k wurui and ' Jrawcrs. shirts French neck, 4drawVrs reinforced "seat, satin bands: 40c 'quality; : Spe- ' O clai; each' 1 . :. 5 ; i . j : . v ...... 27t; .Values' Typical .of Live Management in the Silk and; Dress Goods Stores y) 5, South Anne First Floor. Vill draw hundreds of critical," dressy and economical' buyers, of, spring. fabrics for the making, of spring .and summerlirpcks. and gowns to the Annex Salons "tomorrow. A trio of rare valyes awai your, sharing... . New Check Suit Silks in all color combina Vvtions ; unequaled $1.00 vahie. Special for Friday onlyper yar4.Vi'.v.69 New Striped Suit Silks in greens, tans, .browns, reds and navy: regular S5c - ; ' value."? Special for Friday only, yard 59eV K DRESS GOODS."' . ' ' i New Novelty Mohairs, all the new colors, in checks and stripes; regular $1.00 val , ues. I Special ior Friday only, yard. .69 " , Special Easter Exposition oT Exquisite ' 'Garnitures for Spring' Gowns, Exceptional Friday' Bargains in. Dainty Laces and Ladies' 'Kerchiefs First Floor; We are showing a splendid assortment of beautiful Dress Trimmings-rvariety and styles to suit every individual taste. , r , Taffeta Bands,' embroidered in Persian a cuecis. rricca up irom. .......... .ooc? Embroidered Taffeta Ed?ea. with banH.i tr L match," in. green, black, brown.' and Diue. ince, m yaru.i.....A....Of Handsome New English Embroidered Trim- i' ralngs, Jnsojid colors and Persian effects. Narrow Persian Bands A very pretty line of them at the yard.7.....'....25l Colored Chiffon Appliques, lyi to 4 inches, in widths, in gray, brown, tan and navy A ' blue, in ; medallions -and other effective . styles, that will separatejnd trim to good -' advantage. Priced at," the1! yard oOfV 85 , $1.50 to f 3.00 -v. - . -v i New 8t GaU Trimming Laces, very hand some, in white, cream and yenere shades. Our regular $L75 value-EconomySale-- 1 Price, the yard..... A. ...... 98 Our rrettlar $2 60 value. ' Economy Sale Price,-the-yard. . f lSH Our regular $5.00 value. Economy -i Sale Price, the yard . . . ... . ?2.48 Qur regular $6.00 and $8.00 values. ..Economy , Sale Price, the yard.".. .$4.25 Unen Handkerchiefs ; Only Uytc tor 0c Handkerchief i Ladies Purr Linen Handkerchiefs, with 4 and ' Ji-inch hems the kind of handkerchiefs " that wear so well better put in a supply Tat this price; our regular 20c value"." ' Special Economy Sale Fricc, cach.l24, EASTER BUSINESS IS IN FULL SWING THAT THEY, AREi THE NEWEST AND Not a auit under Choice for Friday Men 'Share the Savings That Friday's Sale ' T...-. Brings to' the" " '. "V .Toggery Shop" Smart' . Easter 1 Neckwear and -Linen 'Kerchiefs at Specie Sale 'Prices First , y1 iVt f v Floor West Annex. Only 25c for.Men's 50c Neckwear A line bf "men's spring 'neckwear, in Band 'Tecks, Shield Tecks, andifFour-in-Hands ; every tie in the lot worth C0c.r Special con-r d V omy Sale Price, each ... . . . . . . .. .25 Vc Instead of 20c and 25c for Men's Handkerchiefs A' splendid line of men's ... pure linen handkerchiefs, plain white with -. hemmed . borders our regular ; 20c and 25c values. ..Special Economy Sale " : ', Price, each .... ... . 12a SCHOOL OF DOMESTIC SCIENCE j ' H - -: pHBsS aBmBaassW f ,r X- . ' l ea JRoom ; ."":,; ' SECOND FLOOR, -v:',-.- 1 , Under tha Auspices ot fortland'a T. W, C I MENU FOR FRIDAY, -APRIL 14. Tea. ; ; Coffee. . Chocolate. Milk In BotUea. I-( r CUun Chowder. :'...: ' ,-. Lobster Baled. . Fruit Salad.' 1 - Poached Egg on Anchovy Toast, , f Scrambled Eggs.. ' Cheese Omelet 7:'' Ilam Sandwich. ' . Hot Roll a. , ' ,, 8cad and Butter, : Nut Ban,. ' '. Our Great Weekly Sale ; piuuoiicry 1 :r ' ' ''::'-, combs -sbc '::il? A lot of Side CombSr Back Combs and Burrettes Combs, In shell and am. ' bar, eitra quality: special at, 4ach ,,., ,,,,,.,,, 1 1 1 1 1 . jSS . ' frila"NKEDLB CASKS 17c. ..Best Quality Needle and Leatherette Caves, large aaortment of Sewing u and Bin broidery Needles, rg JSrpecUI, tachiT.'. . . .'. . .174' ' So HAIRPINS to BOX. " Wire Hairpins on Cabinets, assorted , slsea, heavy and Invisible,' rag. Vel. , o; special, box .84 DRESS SHIELDS tlo PAIR. ' Omolln Odorless and Antlseptlo presa - Shields sbsorb Ilk a sponge; spe cial at. na1r .- FLORIDA p-jrsl. loo; white or 'IVa .HINUINU RIBBON iC. . fndlrtg Ribbon, all illk, fancy colore ... only, reg. raL 10a; special, the, piece .1. . . ,.' :.,4 19c sho Laces le", pair Extra Wide-Shoe Laces, heary qual ity, ID Inches long, black or tsn. . reg. vat JOhj special, palr,..,r. T4 cial, bar Aluminum tsmlsh clal, each ' l BEST OF THE WORLD'S CHOICEST Extraordinary Two-Day Sale of Women's. Handsome Street Suits GRAND SALONS OF DRESS 2d FLOOR. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ONLY $25 and $28.50 Suits at Thla ator ntvar doea tbinga bf halvaa-trtka atralght from tha .houldr la. our motto and thla nd-of-th-wek offartng la on of tha moat auceeaaful atrokaa af entarprtaa wa'va attempted thla aeaaon In tba blf Apparel Stomm. Wa ha. va several hundred Plna "Man ' Tailored" Cloth Sulta, boucht for Kaater Mil Ina. Moat atorea would . ! exact a profit during tha selling aeaaon. and perhaps advertise reduc tions after Sister. We reduce tha prices NOW while people are bur-' - Ing for Eaater wearing. Our patrons will appreciate thla suit ."filer." Coma .early fos though there are aulta enough for two daya' selling, you'll find of course tha better selection at tba sale's start Friday morning. Suite are In : etamlnea,- cheviots, panne cheviots, ' broadcloths and Venetlana, In blacks, browns, blues -and tans. Blouse ' styles with peplun and fancy vest. Coat Suits In-Norfolk stylea.and' jaunty Btona. Trimmings of fancy brafdd and buttona.. ornaments, fancy stitching and strappings. Coats lined with satin and taffeta. seme nave velvet eoiiar. - aiciris are nu piaiteo and 'platted rrora knee only.. Very latest sleeve effecta In leg-o'-mutton and Blshon styles. tit In value, more at fif.tO. , ' a o Q p and Saturday only. at.'.....',...,.t...aplOaQf) , Easter TVIiUi- 2 ieryf A cTVIilli- Beauty: That Smacks of ,' Paris, Radiates Tliro' the BQou M M . a aaions, oomn a. e- a s, Floor.:'.'' Styles that remind yon of periods of long ago. Art lines rule and art lines are beauty lines. But a . the olden courts had. aay two or three acore beauties, so. here ana flnda an equal amplitude ef styles and a becoming style for every face. We are' called upon more and more make elegant "Period" Hata such as one sees in high-class stage productions probably because our designers are beat versed In the history ot stylos. And yettla tha conventional shspes after aU that sell best and pleaaa -tha moot Turbans retain- their hold on femtntna favor. . 'Tie from these wa select a wonderful . special Friday value Two Hundred $2.00 Black Turban Shapes, ''YV 98o Each Black Jetted Braid Turban, la four distinctly differ. ' ent shapes, all handmade over wire frames; regu-- lar IJ.09 values, for Friday only at, each.., .984 Fourth Hoor Economy Special , '; , U75NET CURTAINS $1.85. U Ruffled Net Curtains, 3 yards long, 45 inches . ; wide, lace edge and insertion ; regu-' ' "' lar value $2.73. Special, pair..... f 1.85 ' The use of - Mme. Ruppert's Face Bleach assures a perfect complexion. It beautifies the skin naturally. I No coloring, - no sediment and harmless to the most sensitive skin. It is im possible to detect it Fon years it has had a place on the toilet table of the woman of fashion. At our Toilet Coun-. ter. ;. ,;;-.:',, i . , . of Sm ana . xeauicr uooas xs on WATSRKo BOTTLE. $M0 BRACELETS Florida Water, in 4 os. bottles; spe- . clal at, bottle ..IS tlo IMPORTED FRENCH PERFUME , Bracelets, In gem. Initial end Oliver, . : asaortsd. styles, reg. vaU 11.00; spe-: rial, each ,,.....,........,..49 11 ; tie STICKPINS lie." ' Sterling Sliver Stickpins, '. Isrge ae- -1 aortment of deelfna. reg. vat 41c; . special, each ..... 3S ; -1 BOXJOOJOOLDPAINT . lie. , 10O OUNCE. Imported French Perfumes. In bulk. crab apple, lilao, rlolet. heliotrope, ,. Japanese lit, etc reg. val. 2o; ape-clal.-ounce u v ... ..s . . i , 10t . Uo TOILET WATER J 5o BOTTLBL Crown Toilet Water and Face Lotion, . . in-wMte roao and other odors, reg. Gold Paint, lit natural wooden boxes,. Teady mixed, reg, val, 10c; special, box . . i ...15 -ISO PAPER LUNCH SETS. lie. . 1 Paper1 Lunch Sets, .'for ' parties - and luncheons, contains ' table cloth, 1 -. do, napkins and 1 dps. dolllea, reg. -mvat tic; special, act , . ;.. v . , , , !Sg . special, botUa ...... Tie IMPORTED CASTILE SOAP 4lo .. ... BAR. Best Imported Italian Castile Soap. . beat quality, In ' large 4-l. bars. greeiv reg vsl. 36c;. oe-L 4Vf . . tlo RAZOR STROPS tZo. . Torrey'i Genuine Horse Hide Combi nation Raaor Strops, reg. val, sic; . special, each .....22 . 100 8HELP PAPER Tft . -Flneet Quality -Heavy Lace Kdga . White Bhelf Paper. 10 ysrds In ' piece, reg. val. 10c; speclsl, piece T o ALUMINUM COMBS lTo. Dressing Combs, will nol of break, reg. vat tic; spa t. i pa- ...... Xt4 SPONGES 1, Toilet Sponges, medium Rise, reg. vaf. 'I . c; specjal. each ...... .......lO MERCHANDISE AT PRICES FAR. BELOW Special Sale of v . Spring ;Shir ' V : waists GRAND SALONS OP DRBtlS. -Second Ploor. -Among the numerous attractive offerings lhat are presented for our Friday patrons we bespeak special at tention to a remark able , Money Saving Sale Of Fancy 8111c Waists. Decidedly smart , tailored creations Of chiffon and figured taffetas. In handsome "Hleland" plalded patterns that fetch the tone of the bagpipe-from Scotland's crags and braes to one's mind, and dainty figured designs. AU tha season's newest atyle thoughts are embraced In these attractive waists. leg-o-mutton and Bishop sleeves, trimmings In strappings, plaltlngs and but tonav. iFancy, stock collars and tie to match mate. rials. Lined or unllned. Regular t7-0- &-dj4f and It.iO values Friday only, Xor.......J-lV "lOOth" ; GRXKD. " FRIDAY "CQUPARISON ' 8ALHT ; Suitings and' Silks - SOUTH ANNEX FIRST FLOOR. Buyers of DEPENDABLE Silks and Dress Fabrics will gain by comparison tomorrow. Contrast, the values told of below with any others exploited In tha city. 'By such a comparison will our SILK AND SUITING SECTIONS win your trade. These values I.TI yarda of Mixed SulUng, all new colorings and greaves; the beat $1.00 values in tha city . . special for Friday only, per yard., .,.63l 4S-Inch Imported French Voiles, "all pure wool." In ' all evening and street shades. Including black 'and cream our well-known $LXS" grade special "for Friday only, per yard.,.,.., ......97a l.:r . Silk Special for Friday Only. ; -s: T.S00 yards of New 0I Suit Silks, in all the latest , weaves and ooloiinaa. checks dots atrlpod and neat Jacquard effects special for Friday only. per yard .... , . -- ... i .......... .... 94 Of Interest to Those Who Have . Lawn Mower to Provide I ; L ; Special Prices on Friday Third Floor.l XffvVNMOWERS. ' We have no hesitation in saying that our O., W, & K. Lawn Mowers are built of the best materials with large drive wheels, brass bearing, patent flexible bottom knife, ratchet and adjustments are the best, our ' 12-inch size -Special at, each....... 12.49 J 4-inch size Special at, each....... f 2.64 16-inch size Special at, cach...;v. .f2.80 $5.00 COUCH COVERS $3.63. : . . Fourth Floor. ,. Heavy Tapestry Couch Covers, oriental de signs, fringed all around ; regular value $5.00. Special, each...... ...$3.65 Result ofLCrSchool Vote : at 10 A. M. Today Arthur Taylor. M. Ss A. SHOOREN.;".........1.407 Reginald Carter. BELL BOT, THE NORTON-llS.H! Mas Hughes. KNIQHrS SHOE CO ai.t7t Ouy DePue. PORTLAND DELIVER T CO..... Arthur Lindborg. LINDBORO GROCERY S.ttS P. H. Battln, WADHAM KERR BROS..... ' 4,220 -" 4SS.104 Scattering v I7.80 ToUI . 1 omorrow 5 ' 4c ' '. ' 'A , LEATHER BAGS. . , .Indian Bead Fringed Leather Bags ., Special .' . i,...r : , ., . .. Small L else j........-,.. n . 28 Medium site uj.... ........ ...354 Larre alio ..65 . . lio SHIRTWAIST SETS l. . " . Blrlhree-plnfllilrt walt Sstajtln gut and oxide, reg, val. lie; spe clal. set ... .94 . .. , ..' Ho WAI8T SEfS Sic';''' , x Fancy 'Gilt Waist Seta, I pins In set, "reg. val. llo; special, set.... 35 , lio BELT BUCKLES He. -New shnpes In Fancy Gilt. Oxide and -" French Gray Belt Buckles, reg." val, -" He; special, set-...... ...... .39 ' WRITING. PAPER. 15c BOX. .-, New High Grade Writing Paper,' In -white or blue tints, new cloth fin- -leh, envelopes tn match embossed In gtlt lette HPartland. Ore ; en each sheet r snerlal at. esrh I ) ill (TOMORROW) RIGHT SENSE AND .WITH FULL MEAN OFFERINGS THAT. MAKES THEM THE REGULAR WORTH AND STANDARD A Shoe Sale of .Very Great Importance Will Attract Hundreds of Buyers of "Good Shoes" to the "Fair-Way Tomorrow,.. - Read the printed detailsbe sure you jot this event down on your Friday shopping Jist. Spme of the greatest bargains ever ot 'fered by this store await your coming to morrow. The Shoe Store improves.' daily under-the new management1 and bargains, increase. -...';;,; -.v ' , ..' , ' : Vv'" " FIRST FLOORWEST ANNEX i ' . . For tomorrow's Economy Sale , we offer some of the greatest- Shoe bargains ever put on sale. Shoes at about half price ought to be cheap enough. Don't you think so? Just glance through this listit is an in teresting one. '. '. ' ' ": FOR $1.88 YOU MAr BUY OXFORDS .WORTH $3.60. :, Women's Sealskin Oxford Ties low quar-, tcred shoes.with soles on them suitable for; ' street wear, dull finish stock which is .ex tremely fashionable this season; the reg. . ular price is $3.50. Special for ' . Economy Sale at the pair. ...... .91.80 7 WOMEN'S $3.50 OXFORDS $2.19. Women's Oxfords, of via kid fox, dull matt tops, patent tips, button style; our $3.50 ; valueTT Special Economy Sale , price, the pair. i .. . . .2.10 WOMEN'S $1.50 SLIPPERS FOR 84c. Women's Patent Leather One-Strap Slip ', pers; our $1.50 value. Special Econ . omy Sale T Price, the pair. ......... .04 MEN'S $4.00 SHOES FOR $3.33. Men's Shoes, of tan Russian calf, vetouir calf and vici kid, all splendid styles, made this season; our regular $4.00 value. ' Special Economy Sale Price, pair 13.35 : ; SHOES FOR THE TOTS. CHILDREN'S $1.00 SLIPPERS 63c. Children's Two-Strap Vici Kid Slippers, - spring heel, can be worn 'on the street; our $1.00 value. . Special Economy ale Price, the pair......,....;...,C0 CHILDREN'S $2.00 SHOES $1.29. ; Children's Shoes, withrici kid foxed, yamp - and black -cloth Uops, lace, spring' heels, sizes' 8 to 11 f $2:00 is the regular price. ' Special for. Economy Sale, the pair .91.20 Extra Special Friday Values in the Wardrobe and Art Salons ; ; Second Floor Annex. ) V : . Lewis and Clark Souvenif Pillow Tops, with plain back, stamped in-Oregon grape de sign, pictures of - Lewis and Clark, Ore gon seal and mottos, all the floss for ' '"working (26 skeins) a full size diagram showing how the colors are to be used and sample card of colors of .floss, used in , tushions; regular pricte $1.35; , v Special : . . . . . . ;. . . . . .OS Children's Gingham Wash Dress, in French : long waist effect, large ruffle around yoke of white pique, ruffle edged with ,. em '" broidery, sizes from 2 to 5 years ; reg-' ." ular price 75c. Special at. .57e CORSET COVERS CORSET COVERS - CORSET COVERS Corset Covers for eveey one and at every body's price. Made of 'fine cambric and nainsook, in an endless variety of styles, in embroidery, lace tucks, medallions and rib bon trimmed . . t . : i : ReguUr 40c. Special.. -28 Regular 65c, Special............. 30 Regular 85c. Special, ..'. 57 Regular $1.00. Special... ;.,.... G&t Regular $1.75. Special. . ..... , . . , . Cl.lO An . Astokjnding ' Bariin ' in. Wanted Wash Fabrics for Cpring and A . Summer Dreues .Friday Only First Floor. . : ; EMBROIDERED BATISTE IStfc YARD. 3,000 Yards Embroidered Batiste, a shrrr fabric, with embroidered stripes intcrmin g!?1 with neat floral effects and dot, l:;;v.t, r ";:- sr.. dark grounds, very ' ..-.r.-.- f fecial ar-,-yartf:i'tT: J"