The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 13, 1905, Image 3

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    r' ' '- - w
Cijf Meeting of Ancient Order of
United Workmen at ,
Elks' Hall. : .
Judge Colvig Favors and D. Soils
V t Cohn Opposes the Ad--
ditional Cost.
On hundred and seventy-live dele-
gate attended the called session of the
A. O. U. W. in Kiss' hall in the Mar.
, uam building thla mojntng. '- Th spe
. -clal -session was 'for the purpose of.
Anally deciding the Queetlo! of adopting
;a new pun or lnauraaca rate.
The question baa been vtgoroualy agt-
tated by merobera of the order in thla
. etata, and baa net with atrong oppoal
tlon. - At the regular eeSelon laat sunv
; mer a vote was taken and the new plan
failed of adoption.' However, the de
mand for a chance In the existing plan
; haa continued and reaulted in the called
, meeting, which will continue through
, : out the afternoon. .-J- ."
Th proposed plan provide: for addi
tional eoata of inauranoe to be assessed.
against young members. The -. aurplua
., over the actual coat or protection win
- be applied to a reaerve fund. - When tba
- member reachee a certain ace the coat
,1a reduced to the actual coat of Insur
ance. ' - . - , -
. Th morning aeaalon waa devoted to
L details preliminary to-a final vote.
Judge William Colvlg of - Jackaon
county, chairman of th committee on
- Jurisprudence, la the champion of thoae
, who advocate th adoption of the new
clarvand addreased the meeting In favor
i of Its adoption, i --.
D. Soli Cohen spok agalnat it Only
' two speeches , were made at th t ore
1 noon aeaalon."'.-'. is-...' V
1 - Though the opposition to the new plan
la strong It la practically assured that
" 1t will be adopted when th Issue la
. finally voted Upon. -'
' Th . following grand ' lodge officer
. were present when . the aeaalon wa
called to order thla morning: George If.
.Durham,' P. O. M. Grants Pass; F.
Bechtold, . O. M. W Corvallla; W. T.
Clark. G. F.. Gervala; Phil Oevurt4
- O. O., Portland; Newton ' Clark. O. R-,
. Hood River; H. 1 Durham, grand re
. eelver,-Portland; W. H. Warner,' grand
guide, Albany) S. A. Roake, grand Inside
. watchman, Oregon City; O. T. Baldwin,
b. O. W.. Klamath Falla; D. Walker.
. grand medical examiner, Portland. -,
Grand trustees J. P, Dodge, Aahland;
',' F. L, Coron, Oranta Pass; ,W. C A.
" Bohl, Astoria. Bupremt representative a
George H. Durham, Oranta Pisa; New
ton Clark, Hood. River; D. Bolls Co (141,
Portland.- . if. ' ' ' .
, . Standing committees: Jurisprudence
Jl William -Colvlg, Jacksonvlllst-JW.
Paddock. Portland; William 'Smith, Ba
ker City. Finance A. W. Allen, Port
land; W, II. Barry, Portland; C. J.
. Wheeler, Portland. . . " , .
"i . Credentials C P.' Davta, Pendleton;
A. Letcher, Oranta Pasa; A. F. Locke,
Portland;. Fred -I Olson, Portland. 1
. ' Grievances - and appeal H. T. Mo-
Oanen,-' Roseburg: 8. B. Catheart,' Rose
tiurg. and J.-L. Anderson, Portland. -","
Distribution Ralph "Feeney; ", B. T.
; Bkofleld; W. C. A. Pohl, J, P. Mattlngly
- and ,W.. A. Toae. '.,..-, ' ,
Arbitration Horace Dw Ramsdell.
- Portland; C. H. Stockton. Aatorla, and
; A." King Wilsoit, Portland.
State of order D. C. Herrln. W. D.
.. Hare, Charles Strong, A. W. Severanc
" and William Patterson, -
Paat O. M. - E Nottage,
"-Portland; D. I Greene. Salem; W. D.
Hare,' Hlllsboro; O. B. Dorr Is, Eugene;.
' B. J. ' Hawthorne. Eugene; R. L, Dur
' ham. Portland; William Colvlg. Jack-
eonvlUet C C. Herrln. Aahland; Ralph
v Feeney, Portland; C. C Hogu, Albany.
(Jearaal BaecUt Bervlea.l
San "rrancleoo, April II. United
' State ' Senator Jonea of Nevada, waa
Sited $171 and costs by Judge Muraaky
. thla morning for failure to appear aa a
wttneaa at th trial f a milt for 1170,00
brought - by- Capt.-- William NevUla
' agalnat William Fleming, which ' waa
to hav begun laat Tueaday. , The caae
. waa continued to April 14 when fur
ther eoata will be aaaeaaed If the sen
ator atlll fall to appear. Ha ,1a now
' m Canada. . ' ; . .
. (Jearaal SaeeUt Berrtee.) '
- Saigon, April It. Rojeatvansky
hospital ship arrived .here laat night
to take ojt provision, ooal and medU
cine. It will leave tomorrow and re-
Joln-th main aquadreti.
. ' A. J.' Browning waa sentenced today
. by Judge Fraaer to one year in the
;! county Jail for larueny. "Duke" Evan a,
charged with keeping hi aalooii open
' after 1 o'clock pleaded guilty and waa
- fined fll and costa. Ben Baker, who
' tUacharged firearms within the city
, limits, pleaded guilty by hie attorney.
Allen B, slby, and paid m fin of $10 and
tcoat. : ......'.,' y, . . "1
J ' '',' Jearaal' Satctol Sarrke.) . ' I. '''
Chicago. April. "11. Th bualneM
' men's excursion of "members of th
commercial organisations, to : th Pa
ctflo eoaat, left here last night on ,lts
7 three-weeks' tour. The party will M In
i Portland. April II. -"--
llW V..... 4 v. i.0
Senator Thurston Heads Move
ment for Rehabilitation of
American Shipping.
,. ' ' (Joeraal Special Barriee.) " '
New Tork. April ,1.Th new cam
paign organising to aecur from con
gress In th next session action toward
th rehabilitation of th tAmarican
merchant marine will b started in
earnest tomorrow when a meeting will
be held at th Waldorf-Astoria to effect
permanent organisation and -discuss
plana. Tha new organisation la called
th American Maritime league, and the
president Is former Senator John M.
Thurston. . Th organisation 1 - thor
oughly non-partisan, and comprise men
of all bualneea pursuits and every shade
of political opinion. It does ot" favor
any definite policy, cither of subsidies,
discriminating duties,' port charges or
tonnage taxes, but Interest the public
In the general subject of upbuilding the
merchant marine of the United State. .
An advisory board haa already been
selected, with one or. more representa
tive from every state. President Roose
velt haa signified his Interest In tha or
ganisation toy- accepting an honorary
membership, and -on' the advisory board
are former Secretary of War Boot, Sec
retary pf the : Navy Morton, Attorney
General Moody, Secretary of War Taft,
Charles M. Schwab, M. E. Ingalls. Presi
dent Bchurman of Cornell university,
President Harper of th Unlveraity of
Chicago and Governor Bltaa of Michigan.
. It la proposed that th member of
the league shall press th subject 01
building up th merchant marine, es
pecially on commercial club and or
ganisations. A magaaln will be es
tablished in Washington whoa columns
will be open to a non-pa rtlaan discus
sion. ' and prior to the - assembling of
congress meetings will be held In this
city and In other part of the country.
.',,.;.,.,.-,-: " 1 ' I.
V (8reUl Dtapetcfc te Te JoereaL)
Olympla, Waah.. April 11. The su
preme court yesterday decided the apr
peal taken by the alsters and daughter
over the estate of George Lauman of
Spokane. ' The judgment of th lower
court la modified so that th 111.000
In bequeater and the debta' and taxes
are deducted from the value of the
property, at th time estate Is In con
dltlpn to pay th daughter's allowance,
her allowance to be in th form of
money amounting to on fourth of th
balance, -The entire estate I valued at
tieo.oeo. ' .. .. , .
The .local chamber of 'commerce has
completed lta organisation and la now
an incorporated body. Ita officers are:
President, R. R. Streets; vice-president.
A- 8. Cat on; treasurer, Fred 8cbonber.
A meeting of the. state board of edu
cation la In aesslon today at the office
of the state superintendent of publlo in
struction. The 1 members are: J. A.
Thorney... ' Spokane; P. A. WOllama,
Montesano; J. W. Shepherd. Walla
Walla: T. A. Stltger Everett. The ob
ject of th meeting is th adoption of a
course of stud for tha iStat normal
schools. . ' f . ..'. '"'.'" .'). ....
"(BpeeUl IMspateh ie The. Joaraali r '
' Seattle, Waah., AprH J 1. Anna Ander
son, aged i ll-years, and .May PaJnwn,
aged 10 year a. two Jorweglafr .girls,
held W. .S WllmOt,. a burglar whom
they found In their room.' under the
point of a revolver for 1,0 minute laat
night until th patrol wagon and offl
oera arrived to relieve them, t -V
The girls were awakened In their
room at HlOVs Eighth avenue about
midnight- by i the . noise: of motn one
walking about. - They listened until they
mad aura. - The Palmes gtrl then se
cured a revolver, which she had binder
her pillow, and made th fellow .throw
up hi hand and keep them up until
Anna notified th . police. . When th
younger girl returned to th room Wll-
mot waa snowed to, eat hlmaeir in a
chaiiv-wrfh th revolver held .cloae to
his head. ' " ,c .
,rn inr iinirn ArnarnA
tSseeUl- XHasstek te The SearaeL) ---,
Ashland. Or..: April IS. Th Ashland
board of - trad at It . regular semi
annual aeaalon ' tht week elected th
following new officer: President, Otto
Winter; vice-president. A. Ir Alklns;
secretary, M. F. Eggleaton ; treasurer,
A. McC alien: member of th executive
cornmlttea, Stat Senator E. V.' Carter
and J. M. Engl. . ":-'"
Th board haa In hand a large amount
of work looking to tha exploitation of
th Industrial and commercial Interests
of Ashland.
: In view of the' expected Influx of vial
tore from th east this year th mem
bers wish to be in -a position to at
tract th attention of th newcomers to
the advantage of Battlement In thla. city
and neighborhood. .". ;,.-..v-.irM.
' : srsw . bspot at ' srrssa.
Williarns Finds Aged Chief Is
Stumbling Dlock In Way of.
Hie Ambitions.. : ; 4
Politics Said to Have Caused
r Transfer of Officers in1 Past
y ' :V V' . T" v FeVv' Days. , A .' '
If a rumor current around police
haadquartere this morning is founded
on fact. Chief of Police Hunt, aa part
resignation to Mayor Williams. In caae
or the, tatter re-eieciion nuni ia i ym
reappointed. 1 : '
The. mayor la known a a man who
dislike to let any official serving under
htm go while he la the object of at
tack. Up to date, aa la well known.
Chief Hunt has stoutly maintained that
he had no Intention of resigning.
"What hav I don to resign for,
anyhow?" he would Innocently inquire
when asked aa to his future plans.
K utmm mhnww tHaft A. ohinn has
com o'er th spirit of hi nightmare.
Mayor w imams irinnua, wuu,
hav convinced him that he ha th
flh a iim Ufm An tiBiwt Kltl at the
primaries and for re-election. In this
connection it nas peon poimea out w
the mayor that on . of th greatest
obstacle. In his, Dathwar. at present Is
Chief of Polio Hunt.
Pride haa succumbed to aeir-wtereai.
It 1 reported, and th venerable chief
1 . W . . j m.1Ia (kat k.
will -find It mor profitabl to humble
r. 1 am siaai sr vap ina w 1 ma na n wn run bu
grave a rlak of not .holding longer thantj
in expiration 01 mayor rvuiuuns
ont term. ' - .' -
Before malting the expected more,
however and thla. add color to th
common rumor varloua changea . are
being mad In tha disposition of patrol
men on beats. These changes, members
of tha . force who ar on th "Inside"
ay, ar Intended "to strengthen th
mayora chances.
Forilnstanoe, Patrolman Burke baa
until recently had a north-end -beat en
the night shift. He is known aa one
of the most conscientious member of
th force, and la a terror to evildoer. A
few daya ago Patrolman Burke -wan
"promoted." H wa given a dajT beat
on Third atreet On that thoroughfare
he 1 not likely to meet many of the
malefactor who fear him. By thla
change.. It la believed,' the mayor and
v. t.ll .klnlr Ka-jrratltllda of ' tnorth-
ehdera will be earned and that they will
reciprocate on eieouon oay.-
Patrolman Sloan ia personally popu
lar with, a large number of colored
voter of th north and. About th
time that Burke waa transferred moan
was aent tojh nortnencu
iMiman wlnh fa known as a man
who has made many arresta for viola
tion of the 1 o'clock closing ordinance.
Recently he had the temerity to arrest
"Dollar Bill" St. Clair, colored, for
breaking the law, and aecured a convic
tion. Welch haa been aent to a beat
where saloons are few and far between.
1 Patrolman Seymour waa a, valuable
taiatant of Itrnttt Slover In prosecu-
tlona for violation of the 1 o'clock
closing ordinance. He Has- also oeen
given a beat far from the center Of the.
city. . ' " "" ' '"V
It I regarded aa algnlflcant that
while th charge preferred by Council
man Flegel were "Investigated" by the
uu. .amni..ln. es .mat. were made
by the police for violation of th 1
o'clock closing ordinance mor than had
been made In. a year previously. , It la
just aa noticeable that alnce the Invea
tlgatlon (so-called) only four or five
warrant nave neen issuvu inr i
on this charge. . ,
Display to Co to Lewis and Clark
Fair , and Competition
1 Yry Keen. , .
(BserUI.IMBpatcb te Tke JewaaL)
Nyaaa, Or.. April It. The material la
being- unloaded at Nyssa for th con
struction of a new modern depot. The
town has been working for this Im
provement for years,, and now that It
la assured the people are rejoicing. The
building la to b large and modern, and
will be completed within 10 day.
a . . t 'i ;
Th Woodmero Water company - wa
Incorporated today by Robert Taylor. C
C Purdln and-Oeorg W. Brown,' with
a capital stock f 1 1 0.00 9. . Th Ship
ping company. ..with. ftOO capital stock,
and R. t Gllaan, I. K. Crouch and W.
B. Beebe, also filed articles. . ' . -
.', . i . . - -.!.''
t- .',", y. 1;
' . 1 1 ,
.a . ; ... t
' -a- ' - ' et . W t - - '
. A Scouring Soap --
' . ; t A Metal Polish
A KJIaa Cleaner .
1 " , i
(Bsedal VtiMtek te Tke JearaaLl -
Orecon City. Aprtt II. Prise ar to
be awarded thla afternoon for th beat
county agricultural exhibit now on die
play In th court house. Borne of . the
Oneat products of th county ar entered
and as these exhibit ar to go to th
Lawla and Clark fair competition ia
keen and considerable Interest ia being
taken.. J .. a
'True to a custom established In the
county clerk office to administer an
old-faahioned "paddling" to- every one
employed there, on hi birthday at I
o'clock thla everting, county cierg neias
will be conveyed to the .record vault
and then and there get hi at th hand
of orveral of hi deputies. To assure
the proper performance of th work.
Chief Deputy Praap haa conatructed an
elaborate contrivance that will oe
rival of the famoua epanklng machine
referred to In Peck's "Bad Boy."
Royal and Select Masters, Elect
Officers for Ensuing Year at
'' ' Annual Session;
i . . ,
Consul Hi B. Miller and His Fsm-
-. ily Leaves for San Francisco
:l, En Route to Japan.'
(pedal XXepateh ta Tba JearaaL)
' Eugene, Or., April - II. Th - grand
council of Royal and Select Maaterf of
th Maaonle fraternity of Oregeer-met In
annual session In Kugen - yesterday
afternoon with delegatea from Portland,
Albany, Corvallla, Roseburg, Cot tag
Grove, Tallman and . Eugene present.
Th officer elected for .the- ensuing
term are aa follows: -
O. A. Peering of Portland, M. I. grand
maater. ,, - -
W. A. Dempaey of Portland, M I.
deputy grand - maater. ,-,
H. H. Parker of Portland. R. T. P.
c w. . .
Bamuel Bullock of Portland, R. I.
grand treasurer. . v
Beth I4. Pop of Portland, R. L grand
rcordr. .. -
8. 8. Spencer f 'Eugan. L. grand C
ot a , '
W.-H Tate -of Corvallla,' I. grand
C -of C. - .: - .- - . .
J. ' H. . Irvln of Tallman, Z.' grand
chaplain. '
1 I Bllyeu of Eugene, I. grand steward.
J. F. Hougues of Portland, I. grand
marahaL .-
C W. Lowe of Eugene, I grand sen
tinel. . i ' : ..:
The' local council held a meeting la
the evening at which degree were con
ferred upon a number of candidate and
a reception and banquet gives la honor
of the visiting delegations. . ;
It la reported her upon reliable au
thority that th Southern Paoiflo com
pany will within two or , three week
make Eugene the southern terminus for
th local train which bow runa only a
far a Albany. . Tn train will leave
Eugene probably at o'clock a. m. and
return by p. m.. allowing th people
of Eugen to go to Portland ana span a
th dayjther. returning horn th nam
evening. ,.:'.''.';..,..;..'':
In fog Japan. -. - ..
: H. B. Miller, - -the newly-appotnted
United State eoneul-general at Yoko
hama, Japan, accompanied by hi wife.
two' daughter and on, son, left here
yesterday afternoon for hla 1 new poet,
via San Franeisoe. - At that city they
will be joined by hi Oldest son, Ken
neth, who ha been a student at the
University of California .two yeara
They will aall on April U.
' The local division of th Lewis and
Clark-club haa decided to name Wed
nesday, July II, as Eugene dsy at the
fslr. It Is Intended to make the day a
big event at the fair, one '.that will
Interest the "Visitor In thla part of th
valley te the extent of making a trip to
Eugene before returning to their homes
In the east ' -..
1 Driven temporarily Insane by excee
slve religious seal. It Is said, Mrs. E.
Longcoy wrapped an American Sag
around her waist laat night and left her
home at Clackama station. .
. Th polio were notified that ah wis
missing, but failed to locate her. Her
husband nd 'her father, J. Mohr. auo
ceeded In finding her-In thla city about
noon today,' and notified the police to
that effect. ' When found, Mrs, Long
coy still-had the flag-wrapped around
her. - , .- . . '
(Baeelat IHsaatrB w The JoarssLV
; Vancouver, Wash.. April 1. Rand
Hendricksoa . yesterday- succeeded - In
killing a deer near Fallda, which he haa
been trying to secure for th laat fort
night. At varloua. times during th last
month. - Hend rick son baa round dear
track around hi place and determined
to land the animal. Hendrlckson state
that he ha acen two other at a consid
erable distance and believe ther are
more In th vicinity. Thi la th first
deer killed In the vicinity of Fallda for.
several years. . ":.:'?";"'..
Th estate of th 1st Daniel Sprague
ha been appraised at M.IM.&O, of
which IS.000 I realty In Normandale.
(Special rnapatea te Tke Jearaal)
Seattle, Wash, April II. Following
tn the wake of the Chapman evangel
ists ar those who evidently have not
attended the meeting. - Three ar al
ready In the custody of the police, and
a corps of detectives have been detailed
to "keep th city clean of plokpockets
ana clever thieve) during th stay of
th revivalist party. , . ,
Th, service had . no, sooner began
Tuesday night than reports of clever
pocket picking began to arrive at polios
headquarters. . .... .-
ChleDelny . wa forwroedfrony
Portland and th drag net soon caught
up Mis Sadie Friedman, Thomaa Clark
and a man named Wiley. The Friedman
woman cam on th same train aa the
evangelists, -and had arrived only a few
minute whan a traveling man reported
to Chief Delaney that on th -trip' hi
pocket Had been picked or - Ml
Friedman wa taken before the travel
ing man but h doe not remember that
ah waa near him. Therefore, while
abe had 411. aha was allowed to go with
a warnina- to get out of the city.
Clark and Wiley wUl b held tor
further Investigation. .'-...- M
, (Special Dlapateh te Tke JearaaL)'
- Seattle. April II. When the Cottage
City sailed for Alaska yesterday morn
ing. Mrs, . Jack Stringer," wife of Capt.
Jack Stringer of the United' State mar
shal's office, waa aboard aa a deputy
marshal In charge of Mrs. Freestone,
whom ah I taking back to Juneau to
anawer to ateallng 000 In gold amal
gam from tha Tredwell company. ,
Advice from th nortli etate that
Freeatone ha been taken Into custody
and haa admitted hi guilt. Mrs. Free
atone. before leaving Seattle, confessed
bar ahar In the crime and will throw
herself on th mercy or th court. Mrs.
Stringer la th .first female deputy mar
ahal ever to set root in Aiaaka. -. -
(Specie! Uepetrh Tke JearaaL)
' Salem. Or., April II. District Attor
ney J. H. McNary, who I conducting
th prosecution In the Investigation ot
the alleged frauds la connection with
Oregon's school land, occupied most of
the- time of th grand Jury yesterday.
Vary faw wltnesse were called, and
consequently It 1 thought that th jury
will soon be ready to render a decision.
sarLamoms box faotoby.
(Bpeetal Nsseem te Tke Joeraal)
Horaaim. Wash.,' April 1S.-B-0. C. Fn
lason. manager of th Panel at Folding
Box company, daring hla recent eastern
trip, placed order for machinery for
hi plant, which I to be extended Into
larger dimensions. He expended tioo,
000 in th purchase. It I to arrive by
th first of May. end when placed will
Increase th capacity of th mill to
S&0.0OO feet a day. v"
Vrw Oar fog
All surface cancers ar now known
to be . curable, by Bucklen' Arnica
Halve. -.Jttm. Walters, of Dufiteld, Vs.,
writes: "I had a eanner rm my lip for
years, that seemed Incorable, till Buck
lea'a Arnica Halve heeled it, and now tt
ia perfectly well." Ouaranteed cure for
cuta and hiime. In st Red Crnes phar
macy, tuxth smTOak streets, on th way
to the poalnfflma,
Vo GIvo TtcCnc Stctn Tiia Every ICz LW-
S0 A TBAJk A wn saoataly f
fasnlea. Bra a fre oopy ef ens Jraaatea
Saewt fog AprU. ?,,,.'...,., .
.ro - Ta 1at
mvwm wrlm - ant
Spcdds Throughout the House for 3 Days
Our last shipment of Dress Skirts In soma way got soiled, by the breaking of the caae they wee shipped la,
and th railroad company having made satisfactory allowance to us for the damage we euatalned. - we will be
abl to sell them for on half the price we Intended to mark them. " There are four line' of them,' but the
majority of them are tn black. -Read thla ltat of prlcea: ,'., : ' . -v
AT T3 This is a pretty line of Figured Mohair
Dress Skirts, In ectors of green, blue and plum; a nice
skirt for hous wear; aom of them mor or less soiled;
a skirt made to aell for $1.00 . - ; , ,s5
Special for three days..;. OCt
AT fl.85 CTep Voile Dress Skirt, in black only
trimmed with I row of tucking; the material used -In
th making of thla skirt la warranted duat proof, and
Just the thing for spring or summer wear; thla lln
1 tn good condition; a cheap eklrt for , Q p
14.10 Special for three day ..... epleOd.
AT 95a We have thla Drees Skirt In light navy only,
made from good quality water-proof serge, a splendid
skirt' for street or house wear, and a material that
will wear'; thla' line , la but slightly soiled a good
skirt for $1.50 Special for three ; ;i f fCT
daya.,.,,,... v....................... V7w
AT $3.85 This la a perfect lot but we got the nam
allowance, being In the same ease they are made from '
storm serge, clay worsted and figured prunella, and
com In black only; a skirt that ia warranted, rain or
dust proof, and would be. a bargain at C '2 "J C
17.10 Special for three days...;..;......pOeOO
We are showing in our Dress Good Department all of the latest and newest materials and colorings In Spring
and Summer Dreaa Gooda. Here you will' find the latest designs In Panamas. Etanilnes, Voiles, Kollans and
Pap a Ion in wool, mohair and ellk and wool, and at price for th three day Special Sale that will coavince
you that we have the rtgnt goods ana ai ins ngni price a.
AT 49a) Mohair Brtlllantlne. ' 40 Inches wide, pretty
designs In self-figured and dota; alarge range of
color: you will aay they are cheap my -""'A Crf
TSo Bpeclai for thro daya, yard..r;,........-s-V t
AT 50 Thla ia where w glveyou extra 'value In a
Beautiful Bilk Lustre . Iron-Frame Alpaca, 40 Inchea
wide. In -black, seal and navy;! for a shirtwaist suit it
cannot be beat; would be good value tor tZfs-
Oo Special for three daya yard. ........... ...OUC
AT 984r This I " th goods for any on ' wanting' a
stylish spring suit; they can't b beat; these Bouretts,
: 40 Inchea wide, in. the new over checks, latest shown
this season, a pretty lln of colors; tt la well worth
11.10 a yard Sjjeclkl for three daya.
-yarn. .. .........
AT $1.19 TWs'(ls on Of the many apedala we se
' 1 acted from our 811k Department; a Guaranteed Oil
Boiled Black Taffeta, t-lnche wide; aa good a quality
ha never been shown at leea than - e g-v
$1.71 Special for three days, yard......... plslV
AT 65 4S-Inches wide' French Voile, in all the) lead
ing cloth shades, including black good that win wear :
and retain the finish; yon have paid lie for" ';
thera Special for three daya. yard. .......... ..(JOI
AT TSatThla la th gooda that wears like Iron, silk
eini.h iiua tnroor nirlllan. si Inchea wide. In colore of
black, navy and , golden brown; ,' It would ' be good
value for 1MB a yard Bpeciat , l.n
for three days, yard.. OW
AT $123 An elegant' Quality It-inches Wide Pana
ma Cloth, in plain colors of red, tan, navy and black. r
also in neat checks; will make a very stylish and
aerviceable ault; an up-to-date goods in every particu
lar; the price has been 11.70 r-
Special for three daya, yard.....
AT 98o Just think of It. a Wxl Voll. In black only.
44 'Inches wide; one of the greatest bargains offered
thla aeaaon; the regular price of $1.10 would not atop
you from buying special f or ' v
three daya, yard
In White Crochet Bedspread a we have a number that are slightly soiled from having them on display In our
ahow windows: there la nothing to hurt the wear of them, or any soiled spots but what water will remove.
". . . There la none of them so badly soiled but what they can be used without washing. . "
AT 75) A Full-Blse -Crochet, B oread In white. Just a
little soiled; we have only a. few of them, and they
' were a bargain at th regular- price of $1.00 -
Special, for three days, sach.. .......;
AT $1.15 This I a Spread that la extra large and
heavy. In a nice assortment of pattern, and reversible;
yon hav bought spreads for perfect' that were no bet
ter than these for $1.10 Special Tor " " "Tt l J C
threedaya. each.......M....,.....oM.pJvl
AT 85 Double-Sis Whit Crochet Bedspread, both
shies finished; you can hardly notice the soiled placesf
w had no trouble selling them for Qg
Special for , three days, each. ...OOw
AT $1.25 Thla la a handsome Bedspread., double bed
else, Marseilles patterns, a good, heavy spread aad re
versible; they are only slightly soiled from dust, and ,
even in th condition they are now la would be well
worth $1.71 Special
Special for three day, j
Eclipse Steel Range
$1.00 Down and $1.00 Per Week
Warranted IS Yesrs. Uses Wood or Cos! . The Best
. nauv vu aeu ua.
' ' . fr 1 iv
$1.00 down and M
$1.00 per week
H Saturday Wight Special
1100 Clock Shelves like cut, weathered
oak finish, worth $1.50
..- - - r -
rO Try
Co:... vr-