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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 13, 1905)
Xj x i C'-Jut'iLAAo-LiD ; TO doe mi tJLiJ el tlw t1..-' :': I) TOBisxTt Aicrrirm. Coltabla.-.i.v....'."Wea)aa Agtiast Woman" rlmulra "The Tlcket-of-Laeve laaa" GUARDS TEA TA)C . l.jrta...... ....."liaaar o( the PtwartoM" " Ursnd Vanaeviile hake ...... .1 .7... .......... Vrtlll I ftLSBn daBa - ens Vaitt4lTilifl Secretary W. O. Eliot. Jr.. of the com mitt oo conrresBe. baa received glad inew from , th .: aat. Four eminent scholars have agreed to participate in the elvlo conferences at tha fatr. Tba first la Bishop Pottar of New Torn, who ' will aJao Breach In tha Auditorium. Bun- . '. day. Aoguat SO. - Prof. M. O. Brura- , baugh of Philadelphia. Dr. joaian tftrong of New York, and John Da Witt Warner of New York ara the others. ' Tbaaa men ; war interviewed by Dr. E. P. HU1 whlla na waa in ine casi ana nn nur ' responsible for tha acceptances. ; ' If you must travel make your trip one of pleasure. You can do thla by going over tha Denver aV Rio Grands, Spend a day lght-seelrig In the Mormon capital. andj have day-light rids through tha Royal Oorge of the Arkansas, the acme of Nature grandeur. W. a IfoBride, lit Third street, Port- land, will mail you illustrated bookleU If ypit will wrlU him. , ; . . ",' Edward Rodman vu the first eitlsea f Portland to purchase commutation ticket for the Lewla and Clark fair. Tboae ha purchased were numbered 3 and II,, There avra 1ST admlaalona In each book of tickets. Otbera aold were purchased py persons In other states. 'if , you are a shaving man and want ' a raaor that la guaranteed to give satis--. faction,,. call on Albert Bern!, tha drug gist. Second 'and Washington, and aak to see. his "Lewla and Clark Special." All ahapea and alaea, with money back If not .satisfactory. . , -,, J0.40 Immigrants Wanted To locate along tha Oregon Water Power 4k Rail way eoinpany Una between Portland '. and ErUcada. For Information Inquire . of tha Oregon Water Power Townalte - - ... VMM. a.M. ' PhAna U.l, J Eataeada Of f era Opportunltlee to 'manufacturer which meana miuiona ' of dollars If properly handled. -' For In formation Inquire of the Oregon Water Power Townalte company, Mlrirt atreet. Phone, Mala llfc .; . ' The book and atatlonery stock of the K. O. McKean company (formerly J. R. ' Kwlng) 1 now offered at ooat or leka to clute out la tha next SO daya -Call early for bargalna. Fourth and Yam hill etreeta. : v - ' -..v ' The' funeral of ', Walter :Turner" will be held from Flnleya ehapel tomorrow 'afternoon, at S o'clock, under tha aua . picas of the Masonlo fraternlty.-4ater-. ment will be at Rivervlew cemetery. - - Sheriff Frank P. Brewer of Everett. ' With, cam to Portland (hi morning for Martin Luce, arrested by sheriff deputies yesterday on a charge,. ' .-. '"-A-v statutory ' Becker Millinery. '14 Third street' 'ladles, don't fall to examine our ex treme low prices on oar larg assbrt- ' ment of trimmed hata. ' . ; . rnrreet waltarna tanahr. Prof. Rlnr- ' 'ler'a 'academy, SO Alder, near Sixth. Caiiv and every Saturday evening. Prl- rfinck' want! - Bock wursttT ' Orders '' will fee taken antlf Friday evening for delivery Saturday, Chicago Market, 144 . Fifth street ' , , Roller skating rink Open every after noon and evening, SSt Ruaaell street Take U. car. Good akatea. ' Instrue- tlon free. Clearance sale af .a lot ef trimmed hata for ladles and children. - Becker Millinery. S14 Third treet ',' ' , ; , The retail clerk will' glv a sraoksr st Drews naiw 111 eecona aireei, next laajr STenin. , - Woodward's Dancing Academy, Burk nard'a hall, Monday and Thursday eve a. Changs of phone AnaWy, Main 4i7L 1 ' Qalll Itat-French rasUurant. SS4 ITpahur Ask your grocer for Ooldea. Cheddar.' : NEW DEAL CLUB AIDS: SOME COUNCILMEN 1 : John Van. Zante, chairman of the city and county central democratlo commlt- V tee. left for Los Angelea last night t4 attend the biennial seaston of the Wood men of the World. He will not return to Portland before th city prlmarlea ia May, end has arranged. to have th ex ecutive committee of the central com mittee meet Saturday night -to arrsng for, the election. Petitions for a place on. the primary - nominating election ticket cannot be filed later than April ', 20, and th executive committee of the . democratlo party will have only five day after Saturday in which to see that the .ticket Is filled for all pre- .clncts. 4 ; . 1 1 The New Deal club last night Indorsed these candidates for counollmenW.' X Masters, councilman at large, ', Fifth ward;-H. Claueaenlua, councilman irom precinct t; J. B. Ofner, precinct J; Dr. Alan W. BmltH, precinct St; Dr. W. I. Cot tel. precinct SI. Candidates In precincts IS. S4. Jl, ST snd SO will be selected at meetings to be held In each precinct. . . -. . The Mew ueaj, ciud win nam special efforts to elect members of the central committee, and It seema to b admitted that the club will not attempt to name candidate for mayor, auditor, municipal judge, city attorney" or treasurer,. ... v . Undsnveor y I ." "0 10SMI STJIT." I ' ". .,''.' y tniaa. ' mtarsrated, BMaaa -' taat we save aa aawnaily " hut aad varied aatartauat -1 ii -. ef aaaertanaeata te keep . i 50c to 53.75 J Hwxlt. trcCzy G Co. nmu a mnmu 3 349 Washington Jfrf . - SntAS vkAlfD TIKATBX, . - . rimr-sai n n aiiiiin 1; .Spring I With aa armed Chinee guard follow ing cloae at hie heels to prevent a rob bery. Hop Chong Lung, a prominent Beeond atreet. merchant, carried IS.000 in gold to th cuatora house yeaterday afternoon and .paid th duty on a ahlp ment of tea from tha flowery kingdom. Hta protectoi1 was a young eeleatlal, who evidently felt a good deal -of pride la his position. ' He, kept, within about three steps of the men with th gold, snd with hi right hand he grasped the butt of a six-shooter, which protruded from his hip pocket ! "That Chinaman ia not accuatomed to bringing money here, said Deputy J3DDERS Vin Hi FIGHT FOX RATES , r - ,'-',-,- Rlro&ds See Justice of Pacific , Conters' Demands; and i Grant Concessions. ' ) ACTION OF TRAFFIC MEN SURPRISE TO PETITIONERS ModificatTon of tjie Commodity Charge on Different Classes of Freight Fpm Chicago, t '. Conceasiona were mad by J.-C Btubba and hi Crafno associates at the final meeting with Paclno coast lobbera. yeaterday afternoon, explanations were given of th alleged "gold brick" propo sition which th Jobbers had soorned, arid th long drawn out ratcontro veray was satlafactorlly settMd. con trary to he -expectations of every Job ber who went to th meeting. The Jobber association' had practically given up hope of scouring . what they asked by peaceable , means, and are much 'pleased at the pleasant termlna tlon of the contest - . - ' ' Tha baala of tha concessions granted by the railroad men is in a modification of th commodity rat from Chicago on certain classes of freight ' auoh ss caaaed goods, rice. - sugar. - nails and other things not manufactured nor pro duced on th Paclflo ooaat Certain freight will be taken from Its present clasalflcatlon. and placed In a' new claaa, nabllng Portland Jobbers to die tribute these ."commodities throughout Paclflo . northweet - trad territory In competition with Chicago manufactur er and lobbera r - : . - " -Th readjuatment-will pmc-tewater point Portland, BeatUe and Tacoma on an oven baala with Interior Jobbing cities. In competition for business In Idaho trade territory and the Palouae country, where heretofore Chicago and other Interior nolnta ' could - undersell Portland and th . sound on carlote. It la said alight modifications will alao b made in favor of 8pokane; which has been pledged th freedom of equal com netltion within a 100-mil limit - .Various Influences entered Into, the question, and led to final adjustment ny th trafno . officials, They reoogaUed the force of th new situation la Wash ington wndar the regita of a railroad commission, and the possibility of a similar situation In the near future In Oregon. They also foresaw a vast In creas of -population In .. th Paclflo northwest la th next few years, and changed conditions that would enable th railroads to maintain and Increaa their earning capacltlea by hauling double th tonnage from th cast . and distributing- It throughout Oregon, Washington and Idaho. . ' ' - ' , It Is a f Oregon conclusion that with the Panama railroad and connecting water line open to competition,'' Port land and th sound cities will be able to maintain their supremacy a center for distribution, and with th continu ance of friendly relation with th transcontinental raiiroaaa uirav since wilt go on building up art immense Job bing trade. W. A. Meara, In a statement uis morning; said: . "Th Jobber' asaoclatloa ' requested, among other things, a reduction In dia trlbutlve ratea, and alao a reduction in th differential between carload rates on less than carloads to Interior points from coast common' points. The sys tem of rate-making la a complicated affair,- snd 4a . by- division- of varloua commodities Into clsssea. Bar Iron, cereals, syrups, paints, oils and building material generallywlll be left In th commodity traffic. Th railroad have reduced the first and second-class rates 10 per cent the fourth-class rate about S per cent and tha fifth-class rat about .15 per cent - leaving tne tniro elaaa rat about tha aame aa It now is. Fourth and fifth-class ratea include most commodities 'in carioada! . . . , ' II III, I. .Hi ' r . NATIONAL EDITORS : , ; COMING IN JUNE William 3. Oark. execattv commit teeman for Oregon to the National Ed itorial aaaoclatlon, and Robert J. Hen dricks, president of the But Press as sociation, were in Portland Wettheeday In consultation with Secretary Reed of the Lewla and Clark exposition and have arranged for a public reception of the National Editorial association on Mon day evening, ' June SO, In the New York building. Th National Editorial asso ciation will meet In Guthrie, Oklahoma, n June 7, and , and will then go to Houaton. Texas, and thence to Califor nia, arriving in Portland about June 26. It is expected that fully S00 people will accompany th excursion. . f Th exposition people will arrange a good progmmm for that date. Including a buffet lunch and a splendid musical program, - togother with, addresses of welcome and response,' ''' v Mr. Hendricks will soon announce, the list of delegate selected to represent the Oregon Press association at th Guthrie -meeting. .' . CROSS IS THE LEVER -THAT OPENS HEARTS v Th meetings at Grac Methodist Episcopal church continue with growing interest v' An old-fashioned Methodist revival Is in progresa Dr. Wilson preached an effective sermon last night and tha singing led by the chorus choir waa helpful. - A number went to th slur and were converted. Rev. Dr. Fisher was at the pastor's right hand to aaalat, and five or elx other ministers war present , Dr. Wilson took! as his tsxt I.uks ll:S, and skid thst every snanoor-or Ister, faced Jesus Christ and must take sides for or against Mm. That decision was thr pivot 'of deatlnr; the lever that ope tied all heerte was th crosa ' - " 1 - '. Pisfened Stoek Oaaaed eda. AUen Lewis' Beit Brand. - Collector Pike, who counted th shining 10 gold piece. "He represent one of but hla brother uaually attends to all matters of this sort. The Utter fre- auently cornea her alone carrying eev erml thousand dollars with which to psy duty, on imported good,, and he think nothing of It Othr Chtne merchant do th same thing every time that a liner come in from th orient" As a duty of two oanta ,a pound la eoiected on tea It doea not require a very heavy eh'pment to add a aum of no mall proportion to unci nam reve nue. . ' . ? i MED CCTiO OF KILLING PEOPLE v""' Government to Show at the Fair Some Highly Developed ' r. Weapons of Offenee. : , .! ..''; ' " ' .'':,"WHS' DEPARTMENTS DISPLAY - . .. WILL BE INTERESTING Joseph J. rlittlnger Arrivee From v - Washington to Install and V , Care for Exhibit. v , Joseph J. Hlttlnger, chief pedal agent of th war department exnisu at th Lewis and Clark exhibition, has ar rived from Washington and Immediately mad arrangements for th transporta tion to tha fair ground of several ears of th government exhibit which have been at th Union depot for som tuna. Tha department's exhibit hM'nbea planned to adsquately represent th mili tary service of tha country. It will In clude display from th ordnance, quar termaster and medical departments, en gineer, signal and artillery corps, and th military acaaemy at we rmui. Among the Interesting featurea will be a full-ats model of a l-lnch breech-load- Ing rifle, and a mounted gun ana equip ment packed for transportation on five lay figure at pack mule. Offering an abruDt eontraat to these feature will be a Colt automnUe gun,, on two lay figures A narf orated ' niece of 10-Inch armor will exemplify the penetrating effect of armor-piercing prvjeouiea, un ateel projectiles which have been fired through armor plate wui n aispiayeo. Th heavy ordnance department will show, outside th. government building. th gun- used la slegs . and coast de fense. ,.. . The quartermaster's department will contain SS Uy figures displaying tha uniforms of the United States army. Th algnal corps will be la almost con tinuous action and will be a great object lesson In this part of th service. A representation of th artillery oorps la confined to an exhibit mads by the torpedo board, showing a miniature mlna la a tank designed as a reproduc tion tf a well-known "harbor supple mented bf a full sis submarine mm with cable connections a actually used. CHAMPOEG TO HAVE .HISTORIC CELEBRATION The annual recognition of Provisional Government day will be celebrated May S at Champeeg) on th sits of ths monu ment erected on th river, bank near that hlstorlo place. Th Nattv Son of F. X. Matthleua Cabin, No. 11, of Buttevllle, will have charge of the cele bration. Robert Q. Smith of Grants Pass will deliver tha principal address. and there will be other speakers, ; , , Orav to Oay. The eld Engllak awMrasM. "Waaa Atalast Woaua." faeclnatea all kind an eondltloae ef Bars sad weana was vtalt the Oetawbta this week. There are saesMats ' ef seek latsase. tragle esMtioa h th aetiea e the aee that tha aodleace is assse w a grave-use euenea. Bat Jast wke the etrala linan aliseit tee (ease, CDBMOy reuevas.iav wun, ua mn give plae te laeshtar. Iatsnet 4eea set flag for aa tastaat aa4 these wke eajuf a star that 'takes thent est er presaw, every-m? es istene for a few kenra saoald set fan to see "Wosmb Asalsat w Strong Drama st LjrriV ' "Haf.r ef .bM pawmlwe" la adnltttdly eae 1 iae i&na stees eeensaar has ever per fanned. It po.imie addltloaal leterest for the reeao taat U waa written br KIU Wlleaai k-ediag weaaaa ef the eaaipaay playing the piece. The erewda grow targer as the week grows eld. "Her Bor la Tntae," the lllasa-ated soag, has sees sntsasUsUcauy MDort Thome," .V- ,'v; : Thla SMdera drasntlastlda ef Bertka If. CUr's bmatlfal love etacy, "Dora Tboras," will receive Ita fltat Port la d arod actios aa the Colombia etas sext m4ay BMtlnee sad Will eeatlase all week. The fasM ef this great kirr. tm mo wldeeereed that the demaad for seata la already eseeedlag that ef "Talma,,r hlrk a few weeka ace rule tne aaasaesM tkeatts st sit sf ths sine perfersisaeeK ; Kmpir' Big Attraction. , Never In the klstnry ef this city saa sneh S tbeatriral hartals sees offered sa that which the Empire theatre maaaeaMat la aWtac wltk .toe sew stock eosipasr. sadar the dheetloa at Oeorge B. BetrelL , The soase Is eejoylag a great socceas this week with that eW-tlme favorite, "The Tteket-er-Leave " Mas." The dallr bmowm opens st :16 e'elork asd 'the eveelng aeiforsiaaoa st 0:14 ' clock. , Play Has Doublo Puipoaa. N 'Tea Mights la s Barroom," the powerful testnereace plef, gives aa th Baipare atock eemeaay will give It sext- week, will serve a denble porpoea that ef s stroasi aad eatar talnlag draaia wltk pathos, powerful climaxes aad exceed Intersilnsled; aad aa a we Icier, ef the retvils ef the Uqnar aebtt. - Ths first aerforsiaaee will, be Bqaday afteraeon. 1 Mat laee every sftereooa snd eveBlngv 1-.., -, ' - ', I ,-,.' t. ' Tho Crand Thcatrt. - The Bheak faarily sf Seroeata st tha Oraad have draws each laianaas erewda that the Oraad has ebaalately atefcea all records aa far aa attends aea iees. The work ef the Bbeakee la Incomparable aad It Is se woooer that tha atteadanc ta s great. Bvery alght people are eaaele te get Is aad have tSeoata heck the aezc alght. The Beeekae aa 4aly reSMla far tkla eae week." . . - - Applauta st th Baker,.. . The Bakar'e aregraa thla week la received with apolease that fe teamltaeae. - Bealdea the Bewly let ported sets, which Inrlede kith rises mmedr aeHe dancles. Bjagle sad woederfal error tic feats, the Raker See Jraa ', the net ena snlolet In tke rttjr. He t. thl week slnclnf the seetlaratal ballad "he Oae Cas Take leaf rktce.' , f -AT THE tHEATRES. . Civic Improvement Doard Puis Responsibility for Filthy Meat; Markets Solons. . HEALTH OFFICER HAS : ! . TOO MUCH TO DO NOW Another Effort Will go Made to '-v' Cet Deputy to ; Inspect: V;i ' ... Food Depots. RecommendaUon , of . the ctvto im provement board of th chamber of com merce urging th appointment of a dep uty- city health officer bavins been un availing with th city oouncll, th cham ber will try to convlnc th councilman that tha need for such assistant is -imperative. Revelation mad through th erusads by Portland ' - women in the market places are olted as giving rea sons for the sztra health officer. The etvto Improvement board put in a petition to th elty council, March 38, asking for a mat Inspector," said Pres ident W. H. Wheelwright "That peti tion clearly stated ezlatlng vtla, and alao drew attention to. th danger of an Increase of Bald evil beeaua of the larg floating population that may be expected during the coming summer and th corresponding rush of business and neglect, of sanitary regulations for the cleanliness of th city. Dr. H. B. Blers dorf, c)ty health officer, needs another first-class deputy to place his dspsrt ment in a position to enforce rigid regu lation a for th cleanliness of tha city's source of food supply, as well a its general sanitary condition. Th mat ters, which hav been taken up by th woman, have resulted la revelation in th market place that hav surprised ths publle and convinced th Stat food 00m mlsaloner." . . . Municipal Judg Hogn has Joined the" crusade for a clean - city, - On evidence furnished by a patrolman It waa ahowa In hi court yeaterday that George Dla tifano, a scavenger, had dumped a vast mass of garbage Into Marquam gulch, south Portland.. Tha oourt has glvsn Oistlfano three daya In which to decide whether h will remove the filth, serve SO days In Jail, or pay a fin of StO. Th oourt also directed that 1 Patrolman Hunter, who furnished th Information, secure deputies from th city engineer and tha health officer, and make an In spection of every gulch In Portland, and If any garbage is found therein, to ascer tain, if possible, th names of th people who put It thercx All who are found guilty of dumping garbage Into guicbe must take th fUth away or go to jail. , . 1 Ownsrs of filthy dairies, creameries and markets ar purchaslnay quick lime and other .dlalnfectanta, . aa a result of ths exposures. Ths 'city health officer ssys hs haa had no time to Inspect meat market.''- ': " Houeewtvea who ar connected with th School of Domeatlo Science will meat tomorrow morning at IS o'clock to conalder a plan of anforclng obedience to the aanltary and pur food law. They demand that a-mat Inspector be appointed ' by th council, and that th city health off loer be glvsn enough aa- slstanta to maintain a reasonable inspec tion of sanitary oondltlona In all mar kets, creamerlea, dalrle and similar place. ,. . .'.'... V;; . 1 HOW TO GET PRIZES IN PRESIDENTIAL CONTEST Prls winner In th Preldn- ' d tlal Gueaalng Contest,- which wss run In connection with Th Jour- d Dal, must ssnd their certificate 4 to Th Central Press association, d) 11 -Monro street, Chicago, J1L, e which will attend to th prlsaa. . - -' . - Allen as Lewis' Beat Brand. SIDEBOARD FRIDAY Tomorrow, and tomorrow only, 1 In order to have you e fur , aplendld furniture stock and learn our liberal terms, w ar ' going to sell you a - Solid Ash Sideboard , French plat mirror, round or quara, regular lit value, at $14OC Solid OakSideboard ' Bam mirror, regular tit valu . r $18.00- And sideboard of all ktndaat corresponding reductions and ' , vsry sasy terma - . vi- v , : Formerly New Tork Furniture Company. 184-6 First Stxeet u - r t una, tw yean eld. See eaeh. pjuiAiror to, - Aseav aad Lehalte. IT User rfcotre ether varletJea for eeWcttoa 'e sc. . I I tttnvsian mm y btlKAwVtaall ' ' 1 thrmm M.I. an . 1 Covell's CY Here; are three products , of latter-day ; In- cenulty that will appeal to those who ; ; I appreciate up-to-date comforts; y W&b 1, bii Folding Metal Go--Carts Here's ' a ' convenience. A metal t Go-Cart that folds absolutely flat and can be . packed in a small" sUe trunk. Has comfortable gig aeat and rubber tired wheels. Built of enameled steel tubing, and guaranteed to wear. . "Safety" Folding Beds wXacctn bcccd m $100 on a Pair of SHOES - W hav as good a variety of Shoe for ladlee aa well aa for men as any where In th city. On whole dollar ia what you sav' In comparison with other store's prices. .. . f-omnleta stock of MIEN'S and BOT8 SUITS, HATS and PANTS from Sl.OO to $2.60. Ton can do better with ua Th latest norltl In Neckwear at 25 and 50. Oood- assortment in Men' L Fancy Hoa 10.154 Md 25. FuU line of Men' Underwear, light and medium, at 25. SO and fl.OO per garment. Our motto Is to pleas th trade on quality na wU aa price. - JOHN DELLAli First sjsS Tasahfll W. Third aad Savla. AJtusjuajarTS. COLUMCU THEATRE mmnrr, au wih, tat. atotids.t. ' XS BrV' "wra i""iVi la the aewerfBl play, nrohui Aaants wonaBr. venlDg. 0e, sue, ae, IBe. htsttsee, SBe, inc. ton. Dowatows he efflea eees, all dar, rv.i v.mIm mmIv ehnas Melm 110. BvaalaJt at theatre; Mils 111. : KSXT WIU-"iwaa xawaaia.- EMPIRE Oea. I. Baker, healdeat Maaagar. jiw ADMUSIOlf ' , llATirftg gVgBT SAT AT 1: P. 1L. Oae Show Bvery Klght at B:1B a, su ' All , This Week the Beaaattoaal HelodraaM. The Trcket-of-Leave Man" Aa Bseelleat Stack. OR AND MATCHLESS MIENKS AOB0BATTO W0BDZBSI " AIX BBQOBM BBOKEBI THIS WXXX OBLTt Oeaeval admlealea. ' loci few Beats I admlealea. loci n SOe; has atata, Xk. la treat. DAKER THEATRE Third aad Tawhllt sta. Keating a) need. Haa . agera Largest Vaadevtlle Hoase la Aaiartea. The New Bill; i ' V , auroxB BaoTBOig. m autbs. . ST ABUT AJTO AlUXB, IBOOKA, , wrini AID LIU AM. JXAB WTLSOB. DKAOOVS XB10. - BIOwBABR.. ASailBSlea 10. h aa seat, ghee a st t:M r aad :! p.. m.- ... . . ... . , STA1X TH1ATRE Waehlagtea. - gXB AWDv DIAXABT, ; : " Sleeera and Dancers from Parte , rlrat - Wrslera Appeareaee. " ID EOT ABBAB aWTTA . , -J0BES ABO BOBISSOB. ' Y And rive Other great Art. - ' ' shows,-! so. rn. a p M. v- Tr i . n ii i as m I 1 I "'I " Admission 10 to asi mat.j J Everv woman wants a olace to keeb ' her shirt-waists. These boxes are made ' especially1 for. that purpose. Come in different sizes and can be nut to a vi- ' riety of otheruses. We have them ; covered in figured cretonnes and art hiirlan. with weathered oak trirnminers : nn in Kft hn ; cov res wsc. GLOSCIT Safety in slumber is abso lutely guaranteed to users of these i Deds. They can not close or falL The most satisfactory -- folding' bed ever manufactured. Safe, artistic, sanitary, comfor table and easy to manipu late." We're7 always glad to show them. 11 PLATFORM OP W. B. GLAFKE Candidate for Mayor of the City of Portland "Tf I am nominated and elected. I Win during my term of office pledge myself 10 give tne city 01 roruuia a ciean business administration, or what is termed th Roosevelt plan. Tear or favor 10 none: justice to aiL Ths laws pertaining to gambling and other vices, ss wsll ss all other laws, will ha enfnrrMul- Th police Department will b com pelled to enforce all ordinances. Fir and Street Department will be mad a emcieni aa poaaioie. "I will not Died re mvself to any fac tion or Set of IndTvlduaJa. Thla leaves m free to carry out a policy that will o xor in dsi miereais ox aii. Do vriu believe In that kind of a POl Icy. If you do. first, register your party Boll tins hefnre Anrll IS: second, cast your vote at the prlmarlea in May for TV. t. ULMllU, The City of Portland haa had all kinds f administrations, but np to ths present time It haa never bad a business administration run by a business man. who enters tne omce ire rrom an prom ises and obligations to politician. The registration offices at th court houa are. open from 7:10 a. m. to SMVWMMMWgm. imiumnmmQ AWTHOBBB TEBBdOS , . bobtlabo xxioaxa ' Knw epea. Take Portland Heights 'ear aad get eft at Hawthorne Terreeev eae hleeh trees ear line. He enaMng. Kiectne eieveter. Moat BManiricent view la AsMrtea. - See Beaettfal eftect e( Bewerral aearrhllcht treat tea el lewer. upea a a. ak ia a. sa. . ADBUMIOB 1 CBBTB. THE LYRIC THEATRE gBTTItTR ABO AUIBB " tTBBBTl. Bvery Afteraoea aad aVaatag, A TBBL1HO BtBLODBAMA. Ilagar of ths Pcv;r.:h:p . sveciaiit. aeiwsea acts. .... BarteraMneaa st 1 SO, t so sad pi ruL-rt t- r.::d !;:!?? . TUpknm k YourWamUftkm ' Journal, v. MmlmSOO - : ' . Rat; Word . ' for So , ALWAYS READY TO MOVE PIANOS, SATES rUHMTtHZ, 1UGGAGE; XaCEfXtlAf- dise oaAimi:Q M0YACLE Com. Company EIi!al68S IION.Tt'rdSt Sound Vision Never Calls for Effort a i - , " If yon ar always trying to- see through a blurring mist, or If your syes glv you pain- and discomfort, you are strain -, Ing them snd glassss ar needed alaet e m of all headache ar eaasedL by T- Let us examine your eyes at the first symptoms and aid and preserve them with perfect-fitting glassss. Proper at tention mesne' much to yon . now and still more In years -to come. Consultation and" ex amination free. . ANVvTUGHT 293nORRtS0N-ST Hotel Eaton Oerser Mm sua aad Wast Bark guests. , . NEW HaadeMiy famished, elegastly a anises a. Brnnreot, ve alnntee walk rreas heert ef ehopplng sad bmlaesa diatrlet. all huwe, alrr, oatatde rmais. ateesa heated, eleetne Ufbta, trlrpaoae la each - eta. Larse afacea, atssain. saaoklns. wrltta. ladles reeeptles narlara, Bnnsns fajied f BMll er telepheae. Prhat eaaalsna an eta train sad sanasasa. Rooms fl.OO to $S.OO mDmy . Special Bates te Cemawrcial htea. aras. mas satov. ; T reraiarty e( Hotel Bedpeta. Biaaa 1 If Yoa Are Snfferlng frnm Kidney, Wtmm aeh or Madder . rroaVla, call at our offlc and we will noel. - tlvely eur you FREE OA i CUABQal , Oeaeva Uthla Mlaenil Water Co. ' It FIRST STREET. ; J Kzurcpcthy . iA ssethod of curing the tck .' without the aid of druga or surgery. Bloodless and paln leas removal of ths cause of -disease followed by restora tion to health is what Kttr -' ropathy accomplishes. Dr. Ae L AaaarZeWwl .Suite 11 -H Selling . Hirer - building, West Park and Wash - Ing ton. OtBcs hours, I a. m. t i p. m. ! UT. LK lre Kadderly Transfer w. ,. . .'. ; r ; 1