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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 13, 1905)
THZ ? CZCCrJ DAILY TOUI.V.L. ..LuiLl IS ASKIftG F03 IfJJOKCTIOHS Reverses Order In Butte Copper : Utigatlon by .Having the Par-J rot Mine Closed V' 'DEMANDS FIVE MILU6N , FOR ORE THAT WAS STOLEN Over ) :. .Three -C Hundred Men Thrown Out of Employment ' by the Court's Order. : i (Special Diana Uai t She Jonraal.t . '- Butt. Mont., April lS.-e-Tbree hundred miner were thrown out of bmpioyniont " I yeaterdajf afternoon by the closing f ' Ithn Pirnit mine, throuirh an Injunction - issued out of tbe federal court on appli cation of F. Augustus, Helnse's, Nipper 'Consolidated Copper company; f '- vt ', ... The action waa instituted Tuesday, charging that th Parrot Sliver Copper company' a men wer extracting . oraa ; from the Nipper vein on. the vartoua i- ia.l Mile tha 1 AS station, and holst- . In K to th aurfaca through, th Parrot iahsft."'.. -. .. ' -'r. -. : t Defendant are cited to appear In the ? federal court Wdnoay. April 10, and ! a how why the order should not ; - be made permanent, pending the settle i'nent of the esse, ij.u..-,..;'.;.' ,. ' The Parrot .company la accused, of wrongfully taking or from the Nipper: vein to the value of i.0O.0OO. The. ep . plication for the Injunction v aup- ported by affidavits,; of Alfred Frank Sand & M. Wllaon, engineers for Helm. i "On the 1.706 foot revel of the Par-' .'rot," said Mr. Prank. "a eroeeeut has , been driven 140 feet te the Nipper vain; . From this point drifts have been run Von the vein for a tllatanoe of over 100 ? ret.-The" mining of or Is being-ao-Stlvely prosecuted in this drift". . .Mr. Frank also alleges that $0,000 .worth -of ore Is bolng stolen from these n drifts each day. Like operations have been carried .on In stopes and crosscuts Ton other, levels from the QD . to , !"th 1.9.' .-. .' pi -. The Parrot mine 1 one of the oldest " producing properties In Butte, and be- X longs to the Amalgamated Copper com . peny. It has been operated for mors t than SO years and millions of dollars worth of ore Jiaa been taken from tbe rich veins apexlng in Its boundaries. ' Alii ROOMS AT LIBRARY . . HAVE BEEN CLOSED The rooms of the Portland Art association- in thoPublle library have bees closed. Tha organisation will move' Its .belongings to . the museum on Fifth street, which will be opened on Mon day, April 14. with the photographic salon that comes from Ban Francisco. This Is s. collection of 400 . amateur photographs , ' selected by competent Judges In New York from several thou sands of pictures sent In by the Federa tion of American Photographic -socle-ties. .Will H. Walker is the president of the Portland Society of Photographlo Art, which Is a branch, and ths exhibit is in his Charge. George Holroan Is ths pirture-hanger for the soolety. . , Only the upstairs of tbe art moseura will be opened at ths time of this photo graphic salon, whiqh will be exhibited In ths lighted galleries on ths second floor, and will last till Saturday , night. Afterward the building will be closed and all work completed for a final open ing about June 1. On the second floor are two aplendidly-ltghteeV galleries for the exhibition of art collections.' There are a- roomy library and an office for the curator. Downstairs are. the east, lecture snd study rooms for students. TO S7BAK. At the" riikss meeting tinder ths bus pices of th Travelers' Aid association at the ; Unitarian chapel at T:M o'clock Saturday evening, a Urge attendance Is expected. Dr. Stephen fl. Wis will b the principal speaker. Other epeekers -will tell what they know of the srork, .'Mrs: Anna Selkirk Norton will sink. Bead Mr Offer- Pelt Mkr'i Werth af Xy ) aeawly Piee te Trywitaest Bepattt t: .'..' er SUk, r PresUss'ts Pay.'",; yrv m. frVffnlnFM. ' wriWiiMi .t . Initablllt j ll are th eatwtrd algne f lavard Mn Slctorbeare. - Tbe fault le Ml witk the awrvM whlrh give yea wroln oot with - the eervat whlrh eaeble roe te fmL t wttk, to Ulk, te think, to ee. But the TH. IDs Mmi the ntoeiatle enwr . Nervousness . ' tase are the arvaa that erk fn eat aad . worry bmhe onwa. , I I kave mom here te explain how the iwmw, liny wrm enntrat ami eprrate th . ww win, . inn iNBen, loe liver, HHnw fmi and train aad overiadaltrace aVMnrf thvtr lleate br. Hew, thraagh a at aratpathr, wrakaeM la on oraUr neTtr4 to each ef the other teeter, Hew ' this same boed of jrataathy prediwra the eat, - I -ward elgna ef Brvounae wtlrh eboaMl wara 1 hum thM Dfrrce sur he reriM aad Btrrartbeod aad vlteliatd aad made w-l br a rnr4r I areat thlrtf inn a pw(ertlDg-aaw fkaewn hr rucgita vrrhre a Dr. Iboop e ( iuatDratlTe. I aar aot room te expiate hew ' thai rented, br retaonaa: the m, net a 'rerula ead to all (onaa of B-rronanMoi. Inward )' and netware, larme'lnf fretfulaoaa. mtleoaa. ';lplMnaa. tirltablllty. .All T than thlnn are fnllr ezplalnrd la the book 1 will mHt xe wh-n tea. writ. '' . , ? . mmw.mSJ "-nn mtmm sty rankMIr I b-kaowa, aad railed apes. Tt roe mar not kava 'beard re n. as a inia orrar te ra, a Bger, that every powlbl exeuae for eoabt be reDM-rrd., BenA n nurnrr-Hnaka aat 1 etra . atar bromlae 4ak a rHk. BIboIt writa mnA .. If yo ear aeef trlrd r rvaardf, I will md jroa ea erdarvse rear dragglat for a (all dollar Tbottla sat a aaaipl. bat the rrgalar aundard -khnttlh kaopa conatautly on hi (Mm. Th ;; enurtat will I raeulre madltlaaa, ft will 5 .if f w aa ebeerfnllr a thmuh yoer 'dolUr by bafore Urn. lie will saaTthe MM i' ..2'"1J?1JS? JTh. .'Pr-rtnrrllr fo leara et MI KXri-H ABHUI.UTKI.T haw da 1 rnreTev ef all forata of iirwami .. Km .i , eelr et tke troable. bet af the very eaoae which predated III Writs today. . , i- rar a free erder for Hook 1 oa frprne1a. ; fell dallar kettle ftmmk lea the heart. Pyre aaeat addrrae Or. book t m tbe aldanr. htwoe,- s o Book 4 for Woaua. , Maria. Wta. State Rook f foe Mow. iwhkk aook roe waat, Book ea Bfceeautlaa. Wild ae are eftea eared by k slagle bottle. For aale at ferty theuaaad drag aluaa. 3r.Shoop's rav-- -;-.'.,-,',, . - a. ; Kesiorawe IF.YQU-SEEITJNTHE v'; JOURNAL IT ISJRUE 4 .--V- -'- " - -,' ' "Hew th de telle of the Krata. ' - bunko affair leaked out for pub .; 4k . lication in The Journal I do not e know. said Detective ' Welner today. "I promised to say noth- 4 ing, because Krata did a ot want te be loshed' by all hla' ylrlenaa. ut in its.aaueni rra- 4 , tures th story as printed In Th 4 Journal la true now that the 4 cat Is out of ths bag there is no 4 use of Krata or anybody Bis ' trying to deny that " - 4';t)ni minor error fo which I L. 4 might call attention Is th state- e) 4 ment that Krata ntmaeir teie-. e 4 phoned for m to come to hla sa- ' e 4 - loou in order to hear tbe story of 4 the man he aupposed had been parUd from his coin,' the tels-v) 4 ; phooe cam - from an adjoining cigar store, t When X got there."' 4 , however, it waa all over but th . e ahoutlng. Krata money -was 4 gone and lie bad. not yet come to 4 ' realise that he waa really th . MANY WITNESSES ' FOR RINER TRIAL Cases. Begin in May, and Sixty People Will Be Examined v Before That Twenty-nine "witnases weri . af the offlo of District Attorney Manning yes terday, to re-state, faots bearing on th case against R.-M. Rlner. indicted for obutning money under false pretense ra oonnectlon with the Tanner creak sewer work. . The trial la set for May 10. and will poaltively begin on that date, raa th continuance was granted yesterday on th defendant's promts- that. If Wil liam English, a bricklayer, could not be brought from San Francisco to Port land to appeals then, a deposition would be taken. The defense alleges that Eng lish knows of a conspiracy among rival contractors to cause , th : brick work to be don defectively. . In addition to the witnesses who were called to th district attorney's office yesterday '40 others are to bo oxamintd before th trial begins. Thoa who were ther yeaterday are: " T. C Devlin, city auditor: B. IX Blgler, county aaaessor: George H. Howell, ef th city executive board: la, Zimmerman, A. jsentiey, B. Rumelln. H, R. Alb and A. F. t'le- gel, member of the council; George Bcoggtn and A. M. Shannon, of th of fice fore or former city i&ngtneer na llottt T. ' W. B. London, of Balfour, Outhrl ek Co.; C. B. OllverTora O'Neill, R. 8. Orsenleat J C. Langford, J. M. A. Lau. . R. W. Vontarue, John Burke, Joeeph Paquet. O. . F. Bodman. J, V, O'Nell. C. W. Kllppel, R. 1. Gllsan. R. R. Dunlway, J. C. .Moreiand, J. . .lgier, R. O. McHullen, 1. IL Cunningham and N. A. King.----- - " . , " , TOfJEN HOLD SWAY AT MULTNOMAH CLUB Annual Exhibition Will Be Given : by Women Members Jhia " ' Afternoon.' This Is ladles' day at th Multnomah Amateur Athletic dub, and all the feml nine members of th club and their femU nine friends will be on hand this after noon to witness the performance. No men rave th president, directors and three newspaper men wlllrb permitted to attend th exercises. Ths program Is ssid to be the best ever got up st th club, and credit for th work goes to In. structor Robert .ronn. ins program follows: '' . r- . -vs Overture, Paraona ercheatraii prelim inary drill, two-step-series, parts 1 and t: parallel bars, - marching, callsthenlo drill, masourka series, walra aeries, Club-swinging. games. medicine-ball race, flying hurdle, schottlsche figure danca. t ' DR. BROUGHER URGED TO I s r - JOIN EVANGELISTS Dr. X Whitcomb- Brougher received another urgent; call by telegram last night from Dr. J. Wilbur Chapman to Join the evangeliatio forces In Seattle, but will in all probability decline. : II received, an Invitation before th kvaa-g-lists left, "but now ths request la strengthened by ths Seattle committee as well. Dr. Brougher will consult the, church officers on ths matter tonight He feels that It would be Impracticable for him to go, "even though he would enjoy th work, because he ha th prep arations for next week In hand. Tonight at prayer meeting som 25 members will be admitted to th church. About 1 60 cards were signed at th re cent meetings for Dr. Brougher's church alone, and tomorrow evening a' recep tion will b given for thoa people to whom special'' Invitations have been sent, - ..'.. :, ; ...'.. CAN Y0U-S0LVE THIS ' PUZZLE FOR JUDGE REID7 tv- -T-. .Justice lie id yesterday took under ad. vlaement th question whether " the Charles Bmlth that appeared before him was- the Charles Smith , who som months sgo resided in Oregon City and purchased a wedding suit of J. M. Price. Price . brought suit to recover 117.40 said to be due front Smith. Mr. Smith and hi wife appeared In court, and their testimony ahowed that while Mr. Smith had been a resident of Oregon City, li had never worn a suit of the descrip tion given by. Price: that he bad not been married Within several Months of ths time the suit was sold, and that he bad not left tbe town when th plaintiff alleged. - The merchant waa aura that th Smith in court was th Smith who bought th suit, and th court will en deavor to determine whether on Charles Smith is ,th Charles Smith a debtor, jtr another Charles Smith, or wnstner n is a mun at ail. .j. UNCLE SAM OPPOSES - KLAMATH CANAL vi,v ' I District Attorney Henry ' yesterday filed suit to enjoin th Klamath Canal company from being th watara of up per Klamath lake for irrigation pur pose. Th government say th ex Urn. ive irrigation projects of th -company will drain th lake and prevent naviga tion on th Klamath lake end I ..In, rlvr. Th government contends thst in lk form a waterway between Or, gon and California, and srs part nf the navle.nble waters of il.e 1'nft'd Stated. Tbe Klamath Irrigation rompany pinna to Irrigate .00,000 acred from the upper lak. -.a) ... - ..v.- : Tou could be relieved of that perlodio. or chronlo. nervous or sick headachs In a few minutes, would you continue to suffer? i '. Kanerfatly when you ar asaured of uia lact tnai tne remeay ir iui tiarmleen, and will have abaolutely no ether effect, except to relieve and cur in pain. .... 1 .,,-. ''') - Anti-Pain PUls t : Mm V1tl.lKin . ! W7.i tin a,,h rut. ulck and sur. - That la not all. They will prevent and re all klnda or pain Neuralgia. nche. Rheumatlam, Menstrual Palna, atomaeh acbe.-etc " , ' . vten. A. Jacoba. merchant Wma. O recemmenda Dr. MUea AntT-Paln PUIS as followa: 1 am anxious that all -should know tl virtue of theae pills. I nave nsea v.. . nd (.aiiiIiIhP thflm Mtr veious In their inatantaneoua relief of ha.1ache and all naln. while they leave no arter enecis.- Sol.l undrr a guarantee that flrat packag - will benefit, or druggist will return your money. x doea. z cent a never pma. fJOTDER WANTS TO REGAIN OER GUILD Divorce Suit of James E. Mc- Cauley Re-Opened , by Woman He Divorced. EVANGELISTIC SERVICES BEINQ HELD AT ALBANY College Girls Give New England Dinner to Raise Money to i 5urniri a Sorority JJpom. - . . (Special Dlspatea ts Tk JsaraaL) Albany, Or., AprU' II. In th circuit court yesterday afternoon th divorce suit of James B. McCauley against DU a.McCauley, decided last summer, waa reopened upon th petition of , th de fendant, who mad no appearance last year when th suit waa brought, - At that time it was stated shs was out of th stat and notic waa aerved by publication. It now develops that ah was at Sslem. and a soon as ths suit waa decided McCauley went ther and took away from hr thlrchlld.-Th mother wants to regain th child, and for that reason aaked to have the case reopened. Judge E. D. Horgan of Salem appears for her. ;- Dr. Ralph Olllam of l3well, Masa who recently completed s- series of evangeliatio services at Astoria, is con ducting similar services at th Congrs gational chufch In this city. Tho glrla of th Delta PI. th new girls' Greek letter fraternity at th col lege, laat evening gave a New England dinner at th W. C. T. IT. hall, and they report great success. Mora than $50 was th not result of th effort, and th money will be used In furnishing a room to be used by th soclsty at th college, :., DAM IN RIVER SPOILS ' . FISHING FOR THIS YEAR .'Tk. it in hi ii f i"...-. ,: i: . -RaWt THepateh to The JearaaL) ; Walla Walla. Wash April It. Trou bl has arisen over th installation in th Walla Walla river ef a large dam, which I said to prevent th passag of fish up th stream, and - In flahlnr In Umatilla county will be Interfered with seriously, lost year th Northwestern Oas Electric company, operating an inmnua eisuirie plant In Umatilla county, about 1J milea from Milton, built a datn to fore th water into It pipe carrying a sup ply to its tmmenss reservoir. - a - nsn Udder will be constructed, but probably too )ate to ksep fishing up Jo th normal poin, joa. J . 1 a. 1 aaaa. a aaa. ' ,v The following number ef peo- pl hav signed th petitioner- ea -quesnna i.n n,w twoyuvHa , ,aj e franchlae to bo put to a voU at a 1 in uune wavuuu, ep ak-iaMarch tl IS e March SI 7 e e JMarptL ia........ 4 . March 14.................. Ill March II... ..a..... ....... ; (OS March IT 7 e e March St. ........ ........ 461 e March Sl.......,wa......a 410 March SO.. ? S7S 4 March 'SI........ . ISO . 4 April 1. . 4U,4 4 Aprils ..v .. 404 a 4 April '4. ......... SOS 4 4 Aprill., 4SS 4 April .. (04 ro 4 April 7 1J 4 ' April (....... 4 e e AprlllO... ...... .......... t4 e 4 April 11... I4i e April IS. ...... a. 240; e ' " ' : ...' ; . , -. ' - 4 Total . ,( 4 covxroTX infirm. Members of" th Council of ' Jewish Women ar requested to. attend th housekeepers' mass meeting to be beld st th school of domestic science, corner of Tenth and Alder streets, at 10:80 o'clock tomorrow morning. a j SAXTATXOsT AJUgT M-BJSTIJIO. . This evening at ths Salvation Army hall, 118 First street. Rev. H. J. Hoi. aaphel, pastor of th Ptrst TJnltod Kvan- gel leal church, will conduct a salvation raiiy. wwa muaiu Win v m "' 'aaearta I potl.d :ae a or an a taay ate aat tro.oia an at all. Va oa wondara for a. I ta nUrlr . i a sew aaaaj? ktyiUr, l aaol kara i aa! laelUke V. 1aant. falatakla, Pol"!, Teat Onnd. De need, "J.T.r Rl'k.a, W.akae ir Ortpa, !, Krr r.M In balk Th. a.nnla tablet atamaed 000.. aaranta4 leaar er roar aioaar eac. , terliag tmedf Co., Chlcag r N.T. jqj kXmi SALE, TEN KlUZl COXII at ,V SSW YXLMTMOlt. ' - e i save niHM wna aiM iot tntrw-eta yeet ya rr aa laat April I karaa laklBa (J for aaa.atpatloa. la tk ftoaraa af a waak I lha sllaa kaaaa iUaawai sad a tk .i WMBB f(r Beat Tor ' tV Saw, cwoTC4(rtMrne LIhSE LGSi u BRED Admiral Kempff Takes, Cert!fl eate From ; Harry Reeves. Skipper of the Mascot , I SMALL BOATS SINK IN " . : - FIRE DRILL EXERCISES Special ' Inspector Very Busy Man and Other Commanders i May L,ose Positions. . : Sine th arrival of ' Rear-Admiral Louis Kempff, on river captain has lost his liosns. and It is said that othsrs wiu los their , precious docu ments. ;f : -L '; ''. Harry Tleeves. skipper on ths Mascot of ths Kamm lins. is tbe unfortunate one.. Under the direction of tha admiral a drill was given on. th Mascot. Th small boats . were ordered lowered ' In which imaginary passengers might em bark and escape to a friendly shor. Soon after .the., frail craft, struck th water they sank from view, . Had there been passengers In them they would hav been compelled., to swim. Th drill ceased then and ther and. th captain's license was taken from 'him. Reeve had been master .of th Mascot for J I year., Captain Copeland is bis succes sor. --, - , ' In th past thro dayr-th following IT boats have been relnpectd by Ad miral KSmnff: The Orearan. Dallea Cltv. Jessl Harkink I raids, Masco I, - Ion; Ruth, Joseph Kellogg, W. 8. Mason.1 America, ferryboat Vancouver, Charles R. spencer, Modoc, Northwost, Republic, Leona and llarvkat Queen. v Speaking in a general . way , th special inspector said: ; .-v"-. "-, 1 "I find th boats her in about th am oondlUoa as they ar in California no bettor and no worse. Of courss. I am supposed to withhold my exact opinion until an official report la for warded to th department. It Is prob ably th case everywhere that th craws on vessels plying in inland watsrs ar not so wall versed In fir and boat drills as ar those who man th ocean craft. It Is du In a great measure to th fact that th craws on tha former vessels do not usually retain their positions for a vary long period at a time." - It 4 peobable that the admiral is lead ing th moat strenuous llf of any man' In Portland. ' H is oa th waterfront t 4 o'clock in th mornlnar and remains 1st In th afternoon. , His labors are just fairly begun, and h ssyi h will b her at least for 10 day. CHANGES TO KILBURN. Acoaatasodalems, aad WSI) SmaU ra Srat But When tha kteamer F. A. Kllburn re turn shs will hav spac for th ac commodation .Of !l caaseoarers ' instead of 41 aa at present. She le on - thJ arycock. at ; Ban . Francisco - and aside from a general overhauling shs will be provided with tha. cabins. Th work will take about four weeks. , a . On her last trip to PorUand ah went aground at Eureka and aa'ah was forced to tie up for a tiro it wss de clded to maJte aba- axtensiv alterations. Befor leaving Portland on th test trip Captain -Thompson, mastar of th steamer, stated that it was th lnten. tion of ths Watsonvlll Transportation company, to wnom sh belongs, te keep th Kilburn in regular commission on th . Portland-San Francisco route. Th captain, it Is-said, owns . a controlling Interest and If this is tru it appear ther ts no ground for ths statement which haa appeared from Mm to time that th ateemer will be operated dur ing th summer season on a short run out of ths Bay city. aXaitaly steamers coming north, 'front th several California ports hav been carrying all th pessengera they could handle and during tha fair months it Is th opinion that, th traffic will Increase to such an extent that It will be neces sary to put more vessels on. , MARINE NOTES. - Astoria, April IS. Sailed at 7 a.- m., steamer Northland for San Frsncisoo. Arrived at t a. m., British steamer Sandhurst, from Muroran via Seattle. Arrived in and left up during th Bight, steamer A cm from San Fran clsoo. ; i . . - Falmouth, April S. Arrived, French bark Pierre Lotl from Portland. ' Astoria. April It. Arrived down aad sailed at S:S0 p. m., steamer Rosecrans for San Francisco. ... -n. Arrived down , at 4:10 and sailed at 1:40 p. m., steamer Cascad for San Francisco. .. '. ., ... -Sailed at p. m barkentln T. P. EmiKhr for Shanghai , ' San Pedro, April " 1 1. Arrived, schooner Argus from Portland. Redotldo, April 12. Arrived, schooner John A. Campbell from Columbia river, . Astoria, April 13. Condition of th bar at S a. tn.. smooth; wind southwest: weather cloudy. -i .v ...-.(.. ALONG THE WATER FRONT. - On Sunday th steamer, Charles R. SpencOr will make an excursion trip to the Cascade Ixck and return, leaving Portland at o'clock In th morning. ' It will be th flrat river excursion of th ssnson. . i : y -; ' v ' - Th steamer Annie Coming will take care of, th freight between her and Washougal until th Ion is ready to go back on ths rout. Staamer Northland cleared for San Francisco yesterday afternoon with HO,. 000 feet of lumber, supplied by th In- jnan-Poulsen mill. - . ' . . , The steamer uaiias City wss taken for a spin down ths rlvsr this morning to test her boiler. Shs will go In serv lo on Th Dalles routs tomorrow. - This afternoon the government dredge Chinook Is expected to reach th -mouth of th Columbia river from Ban Fran Cisco. Sh was ordered north by MaJ. W. C. Langfltt, but sh wHl not be op erated at th bar. but will b kept In this district. - , .. Local Inspectors Edwards antf Fuller this morning - Impacted th steam schooner See foam, to be operated be tween Ban Francisco and Point Arena, On her trip down sh will tsks lum ber from ths Portland mlll sh will be ready to sail next Tuesdsy. ' Sine th Uonel R. Wabeter worked well yesterday on th rout picked out for her it Is supposed that th city will again tender th craft to th coun ty. In th event that sh is not ac cepted ther Is talk that ths city may conclude to operate -her. Th Webster mad SO trip across th river; Mayor Williams took paaaags on hsr a num ber of time. It is ssld that no boat was. sver handled more easily i -lTonight the steamer Redondo will sail for Port los Angejrs with 000 tons sf wheat and rrs.oeo feet of lumber. --, After pseaag of ' 140 dare the French bark Plerr Lot! arrived at Til- ' , . are prevented and cored by the greatest of aU, and trict!y, tcisntllc rerscd! f;r . 1 rl . Throat and Lucj Troutlts, C?;bi,' Cclis, rrcnctltisi La Grir? vi .: , , , , ' , . i - CortMl of Pneumonia After Doctor Fcllssd '4 , ' MI had been 111 for some time wltt Pneuncnla," writes J. w. CsHnaon cf v Talladega gprtngr&V Ala Mand was nadcr ths csi of two doctors tat grow no . better HinUI I tried Dr. Klnflrs New DiMoverr. ' The first dose gave relltf, and by contlnulnir ita use, I was perfectly cared." - ' . ' sJ2Set-H, rXTTCIilL COTTlES SvT; mouth yesterday from Portland. - Sh sailed from tho mouth of tha Columbia on November SS with a cargo of wheat and barley shipped by th Portland Flouring mills.?-...... - - f-',;'v.. r SANDHURST HERE FOR HAY. Tnrf Big Oxlamial Zdnatra Vaktaf Cargo ' Tom Fa akurtwm Forat. Th British steamship Sandhurst ar rived at Astoria this morning -front Seattle, where sh took on a shlpmsnt of oats, and Is expected her tonight. Sb will moor at the Albers dock, wner ah will be supplied with about s.ios ton of baled hay by Henry Mett. Th steamer will clear tor Tslngtau, China. It is thought an sffort will b mad to deliver th cargo to th Russians. Ths real charterer of tha -vessel is a Hamburg firm which haa had dealings with government officials of Russia ver sine th war began.- ' - A With her arrival thr will b thre big oriental liners in port th Aragonia. Dumbarton and Sandhusst Th Ara gonla Ul move from th flour mill thl afternoon and will go to ths Albina dock for eastern freight. She will be ready to sail April 10. Th Dumbarton will be given quick dispatch at th floor mill and may -leave for Japan Monday Bids tor hauling th George H. Men- delL operated by th United states en- si neera. on the ways for repairs, srers opened this morning in th off lc of Malor Lansfltt. Joseph Supple' bid was S200. th St Johns Shipbuilding company's 110S. Mo other offers werO received: th contract will Arobably be awarded In a day or two. Th vessel is lying at th government moorings opposite St. John. , , ; "I . TTflCa A BAT TO UaTJITOSf. The gasolins launch Cfaselle, Captajd SchaSer, haa been placed in service be tween Portland and Wnnton, calling at St. Johns both ways. Sh will mak two round trips a day, leaving Portland at 0 a. m. and S p. m.. Sb has accom modations for 00 passengers, and can mak 14 miles an hour. Tha launch was built by Hosford Buos. for Key MCLan OI aaa uranam. vr. tj , -( Barkentln Amasqn, which reached th mouth of th rlvr yetrday from th Hawaiian islands. 4 dsyo trip. Is un der charter to th Paoiflo Lumber com nt to. carry lumber to Manila. Sh will be taken on tj dry dock at.St, John to hav her hull cleaned and painted. Sh haa a carrying capacity of 1,100,000 ft . ; . ;.' , SPENT WHOLE FORTUNE : ' . IN STANDARD OIL FIGHT J i (Joora.1 Special erviea.-f 'T'""''" Marietta, Ohio.. AprU IS. -Th wtll of th Ut Georg Rie, who spent a life time In fighting th SUndsrd Oil com pany, was probated hsr today, Th en tire estate is-valued at 110,000. H was farmrly a wtalthy man. ; t'.-i-;:f(' Fif erred Stock OanaM woods. - Allen Lwuf Bt Brand. - Do Yoa Pstrenize the ; J ir Yoa DonX Yea Should -.t:. - - , - - Good teeth are test!al to proper . KASTZOATJOV Without good teeth thr cannot b -BtASnOATXOsT . ' ' Without thorough maattcatton thr i cannot be perfect - - - . - szoaumosr Without perfect digestion cannot ' be proper ,,-..-. i AMZXIXATIOar . Without proper asslmllatton ther cat net be ...:(. ... ... ., , . -j. MUTaUTlUaT '. i without nutrition ther cannot b niXTK Without health what is ' uni ... ... f . . Call and consult a reliable and com petent specialist la Dentistry. ozj clown .is.oo omxvo Fsuxvas ............ix.oo sxx.rn nuujKau aoi Dental Parlors ': Fourth and Morrison '$.".';:,! ,!'V . tOver Sealey-Maaon's.' ' , ; Open day aad night. from-C;4 c m. to 10 p. l WX1 BaTFAIB Tatal SgarsTBsgJU. New York Dentists V-.aZa C!.ClO C 1 i n , ;i w FGG9;so::?Tio;,;GG::;is:d golds 3" Tl rf9mm,'mnlaft nrktkwTBitlt i . :., amd bku bt L RED CROSS PHARMACY. SIXTH AND 7iui iiuoi J) ;;;, Axaabk PrtpgralionfbfAs slsSatiRg fceroodandErtula ilteStooxioaicLBovKlsr Promotes Digesll(mhEerful ntss and rlestXontalns neither OpiuraJfofplilnB norHtaUaL KOTIIAIICOTXO. teal - . ArrxlTteme3yforConstip8 Tion. Sour Stonvkch.Dioxrlwea Worms ,Corrvulskins,FevrTish nest and Loss of Slezp. '" 1u Surato Signahtr of J NEW YDBK. pc4n cosT-or wvuuol:. On cakes, or bread, with hot biscuits, or for making "rjTi candy It tastes goodia food.'v:--.'---;. Wi FREE TOP WITH EVERY GALLON (An Child Can Spin v Sold in gallon, half gallon and quart cans at an grocer . , Malcars of Towle's Top Molasses and Towle's Top Sorghum. , Ve or xAtr mot sxxmTjL SaVUITWAXJT SUITS V alas L "J .a a i a1 - , OAK STREETS. For Infant) end CMliren. Tha Kind You IIqvc : Always Ddusht Bears the Signature lit 7Ap II aV. I-'.U.I ' For Ovor I Thirty Yoars Do you know 1 V .j this blend of syrups makes ths most (Jellclous and healthful . sweet you vr ' tatted. ThaCs' what you get vry tlm In llave a Lare Line TWAXSTS aUTB dies'. Underwear, La IJfll Veeta. Innar ami short leeves, low nack. all colors white, pink and blu; all alses. Trietu . , ',. ,. . ... . r-; w Fred 25c up to $225 THE VESTEGiJ I'IPOHTING C0.! lss-170 mrr. man, on, olb vosromoa. aj.. a - - , . a S. . ii , a, i , IfalOSI wMI aa vataafaaa, aayaaKWSS vurtOaa rs, Ivory, snctur Tram, Mat. , !r.v..v Slag, arosg tUlt SIM, . . .''... r . . , i